Diabetes Mellitus (Hyperglycemia, Madhumeha, Maharoga, Prameha)


(मधुमेह  )
If Diabetes runs in your family, READ THIS...…. 

 “The price of modern lifestyle”

Reversible Lifestyle Disorder


“People with diabetes walk a line between too little sugar in the bloodstream and too much"

                 Control by exercise,diet, stress management, monitoring and drugs.
The word Diabetes is derived from the Greek word,  which means 'to siphon through' and Mellitus is a Latin word which means 'Honey'. Thus two characteristic symptoms, namely, copious urination and glucose in the urine gives the name to the disease. Diabetes is a lifestyle related condition, that is related to early ageing changes resulting in blockage of small and large arteries. A few decades ago was considered to be ‘the rich man’s disease’, has today become more common among people of all economic classes. This is probably due to growing urbanization and related occupations which force adoption of a sedentary lifestyle. 

There are 74  millions diabetic in India.

                                               मीठा बोलो कड़वा खाओ  
कैथ  फ़ल (Elephant Apple Dillenia indica), Karela or bitter gourd,neem, tulsi,bel patra,jamun and its seeds. All these are insulin sensitize rs. They control blood sugar
Avoid refined sugar, rice, maida or refined flour.

Diabetes is referred to as a ‘silent killer’ because it affects multiple body organs and sites such as kidneys, eyes, heart, nerves. One should focus equally on both controlling blood sugar level and prevent complications. 69.2 millions of India's population has diabetes. 10.3% people in India have pre-diabetics. 47.3% people with diabetes are undiagnosed. Living with Diabetes doesn't mean eating less or depriving your self it simply means eating healthy and with caution. Diabetes is on the rise every year and there is no cure for it , but one can manage it well.

Diabetes is hereditary, which means, even if you don't have it, but someone in your family does, you're likely to get it. While you can't change what runs in the family, you can control it. The first step is to understand the risk and the next is to take action. A few small holistic changes in your life style, can go a long way in managing Diabetes. It can be life -threatening. When diabetes is detected for the very first time, almost 1/3 of the pancreas is already damaged. That is why, working hard towards prevention is very important. It is a disease that is dangerous for your entire body, from the root of the hair to the tip of the toe. Every single organ of your body is affected. One in eight Indian adults either has or is at a high risk of diabetes. Prameha, प्रमेह as one among the eight grave diseases.

India is sitting on a volcano of diabetes and is fast becoming the diabetic capital of the world, having the highest number of Type 2 diabetes patients in the world. Today in India out of 1000 people 63 suffer from diabetes. Diabetes is found in both rich and poor people. Diabetes occurs in all age groups.

                                                "Life is sweet, even with diabetes."     


What is Diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disease, if not treated in time, it can lead to several complications, It is characterized by a disturbance in carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin secreted from pancreas helps in blood glucose entering the body cells, where it is converted into energy.
In diabetic people, the entry of glucose into the body cells is hindered due to an insufficient amount of insulin or ineffective insulin action. This leads to high level of glucose in the blood. The situation is paradoxically being similar "to want of drinking water amidst the sea".  Despite the high level of glucose present in the blood, it cannot be utilized. 

The basic aim of people with diabetes should be to avoid blood sugar spikes. You need to follow a healthy diet plan that has whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and lean proteins to be on your way for a long, healthy life.
Diabetes cannot be cured but it can be managed by adopting a healthier approach to life. Diabetes remains one of the most misunderstood diseases. Type two diabetes is one of the fastest growing disorders in the world. Shockingly, India is set to become the diabetes capital of the world by 2050. Overall prevalence of diabetes in India is 6.1% for women and 6.5% for men. It is a chronic condition that lead to an increase in blood sugar levels and cause health complications if not diagnosed and treated timely. Diabetes is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of physical activity. Getting sufficient exercise every day, eating healthy and avoiding the consumption of processed and fast food. With early use of effective medicines, remission of diabetes is possible. 

We are heading towards a serous health disaster. Stress, faulty eating habits, obesity and sedentary life style has lead to this situation. Indian diet is generally high in carbohydrates, which contributes diabetes. Children as young as 12 are becoming diabetic. It is prevalent even in rural areas  and the under pre-village are getting affected  too. The reason could be gradual urbanization, a stressful life and no time, Diabetes makes you prone to heart attack and stroke. It can cause infections in the most vital organs such as kidney, pancreas, heart and eyes. It can also lead to early cataract, dental problems, acne, hair falls, vaginal infections, nervous system disorders.
In Ayurveda Diabetes मधुमेह  refers to a group of disorders mainly related to urinary system, i.e., excessive and turbid urination. Though, Prameha (प्रमेह)  is directly involved with urinary system, it is also closely related to other system likes gastrointestinal, endocrinal , circulatory system. etc.
Types of diabetes:
1. Type l diabetes 
Children mostly get Type 1  diabetes. In a condition called  autoimmunity, antibodies are formed in our own body against the pancreas, destroying pancreas. Which is the predominant cause of diabetes in children. Unfortunately children and young adult  are also getting  Type 2 diabetes because of diatary habits and lack of exercise.
1 in every 10 Australians has type 1 diabetes. Type 1 is usually caused when there is auto-immune destruction of insulin making cell in pancreas. Therefore, no insulin is made in the body. It commonly affects in childhood and people under 30. There is no cure for Type 1. It is managed with insulin injections, exercise and nutrition.
In type one diabetes, the body cannot produce insulin. Is  caused  by a genetic disorder. Or insulin dependent diabetes. Or juvenile onset diabetes. It's an autoimmune condition where the body starts attacking its own pancreas with antibodies and thereby the production of insulin is hampered. one need to manage it in a healthy way.
2. Type ll diabetes In type two the body produces less  insulin, but it fails to act over the cells to bring down sugar level. which occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Or non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM), it is about 95% of overall Diabetes mellitus population.  The cells of the body may not properly utilize insulin that is present in the blood. Glucose that is present outside the cells may not enter and flows in excess in the blood stream and the bodies are not able to function properly. It  can be prevented and reversed if you work hard on it.
3.  Gestational diabetes It is a condition characterized by a high blood sugar (glucose) levels that are first detected  during pregnancy. Usually seen in the third trimester.
Uncontrolled Diabetes leads to Covid Complications. So keep sugar under control.

Diabetes Mellitus in Children
The disease in children is also called juvenile diabetes.
  • Children often have type 1 diabetes, inherited from both parents, If either of them do not have the disease or do not carry the genes for diabetes (as seen in the family history), then their children  are not likely to get the disease. On the other hand , if one child has juvenile diabetes, there is a possibility that your child may also get it. Also obese children can get  Type 2 diabetes.
  • Type 1 Diabetes is almost always treated with insulin injections.
  • With proper management , almost normal growth and activity of the diabetic child can be assured.
  • If not properly managed, the child can go into coma and later in life develop complications affecting the eyes, kidney, heart and nerves.
The disease is less common in breastfed children.


Although it can affect only infants, generally the onset of disease is around 5 years. The child drinks a lot more water, passes urine more often, may start wetting his bed or clothes, eat more than usual but still does not gain  weight  or even start losing weight.. There is a history of vomiting, pain in abdomen, dehydration and the need to  admit the child to hospital.

In some children, the disease presents for the first time  with severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting and drowsiness.

A family history of diabetes  in a brother or sister of the child or a history of diabetes in both the parents or their elders should further make one suspect diabetes.If there are such symptoms , the doctor will ask for a urine and blood test to confirm the diagnosis.


Depending  on the condition of the child, the doctor may decide if  the child needs hospitalization. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, he will start with injections in insulin.

It is important to keep a check on the child’s sugar levels because less sugar levels (due to an excess dose of insulin) as well as high blood sugar can lead to unconsciousness. The doctor will teach the parents what to do if such a situation arises.

Diet as well as exercise are important. The diet should not vary too much  in amount on different days.  The doctor will advise on a healthy diet, as well as  healthy snacks like peanuts and other nuts, channa and fruits.

The child can take part in competitive sports as well, under the doctor's advice.

Mood disturbances are not uncommon in this condition. A child may suddenly become withdrawn or depressed. Parents should not hesitate to seek expert help in such situation.

"Diabetes can affect anyone at any age."
"One should try to eat every 2 hours to keep the blood sugar levels from fluctuating".

How Diabetes can affect our mental health :
Any disease that require a lifestyle change or a revamp in your eating habits can prove to be a major source of stress. Certain mental conditions can be triggered by an imbalance in sugar levels such as low energy , being lethargic, anxiety and irritation. In hypoglycemia patient can feel euphoric, where as in Hypoglycemia patient feels low in energy and is irritable.
Psychiatric disorders particularly generalized  (Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and major depressive disorder (M.D.D) Obsessive compulsive disorder (O.C.D) and eating disorder are common in  people living with diabetes.
Another common condition is diabetic distress where a person experience feeling like dental,stress, anxiety guilt, the inability to self manage and depression.
Diet : With a balanced and timely diet  one can keep a check on sugar levels.
Physical activity : being active and exercising regularly  can control glucose levels.
Spiritually : Taking up spiritual practices has shown improved quality of life and positive emotional well being.
A support group : This can improve beneficial one,s mental health as one get a platform to share feelings in an empathetic environment.
Medication: It will help to sustain sugar levels within the normal range.
                    If one has more of sweets , one may suffer from, obesity, diabetes.
Covid 19 Infection and Diabetes
Covid can precipitate Diabetes
  • Increases the risk of hospitalization
  • Increases the risk of all complications
  • Diabetes is a co-morbid condition for Covid 19
  • Increased Risk - Hospitalization - ICU Admission - Ventilator Support - Mortality.
Postprandial sugar becomes high in Covid 19 infection
Patient have day time hyperglycemia
Steroid induced hyperglycemia in Covid 19 require
Tight glycemic monitoring along with  correction dose of insulin.

