Hand Yoga or Hasta Mudras
Hand Yoga Or Hasta Mudras
(Healing Mudras, Seal, Symbol, Close up, Hand Gestures ,हस्त मुद्रा)
(Mudras Healing, Seal, Symbol, Close up, Hand Gestures ,हस्त मुद्रा)
"Like Yoga, Mudras Are boon to mankind".
The Sanskrit word mudra can be translated as "to seal, or to close or lock up" or 'a gesture or a symbol', expression of Mudra in yoga are combination of subtle physical movements which alter moods, attitude and perception, and which deepens awareness and concentration. When we think of life force (Prana) as being an electricity of the body, we can also think of mudras as creating a "short circuit" in the flow of that energy within the body. Mudras manipulate Prana in much the same way that a mirror or cliff face diverts the energy in the form of light or sound waves. The Channels (nadis) and energy centers (chakras) constantly radiate Prana that normally escapes from the body and dissipates into the external world. By creating barriers within the body through the practice of mudra, the energy is redirected within.
"Mudras" are blessings for mankind. They have a scientific basis and are very effective in day to day life to maintain excellent health. It aids in dealing with indigestion, watering of eyes and cramps. Ancient science of mudras is one of the greatest and finest gifts of India to the world. This science imparts knowledge that leads to self discovery, while providing a means to balance and maintain health independently and maximize the joy of living.
The science of mudras, a part of yoga is based on the fundamental principles of life, namely the five elements. Akash (ether/space), Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jala (water) and Prithavi (earth). The five Pranas, Prana, Udana, Samana, Apana,Vyana and three doshas, Vata, pitta, Kapha.
"The law of nature and law of health can't be violated. If violated we cannot live unpunished."
"Mud" meaning joy and "dravya" meaning to draw forth. The 'sat-chit- ananda - bliss 'which is latent in all of us," Mudra is considered as a part of yoga. In asanas senses are primary and Prana are secondary. Where as in mudras, senses as secondary and Prana is primary. Originated in India, Mudras have lived with us thousands of years through gestures performed during worship and prayers (Sandhya Vandana). Various Indian dances forms are also replete with silent eloquence of mudras. If dance is a language, mudras are its words. Lord Buddha Adopted mudra for meditation
"Hasta Mudras are formed with fingers"
The five fingers of each hand represent the five elements of body.
Adopt any of these Mudras through the pranayama session. Samana/Vayu/Apana/Apana Vayu mudra.
Samana mudra activates Manipur Chakra and helps in complete digestion.
Apana mudra will help in excretion of all the waste produced during digestion.
Apana Vayu mudra will encourage proper blood circulation and does the function of both Vayu and Apana mudra.
Fire or Agni is supreme among all the five element, as it is able to control the other four elements. Similarly the thumb is the most important among the five fingers of the hand.Thumb supports the other fingers to function as we desire.Therefore thumb is called Agni.Thumb is responsible for balancing, decreasing or increasing the other elements by forming Mudras. We can manipulate fingers and thumbs in various gestures and regulate the element, thereby restoring health.
Mudra practice establish a direct link between the five sheaths (Koshas) , seven energy centers (Chakras) in the body and the dynamic power, (Kundalini). All deities like Krishna, Shiva, Saraswati, Laxmi, Buddha, Mahavir, Christ, Shankaracharya have been known to remain in these Mudras for long duration. Krishna who used to perform Jnana mudra so he could flow the nectar like (Bhagavad Gita - an epic) into the world.
Mudra means a seal or a close up.
Rishis and sages in their meditation discovered that the whole universe is composed of five elements and hence all matter and creatures are composed of those five elements called - Pancha Mahabhutas . They are fire, space, wind, earth and water. They also learnt that the human structure is a miniature form of the universe and hence is also composed of the same five elements.The Rishis logically proved that the balance of these five elements in human beings establishes health where as imbalances of these five elements causes diseases. They also discovered to balance these five elements through the various gestures of fingers which are called "Hasta Mudras."
The Mudras are mainly performed as gestures by fingers, hand positions and also in combination with asanas, pranayama, bandha and the technique involving eye movements. Mudras help create and maintain equilibrium in the body elements that result in healthy life. Mudras are comprehensive in nature. They create inner peace and strength, eliminate fatigue and anxiety, promote physical and emotional health, help relieve stress, depression and anger.They calm the mind, sharpen the intellect and promote love, happiness, prosperity and longevity.
Our fingers emit Electro - magnetic power which is arrested by Mudras. With the right positioning for prescribed periods, Mudras can rejuvenate the body, heal diseases, also help in spiritual awakening.
"Choosing vibrant health is the choice and need of the hour."
The diet lifestyle and stresses of life lure body and mind away from equilibrium. This causes dis - balance in the five elements, hence invite disease. In order to create equilibrium in our body and mind Mudras act as a remote control and maintain balance of the five elements within the body. They remove disorders. So mudras help in regaining health and happiness. Chanting (Mantras) & performing Mudras purify and energize our body through their vibrations.
Mudras are mainly performed as gestures by fingers, hand positions and also in combination with asanas, pranayama, bandha and techniques involving eye movements. Mudras help create and maintain equilibrium in the body elements that result in a healthy life.
"The practice of Mudras aids in creating balance among the Pranas."
While performing any mudra combining the finger tip with thumb tip, the subtle sensation of vibration is felt. Similarly when we perform Namaste, joining both hands or place one palm, upon the other as in Dhyana Mudra, we feel a strong sensation of vibration. This proves the presence of the Electro Magnetic power flowing in our body.
The Mudras are comprehensive in nature. They create inner peace and strength, eliminate fatigue and anxiety, promote physical and emotional health, help relieve stress, depression and anger. They calm the mind, sharpen the intellect and promote love, happiness, prosperity and longevity.
Man is the greatest creation of god. Within the human body, the hand is one of the most important organs. (कर्मेन्द्रिय). Our body constantly emits electromagnetic power through nerves from the fingertips, nose, lips ears and toes. So our fingertips becomes the key to good health through mudras. So yoga Mudras become the torch bearers for the modern age to maintain health.
Adopt any of these Mudras through the Pranayama session. Samana/Vayu/Apana/Apana Vayu mudra.
"Mudras are powerful and simple tools that you can use anywhere and anytime to change your emotional state and improve the flow of energy in your life. They can restore physical and mental health and help you to find your way on your spiritual journey. Just by taking pause, breathing in, breathing out and taking the mudra."
Guidelines For Mudra Therapy
Balance, decrease, increase or empowerment
- Touching the tip of the finger and thumb balances the element represented by the finger.
- Touching the finger tip at the base of the thumb decreases the elements.
- Touching the thumb tip to the base of the finger increases the element.
- Touching the tip of the fingers of both the hands increases the power of the 5 elements. Hence memory is sharpened.
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Powerful Panch Mukhi Mudra |
- A light contact between the tip of the thumbs and the fingers is sufficient . One need not apply pressure.
- Fingers not actively involved in the mudra should be comfortably straight.
- Whenever possible perform the mudra with both the hands.
- Mudras can be practiced any time any way while sitting , standing, walking, travelling, watching TV, listening to music or even while sleeping.
- While sitting place the palms on the thighs
- Mudras can be performed by anybody and facing any direction. Chanting of mantras (e.g Om, Gayatri, Om Namah Shivaya) with mudras yield greater effect.
- Even passive performance of mudras with rubber band, sticking tapes to unconscious / insane people or for children while they are sleeping, proves beneficial.
- Suitable dietary changes can reinforce the benefits of mudras where as unsuitable diet may offset the good effect of the Mudra. A person's recovery from disease is expected by combining Mudra therapy with correct diet.
- Mudra therapy can be combined with medicine or Yoga therapy. For general well being, 6 Mudras are to be practiced everyday for ten minutes each. They are : Jnana, Prithavi, Apana, Prana, Shoonya,, Vayu and Dhyana.
- During therapy the specific Mudra is to be practiced for 50 minutes followed by Prana Mudra.
- Linga Mudra should not be performed more than 15 minutes at a time as it generates lot of heat within a body.
- Some Mudra show their effect immediately - e.g. Shoonya Mudra, cures vertigo within a few seconds. Similarly, Apana Vayu Mudra instant relief during a heart attack. In case of chronic diseases Mudras like Vayu, Soorya and Jalodhar Nashaka can show their effect within 8-15 days.
- Mudras has capacity to withdraw addiction e.g. Smack, LSD, intoxication and other mental maladies. Regular practice of mudra can control bad habits like lying and thieving.
- Prana, Apana, Prithvi, and Jnana Mudra can be practiced for an unlimited time.
- Healthy people should regularly practice Jnana, Prithvi, Apana, Dhyana, Prana and Shoonya, Vayu mudras everyday for 10 minutes each so that they would remain healthy throughout their lives.
- While performing mudras, placing the hands on the thighs / knees creates another Pranic circuit that stimulates the Gupta nadi- hidden channels in the thighs and helps stimulate the energies at Mooladhara Chakra. This results in increasing energy within the body.
10 Powerful Hand Mudras - Healing tools in the palm of your hand
- Jnana Mudra.
- Prithvi Mudra.
- Vayu Mudra.
- Shunya Mudra.
- Surya Mudra.
- Prana Mudra.
- Apana Mudra.
- Vyana Vayu Mudra.
