

This under activity or over activity of the nervous system in the body as a whole, in any part of the body or in any organ results in many physical disorders. For instance such under activity results in  sensation of weakness, fatigue, irregular functioning or no function (sensation) at all in the affected part or organ. Sadness and lack of desire to talk or do anything (depression) are usually the most prominent symptoms of an underbalanced nervous system.

                                    "Zinc deficiency has  been associated with depression."

Food is determinant of your mental and physical health. The mind and body are inseparable. Food and mind can have a domino effect on mental health. Burgers, sugary snacks and other unhealthy foods can trigger mental depression.

A balanced mood  and feelings of wellbeing can be protected by  ensuring that our diet provides adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates essential fats, amino acids, vitamins and minerals and water.

Food is divided into three categories Satvic,  rajsik and tamsik. Satvik food helps  you to attain a calm, peaceful and alert mind. Rajsik foods can make you feel restless and agitated and tamsik foods induce dullness and lethargy.

Sattvik foods include fresh vegetables and fruits that grow above  the ground. Some cereals, whole grains and unrefined grains  fall in this category , as do legumes, nuts, sprouting seeds, honey , herbs (including herbal teas) and some dairy products.

Rajsik foods are spicy hot, bitter, sour, gaseous and pungent. While tamsik foods include stale, fermented, microwaved, canned, deep fried, processed foods containing high amount of preservatives and coloring.

If eating certain foods triggers a poor mental health, neglecting a few foods can lead to  depression,


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