Five Wonder Elements Of Health

                            Five Wonder Elements of Health

                                            (The foundation of all existence,(पञ्च तत्त्व, पंच महाभूत)

                                                        Nature  Is Therapeutic THE HEALER
                                                               "Man is a part of nature."
                    Elements are prime do not worry of disease                     

                                    "Nature is the greatest place to heal and recharge."

As it is in nature, so it is in the body. All the five elements work in coordination and they facilitate the keep up of the health. This awareness helps us to realize the relationship of the five elements within the body. All the five elements in the body are equally important and are inter-dependent. 

Everything in the material universe, including the human body, is a modified reflection of its external environment. The five great elements (pancha mahabhutas) contain a group of properties which are the basic building blocks of everything in the material universe. The rishis (ancient sages of India) presented a logical grouping of these properties and classified then as Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are the biological equivalents of satwa, rajas and tamas.

Air the gaseous state of matter, differ from any element because it tend to disperse itself evenly throughout any space it occupies. (accept gaseous that are notably lighter or heavier than our  average atmosphere). Water sits at the bottom of the bowl Earth stays rigid and fixed, fire moves upwards, but always cling to its fuel yet air disperses.

Fire or Agni is supreme among all the five element, as it is able to control the other four elements.

Five elements i.e. sky, air, fire, water and earth, constitutes our body physically. Living in tune with nature is nature cure. Nature provides radiant health to man with its natural forces. They are clean air, clean water , fresh and natural food, fasting exercise and 'calm' mind'.
As it is in nature, so it is in the body.All the five elements work in coordination and they facilitate the keep up of the health. Thus awareness helps us to realize the relationship of the five elements within the body.

Caraka emphasized more than once that  health could be defined as the equilibrium of the constituents of the body. Substances which constitute food , drink and medication consist of the five elements (Panch - mahabhutas). The quinquennial action is evolutionary from ether to earth and has varying speed from time to time and from substance to substance. No wonder the manifestations of the five elements as substances show infinite variety. Evidently panchabhutas, are not the elements of the periodic table.

Our body is a miniature form of the universe. The whole creation is composed of the five elements s called- Pancha- Mahabhoota's. The human structure is a miniature form of the universe and hence is  also composed of the same five elements. The secret of good health depends on the balance of the elements within the body and the imbalance in these five elements causes diseases of the body and mind.

According to Ayurveda there are five elements Panchmahabhoot - core principles or foundations,, which are the source of life on the entire universe (the macrocosm), as well as our body (the microcosm). The five elements are air / wind (vayu); water (jala); Fire (tejas); earth (prithvi) and space ether (akasa). Life is impossible without these elements.

Life is a bundle of miracles. This human body has intrinsic power to heal and to be healthy. It has vitality. It can resist disease and sustain itself.

The microcosm is after all a reflection of the macrocosm . The art of healing comes from nature. Life is a combination of five elements or Panchmahabhoot that constitutes the universe. They are earth (Prithvi), water (Jala), fire (Agni), air ( Vaayu) and space (Aakash). And with reference to life: they are translated as :
1 . SPACE      -    Absence of resistance     space element -     Aakash
2 . AIR           -    Vibration                         air element-         Vayu
3 . FIRE        -     Cohesion                          fire element-        Agni
4 . WATER   -     Fluidity                            water element-     Jala, and
5 . EARTH    -    Solidity or mass-             earth element -     Prithvi

Substance which constitutes food and drugs, indeed everything living and non living, are evolved from the five elements earth, water, air, fire and either) of which earth is the substratum. Earth in turn, is held  together by water. In the evolution of substances, the earth-water complex is acted upon by air, fire and ether, which enter into the composition of  all substances. In other words, all substances consist of the five elements whose qualities will appear in them in varying proportions. A given substance however bears the name of the element that is dominant in its composition.

Choosing vibrant health is a choice and need of the hour. The diet , lifestyle and stresses of life lure body and mind away from equilibrium. This causes disturbance in the five elements, hence invite disease.

Cleansing of these elements, (भूत शुद्धि ) you,ll have 100%  control on life processes. And continuous practice will  attain  Mastering these elements that is (Bhut Sidhi)  (भूत सिद्धि )

                                Sun is the greatest physician. He is the protector of all life.


Person as an unique individual made up of five primary elements. Just as in nature, we too have these five elements in us. When any of the five elements are present in the environment, they will in turn have  an influence on us. The foods we eat and the weather are just two examples of the presence of these elements.

Nature has equipped us with the  necessary tools to heal from disease.  We have been en - downed with three major instincts namely thirst, hunger and fatigue. If we can sharpen our ability to recognize these instincts and act upon them, we have already set the healing process into motion into motion. For instance. For instance when the child is sick he looses his appetite ( so he stops eating conventional food). He feels tied (so he rests), but he feels thirsty, so he drinks water. Often the child may be feeling so sick that she looses the awareness of thirst or may have such marked nausea or aversion for food and drink that even drinking water is avoided. 

How nature cures
The principle of nature cure is that all diseases of the body are caused by the presence of unwanted toxic substances in the body (toxemia) and simultaneously because of the absence of useful substances in the body (deficiency). Hence the logical treatment of such a condition is to remove the poisonous substances from the body and to supple all the vital substances to it.

