(Breaking wind, Bloating, Flatus, Farting, Gas in G.I.tract, Borborygmus, अध्यमान, गुल्म )
Flatulence (Aadhyamana) is the process of passing gas from digestive system through the rectum. It is an embarrassing situation to pass fowl smelling gas with or without noise as it is considered as bad manners. It can be painful for anyone. But don't worry, you can reduce it with diet and lifestyle choices. Some people suppress this urge, but Ayurveda recommends this urge not to be suppressed as doing so can give rise to many diseases.
According to Ayurveda Gulma गुल्म signified gaseous lumps caused by perturbed vata (air) in the abdomen. The perturbed vata affected the other two doshas and, because of its drying effect, produce blocks in various parts of the gut. Distention of abdomen and the non passage of flatus and feces were the main characteristic of Gulma.
Acidity and gas can manifest themselves as acute pain in the middle of the chest.. Acidity also leads to burping and acid reflux in the esophagus. These problems are caused mostly by irregular food timings and regular intake of tea and coffee on an empty stomach.
Wondering, if you'll ever run out of gas- and the overwhelming need to pass it? Probably not, since pregnancy brings out the gas in just about every expected mom. While endless flatulence can be endlessly embarrassing for you, it's no problem at all for your baby, snug and safe in a uterine cocoon that' protected on all sides by impact absorbing amniotic fluid, your very little one is probably soothed by the babbling and gurgling of your gastric Muzak.
Lemon juice : Cures flatulence, indigestion and vomiting.
Flatulence is accumulation of waste gases produced during digestion in the alimentary canal. This is usually released from the anus with sound /or odor. Passing wind is a normal biological process. When we eat drink or swallow saliva, we also swallow tiny amount of air. This swallowed air accumulates in the gut. When we digest food, the gas mainly in a form of hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide is released. As the Gas builds up, the body may need to get rid of it– this is done by either burping (belching) or flatulence (farting). If the food has not been digested properly, it starts to decompose (rot), releasing Sulphur.The most likely culprits for gas production are cabbage, broccoli, beans, lentils, raisins, prunes and apples. Why are these foods notorious gas-producers? For one thing, they typically take longer to digest, causing odors and gas to collect in the gut. If not prepared properly, these foods can also be poorly absorbed. Then, bacteria enter the digestion process and release additional gas.
Burping : In infant and small children the air is ingested while feeding. It is called burping. Therefore removal of excess of air by tapping over the back after feeding is necessary.
Ingestion of air while chewing food.
Gastric flatulence and intestinal flatulence.
Signs & Symptoms
* Feeling of bloating and discomfort.* An excessive expulsion of wind.
* Pain in the abdomen.
* Flatulence in pregnancy : Flatulence or wind, is not harmful, but embarrassing. Try keeping away from company when you are passing wind. Avoid gassy foods like beans, peas, rich food and excessive amount of greens.
If one has bitter food excessively he may suffer from gas problems.
* Fibers causes flatulence : So add fibers to the food gradually or you may find your digestive tract protesting loudly. Its a temperory side effects. Don't overdo these fiber powerhouse,, though as they move speedily through your system, they can carry away important nutrients before they've had the chance to be absorbed.
* Pregnancy :
* Excess intestinal gas and food intolerance are the main reasons for bloating.
* Consumption of cold foods
* Less water intake
* Graze, don't gorge : Large meals just add to that bloated feeling. They also overload your digestive system, which isn't at its most efficient anyway in pregnancy. Instead of those 2-3 supersize squares, nibble on 6 mini-meals.
* Don't gulp : When you rush through meals, or eat on a fly you're bound to swallow as much air as food. This captures air forms painful pockets of gas in your gut that will seek release the only way they know how.
* Keep calm : Particularly during meals. Stress can cause you to swollow air, which can give you a tankful of gas. Taking a few deep breaths before meals may help relax you. Stress : Anxiety attack can cause bloating. When we are stressed, we hyperventilate and that becomes another cause of bloating. Can be cured through breathing exercise .i. e belly breathing, alternate nostril breathing, for 10-20 minutes helps.
* Steer clear of gas producer : Your tummy will tell you what they are. Common offenders beyond the notorious beans include onions, cabbage, fried foods, sugary sweets and carbonated beverages.
