KIDNEY STONES (Nephrolithiasis /Asamari /pathari/Renal calculus)
Kidney Stones

Kidney Stone, Nephrolithiasis or Urolithiasis (गुर्दे की पथरी, अश्मरी)
Painful kidney stones are common nowadays. Thanks to our lifestyle of acidic diets. These small, stones -like crystals form in the urinary system, which is responsible for removing all toxins from our body while retaining essential minerals and salts.
An acidic diet means the body has to release certain salts in the fluids to ensure a measure of alkalinity. Over time, this compensation reaches a point when the salts start concentrating as stones. Kidney stones can be a combination of calcium, oxalates and uric acid.
Kidney helps to remove excess Organic molecules from our Blood. Sometimes due to dehydration salt & minerals are not getting properly dissolved by our kidney. The result these materials do crystallization. Which generates small shape solid balls. These are called Kidney Stone. It blockage flow in kidney. Kidney stones are very painful.
Seven million people in India suffer from this disorder. Male female ratio: It occurs more frequently in men than in women. It is rare in children.
Kidney stones have affected humans throughout history with descriptions of surgery to remove them dating from as early as 600 BCE. Between 15% of people globally are affected by kidney stones at some point in their lives. In 2015, 22.1 million cases occurred, resulting in about 16,100 deaths. They have become more common in the Western world since the 1970s.
Facing abdominal pain near Kidney? – Stay aware of Kidney Stone
As the kidneys
filters waste from the blood, they create urine. Sometimes salt and
other minerals in the urine stick together to form kidney
stones and may travel down the urinary tract. A small, hard
deposit that forms in the kidneys and is often painful when
passes. It varies in location and mineral content. The stone can be
as tiny as grain, (this one usually pass out during urination without much
pain or discomfort) or as large as a lemon.
Large stone can cause even kidney damage.
Stones can partly block the flow of
urine and this may result in infections as well as accumulation of waste
matter in the blood. Passing of large stones through urethra can be
extremely painful and is called renal colic. Stone formation, as well as
bacterial infections or accumulation of toxic material, may lead
to chronic inflammation of kidneys also called nephritis. If the
condition continues to deteriorate, uraemia or renal failure
- Urinary calculus is deposited commonly in kidneys, ureter, bladder or urethra.
- There are different types of kidney stones each made up of a different substance.
- Calcium stones most kidney stones are made of calcium compounds, especially calcium oxalate.
- Uric acid stones- some kidney stones are made of Uric acid, a waste product normally passed out of the body in the urine.
- Staghorn stones or triple–phosphate calculi they can also be called infection stones accompanied by urinary tract infection.
- Cystine stones- these are less common kidney stones.
- Oxalic acid stones and mixed stones
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Calcium Oxalate |
- Most stones form by a combination of genetics and environmental factors.
- Stones form in the kidney when minerals in urine are at high concentration.
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
- Over dose of Vitamin A & D and Minerals
- Kidney diseases
- Heredity
- Some people are more susceptible to forming kidney stones, and heredity may play a role.
- People with renal tubular acidosis,
- hypercalciuria (high level of calcium in the urine). People with problem metabolizing a variety of chemicals including cystine (an amino acid), oxalate (a salt of organic acid), and Uric acid (as in Gout). Excessive sweating.
- Geographical location :There may be a geographic predisposition to forming kidney stones. There are regional stone belts in India where the water is hard for example states of Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat and Rajasthan.
- More salinity in water, hot climate with inadequate fluid intake will cause relative dehydration with their urine becoming more concentrated that helps to form stones.
- If a person is susceptible to forming kidney stones than foods high in animal protein and salt may increase the risk.
- Decrease fluid intake.
- Hard water, decrease urine output
- Metabolic disorder.
- Dehydration a major risk factor
- Excessive weight is linked to a kidney stone.
- Physical inactivity
& Symptoms
- Blood in Urine.
- Uncontrollable urge to Urinate.
- Nausea & Vomiting.
- Heavy pain near abdominal areas. Intense pain is the hallmark of kidney stone along with pain in abdomen, groins and flank.
- If a stone grows to more than 5 millimeters (0.2 inches), it can cause blockage of the ureter, resulting in sharp and severe pain in the lower back or abdomen,
- Painful urination.