   "You can win the battle against diabetes. Be the Boss of Your Blood Sugar
Regular lifestyle-control in diet-Medication                                                                                                                          
 Why is too much sugar bad for us ?
Excessive consumption of sugar is destructive to the human body. Sugar causes lethargy, bloating, loss of appetite, and it often leads to obesity. Moreover, artificially sweeten foods lead ti high amount of visceral fat associated with conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
It also results in weak digestion, and can give rise to Asthma, cough, and inflammation of nose Increase intake of sugar can result in disturbed sleep as well. It can also leach away minerals from your bones.
Studies suggest that sugar can support prime promoter of cancer cells. Sugar gives you a temporary high, but later it can make you feel very low as well. It can be the cause of depression as it swings the neurotransmitters causing dis-regulation and inflammation.
Children specially in adolescent, should avoid sugar. High amount of sugar  can also accelerate ageing.
It is better to switch to  naturally sweet foods like jaggery, raisin, honey, dates, apricots, and dry peaches. 
     Lack of exercise
     Worries, grief, anger, anxiety, fear, and tension.
     Modern comfortable lifestyle
●   Genetic disorder.
     Eating processed food in the daily diet.
     Malfunction of pancreas causes deficiency of insulin
     Imbalanced diet, eating sweet and fatty meals
     Excessive intake of freshly harvested food articles
   Mental stress.
    Excessive day and night sleep.  
 Diet - which Increases Kapha dosha such as sugar, fats, potatoes, rice , milk, and milk products, sea foods and curds.
    According to Ayurveda, this is caused by the vitiation of vata because of dhatu kshaya धातु क्षय . In diabetes, the pancreas alone does not go through the change, even the liver, and digestive organs go through such change. Here pancreas goes through a character change to extreme pitta from normal pitta type. Insulin does not secrete properly or stop altogether leading to diabetes. In this state, insulin producing cells are burnt by this extreme heat.
“Dictate Diabetes before it dictates you”.....
Sign & Symptoms 
There are no symptoms : early warning signs are as follows:

     Excess thirst (Polydipsia)
     Excess urine (Polyuria), frequent urination,  going to the toilet especially at night.
     Excess hunger (Polyphagia)
     Burning feet syndrome. Burning of palms and soles.
     Extreme Tiredness
     Unexpected weight loss
     Recurring skin, gum or bladder infections
     Unexplained body pains, joint pain
     Dry itchy skins, cracks, rashes, boils
     Loss of sensation in the feet or tingling feet, leg cramps.
     Blurred vision
     Loss of consciousness
     Fungal infections, stomatitis (mouth ulcers)
     Frequent infections, non-healing ulcer
     Carbuncle at the back, spontaneous appearance of blisters in extremities
     Acanthosis nigricans 

This is darkening and thickening of skin folds, skin become tan or brown and is slightly raised.
Looks like small wart appears on the sides or back of the neck, armpits, under the groins.
occasionally top of knuckles

    Flabbiness of the body.
    Sweet taste in mouth.
     Diabetic retinopathy - damages of eyes
     Diabetic neuropathy - damages of nerves
     Diabetic nephropathy - damaging the kidneys
     Stroke लकवा /  Paralysis
     Heart disease
     Atherosclerosis - narrowing of blood vessels
     Diabetic coma (Hypo or hyperglycemia)
     Diabetic ketoacidosis
     Impotence in men
     Diabetic foot/ amputation of limbs
   Diabetic Gangrene (foul smelling swelling, abscess and ulceration) or death of a tissue due to lack of oxygen.

                                                    "Diabetes is primarily a deficiency of pancreas."

Most of the times, Diabetes is diagnosed during annual health checkup or blood investigations done before taking health insurance. All adults should have their urine examined for twice a year.
     Blood test:
    Hb A 1c tests : (Glycosylated hemoglobin)
* Keep HbA1c (indicator of blood glucose control over past three months) reading below 5.7% and between 5.4% and 5.6% for optimum control.
It reflects average hypoglycemia over approximately three months. It is a major tool for  assessing hypoglycemic levels. However, it fails to detect hypoglycemia and glycemic episodes. HbA1c % less than 6.0.  Glycated hemoglobin Hb A1C is the glycosylated hemoglobin. When blood sugar is high excess sugar attaches itself  to hemoglobin and hence glycosylated hemoglobin is formed since average life of a red blood cell is 120 days. Hb 1 AC reflects the blood sugar levels over past three month time and hence is a more reliable test. In D.M, higher amounts of glycated hemoglobin, indicate poor control of blood glucose.
    Self monitoring with glucometer : It gives an accurate assessment of pre and post - meal sugar values, along with hypoglycemic and hypoglycemia episode.. However patients need to prick every time.
 Blood test Normal blood sugar  Fasting (F.B.S) less than 110 mg per 100 ml of blood and Postprandial less than 140 mg per 100 ml of blood.
    1: Fasting blood sugar (F.B.S): This is the test that is done by withdrawing blood from the vein in empty stomach.
    2: Postprandial blood sugar (P.P.B,S): here blood will be drawn after 2 hours of breakfast.
   3 : The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) : In this procedure, first blood sample is collected on an empty stomach. Then the patient is given 75 grams of glucose with a glass of water. Blood is drawn at intervals for measurement of glucose .i.e 0 and 2 hours.
 Continuous glucose monitoring : (C.G.M) It assess sugar values every 15 minutes, thus providing a complete sugar profile, though very useful. It is also expensive. 
●  C Reactive Protein (C.R.P) More than one  indicates diabetes.  
●   C peptide low  
     Urine test for glucose (sugar in urine)
One test to be done once a year. Urine for Micro- albumin.
Less than 30 microgram per liter is NORMAL
Between 30 - 300 microgram per liter  is more Diabetes
More than 300 microgram per liter is Macro Albumin.  This stage is less reversible. And now problem starts.
If more than 30 mcg/lit : 
1 . Vascular endothelial dysfunctions has started.
2.  Retinopathy started-Eye changes.
3 . Atherosclerosis started - Heart blockage.
4 . Erectile dysfunctions.

     Retinoscopy to detect diabetic retinopathy
     Other test
     Lipid profile
     Renal function test
     Liver function test
     Urine routine
     Painless way of testing blood  sugar :  Eating 2-4 leaves of Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) plant once a month. The taste of the whole plant is extremely bitter. If the taste of the leaves are bitter then the blood sugar is normal. If no bitterness in taste then the blood sugar is very high.
Bhunimba (whole plant Andrographis paniculata) Kalmegh

Get your blood pressure, weight, fatty acid, cholesterol and blood sugar checked regularly”

Risk factors
     Obesity or being overweight:  Body mass index  (BMI)  must be less than 25
     Sedentary lifestyle
     Dietary factors : Overeating
●   High blood pressure, systolic above 140 mm of Hg and diastolic above 90 mm of Hg.
     Anybody over the age of 30
     Poly cystic ovary syndrome
     History of gestational diabetes (during pregnancy)
     High cholesterol levels
     Those having strong family history of diabetes
     Ageing process can initiate the causation of the diabetes
“Can’t have the sweets- I am just too sweet for words!”
     Get up before sunrise.
     Morning walk, light exercises.
●    Strict timing of eating food should be maintained
     “Eat food like medicine or else you have to eat medicines like food
     Include at least one bitter dish (like bitter gourd, methi seeds, curry leaves) in a da
     Prefer your breakfast within 3 hours as soon as you wake up
     Check intake of cooking oil usage. Thumb rule is half a liter per person per 
     Use more than one type of cooking oil
●   Include 2 bowls of cereals in each meal and prefer whole grain cereals.
     Drink sufficient water to flush out toxins
     Have regular and punctual time for sleep. Avoid sleeping in the day time
     Minimize the stress as much as possible.
     Spend sufficient time with family and friends, it acts like stress buster.
     Never go barefoot even indoors
   Wear  shoes that  fit properly. They should be supportive have low heels and should not    rub or pinch
     Get rid of shoes that are worn out
     Inspect your feet carefully every day for blisters, cuts, sores, cracks etc.
     Wear fresh clean socks every day
     Avoid single high concentrated meals/Small frequent meals are preferred
     Wash feet daily with warm water and soap
     Lubricate the feet to prevent drynes
     Any infection should be immediately controlled.
  To live by "80 mantra" (of walking 80 steps a day, and practicing 80 cycles of deep breathing.
   Prevent yourself from common problems like constipation, indigestion, acidity, flatulence by eating boiled salad / vegetables instead of raw salads.
●     Finish your dinner 3 hours before you go to bed.
     Do not sleep more than 6-7 hours
     At bed time take 1 teaspoon of triphala त्रिफला  powder with  warm water.
●   No fasting. Avoid skipping meals
   DE - stress by practicing yoga,, deep breathing and getting adequate sleep.
●  Make  Make changes in your diet for better tomorrow. Cut down on carbohydrates and consume adequate amount of fiber and protein. Switch  to brown rice and remove white flour and refined sugar from your diet
  Regular monitoring of blood sugar values and periodic screening for liver, kidney function test, cholesterol levels.
●  Eat a variety of foods. 
●  Wear M.C.R (Micro Cellular Rubber) /MCP (MICRO CELLULAR POLYMER ) Chappals OR Foot Wears :M.C.P forms to the shape of bottom of the foot within a short period of usage by which foot pressure is distributed and pain is relieved. Innovation for comfort, protection and therapy. Good for foot care.


