SCIATICA (Slip disc, Lumbar radiculopathy, Gridhrasi)

Sciatica Is your lifestyle taking a toll on your spine! “Sciatica makes life miserable” The most ignored part of your body is your back and spine. Our sedentary lifestyle and incorrect sitting posture affects the spine and this ignorance can make it susceptible to discomfort and injury. our spine supports our body helping it to perform movements like bending, twisting and standing upright. Apart from desk bound routine and bad postures, unhealthy food habits and deficiencies also results in spinal disorders. Sciatica is neuralgia of the sciatic nerve characterized by pain radiating down through the buttocks and the back of thigh. There is a inflammation of the Sciatic nerve, which arises from the lower lumbar and sacral region of spines and passes down across the buttock down the back of leg and divides into two main branches just behind and above the knee. Sciatica pain can be felt along or pair of the pathway of the nerve and feeling of numbness is also felt....