
Showing posts from July, 2017

Diabetes Mellitus (Hyperglycemia, Madhumeha, Maharoga, Prameha)

Diabetes (मधुमेह  ) If Diabetes runs in your family, READ THIS...….     “The price of modern lifestyle” THE SILENT KILLER SLOW INFLAMMATION Reversible  Lifestyle Disorder WORLD DIABETES DAY 14  NOVEMBER 2021 “People with diabetes walk a line between too little sugar in the bloodstream and too much"                  Control by exercise,diet, stress management, monitoring and drugs. The word Diabetes is derived from the Greek word,  which means 'to siphon through' and Mellitus is a Latin word which means 'Honey'.  Thus two characteristic symptoms, namely, copious urination and glucose in the urine gives the name to the disease.  Diabetes is a lifestyle related condition, that is related to early ageing changes resulting in blockage of small and large arteries.  A few decades ago was considered to be ‘ the rich man’s disease’,  has today become more common among people of al...