The five elements of the minds layers 
  • Such as air exists in the inner mind as the underline mental sensitivity or deeper feeling nature. It is the background vibratory  field of energies, habits and tendencies that sustain the mind, in which we are continually thinking.
  • Fire exists in the intermediate mind  as the rational or discriminating faculty which allows us to perceive and to judge things. 
  • Water exists in  the outer mind as the emotional nature, our ability to connect with the external world, which is the seeking of consciousness to take form.
There are two basic levels to self, between which the  three aspect of consciousness function.
  • The outer self defines itself  according to the body, our physical identity. On the other sides
  • The inner self is our sense of  pure subjectivity.. The pure "I Am" beyond all bodily identity.
These can be understood according to  the model of earth and ether.
  • So Earth  exist in mind as an ego, the sense of separate self through which we feel ourselves to be a limited person. Identified with a [articular body in time and space. on the other hand,
  • Ether exists in  the mind as its underlying mind space, the background capacity for all mental functions, vibrations and impressions. Without space the mind cannot function and has no room to move.
Five elements  (Panchbhuta Doctrine) 
The Panchbhuta doctrine affirms that all substances which constitute the body are derived from five elements that compose the world.

Living in tune with nature is nature cure. Nature provides radiant health to man with its natural forces. They are clean air, clean water , fresh and natural food, fasting exercise and 'calm' mind'. We can take care of our selves by knowing these secrets of well being.

*  By clean air we get enough oxygen, oxygen is power which gives energy to the cells of our body.
*  Clean water cleans the body internally and externally.
*  Nutritious food provides quality blood and rejuvenate the body 
*  Fasting helps flush out all accumulated toxins  from the body and keeps the disease at bay.
*  When we exercise our body muscle will work with flexibility and alacrity. (तत्परता).
* A sound mind in a sound body and vice-versa is also true. - that is 'A sound body with a sound mind.'

                 "Food is making blood,
                              Exercise is distribution of blood
                                                           Breathing is purifying blood and also mind."

The elements within you
Before you attempt to do this, it is important to know what these five elements are --- these are are known as pancha bhutas or maha tatwas in the yogic science. Bhuta means element, so bhuta shudhi means that you need to cleanse all your elements --- this cleansing is done to get rid of all toxic elements that has accumulated in you all over your adult life. In order to feel mentally and physically active, it is important to clean your senses every once in a while --- only when you do this, you can help calm your mind and train your senses. When your elements become pure, you instinctively know the difference between right and wrong and what all you can do to make your life better. 


The five fingers represents five elements of body

Fire or Agni is supreme among all the five element, as it is able to control the other four elements. Similarly the thumb is the most important  among the five fingers of the hand.Thumb supports the other fingers to function as we desire.Therefore thumb is called Agni.Thumb is responsible for balancing, decreasing or increasing the other elements by forming Mudras. We can manipulate fingers and thumbs in various gestures and regulate the element, thereby restoring health.

A reflection of the sun, moon, wind and so on, in the external environment can be seen in the human body.
– The wind represents transportation and a regulating force
– The sun represents an energy source
– The moon represents a material source.
These three concepts are respectively represented by Vata (wind), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (earth/water) in a living body and this gross approach is primarily philosophical and physiological rather than anatomical in its perspective. In fact, these are three windows through which we can observe, analyse and find solutions to almost all of human nature and illnesses.

For the proper functioning of any mechanical or biological system three factors are necessary:
– a structural formation
– an energy converting system and
– a regulatory system.
In the human body, these factors are represented by Kapha (mucous), Pitta (bile) and Vata (wind), respectively and are called the tridoshas, the three humours. In their normal condition, they sustain the body, while in an abnormal condition, they destroy it.

Although the doshas pervade the entire body,
– kapha’s home is above cardiac region
– pitta’s home is between the cardiac and umbilical region, and
– vata is located below the umbilical region.

Vata, Pitta and Kapha ( wind, bile and mucous) become aggravated during the end, middle, and beginning of the day, respectively. The same cycle continues during the night and also during digestion.

A balanced state of these factors leads to perfect health, and an imbalanced state of any one of these leads to illness. A genuine physician knows the six prevailing factors of a disease, which are doshic
– accumulation
– aggravation
– overflowing
– lodgement in a particular place
– manifestation and
– classification or dissolution of these doshas.

What is cleansing of elements? Do you know that apart from the physical and mental detoxification of ourselves, we also need to cleanse our own five elements? Here's how we can do that.
Co-peration - It is said that if you allow all the five elements of your life to function in a pleasing and smooth way, then you can easily control all your negative energies and become a calmer and smoother person. 

The five elements revolves around the normal functioning of the body (physiology), occurrence of diseases (pathology) and action of drugs in ..All yogic practices (Ashtanga yoga), it doesn’t matter what you are doing, whether you do asana, yama, niyama, pranayama, dharana, dhyana, samadhi, shoonya whatever you may be doing, essentially all of it is coming from the fundamentals of Cleansing the elements or ((भूत शुद्धि ). If we clean them enough we can move into Mastery of elements or Bhuta Siddhi (भूत सिद्धि). If you cleanse the elements you’ll live a wonderful life.

So cleansing of elements essentially means you want to first cleanse it so that slowly you come to a state which we call as Mastery of elements  that means you have mastery over the elements. Everybody has some kind of capability with the elements. Right now how well organized the five elements are in your system decides how firm and stable and organically strong this body is.

So the five elements if you learn to handle them properly air that you breath, water that you drink, food that you eat and the sky. You will see your health situation, your sense of well being, your stability, everything will be greatly enhanced.

The physical world is accessible to us only through the five senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, which are located in the eye, ear, nose tongue and skin. Each sense takes note of its object by the quality (गुण ) specific to it. The eye cannot hear any more than the ear can see.. As properties have no independent existence and must be inherent in objects, it would follow that there are five elements (bhutas) corresponding to the five senses. The substance (dravya द्रव्य)  we come across in everyday experience are made of five objects or (bhutas) Each element has its own qualities. These qualities are related to the elements as well as sense organs.

