

                                                                   ( Nervous System)
Be Kind To Your Mind

"Mind is like a butterfly, 
one moment it is here,
and the next moment
 it is off, flying completely 
into a different direction,"

"Right behaviors, right thinking, right action and right response, right eating, right lifestyle."

The nervous system is one of the most complex and important systems. It is responsible for controlling the larger part of our vital functions (breathing, heartbeats, hunger, thirst, posture etc.) as well as our emotions (happiness, sadness etc.) In other words it is responsible for responding to various external and internal stimuli. 

Mind is regarded as an amorphous entity rather than a precise instrument like the body. When we attend to the mind , we are concern with the  thinking process and the  intellectual understanding that derives from knowledge, and with our ability to retain knowledge  and make use of it.

The Anatomy of nervous system


The basic functional unit of nervous system is called a nervous system is called neuron. The neuron consist of a cell body and an axon. Neuron send signals  to other cells through their axons which cause chemicals known as neurotransmitter to be released at the junction called synapses. A synapse gives a command to the cell and the entire communication process typically takes only a fraction of millisecond.

The nervous system consist of  millions of such neurons. A bundle of axons  are referred to as a nerves. The nerves are cylindrical bundles of fibers that start at the  brain and spinal cord and branch out to every other part  of the body . The longest axon in the body is the sciatic nerve which runs from the lower end of the spinal cord to the tip of the big toe.

                  The part of your brain that thinks and remembers your thoughts, feelings and intelligence

Structure of Nervous System
The nervous system is the complex collection of  nerves and specialized cells known as neurons that transmit signals between different parts of the body. It is essentially the body's electrical wiring.

Structurally the nervous system has  two components : the central system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system  is made up of the brain, spinal cord and the nerves. The peripheral nervous system consist of  motor and sensory neurons. Functionally the nervous system has  two main subdivisions. the somatic or voluntary component, and the autonomic  or involuntary component,

The autonomic nervous system regulates certain body processes, such as blood pressure, rate of breathing which are not under voluntary control. The somatic system consist of nerves that connects the brain and  spinal cord to the muscle and sensory receptors in the skin.

Sensory neuron react to  physical stimuli such as light, sound and touch and send feed back to the central nervous system about the body's surrounding environment. Motor neurons, located in the central nervous system or in peripheral ganglia, a transmit signals to activate the muscles or glands.

The brain is the vehicle for the mind and mirrors its operation, but the mind is not limited to the physical apparatus of the brain. The concept of true balance : The balance entail not only a correct functioning of systems and organs, psyche and spirit  but also a balanced and creative relationship with our fellow creatures, nature as whole, between family members, our climate. the civilization  we live in , between our ideals and customs, between truth and ourselves etc..

Right behavior, right thinking, right action, and right response, right eating, right lifestyle etc.
Mind is mobile and not only a shifting point in space, but also a changing point in time. So the true balance of  mind is very important in the well being of an individual. At the same  mind is dualist in its analysis. It is prone to dualistic reactions of love/hate, like/dislike etc. In a living being, when the great five elements (panch mahabhutas,) Space (Akash), Air (Vayu), Fire ( Tejas), Water (Aap) and Earth (Prithavi), combine to become forces that help a living being "live" then these forces is known as doshas.

Properties of air and space combine to form the force of Vata which is responsible for all movement in the body and it governs mainly all nervous functions. Properties of fire and water combine  to form the force of Pitta. Pitta governs mainly enzyme and hormones. Properties of water and earth  combine to form the force of kapha. Kapha regulates and is responsible for anabolic activities.

All psychological problems are nothing more than the wrong use of mind. Practicing the right use of mind not only solves the psychological problems, but also direct us to our higher potential of self realization. 

We have organ of perception and organ of action. It has given special status to mind having organ of both  perception as well as action. In our body mind apparatus, our mind controls our body  and is more important than the body. The mind is responsible for perception, thinking, understanding, taking the right decision at the right time etc.