- Varuna Mudra
- Linga Mudra.
1 . Prana Mudra
प्राण मुद्रा Mudra of Life. Which Increases Stamina, Vitality, Strength and Immunity.
In Bhagwata Gita it is stated that God Krishna is present in the body in form of Prana Vayu.
Introduction :
Prana Vayu is very important Vayu among the ten types of Vayus which exist in the body. Prana Vayu is breath itself, it is found in the nostrils, face, heart and respiratory organs. It covers the space till navel. This is the force that is associated with the organs of respiration, speech, the gullet, muscles and nerves that activate these organs. It is by this force that the breath is drawn inside.
Formation :
The tip of the little fingers and ring fingers are joined with the tips of the thumbs.
Effect :
The major part of our body is earth / Prithvi and water / Jal. Joining the finger tips balancing these elements results in increasing stamina, vitality, strength and immunity. This mudra starts the flow of vital energy in our body as if life dynamo has been started.While practicing meditation along with this mudra, the whole body feels vibration. Practicing this mudra makes a person mentally and physically strong.
Benefits :
- The Prana mudra is often called the mudra of life since Prana is the energy of our life force. This mudra helps to give you a boost of energy and remove tiredness.
- For removal of fatigue, for provision of vitamins, for immunity for stamina and vigor, for maintaining health of the eyes.
- Chronic fatigue, general debility, low endurance.
- Mental tension, anger, irritability, jealousy, pride, restlessness,
- Inflammatory disorders.
- Forgetfulness.Scanty, burning urination
- Burning red, dry eyes, cataract.
- Dry red hot ageing skin, skin rashes, urticaria and leprosy.
- Any ailment of eye is relieved, eye sight is improved.
- The element of earth, water and fire are joined, so this helps remove obstacles present in blood vessels resulting in improved blood circulation.
- This mudra removes impurities present in blood and stimulates joy, energy, delight, zeal, hope and perseverance.
- Prana mudra helps remove any kind of deficiency of vitamins A,B,C,D,E and K. All vitamins are provided by this mudra.
- Any type of cramps in muscles or veins and pain in legs are cured.
- During fast this mudra can help control hunger and thirst.
- To treat any disease Prana mudra is like a friend that help other mudras.
- To cure insomnia, Jnana mudra is to be followed by Prana mudra.
- To cure diabetes Apana Mudra is to be followed by Prana mudra.
- Numbness in any part of the body is cured by Prana mudra.
- It activates the root Chakra Mooladhar Chakra.
2. Apana Mudra
अपान मुद्रा The Mudra of Elimination & Digestion . Dysmenorrhea, Constipation, Flatulence. Migraine, Backache, Body detoxification, Improves immunity and for Skin health.
Introduction :
This force is located below the navel region and provides energy to the large intestine, kidneys, anus and the genitals.This force is concerned with the expulsion of waste produced during digestion in the form of sweat, urine, feces etc from the body. Apana mudra keeps the body clean.
Formation :
Tip of the thumb is to be joined with the tip of middle and ring fingers.
Effect :
Apana Mudra is a combination of Agni, Akash, and Prithvi element, combination of these elements improves digestion and provision of calcium and vitamins.
Benefits :
This Mudra helps improves the flow of perspiration, urine and stool. Apana mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders
- Apana Mudra will help in excretion of all waste products during digestion.
- Apana mudra is the mudra of elimination and the downward release of things from the body like elimination, menstruation and babies! It can also help to eliminate negative thinking.
- For good digestion, for healthy gums, and teeth, for healthy excretory system for elimination of waste and for immunity.
- Constipation, flatulence and piles.
- Absence of sweat.
- Stomach problems such as stomach pain,vomiting, hiccups and restlessness.
- Soothes toothache in general, practicing this mudra every day for 10 minutes help maintain healthy teeth.
- Diabetes is controlled by a disciplined practice of this mudra for 50 minutes (one should also perform pranayama for 30 minutes. Diabetes should follow these mudras lifelong to keep diabetes in control.
- Acidity is pacified.
- Migraine will be relieved with Apana Mudra and Jnana Mudra each for half an hour.
- For safe delivery a pregnant lady should practice this Mudra daily for 10 minutes a month before the due date.
- Apana Mudra is especially beneficial to women, helping to regulate the menstrual cycle and easing childbirth.
- This mudra activates the Mooladhar Chakra and Swadhisthan Chakra.
3. Jnana Mudra
ज्ञान मुद्रा Mudra Of Knowledge, Or Mudra of Wisdom, Sacred hand Gesture Used for Meditation, Reduces stress.
Jnana Mudra balances Vayu in our body and steadies the mind.
Formation :
- This Mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumbs and the index picture
Effect :
Wind or Vayu causes movements and thoughts. Fire or Agni is related to the brain. When the tip of the index finger and the thumb joined together the Vayu gets stabilized. Vayu and agni together controls the mind. That is why the Mudra is called Jnana Mudra or Mudra of wisdom. At the top of the thumb lie the points of the endocrine glands Pituitary and Pineal. Performing this Mudra balances their secretion.
Pituitary gland :
This gland controls air and space in the body. This is the king of all glands So it sends order to all other glands. This gland controls will power, sight, hearing, memory and sense of discrimination. Pituitary controls the growth of body. An overworked Pituitary gland makes people physically big in size. while an under worked Pituitary may result in making them smaller in size. This gland also governs the growth of the mind - brain.This gland may be damaged due to fear, injury or tension during pregnancy, leading to malfunctioning of the other glands and that in turn could result in giving birth to mentally retarded children. An improper functioning of this gland tends to make people mean, liars and bullies.
As Pituitary and Pineal glands are situated in the heads it is harmful to hit the children on head. When Pituitary gland is predominant it helps people to become great geniuses, eminent literary men, poet, scientist, philosophers and lovers of mankind.
Pineal gland : Pineal gland also controls the development of other glands and regulates them. Malfunctioning of this gland leads to high BP and sex delinquency. Moreover it controls the potassium and sodium balances in the body. Its malfunctioning leads to excessive retention of fluids. The gland controls the proper flow of cerebro spinal fluid thus keeping all the glands and body vitalized, strong and healthy.This gland is also known as "third eye". The prominence of this gland generates a sense of sublimity helping men to grow into saints, endowed with divine qualities. These people have great wisdom and will power.They are not affected by physical suffering or sorrow,
In modern times stress/tension/worry/fear have increased and these often disturb all endocrine glands. Therefore balancing these glands with Jnana Mudra becomes very crucial
Benefits :
- Jnana means knowledge and this mudra is used to stimulate knowledge within. It stimulates the pituitary, enhances mental function and concentration and helps to let go of anger and sadness.
- At the top of the thumb lie the points of the endocrine glands. Pituitary and Pineal. Performing this mudra balances their secretion.
- Jnana Mudra balances Vayu in our body and steadies the mind.
- Performed to increase brain power.
- Improve memory, attaining peace and remove the tension.
- This mudra is good for deaddiction.
- Tendons, veins become strong.
- Mental power of grasping, concentration and memory increases.
- Empower the mind causing a positive effect on emotions and leading to enlightenment.
- Facilitates movements of electrical impulses along nerve.
- Empowers Pituitary gland and thereby entire system of endocrine glands.
- Empower the muscles both voluntary and involuntary.
- Empower vocal cords and voice by empowering the thyroid gland.
- Mental maladies like-madness, hysteria, dullness of mind, lack of initiative, loss of memory, lethargy, restlessness, fear and phobias and depression are cured.
- Disorders of nervous system like cerebral palsy, Alzheimer disease and neurotics are rectified.
- Degeneration of retina and optic atrophy are set right.
- Endocrine- hormonal disorder like hypo Pituitarism (Dwarfism), hypo thyroidism, diabetes etc. are improved (with 50 min practice every day). Muscular disorders facial palsy, monoplagia and Paraplagia are improved by regular practice of Jnana mudra.
- Bad habits like addiction, intoxication, can be overcome.
- Violent and cruel behaviors is due to mental imbalance which would be overcome by this therapy. Jnana mudra 50 minutes followed by Prana mudra 15 minutes.
- For students Jnana mudra is boon. This improves memory, develops concentration and improves brain power.. Mental development is many fold.
- Mentally retarded children will benefit- when they sleep put a band around the Jnana mudra as there is no time limit to perform this mudra.
- Sleeplessness and insomnia can be cured by practicing 50 minutes of Jnana Mudra followed by 15 minutes of Prana mudra.
- Tension is removed, anger is pacified.
- Soothes irritability, harsh behavior.
- Aids in withdrawal of Smack,LSD, Morphine, Bhang, Charas, Cocaine and Ganja.
- Increases commitment to work and selfless devotion to duty.
- Aids in awakening of intuition which leads to a feeling of awareness and joy.
4 . Vyana Mudra
व्यान मुद्रा Mudra For Blood Circulation, Panacea for Hypertension, Boon for Pregnant Women, And Excessive Sweating.
Introduction :
This force pervades the whole body. It regulates all movements, co-ordinates other Pranas and acts as reserve force for them. Vyana is the main course of blood circulation throughout the body. The current of air- Vyana Vayu, in the veins and arteries is said to be the circulator of blood in the body. When this air current starts moving very fast in the lungs, arteries and veins the disease is called high blood pressure. Performing Vyana Mudra 2-3 times a day for 50 minutes each followed by Prana mudra for 15 minutes help in regulating the blood pressure.