* Don't be quick to pop : Ask your Practioner before popping your usual anti gas medications ( some are safe others are not recommended) Or any remedy over the counter or herbal. Sipping a little chamomile tea, however may safely soothe all kind of pregnancy induced indigestion. Ditto for hot water with lemon which can cut through gas.
* Bloating is both physical and psychological condition.
* Microbes living in our intestinal tract also contribute to this problem. One such bug is H. pylori.
* Vegetables : Cauliflower, cabbage,
* Food ingredients that produce flatulence include:
* Sorbitol is typically added to sugar-free foods. It is in the group of sugar alcohols, and 50 percent of people cannot digest them or absorb them properly.
* Fructose. This is found in high fructose corn syrup and naturally in fruits and vegetables. About one-third of people have fructose malabsorption, which causes them to struggle digesting these products. Even people that do not have fructose malabsorption can have difficulty digesting fructose-containing foods. This happens when a large amount of these foods are eaten in a short amount of time.
* Lactose. People with lactose intolerance don’t have enough lactase to digest the sugar lactose, found in dairy products. And when lactose doesn’t digest properly, bacteria attack it in the gut and produce gas.
* Raffinose. Cabbage, broccoli and brussels sprouts contain raffinose and so do beans (legumes). However, scientific studies show that if beans become a regular part of your diet, your body becomes used to them and flatulence subsides .
* Some health conditions can cause flatulence, including:
* Constipation. Constipation in adults can have many causes. The most common are lack of fiber in the diet, lack of fluids, lack of exercise, change in diet, stress, medication side effects or pregnancy.
* Indigestion. Indigestion is often related to diet and lifestyle, but it can also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Common causes of indigestion are overeating, eating too quickly, greasy or spicy foods, smoking, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, stress and certain medications.
* Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS is a relatively common condition and can cause a variety of symptoms such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, stomach cramping and flatulence.
* Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the colon and intestines, causing ulcers and other issues.
* Celiac disease. People with celiac disease have an intolerance to gluten proteins found in wheat, barley and rye. Digestive disturbances are the result, one of which is flatulence
* The extra air we gulp in is sometimes released as a burp, but if it doesn't escape, the excess air can proceed to the large intestine. Once there it eventually released as flatulence. Normal amount of gas don't usually cause us to pass gas. But sometimes we suck more air than normal. Unusual amount of swallowed air can happen through the following :
* Drinking or eating too quickly through large gulps or mouthfuls.
* Drinking sodas and carbonated beverages
* Chewing gum
* Sucking on hard candies or cough drops
* Smoking
* Gaps in Dentures.
* Diarrhoea (amoebic infection) & Constipation. (inflated intestine)
* Diet low in fiber and sedentary lifestyle
* Age : Elderly individuals are also at higher risk for developing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which can cause bloating and increased flatulence
* Types of food that contribute to the problem like heavy, oily, sour, stale cold food directly from the refrigerator
* Dried fruits : raisins and prunes.
* Dairy products : such as milk, if lactose intolerance is present.
* Food that reduce the digestive activity , causing incomplete digestion like kidney beans, refined flour etc.
* Psychological factors like stress, grief , hunger.
* Gas that can be created in the intestines by eating incompatible foods together like sour fruits with milk.
* Suppression of natural urges.
* Not chewing food properly while eating.
* Medication : which causes disruption in the bacteria normally found in the colon. Like Amoxycillin., Ampicillin etc.
* Ayurveda According to Ayurveda, it is Vata disorder.
* Vegetables : Cauliflower, cabbage,
* Sorbitol is typically added to sugar-free foods. It is in the group of sugar alcohols, and 50 percent of people cannot digest them or absorb them properly.
* Fructose. This is found in high fructose corn syrup and naturally in fruits and vegetables. About one-third of people have fructose malabsorption, which causes them to struggle digesting these products. Even people that do not have fructose malabsorption can have difficulty digesting fructose-containing foods. This happens when a large amount of these foods are eaten in a short amount of time.
* Lactose. People with lactose intolerance don’t have enough lactase to digest the sugar lactose, found in dairy products. And when lactose doesn’t digest properly, bacteria attack it in the gut and produce gas.
* Raffinose. Cabbage, broccoli and brussels sprouts contain raffinose and so do beans (legumes). However, scientific studies show that if beans become a regular part of your diet, your body becomes used to them and flatulence subsides .
* Some health conditions can cause flatulence, including:
* Constipation. Constipation in adults can have many causes. The most common are lack of fiber in the diet, lack of fluids, lack of exercise, change in diet, stress, medication side effects or pregnancy.