If the mind is sick, than the body-mind apparatus is in danger. When the mind is in a state of health, it contains positive feelings like those of love, affection, sharing, caring etc. Due to improper diet and actions, the natural state of mind  is disturbed and these positive feelings are driven out.  They than give place to negative feelings like those of anger, jealousy, cruelty, laziness etc. which further leads to mental disorders.

The mind is governed by three attributes (gunas) mental dosha. They are called Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Sattava is responsible for righteous and kind thoughts and feelings. Rajas is for arrogance, desire, love and passion. Tamas is for sleep, stupidity, ignorance. All food, behavior, thoughts and medicine will increase, decrease or neutralize the mental and physical doshas,

Physiology of Nervous System in Ayurveda
Ayurveda  very beautifully summarizes all the complexities of human body into three basic functions namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Among these three basic functions, one can draw a parallel between functions of the nervous system with functions of Vata dosha. Vata is a driving force  behind every minute and gross movement in the body. It is very important in health as well as disease. It controls and lead the mind. It is the inspirator of all sense organs unifier of all body parts and their actions. Normal vata keeps the balance of doshas (Vata, pitta and kapha), Dhatus (body tissues) and Agni (Metabolism). It independently gives rise to  a variety of diseases comprising of a separate class of disorders termed as Vata Vyadhis.

Structure of Mind
Regarding the structure of mind it is atomic or point like in nature. It consist of  various points of thoughts, feeling and sensation.. It pervades the entire field of perception. In general three types of therapies to correct the dosha imbalance. This constitute internal cleansing and surgical therapy. where disease of mind is concern Psychotherapy is done.

We tend to identify most with our physical bodies, yet in actuality there is more to us  than what we see. The mind is not physical matter, but it is matter of subtle nature, ethereal and luminous. We can see that underlying our physical structure is the mind which not only controls our  thought processes but helps assist us  in carrying out  day to day activities such as respiration, circulation, digestion, and elimination.  The mind and the body work in combination with  one another to regulate our physiology. In order for the mind to act appropriately to assist the physical body , we must use  our senses as information gatherers.

We can think of a mind as a computer and the senses as the data which get entered into the computer. Smell and taste are two important senses that aid in the digestive process. When the mind registers that  a particular taste is entering the gastrointestinal tract, it directs the body  to act accordingly by releasing various digestive enzymes. If we over indulge the taste buds with too much of a certain taste , such as sweet, we may find the ability of the mind to perceive the sweet taste is impaired. and thereby the body becomes challenged in its ability to process sweet foods. Maintaining the clarity of our senses is an essential part  in allowing the  mind and body to integrate  their functions and help in keeping us healthy and happy individuals.

The mind has three basic layers : inner, intermediate and the outer. 
  • The inner mind consist of  the deep core of feeling and knowing.
  • The intermediate mind is our capacity to bring our impressions to the inside, and inner tendencies to the outside.
  • The outer mind is the part of mind  dominated by the senses and emotions in which we ordinarily function on a daily basis, gathering impressions and acting in the outer world.
Person as an unique individual made up of five primary elements. Just as in nature, we too have these five elements in us. When any of the five elements are present in the environment, they will in turn have  an influence on us. The foods we eat and the weather are just two examples of the presence of these elements.

The five elements of the minds layers 
  • Such as air exists in the inner mind as the underline mental sensitivity or deeper feeling nature. It is the background vibratory  field of energies, habits and tendencies that sustain the mind, in which we are continually thinking.
  • Fire exists in the intermediate mind  as the rational or discriminating faculty which allows us to perceive and to judge things. 
  • Water exists in  the outer mind as the emotional nature, our ability to connect with the external world, which is the seeking of consciousness to take form.
There are two basic levels to self, between which the  three aspect of consciousness function.
  • The outer self defines itself  according to the body, our physical identity. On the other sides
  • The inner self is our sense of  pure subjectivity.. The pure "I Am" beyond all bodily identity.
These can be understood according to  the model of earth and ether.
  • So Earth  exist in mind as an ego, the sense of separate self through which we feel ourselves to be a limited person. Identified with a [articular body in time and space. on the other hand,
  • Ether exists in  the mind as its underlying mind space, the background capacity for all mental functions, vibrations and impressions. Without space the mind cannot function and has no room to move.
While we are a composite of these five primary elements, certain elements are seen to have an ability to combine  to create various physiological functions. Ether and air  combine to form  what is known as Vata dosha. vata governs the principle of movement and therefore can be seen as the  force which directs nerve impulses, circulation respiration and elimination. 

