leg Cramps
Leg Cramps Introduction A sudden, involuntary contraction of one or more muscles (cramp), often in the legs. A muscle cramp is often due to long exercise or physical labour, especially in the heat. Dehydration, age, pregnancy and certain medical conditions may increase the risk of muscle cramp. A Charley horse (involuntary muscle cramp, spasm or contraction, normally in the legs) is harmless but can be very painful. It often awakens a person during the night. Massage can relieve cramping pain. Stretches and hydration during exercise or work can prevent a Charley horse. Varuna Mudra - Mudra for Water , for Fever, Moisturizer, Loss of taste, Tongue disorder, Good for skin, Pimples. Best for Dryness, cramps. In Sanskrit ‘varun’ = ‘rain’. Rain is water, and the practice of this hand gesture ( hasta mudra ) is to focus on the water (rain) element in the body. Varuna Mudra (Mudra of Wa...