* Indigestion. Indigestion is often related to diet and lifestyle, but it can also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Common causes of indigestion are overeating, eating too quickly, greasy or spicy foods, smoking, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, stress and certain medications.
* Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS is a relatively common condition and can cause a variety of symptoms such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, stomach cramping and flatulence.
* Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the colon and intestines, causing ulcers and other issues.
* Celiac disease. People with celiac disease have an intolerance to gluten proteins found in wheat, barley and rye. Digestive disturbances are the result, one of which is flatulence
* The extra air we gulp in is sometimes released as a burp, but if it doesn't escape, the excess air can proceed to the large intestine. Once there it eventually released as flatulence. Normal amount of gas don't usually cause us to pass gas. But sometimes we suck more air than normal. Unusual amount of swallowed air can happen through the following :
* Drinking or eating too quickly through large gulps or mouthfuls.
* Drinking sodas and carbonated beverages
* Chewing gum
* Sucking on hard candies or cough drops
* Smoking
* Gaps in Dentures.
* Diarrhoea (amoebic infection) & Constipation. (inflated intestine)
* Diet low in fiber and sedentary lifestyle
* Age : Elderly individuals are also at higher risk for developing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which can cause bloating and increased flatulence
* Types of food that contribute to the problem like heavy, oily, sour, stale cold food directly from the refrigerator
* Dried fruits : raisins and prunes.
* Fruits : apple, apricot,peach and pear.
* Foods high in insoluble fibre : particularly seeds and husks.
* Legumes : beans,peas,chickpeas,soybeans and nuts.* Dairy products : such as milk, if lactose intolerance is present.
* Food that reduce the digestive activity , causing incomplete digestion like kidney beans, refined flour etc.
* Psychological factors like stress, grief , hunger.
* Gas that can be created in the intestines by eating incompatible foods together like sour fruits with milk.
* Suppression of natural urges.
* Not chewing food properly while eating.
* Medication : which causes disruption in the bacteria normally found in the colon. Like Amoxycillin., Ampicillin etc.
* Ayurveda According to Ayurveda, it is Vata disorder.
Hydrate, exercise to keep bloating at bay
Brisk walking for thirty minutes daily.
Vajra asana (pelvic pose)
Benefits- If you sit in this Asana for fifteen minutes immediately after food it improves digestion.
Pawan Mukta asana (Gas-releasing pose)
Benefits : It helps release excessive gas from the abdomen and relieves flatulence.
● The Staff Pose Dandasana (दण्डासना ) Seated Asana
Benefits :
- This asana gives relief to persons who feels a bloating sensation in the abdomen due to gas and also to those suffering from gastric complaints
- It reduces fat around the waistline and tones the kidneys.
● Sun Salutation / Surya Namaskar ( सूर्य नमस्कार )
Sun salutation can give you excellent cardiovascular workout helping you to loose weight. The postures will help stretch your abdominal muscle while helping you shed pounds around your belly. The movements will also help in improving your metabolism.
A couple of Surya Namaskars pump the heart rate that is equivalent to brisk walking and running can be used as an alternative to morning / evening walks in the times of lockdown or smog. Early morning is the best time for Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar is a physical exercise where almost 97% of the muscle are switched on to active mode. They remain active, hours ahead during the day till you recharge them next morning.
A dynamic yogic exercise Surya Namaskar is experienced on 3 levels - body, mind and intellectual. It gives us physical and mental health and sharp intellect. Only 40% of muscles are used in daily activities. Rest of the muscles remain inactive. Surya Namaskar is a physical exercise in which 95% - 97% of your muscles are switched on to active mode. They remain active, hours ahead during the day, till you recharge them the next morning. Early morning is the best time for Surya Namaskar. Do not eat anything at least for five hours prior to Surya Namaskar. There are twelve steps in SN. You can count 5 seconds for each step of SN
. “Early morning is the best time for Surya Namaskar"
Benefit :
- Unwinds the Mind and Body. Stress is not a phenomenon unfamiliar in modern day life. ...
- Ensures Heart Health and Boosts Immunity. ...
- Effective for Weight Loss. ...
- Relief from Hair Fall. ...
- Corrects Imbalances. ...
- Improves Digestion. ...
- Improves Kidney Function. ...
- A Secret for Beautiful Skin.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Promotes weight loss.
