CHIKOO Introduction A delicious tropical fruit. Chikoo is also known as Sapodilla or Sapota. The fruit is armed with a plethora of nutritional benefits. Chikoo is loaded with various nutrients.such as vitamin A and C.and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and anti-viral property. Apart from being a good source of dietary fiber. Chikoo also contain other essential nutrients like pottassium, sodium,copper, iron and magnesium Besides the pulp of the fruit other parts such as its skin and leaves are also useful for treating cold and cough.Take note that the fruit is high in caloric content. Aiming for weight loss should avoid it or eat it in moderation. How to enjoy Chikoo Chikoo can be consumed raw by scooping out the flesh or by making jam or sherbet out of it. It may be added to the pan cake and cakes. Chikoo can also be en...