Polycyctic ovary syndroms (PCOS)

Polycyctic Ovary Syndrome (P.C.O.S.) Polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormonal disorder, can lead to weight gain, acne, and irregular periods. With its holistic healing ways, yoga can be great in treating P.C.O.S. At the age of sixteen Angha now thirty five noticed that she was rapidly gaining weight which despite of her efforts seemed impossible for her to lose. Coupled with a irregular menstrual cycle and early signs of excess hair growth on her face, she went to a local general practitioner who diagnosed her with Polycyctic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. It is a health problem that affects on in every ten women of the child bearing age. There,s nothing unwomenly than having to shave your facial hair. PCOS is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cyst on the outer edges. Its signs and symptoms are more severe if the women is obese. Its symptoms may begin shortly after pu...