- Helps regulate the menstrual cycle.
- Sun salutation is a very good exercise for people suffering from diabetes because it increases the blood supply to various parts of a body and thus improves insulin administration in the body.
Bhastrika Pranayama:
Sit in comfortable Asana. Breathe in through both nostrils forcefully, till the lungs are full and till the diaphragm is stretched. Then breathe out forcefully.
Kapal bhati Pranayama : Normal inspiration forceful expiration.
Kapal bhati Pranayama : Normal inspiration forceful expiration.
* Kick out heavy dals such as Rajma,channa and deep fried foods from your dinner plate.
* Drink a glass of Luke worm water after you wake up.
* Take 2 tbsp of Aloe vera juice on an empty stomach.
* Instead of skipping breakfast, have a light breakfast that includes sprouts, egg white or steamed idlis.
* Avoid milk in case you are lactose intolerant.
* Eat a banana if you feel like acidity is building up in your stomach.
* To prevent gas building have a combination of ginger and salt (keep a bottle of lavana bhaskar churana handy) and follow it up with some Luke worm water.
* Avoid dairy products in the morning (especially tea with milk)
* Natural herbs that controls gas include hing, ajwain, and salt. These can be taken in very small quantities like a natural medicine with Luke worm water,
* Eat 6 small meals a day.
* Gradually increase your fiber intake.
* Soak beans before cooking
* Chew food thoroughly
* Avoid constipation .
* Quit smoking. Smoking increases the amount of air swallowed.
* Eat more insoluble fiber.
* Avoid straws.
* Avoid lying down after eating.
* Limit carbohydrate intake.
* Limit carbonated drinks.
* Drink plenty of water.
* Exercise daily.
* Eat slowly and mindfully
* Early to bed and early to rise.
• Usha paan उषा पान Drink 3 glasses of water on an empty stomach.
• Nature's call should never be controlled or suppressed.
• Elimination time : Early morning clearing of bowel is a must after taking water.
• Drink a glass of warm water with one lemon juice and honey in the morning for cleaning the body internally.
• Eat breakfast which can be easily digested by 8 am, followed by Lunch between 11 AM to 2 PM and dinner between 7 PM to 8 PM.
• Chew your food well.
• After lunch, one should not sleep but can rest a while.
• Once a meal is done, one should not eat anything till 3 hours as the digestion is taking place.
• Do not sleep soon after dinner, give a gap of at least 3 hours after dinner, this will help in proper digestion.
• Shat Pavali शत पावली after dinner one should walk for hundred steps leisurely because it promotes digestion.
• It is advisable to have fixed meal timings.
• After meals one should lie down on supine positions for 8 cycles of respiration, followed by on right side for 16 cycles of respiration, followed by on left side 32 cycles of respiration. By this food is easily digested and there is no flatulence problem.
• Fast once a week, or once on the eleventh day (Ekadasi) / full moon पूर्णिमा of the lunar cycle is like a medicine to keep the system pure.
• Lying down in the supine position (stomach facing the ceiling and back on the ground) for few minutes.
• Do not a peak while eating.
* Gradually increase your fiber intake.
* Soak beans before cooking
* Chew food thoroughly
* Avoid constipation .
* Quit smoking. Smoking increases the amount of air swallowed.
* Eat more insoluble fiber.
* Avoid straws.
* Avoid lying down after eating.
* Limit carbohydrate intake.
* Limit carbonated drinks.
* Drink plenty of water.
* Exercise daily.
* Eat slowly and mindfully
* Early to bed and early to rise.
• Usha paan उषा पान Drink 3 glasses of water on an empty stomach.
• Nature's call should never be controlled or suppressed.
• Elimination time : Early morning clearing of bowel is a must after taking water.
• Drink a glass of warm water with one lemon juice and honey in the morning for cleaning the body internally.
• Eat breakfast which can be easily digested by 8 am, followed by Lunch between 11 AM to 2 PM and dinner between 7 PM to 8 PM.
• Chew your food well.
• After lunch, one should not sleep but can rest a while.
• Once a meal is done, one should not eat anything till 3 hours as the digestion is taking place.
• Do not sleep soon after dinner, give a gap of at least 3 hours after dinner, this will help in proper digestion.
• Shat Pavali शत पावली after dinner one should walk for hundred steps leisurely because it promotes digestion.
• It is advisable to have fixed meal timings.