- High grade Fever 103-4 degrees fahrenheit
- Burning sensation during urination.
Risk Factors
- High urine calcium levels,
- Obesity with sedentary lifestyle is the main reason behind stone formation in kidney,
- Certain foods, some
- Medications : People taking diuretic or "water pill", those who consume excess calcium-containing antacid. Taking an excess amount of Vitamin A & D is also associated with higher level of calcium in the urine. Patient with HIV infection take the medication indinavir (crixivan) forms indinavir stones. Antiepileptic medicine phenytoin (Dilantin) and antibiotic ceftriaxone (Rocephin), Ciprofloxacin Patient of peptic ulcer on milk
- Calcium supplements, hypercalciuria (high level of calcium in the urine)
- Hyperparathyroidism,
- Gout
- Not drinking enough fluids.
- The diagnosis is usually based on symptoms, urine testing, and medical imaging ' Blood test may also be useful. Stones are typically classified by their location: nephrolithiasis (in the kidney), ureterolithiasis (in the ureter), cystolithiasis (in the bladder), or by what they are made of (calcium oxalate, uric acid, struvite, cystine).
- Establish location, size, the number of stones
- Access renal function, serum creatinine and urea
- Rule out infection and obstruction (urine culture, ultrasound, IVU (intravenous pyelography).
- X- ray called KUB (Kidney, Ureter and bladder), CT scan
- Metabolic screening for a cause of stones (serum and urinary calcium, phosphate, Uric acid)
Solutions for keeping kidney clean :
- Drinking 3-4 liters of water can remove kidney stones without surgery.
- The Pomegranate juice can control the acidity of urine. It can prevent the stone formation in kidney.
- Add Basil leaves : The basil leaves has the property to control uric acid formation in kidneys.
- Keep yourself well hydrated with plain water to keep the urine and kidney pH levels healthy.
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day and increase it in summer to keep the urine and kidney Ph level healthy.
- Use the washroom whenever you need to. Holding back beyond a point leads to acidic urine.
- Acidic beverages like fizzy drinks, alcohol, tea and coffee must be limited, as their oxalates increase the body's propensity for kidney stones.
- Eat calcium rich foods like curd and paneer with peanuts, spinach and beetroot, so that the calcium and oxalates can bind in the stomach.
- Consume barley in the form of barley water, sattu, and atta, as it is good for kidneys.
- Drink lemon juice, shikanji and coconut water as they help make the body alkaline. Also, vegetable juice taken on an empty stomach have the same effect.
- Use salt discreetly. Consume ½ to 1 tsp / day i.e. 3-5 grams/ day. Do not add salt in menu items like chapattis, rice, salads, soup, and alike.
- Make use of flavours such as fresh lime juice, onion flakes, mango powder (amchur), vinegar, tamarind pulp Kokum, garlic-ginger and green chilies.
- Prepare meals without using Aji-no-motto, baking soda, and ENO powder
- Go for walk or jog and exercise daily.
- Dietary adjustments help to prevent the reoccurrence and also to alleviate the symptoms.
- Daily water intake of at least 3-4 litres helps. If in this water juice of 2-3 lemons could also be taken, it dissolves excessive Uric acid and gives relief
- Eating a low protein, low sodium diet with adequate calcium decreases the chances of developing stone.
- Eat foods with high fibre, which include vegetables, fruits, grains, salads etc.
- Consult your doctor if you take body building supplements to avoid overloading your kidneys.
- It is recommended that soft drinks containing phosphoric acid (typically colas) be avoided.
1: First lie on the stomach and
fold up the legs maintaining the ankles on the hip. Both knees and toes
should be touching.
2: Now hold both the legs with
both hands from the ankle.
3: While breath in knees should be
raised and thighs should be stretched up and keep the hands straight.
4: After raising the lower portion of
the body, the upper portion including stomach, chest, neck and head
should also be raised. The only portion that should contact the floor ideally
is the abdominal section about the naval area. Rest of the body parts
should be lifted creating the shape like stretched bow.
In Sanskrit Garuda means kidneys.
1: First stand straight and
then bring left leg forward over the right leg and now coil left leg
over right leg.