"Caution : Diabetic patients should eat something immediately after performing asana."

     ●     Mandukasana (Frog pose) मंडूक आसन
     ●     Sit with stretched legs and fold your leg one by one and sit on your feet.
     ●     This is called vajra asana
          Keep your back straight
     ●     Fold your fingers to make the fists and put near the navel region
     ●     With breathing in, expand your chest, while breathing out bend your body in front, so that you can feel your pancreas get stimulated.
                        Rabbit Pose Shashankasana   (शशांकासन)          
Technique : Sit in Vajrasana, both your palms should Keep your neck and spinal cord straight.
Take a deep breath and without allowing the elbow to bend, bring your hands above your shoulders. Equal distance should be maintained between your arms with your fingers raised.
Slowly exhale and reach down to touch the ground with your head and both your hands. Relax when the forehead and palms touch the ground. Some areas of the chest and abdomen will rest on the thighs. To finish, you should exhale and place your palms on your knees.
Benefits :
  • Helpful in getting rid of constipation.
  • Release the stress from spinal vertebrae.
  • Leads to the well functioning of adrenal glands.
  • Stretches the back muscles making them stronger.
  • Enhances the health of both male and female reproductive organs.
  • Tones and massages the muscles of the pelvic region and sciatica nerve.
     ●   Bhujangasana (cobra pose) भुजंग आसन 
    ●     Lie down on your abdomen by taking legs apart.
    ●   Keep the palm beside the chest.
    ●     Breathing in, lift the upper part of your body, up to naval region
    ●     Hold it for 10 seconds by feeling the stretch on your abdomen.
     Vakrasana  वक्र आसन
    ●     Sit in stretch leg pose (Dandasana)
    ●     Hands besides of your body.
    ●     Fold your right leg at the knee and keep your right foot beside the left knee.
    ●     stretch up your left hands and lock your right leg by catching your ankle joints.
    ●     Keep your right hand on the back and look back.
    ●     Twist back maximum so you can feel the pressure on your pancreas.
    ●     After 10 sec repeat in reverse order.
             Pawanmuktasana पवन मुक्त आसान 
    ●     Lie flat on your back with your hands placed by your side.
    ●     Fold back the legs and let your feet be flat on the floor.
    ●     Interlock fingers of your hands and place them a little below the knee.
    ●     Bring the thighs up near the chest.
    ●     Breathe out, raise your head and shoulders and bring your nose between your knees. Now the final position is attained.
    ●     For a few seconds maintain the same position.
      Shalabhasana (Locust Pose) शल्लभ आसन 
     ●     Lie flat on your stomach. legs should be stretched out straight, feet should be together, chin and nose should rest on the ground and look straight ahead.
     ●     Place your arms under your body and keep them straight.
     ●     Now form a fist with your hands and place them close to the thighs.
     ●     Next, raise the legs. They should be kept together straight and stretch them as far as you can and avoid bending the toes and knees.

                     ●    One - legged Forward Bend Janusirsasana( जानूशीर्षासन )

Benefit :
*    It is an excellent asana for gaining flexibility of legs, hamstrings, shoulder, arms and the thighs
*   It calms the mind and has a soothing effect on the heart.
*    Works effectively on your tummy fat by massaging your abdominal organs. By affecting weight loss, it helps regulate the pressure of the blood so that it stays at a normal level
       Ardhamatsyendrasana  अर्ध मत्स्येन्द्र आसन 
      ●     Sit in stretch leg position.
      ●     Hands besides your body.
      ●     Now fold your right leg at the knee and keep it under your left thigh.
      ●     Keep your left foot outer side of your right knee by keeping the support of right hands.
      ●     Stretch your right hand up while inhaling and then lock your left leg by catching your left ankle.
      ●     Twist your body left side, look back.
      ●     Feel the stimulation  on your pancreas
      ●     Stay in normal breathing.
      ●     Release the posture after some times.
        Surya Namaskar  सूर्य नमस्कार 

       ●     Surya Namaskar or sun salutation is a very good exercise for people suffering from diabetes because it increases the blood supply to various parts of a body  and thus improves insulin administration in the body.
          Shavasana (corpse pose) शव आसन
       ●     Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms at your sides. Close your eyes.
       ●     Let your breath occur naturally.
       ●     Allow your body to feel heavy on the ground.
       ●     Working from your soles of your feet up to the crown of your head, consciously release every body part, organ and cell.
       ●     Relax your face, let your eyes drop deep into their sockets. Invite peace and silence into your mind,  body and soul.   
       ●     Stay in savasana for few minutes.
               Other Asana useful in diabetes
       ●     Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) वृक्ष आसन  Helps stimulates hormone secretion of the pancreas.
          ●     Halasana (Plough Pose) हल आसन  It stimulates the pancreas spleen and activates the immune system by massaging all the internal organs such as the pancreas.
         ●     Dhanurasana (Bow pose) धनुर आसन Improves the functioning of pancreas and intestine. Thus helps in controlling blood sugar levels. Organs like liver and pancreas 

         ●     Others include :  Pashchimotanasana, Tada asana,  Gomukhasana, Shalabhasana, Padahastasana, Ardha - kati -chakrasana.
   The camel pose Ustrasana ( उष्ट्रासन )

Benefit : 
  • Reduces fat on thighs.
  • Opens up the hips, stretching deep hip flexors.
  • Stretches and strengthens the shoulders and back.
  • Expands the abdominal region, improving digestion and elimination.
  • Improves posture.
  • Opens the chest, improving respiration.
  • Loosens up the vertebrae.
  • Relieves lower back pain.
  ●          Seated Forward Bend Pose Pachimotanasana (पश्चिमोतान)

Technique :  In the seated position, extend your legs out in front of your toes pointed up. Inhale raising your arms above your head. Now exhale, reaching your toes, ankles, or calves. Bending your knees if necessary, gently press the crown of your head towards your toes as you breathe deeply. This asana tones and flexes the spine.

Benefit :
  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression.
  • Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings.
  • Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort.
  • Soothes headache and anxiety and reduces fatigue.

Half Moon Pose Ardh Kurmasana (अर्ध कूर्मासना )

Technique :  Raise your arms up over your head and bring your palms together with the thumbs crossed. As you do so, keep your spine straight while maintaining the arms perfectly straight throughout this pose. Stretch up as you inhale. As you exhale, slowly and gradually bend your body forward.
  • Good for Diabetes.
  • Increases the blood flow to the brain.
  • Stretches the back.
  • Enhances memory and brain function.
  • Strengthens the shoulders.
  • Stretches the shoulders.
  • Stretches the hips.
  • Relieves neck and shoulder pains.
  • Relieves headaches and migraine problems.
“Defeat diabetes with yoga”
      ●   Bhastrika (Deep breathing) भस्त्रिका प्राणायाम Inhalation followed by exhalation. Increases oxygen supply to all parts of the body, thus improving blood circulation. It relieves stress.
          ●     Anulom Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing) अनुलोम विलोम प्राणायाम It has a calming effect on nervous system.
Anuloma - Viloma (अनुलोम विलोम )

This is a process of purification. It calms the nerves that are under stress and strain, which are contributory factor for diabetes.
Technique :
  •  Sit comfortably in an erect position. Keep the head, neck and the spine straight.
  •  Rest the left hand on the left knee.
  •  Close the right nostril with the tip of right thumb.
  • Now breath out slowly through the left nostril.
  • Keeping the right nostril closed breathe in slowly and deeply through the left nostril.
  • Now close the left nostril with ring finger and little finger of the right hand  and slowly breathe out through the right nostril.
  • Now keeping the right nostril still closed, breathe in through the right nostril.
  • This completes one entire round of Anuloma -  Viloma.
  • Repeat the entire process
  • Remember that breathing in and breathing out  should be done very slowly without any noise.
          ●     Kapal Bhati  कपाल भाति 
                 Sit in any comfortable meditative posture like  Sukhasana, Vajrasana or Padmasana
                 Keep your back, head and neck in straight line.
                 Exhaling forcefully followed by a passive inhalation.
                 Let your facial muscle be relaxed while practicing this.
             Bhramari Pranayama भ्रामरी प्राणायाम 
                 Sit in any meditative comfortable posture.
                 Inhale through both nostrils.
                 While exhaling produce honey bee sound (humming bee sound) by folding your                          tongue on your upper palate.
                 Feel the resonance and vibration on your head while practicing.
               Ujjayi Pranayama (Hissing breath) उज्जायी  प्राणायाम 
                In this pranayama partially close the back of your throat, which covers the windpipe                   so that as you inhale and exhale through your nose.
                      The air passes through a narrow air passage in your throat, creating the sound                             made  by your breath.
                 ●     Agnisar Kriya  अग्निसार क्रिया 
                       Stand erect in Tadasana
                       Exhale bend your body forward by keeping your palm on knees.
                       Hold the posture by flapping your abdomen muscle.
                       Inhale come back and repeat it same.
                 ●    Omkar Meditation Chanting “OM ओम  is a powerful way to control your nerves. It                    can be practiced at bed time.
                ●     Sudarshan Kriya सुदर्शन क्रिया  A  traditional form of breathing technique which                         helps keep off any possible onset of degenerative complications that accompany                           diabetes.