Formation :
The tip of index finger and middle finger to be joined with the tip of the thumb.
Effect :
The speed of air circulation of Vyana Vayu is regulated
- Panacea for Hypertension.
- Lack of initiative, enthusiasm, slowness of thoughts and perception is corrected with Vyana Mudra.
- Drowsiness, excessive sleep is overcome.
- Intolerance to heat , sunstroke can be averted.
- Excessive sweating, thirst, urination, loose motions and menorrhagia can be overcome.
- All urine related diseases are removed by performing the Vyana mudra.
- Good for Diabetes, spasm and nightmares.
5 . Vayu Mudra
वायु मुद्रा Mudra For Pain, Flatulence, Bloating, Abdominal discomfort, For Gas Problem, Mudra for relaxation, Calms Nervous System. Good for Paralysis.
When the air element in the body increases because of diet or lifestyle, many kinds of disturbances raise their ugly head. To decrease the Vayu element perform Vayu Mudra and attain balance.
Formation :
Index finger tip has to be placed at the base of the thumb and the thumb has to be placed on the back of the index finger gently. Other fingers are to be straight. This is Vayu Mudra.
Effect :
Excess Vayu is decreased, blood circulation improves and any area of the body experiencing pain starts getting relief.
Benefits :
This mudra acts slowly but steadily within 8-10 days the results are attained.
- Vayu mudra will reduce the ill effects of excessive gas formed.
- Calms nervous system
- Controls excitement.
- Gives relaxation
- Overcomes hormones imbalance of endocrine glands
- Pain relieving
- Gastric problem
- Helps in Parkinsons disease.
- Calms restless mind,
- It cures Rheumatism, arthritis, gout, Parkinsons, and Paralysis without any medicines.
- It is useful for cervical spondylysis, facial paralysis and stiff neck.
- It corrects the disorders of gas in the stomach.
- When Vayu in our body accumulates in any part, it causes severe pain and aches. The mudra can cure such aches.
- The feeling of restlessness or gas formation (Flatulence ) after meals can be cured if this mudra is practiced immediately.
- By Yawning or by burping the Vayu problem gets resolved.
- Vayu decreases such as Parkinson, sciatica, paralysis, cervical spondylosis and knee pains get cured by this mudra by regular practice.
- Relief from joint pain can be achieved by practicing these mudras in the following order. Vayu mudra for 15 minutes.followed by Varuna mudra for 15 minutes, Followed by Prana Mudra 15 minutes.
- Gout is cured with continuous practice of Vayu mudra followed by Prana mudra
- If you lift something very heavy perform Vayu mudra for 5 minutes immediately
- If you experience a sprain due to a fall, perform Vayu mudra with opposite hand and place Samana mudra on the point of Sprain. Samana mudra performed by holding five fingers together, removes pain..
- If you get hurt (say bump on the head or pain in the leg by hitting something hard) perform Vayu mudra using the hand that is opposite to the side of the hurt and place the Samana mudra where there is pain.
- Pain in the neck, frozen shoulder are cured by the Vayu mudra followed by Prana mudra.
- This is the dosha that is associated with anxiety and so this mudra helps you to calm down!
- It will help you to find balance and gather your scattered thoughts.
- If your stomach is feeling unsettled and you are searching for the next diet regime or wonder pill to try and fix it, take pause, take some slow and mindful breaths and take the Vayu mudra. It might just do the trick. It can also help with neck pain and anxiety felt in the chest.
- Convulsions are improved by regular practice of Vayu mudra daily for 15 minutes
6 . Surya Mudra
अग्नि मुद्रा, Mudra For Obesity, Maintains body temperature, Good for Winter, Stimulates digestion and appetite, Cures constipation.
Surya means - Sun. Surya mudra generates heat in the body like sun. This mudra decreases earth (Prithvi) element and increases fire (Agni) element.
Formation :
The tip of the ring finger is to be placed at the base of the thumb and thumb is to be placed gently on the back of the ring finger.
Effect :
The element Fire or Agni is associated with body temperature and metabolism. Practice of Surya mudra helps to maintain the body temperature and keeps the metabolism going. The element Agni is also associated with vision . Hence this mudra strengthens eye and improves vision.
Benefits :
- Obesity, overweight,
- Loss of appetite
- Indigestion, constipation
- Coldness of skin, cold, shivering,
- Vision or eye problems.
- It is said to aid the thyroid gland, help with weight loss and anxiety by creating heat in the body.
- Abnormally low body temperature.
- Intolerance to cold shivering.
- Under activity of the thyroid gland causing slow metabolism.
- Loss of appetite, indigestion and constipation. Absence of sweating
- Cold problems like cough, tuberculosis, sinusitis, pleurisy and asthma.
- Absence of sweating.
- High cholesterol in the blood
- Cataract.
7 Prithvi Mudra
पृथ्वी मुद्रा Quickens healing Wounds and Fractures & Good for Diabetes & Prevents hair loss, Osteoporosis and Fever. Brittle nails.
Prithvi mudra increases the earth element and decreases the excess of fire element simultaneously. Therefore, this mudra helps to cure various disorders caused by the imbalance of these two elements such as weight loss, hair fall, fatigue, dullness, nasal disorders, skin disorders, etc
Introduction :
The element earth (Prithvi) is a vital component of body tissues like bones , cartilage, skin, hairs, nails, muscles, tendons and internal organs. The element builds and invigorates the tissues and increases vitality strength and endurance. This element is associated with smell and hence it helps to overcome nasal disorders. Prithvi also reduces fire, so an over active agni can be pacified.
Formation :
Join the tip of the ring finger with the tip of the thumb.
Effect :
Since the elements fire and earth have qualities opposite to each other, Prithvi mudra when formed cools the body and reduces the fire and helps overcome disorders of emaciation, fever and inflammation.
Benefits :
- It helps to build strength and health and promotes glowing skin.
- Helps in weight gain.
- Quickens healing wounds and fractures.
- Performed to attain balanced health of five sense organs, good blood circulation and for energy.
- For happy disposition and alertness, for providing vitamins to the body.
- Chronic fatigue, general debility, (weakness after illness) and convalescence, (recovery time) can be overcome.
- Treats lack of stamina and or endurance.
- Treat emaciation and weight loss.
- Osteoporosis and osteomalacia - diminished bone density and rickets can be cured.
- Helps to expedite the union of bones in case of a fracture.
- Degeneration of articular cartilage is treated.
- Dry cracked, burning skin is pacified, fever is pacified.
- Cures skin rashes, and urticaria (the skin allergy)
- Brittle nails are set right.
- Cuts and wounds are cured.
- Hair loss and premature graying of hair can be treated.
- Burning sensation in eyes, stomach, urine, anus, hands or feet is pacified.
- Aphthous ulcers in the mouth are cured.
- Jaundice is improved..
- Fever is pacified.
- Complexion of skin radiated with health.
- This mudra provides vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K, vitamins.
- This Mudra makes one feel happy and contended.
- Makes the mind generous.
- Prithvi mudra is a beauty aid ,can shape eyes, nose, lips by drawing the mudra along the part concern.
8 . Shoonya Mudra
शून्य मुद्रा For Vertigo, Ear Problems & Motion Sickness. Tridoshaka. Removes laziness.
- Middle finger of the hand represent ether-akash-space. Space is all over the world and in every cell in the body. The disturbance due to excess akash element in the body causes various types of diseases.- like cardiac weakness, ear problems, vertigo etc. And Shoonya mudra helps resolve problems associated with an excess of the Akash element.
Formation :
- The tip of the middle finger is to be placed at the base of the thumb and the thumb is to be placed on the back of the middle finger gently.
Effect :
- The space element is reduced.
Benefit :
- It’s said to help with ear troubles and motion sickness and numbness anywhere in the body. It’s also good for calming down vata and the nervous system.
- Vertigo problem will be solved instantly.When it is cured perform akash mudra every day for 15 minutes.
- Ear ache subsides immediately.
- Ear elements like pain, tinnitus (noises) acquired deafness will be helpful.
- Acquired Deafness is improved.
- Sleeplessness is improved.
- Dumbness is improved if it is not by birth.
- Numbness in the head, body parts,chest, abdomen can be remedied by this mudra.
9 . Varuna Mudra
वरुण मुद्रा Mudra of Water, In Sour belching, and constipation. Mudra for beauty, for Fever, Moisturizer, Loss of taste, Tongue disorder, Good for skin, Pimples. Best for Dryness, cramps, dry eyes, lack of urination. Sunstroke.
In Sanskrit ‘Varun’ = ‘rain’. Rain is water, and the practice of this hand gesture (hasta mudra) is to focus on the water (rain) element in the body. Varuna Mudra (Mudra of Water) (also called Jala Mudra ) is a hand gesture practiced using the thumb and little finger. Representing the element water which is the little finger, this practice balances the water element in the body.
This is especially helpful for those who suffer from excessive Vata Dosha.
Formation :
- Join the tip of a small finger, with the tip of the thumb.
- Varuna mudra affects the water metabolism. It helps to re-hydrate cells, tissues, muscles, skin joints, cartilage etc. The element water is associated with taste. This mudra is useful in over coming disorders like loss of taste sense and dryness of mouth.