• After meals one should lie down on supine positions for 8 cycles of respiration, followed by on right side for 16 cycles of respiration, followed by on left side 32 cycles of respiration. By this food is easily digested and there is no flatulence problem.
• Fast once a week, or once on the eleventh day (Ekadasi) / full moon पूर्णिमा of the lunar cycle is like a medicine to keep the system pure.
• Lying down in the supine position (stomach facing the ceiling and back on the ground) for few minutes.
• Do not a peak while eating.
* Eat little and often, and avoid huge meals.
* Take time to chew food and take sips
* Drink peppermint tea, which is thought to aid digestion and settle the stomach.
"The food we eat contributes to flatulence."
"The food we eat contributes to flatulence."
Carminative are the agent which relieves the discomfort of gastro-intestinal track. They provide relief from gas and indigestion, and some how provide the feeling of comfort.
• Oat chillas, Dalia (broken wheat), corn flakes, multi-grain bread.• Papaya, pomegranate other fresh fruits are good for digestion.
• Dhokla and idli are light food to digest can be eaten by old young and even infants.
• Wood apple (Bilva or Bael) when taken fresh as sherbat it cleans and tones up intestine.
"Lunch should be the largest meal of the day."
• Eat natural unrefined food. It is preferable to have freshly cooked, warm, homemade food.
• Wheat chapati, brown rice are preferred cereals.
• Boiled steamed or grilled vegetables bottle guard, torai, tinda, bitter guard, pumpkin, patola (parwal) etc.
• While preparing the vegetable of methi aloo, proportion of methi should be higher.The logic of this proportions is, methi by its hot nature balances the wind producing effects of the potatoes.
• Wheat chapati, brown rice are preferred cereals.
• Boiled steamed or grilled vegetables bottle guard, torai, tinda, bitter guard, pumpkin, patola (parwal) etc.
• While preparing the vegetable of methi aloo, proportion of methi should be higher.The logic of this proportions is, methi by its hot nature balances the wind producing effects of the potatoes.
• Dinner should be light because the digestion power is slowed down in the night.• Moong dal is good to digest.
• Salads with minimum dressing.
• Soups to be taken at dinner.
Carminative foods (food that relieves gas)
The seeds of alfalfa is known as ‘ king of sprouts’. In form of herbal tea helps prevent gas formation and relieves accumulated gas.
Asafoetida (Heeng) Should be taken with Luke warm water .This spice is an ingredient for most of the digestive powders. Mix fried hingu (Asafoetida) and marica powder (black pepper ) ( 1/4 tsp each) Take the mixture with warm water to relieve flatulence and pain in abdomen.
Bishop’s weed (ajwain)
The seeds may be eaten with betel leaves (paan) पान . Or ajwain with rock salt. Ajwain has been used as carminative medicine, 1 gram with Luke warm caraway seeds taken thrice a day. The tea is prepared by adding 1 tsp of caraway seeds in 1.5 to 2 litres of boiling water and allowing them to simmer on a slow fire for 15 minutes The water is then strained and sipped hot or warm. water, 2-3 times, at one hour interval. Seeds can be eaten with betel leaves.
Teaspoon of these seeds with a little rock salt is a household remedy for flatulence.
Teaspoon of these seeds with a little rock salt is a household remedy for flatulence.
Caraway seeds (shahi jeera)
A Luke warm caraway seeds can be eaten with betel leaves taken thrice a day. Cup of tea made from caraway seeds taken 3 times a day. This tea is prepared by adding a teaspoon of caraway seeds in 1.5 to 2 litres of boiling water and allowing them to simmer on a slow fire for 15 minutes. The water is then strained and sipped hot or warm.
Chebulic Mylobaran haritaki or हरड़
It is a carminative food it helps relieve gas trapped in stomach. One can have a piece of haritaki every day after meals and swallow it's juice .
Cinnamon (dalchini) दालचीनी
Cinnamon taken as decoction, it controls gas production, drink decoction while it is warm.
Coarsely powdered and boiled in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder and honey. A tbsp of this water should be taken half an hour after meals.
Digestive soda-

Half tbsp lemon juice, half tsp black pepper, half tsp cumin seeds, one bottle (200ml) soda water and salt to taste. Combine all ingredients except the soda water in a tall glass. Just before serving add soda water.