  Cleansing Procedures Shatkarma




The disease often worsens during winter, and decreases during summer.”

           ●     Brisk walk for minimum 30 minutes two times a day i.e early morning and evening.
           ●    A good Stretch when we wake up in the morning. stretching in the morning after a                 long rest distributes the prana so accumulated during this period.
                Skipping, cycling, jogging, swimming.
           ●     There are different types of postures like squats, forward bends and twists.

“Exercise speeds insulin absorption”.

         ●     Mud pack over the abdomen.
                  Hot and cold fomentation over the abdomen.
              Hot and cold hip bath
                      “Perspiration is necessary to burn sugar so follow a strict exercise plan”
Mudra मुद्रा 

        ●     Jnana Mudra
      Formation- This Mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb and the            index finger.
       Effect- Jnana Mudra balances Vayu in our body and steadies the mind. At the top of               the  thumb lies the point of the endocrine gland.
          ●     Apana Mudra
           Formation- Tip of the thumb is to be joined by the tips of the middle and ring finger.
         Effect- Apana Mudra is a combination of Agni, Akash and Prithvi elements. This                    Mudra  helps improve the flow of perspiration, urine and stool. 
  • Diabetes is controlled by a disciplined practice of this mudra for 50 minutes( one should also perform pranayama for 30 minutes. Diabetes should follow these mudras lifelong to keep diabetes in control.
       ●     Prana Mudra
             Formation- The tips of little fingers and ring fingers are joined with the tips of the                thumbs.
             Effect- The major part of our body is Prithvi and Jal.
            Joining the fingertips balancing  these elements results in increasing stamina,                          vitality,   strength and immunity. It helps to control diabetes.
           ●     Rudra Mudra
              Formation  - Join the tips of the ring and index finger to the tip of the thumb.
             Effect - The  Prithavi  पृथ्वी  element and Vayu वायु element get balanced. This                           Mudra  affects the glands in the abdomen, i.e. pancreas.
             ●     Chakra Mudra 
            Formation- Place the right palm on the left palm in such a manner that the                        index finger of the right hand is placed on the thumb of the left hand and small                      finger of the right hand is placed on the index finger of the hand. Now press the                     palm against each other.
          Effect- pressing the palms against each other activates the pressure points of the                   pancreas.
Yoga Mudra

Formation :
Assume any meditative pose like Padmasana, Sukhasana or Siddhasana. Place the left palm on the navel and place the right palm on the left palm. Draw a deep breath and exhale slowly. Gradually bend forward and touch the ground with the chin. Eyes should look forward. Go on exhaling to empty lungs and be in that position for some times.. Then inhale slowly and lift the body. This is yoga mudra.

Effect :
This mudra activates the muscles of the stomach and  Apana Vayu starts moving. Digestion gets better.

Benefits :
  • Removes constipation and avoids formation of gas.
  • Activates the pancreas and helps in controlling diabetes.

                                                  "Diabetes ? Stay low on Glycemic Index (GI), high on life."

Marma मर्म 
            ●    It is an ancient science dealing with body energies through which ‘Prana' - प्राण  the                    vital life force or energy, flows in the body. Marma therapy unlocks the channels of                      energy and balances the flow of ‘Prana’. Thus gives total relaxation to mind and                             refills  the body with energy .
            ●     Nabhi Marma  नाभि मर्म 

              Location- It is located in the umbilicus region.
                 Stimulation- Nabhi Marma should be stimulated on empty stomach. Sit in Vajrasana
                make the fist and press the umbilical region and bend forwards after breathing out.
                Slight pressure is given to this point.
                It helps in the process of digestion, metabolism and absorption.

Bandha  बंद 
            ●     Uddiyana Bandha  उड्डीयान मर्म 
               The exercise by which the prana awakens and takes an upward course to enter into
                 Sushumna Nadi  is called Uddiyana Bandha.
                Formation- Assume any meditative Asana. Lift your chest a little upward and push              the stomach back so as to touch the spine. Keep in this position as much time as you             can. Repeat this Bandha 3 times, increase the number gradually.
              Effect- This Bandha cures the diseases pertaining to the organ of digestive system
               and pancreas.

Meditation ध्यान 
                ●     Meditation helps to relieve stressed

                                               "Have frequent meals 5-6 meals a day."

Color Therapy
Golden orange color to help diabetic.
Cluster beans or ग्वार फली 

The guar or cluster bean, with the botanical name Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, is an annual legume and the source of guar gum. It is also known as gavar, gawar, or guvar bean. Guar.
Gawar phali with aaloo /Potato (guar bean with potatoes) (India)

According to Ayurveda : It balances all three doshas. Gawar ki phalli (Cluster Beans) pacifies pitta dosha and increases vata and kapha. And cold in potency.  Various spices are added in this recipe to reduce its kapha and vata aggravating properties. Boiling  also pacifies its vata increasing properties. Thus gawar ki phalli (Cluster Beans) balances all the three doshas.  Guar gum has been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure, and it helps to slow down the release of sugar from the GI tract. Thus it is better to cook and eat it with seeds.
  1. * 1/2 kg cluster beans, cut into small pieces
    * 1 medium sized onion grated (optional)
    * Fresh coriander leaves
    * 4 tsp powdered pomegranate seeds (Anardana)
    * 2 tsp coriander powder
    * 1 tsp fresh ginger paste
    * 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
    * 5 cloves crushed garlic (optional)
    * Pinch of garam masala powder (It is a blend of many spices).
    * Salt to taste
    * Cooking oil
    * I teaspoon of ajwain seeds
  2. Direction
  3. Boil the cluster beans in clean water. Grind the onion, coriander leaves, the garlic, the ginger, and pomegranate seeds together to make a fine paste. Heat some oil in a pan and add ajwain and asafetida for sputter. Add the above ground paste to the oil and then fry it. Now add the boiled cluster beans and the dry spices to it. Keep stirring, until all spices mixed with cluster beans. Cover the pan and cook it for about a few minutes. Finally, you’re ready to serve it hot with bread or rice.
Diets  आहार 
  • Keep a check on carbs : Carbohydrates are energy giving foods and can raise your sugar  levels faster than proteins are fats.Opt for complex carbohydrates. such as whole grains,  pulses, non starchy vegetables,  and fruits.
  • Eat good fats : Fats are not your enemy . They can help manage blood sugar  . Include good fats such  seeds, olive, avocado,  and nuts in your diet.
  • No fasting, no feasting : It is important to understand that you can't eat  a lot at one time  and neither can you keep  long gap between your meals so it leads to fluctuation in  your blood sugar.Always remember to eat every 2 hours.
  • Don't forget spices : Using spices and herbs such as fenugreek, cinnamon, turmeric powder, curry leaves and ginger can definitely be helpful in managing  the disease.

                      "Diabetic patients should favor bitter, pungent and astringent tastes."
           Make changes in your diet for better tomorrow. Cut down on carbohydrates and                         consume adequate amount of fiber and protein. Switch  to brown rice and remove                      white  flour and refined sugar from your diet.
            Food consumed should be wholesome in nature.

Increase bitter and astringent taste in diet.
Astringent (कसैला ) dal, amla,
What are some wholesome foods?
  • Grains – Wheat, wholegrain rice, quinoa, bulgur wheat, rolled oats, faro and barley.
  • Beans and legumes – lentils, kidney beans, lima beans, split peas, chick peas.
  • Nuts and seeds (not salted) – peanuts, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, linseeds, pumpkin seeds.
  • Fruits and vegetables – all of them!
  • Frequent 5 -6 meals per day.
Dry cooking: like baking, grilling, and also boiling is preferable for balancing the heavy, cool and wet nature of  kapha कफ  
Use mustard / or cottonseed oil for cooking.
Protein and fiber rich foods have a steady and slow release of sugar in the body.

What is Glycemic Index (GI) ?
The first step towards the management of diabetes is to consume more of low glycemic index (GI) foods. GI means how fast and by how much  a certain food will cause your blood glucose levels to rise.  Glucose have a GI score of 100, and is used as  a reference food to compare the GI score of all the other foods containing carbohydrates. Consuming food with low glycemic index is important as they are absorbed and digested slowly, which lead to a gradual rise in blood sugar levels, thus regulating your hunger pangs. Some of the food items with a low GI score that every diabetic needs to consume : 
   "Managing Diabetes without monitoring is like sailing a ship without a compass."
Fiber rich food : 
Natural foods like vegetables and fruits are good.
Fasting good

●    Vegetables - Bitter taste vegetables  तिख़्त  रस  प्रधान )
●  Include more non starchy vegetables including leafy greens such as spinach and amaranth, cucumber, tomato, beans, mushroom, carrots and broccoli etc.

Cluster Beans or gavar phalli : Is keeps blood sugar in control

●   Bitter gourd करेला (Momordica charantia) Its also  used in natural medicine to help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetesFresh extract juice of bitter gourd fruits/leaves,10 ml- 20 ml twice a day.