Fire and water are the elements that combine to form  the Pitta Dosha . The Pitta dosha is the process of transformation or metabolism. The transformation of food into nutrients that our body can absorb is an example of a pitta function. Pitta is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems as well as cellular metabolism.

Finally it is principally the water and earth elements which combine to form the Kapha dosha.. Kapha what is responsible for growth, adding structure unit by unit. Another function of kapha dosha is to offer protection. Cerebral-spinal fluid protects the brain and spinal column and is a type of kapha found in the body. Also the mucosal lining of the stomach is another example of kapha dosha protecting the tissues.

We are all made up of unique proportions of vata, pitta and kapha. These ratios of the doshas vary in each individual and because of this  each person is seen as a special combination that accounts for our diversity.

How to infer a person's Mental Attributes
  • Manas Thought : By the ability to separately  comprehend sense object.
  • Njana Knowledge : By the activity aimed at the object of knowledge of portable water  is inferred by his activity of drinking it.
  • Moha Ignorance : Absence of Jnyaana.
  • Krodha Anger : By activity aimed at harming others
  • Shoka Sadness : By accomplishment like crying etc.
  • Harsha , ecstasy : By accompaniment like dancing, singing celebration etc.
  • Preeti , Happiness : By contentment and by features like serenity expressed through the eyes and face.
  • Bhaya Fear : By helplessness in face of danger.
  • Dhairya Mental strength : By absence of helplessness even in face of danger
  • Smruti : Memory : By ability to remember.
  • Hree : Shyness : By external marks of bashfulness.
  • Sheela Natural disposition : By observing frequency of indulgence.
  • Dvesh hatred : By avoidance.
  • Upadhi , Cheating : By the consequence.
  • Vashyataa Controllability : By subservience.
  • Veerya Perseverance : By commencement of activity.
  • Avasthaana, Steadiness of mind : By absence of confusion.
  • Shraddha desire : By the act of solicitation.
  • Medha Knowledge : By the ability to hold information. in texts.
  • Samnja Knowledge of names.
The conscious mind Chitta
Chitta can be understood as phrases like :
  • Conscious : The conscious mind is understood as the field created by our thoughts and our center of pure feeling and direct knowing. It is the inner mind of which  our outer mind  or personal mentality  is developed. According to Ayurveda  for ordinary mind  most of chitta  is unconsciousness, and only in a spirituality  developed person, the field of consciousness is fully conscious or aware. 
Ayurveda is concerned with the concept of true balance. This balance entails not only a correct functioning of systems and organs, psyche and spirit but also a balanced  and creative relationship with our fellow creatures, nature as a whole , between family members, our climate, the civilization we live in , between our ideals and customs between truth and ourselves etc.
  • Unconscious and 
  • Super conscious.
There are two types of human  Mind or nature:
  1. Noble (good nature)
  2. Ignorable (bad nature)
Noble Nature
1 . Brave, courageous person, Shura
A person offers help to others in what ever way he can. He has the capability to forgive others. Due to these abilities, he is respectful and has a good numbers of followers. He considers and respects for people and their feeling. He also has a moral  and ethical base that informs his thoughts actions regardless of personal benefit or return expectations. He accept others as they are  and does not remain prejudiced. Being empathetic, he is genuinely interested in the plight of others and tends to be a good listener. Panda