- Dehydration, dry eczema
- Tongue disorder, loss of taste.
- Moisturizes the skin in winter.
- In sour belching, acidity, constipation, indigestion
- Lack of urination.
- Degeneration of joint cartilage
- It is said to help balance the fluids in the body and support good hydration.
- Dryness of eyes, mouth, throat, skin, and intestine.
- It makes the skin softer and more beautiful.
- Dryness of digestive track.
- Dry cough.
- Temperature control, osteoarthritis.
- Psoriasis, Blood purification
- Scanty menses
- Dryness of skin leading to cracks, dry eczema, psoriasis, degeneration of joint cartilage.Osteoarthritis.
- Anemia and cramps.
- Deficiency of hormones
- Scanty urination
- Burns.
- Pimples, itching and all skin diseases.
- Mudra helps in removing dryness from the body and adds tenderness,glow and beauty to the skin.
- It is beneficial in removing impurities present in blood.
- This mudra preserves youthfulness.
- Unconsciousness due to sunstroke, accidents or over crowdedness can be cured by rubbing the tips of the thumb and the tips of little fingers of the unconscious person.
- Balances Kapha Dosha.
10 . Linga Mudra
लिंग मुद्रा Mudra of Heat, Upright Mudra. Gesture of Fire. For low blood Pressure. Strengthens the immune system and Accumulation of mucus in the body such as cold, sinusitis, wet cough, sticky stools, Shivering, chills etc. loosens the collected mucus in the body.
Linga mudra is a Sanskrit term for a hand gesture that represents Shiva, Supreme God. It works by concentrating on the fire element inside the body.
Formation :
Linga mudra is formed by interlocking the palm but keeping the left thumb erect pointing upwards. This mudra can be done by reversing the hand too,
Effect :
The fire in the thumb is activated and is able to increase uninhibited.
Benefits :
- This mudra increases heat in the body.
- It is beneficial in cold, catarrh, asthma, cough, sinusitis, Paralysis and low blood pressure.
- This mudra generates a lot of heat! It helps to deal with excess phlegm and strengthens the lungs. It can cause sweating with long practice, so don’t overdo it.
- Hypothermia : Shivering and chills due to cold weather can be controlled.
- Discomfort experienced in air conditioned room is relieved by this mudra.
- Ailments caused by over production of mucus such as wet asthma cold sinusitis etc can be cured.
- Increased digestive powers and also melts excess of fat in the body. Give better results when performed together with Soorya Mudra - both 15 minutes each, one after the other.
- Difficulty in breathing can be relieved by this mudra.
- Congested nose can be relieved by this mudra immediately and one can get good sleep.
- Regulates the flow of menstrual cycle. Give better results when performed together with surya mudra.- both 15 minutes each , one after other.
- When naval center is shifted from the original place, comes back to its place by this mudra.
- Overcomes overweight by burning extra fat.
- Blocks production of phlegm. It dries the phlegm.
Any one suffering from acidity , fever and stomach ulcers should not perform this mudra.
This mudra is to be performed only till the problem persists and then it should be discontinued.
Apana Vayu Mudra
अपान वायु मुद्रा, Heart Mudra & Mrit Sanjeevani Mudra, A Powerful Mudra, Retention of urine.
This mudra can save a person from 'heart attack', hence a mudra is called Mrit Sanjeevani Mudra, one that gives life to a dying person. This mudra gives instant results and the pain is reduced immediately.Formation :This is combination of two Mudras Vayu and Apana. From Vayu mudra by placing the tip of index finger at the base of the thumb and then form Apana Mudra by joining tip of the thumbs with the middle and ring fingers.Effects :There is combined effect of Vayu mudra and Apana Mudra. Vayu mudra relieves the pain instantly and Apana mudra maintains space to reinforce blood circulation to the heart. Benefits: - It is as powerful as Sorbitrate tab.
- Apana Vayu mudra will encourage proper blood circulation and does the functions of both Vayu and Apana mudra
- It regulates excretory system.
- It is said to improve circulation, strengthen and steady the heart and help with gastric disturbances.
- When one gets the symptoms of heart attack this mudra will act like an injection and helps the person to recover from pain instantly. It reduces excess gas from the stomach and makes the heart muscles to work efficiently.
- Chest pain tiredness and perspiration will be reduced immediately. This mudra removes the blocks in the blood veins.
- Cures Constipation.
- Irregular heart beats are regularized.
- Even a little pain in the chest region is pacified by this mudra. One starts yawning, and gives out the excess of Vayu from this chest region and one feels comfortable.
- That is why this mudra is called 'Mrita Sanjeevani Mudra' one which saves from clutches of death.
- Too much perspiration in the feet and hands is pacified.
- Headache due to lack of sleep, mental worries, over exertion and problems of blood circulation are relieved.
- Beneficial in curing acidity.
- Migraine headache get relieved.
- If urination is blocked this mudra relieves the problem and within 10-15 minutes block is removed.and the person passes urine.
- Beneficial in relieving toothache.
- The functional capacity of various organs of digestive system increases.This mudra cures- Arthritis, Spondylitis, Parkinson and Paralysis,
- Varicose vein pain is rectified with both Apana Vayu mudra an hour each every day followed by Prana mudra (15 minutes) till get cured.
- Note: Perform Apana Vayu Mudra-
- When there is sleeplessness.
- When there is over exertion.
- When there is stress.
- When climbing staircases and hills.
- When there is crises.
This mudra can save a person from 'heart attack', hence a mudra is called Mrit Sanjeevani Mudra, one that gives life to a dying person. This mudra gives instant results and the pain is reduced immediately.
- It is as powerful as Sorbitrate tab.
- Apana Vayu mudra will encourage proper blood circulation and does the functions of both Vayu and Apana mudra
- It regulates excretory system.
- It is said to improve circulation, strengthen and steady the heart and help with gastric disturbances.
- When one gets the symptoms of heart attack this mudra will act like an injection and helps the person to recover from pain instantly. It reduces excess gas from the stomach and makes the heart muscles to work efficiently.
- Chest pain tiredness and perspiration will be reduced immediately. This mudra removes the blocks in the blood veins.
- Cures Constipation.
- Irregular heart beats are regularized.
- Even a little pain in the chest region is pacified by this mudra. One starts yawning, and gives out the excess of Vayu from this chest region and one feels comfortable.
- That is why this mudra is called 'Mrita Sanjeevani Mudra' one which saves from clutches of death.
- Too much perspiration in the feet and hands is pacified.
- Headache due to lack of sleep, mental worries, over exertion and problems of blood circulation are relieved.
- Beneficial in curing acidity.
- Migraine headache get relieved.
- If urination is blocked this mudra relieves the problem and within 10-15 minutes block is removed.and the person passes urine.
- Beneficial in relieving toothache.
- The functional capacity of various organs of digestive system increases.This mudra cures- Arthritis, Spondylitis, Parkinson and Paralysis,
- Varicose vein pain is rectified with both Apana Vayu mudra an hour each every day followed by Prana mudra (15 minutes) till get cured.
- Note: Perform Apana Vayu Mudra-
- When there is sleeplessness.
- When there is over exertion.
- When there is stress.
- When climbing staircases and hills.
- When there is crises.
Samana Mudra
समान मुद्रा Mukula Mudra, Tridoshaka : It balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Good for Acidity, for glowing and whitening skin.
Introduction :
Samana is one of the five Vayus which helped digestion. Samana mudra carries the activity of digestion. Te formation of this mudra resemblance a bud.(Mukul in Sanskrit). Samana is located between the heart and navel. It activates and controls the digestive system the liver, intestine, pancreas and stomach and there secretions. Samana also activates the heart and circulatory system and is responsible for the assimilation of nutrients.
Formation :
All the fingers get equal importance with the agni and they get balanced.This mudra seems to be simple but quite effective.
Benefits :
- Samana mudra activates Manipur Chakra and helps in complete digestion.
- All elements get equal importance in this mudra, hence it is called Samana or even mudra.
- When this mudra is placed on the tense or hurting part of body, it gets relief immediately. It is like directing the energy to a specific part, so one feels instantly rejuvenated.It is like a sharp focus of healing energy, like a laser beam or a shaft of light which is directed to the area of concern. This mudra is an effective healing tool.
- The electro - magnetic forces generated when the five fingers come together id tremendous and that brings about the balance of all elements.
- The science of mudras states that balanced health can be attained if this mudra is performed at least for 15 minutes a day, which activates digestion.
Udana Mudra
उदान मुद्रा Or Laughter Mudra, Makes you happy and cheerful Good for throat problems, Vocal cords, & Thyroid.and Para thyroid glands. : Cough, Sore throat, and voice problem. Asthma and breathing difficulty. Improves speech disorders.
Introduction :
This force is associated with the area of the body above the neck.It activates the sensory receptors such as eyes, nose, ears etc. The main function is to activate thought and consciousness. This force also activates limbs, their muscles, ligaments and their nerves and joints and helps an erect posture. The wind - Udana Vayu is the great force that carries out the functions of mind, brain and limbs. The region. Udana helps the functions of Vishudhi Chakra which is situated in the throat pit. Udana mudra activates the functions of Udana Vayu.
Formation :
Place the tip of index finger on the tip of the thumb with a gentle pressure. place the tip of middle finger on the nail of index finger. Keep the ring and little finger straight. This is called Udana Mudra.