Round guard टिंडा, ridged guard, pumpkin कद्दू , ash gourd पेठा  radish मूली, carrot गाजर and turnip शलगम ,cabbage पत्ता गोभी and all green leafy vegetables are bitter  taste or (tikta rasa Pradhan तिख़्त  रस  प्रधान )

●   Citrus peel Citrus peel has a bitter flavor due to its high concentration of flavonoids. While the flesh and juice of Citrus fruits  like lemons, oranges and grapefruits have a sweet or tart flavor, the outer peel and white pith are quite bitter. if you’d like to include citrus peel in your diet, it can be grated and enjoyed as zest, dried and used in seasoning mixes or even candied and added to desserts. 
    Steamed vegetables  Vegetables like fenugrek मेथी , bitter gourd करेला , snake gourd, garlic ,plantain stem, drumstick ash gourd are preferred choice.
 Green leafy vegetables such as methi, spinach पालक  Bathua बथुआ , chaulie चौलाई  sarson, सरसों  ,raddish leaves  मूली के पत्ते , cauliflower leaves,गोभी के पत्ते etc. others include  lady’s, finger, Lauki, लौकी  parwal  परवल 
      Low carbohydrate Vegetables : Like cucumber, lettuce, radish leaves and spinach
  Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graeceum) Fenugreek seeds : Commonly known as methi मेथी ,these seeds, being rich in fibre and other useful chemicals, helps in the slow digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and sugar by the body. It's leaves and seeds are used. Fine powder of seeds of Fenugreek,1 -3 gm is used to prepare a decoction. 10 ml - 20 ml of this decoction twice a day is helpful. Or sprouted seeds.
   Drumstick  Its leaves, flower and seeds is packed with nutrition. It helps in regulating blood sugar levels in diabetes.
  Cluster beans or गवार फल्ली  The bean are high in fibre, it helps to slow down the release of sugar from the GI tract. Thus it is better to cook and eat it with seeds.It balances all the three doshas .They should be eaten liberally to keep diabetes away.

     Lady’s finger Bhindi (Abelmoschus esculentus)  Bhindi. Its leaves powder is used.
     Broccoli It has proved to be an effective anti-diabetic food. Antioxidant present in Broccoli lowers blood glucose levels along with it being rich in fibre and low in carbohydrates.
●   Sprouts good for diabetic.
     Garlic (Allium sativum) Eat 1 or 2 cloves of garlic in a day.
     Ginger juice can be taken along with lunch and dinner. 


Take Unrestricted Salads

     Salads should be eaten before eating any other food items. One can eat cucumber, tomato, onion, radish, leaves, lettuce, mint etc.

Fruits (Fibrous fruits)

     Amla (Emblica officinalis) आंवला Fresh Amla fruit  or 3 - 6 gm of powder should be taken twice a day daily. One tablespoon full of amla juice to be taken in the morning cuts the blood sugar level. Or Amla 3 gm And Haldi 0.75 gm powder 4:1 twice a day followed by a cup of warm water. This is good for the patient of peripheral neuritis.

     Grapefruit (Chakotara)  चकोतरा  Eating chakotra is good for diabetes.
     Rose apple It is rich in vitamin A and C.
   Other fruits includes Guavas, Papaya, cherries berries( raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries), apples, papaya, pears, oranges, peaches and pineapple, coconut,  watermelon, pomegranate, apple, sweet lime,  मौसम्बी, berries, stone fruit (plum) आलू बुखारा। When dried called prunes.


● Eat  whole fruit due to their fiber content have lower glycemic index and hence safe for consumption.
●  Avoid processed fruit juice.    

Pulses : 
Beans including black उड़द  दाल and white beans, लोभिया   kidney beans राजमा and chickpeas  काबुली चने are rich in soluble fibre and protein, making them an ideal choice for diabetes.
      Sprouted dal (moong dal,  मूंग दाल Bengal gram dal, चना दाल)
     Bengal gram (काला चनाis an anti-diabetic food. Germinated black gram eaten once daily. Roasted chana sattu can be taken in liquid or semisolid form without sugar.
     Green gram (मूंग ) light and good for digestion
     Horse Gram Kulatha  कुलथी It is good for diabetes
     Soybean (सोया बीन )good for diabetes

      Mixed grain chapati ( whole wheat flour, Bengal gram and barley flour)
     Corn is good for diabetes
  Oats Oats are good source of soluble fibre, people suffering from diabetes should eat oats. Being full of soluble fibre, oatmeal breaks down slowly, leading to slow absorption of glucose in the stomach, which consequently helps control blood sugar levels.
     Wheat and Wheat bran (Godhuma) Whole wheat flour controls blood sugar better than that of white flour. eat wheat bran . Cracked wheat : Popularly known as Dalia दलिआ it is the crushed course form of raw whole wheat. It contains more fibre, vitamins and minerals, along with a lower glycemic index then rice and wheat flour.
     Barley (Yava) It contain both soluble and insoluble fibre. It improve blood glucose in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus subjects. It helps to lower blood sugar.
    Brown rice / or  Red rice should be consumed instead of white polished rice. 


● Quinoa Paratha पराठा stuffed with spinach पालक  - Quinoa has low glycemic index, while spinach is high in fibre and a good source of minerals.  

   Ragi  (रागी ) It is a plant seed, rich in fibre, hence good for diabetes

Green tea : 
●  This tea retains all its useful polyphenol content since it is not processed thus having strong antioxidant and hypoglycemic effects. The polyphenols present in green tea helps control release of blood sugar.

Flaxseeds : 
●  They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fibre, along with being a good source of  magnesium, a mineral that helps cells use insulin,thus important in sugar control.

"Eat several small meals a day ideally 3-6 meals a day, eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with mid-morning and evening snacks. coordinate your meals and medication."

Routine : 
       MORNING Bitter gourd juice 1- 2 ounce
    BREAKFAST A high fibre meal comprising of 2-3  egg whites one multigrain chapati रोटी  or bread, vegetables and fruits. Skimmed milk along with sprouted gram, moong, methi or Amla juice 50 ml. 
    LUNCH Chapati रोटी  (mixed with 10 kg wheat and 2 kg gram flour,1 kg soybean and 100 gm methi), or diabetic khichadi, green vegetables, salad, pulse of moongbuttermilk one glassand fruits.
     EVENING Roasted grams 30 gm, vegetable soup or butter milk one glass.
     DINNER As in lunch soup, salad and a mix of dry and seasonal fruits. Take low-fat diet.
“”Healthy eating habits begin with low GI foods
Some food item one can relish
    Nutritive khichadi खिचड़ी  It constitutes 500 gm moong मूंग dal .500 gm rice, 500 gm bajra, बाजरा 500 gm Dalia.दलिआ  It should be tempered छौक with ghee and cumin, hing, Sendha namak, सेंधा  नमक curry leaves.
●   Dhokla, khandvi, cheela- As black gram (काला चना  has low glycemic index, helps control blood sugar and has a  high satiety value, leaving you full for long        
      Use mixed flour such as 1 part barley, 1 part black gram and 3 - 4 part whole wheat to prepare chapattis, bread  and use whole grains such as wheat, brown rice
● Use of barley and moong dal, old red rice, wheat, ragi, jowar, maize is recommended.
●    Spicy peanut salad - This salad has low glycemic index and is rich in natural proteins and natural oils. It also has a high satiety value.
●    Flower of plantain in curry form should be taken.
●    Milk and milk products Milk and buttermilk  
●     Marie biscuits
Daily Diabetes Drinks
     Triphala  ( त्रिफला) Diabetic patient should use water boiled with triphala churana. त्रिफला चूर्ण gms in 1 liter of water as a daily drink.
     Lemon ( नींबू )Drinking lemon water in the morning helps in reducing diabetes.
     Clear soups Made of vegetables, nuts. Soups at dinner time helps control blood sugar and keeps you fit.
     Buttermilk (छाछ )It can be taken at lunch time.
     Orange peel संतरे  के छिलके Orange peel is dried in the shade and powdered. A spoon of this powder is boiled in water and filtered, this decoction taken helps to reduce Diabetes.
     Daruharidra Bark or root of daruharidra 15 gms is boiled in one litre of water for 5-10 minutes and used as a drink.
     Cumin seeds (Cuminum cyminum) jeera  ज़ीरा  (5 - 10 grams) boiled with one liter of water is a good drink for diabetes.
     Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) or Giloy गिलोय  decoction of 30 ml should be taken.
    Coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum) धनिया के बिजे   10 gms, boiled in one liter of water serves as a good medicated drink for diabetic patients who face more thirst and frequent digestive problems.
     Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) Water boiled with seeds of Gokshura (60 gms) is a good medicated water for patients when water retention in the body is more due to diabetic complication.
     Khadira ( Acacia catechu) कथ्था Slices of Khadira wood 5 gms boiled in one liter of water is often recommended for Diabetic patients especially when more thirst, skin infections are frequent.
     Leaves Cleaned leaves of neem, Guduchi, tender leaves of mango trees, curry leaves, tulsi leaves, fresh leaves of Sitaphal (Annona  squamosa) radish leaves in combination or singly, crushed and mixed in regular water and left overnight serves as a good refreshing drink for diabetics.
“Sugar control is difficult in winter, partly because of many parties and events to attend, and partly because of cold weather can make you more sedentary than usual”.
High Glycemic index food bad
Like : Bread tea, white sugar, sweets, custard apple, potato, sweet potato,ice cream, pastries, chocolates. ladoo.
Inflammatory food not good  
Like : Tomatoes, maida,
●   Avoid potato, beet root, colocasia or अरबी )
     Avoid excessive use of tea, coffee, pastries, marmalade, jam, ice cream,
   Avoid sweet fruits like banana केला , grapes, अंगूर  mango, आम  litchi, लीची Chikoo,चीकू,  custard apple सीता फल ,  jackfruit, कठहल sugar cane, गन्ना  figs अंजीर  dates, छुहारे  cashews, काजू  nuts etc.
     Avoid carbohydrate foods like rice, banana, grapes potatoes.
     Avoid fresh grains and pulses, salty, spicy, heavy and oily foods.
   Cut use of fine maida flour मैदा products like pastries, cakes, bread, pizzas, burgers, cream biscuits, milk cream, whole yoghurt and meat etc.
     Refined food like white rice, white wheat flour, salt
     fasting, hydrogenated oil, junk foods
     Heavy foods, red meat, heavy gravy and oily foods
     Frequent snacking increases blood sugar levels and causes further complications
     Sugar, jam, syrups, honey, sweets, chocolates, fruit juices, cold drinks, glucose drinks, cakes, sweet biscuits, puddings.
    Sweet potato, potatoes, beetroot , carrot and sugar, sugarcane juice
     Sweet coconut water.
     Stress, tension, getting angry, worries
     Avoid laziness
     Smoking / alcohol
     Avoid eating fried stuff. Excessive consumption of oil worsens the skin problems.
     Do not take curds, paneer पनीर and cheeses.
   Avoid fruit juices.
   Avoid new cereals and sabudana. साबुदाना 

Eat in moderation
●  Bread, chapattis, oat porridge, corn flakes(No sugar/honey ) Cheese, butter, Noodles or spaghetti, Macaroni, Thick soups, Milk and milk products, Chicken, lean meat, Fish. 