2 . Noble minded person Vishal mana
A person has trained his mind to remain in balanced state in any kind of emotional crisis. He is able to differentiate what is beneficial for him and what is harmful to him, and by self controlling capacity he remains away from harmful things. Thus he becomes successful to maintain his physical and mental health. Despite mist of thoughts, he has a capacity of overcoming from that situation in respect to mental  and physical level. He is master of himself. He has the capacity to restrain own emotions, desires and impulses. thereby leading a life that is positive and productive. Nanaji, barla

3 . Self controlled person, Jitatma
A person has trained his mind to remain in balanced state in any kind of emotional crises. He is able to differentiate what is beneficial for him and be self controlling capacity he remains away from harmful things. Thus, he became successful to  maintain his physical and mental health. Despite midst of thoughts he has the capacity of overcoming from this situation in respect to mental and physical level. He is master of himself. He has a capacity to restrain own emotions, desires and impulses, there by leading a life that is positive and productive. K.K

4 . Person with good tolerance, Dhira, Sahishnu
Such a person has a capacity for calmly enduring pain. He has full tolerance to face any difficult situations. He does not complain and lose his temper, thus he keeps himself away from anxiety and anger. This attitude makes his  performance better in work and even in relationships. Sometimes his patient behavior may prove to be boosting for others. His "wait and watch" attitude is likely to show a positive reaction even in  difficult circumstances. Munnu

5 . Equal distributer of credit, Samvibhagi
Samvibhagi person shares the success with others who have made contribution in  achieving success. He appreciates and shows courtesy towards others. He shows gratitude for people. This is the quality of long term leaders. He understands the importance of social justice and global outreach. He treats people well. A healthy relationship gives him credibility as leads over many years. He shares the workload. He delegates well without shirking his responsiblity to lead through influence and vision casting. As a leader, he does not like failures, so he tries with his best efforts to win. He does not let discouragement set in. He deals with fires of conflicts before he became consuming. He has always a support system. ABV

6 . Fearless, Nirbhay
Such kind of person faces every situation without fear. He does not hesitate to take  decisions which have some risk factors. This attitude gives him fame. He succeeds most of the time. This success increase his confidence level and he become more fearless and consequently accepts more difficult challenges.

Ignorable Nature
Obliviously the nature opposite to  Noble Nature is ignorable nature. 

1 . Fearful Person. Bhiru
This person is scared of almost everything. He is unfit to face  the truth. He has very poor mental strength and so does not take initiative in any action. He avoids and escapes from every difficult situation / happening  coming forward in his life. He is always under stress and always tries to remain in safe zone. This attitude keeps him away from success, name and fame. 
2 . Fabricated Nature/ False personality, Aaupadhika.
This is a hypocritical, non genuine person whose words and actions are not  reflective of his true feelings or intensions.. This persons act differently with different people. He is a diplomat. He hides his original nature and behavior in society. No one can understand what he is thinking at that particular situation. His behavior , thinking expressions,  are fabricated and false.. Even closest one feel very mush  confused to know about  his perfect nature. Person with this type of  nature has enough  intelligence to pursue fake personality for years. 
3 .Unstable mind, Anavasthit Chitta.
 Such kind of person  is unable to concentrate on one thought. His mind swings from one thought to  another and again to some different thought. There are hardly any connections but these thoughts keep  coming again and again in his mind. If this happens repeatedly than his instability  leads to anxious state of mind. Person with an anxious mind  is not capable to take  firm and correct decision.

4 . Indulgence in self praise Aatmapujaka.
 Such person always shows self achievements to others and he  thinks that if he will not do this type of  self achievements than people will not respect him. He shows vanity and egoism about his looks and achievements. He tries to remain the focus of attraction in the group by  approving self. He might have been  proven successful in his field, he even interrupts talks of experts from other field  and tries to show that  he knows concerned updates also. Due to this attitude wise people start to avoid him.

5 . Superior complexity of mind, Ucchrita Sattva.
Such  person is full of egoism and he insults every person around him. He cannot tolerate the loss in life or been beaten by any one  He has a self image of supremacy. He garners a negative  image if those people  who around himself as he not concern with the  opinion of others about himself. He thinks and speaks as he is all knowing and better than others. But ultimately he does not care  whether others  think so or not and will not care if others tell him so. He can often become racist domineering and bullies. His assumption that he is 'Almighty' stops his progress in life. In due course of time, his skills efficiency slows down leading him towards defeat and regression. 

6 . Attacking on other persons weakness, Chidraprahari.
Such kind of person attacks other person verbally very badly. Constantly he has in search of  weak point., insults  or failure of others and when ever he gets chance, he opens these drawbacks in front of all people. Others displeasures and misery give him pleasure. This is a shade of sadist personality so another person feels very insulting and frustrated.

Nourish the Nervous system
In a fast paced world of today, where every thing seems to be  moving at a dizzying pace, there is not 
much time to be at ease and stay relaxed. More of our time is spent in front of computers, TV's and mobile phone which leads us to sit in one posture continuously for long period of time without much of  our realization these sedentary activities are leading to  nerve and muscle weakness. In this changing lifestyle, we are deprived of proper sleep and food. The reasons for stress are multitude, which altogether can cause severe anxiety and depression. 

Very often we tend to focus on more on the imbalances of the physical body. The root of our entire imbalances stem from our mind. The nervous system impacts every breath, feeling, decision and experience of our lives. to keep the nervous system in a state of balance it is neccessary to bring awareness to the stress of our system, than doing practices that bring a sense of spaciousness that will ease everything around our mind.

Nerve palsy or even collectively termed as nerve weakness is used for a range of nervous disorders that causes weakness or immobility of nerve in some cases, it is only temporary and fades over time. However sometimes it does not respond well to either the passing of urine or various treatment options. In those situations, nerve weakness posses a permanent health issue which must be delt with care. Nerve weakness means anything from a  weakness to a complete paralysis. It can result from any sort of damage to the nerve.

Our nervous system is controlled by Vata humor. Therefore any balance or imbalance in Vata directly related to a proper functioning or dis-functioning of nervous system and vice versa.

Nervous system disorders (Nervous dysfunctions)
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson disease
  • Peripheral neuropathy
This is a neurological disorder that is responsible for causing seizures. Usually, seizures are caused due to  misfiring or faulty electrical impulses in the patient's brain. Symptoms including temporary confusion, spells of blank staring, uncontrolled jerking movements etc, Seizures can be so violent that the patient may  end up having serious body injuries after an attack.

Parkinson's disease
It is one of the most common neurological diseases in India and affects body movements of the patient. Cause may be due to genetic mutations. Symptoms include slowed movements, trembling in hands, memory loss, speech changes etc. 

Peripheral Neuropathy
Symptoms of this disorder include pain, weakness, numbness and even loss of muscle tissue. The pain can be experienced as burning, sharp, tingling, numbing, sensitive or discomfort. A patient experiencing neuropathy may find it difficult to perform simple movement such as  walking and they may be very susceptible to  cramping and loss of coordination

  • Diet : Not including essential vitamins and proteins required in the diet for a healthy nervous system.
  • Lifestyle : Emotionally weak, unable to take mental pressure, relationship problems and personal issues affect the nervous system.
  • Financial problems, job stress cause a lot of mental tension leading to nerve disfunction.
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Trauma due to accidents
  • Infections
  • Genetics
  • Depression without any reason
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings / hallucinations
  • Lack of coordination and balance
  • Muscle weakness. complete or partial loss of sensation
  • Alertness deficient
  • Memory loss
  • Trouble in learning
  • Feeling more anxious for no reason than it is a warning signal.
  • Feeling dizzy without having  any major disease
  • Falling sick more often is an indication of weak immune system
  • General lack of interest in life
  • Unconditional and unexplained pain
  • Having suicidal thoughts (is a strong signal that  you are suffering from weak nervous system)
How can you prevent nerve disfunction ?
  • Regular intake of fruits in diet will sharpen memory and prevent nervous disfunction.
  • Diet should include milk/milk products, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, dry fruits, sea food, whole grains.
  • To avoid confusion and memory problems, drink plenty of water.
  • Develop positive attitude.
  • Improve your friend circle/join a social group.
  • Pick up your hobbies or include new hobbies.
  • Take plenty of rest.
  • Daily body massage with sesame oil and take bath with hot water after half an hour (feels rejuvenated and keeps nerve healthy.
  • Avoid tension: Do pranayama or  meditation which supplies the mind with neccessary nourishment.
  • Sunlight : Sunbathing for 10-15 minutes everyday preferably in the morning or late afternoon. Sunlight is an excellent regulator of the nervous system.
  • Walking bare foot : Walking half an hour every day  (barefoot)  is the most economic and healthy way to balance our nervous system.
Yoga asana for Nervous weakness

Adho Mukha

Svanasana or downward facing dog pose

Viparita Dandaasana also known as inverted staff pose

Adho Mukha Vriksasana or hand stand pose

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose

Sarvangasana or shoulder stand Pose

Pashchimotanasana or known as Seated forward bend pose

Viparita Karni commonly known as leg up  the wall pose

Shavasana or the corpse pose

It is essential to do yoga poses in a proper manner.

Home Remedies

  • Take one amla (gooseberry) everyday on empty stomach (improves and strengthens the nervous
  • Banana (containing potassium and natural sugar) for increasing energy level
  • Milk : When you feel lethargic, have a cup of milk with 1 tsp of honey.
  • Coconut oil : Can be used for daily preparation of food (digest, boost metabolism, increases energy)
  • Garlic : Has anti-inflammatory properties that repair the immune system.
  • Lemon :  Regular use of lemon juice helps strengthens the nervous system.
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)


Root Powder

This herb is commonly called an 'adaptogen'. Apoptogenic  herbs are natural aids for the nervous system which are helpful in maintaining the body's vigor to processes stressful experiences, therefore supporting our concentration, and helpful to fuel our bodies with the energy needed to run the nervous system.

  • Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)

It is more cooling in nature yet also an excellent tonic for the nervous system. It helps our nervous system to withstand emotional stress and improve our capacity  to focus. Brahmi is an excellent herb for improving memory and concentration. No wonder that the ancient Vedic scholars consumed Brahmi  to help them memorize lengthy shlokas and texts.

Amla (Phyllanthus emblica)

Amla is extremally rich in Vitamin C having 30% more than orange. It is packed with many vitamins minerals, tannins and other helpful nutrients. Amla is a very powerful antioxidant herb that prevents damage from free radicals that cause cell oxidation.

Shatavari (Asparagus recemosus)

Shatavari root powder

It is useful in nourishing and calming the nerves,, nourishing brain. Known as an apoptogenic herb. Shatavari minimizes the negative effects of stress on the  nervous system. Shatavari is recommended for anyone under duress where it helps the mind and body to cope up with challenges.

Tulsi (Occimum basilicum)

It is used for reducing depression, stress and anxiety.. It promotes health and well being, protects the mind and body in a very positive way.

Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus)

Lemon grass

It is super herb with amazing healing properties and the most popular medicinal plant  for treating nerves. This healthy grass is often used by preparing tea.

ManasThoughtsDisordered thinking about objects
BuddhiJudgement, discretionThinks what is eternal to be not eternal and vice versa  ,thinks what is desirable to be undesirable.
SamjnyaajnyaanaSensation, ability to nameCannot make out sensations such as fire , burns, cannot name object
SmrutiMemoryDoes not remember or has false memory
BhaktiDesireLack of desire in things previously desired
SheelaCharecter, personality ,natural dispositionChange of character or personality, one who was sober become angry
CheehtaaMotor activity, behaviorHas abnormal movements
AachaaraSocial etiquetteAbsence of cleanliness




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