
Showing posts from December, 2020

Healthy Food Habits

                        Healthy Food Habits         One of the most important reason India doing well in fight against Covid is our food habits. It’s not in the business interest of the western world’s food industry to acknowledge this. - we eat local  - we eat seasonal  - we eat fresh  - we cook 2/3 times in a day - Indian food not only provides fuel and energy to body but also has lots of preventive medicinal properties in our daily food items.  - we have masala chai and not coffee - we eat poha / Upma / paratha / idli and not useless cornflakes. - we eat wheat / nachani / jawar / bazara/ barley/ maize ( mix roti) before multi grain became popular. - we have sambhar / shikanji/ lassi / chaas/ kokam etc and not harmful chemical called cola drinks! - many India foods are super foods without cleverly marketed. - most Indian moms and grannies are nutrition specialists without any formal edu...

Healthy Food Pyramid

                            Healthy   Food Pyramid      Introduction Food pyramid is a choice to guide daily food choices. It is graphically  represented as a pyramid.This food pyramid tells us to include  more of fruits, vegetables and grains in their diet. It may be noticed that an Indian diet basically leans more towards this food pyramid. Chapati or rice gives our children  a lot of grains. Most people who can afford to buy fruits  and vegetables should consume it.Meat is usually served with grains. Beans and pulses provide a good substitute for those who do not eat meat.Milk and milk preparations , especially curds, are common ingredients in our diet. However it is also true that with the opening of a large  number of fast food restaurants, some children are being weaned away from a healthy, balanced diet.The pyramid is also specific a number of servings.The details ab...

Jaundice In Newborns

                    Jaundice In Newborns             Jaundice in newborn babies is normal and is not serious most of the times. Jaundice is very common in premature babies, affecting males more often than females. Approximately 60 percent of infants have jaundice   While most children getting jaundice recover without much of a problem, some of them need serious attention. Doctors get really concern under the following circumstances. Jaundice appearing within 24 hours after birth. A child with jaundice who appears unusually sick , drowsy and anemic  or one who develops altered behavior, or a bleeding tendency , or swelling of the body  or persistent vomiting and dehydration. Introduction What is Jaundice ? When your baby's skin turns  yellow   in color it's called Jaundice. The white of your baby's eye may also turn yellow. (Icterus positive) This is due to excess amount of ...

Feeding An Adolescent

                  Feeding An Adolescent        WHO defines ' Adolescents ' as individuals in the 10-19 years  age group.  Adolescence  is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. It includes some big changes—to the body, and to the way a young person relates to the world.  There are 3 stages of adolescence : An  early adolescence, middle adolescence, and late adolescence. The five leading characteristics of adolescence are biological  growth  and  development , an undefined  status , increased  decision  making, increased pressures, and the search for  self . Going out and drinking alcohol every night is an  example of adolescent  behavior. Adolescent are basically immature.  Adolescent  is a person who is in between puberty and adulthood. A high school student is an  example  of an  adolescent . Tips Your t...

Feeding Young Children

                   Feeding young Children      Feeding children is an art, every mother should learn.  Help your child form healthful eating habits by starting early. It is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. Feeding  Your School-age kid is a tedious job.  Do your jobs with feeding, and let your child do hers with eating.  Arrange for your child to have 3 family-friendly meals a day at set times.  Let her eat her way-fast or slowly, much or little, some of everything or 1 or 2 foods.  Let her eat in any order, even if she eats dessert first. I ncrease the number of times that the child is fed: 2–3 meals per day for infants 6–8 months of age and 3–4 meals per day for infants 9–23 months of age, with 1–2 additional snacks as required; .   It is particularly important for young children under the age of two years to have a nutritious di...


                                Weaning    Weaning  is the process of gradually introducing an infant human or another mammal to what will be its adult diet while withdrawing the supply of its mother's milk. The process takes place only in mammals, as only mammals produce milk. Introducing your  baby  to solid foods, sometimes called complementary feeding should start  when your  baby  is around 6 months old. At the beginning, how much your  baby  eats is less important than getting them used to the idea of eating. There are 3 stages to weaning:  Stage 1  begins at 6 months, upon weaning with a smooth mash or puree for the first few tastes. Followed by stage 2 once your baby has learnt to accept smooth foods, you are ready to move on to mashed food with soft lumps and offer soft finger foods with all meals. First Meal: The first meal to introduce is...