Ayurvedic Diet For Diabetes

Carefully planning meal is a simple and effective strategy for management of various aspects of Diabetes.  Knowing the best food for some one with diabetes can help  promote good health.


In Ayurveda, poor digestion is considered to be the primary cause of diabetes. Following a proper diet  can keep your blood sugar under control. According to Ayurveda  there are mainly two types of diabetic persons "Sthula (obese) and  Krisha (lean) 

Both having different etiology and both requiring different diet and lifestyle intervention.
So the contemporary  rule of Diet in Diabetes says about only calorie deficit or cutting down on carbohydrates. However in Ayurveda, too many no's like no to that, no to this may  not imply to  all patients, in general, but is based on the pattern according to the individual constitution.

Obese diabetic  : A sthula madhumehi person's diet should be Apatarpana calorie deficit .While Krisha Madhumehi lean diabetic person's diet should be Santarpanaguna. nourishing.

Diabetic diet means eating the healthy food in lesser/ moderate amounts with increased frequency. One should concentrate on taking whole food like  whole grains, whole fruits,  and vegetables rather than  going to juices other dehydrated form or any exotic forms.

A diabetic diet  advocates going with small frequent meals like three main meals - Breakfast, lunch and Dinner along with two small  breaks in mid morning and mid evening. Complex carbohydrates, fiber rich fruits and vegetables, whole proteins and good fats are advised.

Complex carbohydrates like millet, whole wheat, whole barley, quinoa, red rice, whole greens, vegetables and nuts will provide steady  or constant energy unlike simple carbohydrates.

30% Cereals+70% Greens

                                            "Bitter & Astringent taste reduces inflammation".

A typical diabetic meal plate  should constitute of any cereal based dishes 30% other 70% is vegetables, pulses and greens. End the meal with  the medicated buttermilk.(spiced with ginger,cumin and coriander leaves.
Medicated Buttermilk

Remember a diabetic diet need not be 100% sugar free. Balance is the key.

Ayurvedic classics recommend the following to be included in Diabetic diet :
Grains : Yava (barley)-Hordeum vulgare, Gudhuma (Wheat) - Triticumsativum, Shastika shali (rice) -Orryza sativa, Kodrava (grain variety, kodo millet)- Pospolum scrobiculatum, Uddalaka, Shyamaka, Bajara.

Pulses : Chana (Bengal gram) - Cicerarietinum,Adhaki (toor dal) - Cajanus cajan, Mudga (green gram) - Phaseolus aureus, Kulattha (Horse gram) - Dolichos biflorus.

Vegetables (Bitter & Astringent) : Methika (fenugreek)- Trigonella foenum, Potola (pionted gourd), Trisanthus dioica, Karela (bitter gourd)-  Momordicacharantia, Tanduleyaka (choulayee_-Amaranthus spinosus, Vastukam (bathus), Shobhanjana (drumstick) - Moriga oleifera, Korkotaka-  Momordicadioica, Rosona (garlic) - Allium sativum,Kadali (raw banana) - Musa paradisiaca.
Gavar phalli or Cluster beans.

Fruits : Jambu (jamun)- Eugenia jambolana, Talaphala-Borassus flabellifer, Amalki (goose berry) Emblica officinalis, Kapittha (monkey fruit)- Limonea acidissima , Dadima (pomegranate) - Punica granatum, Tinduka- Disospyros embrayoptesis.
Limonea acidissima,कबीट


  • Barley should constitute the principle ingredient of diet of the patient suffering from Diabetes.
  • Obese Diabetes patient should take barley mixed with honey.
  • One tablespoon of barley is soaked in Triphala kashaya and is kept over night. It is mixed with honey. This is a nourishing (Tarpana) diet for lean Diabetic patients.

Old Rice
Old rice cooked  and mixed with the soup of green gram etc and preparation of Triphala rice: Add 1 tsf of Triphala churana to 150 ml of water and soak raw red rice/ barley/ any millet (75 gm) for 1-2 hours and cook rice and consume it  for your lunch & dinner.

  1. Water boiled with Darbha grass / Kusha (Type of grass.
  2. Madhudaka (Warm water mixed with honey.)
  3. Triphala Rasa (Juice or Kashaya of Triphala)
  4. Buttermilk
  5. Soup of Horsegram, Green gram and pigeon pea, goat meat soup.

  • Take 3 main meals with 2 small healthy snacking in between.
  • Maintain regularity in meal timings.
  • Old red rice, old barley, all older the cereals better it is for body.
  • Along with the diet , suitable lifestyle changes such as including regular yoga asanas / any sort of full body exercises, with regular practice of any guided meditation does wonders to the whole body and mind of a diabetes.

  • Avoid skipping meals assuming it will lower your sugar levels.
  • Irregular meal timings.
  • Intermittent fasting/ taking only 2 meals without consulting your treating physician.
  • High calorie diet- non-vegetarian meals, bakery products, dairy products like paneer, cheese, some exotic dishes, newly harvested cereals in diet.
  • Following some fad diet without consulting the registered health professionals.
  • Do not fall into the trap of restricted diet plans such as zero carbohydrate diet. Our body needs nutrients from every food group. So cutting any of them out will only stop us from enjoying their benefits. So moderation is the key.
  • Poorly managed stress.
  • Suppression of food cravings like sweet dishes/ any foods will build negative stress in the body, so occasional moderate indulgence does not harm.
  • Juices/ gruel from shoots the blood glucose levels.

Home Remedies
Note : Home remedies are helpful in mild to moderate increase in sugar values along with diet and  lifestyle. changes.
  • Home remedies to be done in moderation, indulging too much will also have its own adverse effect on the body.
  • Triphala mixed with honey.
  • Indian Gooseberry juice- 50  ml +1/2 tsf turmeric with 1/2 tsp honey on empty stomach morning.
  • Using soaked/sprouted methi seeds 2-3 tsp early in the morning.
Methi Sprouts

  • Bitter guard, indian Blackberry (jamun), Indian Gooseberry (amla) and turmeric are few commonly used fruits and vegetables.
  • Chewing fresh leaves /taking soaked stem juice of Amritballi (Giloy or Guduchi, Tinospora cardifolia) early in the morning.
  • Green Gram + Indian gooseberry-soup (green gram -30gm + fresh Amla 1 or amla stick 6-8 pieces +1/2 tsf haldi + 400ml water- pressure cook. Mesh and add 400 ml of warm water and boil for 5 mins. For taste, add salt, Jeera + pepper powder- 2-3 pinches each
                                            "Exclude : Bread,pasta, sugar, rice, corn, milk."

Ayurveda does not advise absolute restriction of any of  the food substances, rather recommendations are based on the dosha state.For example, in Diabetic patients with vata predominant manifestation, extensive use of various oils has been mentioned.. Another area where modern dietetics contradicts Ayurveda principles is advice of frequent small servings

Frequent intake of food hampers the digestive process and is validated by a recent randomized crossover study, in which it is found that  eating two larger meals a day (breakfast and lunch)  is more effective than six smaller meals in a reduced energy regimen for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Ayurveda makes use of medicated diet, where dietary items are processed with medical herbs to bring about therapeutic effects in the body. One example is dashmoola yavagu which contains rice gruel processed with roots of ten medicinal plants. 

Ayurvedic concept and practice on health, food and nutrition are relatively different from those of bio-medicine and modern nutrition. Systemic investigations can provide new insights into nutritional sciences to provide solutions in contemporary healthcare, for instance, how diet and lifestyle can be modulated to suit  one's constitution (prakruti), age and season. Moreover, prevention and management of lifestyle diseases like diabetes can only be achieved by tailoring the measures to meet the individual demands rather than adopting a generalized strategy.

   Durva Grass.

           कैथ  फ़ल (Elephant Apple Dillenia indica)

        Choose whole fruits more often over juices
     Bael (Aegle marmelos) बेल   leaves or its powder.

   Jamun (Syzygium cumini) जामुन Black plum Eating fresh fruits reduces blood sugar therefore its regular use is advised for diabetics. Or 1 tsp of a fine powder of jamun seed.