*   Ether, or  Space     (आकाश )       by     sound   sense organ    ear

*   Air                          (वायु )            by     touch    sense organ   skin
*   Fire                         (अग्नि )           by    light      sense organ    eyes
*   Water                      (अप)             by    taste      sense organ    taste  and   
*   Earth                       (पृथ्वी )           by    smell.   sense organ    nose

                                              "Fasting is the best treatment."
Functions of five basic elenents in the body
All elements are present in the cell membrane, but the earth elements predominates, gives structure to the cell.
  • The water element is predominant in the cytoplasm, the liquid in the cell.
  • The air element is predominant in the gasses in the cell.
  • The metabolic processes regulating the cell are governed mainly by the fire element.
  • The space occupied by the cell represents the ether element.
Akasha (Space)
This is an inactive element that manifest itself in the bodily cavities like the cranial cavity, the para-nasal sinuses, the ear cavity, the buccal cavity,, the thoracic cavity and the abdomino- pelvic cavity as also spaces within the tubular , bag like organs. Aakash creates the room within the body, so that rest of the elements can act.

Vayu (Air)
This is the element of movement. All movements of the body and within the body, voluntary as well as involuntary are effected by air. Air is also responsible for our thought and emotions and for the movements of the electrical impulses along sensory and motor nerves.Air is related to the sense of touch and therefore to the skin. Disorders of movements  in paralysis or Parkinson disease can be helped by the manipulation of the air element.

Agni (Fire)
This element is responsible for the body temperature and metabolism. Fire works on a alimentary system causing thirst, hunger, digestion of food, assimilation of digested food.Fire is associated with vision therefore eyes. Disorder like loss of appetite, indigestion and obesity can be helped by the reinforcement of the fire element.

Jala (Water)
This element is the constituent of the protoplasm, blood , tears, saliva, digestive juices, sweat, urine, semen, cerebro spinal fluid and fat. Water is related to the taste and therefore the tongue. Without water the tongue cannot recognize various tastes. Disorders of water metabolism like dehydration or water retention can be helped by manipulating the water element.

Prithvi (Earth)
This element is the constituent of the body mass, skin , hair,nails. bone , cartilages, muscles etc.An excess of earth element causes obesity while a deficiency causes emaciation. Earth is associated with smell and therefore the nose. Disorder like leanness, prostration and low immunity can be helped by the manipulation of the earth element

Their density increases progressively in the series from ether to earth. Secondly each succeeding element is characterized by not only by its own specific quality but also by its predecessor,s. To this extend, the specificity is diluted. Thus ether has the quality of sound alone because it has no proceeding element. Air which follows has its own quality of touch, but also sound. This process of adding qualities progresses all the way to the fifth element earth., which posses the qualities of all the five elements.

This progressive addition of qualities is an index of the progressive addition or combination of the respective bhutas. The processes whereby a bhuta combines with other bhutas is called quinquennial action ( panchikarana) It is this action which leads to the Mahabhutas which which are perceivable by the senses.

*   Space       by sound
*   Air           by touch and sound.
*   Fire          by light, touch and sound.
*  Water        by taste, light, touch and sound. and
*   Earth        by smell, taste, light, touch and sound.

These elements have different characteristics and these also account for different faculties of human experience. Substances which constitute food, drink and medication consist of the five elements. This quadrennial action is evolutionary from ether to earth and has varying speed from time to time and from substance to substance. 

There are two other notable observations in relation to the five Bhutas. Their destiny Increases progressively in the series from either to earth. Secondly, each succeeding bhuta is characterised not only by its own specific quality but also by its predecessor’s . To this extent, the specificity is diluted. Thus either has the quality of sound alone because it has no preceding bhuta. Air which follows has its own quality of touch, but also sound. This process of adding qualities progresses all the way to fifth bhuta earth., which posses the qualities of all the five Bhuta earth, which possesses the qualities of all five bhutas.



                      “Human body and cosmos itself is essentially made of five elements.” ..

The five elements revolves around the normal functioning of the body (physiology), occurrence of diseases (pathology) and action of drugs in ..All yogic practices (Ashtanga yoga), it doesn’t matter what you are doing, whether you do asana, yama, niyama, pranayama, dharana, dhyana, samadhi, shoonya whatever you may be doing, essentially all of it is coming from the fundamentals of cleansing the elements or ((भूत शुद्धि ). If we clean them enough we can move into mastery of elements or Bhuta Siddhi (भूत सिद्धि). If you cleanse the elements you’ll live a wonderful life.

So bootha suddhi essentially means you want to first cleanse it so that slowly you come to a state which we call as bootha siddhi that means you have mastery over the elements. Everybody has some kind of capability with the elements. Right now how well organized the five elements are in your system decides how firm and stable and organically strong this body is.

So the five elements if you learn to handle them properly air that you breath,water that you drink, food that you eat and the sky. Bow to them, put your hands together, respect them as these are the life making ingredients. You will see your health situation,your sense of well being, your stability, everything will be greatly enhanced.

"The homologous of the five elements in food and medication on one hand and in the body constituents on the other, has profound implications in practice of medicine."

BALANCE : The six best doctors in the world are sunlight,rest,exercise,diet, self confidence and friends. Maintain then in all stages and enjoy a healthy life.

There percentage of these elements in our body is as follows:
* Water  72%
* Earth   12%
* Air       6%
* Space   6%
* Fire      4%

                                                       "Be a nature lover."

* Earth       SOLID           (Bound to itself)
* Water       LIQUID        (Less bound)
* Air           GAS              (Less bound)
* Fire                                (Even less bound)
* Space                             (Total freedom)
                                     "Change is inevitable in nature and also it is in the human body."

Each of the five elements occupy a specific region within our body
AKASH : This mainly occupies the region of head.     This ia related to the thought process.
AGNI : This occupies the place from navel to the chest region. Prana and Apana functions here.
JALA : This occupies the place between navel and thighs.
PRITHVI : This occupies the place mainly between thighs and the feet.
VAYU :  This occupies the place between the nose and diaphram.

Five elements and organ development Each of these elements influences the formation of different organs or organ systems in the human body.