2: In similar manner coil both the
hands together and both palms should touch each other in a position
of Namaskar. Hold it for some times and then repeat its steps
with another side of the body.
Halasana- Plough Pose
1: Lie down on the floor on your
back and come into Ardha Halasana posture. Exhale slowly and
press the palms on the floor. Raise your posterior, hips and lower
back off the ground.
2: While raising the lower part of your
body, bring the feet closer down to the ground near your head. Keep your
knees straight.
3: Try to touch the ground with
your feet. Inhale and breathe normally. Move your toes away from the head
along the floor with a further curvature of the spine until it reaches the
maximum limit.
4: Assume a steady posture and
exhale completely. Breathe deeply. Exhale and slide the toes further
such that your lower thighs lie just above the forehead. Continue to
breathe normally.
5: From a chin lock with your chin
pressing against the chest. Bring both hands to the side of your head.
Form a finger lock encircling your head.
6: Keep your legs straight and
toes should be pressing the ground. Bring the hands back to the sides
of the body. Inhale slowly and bring the legs back to the vertical
position without bending the knees. Exhale and now bring the legs back on
the ground.
1: From the seated position with
both legs out in front of you, place the left foot on the floor on the
outside of the right knee, left knee positioning skywards.
2: Bend the right knee and bring the
right foot to the outside of the left hip.
3: Inhaling to strengthen and
lengthen the spine, exhale as you twist to the left and bring
the right elbow to the outside of the left knee. The arm may be bent or
4: Remain in this simple twist for
several breaths, lengthening the spine with the inhale and deepening the twist
with the exhale.
1: lie down on your back with legs
stretched out and arms on the sides. Inhale and lift your legs up and keep
it perpendicular to the ground.
2: Fold your legs at the knee and bring
the knees close to your chin. Keep the knees and ankles of both legs
together. Try to catch the elbows of the opposite hands.
3: Raise your head above the ground.
Bend your neck and try to touch the forehead. On the knees. Breathing normally,
maintain the posture for sometimes.
4: Straighten your neck and bring your
head back to the ground.Release your knees and bring the hands to the
sides. Inhale slowly and lift your legs up to make 90 degrees with the
ground. Exhale and bring the legs back on the ground.
Uttanapadasana (the
raised leg pose)
1: lie down on the floor on your back
with your legs straight and joined together. Keep your hands on either side,
palms facing down,
2: Inhale and raise both legs from
the ground. Knees should be straight and toes pointing outward. Keep
raising your legs till they are perpendicular to the ground.
3: Fix your gaze at the
toes. Maintain this posture for as long as you can, breathing
normally. Exhale and lower your legs gradually.
Surya Namaskar
Daily practicing Surya Namaskar keeps one's kidney fit.
The rapid lower abdominal
breathing. It is a normal inspiration and forceful expiration. It is
a general energy cleanser that is toning and rejuvenating for such internal
organs as the kidneys. It is generally practiced in sets of 60 to 120
breaths. Rest in Shavasana pose after this
Shat karma
Kati snana Hipbath
- 100 grams of cherries a day is good for gout.
- Asparagus (Shatavari) juice helps in the breaking up of oxalic acid crystals in the whole system.
- Cranberry juice can prevent the formation of stones.
- Parsley juice helps in breaking stones.
- A 20 gram of Rice bran per day is a good prevention against kidney stones.
- Guava with mineral Sulphur, sodium and chlorine help tackling Uric acid in cases of gout.
- Fresh Pineapple 60 grams daily is useful for the cure of kidney stones.
- Take plantain (banana) with either in the form of juice or as a food.
- Eat ripe Jamun fruit or its seed powder with curd can be taken.
- Eat cooling foods such as coconut water, rice, celery, cucumber., corn silk tea, barley, pineapple juice, bananas, carrot, bitter gourd (Karela)
- Insoluble dietary fiber, found in wheat, rye, barley, and brown rice may help to reduce calcium in the urine.
- Eating potassium rich food such as barley, potatoes, wheat flour, cauliflower and banana can help avoid stone formation
- An insoluble fiber as found in fruits, salads and vegetables also speeds up the movement of substances through the intestine so there will be less time for calcium to be absorbed. The phytates in the fibers combine with calcium in the intestines, so the calcium is excreted with the stool instead of through the kidneys.