●    Withania somnifera Ashwagandha अश्वगंधा  It acts as a tonic. 
     Ocimum Sanctum   Tulsi तुलसी  Holy basil Its leaf extract decreases blood glucose level.
    Azadirachta indica Neem नीम  Decoction of fresh leaves of neem or powder of dried leaves 10 - 20 ml twice a day.
   Stevia rebaudiana  Stevia स्टीविआ is a non-calorie herb has been used as a sweetener and flavour enhancer. It's leaves are eaten good for diabetes.
     Gymnema sylvestre  Gudmar  गुड़मार  Its leaves to be taken in the morning.
     Curcuma longa)or Turmeric  Haldi  हल्दी Fine powder of the rhizome of turmeric, 1 gm- 3 gm twice a day is useful.
    Cinnamomum zeylanicum  Dalchini  दालचीनी  Its bark and leaf powder is used for diabetes.
    Aloe gel Aloe Vera  धृत कुमारी lowers blood glucose level, 50 mg per day
     Zingiber officinale ginger अदरक Due to its astringent taste it is useful
     Elettaria cardamomum Elaichi  इलायची It seeds powder is used
     Piper nigrum Kali Mirch काली मिर्च  Its powder is mixed and taken
     Curry Leaves कढ़ी पत्ता  It has a beautiful aroma. Eating 10 fresh fully - grown curry leaves every morning for three to four months is said to prevent diabetes due to hereditary factor. Leaves can be taken in the form of chutney or in buttermilk.

   Costus pictus Commonly known as ‘Insulin plant or spiral ginger' which is used as munching dietary supplement for the treatment of diabetes. The leaves of Insulin Plant contain corosolic acid which helps to generate insulin thereby treating diabetes. It is believed that consumption of the insulin plant leaves helps lower the blood glucose levels, and diabetics who consumed the leaves of this plant report a fall in their blood glucose levels. Two leaves per day in the morning  and evening. The leaves must be chewed well before swallowing.
     Ispaghula These are seeds with large amount of mucilage. This herb is an anti-diabetic food. It is taken in the form of husk which is dry seed coat of a plant
     Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) Spreading hogweed Eat 1 - 10 leaves of Punarnava early in the morning.
     Cluster fig tree (Ficus glomerata) Udumbara This is taken in diabetes. Bark of the tree is used for diabetes.
    Butea Leaves The leaves of this tree (Flame of forest) are an anti - diabetic food.        They are useful in glycosuria (glucose in urine). The leaves can be chewed orally or taken in the form of infusion
     Elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum) It seeds powder is good for diabetes.
    Gymnema sylvestre (Madhunashini) Its leaves are chewed or the leave powder 1 tsp with warm water after food thrice a day.
     Ten leaves of each of Tulsi, Neem and bel leaves should be chewed with a glass of water in the early morning.

Artificial Sweeteners
These are non-nutritive substances used to replace sugar and other caloric sweeteners, without altering the taste. They do not provide calories and will not influence blood glucose. i.e. Saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame, alitame, neotame, stevia, acesulfame, potassium(Ace-K) and sucralose.

Diabetes prevention must start during childhood. ''
*  Inculcate discipline in children.
*  Getting up early, sleeping on time.
*   Adequate physical activity (At least 30 minutes every day, 5 days a week)
*  Cutting down on junk food and having a balanced healthy diet.
* Vaccination However, it is better for them to get a flu shot -Pneumonia and Hepatitis -B vaccination.

  • B.C.G
  • M.M.R
  • Influenza vaccination
  • Pneumococcal vaccination

Lowering risk
* Keeping your blood sugar under 100 mg/dl and your glycerated blood glucose levels (HbA1c) below 5.7%
* Keep your blood pressure below 130/90 mm/Hg, using medicine, if needed.
* Get cholesterol tested once a year. If high, take medicines to lower it..
* walk fast, run, swim or play (activities that make you breathe harder) for at least one hour a day.
* Keep a healthy weight, with waist size below 90 cm (35.4 inches)for men and 80 cm (31.5 inches) for women.
* Eat nutritious high fiber food.

* Keep HbA1c ( indicator of blood glucose control over past three months) reading below 5.7% and between 5.4% and 5.6% for optimum control.

Formula of 80

B.P Diastolic Less than 80
Heart Rate less than 80
L.D.H (Bad Cholesterol) Less than 80
Fasting Sugar less than 80
Abdominal Circumference  Less than 80

Sit in a sun for 80 Days in a year
Give daily 80  minutes to your self daily.
Clap 80 times to avoid Heart Attack, Diabetes & Stroke.
For Heart 80 mg Statin, and 80 mg Aspirin to avoid thrombus formation.
If Heart Block less than 80 % Medical Treatment
If Heart Block more than 80 % Surgical intervention. (Angiography / By-Pass)
Cardiac Bypass Rs 80,000

Do 80 cycles of Deep Breathing (Pranayama) daily. (Parasympathetic activity)
Lungs and Kidney functions should be more than 80 %
Walk 80 Minutes
Brisk Walking 80 Steps
Without cereals 80 day / Year (Fasting in both Navratra good practice)

Air & Noise Pollution less than 80
Food less than 80 calories at a time
Liquor less then 80 ml
In  a year 80 days no cereals wheat ( anaj ) or refined carbohydrates.
No Smoking, otherwise Rs 80,000 expenditure
F.V.R Less than .8 (Fore Arm Vascular Resistance)
Cardio Respiratory Resuscitation 

Consult a Diabetologist


Early Detection/ Treatment/ will decrease mortality.
How to manage the diabetes ?
     To minimize the symptoms
     Maintain the blood sugar reading
     Slow down the complication process
●  Reversing type 2 diabetes  Diabetes  can be conquered with the help of anti- diabetic drugs and insulin and lifestyle management under the supervision of your family doctor with the consultation of Diabetologist.

Defeating diabetes
*  Make sure that you regularly monitor blood sugar. Children should be screened for diabetes at school - going age and after finishing school.
* Women must get themselves tested for blood sugar regularly after 30 years of age. It is also important to monitor blood sugar during pregnancy.
*   Watch out for the three P's of diabetes, which are :
Polyuria  (Frequent urination)
Polydipsia (Excessive thirst)
Polyphagia (Excessive hunger)

Tab Dionil Glibenclamide sold in doses of 1.25, 2.5 and 5 mg Brand name Diabeta, Euglucon, Gilemal, Glidanil, Glybovin, Glynase, Maninil, Micronase 

Can Diabetes Type 2 Be Cured?
There's no cure for type 2 diabetes, but losing weight, eating well and exercising can help manage the disease. If diet and exercise aren't enough to manage your blood sugar well, you may also need diabetes medications or insulin therapy.
Tab Metformin 500 mg is used with a proper diet and exercise program and possibly with other medications to control high blood sugar. It is used in patients with type 2 Diabetes. ..Do not crush, chew, or break an extended-release tablet. Swallow it whole.
Insulin Subcutaneous or intravenous.
Tab Hydroxychloroquine is Anti-Diabetic :It decreases A1c .4
On day 3,4,5,6,Exertional Hypoxia after 6 minutes walk test. If oxygen falls by 5 points (happy Hypoxia)There are chances of Pneumonia and clot formation.
40 mg Steroids given

Metformin with Hypoxia dose has to be reduced
Happy Hypoxia stop insulin
Hospitalization then IV steroids are given 
If sugar is increased IV Insulin given patient is monitored every 2-3 hours.
Short acting sulphonyleurea
Short acting insulin before meals.
Postprandial sugar becomes high in Covid 19 infection
Patient have day time hyperglycemia
Stress induced Hyperglycemia can also occur in Covid which leads to beta cell dysfunction called Covid hyperglycemia
Steroid induced hyperglycemia in Covid 19 require
Tight glycemic monitoring along with  correction dose of insulin.
Most of diabetics require
a . Statin on day 1
If on day 3 they develop Hypoxia
Low molecular weight Heparin should be given
If d'dimer is increasing, then we put them on heparin

In non pulmonary Covid
  •  Like left eye conjunctivitis, 
  • Loss of taste, 
  • Loss of smell
  • GI Involvement
Maintain a good level of diet control.

Home Remedies
Astringent food
Jamun, amla, dal, radish
Bitter food
Dry ginger, Bitter gourd or karela, methi seeds or vegetables, kalmegh, Palak, Bathua.

A tbsp. of Amla juice mixed with a cup of fresh bitter gourd juice, taken daily for two months will enable the pancreas to secrete insulin.
*   Mix and grind seeds of fenugreek 100 gm. Take 1 tsf of this powder with glass of milk twice daily.
*  Put water into a copper vessel at night, and drink the water in the morning.
Mix 100 gms of dried powder of  Amla with 35 gms of turmeric and have this mixture 1 tbsp. with warm water in empty stomach early morning.
* Tinia cardispora  Giloy गिलोय

 Chewing fresh leaves of Amrithballi ( guduchi) or its mature stem powder early in the morning.
*  Soak methi in water overnight and next day in the morning chew and swallow the soaked methi.
*   Regular use of buttermilk.

Eye care in Diabetics
Diabetes can harm your eyes. It can damage the small blood vessels in your retina.
*  High blood sugars increase your risk of having eye problem.
*  Make sure to have drumstick and its leaves in your diet.
*  Eye exercises can help to keep away from Diabetic Eye complications,
*   Do Trataka Exercise.


