Listen to your body

Listen to your body There are several small and big ways in which your body tries to communicate what it needs. Are you paying attention? Introduction Your body hears everything your mind says, goes a quote. But what about opposite? Truth is, most of us ignore what our body is telling us. We only see the inches lost or gained on our waist, muscle definition, the number on the weighing scale. But to truly gauge our inner health, we need to learn to listen to our body. An eye twitch, a stomach growl, a sneeze. And another. And than another. Do you think these are things that your body does just to get attention ? Absolutely But do we give it the attention it needs? Your body speaks to you, in a language only you can tune into. A zit, a grey hair,, love handles- while these just works as the book cover you quickly judge yourself by. What you really need to be doing is reading in between the lines, paying at...