3 Gunas or Quality of Nature
3 Gunas or Quality of Nature
(Trigunas :Three Mental Qualities)
Satvik, Rajsik, Tamsik |
Satwa - Leads to knowledge and happiness.
Rajas - Leads to action for fulfilling desires.
Tamas - Leads to ignorance and lethargy.
These three gunas get disturbed and they continuously transform into one another. These lead to the creation of Mahat. Ahankar- ego evolves from Mahat and in turn, the fiveTanmatras- sound, touch, form, taste and smell are born from Ahamkara.
From these subtle elements five gross or physical elements are born. They are
Vayu - Wind
Agni - Fire
Akash- Either
Jala - Water
Prithvi - Earth
Therefore it is said that the universe is composed of these five elements.
Origin of universe : This means :With the power of Primal sound OM and the supreme soul- space is created, from the space the wind, from wind the fire, from fire- the water, from water the earth, plants and food were created. Therefore all beings are constituted of food and water.
In Hindu mythology, the cosmos is believed to have evolved out of a primordial ground called Prakriti similar to the western alchemical concept of prima matter. Prakriti is woven from three threads called
Gunas or qualities, which creates all that we experience. The qualities correspond, in our terms, to matter, energy and consciousness.
The first of gunas is called Tamas, and it represents matter, mass or the heavy stillness of inertia.It is Prakriti in its densest form.The second guna is called Rajas represents energy in the form of motion, force and the overcoming of inertia. This is Prakriti in its energetic, changing form. The third is called Sattva meaning mind, intelligence or consciousness. This is Prakriti in its abstract form. The guna can also be described as tamas, the magnetic force, Rajas, the kinetic force and Sattva. The balancing force between these two . Sattva rules the causal plane the subtle plane and tamas the gross or physical plane.
In the continuous creation of cosmos the three gunas intervene to form the various states or planes of existence that we experience. Arising from a basic state of equilibrium. The gunas maintain this equilibrium through constant flux. Others times tamas may dominate, giving us matter. At times Rajas may dominate, giving us energy.When Sattva is predominant, the experience is primarily mental or spiritual. However, the three gunas always retain their own essence, much as the three strands of a braid remain distinct, yet weave together to make one braid.
The totality of gunas is believed to remain constant, mirroring the principles of energy conservation accepted by the physics today. Within our braid we may alter the number of strands in each section, yet the total size of the braid remain constant.
The chakras are all comprised of these ingredients in various degrees. Matter (tamas) rules the lower chakras,energy (Rajas rules the middle chakras and consciousness (Sattva) rules the upper chakras. yet some proportion of each thread is found at every level and in each and every living thing. To balance the weaving of these three basic threads is to bring balance to ourselves, in mind, body and spirit.
Our mind is a bundle of thoughts, which can be categorized into three types. Like the rest of the phenomenal world they are the product of the three gunas satva, rajas and tamas. Together they create the maya that governs us and are the basic constituents of our subtle world, just as atoms and molecules are the basic constituents of the gross matter. Our dharma or religion is a complex web of these gunas.
Know Your Personality
Sattvas : Sattvas gives rise to purity, activity in inactivity, balance humility, ethics, kindness, love for truth, and spiritual inclination.
Rajas : Rajas produces sensuality, activity, extreme behavior patterns, egotism, fluctuating ethics, oscillation between kindness and unkindness, and a worldly inclination.
Tamas : Tamas gives rise to impurity, inactivity, imbalance, procrastination, unethical behavior, unkind nature, laziness and addictions.
The purpose of our life is to move from the lower to the higher, from tamas to sattva, and finally to the state of oneness with consciousness. The impact of these three gunas in our life is an interesting study by itself. You can assist your personality by these gunas.
There are three gunas, according to this worldview, that have always been and continue to be present in all things and beings in the world. These three gunas are called: sattva (goodness, calmness, harmonious), rajas (passion, activity, movement), and tamas (ignorance, inertia, laziness).
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