Citrus fruits
Orange, lemon, grapefruit, and mosambi ( sweet lime ) A teaspoonful of lime juice mixed with water and a pinch of soda- bicarb makes an excellent remedy.Clove (lavang)
A decoction should be prepared by boiling 6 cloves in 30 ml of water. Decoction should be taken thrice daily after meals.
This popular vegetable fruit helps greatly in relieving gas in stomach.
Dill (sows or soya)
Fennel seeds
Fennel (saunf) and Cristal sugar Misri eaten after heavy meal to aid digestion relieves flatulence. An infusion is prepared by boiling a tablespoon of fennel seeds in 100 ml of water for half an hour.
Adding a little garlic while cooking beans or other gaseous vegetables take away their harmful gas forming properties. Eat 2 clove of garlic with raisin.Ginger
Chewing a fresh piece of ginger with rock salt and fresh lime juice after meals. A hot drink made of infusing a small quantity of powdered ginger makes an excellent carminative. Ground ginger with jaggery would pacify flatulence and helps digestion.
Mint (Paudhina)
Juice extracted from the leaves along with honey and lemon juice to cure flatulence.
Mint has been long known as an herbal remedy, easing queasy stomachs, calming stress and anxiety, and promoting restful sleep. Peppermint tea has long been viewed as an excellent way to ease an upset stomach, calming the digestive tract and alleviating indigestion, gas, and cramps. Peppermint is perhaps the most well-known carminative. Though it is easily recognizable from its bright fragrance, its botanical name is Mentha piperta. Whether as a tea or a diluted essential oil, Peppermint relieves indigestion, flatulence, nausea, and vomiting.
Fresh vegetable or a quarter tsp of the dried vegetable should be taken with a glass of water.
It's juice can be prepared by grinding the pulp with water and strain through a thin cloth. It can be mixed with honey and fresh lime juice before use.
Triphala churana
Regular use of Triphala churana an Ayurvedic preparation at night with warm water, It promotes good Intestinal health.
Herbal digestives:
1 Hajmola- A digestive pill that contains rock salt, tamarind, cumin, black salt, black pepper.2 Hingoli- A fragrant spice pill that contains asafoetida, black pepper, cumin, ginger, and lemon extract.
* Avoid eating pulses : Chickpeas, चना kidney beans ( राजमा ), Lobhia, लोभिया , black gram (उड़द) .
* Gas forming foods such as
* Vegetables : cabbage, cauliflower, beans, peas, potato, arvi, broccoli, legumes
* Snacks : Kachori, pakodi, tikki, samosa, chole, bhature, haluwa
* Beverages : Tea, coffee, Coca Cola.
* Excess carbonated drinks. , Coca Cola, limca, spirit,
* Avoid ice Cold beverages or food as they up set the digestive process.
* Do not take yogurt and cheese at night.
Home remedies
* 2 gms of ajmoda (Ajwain) powder with equal quantity of saunf powder (Fennel seeds) should be taken along with warm water.
* Consume 6 ml juice of garlic along with one tsf of honey twice a day.
* Mix 1 tsf of Ajwain seed powder and one tsf of dried ginger powder , add one pinch of black salt. Take one tsp of this mixture with a cup of warm water to alleviate flatulence.
* Boil one tsp of cardamom powder in 1/2 cup of water for 15 minutes. Have this at lukewarm temperature 2-3 times a day.
Shat karma (cleansing procedure)Kapal Bhati (normal inspiration and forceful expiration) activate and invigorate the liver, spleen, pancreas, and abdominal muscle, thus digestion is improved.
Enema, Basti -Therapeutic cleaning of large intestine via medicated enema.
Nauli Purificatory exercise of abdominal religion.
Bandhas in Sanskrit it means to hold or lock or tighten the muscles.Uddiyana Bandha
Assume any meditative asana. Lift your chest a little upward and the push the stomach back so as to touch spine. Keep in this position as much as time as you can. This bandha cures the disease pertaining to stomach and the organ of digestive system.
Moola Bandha
Sit in any meditative asana . Breath in and raise the perinium, anus part up. This Bandha can be done with ease by exhaling and keeping the air exalted outside. Benefits it improves digestion.
Marma points
Nabhi Marma
It is located in the naval religion (umbilicus) Stimulation- Sitting in a vajra asana (diamond pose) with the fist of right hand press this marma and bend forward take deep breathe followed by pressure. Left hand should support right hand. It should be practiced for 15 – 18 times for three times a day.