- Fruits like papaya, apple, guava and vegetables like bottle guard, tinda, raw papaya drumstick, cucumber is good.
- Bijora Lemon (Nimbu) good for renal calculi.
To avoid
- Avoid high protein diet meats, eggs, pork, beef, beans, mushrooms, nuts, pulses kidney beans (rajma), Chickpeas, cowpeas (Lobhia) for Uric acid stones.
- Avoid grapefruit juice which is linked to the development of kidney stones.
- Avoid intake of coffee and tea.
- Avoid carbonated drinks (they contain phosphorus) , which include all sodas.
- Avoid Amaranthus (Chaulai), cashew nuts, pumpkin, brinjal.
- Avoid food containing high oxalates (dark green vegetables) may increase the risk of stone formation.
- Avoid Consuming of high salt foods which contribute to more calcium in the urine.
- Avoid papad, chutney, pickle, chips, masala, sauces, bread and baked items.
- Bergenia ligulata or Paashaanbhed- It can be effectively used in the treatment of renal calculi. Dried powder rhizome 1-3 GMs twice a day. For decoction 20-30 gms rhizomes.
- Boerhavia diffuse or Punarnava decoction of the plant is given in renal calculi.
- Bryophyllum pinnatum or Patharchur miracle leaf is one of the prominent plant drug used in Ayurveda to disintegrate the stones in the kidney as it possesses lithotriptic property. Take fresh leaf juice along with 2-3-pepper grain powder twice a day for 15 days to expel kidney stones. Its leaves decoction dissolves kidney stones.
- Aegle marmelos or Beal/ Wood Apple 1 tsp of fruit pulp powder is taken orally with coconut milk for 14 days to dissolve the kidney stone. Or 1 tsp leaf powder is mixed in 100 ml coconut milk taken twice a day to expel kidney stones.
- Crataeva nurvala or Varuna Three-leaved caper – decoction made from the bark is consumed twice daily for seven days.
- Cynodon dactylon Or Durva (Dhub grass) Root decoction is given with honey or Misri ( sugar candy) twice daily for 3 weeks.
- Daucus carrots Or carrot one glass of carrot juice is taken regularly for a fortnight.
- Dilochus biflorus or horse gram is known as (कुलथी,kulath dal) in Hindi. Soak 2 tsp dal overnight, in the morning eat the dal along with water. Or 40 grams of horsegram boiled with 8 parts water till it becomes 1/8 ,decoction after adding Sendha namak divided in three parts . It has the ability to reduce cholesterol. It also cures kidney or gall bladder stones.
- Foeniculum vulgar or Saunf. Its tea is good in renal calculi. To make saunf tea, ½ tsp of crushes Saunf seeds in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes.
- Musa paradesice or Banana Decoction of musa root along with axis of maize is given twice daily for calculi.
- Phyllanthus fraternus Bhumyamalaki 10 GMs fresh plant extract pounded with 5 gms pepper and 5 GMs turmeric. 2 gm from the preparation is orally taken for daily 3-5 days to dissolve stones.
- Ricinus communis Castor or Eranda Root decoction along with a dried ginger powder, one pinch of Hing and common salt is taken twice daily for seven days.
- Sesamum indicum Til Dried tender leaves are pounded with water. The preparation is taken orally for 14 days.
- Tinospora indicum Amruthbel or Guduchi (giloy) crushed stems are kept in earthen pots with water undisturbed. After three days supernatant is discarded and precipitate dried. 5 grams of this is orally taken daily for 14 days.
- Tribulus terrestis Gokshura 1 gm leaf/ fruit powder is mixed in 100 ml of water and orally taken twice a day for one month.
- Trigonella foenum- graceum Methi soak half tbsp of methi seeds overnight and early morning on empty stomach consume soaked methi seeds along with water. It reduces the amount of calcium oxalate in the kidneys.
- Zee mays Maize 50 grams ( corn silk tea) silk hair are boiled in 2 litres of water and reduce to half. 50 ml of preparation orally taken 10 times a day for two days to expel stones
- Wheat Grass Juice : Drink a glassful of wheat grass juice early morning every day. It is rich in antioxidants.
Kidney mudra
Formation- The little finger and
the ring fingertips are to be placed at the base of the thumb and thumb
should be placed over the two fingers.
Shoonya mudra
Formation- Tip of the middle finger is
to be placed at the base of the thumb and the thumb is to be placed on the
back of the middle finger gently.
Shankha mudra
Formation – Place the thumb of the left
hand at the base of the right thumb.Fold the fingers of the right hand covering
the left thumb. Join the index finger of the left hand with the thumb tip
of the right hand. The other three fingers of the left hand are to be placed
on the back of the right palm.
Prana mudra
Formation- The tip of
little fingers and ring fingers are joined with the tip of
the thumbs.
Parsvasandhi Marma
Location- The junction of vertebral
column and ribs, which are known as the renal angle, is the site of
parsvasandhi marma. To self-identify the point place your palm on
the waist such that the little finger is on the midline and thumbs
are on the back at the level of D 12 vertebra.
Stimulation- Sitting in
Vajra Asana now press the point with the thumb 18 times for
.8 secs on either side. The stimulation of this marma point checks
the functionality of adrenal glands and kidneys. It helps to release pain
at the back especially of iliopsoas muscle.
Swadishthan Chakra (energy
Sitting in Padma Asana or Sukh
Asana one should concentrate on Swadishthan chakra.
Prevention of
recurrent calcium stones
1: In those who have had stones, prevention is by drinking fluids such that more than two liters of urine are produced per day.
2: Avoid food rich in calcium (milk
products , shellfish) and oxalate ( chocolate,cocoa,tea,coffee,citrus
fruits,tomato,spinach,plums,nuts,beer,cola drinks).
3: Avoid vitamin C, Ca
supplements, Calcium containing antacids.
4: Rule out and treat the following
renal tubular acidosis, hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D excess, milk-alkali syndrome.
5: Milk of magnesia 1 tab TDS
Prevention of triple
phosphate stones:
1: Maintain urine output more than 3
litres daily.
2: Keep urine sterile ( stones grows in
infected urine).
3: Avoid phosphate rich foods such as
organ meats, shellfish,
4: Alludrox 2 tsp after each meal
reduces phosphate absorption.
5: Surgical intervention
to completely remove all existing stones. (Any residue causes recurrent
Prevention of cystine
1: Ensure daily urine output more than
3 litres.
2: Alkalinise urine ( syrup Alkacitron
2 tsp daily).
3: Avoid excess egg, meat,
milk products.
Prevention of Uric
acid stones
1: Ensure daily urine output of at
least 3 litres.
2: Alkalinise urine.
3: Avoid red meat, fish, poultry, organ
meats, spinach, tea, coffee.
4: To chew drumstick leaves(
Moringa oleifera) .
Home Remedies for Kidney stones
In the early age of kidney stones the above tips are very effective. In case of delay in kidney problems consult your family doctor.
- Horsegram Dal is a very effective medicine for Kidney stones. Prepare Horse Gram Dal. 2 times a day drink this.
- Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is very effective for kidney care. Regular practice to eat tulsi leaves keeps kidney healthy. Everyday morning take 1 spoon honey & 1 spoon tulsi leavejuice. Mix it well & eat regularly. It helps to dissolve kidney stones.
- Watermelon provides the required ingredients to keep our kidney healthy. Water & Potassium content in watermelon helps to dissolve kidney stones. Eat watermelon & drink watermelon juice. Regular intake of watermelon juice give fastest result to cure kidney problems.
- Pomegranate is a best home remedy for kidney stones. contains astringent property which helps to dissolve kidney stones. Eat Pomegranate seeds or drink Pomegranate juice.
- Big Lemon (Karna Nimbu / Khatta Orange) : (Citrus dimorphocarpa) or (Citrus Aurantium var. Karna)Remedy for kidney stone. Karna lemon is a natural Indian hybrid (bitter orange x lemon), very common in the state of Himachal Pradesh and the Himalayan foothills.The fruit is large (300gr to 500 gr) with a thick peel and looks like a citron of orange color when fully ripe. The flavor is acidic, a little bitter with a slight orange aroma. It is a good lemon of the cold, generous in juice.
The tree is moderately vigorous, with dark green foliage and red young shoots.
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Karna Nimbu |
It is called Karna Nimbu in Jaipur (Rajasthan) . It is dark green in color. It is three times bigger than normal lemon. A karna Karna nimbu (lemon)is almost tennis ball size & and it's nice is very bitter compared with ordinary lemon.It is said to be a remedy for Kidney Stones.A karna nimbu juice twice in a day, if used with glass full of coconut juice gives benefit and remove Kidney Stones.
Lemon juice acts as a diuretic that increases the volume of urine to pass. As you tend to pass more urine, the chances of kidney stones passing through the urine increases. So, you must have lemon juice every day once or twice to prevent the pesky stones from staying in your kidneys for too long.
- Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is the best way to prevent kidney stones. If you drink less water, the output of your urine will be low. Low urine output means less likely to dissolve a urine salt that causes stones and your urine is more concentrated.
- Intaking lemonade and orange juice are the best options. They contain citrate which can prevent forming the kidney stone.
- Try to drink about eight glasses of fluids on a daily basis which is sufficient to pass 2 litres of urine. You will require additional fluids If you sweat a lot or exercise, and if you have a family history of cystine stone.
- Eat foods that are rich in calcium. A low-calcium diet may increase the risk of kidney stones and give rise to osteoporosis. Low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, and low-fat cheese are all calcium-rich foods.
- The risk of calcium kidney stones increases if you are on a high-salt diet. High salts can prevent absorbing calcium from the urine to the blood. This can cause high calcium in urine, leading to stone formation. So, you should intake a low-salt diet to reduce the level of calcium in the urine.
- Eat fewer oxalate-rich foods, which is considered a natural compound found in foods to bind with calcium in the urine to form kidney stones. Limiting oxalate-rich foods prevents the stone from foods. Consume high oxalate foods like spinach, coffee, chocolate, beets, rhubarb, peanut, and wheat bran.
- Consume fewer animal proteins as they are acidic and may increase urine acid. High urine acid can cause both calcium oxalate and uric acid kidney stones. Avoid poultry, beef, pork, and fish.
When a stone causes no symptoms, no treatment is needed; otherwise, pain control is usually the first measure, using medications such as non-steroid anti inflammatory drugs or opioids. Larger stones may be helped to pass with the medication tamsulosin or may require procedures such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy, , or percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Hydrotherapy: Unless –
1: Stone too large to pass out( more
than 8 mm).
Stones that are 8mm or larger
usually do not pass on their own and require intervention. The stone that is 5
mm in size have a 20% chance of passing on their own. While 80% of
stone that is 4 mm in size have a chance of passing without treatment.
thiazide, diuretic, citrate, or allopurinol may be taken
Tab Neeri a perfect poly herbal regime
2 tablets three times a day.
Tab Cystone 2 TDS for
kidney stones.
Medicine for infection.
Uro- analgesic Tab Pyridium.
StonOff TM Abhumka Herbal,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, have come out with the tribal formulation. It
dissolves the stone and facilitates smooth exit along with urine. It delivers
the result in 15 days to three months.
Lithotripsy is the procedure that uses
shock waves to break a kidney stone into smaller pieces that can be more easily
expelled from the body.
Surgical management: Indicated if
hydrotherapy fails.
Options include ESWL (extra corporeal
shock wave lithotripsy), URS ureterorenoscopy) and rarely open surgery.
* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.
Very informative!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks .
ReplyDeleteCovers all asoects. Very informative. People, who for other medical conditions, have to take certain medicines can take preventive measures mentioned.
DeleteThanks for you valuable suggestions.
ReplyDeleteVeryinformative and nice post. Aasans are leanthy and difficult to understand for first timer .Interesting topic
DeleteThanks for the comment I am glad you found it informative
DeleteQuite informative. Nicely written.
ReplyDeleteExtremely informative article, explains 3 treatments and a whole array of prevention methods.
ReplyDeletePlease keep sharing the deep insights you have gained with years of study & practical experience.
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ReplyDeleteGreat information looking forward for more on topics like reversal of diabetes, insomania
ReplyDeleteThanks ,your suggestion well taken.
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