Listen to your body

                       Listen to your body

There are several small and big ways in which your body tries to communicate what it needs. Are you paying attention?

Your body hears everything your mind says, goes a quote. But what about opposite? Truth is, most of us ignore what our body is telling us. We only see the inches lost or gained on our waist, muscle definition, the number on the weighing scale. But to truly gauge our inner health, we need to learn to listen to our body.

An eye twitch, a stomach growl, a sneeze. And another. And than another. Do you think these are things that your body does just to get attention ? Absolutely But do we give it the attention it needs?

Your body speaks to you, in a language only you can tune into. A zit, a grey hair,, love handles- while these just works as the book cover you quickly judge yourself by. What you really need to be doing is reading in between the lines, paying attention to the fine print,
Here are what we found when we decided to tune into our body.

  • Our sky rocketing stress levels (thank you work from home) could be effectively reduced with a good dose of sleep.
  • The weight that doesn't wait to grow after indulgence could be regulated with portion control and exercise.
  • Dry skin and hair fall could be a sign of poor hydration or poor nutrient absorption.
All of these are whispers, request and  sometimes yells, for you to tune into your inner self. Your body wants you to be more aware of and give you inner health as much attention as you do your outer health. One way you can let your body know you are listening is by adding the goodness of green tea fortified with immunity boosting vitamin C to your daily health regimen.

Vitamin C to the body is like chlorophyll to a plant, which helps a plant absorb sunlight, adds a flush of colour, produces absorbable nutrients, and thereby boosts growth and well being in our body. Vitamin C helps absorb iron and essential nutrients from what we  consume, gives a skin a healthy flush and our hair a healthy shine.. It is a micronutrient that  aids in the production of antibodies, thereby boosting your immunity.

In addition to that the anti oxidants go a long way to help detoxify and heal you from within. Its your step forward to ensure your body is strong on the inside, ready to fight what ever the life throws your way. 

Take 1 tsf of Amla powder daily a good source of vitamin C.
Or citrus fruits like orange, sweet lime, lemon etc.


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