Chakra (energy centers)
Manipur chakra: This chakra is positioned at the level of the navel and corresponds to the solar plexus.It controls the process of digestion.
Apana mudra improves digestion and facilitates expulsion of waste from the body. Formation– Tip of the thumb is to be joined to the tips of the middle and the ring fingers.
Vayu mudra
Formation – Index finger tip is to be placed at the base of the thumb and the thumb is to be placed on the back of index finger gently . Other fingers are to be straight
Benefit :
- The feeling of restlessness or gas formation (FLATULENCE) after meals can be cured if this mudra is practiced immediately.
Apanavayu mudra
The index finger has to touch the origin of the thumb, and it is pressed gently by the thumb, itself. Then the edge of middle finger and ring finger should touch the edge of the thumb. The small finger should be straight and light.This mudra prevents the accumulation of gas in different parts of body especially in the stomach.
Shoonya Vayu mudra
Everyday perform after meals to prevent flatulence.
Formation – The tip of the middle finger and index finger is to be placed at the base of the thumb and the thumb is to be placed at the back of the middle and index finger gently.
Formation – The tip of the middle finger and index finger is to be placed at the base of the thumb and the thumb is to be placed at the back of the middle and index finger gently.
Pushana Mudra or Nourishing Mudra
Pooshan means the God of nourishment and hence this mudra is dedicated to the sun God.
Formation :
Right Hand : Middle finger is on the top of the index finger and the index finger touches the top of the thumb.Other fingers are extended straight.
Left Hand : The ring finger is at the top of the middle finger.The thumb and the middle finger are joined together at their tips.Index finger and the little finger stay extended.
This mudra is called Pooshan Mudra as it influences the energy currents that are responsible for absorption and utilisation of food, as well as helping with its elimination This mudra intensifies breathing and helps in the absorption of oxygen and release of carbondiaoxide from the lungs.
Benefits :
- This Mudra has a relaxing effect on the solar plexus the area of stomach liver, spleen and gall bladder.
- Regulates energies in the elimination and detoxification.
- Relieves acute nausea, flatulence, seasickness and the feeling of fullness after meals.
- Finger positions of the left hand aids in directing energy upwards.Concentration, memory, logic, enthusiasm are positively influenced.
- If there are chronic complaints about lack of energy than the mudra of the right hand can be modified as follows:
- Placing the right finger on the top of the little finger is touching the tip of the thumb.
This alternate finger position helps in activating energy in the pelvic floor.
- Excellent effect on general health
Yoga Mudra
Assume any meditative pose like Padmasana, Sukhasana or Siddhasana. Place the left palm on the navel and place the right palm on the left palm. Draw a deep breath and exhale slowly. Gradually bend forward and touch the ground with the chin. Eyes should look forward. Go on exhaling to empty lungs and be in that position for some times.. Then inhale slowly and lift the body. This is yoga mudra.
Effect :
This mudra activates the muscles of the stomach and Apana Vayu starts moving. Digestion gets better.
Benefits :
- Removes constipation and avoids formation of gas.
- Activates the pancreas and helps in controlling diabetes.
Meditation on Nabhi Chakra
Pepper, cumin seeds, asafoetida, rock salt,garlic and ajwain. Mix equal parts of baking soda and water in a glass.ENO salt with warm water
- Become aware that you are swallowing air and regurgitating it , and start to rectify the real cause of your comfort.
- Chew your food well. The amount of chewing required will vary according to the texture of the food and also how well it is cooked.
- Eat in relative silence. Some people talk during the meals more than they eat and subsequently they also take extra air in as they swallow.
- Avoid excessive quantities of legumes, beans, lentils and other sulfur containing foods.
- Avoid Foods Known to Cause Gas. One way to manage flatulence and belching is to eat fewer of the well-known gassy foods. ...
- Regular drinking water can be substituted with Jeera (Cumin seeds) water.However don't consume it in excess.
- Coconut water can help prevent bloating. One can take it twice a day.
- Timings of meals are important, Following the practice of maintaining a maximum gap of 3 hours between meals prevent bloating.
- Daily jog keeps our metabolism strong. So it is advisable to workout everyday and keep indigestion at bay.
- Yoga asanas such as child,s pose, sitting straight while working, seated forward bend and wind releasing pose helps prevents bloating and also helps gives boost to our metabolism
- Physical activity
- Meditation and yoga practices reduce stress and anxiety attacks
Dietary regimen ,Lubrication, fomentation, evacuation,
Tab Digene.