Effect :
The elements Vayu and Akasha together stimulates the Vishudddhi Chakra by their position one upon the other. Vishuddhi Chakra has discrimination power. Udana Vayu is settled in the throat. Udana Vayu is associated with Vishuddhi Chakra as it resides in the throat.
Benefits :
- Udana Mudra benefits the vocal cords (voice), the respiratory system and the thyroid- Parathyroid glands.
- Parathyroid gland is in control of Kidneys With this Mudra the Para thyroid gland functions well and the kidney problems are solved.
- The speech becomes clear. The respiratory system works better. Limbs get strength and they become strong.
Akasha Mudra
आकाश मुद्रा Mudra for ear discharge, Osteoporosis, Increases calcium in bones, Migraines, Sinusitis Pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Deafness, heart Problems. Jet lag.
Space within the body is a part of outer space. A person becomes very broad minded when it is balanced.
Formation :
- Formed by joining together the tips of the thumb and the middle finger.
- This is a detoxifying mudra that helps in increasing space within the body and helps elimination of metabolic waste.
- Negative emotions like anger, fear and sorrow are replaced by positive emotions.
Benefits :
- Helps to detoxify the body by elimination of metabolic waste through exhaled air, sweat, urine and stools.
- Helps to overcome feeling of fullness, heaviness in the body.
- Helps to overcome feeling of fullness caused by overeating.
- Helps to relieve congestion and pain in the head due to migraine or sinusitis, ears due to infection, chest congestion, infection , asthma etc.
- Relieves pain in Angina pectoralis, regularizes heart beats and high blood pressure, Practice this mudra for 50 min.
- Locked jaw caused due to yawning can be cured with the flip of middle and thumb finger.This is why, traditionally, during yawning fingers are flipped..
- Helps to prevent jet lag, perform this for an hour during the flight.
- This mudra aids in meditation. It helps purify emotions and thoughts. Vibration can be felt at the top of the head at Sahasrara Chakra and one gets divine power with an increase in intuition and alertness.
- This mudra is beneficial in any bone related disease, as the calcium content within the body increases.
- This mudra removes tooth problems and makes the teeth strong.
- Helps to balance the body while walking, climbing up or down.
- It is the rosary beads are placed on middle finger and rotated with the help of thumb mind enjoys prosperity, power and material happiness. Heart gets strong.
- This mudra is more beneficial at dawn.
- Akash mudra is an excellent mudra which stimulates noble thoughts and helps the practitioner to take rapid strides along the path to liberation from worldly desires.
- Akash mudra prevents jet lag. Perform this for an hour during the flight.
- Experience positive energy and confidence.
Shoonya Vayu Mudra
शून्य मुद्रा वायु मुद्रा or Vata Nashaka Mudra, Relieves ear ache within 4-5 minutes.
Shoonya Vayu Mudra is a combination of Shoonya and Vayu mudra.
Effect :
Space is reduced by Shoonya Mudra and Vayu is decreased by Vayu mudra. This mudra helps to avoid illness.
Benefits :
This mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
- Lack of stamina and endurance.
- Indecisiveness, impatience, timidity and inexplicable fear.
- Sleeplessness.
- Emancipation , weight loss.
- Numbness in body parts.
- Unsteady gait, Parkinson, giddiness, vertigo.
- Creaking joints, Osteo Arthritis.
- Cold dry, cracked skin, nails, hairs.
- Irregular scanty painful menses.
- Hoarseness of voice, stammering
- Severe headache, ear pain,imbalance while walking, pain in the tooth, pain in the throat, pain in the heels, joint pain Shoonya and Vayu mudras are to be performed together followed by Prana mudra.
- Shoonya Vayu mudra prevents all illness if practiced daily for 15 minutes.
Jalodara Nashaka Mudra
जलोदर नाशक मुद्रा Water retention, Body swelling, Dropsy, edema, excessive urination, teary eyes, elephantiasis. Water in stomach,Water in lungs. Retention of urine. Excess tear flow.
Formation :
The tip of the little finger is placed at the base of the thumb and the thumb is placed at the back of the little finger gently.
Effect :
Jalodara Nashaka Mudra reduces the excess water element in the body, suitably affecting the water metabolism. It can thus overcome water logging within the body.
Benefits :
Jalodara is the Sanskrit term for the disease- Dropsy. This disease is caused due to excess of water content in the stomach.This mudra is named after the curing of the disease Jalodara.
- Mudra can cure elephantiasis.
- Swelling in any part of body like face , hands and legs can be cured with this mudra.
- This mudra cures excessive salivation, watery eyes, running nose, hyperacidity, diarrhea (loose motions).
- Pleurisy, effusion in joints can be cured.
- Excessive menses is balanced.
- Excessive urination is cured.
- Menstrual date can be postponed by the practice of this mudra for 15 minutes daily 3 days prior to the date of period.
Kidney Mudra
किडनी मुद्रा Edema or Water retention, Ascitis, Swelling in any part of body like face or hands, feet. Excessive salivation, running nose, Watery eyes, loose motion. Problem in phlegm in throat and lungs.
The Mudra cures kidney disorders. This has the same qualities like Jalodara Nashaka mudra.
Formation :
The little finger and the ring finger tips are to be placed at the base of the thumb and thumb should be placed over the fingers.
Effect :
Water content is reduced and the heat is increased.
Benefits :
- The problem of running nose, and watering of eyes is cured.
- Throat pain is pacified immediately.
- Problem of phlegm in throat and the lungs is cured.
- Help in curing dropsy.
- loose motion is cured immediately.
Shankha Mudra
Helps in respiratory functions, Heals feverish or burning feeling, Good for allergies and rashes, Regulates obesity and flabbiness, Improves the function of heart, kidneys, Intestine and digestion.
In Sanskrit Shankha means Conch.
This mudra resembles the shape of a Conch and hence id called Shankha Mudra.
In ancient times it was believed that blowing the Conch could send sound waves far and wide, thereby removing all ill effects of bad elements.
This Mudra is used during worship while chanting hymns and mantras.
Formation :
Place the thumb of left hand at the base of right thumb. This is the point of thyroid gland in the palm. Fold the fingers of the right hand covering the left thumb. Join the index finger of left hand with the thumb tip of the right hand. The other three fingers of the left hand are to be placed on the back of the right palm..
This mudra can be performed with reversing hand too.
Effect :
The thumb when represents the element of fire is covered by the fingers hence fire is subdued.The union of left index finger and the thumb creates balance of wind.
Benefits :
Shankha mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders.
- Feverish feeling in the body.
- Burning in the body and body parts.
- Allergic disorders specially skin rashes.
- Voice, larynx and throat pharynx problems
- Flabbiness
- Weakness , paralysis of muscles.
- This mudra puts pressure on the point of thyroid gland thus making it active to remove illnesses related to thyroid glands, so obesity is regulated.
- This mudra purifies 72,000 nerves connected to the navel center there by rejuvenating the whole body.
- This mudra makes a voice melodious and clean. Removes strain in the voice. Therefore singers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and leaders must perform this mudra every day for 10 minutes
- This mudra relieves allergies, caused by dust and smoke , so throat becomes clean, also pacifies skin rashes.
- Tonsillitis and other throat infections are cured.
- Any trouble of stammering or stuttering in speech can be rectified by this mudra.
- After a paralytic attack, this mudra helps in dealing with speech problems and speech becomes clear.
- Helps in increasing height of children
- Kidney problems are cured.
- It stimulates Vishudha Chakra.
Sahaj Shankha Mudra
Piles and Problem related anus. Slip disc, Ankolysing Spodylosis, Improves digestion, Spinal cord becomes straight and gains flexibility,
This mudra is the version of Shankha Mudra. Benefits are also the same with a few exceptions.
Formation :
Join both hands together interlocking the fingers and press the palms together. Apply a gentle pressure with both the thumbs by laying them parallel to each other on the index finger..
Effect :
According to Yoga physiology, all 10 main nerves get activated and the body becomes very strong with this mudra.
The ten main nerves are Sushumna, Ida, Pingla, Ganghari, ,Hasti, Jiva, Poosha, Yashaswini, Alamboosha , Kuhoo and Shankhini..
सहज शंख मुद्रा is useful in the treatment of anus related diseases like piles, Fistula etc.
Benefits :
- There is growth in alertness.
- The nerve Shankhini would activate Mooldhara Chakra. The serpent power kundilini rises towards higher levels.
- Removes the problem associated with the reproductive system.
- Cures piles and problem related to anus.
- The spinal cord becomes straight and gains flexibility.
- Slip disc problem is resolved.
- Like the Shankha mudra this mudra helps in solving problems related to speech, voice digestive power, stomach and intestine.
Dhyana Mudra
Mental Level : Eliminates stress and mental pressure.
Emotional Level : Clean and renew emotional energy. Healing the wounds of the past.
Spiritual Level : It awakens the wisdom within,and puts in touch with your own divinity. It helps to awaken your consciousness.
In Sanskrit Dhyana means meditation. This mudra is important for one to achieve spiritual progress through meditation.
Formation :
Being a meditation mudra one has to assume meditative pose like Padmasana, Sukhasana or Siddhasana. Place the left hand on the right hand with palms facing upwards.This is called Bhairavi Mudra, The wrathful form of Parvati the consort of Shiva who kills demons.Or one can place right hand above left with the palms facing upwards and this is called Bhairava mudra. The wrathful tantric aspect of Shiva who kills demons, which means these mudras ward off the ailments like heart attack and blood pressure..
Effect :
The palm contains heart related nerves centers and the back of the hand contains the spine related nerve centers. So placing the palm one upon the other , activate the centers of heart, lungs pancreas and kidneys on one hand and spinal nerve point on the other.
Benefits :
- Dhyana mudra helps to progress in meditation, and the meditator gets pure thoughts and attains peace.
- The mudra strengthens the muscles in the body , blood circulation becomes normal.
- Constant practice of this mudra helps one to free from blood pressure and heart ailments. All nerve centers can be easily activated and therefore one can achieve abundant peace and tranquility, resulting in removal of sleeplessness, over anxiety, indifference, hallucination, bad dreams, loss of memory, irritability and mental depression. The mudra aids the practitioner in reaching a state of blissful peace and attain joy of self realization. Therefore everyday one must practice Dhyana mudra for 10 minutes.
Back Mudra
Merudanda means spinal column.This mudra removes the strain in the back.This mudra is formed differently by each hand.
Formation :
- Right Hand : Thumb finger, little finger and middle finger tip touch together. Index finger and ring finger stay extended.
- Left Hand : Place the thumb joint on the nail of the index finger.
Space and water elements are balanced hence the vertebrae can move flexibly with the help of wind. Placing the index finger tip at the thumb joint helps in adjusting the level of wind.
Benefit :
The following strains on the back are relieved by performing the Merudanda mudra :
- Strain on back due to gardening.
- Strain on back due to house cleaning.
- Strain on back due to working for extended period of time on computers.
- Continues mental strain, fears, heavy meals, little sleep, little exercise also cause back pain. Such pain is also relieved by performing this mudra.
- Slip disc problem will be set right by persistent practice of this mudra daily for 30 minutes followed by 10 minutes of Prana Mudra.
Adity Mudra
Mudra for Allergy, Detoxification Mudra, DE- Addiction, Gesture to increase digestion. Mudra to gain weight.
Formation :
Place the tip of the thumb at the base of the ring finger.
Effect :
Ring finger represents earth or Prithvi and thumb represents fire or Agni. When Agni touches the base of ring finger there is a growth of Prithvi element and also the growth of Agni.Therefore therefore there will be weight gain with improvement in stamina.
Benefits :
- One can gain weight by a regular practice of 50 minutes followed by Prana Mudra. There will be remarkable weight gain .
- Problem of sneezing continuously in the morning can be cured with the practice of this mudra. Yawning and sneezing during meditation can be prevented by practicing this mudra
- Removes poisonous matter and toxins from the body.
- Helps to get deep state of meditation.
Surabhi Mudra
Mudra For Acidity, Awakens Kundalini Shakti. Tridoshaka. Menopausal problem.
Kamadhenu is the divine cow who dwells in heaven and grants all our wishes. Surabhi is the daughter of the divine cow Kamadhenu. Like the mother she also grants our prayers and she secretes nectar from her udders. This mudra represents the four udders of Surabhi.
Formation :
Form Namaste and keep the thumbs apart. Join the tips of index fingers and middle fingers which are opposite to each other then join little finger with the ring finger tips which are opposite to each other. The mudra formed looks like the udders of the cow.This is Surabhi mudra.
Effect :
Thumbs kept apart help reduce the fire. The joining of tips of middle and index fingers and joining of the tips of ring fingers and little fingers remove the problems of bile and gout and rheumatism.As the eight fingers come together they activate a number of nerve centers and glands especially Adrenaline, Pituitary and Pineal.
Benefits :
- All glands Adrenaline, Pituitary,, Pineal and thyroid functions better.
- The three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha get balanced.
- Acidity is cured immediately.
- There is a lot of development in creativity. Novelty increases in every endeavor we take up.
- Desires and dreams are realized.
- To realize our dreams one has to perform this mudra for 10 minutes everyday for at least 15 days.
- Surabhi mudra has its influence on our mind. It increases our power to think and help blossoming of our creative faculty. This mudra helps us to realize all our dreams.
- With Gayitri Japa, this mudra improves the 'Aura' of the body.
Vayu Surabhi
Formation :
While performing Surabhi Mudra place the thumb tips at the base of the index fingers so that Vayu is increased.
Benefits :
Our mind is always wavering. Therefore performing Surabhi Mudra while touching the base of the index finger with thumb tip, we acquire consistency and strength of mind. This Mudra also helps in relieving aches and pains in the body.
Shoonya Surabhi
Formation :
Shoonya Surabhi mudra is formed by touching the tip of the thumbs to the base of the middle fingers while performing Surabhi mudra.
Benefits :
Involving Akash element during the practice of Surabhi mudra results in a calm and peaceful mind. Long practice can also help in hearing the cosmic sound.
Prithvi Surabhi Mudra
Formation :
Prithvi Surabhi Mudra is formed by touching the tips of thumb at the base of ring fingers while performing Surabhi mudra.
Benefits ;
This mudra removes lethargy, pacifies Kapha and improves digestion.
Jala Surabhi
Formation :
Jala Surabhi Mudra is formed by touching the tips of the thumbs to the base of the small fingers while performing Surabhi mudra.
Benefits :
This mudra reduces the burning sensation by cooling the body.
Surabhi mudra is used in worship and Gayitri chanting.
While performing worship we offer coconut, fruits, milk and sweets items to God. Then we form Surabhi Mudra and offer the above 'Naivedya'. The belief is that God accepts the offerings when we perform this Mudra. After the worship we accept the offering as the 'gift from God- the 'Prasada' and feel the energy level growing. Therefore, there is spiritual and scientific influence behind the offering with Surabhi Mudra.
Sandhi Mudra
Cures all joint pain , increases calcium.
Formation :
Right Hand : Join the thumb finger tip and ring finger tip together.
Left Hand : Join the thumb finger tip and middle tip together.
The mudra helps in balancing energy in the joints.
Effects :
Space is balanced between the cartilage and the joints muscle. This mudra also provides calcium.
Benefits :
- Pain experienced while climbing down after a long hike is pacified.
- Resolves tiredness in the elbows after the long hours of work on a computer.
- This mudra helps relieve pain in the hip joints and knee joints due to arthritis.
- For people suffering from chronic pain in the joints, this mudra resolves the pain by persistent effort.
Yoni Mudra
Dysmenorrhea, Help for Pre Menstrual Syndrome, Good for reproductive health,Support the health of urinary system, Problem caused by Menopause.
This mudra is specially designed for women.The posture of this mudra is held at the level of abdomen.
Formation :
Join the thumbs and the index fingers , interlock the other fingers. The thumb will be facing upwards and the index fingers will be facing downwards.
This can be performed the other way.
The thumb and the index fingers touch each other they reflect volume of heat and air waves.. Other fingers remain interlocked would solve the problems of the womb.
Benefits :
- From the age of about 13 girls have their periods and they get pain in their lower abdomen. Performing this mudra for 5-10 minutes relieves the pain.
- Scanty or excess bleeding will be regulated.
- Practicing this mudra every day for 10 minutes followed by Prana mudra will solve the menopause related problems.
Kundalini Mudra
For sexual energy,
Kundalini Mudra is associated with reproductive energy. Kundalini Mudra is a hand posture that symbolizes the unity of femininity and masculinity. It symbolizes the union of the individual with the universe. People with sexual problems like lack of interest, early orgasm and reproductive problems, can be benefited with the practice of Kundalini Mudra.
Formation :Form a fist of a left hand and extend the index finger.Cover the index finger and right hand fingers and place the right thumb at the top. Hold this mudra in front of the abdomen for 15 minutes, three times a day.
Pankaj Mudra
Fever, Reminds and inspired purity and beauty of soul to conquer desire, fear and attachment Getting rid of Anxiety, stress and depression, ulcers.
Formation :
Join the two palms facing each other. Join the thumbs and the little fingers.Form the other fingers like a blooming lotus.
Effects :
The thumbs represents fire and the little finger represents water. Joining these fingers means purifying the body and mind.
Benefits :
- The mind becomes calm and pure.The body also becomes cool.
- This mudra pacifies fever in a short time.
- The beauty of the face is enhanced by this mudra.
Dharana Shakti Mudra
Dharana means to retain the breath for longer time.
Formation :
This mudra has three stages.
- Start inhaling with the thumb tip pressing the tip of the index finger. This helps in retention of breath for long time.
- Next press the middle part of the thumb and keep on inhaling for some time.Retention of breath is still larger.
- Then press the base part of thumb and retention of breath can be still longer.
The lungs get more oxygen by retention of breath.
Benefits :
The longer the breath the more is the oxygenation of the body resulting in purer blood and stronger body. To a large extend, practicing this mudra reduced the total number of breaths in a day.This in turn, increases longevity.
Mushthi Mudra
Releases body tensions, accumulated emotions, and feeling of lethargy, & lethargy, reduces negative emotions. It benefits when feeling depressed and discouraged. Lowers blood Pressure and reduces heart complaints. Frees mind from unwanted thoughts and worries.Treat constipation and digestive elements . Reduces tingling in the body parts.
It is a closed fist position of the palm. Mushthi is the tight fist which is the symbol of force. This mudra promotes digestion, helps cure constipation and lethargy.
Formation :
Form the fist with both hands and place the thumb at the back of the ring finger.
Effect :
This mudra is a combination of Vayu mudra, Shoonya mudra, Soorya mudra, Jalodara Nashaka mudra , which decreases all the four elements thereby solving the problems of excesses of four elements namely Vayu, Akash, Prithvi and Jala. The Agni affecting Soorya mudra generates heat and energy in the body.
- When feeling depressed discouraged or suffering from physical discomforts like shivering, phlegm in the wind pipe or feeling of lethargy and inertia. Perform this mudra for 50 minutes followed by Prana mudra.
- Reduces the tingling in the body parts.
Gesture of greeting, prayer and adoration. Symbol of Indian Culture or Anjali Mudra. Improves focus. Useful for entering into the meditative state. Calms the mind. Relieves stress and Anxiety, Connects the brain right and left hemisphere brain. Promotes respect for oneself and others.
The gesture of 'Namaste' is essentially Indian. It is a symbol of greeting from ancient times.. The literal meaning of Namaste is 'Namah-bow 'te-to you'- I bow to you. Namaste represents the belief that there is divine spark within each of us that is located at the heart chakra.. This salutation is the essence of our culture of seeing the divine within all the creation. Hence this gesture is offered equally in temples to deities, teachers, family, friends, strangers and even before sacred rivers and trees.
Formation :
To perform Namaste we join the hands together and place at the heart chakra, close the eyes and bend the head. Namaste can also can be done by placing the hands together in front of the third eye between the brows, bowing the head and then bringing the hands down to the heart.This is the deep form of respect. Namaste needs no occasion. It can be performed anywhere any time and at any place. This gesture is used prominently in worship.
Effect :
Namaste is a Mudra that is rich in flavor, meaning and substance. The electromagnetic power flowing from one hand to other is felts strongly. One feels strong in body and mind. As we bring our hands together at the center, we are literally connecting the right and left hemispheres of our brain. This is the yogic posture of unification. The Namaste brings the right and left side, masculine and feminine, logic and intuition, strength and tenderness together as a whole.
Benefits :
- This mudra frees us from the bonds of ego and makes us humble and pleasant.
- We feel strong in the body and mind as this mudra removes fear and headache, even flexibility in fingers is improved.
- Namaste is uplifting. It gives a sense of gratefulness and waiting to receive blessings of good things to come.
Abhaya Mudra
Or Ashirwad Mudra. Fearlessness Mudra A Blessing Mudra. Removes fear. Removes anxiety . Increases your confidence and courage
Formation :
This mudra is formed by keeping both palms on the head of a person performing a Namaskar mudra.
Effect :
When the youngster bow and touch the feet with crossed hands, the blood circulation on their hand increased. When they touch the feet of elders with crossed hands, positive energy and negative energy of both sides get activated.
Benefits :
- During the act of Ashirvad, the positive or negative energy of two hands touch the two hemispheres of the brain as well as well as the crown chakra of a person performing the Namaskar
- The youngster as well as the elders are benefited by this and are energized.
- There is a positive and happy feeling that grows in both of them who performs the Namaskar and who blesses with Ashirvad.
Usha Mudra
For Freshness and energy. Harmonizes our hormonal system,Improves mental alertness. Cure for P.C.O.D and Thyroid.
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Usha Mudra |
- The Usha Mudra helps us wake up in the morning. When you are still sleepy and lying in bed, place your clasped hands at the back of your head.
- For laziness
- Should be practiced while getting up from the bed
Bhuchari Mudra
Sit in any meditative asana like Padmasana, Sukhasana and Siddhasana. Using your hand at a fixed point 4 to 5 inches from the tip of the nose . Remove the hand and concentrate on a point. This is Bhoochari mudra.
Along with this one can perform Jnana mudra,, Dhyana mudra or Prana mudra which will give greater benefit. This mudra can be performed for 5-10 minute every day.
Effect :
The Ajna chakra gets activated by focusing eyesight between the two eyebrows.
Benefits :
- Activating Ajna chakra increases awareness and reasoning power.
- The mudra enhances concentration and creates a rich base for long meditation.
Khechari Mudra
Formation :
Khechari is performed by reversing the tongue that its pit touches the tip of the throat. This requires practice under the guidance of master.
Effect :
This Mudra activates the Bindu chakra which secrets sweet juice called 'Ambrosia',.- the nectar of Gods. In Vedas it is called 'Somras,' which falls on Vishuddhi chakra and reaches Swadhisthan Chakra. where it is absorbed.
Benefits :
By performing this mudra body becomes radiant and provides energy for procreation.
Yogis experience the pleasure of tasting the nectar. It is said that on who succeeds in Khechari mudra escapes fatigue, disease, hunger, thirst, stupor.
Adi Mudra
Helps to reduce snoring. Activates crown Chakra. Stimulates Udana Vayu which governs energy in upper chest, throat and head. It quietens and calms the nervous system. Increases the capacity of lungs , thus increasing oxygen flow throughout the body. Bringing more oxygen to the throat and neck.and head.
Shanmukhi Mudra :
Mudra means a seal or a close up.
Shanmukhi mudra is a sacred hand gesture or "seal," used during yoga and meditation practice as a means of channeling the flow of vital life force energy known as Prana. This gesture represents closing the six gates of perception – the eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The term is derived from three Sanskrit roots; shan, meaning "six";mukhi, meaning "face" or "gate" and mudra, meaning "gesture," "mark" or "seal."
"The mudra is so called because the aspirant looks within himself to find the very source of his being."
For maximum benefit, this gesture should be accompanied with Pranayama (breathing techniques) or Bandhas (energetic locks). Shanmukhi mudra is commonly practiced with Brahmari, a pranayama otherwise known as Bee Breath
Technique :
- Sit in Padmasana, keep the spine erect and the head level.
- Raise the hands to the face. Lift the elbows to the level of the shoulder, place the thumbs on the ear-holes so as to cut off external sounds.
- Close the eyelids, but turn the eyes up. Place the index and middle fingers on the closed lids so that the first two phalanges only pres the entire eyeball.. Do not however press the corners. Pull the eyelid down with the middle finger. Push the upper part of eyelids below the eyebrows upwards with the index fingers. Gently press the eyes at both the corners.
- Equal pressure should be maintained on the ears and the eyes.
- With the tip of ring fingers press both the nostrils equally. The nasal passage are thus narrowed for slow, deep, steady, rhythmic and subtle breathing.
- The little finger are placed on upper lip, where they can check the rhythmic flow of breath.
- Stay in this position as long as you can, drawing the vision inwards.
Effect :
By closing the outlets of all five senses body gets energy from the Mooladhara Chakra and the energy passes through all chakras. As a result of these upwards movements of energy, brain becomes very active and alert.The five elements come into contact with the five sense organs. Hence all sense organs get activated and the face becomes radiant.
Benefit :
Kundalini energy gets activated and one becomes bright and active. Mind becomes introvert and enlightened.
By recitation of Omkar, the brain gets better blood circulation, and is rejuvenated.
Shanmukhi mudra is very beneficial to children By practicing this mudra the power of thinking and memory becomes strong.
The senses are turned inwards and the rhythmic breathing Calms the mind wondering.
This brings the feeling of inner peace and one hears the divine voice of self within.
Relaxes and rejuvenates the eyes and facial muscles
Balances internal and external awareness
Creates a state of Pratyahara.
Enhances focus and introspection
Helps in managing anxiety
Calms the nervous system.
Mudras With the Names of Deities
Ganesh / Ganapa Mudra- Agragami Mudra
Frozen shoulder,
Ganesh Mudra, also known as Ganapa Mudra -Agragami Mudra, is named after the Hindu deity, Ganesha
Formation :
Hold the left hand palm facing outward in front of the chest with bent fingers. Hook the right hand fingers in the left hand fingers. exhale the pull both the hands in the opposite direction without releasing the grip.Then inhaling let go the tension. Repeat the six times. then place both the hands on the sternum.
Now change the hand position, with the right palm facing outwards. Repeat this 6 times.
Then remain in silence for a while.
Effect :
This mudra tenses the muscles of upper arm and chest area. All five elements joining together give power to the whole body.
Benefits :
- The shoulders
- Activates heart and lungs.
- Opens the Anahata Chakra and instills the courage to face any situation.
Shakti Mudra
Mudra for Pelvic problems. Slow urination,
This Mudra is in honor of Shakti, the Goddess of life energy.This mudra brings relaxation to the pelvic region.
Formation :
Place thumb of each handing middle of the palm and bend the index and middle fingers on the thumbs loosely. Join the little finger and ring finger of each hand to the corresponding fingers of other hand.
Effect :
There is a calming effect on the pelvic region because of the bent thumbs, index and middle fingers.
Benefits :
- Creates a pleasant relaxation in the pelvic region.
- Counteracts spasms in the intestine and menstrual pains.
- Relieves prostrate gland problems.
- Increases the dept of respiration in the lower chest area.
- Helps fall sleep at night
- Slow urination is rectified..
Poshana Mudra or Nourishing Mudra पोषण मुद्रा
Digestion, Nausea,vomiting,Feeling of fullness after meals.
Pooshan means the God of nourishment and hence this mudra is dedicated to the sun God.
