leg Cramps

                         Leg Cramps

A sudden, involuntary contraction of one or more muscles (cramp), often in the legs.
A muscle cramp is often due to long exercise or physical labour, especially in the heat. Dehydration, age, pregnancy and certain medical conditions may increase the risk of muscle cramp.
A Charley horse (involuntary muscle cramp, spasm or contraction, normally in the legs) is harmless but can be very painful. It often awakens a person during the night.
Massage can relieve cramping pain. Stretches and hydration during exercise or work can prevent a Charley horse.

Varuna Mudra

 -  Mudra for Water , for Fever, Moisturizer, Loss of taste, Tongue disorder, Good for skin, Pimples. Best for Dryness, cramps.

In Sanskrit ‘varun’ = ‘rain’. Rain is water, and the practice of this hand gesture (hasta mudra) is to focus on the water (rain) element in the body. Varuna Mudra (Mudra of Water) (also called Jala Mudra ) is a hand gesture practiced using the thumb and little finger. Representing the element water which is the little finger, this practice balances the water element in the body.
This is especially helpful for those who suffer from excessive Vata Dosha.
Formation :
  • Join the tip of a small finger, with the tip of the thumb.
Effects :
  • Varuna mudra affects the water metabolism. It helps to re-hydrate cells, tissues, muscles, skin joints, cartilage etc. The element water is associated with taste. This mudra is useful in over coming disorders like loss of taste sense and dryness of mouth. 
Benefits :
  • Dehydration,dry eczema
  • Tongue disorder, loss of taste.
  • Moisturizes the skin in winter.
  • In sour belching, acidity, constipation, indigestion
  • Lack of urination.
  • Degeneration of joint cartilage
  • It is said to help balance the fluids in the body and support good hydration.
  • Dryness of eyes, mouth,throat,skin, and intestine.
  • It makes the skin softer and more beautiful.
  • Dryness of digestive track.
  • Dry cough.
  • Temperature control, osteoarthritis.
  • Psoriasis, Blood purification
  • Scanty menses
  • Dryness of skin leading to cracks, dry eczema, psoriasis, degeneration of joint cartilage.Osteoarthritis.
  • Anemia and cramps.
  • Deficiency of hormones
  • Scanty urination
  • Loss of taste, tongue disorders.
  • Burns.
  • Pimples, itching and all skin diseases.
  • Mudra helps in removing dryness from the body and adds tenderness,glow and beauty to the skin.
  • It is beneficial in removing impurities present in blood.
  • This mudra preserves youthfulness.
  • Unconsciousness due to sunstroke, accidents or over crowdedness can be cured by rubbing the tips of the thumb and the tips of little fingers of the unconscious person.

Prana Mudra

Introduction :
Prana Vayu is very  important vayu among the ten types of Vayus which exist in the body. Prana vayu is breath itself, it is found in the nostrils, face, heart and respiratory organs.It covers the space till navel. This is the force that is associated with the organs of respiration, speech,the gullet, muscles and nerves that activate these organs. It is by this force that the breath is drawn inside.
Formation :
The tip of the little fingers and ring fingers are joined with the tips of the thumbs.
Benefits :
  • Any types of cramps in muscles or veins and pain in legs are cured.


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