Earth Prithvi (पृथ्वी)- 8
* 1 bones,
* 2 teeth,
* 3 nails,
* 4 skin ,
* 5 hairs,
* 6 flesh,
* 7 tendon &  cartilage
* 8 sensory organ for smell
In form of Food

Water (जल)  3
* 1 Blood
* 2 fat
* 3 Sensory organ of taste

Fire (अग्नि)  3
* 1 Metabolism
* 2 Body heat
* 3 Sensory perception for vision

Air (वायु) 3
* 1 Mechanisms of movement
* 2 Cell division
* 3 Perception of touch

Space (आकाश)
* 1 Development of vessels and body cavity
* 2 Perception of sound

However, the combination of elements governs the continuous physio- pathological changes in the body. It also alters in response to the changes in the environment.
*   Air element Vata Prakriti (Nervous system)
*   Fire element  Pitta Prakriti (Digestion)
*  Water element Kapha Prakriti (Stability)

The body constitution of an individual
Mainly 3 types according to the combination of elements. Of these, the predominant elements influences the formation of  (Vaata, pitta & kapha)  or (प्रकृति ). The  sperm and ovum at the time of fertilization, determines the constitution (Prakruti) of a person. The basic constitution of the individual remains unaltered during one,s lifetime.
*   Vata,      AIR ELEMENT
*    Pitta      FIRE ELEMENT
*    Kapha   WATER ELEMENT
* 1   Air element Vata Prakriti (Nervous system)
* 2   Fire element  Pitta Prakriti (Digestion system)
* 3  Water element Kapha Prakriti (Stability)

The Mental constitution of an individual (Manas Prakriti, मानस प्रक्रति ) is as important as body constitution. They are of three types: Depending on the attributes.
* 1 Sattva Guna (सात्त्विक गुण )
* 2 Raja Guna    (राजसिक गुण )
* 3 Tamsic Guna  (तामसिक गुण )
These features ( Gunas) neither exist nor exhibit in absolute forms and vary in degree and circumstance. Thus holistic health is a complex harmony of mental attributes in association with body constitution.

Ingested food 
Fire....................................... Which digest the food
Air .......................................  Which evaporates and
Water (Moisture)....................It loosens
Fat .........................................Which softens
Earth.......................................Which binds
Time ......................................Which matures.

The Three Governing Principles - Patho -Physiolodical  (त्रिदोष )
The three governing principles / humors ( त्रिदोष ) or  the three balancing forces of body (tridoshas)  of the body, on which one,s health and disease are Vata, Pitta and Kapha commonly referred as "tridoshas" are in fact due to different combination of the  five elements.The representation  of the three dosas (vata, pitta and kapha) as the interply of wind, bile and phlegm). Tridosa was anticipated in the Athara veda (अथर्वा  वेद ) which referred to disease caused by water, wind and fire.
*  Kapha   consist    of    WATER
*  Wind     consist   of     AIR
*  Pitta       consist   of    FIRE
A perfect balance in the TRIDOSHAS is said to be a state of absolute good health or complete state of health. While a balanced state of Vata, pitta and kapha results in a stage of equilibrium of body functions..Vitiation of any one dosha are the level of disease manifestation is counter balanced by another dosha.

         "The laws of preservation of health should receive our first and foremost consideration."

Taste as a chemical indicator

Tongue act as a chemical sensor. There are six tastes- sweet, sour, salty. pungent, bitter and astringent- are the products of  water and originate during the evolution of substances. The taste that is dominant and easily detected by the tongue is the primary taste of a given substance; other taste which are latent are secondary.
*  Sweet taste            is a product of           earth and water..
*  Sour taste              is a product of           earth and fire
*  Salty taste              is the product of       water and fire
*  Pungent taste        is the product of        air and fire
*  Tikta taste             is the product of        air and either and
*  Astringent taste     is the product of        air and earth.

                      “Looking inwards is itself a cleansing of elements."

The five deities are associated with five elements 

The five elements.                  The presiding deity 
Earth.                                        Shiva
Water.                                        Ganapati
Fire.                                           Devi Maheshwari
Wind.                                         Surya the Sun
Sky.                                            Vishnu 
Lord Shiva is the presiding deity of the earth, hence his worship is by earthen idol. Lord Ganapati is the presiding deity of water. The seeds sprout because of water and thus the creation begins. Hence Ganapati is worshiped in the beginning of any ritual of celebration. Devi Maheshwari is the presiding deity of fire. Hence her worship is with sacrificial fire. Surya is the presiding deity of the wind. The association of wind  is great with the vital energy. Hence to protect the vital energy in the body Surya is worshiped with Mantra - Japa, Salutations नमस्कार and with Pranayama. Lord Vishnu is the presiding deity of sky- the space and the association is with the sound. Hence his worship is with devotional songs, hymns, stutis with words glorifying his name.

The balance of these five elements through various gestures if fingers which are called Hasta Mudras. Our fingers emit electro magnetic power which is arrested by mudras. Mudras can rejuvenate the the body, heal diseases and also help in spiritual awakening. In order to create and maintain equilibrium in our body and mind Mudras act as a remote control and maintain balance of the five elements within the body. They remove disorders. So mudras help in regainingheaith and happyness.

The five fingers represents five elements of body

Fire or Agni is supreme among all the five element, as it is able to control the other four elements. Similarly the thumb is the most important  among the five fingers of the hand.Thumb supports the other fingers to function as we desire.Therefore thumb is called Agni.Thumb is responsible for balancing, decreasing or increasing the other elements by forming Mudras. We can manipulate fingers and thumbs in various gestures and regulate the element, thereby restoring health.

Elements and Body Connection: According to ancient wisdom, our 5 fingers represent the 5 elements of nature i.e., Pancha Bhutas, and each finger has a particular mudra that is practiced to bring balanced in these elements, based on an individual’s body nature. The representation of each mudra - element - finger are listed below for reference:

  • Surya Mudra (Agni Mudra) - The Sun - The Thumb. It increases the fire element.