Foot care in Diabetics :
* Bathe your feet daily. Wash carefully with warm water and soap, Rinse and dry thoroughly. Make sure you dry completely between the toes.
*  Be careful as you trim your toenails. Cut straight across.
* Do not use product for corn and callus removal; be sure never to try to trim calluses yourself.
* Moisturize feet that are dry. If the skin on your feet is dry, application of medicated oils / coconut oil.
*  Feet massage at bed time with Pinda taila - To stimulate and nourish the nerve endings.
*  Inspect your feet daily. Be on the lookout for : cuts; red spots, warm spots; calluses or corns; ingrown toenails; change in color; or any other abnormalities.
* Never go barefoot; always wear shoes to cover your feet.
* Finally, make sure your shoes fit right.

Heart care in Diabetes
Keep blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood fats as close as normal as you can.
*   Regular exercise.
*   Yoga and Pranayama will help keep you blood vessels healthy and protect your heart.
*   Quit smoking and alcohol.

Kidney care in Diabetes
  Monitor and maintain your blood sugar regularly.
*   Get regular screening for kidney diseases.
*  Increase physical activity. Daily physical activity and exercise helps to control blood pressure and helps to lower your blood sugar.
*   Quit smoking. Smoking reduces the blood flow to kidneys, therefore kidney cannot function at their best.
*   Less salt intake.

  Circadian rhythm

Human Biological Clock

The strong connection between dietary patterns and circadian rhythm must not be ignored.

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes. Chronobiology is the study of circadian rhythms.

Do you know our dietary patterns, appetite and satiety are all regulated  by our circadian rhythm? Unfortunately, we do not align our eating habits to it , and revolve it around our work schedules, social colanders and convenience instead, not realizing the pressure we put on our bodies to work against what it's designed for.

"The circadian rhythm and its impact on digestion is a law of nature that we should align ourselves with."

Not everyone needs a diet plan. Just by tweaking  their meal timings and aligning it with the  circadian rhythm, they can start to see noticeable improvement in their health like high energy levels, alertness, better sleep, digestion and water retention., waking up with a flatter stomach, no bloating, clearer skin, lesser cravings, and so much more.

What does eating according to the circadian rhythm mean?
In simple words, it means aligning our meals timings and patterns to the  sunset and sun rise, because of its impact on our digestion. As per circadian rhythm our digestive fire wakes up as the sun rises, peak around noon,, and slow down as the sun sets. 

Eating in accordance with  this rhythm means we consume our first meal of the day after sunrise, eat a substantial lunch in the afternoon and our last meal of the day with  or close to , sunset followed by fasting through the night  till the next morning,

The morning appetite
As the sun start to rise, so does our digestive fire. The first meal of the day thus should be post sunrise, especially if you feel hungry. If you don't embrace it  because your body is still elimination and processing the last meal.

At the same time , eating too early, before the sun rises, can go against circadian rhythm because your metabolic fire and digestive ability are not activated yet. The body is still in the  detoxification process and nothing that you eat  so early is going to be  broken down effectively.

The afternoon appetite
When the sun is atop, our digestive fire is at  its peak.  This makes lunch time really important and gives us the opportunity to have a really good meal. In fact aiming for a maximum calorie intake from your breakfast and lunch and the least from your  dinner best supports our digestion and the circadian rhythm. What  this also means is that  the ideal time to eat a desert is  in the afternoon.

The evening appetite
for As the sun starts setting and it gets dark our body naturally start to  secrete melatonin. The hormone that is responsible for inducing sleep. As a result a body slows down and is least interested in digestion. It is now more foccussed on repair, recovery, growth, rejuvenation, elimination and healing. To support this, its best to start tapering calorie intake and eat your last meal close to sunset, followed by giving our digestion a complete breakthrough. by fasting. This is also called  the circadian rhythm and is by far the most  natural way to fast.

Late night meals
for Our body is not designed to digest and break down food, as the sun starts setting. If you do have a late night meal, your body will still try to digest, but at the cost of 
  • Irregular blood sugar levels
  • Constipation
  • Acidity
  • bloating
  • Sluggishness the next day
This is because the circadian rhythm is challenged. The pancreas also has a melatonin receptor, indicating that  on the release of melatonin, when it gets dark it binds to the receptor on the pancreatic cells, thereby suppressing its function. This speaks volumes about why a late night meal can mess up your digestion and sugar levels., and you may even wake up feeling acidic and heavy. Melatonin upon its release blocks pancreatic functions because digesting food at night is not what your body is interested in.

If you do end up  eating late, since your metabolism is slow, it is a struggle for your body to break down the food. You make your pancreas churn out more digestive enzymes, make your stomach produce more acids and forced itself to digest the meal. The Dutch and Europeans enjoy croissants, chocolate, pastries and similar foods in the morning when the metabolism is at its highest.

What about late night snacking?
Your body is not designed to digest food late at night. It is that simple. Now consider all of these events, how the body functions, and what may happen when you disrupts this circadian rhythm. The moment you have a late night meal, you disrupt every part of the rhythm, because it is all connected.

The circadian rhythm and its impact on digestion is a law of nature. If we challenge the law of nature by going against the circadian rhythm that governs thousands of functions in the human body at a cellular level, and even the best treatment, medicines, doctors, nutritionist, spiritual healers or yogi expert will not work.

And what if we align ourselves with the law of nature and add the right medicine, lifestyle, food, and so on ? That is what we begin to see prevention, healing recovery and healthy improvement occurs.

Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Obese patient- weight reduction/ Diet/Exercise
Anti-diabetic drugs and controlling the infection
Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
Insulin therapy
Application of aloe, alum, borax, honey helps wound healing faster
 Powder mix for diabetes
     Neem: dried leaves
     Madhunaashini: (Gymnema sylevestre) : dried  leaves
     Methi: dried leaves
     Amritbel (Tinospora cordifolia) : dried leaves
     Cassia auriculata: dried petals
     Catharanthus roseus: dried petals
     Centella asiatica: dried whole plant
     Jamun (Syzygium cumini): dried seed powder.
     Tribulus terrestrial  spiny fruits
     Bitter gourd: dried pieces of fruits
This material should be dried in shade. Then pound it to a fine powder sieve it and keep it in separate container. The take equal quantity of the dried powder of all the 10 ingredients mix it thoroughly and keep it in the jar.1 tsp of this powder mix should be mixed in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it twice a day after food .
*    Recommended Ayurveda treatments known as :
1  Apatarpana for obese diabetics, for example, Panchakarma shodhana like vamana, virechana, basti.
2    Santarpana  for emaciated diabetics.
     Panchakarma पंचकर्मा 
Panchakarma is a purification therapy used in Ayurveda. It  helps a person in curing diabetes. These therapies help by removing the accumulated toxins and clearing the channels for better absorption of food and medicine. It has five procedures intended to intensively cleanse and restore balance of the body.
  Therapeutic vomiting Vaman वमन It is a process in which vomiting is induced. It eliminates toxins through the upper part of body.
     Therapeutic expurgation Virechana विरेचन It is a process in which certain medicines are administered to induce loose motions.
     Enema Vasti karma वस्ति  It is a procedure in which certain herbal preparations in a liquid medium are introduced in the rectum through anus. It is a very effective cleansing and rejuvenating process.
  Massage Abbyangam अभ्यंगम / मालिश  Externally massaging the entire body with medicated oil .It has a deeper and more relaxing effect. Padabhyanga (massaging of foot).  पाद अभ्यंगम  Oils such as Dhanwantaram taila, ksheerabala taila or pinda taila massage over feet.
    Shirodhara शिरोधारा It is wonderful process in which the head receives a gentle caressing  massage by a thin stream of medicated lukewarm oil for stipulated period. This creates profound relaxation of body and mind, deeply relaxing and revitalizing the central nervous system.
     Udvartana In this therapy body is massaged with medicinal powders in a specific manner for a stipulated time.
    Shankha Prakshalana  शंख प्रक्षालन It is the process to cleanse the intestinal tract, by drinking stomach full of Lukewarm water. This  treatment in Ayurveda  is cleaning  and rejuvenating the body to not only balance sugar levels, but also ensuring  that no further complications is caused.
Unscramble the following jumbled letters to form the common words related to diabetes:
1         CAHIRSNAC   
 2        BEADTISE              
3.        NILISNU
4         USELGOC      
 5        NECRSGAUA         
 6.       CTSHRA
7.         RENGENGN
8.        TESEW                
9         SAPECAR
10        EGJYRAG

Diabetic should always keep with them a card  in their wallet/purse with following information;
Health information card
 Name :                                           1
Address :                                        1
Mobile/landline no of contact        1
Diagnosis: DIABETES                     1
Medication:                                      1

Diabetic should lead the life of an ascetic. An ascetic is expected to exercise control over various sense organs as well as the mind.

GET UP, GET OUT AND get active. Set a goal to be more active most days of the week. Start slow by taking 10 minutes walk, 3 times a day. 30 minutes of brisk walking burns up to almost 200 calories. Maintain a healthy weight. Make a small changes in kitchen by use of healthy oil.
“Accept the disease and live with it”
Please share the URL: https://madhuchhandacdmo.blogspot.com/2017/07/diabetes-mellitus-hyperglycemia.html

* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.


  1. Everybody has heard about diabetes,but this article explains what and why of diabetes and prevention and treatment in a very simple and easy steps to follow.
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  2. Very nice and informative blog

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  7. Manali Pathak Joshi9 September 2020 at 14:22

    Thank you, Doctor. For sharing this article. It is excellent!... very helpful and informative.

  8. 1 in every 10 Australians has type 1 diabetes. Type 1 is usually caused when there is auto-immune destruction of insulin making cell in pancreas. Therefore, no insulin is made in the body. It commonly affects in childhood and people under 30. There is no cure for Type 1. It is managed with insulin injections, exercise and nutrition.
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