Medication :
a Add digestive enzyme
c Activated charcoal : That absorb gas through the digestive system
d Lactose suppliments
e dietary supplements such as alpha-galactosidase (Beano).
Medication :
a Add digestive enzyme
Beano may help :
Contains a natural food enzyme that helps prevent gas before it starts. It works with your body's digestion to break down the complex carbohydrates in gassy foods, like fresh vegetables, whole grain breads and beans, making them more digestible
b Antacids, Gellucil gel /tabc Activated charcoal : That absorb gas through the digestive system
d Lactose suppliments
e dietary supplements such as alpha-galactosidase (Beano).
Explain the habit part of symptom.
Assure that no disease exist.
Tab Valium 1-2 mg twice after meal
Tab Domperidone 1 tab twice a day before meal.
Avoid :
Eating fast
Talking during meals.
Chewing gums, candy , spicy food, betel nuts.
Air whipped into food : Milk shakes, sponge cakes, idlis , puris.
When aerophagia is troublesome holding a pencil or a bottle cork between the teeth may reduce the amount of involuntary or habit swallowing and arrest the cycle of aerophagia- discomfort -belch -relief.
Gastric flatulence
Treat aerophagia
Antacid with dimethycon tab or liquid after food.
Avoid :
Gulping down food.
Drinking much water with meals.
Chew food thoroughly, eat slowly and leisurely.
Tab Carmicide forte one teaspoonful after food.
Or Eno salt with water
Intestinal flatulence:
Avoid :
Gas forming foods such as cabbage, cauliflowers,beans, peas, gram. lobia, urad, arbi , lady's finger.
Rule out Amoebic infection.
If associated diarroeha : Keep consumtion of sugar to minimum.
Enzyme digestants after each meal.
Kunjal and Neti
Vyaghra kriya
Basti / Enema
Shankha Prakshalana
Explain the habit part of symptom.
Assure that no disease exist.
Tab Valium 1-2 mg twice after meal
Tab Domperidone 1 tab twice a day before meal.
Avoid :
Eating fast
Talking during meals.
Chewing gums, candy , spicy food, betel nuts.
Air whipped into food : Milk shakes, sponge cakes, idlis , puris.
When aerophagia is troublesome holding a pencil or a bottle cork between the teeth may reduce the amount of involuntary or habit swallowing and arrest the cycle of aerophagia- discomfort -belch -relief.
Gastric flatulence
Treat aerophagia
Antacid with dimethycon tab or liquid after food.
Avoid :
Gulping down food.
Drinking much water with meals.
Chew food thoroughly, eat slowly and leisurely.
Tab Carmicide forte one teaspoonful after food.
Or Eno salt with water
Intestinal flatulence:
Avoid :
Gas forming foods such as cabbage, cauliflowers,beans, peas, gram. lobia, urad, arbi , lady's finger.
Rule out Amoebic infection.
If associated diarroeha : Keep consumtion of sugar to minimum.
Enzyme digestants after each meal.
Kunjal and Neti
Vyaghra kriya
Basti / Enema
Shankha Prakshalana
* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.
Link : https://madhuchhandacdmo.blogspot.com/2017/04/flatulence-gas-trouble.html
Link : https://madhuchhandacdmo.blogspot.com/2017/04/flatulence-gas-trouble.html
Very nice and informative blog!
ReplyDeleteDescribed properly and touched vivid features. Weldone.
DeleteVery informative.
DeleteThanks for the feed back ,hope you will continue to encourage in future too.
DeleteVery informative helpful description of such a common problem. Treatment with kitchen ingredients and yoga poses is interesting
DeleteThanks for reading the blog and for your valuable feedback.
ReplyDeleteExplained in most simple manner as possible v good
ReplyDeleteThanks Swapnil.
ReplyDeleteQuite well-written
ReplyDeleteVery helpful for laymen.
ReplyDeleteWritten in simple terms which helps everyone to understand. Very through researched and thought out article.
ReplyDeleteThanks for appriaciation.
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ReplyDeleteVery informative ...thank you
ReplyDeleteNice article on chronic stomach gas
DeleteThanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteThanks gas trouble
ReplyDeleteNice post and drinking so much water after meal is important . This helps to prevent this problem and to get relief from gases problem acidity relief medicine is effective
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot.