
Showing posts from May, 2022


                         Dysmenorrhea Cramps and pelvic pain with menstruation, with common causes such as heavy flow, passing clots, uterine fibroids or endometriosis. Introduction common Dysmennorhea or menstrual cramps  can be causd by the conditions such as endometrioses, adenomyoses and even fibroids.Home remedies and lifestyle changes  prevent relief from pain. COMMON CAUSES Menstrual cramps can have causes that aren't due to underlying disease. Examples include normal periods, heavy periods, wind or constipation. Lifestyle Having a lot of fluid also helpful. If you can't drink plain water , have fruit infused water. Coconut water. Taking a relaxing warm shower. Getting a body massage using lavender, peppermint and rose oil. Exercise Exercising regularly can control this condition. Jogging. Yoga. Diet Cutting down on processed food can prevent relief from cramps. Increasing fiber intake in diet also he...


                                Depression Introduction This under activity or over activity of the nervous system in the body as a whole, in any part of the body or in any organ results in many physical disorders. For instance such under activity results in  sensation of weakness, fatigue, irregular functioning or no function (sensation) at all in the affected part or organ. Sadness and lack of desire to talk or do anything (depression) are usually the most prominent symptoms of an underbalanced nervous system.                                     "Zinc deficiency has  been associated with depression." Food is determinant of your mental and physical health. The mind and body are inseparable. Food and mind can have a domino effect on mental health. Burgers, sugary snacks and other unhealthy foods can trigger me...

Mood And Food

                             Mood And Food                                                    What is the Relationship Between Food and Mood? It is well known that  unhealthy eating patterns can cause mood swings . Blood sugar fluctuations and nutritional imbalances are often to blame. Without a steady source of fuel from the foods we eat, our mind and bodies don't function well. What we eat  plays an important role in how we feel. it is scientific fact that  deficiencies in some essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients can lead to symptoms associated with stress, depression,  behavioral  problems and physical disease.  Introduction                                   ...


                                    Mind                                                                    ( Nervous System) Be Kind To Your Mind "Mind is like a butterfly,  one moment it is here, and the next moment  it is off, flying completely  into a different direction," "Right behaviors, right thinking, right action and right response, right eating, right lifestyle."   The nervous system is one of the most complex and important systems. It is responsible for controlling the larger part of our vital functions (breathing, heartbeats, hunger, thirst, posture etc.) as well as our emotions (happiness, sadness etc.) In other words it is responsible for responding to various external and internal stimuli.  ...