Formation :
Right Hand : Middle finger is on the top of the index finger and the index finger touches the top of the thumb.Other fingers are extended straight.
Left Hand : The ring finger is at the top of the middle finger.The thumb and the middle finger are joined together at their tips.Index finger and the little finger stay extended.
This mudra is called Pooshan Mudra as it influences the energy currents that are responsible for absorption and utilisation of food, as well as helping with its elimination This mudra intensifies breathing and helps in the absorption of oxygen and release of carbondiaoxide from the lungs.
Benefits :
- This Mudra has a relaxing effect on the solar plexus the area of stomach liver, spleen and gall bladder.
- Regulates energies in the elimination and detoxification.
- Relieves acute nausea, flatulence, sea sickness and the feeling of fullness after meals.
- Finger positions of the left hand aids in directing energy upwards.Concentration, memory, logic, enthusiasm are positively influenced.
- If there are chronic complaints about lack of energy than the mudra of the right hand can be modified as follows:
- Placing the right finger on the top of the little finger is touching the tip of the thumb.
- This alternate finger position helps in activating energy in the pelvic floor.
- Excellent effect on general health
Kuber Mudra
This mudra is dedicated to Kubera- The God of Wealth. As per Indian mythology Kubera is a God of North East direction. He is the treasure of Shiva, God of Kailasa. Kuber mudra bestows blessings and our project succeed, one gets wealth Kuber mudra also bestows courage. Kubera mudra is a hand gesture (hasta mudra) used in yoga to focus on abundance and prosperity – both spiritual and physical. The term comes from the name Kubera, a Hindu demi-god of riches.
Formation :
Join the index finger tips and middle finger tips to the thumb tips. Place the little finger tips and ring finger tips in the middle of the palm.
Effects : Joining the tip of middle and index fingers to the tip of thumb balances the blood pressure.. General health is enhanced as the tips of the little finger and ring finger touch the pressure points of Solar plexus, adrenal glands and kidneys
Benefits :
- Fulfill a wish.
- Inhaling upwards while performing this mudra also helps to de-congest the sinuses.
Brahma Mudra
It cultivate a clear, focused, calm and tranquil mind. Helps to reduce dress and releases negative energy. It opens the whole of the lungs and removes toxins. Relieves disorders of cervical spine. Stimulates digestive and strengthens whole nervous system. Helps a yogi reach a higher meditative state. Strengthens retinas, memory, neck and shoulders.
Garuda Mudra
Revitalize the body. Relieves tension.
God Vishnu rides on the Garuda, the eagle. Eagle is Vishnu's vehicle, king of birds and enemy of snakes. This bird has an enormous wing span and tremendous strength in the wings. It flies with the wings effortlessly carried by wind.. The mudra resembles bird eagle. Garuda Mudra is named after the king of birds eagle. Eagle is known for its discipline this mudra brings these qualities to practitioners.Besides, this mudra will fuel up energy and inspiration within you. It’s especially intended for balancing the air or Vata dosha in the body. The deficiency of Vata makes you feel lethargic and irritable.
To perform Garuda mudra, interlock the thumbs with extended fingers, and open palm towards you. This hand gesture can be observed while practicing Garudasana (eagle Pose) . The body gets revitalized and blood flow is activated by keeping hands in this position.
Formation ; Clasp the thumbs and place the right hand on top of the left hand like Namaste. Place the mudra in the pelvic region and inhale / exhale with long breaths for 10 minutes.
Then place this mudra in naval region and repeat inhalation / exhalation 10 times.
Then bring the hands ion the sternum and repeat the exercise 10 times. Spread the palms and fingers like the wings of Garuda and inhale 10 times.
Effects :
The fire elements becomes powerful as the thumbs are entangled. As this mudra is placed on three regions of the body, all important organs like kidneys, stomach , heart, and lungs get energized. When the hands open like wings , both sides of the body gets equal blood circulation.
Benefits :
- This mudra empowers vital organs of elimination, digestion, respiration, and blood circulation.
- Pain during menstruation, subsides and the problem related to the prostrate glands are resolved.
- Stomach pain subsides as digestion gets better.
- Respiratory problem gets solved.Tiredness and fatigue are removed.
- Tension is removes.
Note : Person suffering from blood pressure should not perform this mudra.
Naga Mudra
Naga the snake God , symbolizes super natural powers, shrewdness and potency. Problems are natural in life Solutions are easily found by practicing this mudra. A snake moves zig zag and finds its way , Similarly by by practicing this mudra solutions to this life's problem are found one way or another.
Formation :
Cross the hand in front of chest and also cross the thumbs keeping the palms one upon another and place this mudra on the lap.This is called Naga Mudra.
Effect :
The thumb placed on the palm increases all element like Vayu, Akash, Prithvi and Jala. The thumb placed upon the other thumb increases the agni. Blazing fire is a powerful element.
Benefits :
- This mudra kindles imagination.
- Agni empowers pelvic region and solves the problems of the womb, prostrate gland and slowness in urination.
- All five elements are increases hence intelligence and wisdom grows and help in resolving day to day problem.
- Thinking becomes clear and one can face the world with a fiery heart.
- One has to ask questions about a problem to get a proper advice.
Chakra Mudra
Lord Vishnu is adorn with Shankha Chakra, Gada and Padma,. The Sudarshan Chakra is a powerful weapon in the hands of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna. Both of them hold it in the right hand.. Chakra mudra is performed during worship and praying for success in any endeavor.
Formation : Place the right palm on the left palm in such a manner that the index finger of the right hand is placed on the thumb of the left hand and small finger of the right hand is placed on the index finger of the left hand. Now press the palm against each other.
The index finger Vayu of the right hand is paced on the thumb, Agni of the left hand.The small finger, Jala, is touching the index finger of the left hand. So , elements Agni, Vayu and Jala become powerful and spread their energy vibrations. Pressing the palm against each other activate the pressure point of the heart, kidney, thyroid gland and lungs.
- The seven chakras get energy and the heart, lungs, pancreas, thyroid and kidney functions powerfully.
- The aura around the body increases.
- Placing the thumb Agni on wrist on the wrist sends sends energy to radial, ulna and median nerve and the hand becomes powerful.
- This mudra may be done for 15 minutes a day to increase aura make the body more powerful.
Ananta Prajna Mudra
Space, the Akash is infinite. We can develop infinite consciousness with Ananta Prajna Mudra.
Formation :
Make hooks by touching tips of the middle fingers and thumbs as shown in picture. Touch the tip of the index fingers. Interlock the remaining fingers so that they touch the back of the palms.
Effect :
Akash and Agni touch each other with crossed fingers. Hence the power of Agni- the consciousness, increases infinitely..When Vayu- the index finger are joined, thinking becomes unbounded.. Thoughts travel far and wide with the help of Agni and Akash. Awareness becomes infinite and helps to reach others through 'Telepathy'.
Benefits :
Ananta means unending, infinite.
- Rishis of India gained infinite awareness by practicing this Mudra.
- This mudra helps to treat people by sending energy vibrations through telepathy. Rishis communicated by using this mudra.
Poorna Prajna Mudra
Meditation has a unique place in Indian culture.This controls the mind from wavering.Stillness of mind is gained and goals of our life is gained achieved. This mudra helps to have a clear mind, improves intellect and helps in controlling emotions.
Formation :
Hold the palm together by interlocking al gingers except the index finger and the thumbs. Index fingers are to be hooked and thumbs are to be joined This is Poorna Prajna Mudra.
Thumbs- Agni are joined altogether. Hence Agni becomes powerful.As the index fingers are hooked together, Vayu becomes powerful, Agni , Vayu both increases mind power, wisdom and the bodily strength.
Benefits :
- Rishis of India, though their experience, concluded that when this mudra is performed during meditation devotes can communicate with his guru, souls and the family deity (Kula devata) or favorite deity Ishta devata).
- The mudra provides physical benefits too. The spinal column gets energy and hence the entire body is energized. All chakras work in unison and awareness is enlarged.
Shiva Linga Mudra
To get rid of Cold & Cough.
Matangi Mudra
Rudra Mudra
God Rudra is a symbol of fire. Rudra meaning fierce is another name of Shiva. Rudra Mudra is the ruler of the third chakra (fire center)) in our body. It rules the fire center in the body. Rudra is the ruler of Solar plexus the Manipur chakra. It is also another name for sun. This mudra activates Manipur Chakra.
Formation :
Join the tips of ring finger and index fingers to the tip of the thumb.
Effect :
The Prithvi element and the Vayu element get balanced. This Mudra affects the glands in the abdomen.
Benefits :
- Our whole body mass is made up of Prithvi. The centering force is associated with Prithvi. Rudra Mudra strengthens the Prithvi element and its organs. Hence stomach, spleen and pancreas function better.This Mudra develops heat and energy in the body.
- When Prithvi is strengthen the brain also receives enough energy.
- If a person feels listless, heavy, weighted down and dizzy, the weakness is relieved and completely eliminated by the practice of this mudra.
- For energy practice this mudra for 15 minutes daily
Ksepana Mudra is a sacred hand gesture or 'seal', known as the gesture of pouring out and letting go. It is used as a means of draining negative energy and attracting positive energy or chi. Ksepana Mudra stimulates elimination through the skin, lungs and large intestine, as well as through energetic channels.
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