  • Vayu Mudra  - Air - The Index Finger.

  • Akash Mudra  - Ether - The Middle Finger.

  • Prithvi Mudra  - The Earth - The Ring Finger.

  • Varuna Mudra  (Jala Mudra) - Water - The Little Finger.

"The laws of nature and laws of health can,t be voilated. If voilated we cannot live ubpunished."

The Natureopathy
Natureopathy is the system of healing which stimulates the body,s inherent power to regain and restore health with the aid of five great elements or Panch Mahabhutas of nature. It is the simple way of living in harmony with the self, society and natural environment. Human body has the capacity to heal itself (vitalism) if it is supplied with the correct environment and the basic ingredients that can build healthy new cells. This is based on the old age doctrine of " vis medicatrix naturae "- only nature can heal.

Seasonal Routine or Ritucharya
*  Spring season is dominated by    - kapha that is     -    water element
*  Rainy season is dominated by      - vaata that is      -    air element
*  Autumn season is dominated by   - pitta that is       -    fire element.

Introduction of elements

As it is in nature, so it is in the body. All the five elements work in coordination and they facilitate the keep up of the health. This awareness helps us to realize the relationship of the five elements within the body.

In order to  rid the body of poison, the body needs a vehicle, and the best vehicle is water. Hence, adequate water at frequent intervals helps the  body to carry out its detoxification functions very efficiently.

Almost 70% of body is water. Varun mudra keeps the water balance in the body.

Water is one of the five elements in the body and is called "San-Jeevan" (संजीवन ) - which gives the life, the life itself. Water is one of the three important things for survival of human beings. The other important items are air and food.This is one of the most important since our body is 72 %  made of water. It is in sync with the planet earth, approximately seventy-two percent of the planet is water. So about two-thirds of the planet is water, two-thirds of the body is water. If there is any decrease in water element  in our body  we become restless. In nature too, there is 2/3rd  of water on the surface of the earth in the form of lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. There is constant change in water because of its quality of flowing.

Biologically, water has many distinct properties that are vital for the proliferation of life which sets it apart from other substances. Water is also central in photosynthesis and respiration in plants. Several plants flourish simply on water; even some people can survive on water alone for several weeks and even months. This proves that in water there are life nourishing elements.The circulatory system, the respiratory system, the glandular system and the digestive system are all water related, hence water is an integral factor in our life.Water  can be used in two ways: internally and externally.
The kidneys and all the ‘body fluids’,plasma and secretions represents ‘jala’ in the human body.

  • Water is the best cleansing agents and hence is the most important tool in healing from any sickness. Bathing in water, cold and warm sponges.
  • Drinking enough water.
  •  Enemas are  a very useful adjunct in internal cleansing. However some precautions are necessary An enema should never be given by an inexperienced person. It may not be given when intestinal obstruction is suspected or if there is a suspicion of an intestinal infection.Enema should not be given in high fever such as seen in typhoid fever. It should never be given with hot water The temperature should be same as room temperature. Forceful introduction of enema tube could cause very serious damage.
  • Whirlpool baths, jacuzzis and hipbaths are some of the other uses of water  in nature cure.

                                                     "जल जो न होता तो ये जीवन जाता  जल"
                                        "If there was no water, this life would have been burnt."


Another twelve percent is earth, you know only twelve percent of your body is actually earth, largely it is water. So it's eighty-four percent. Earth, in turn is held together by water.
The essence of your physicality is formed by the earth.That is the core of the planet.In the busy world of today where we all live in concrete jungles, it is important to keep yourself in touch with the ground and in a literal sense! The earth is what bore us, so we need to give some back to it.

The earth's surface visible is only 1/3rd. The earth surface is also changing because of wind, water and sunlight. Earth is our source of creation. The essence of your physicality is formed by the earth.That is the core of the planet. Taking the charge of it , to keep the body very fit and efficient, nutritious food is essential. Similarly air, water and food ingested in the body from the external world, causes changes in the body. After digestion, food is changed into nourishment, which is utilized by the body tissues.or the earth element. The waste material which remains is expelled out of the body. The special quality of earth is stability.

Earth is used directly in the form of mudpack and indirectly by cultivating it for all our various fruits, vegetables,  nuts, grains sprouts, beans and other foods. 

The element Prithvi - earth is a vital component of body tissues like bones , cartilage, skin, hairs, nails, muscles, tendons and internal organs. The element builds and invigorates the tissues and increases vitality  strength and endurance. This element is associated with smell and hence it helps to overcome nasal disorders. Prithvi also reduces fire, so an over active agni can be pacified.

Even though air is a small composition is the five elements, it is an extremely important element -- it is important that the air you breathe is clean and free of bacteria. Air is the easiest thing to manage and take charge of because there is breath and you can take charge of it in a certain way. Though air represents only 6% of your body, it is the most dynamic part  of element in terms of the transactions that happens on a minute to minute basis. What kind of air you breath is definitely important and that,s why How you breath, and how consciously you breath is equally important especially those of you are living in large cities.

The special quality of air is mobility.The earthquakes caused in the interior of the earth, and the enormous waves caused on the seas and oceans are due to the mobility of air. In the same manner, air is mobile even in the body. Though one seems to be sleeping, there is constant activity of respiration and water metabolism going on caused by the air. The nutrition reaches every nook and corner of the body through the mobility of air. It also transports the waste material to the particular organ and expels it with its force.

Air is of paramount importance in healing. Breathing exercises and physical exercise are good way to optimize our air intake. The ability to breath correctly helps in providing the body with adequate oxygen that is so necessary to heal from disease. Yogic breathing exercises helps to train children to breath correctly and also provide impetus for enhanced lung function. Yoga is an extremely versatile science that could augment the physical, mental and spiritual growth of a child. However these exercises should be done under supervision.

When the air element in the body increases, because of diet and lifestyle, many kinds of disturbances raise their ugly heads. To decrease the Vayu element perform vayu mudra and attain balance.

Space assumes the highest importance for all these activities in the body to function. It constitute 6 % in our body. If the space is clogged  or closed nutrition cannot reach certain parts of the body because the blood cannot circulate. This causes diseases. So space has to be maintained in balance, giving place for various activities to be carried out in the body.

Space within the body is a part of outer space.A person becomes very broad minded when it is balanced. Akash mudra  balance the space element, / Shoonya mudra decreases the excess of Akash element.

Mind represents the space. Various types of pollution which includes emotional and mental pollution which results negativity among living beings. 
 Greed, jealousy, hatred, fear, anger, sorrow such negative emotions in excess results in most catastrophes  and controlling these is a sure way to achieve global peace and harmony.
One should try to achieve least negative emotions

This element is endless --- pretty much like the sky, the options for cleansing your akash element too are very abundant. Anything you do positive can better your akash element.

All the five elements in the body are equally important and are interdependent. But as far as digestion is concern, space assumes greater importance. If required space is made available in the stomach, the food gets well mixed with enzymes. The digestion process takes place for about 3-4 hours. The space works as a strainer. The nutrients and the waste materials are separated and the space helps the movement of nutrients to reach all parts of body, as well as elimination of waste materials. Thus creating space for the next feed. Therefore we have to give enough time for digestion. Some people eat without rhyme and reason although there is no real hunger. Then the space will not  be enough for proper digestion of the previous meal. Hence the food remains undigested and starts fermenting, leading to problems like gasses, pain, feeling of fullness etc. Therefore nutrients do not reach every part of the body. Hence body feels inert and dull.

Another four percent is fire. Taking mastery over fire could do many things to you.

The digestive power in the body is fire. Fire encompasses changes and causes refinement in the body and mind from the gross to subtle. Such change includes the digestion and absorption of food in the gastro-intestinal tract and in cellular transformation, as well as assimilation of sensory perceptions., mental and emotional experiences.
*  In pitta constitution the fires are intensified.
*  The strength of digestive fires, जठराग्नि which characterize a constitution from birth. Apart from principal fire in the stomach,
 *  Eire specific to each tissue (dhatu)  are constantly active in the body. fire specific to each tissue (dhatu) are constantly active in the body. Tissue metabolism or Dhatu Agni घातवाग्नि.
*  भूताग्नी Fires in the body belong to the category of fire among the five elements which constitute nature.
 Fire in the sea is called वडवानल ?
 Fire in the forest is called वैश्वानल ?
Fire is used to create warmth and also helps to cook our food to make  it easier to digest.  All these elements are used alone are in varying combinations to provide the basis for optimum healing.

Cleansing of elements

How to take charge of elements

All elements we must master and find balance in the element.
Sun is a giver of life and radiant health. Mantras and Mudras purify and energize our body through their vibrations. Yoga-asana and Pranayama balance the mind and body.
Tips to naturally clean your body

*  Keep water overnight in a Copper vessel

*  Eat the food right way

*  Spend time in nature.

*  Get sunlight everyday

*  Determine what kind of fire burns within you.

                                           “Your body is a bottle filled with 72% of water."

How to do it?

*   Pure : We need to treat water right before it enters your system  Water has to be purified before consumption by straining, boiling or filtering.and then stored, Alum an antiseptic for purification of water. Apart from that, get into the habit of saving water. 

*    Washing the face and eyes 50 times with clean and fresh cool water early in the morning. This removes dullness.
*   Ushapaan (उषा : पान ) Water intake on empty stomach is called Usha paan. This is ideal because it facilitates the elimination of urine and stool in the morning.So toxins are cleared.Water has no side effects as tea & coffee has.

*   Every one must drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Water intake first thing in the morning is beneficial as it prevents wrinkles, premature graying of hairs,hoarse throat and constipation and flatulence.

*   Water stored in a copper vessel with few holy basil leaves is very healthy

You can also keep some water in a copper container overnight and then have it after you get up. Not only is this healthy, it will also purify your stomach.

*  Water intake before meals weakens the body, water intake during the meals keep the body balanced, and water intake after the meals increases fat in the body. Therefore to maintain good digestion drinking water during the meals is considered the best.. Though 1-2 sips of water after the meal will not make much difference.

*    Bathing : Bathing daily is a must before having food. It is essential for cleaning and refreshing the body. It rejuvenate the body.The nose, the ears, and the feet should be specifically cleaned during bath, The dirt of the skin is washed off. The body gets the warm of water and the rubbing helps digestion. So bathing helps to prolong life. It makes the body and mind enthusiastic and increases strength. It prevents fatigue, itching, body odour, sweating, intolerance, thirst and irritation. 

Bathing in hot or cold water is as per weather conditions. While bathing one has to scrub the body with a small towel to open the pores of the skin, so that the skin will absorb all nourishing qualities of water. The friction  on the body caused by  scrubbing stimulates blood circulation and imparts a blissful feeling of freshness. A good scrubbing relieves fatigue. Hence water sustains vigor internally as well as externally.

The external use of water benefits hair pores.This is achieved by rubbing the whole body thoroughly with towel after taking bath.It opens the pores, exercises the upper layer of skin and makes it possible for the body to receive energy and life nourishing elements from water. After rubbing , plenty of water  should be poured in the body.

                                     "Bathing should be avoided when ailing."

 Fruits & Vegetable : As it has water content  about over seventy percent in vegetable and 90% in fruits.  If you want cleansing to happen you must eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Almost any Asian cooking usually has over seventy percent water naturally. That’s how traditions created it; they were aware of it. The food should have over seventy percent water content.

*   Semisolid diet :  South Indian diet is semi solid., like Sambar. others like khichadi, Dalia (broken wheat) ,vegetables with gravy.

*   Drinking cold water is useful to people suffering from indigestion and burning sensation. Warm water is proper for people suffering from cold, asthma, fever ( mother after delivery) etc.

*   Water kept in sunlight during the day is called Hansodak and kept in the moonlight at night is called  Anshudak. This water is considered energetic. It has calming effect. It not only boost digestion, slows onslaught of old age ailments and keeps the body cool.


How to do it?  

*    Green Park  : The way to do this is simple, try and go for a walk everyday to a place where you can feel the grass under you not the concrete road. 

*   Gardening : Spend some time with nature --- indulge in gardening or cultivate a small patch in your house.

*   Food : Eat good food, eat moderately eat when hungry. This food comprise of an ideal diet

-  The wholemeal wheat flour. On no account the bran should be separated from wheat flour. 
-  Manually dehusked unpolished rice,
-  A lot of  green vegetables and leafy vegetables.
-  Moderate use of pulses, milk and milk products.
-  Intake of fresh fruits in plenty
-  Salads
-  Sprouts : Germination of grains and pulses results in a vast increase in their nutritive value.
-  Therefor consumption of raw sprouts is called "Amrit Aahar" (अमृत आहार )
-  Minimum amount of salt and spices to be used.
-  Sweets and fried items are not to be entertained every day.
-  White flour
-  Polished rice
-  Refined sugar
-  White processed salt
-  Milk
-  Processed food : As it removes the fibers and roughage from the food.This results in insufficient elimination of waste, due to which toxins accumulate in the blood which cause lot of damage to our health, i.e.
canned and bottled fruits, fruit juices,tomato ketchup, jams, jellies, instant gulab jamun, instant rasgullas, ready ground flours, cakes, chocolates, ice creams, bread, buscuits, peppermint sweets. As all these foods are over eaten , and digestive organs are subjected to undesirably heavy loads. The consequences is severe indigestion and obesity resuiting in later  in more or less permanent diseased conditions like diabetes or disorders of joints.


How to do it? 

Cleansing the air within you. 

*   Morning Walk : Morning walk in greenary is good as a way to get in the fresh air.

*   Alternate Nostril Breathing / Nadi shodhana
Nadi is a Sanskrit word meaning “channel” or “flow” and shodhana means “purification.” Therefore, nadi shodhana is primarily aimed at clearing and purifying the subtle channels of the mind-body organism, while balancing its masculine and feminine aspects. 
But on a daily basis if you are not able to take you out, you are within the house, you can do simple yogic practices called Nadi Shudhi to cleanse the breath.


  • Infuses the body with oxygen
  • Clears and releases toxins
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Calms and rejuvenates the nervous system
  • Helps to balance hormones
  • Supports clear and balanced respiratory channels
  • Helps to alleviate respiratory allergies that cause hay fever, sneezing, or wheezing
  • Balances solar and lunar, masculine and feminine energies
  • Fosters mental clarity and an alert mind
  • Enhances the ability to concentrate
  • Brings balance to the left and right hemispheres of the brain
Breath in a following way:
- Breathe in deep and slow and uniformly for a count of five seconds.
- Hold the breath for two seconds
- Exhale slowly and uniformly
- Hold out for a second

 Deep breathing 20 times 3 times a day. So you remain in pure air it's important that you bring breath to a dynamic state with a certain activity. If you don,t have to do  too vigorously or actively. Just enough
See that you breathe deep enough, slightly deeper than enough is happening to you for a period of time. Especially for growing children becomes very important, because this will greatly enhance body,s integrity and strength.

Open air baths : Going in for a forest trip.

Pranayama : Pranayama is excellent exercise of breathing. It steadies the mind and removes oscillation. It fills the body with new, abundant energy. Some simple breathing exercises once in a day. It will detoxify your system.You can do this by practicing deep breathing in the morning or visiting a lake so that you can get some fresh air.

Yogasana : The way to do it is to get as much of clean air as possible .

 Get more air : The idea behind this is to get more air in your lungs so that your body gets cleansed from inside, the more air you get it, the more free your mind will feel, once and always.
Walking :  So it is good  at least for a few minutes take a walk in a park or terrace, or along a lake or the river.  Whatever is available to you especially if you have children it is important to take them once a month far away enough from the city where nature is reasonably in a pure state. Where they can climb a small hill, or walk a forest or swim in a river. Something natural to be in touch with nature. And to do something where breath will be in a dynamic state. This is not for just a Aerobics exercise.

* Running & Jogging : It helps the respiratory system to function efficiently.
Jal Neti
Nasal cleaning : Jala neti is beneficial for upper respiratory health. It would well become a part of one’s daily morning routine. 
The Sanskrit word, Jala, means “water”. The original meaning of neti is “to guide”. It has also come to mean “nasal cleansing”. Therefore, Jala neti means guiding water through the nasal passages to cleanse them.Jala neti is a traditional Ayurvedic and Yogic practice that clears the nose and sinus passages through nasal irrigation. Sea salt is dissolved into warm, pure water in a Neti pot, a tool specifically designed for this purpose. The head is tilted forward and to the side and the solution is poured into one nostril and allowed to pour out the other, thereby clearing the nasal passages and sinuses of excess mucous, toxins and debris along the way. Neti allows for fuller, freer breathing, which increases the amount of prana, or vital life energy, that we absorb. 


Cleansing the air outside you. 

Exchange of air is happening within and without and the very intelligence of the body will take care of this when it senses the air is pure

And a life.

The way the body breathes you can notice this. The exchange will happen, cleansing will happen within the system because breath per say is only 1-2% of the air transaction, the rest is happening in other ways.

*   Plant some trees as well helps in Cleansing the air outside you.

