Daily Regimen (Daily routine, दिनचर्या)

DAILY ROUTINE (दिनचर्या DAILY REGIMEN) HEALTH - CODE OF CONDUCT The Ultimate solution LIFESTYLE - How a day should begin and end? A DAY IN HUMAN LIFE A code of conduct has a major claim on daily life. Beginning the daily habits with awareness such as : rising with sun, eliminating toxins, cleaning the body, and beginning our personal practice of worship helps recognize our place in the family, community and cosmos. The rising sun is a special time of illumination to help us activate our gifts in the world. Cumulative benefits help purity of mind, emotions and body day to day. Choosing the right food for our appetite and metabolic need is a fundamental alignment to show respect to our body and life. Right use of time means to eat when hungry, rest when fatigue and make time to play for nurturing creativity. If any of these im portant psychobiological need...