Agnihotra (अग्निहोत्र ): Air that you breath may not be in your hands .  Agnihotra -the fireplace in the middle part of the temple or house was propagated to maintain the balance of clean environment. Agnihotra means the fire that saves. The Agnihotra was carried out in every house and temple to cleanse the surrounding environment.

*   Hawan /Yajna : Yajna in a bigger scale purifies the planetary atmosphere. It also purifies the internal atmosphere. It removes the external pollution and mental pollution. Handful of herbs (Guggulu) and ghee in Yajna can purify the atmosphere. Herbs and wood properties are contained in the ash  and smoke and this affects the environment and balances the atmospheric condition. Some remove the toxin from the body upon inhalation, some uplift the mind , some bring about the balance between the motor and sensory nerve system. And some help to destroy the pollutants that we breathe in.

*   Bhamari Pranayama: भ्रामरी प्राणायाम 

     Udgeet Pranayama: उदगीत प्राणायाम 


*   What kind of fire burns inside you --- is it greed, hatred, anger, resentment, lust, love, or compassion? The more you let these fires burn in your system, the bitter your personality will become --- it is important to keep these fires under control.
How to do it?
Apart from the mental fire of all negative things you need to douse, here's another thing you can do. 
 *   Prayers --- this will help you in feeling calmer, kinder and also make you positive person

*    Sun bath

Space (Akash) /Ether


Mind represents the space. Various types of pollution which includes emotional and mental pollution which results netavity among living beings. 
 Greed, jealousy, hatred, fear, anger, sorrow such negative emotions in excess results in most catastrophes  and controling these is a sure way to achieve global peace and harmony.
One should try to achieve least negative emotions

This element is endless --- pretty much like the sky, the options for cleansing your akash element too are very abundant. Anything you do positive can better your akash element.
How to do it?
*    Yajna / Hawan:  Yajna purifies  space (akashik)  atmosphere. Yajna is a cure, the remedy whixh all lovers of environment have been serching for. All those who believe that the enviornment must be purified of greenhouse gasses and toxic emissions must practice yajna., at the individual level, sitting at home, where ever one lives. It works wonders. 
 Meditation : 5-10 minutes of meditation after rising has a calming effect.

Fasting Therapy : Fasting or (उपवास )  once on the eleventh day of lunar cycle is like a medicine to keep the system pure. All diseases originate in the accumulation of poisons in the  body. The first thing to remove the toxins from the body  is to provide "space" in the body, that is fasting. For a while not to eat or drink anything as long as we feel the real hunger. Thus elimination becomes easy. If a person feels hungry that is the testimony of proper digestion. In this way nature tries to get rid of all impurities through its healing power.The proper nutrition of the body and the elimination of the waste material keeps the body fit. If the waste material is not eliminated on time, it accumulates in the body resulting ultimately in a diseased condition. Therefore, detoxifying the body , assumes great importance.

* Following  Good conduct / Acharya Rasayana

Sound That heals: Sound therapist make music in a variety of ways to promote healing.Here are some common techniques:

Sound when used in a directed way, sound can help us reduce stress,create a deep sense of well- being and even promote healing. Sound therapy is gaining popularity as both a preventive medicine and as a complement to more traditional treatment. Good for both body and mind, it has been shown to help lift depression,clear sinuses and help cancer patients recover more quickly from chemotherapy.

Classical music : It has been shown to increase the rate of development of synaptic connections in young children's mind. It also helps fuel creativity and enhances joy in adult. Classical music can even help address physical ailments like high blood pressure and muscle tension.

Humming. Humming not only lifts your spirits, it also clears your head. According to a study: humming may actually help keep your sinuses clear and healthy.

Chanting "Om" It  is the first step to meditation, and is also means of maintaining health and well being. Chanting can stabilize heart rate, lower blood pressure, improve circulation, produce endorphins and aid the process of metabolism. Chanting can also help the mind focus, which alleviates stress levels. For example repeating the syllable "om"considered one of the most important mantras in yoga is said to foster a deep mental clarity and promote a sense of connect with a higher power.

How to take charge of elements
All elements we must master and find balance in the element.
Helps maintain hydration of body
Hydrotherapy : Hydrotherapy hydro therapeutic methods in the form of baths, jets, douches, packed compresses, immersions.
Hydrotherapy Here, we use the therapeutic properties of water to treat various health related conditions since time immemorial. Water has numerous healing properties and exhibits different therapeutic benefits when used in different forms at specific temperatures
Water is used internally and externally in its forms: stream, liquid or ice to cleanse and restore and rejuvenate health. It is used in the form of Baths, Jets, Douches, packs,Compresses and Immersions to name a few Drinking a specific amount of water also has a therapeutic effects;
*  Helps maintain hydration of body
*  Helps in proper secretion of body fluids and maintain acne of PH.
*  Aids digestion and prevents constipation
*  Improves skin conditions and nourishes it
*  Maintains a flexibility of joints
*  Helps in detoxification


*    Food : Let food be your medicine

*  Mud Bath / Packs benefits: Of five elements of nature, mud represents earth and has therapeutic value in the restoration and the maintenance of health to prevent diseases. Minerals and trace elements present in the mud are known for its renowned effects and healing properties. Mud also has a remarkable property of holding moisture for a long time, which has a localized cooling effect.
Helps improve circulation and relax the muscles. Improves the digestive activity and set right the metabolism. Local application helps relieve inflammations, swellings and reduces pain. Excellent in treating skin conditions without open elisions. It helps bring down blood pressure. Revitalizes the skin.Conditions the hair. Specific kind of application relieves the stiffness of joints.

*  Always take off your shoes when in nature.Walking barefoot in the grass so that body remains in touch with earth. Being barefoot is so important: as we have so much excess electromagnetic radiation in modern society. It completely throws out  of wack our bodies nervous system and hormonal functions. This is why we must be in natural filter of the forest and bare foot to ground out the excesses.

*  Sleeping on the floor.

Gardening as a hobby.


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