Insomnia (Calm Your Anxious Mind) (Sleeplessness, Anidra, Nidra Nasha)

(Sleeplessness, Sleep deprivation, अनिद्रा)

Sleep Is One Of The Pillar Of Health

We spend one third of our lives sleeping or at least  we're supposed to. But as stress levels rise and screen shine on for  longer, sleep cycles are breaking, faltering and changing. Technology, a primary antagonist in this tale, is now also been seen as antidote. 
We are in a midst of a war on sleep. Some of it is our doing - work, leisure, stress, screens. But the commodification of attention has intensified the battle , as mega  corporations now depend on your staying up  longer. See how ancient human slept, how these cycles have  morphed in strange ways, and what the latest science say about what's at stake today.
Sleep (nidra) where there is the absence of ideas and experiences. When a man is sleeping soundly, he does not recall his name , family or status, his knowledge or wisdom or even his own existence. When a man forgets himself in sleep, he wakes up refreshed. But if a disturbing thoughts  creeps into his mind when he is dropping off, he will not rest properly.
"Shakespeare called sleep the chief nourisher in life's feast", in his 17th century play Macbeth.
They have discovered that Indians are the  second most sleep deprived people in  the world after Japan. We simply don't  get the minimum seven hours of sleep recommended by expert.
Much like nutrition, we have a daily need for a certain amount of sleep, but almost 30% of the world's population suffers from insomnia. Lack of sleep leads to lack of alertness, poor memory and makes us irritable, impatient and unproductive thanks to mood swings, headaches and lack of concentration.
According to Ayurveda, sleep issues are linked to low energy levels, which is why the Ayurvedic strategy to induce sleep is not to sedate  an already exhausted body  but to rejuvenate and rebuild  its reserves so that the body has the energy to requires to sedate itself and sleep deeply and naturally. For centuries we have been using certain herbs to relax and unwind.

Sleep Like A Baby

Diminish in quantity of the sleep is called insomnia or sleeplessness. A good night sleep promotes better health. Ideally one should have 6-7 hours of dreamless sleep every night.
Segmented or biphasic sleep saw people in two shifts, the first from about 9 pm to midnight and than from  about 2 am to dawn with an hour or two  of wakefulness in between. In that interval they did chores, prayed, had sex. Biphasic sleep could be linked to an absence of artificial light. Some people cannot sleep more than five hours at a stretch, but must nap during the day. Other sleep eight to nine hours and need no nap.
Due to change in lifestyle, the natural biological clock gets disrupted. Lack of sleep causes damage to the immune system and is associated with conditions such as premature ageing, fatigue, anxiety, depression, poor memory, an imbalance in eating pattern, restlessness, irritability, memory lapse, inattention, inactiveness in a day time and increase accident risk. It can also lower pain threshold. There are two types of insomnia:
  • Primary Insomnia- It is not directly related to any other health problems.
  • Secondary Insomnia- It is related to other health problems like Asthma, Depression, Arthritis, Heartburn, etc.
Sleep either excess or less decreases life span. The present lifestyles of working night shifts and sleeping during the day are indeed very harmful.
People either do not know why they are always sleepy or they know too much and develop and develop orthosomnia - the obsession to achieve perfect sleep-because of all the sleep tracking devices available to them. Either way it is not good news.

                                          "Hot bath before bedtime helps you sleep well."
When the mind is weary and the tired senses withdrew from their objects, a person falls asleep Normal sleep which occurs at night nourishes life, but sleep brought on by  the excess of kapha , by too much physical and mental activity, by illness, and by supreme inertia (tamas) is not normal. In particular, sleep of the tamsik kind is rooted in sin.
Sleep is an important part of life. On its soundness or otherwise depend many things including strength and weakness,, potency and impotency bulk and leanness, knowledge and ignorance, happiness and misery and even life and death.
In the range of normal sleep, there is a place for day sleep for given situation and individuals. For example those whose strength is impaired from a lifestyle involving singing, reading, drinking, journeys and night vigils the old , the women and the children, those walking long distances, and those carrying weight, patients undergoing evacuation therapy or having injuries, indigestion, diarrhea, colic, dyspnea, hiccup or insanity, the lean, those tormented by grief fear and anger may be accustomed to day sleep because it restores the equilibrium of their tissues(dhatus)  and enables kapha to support their body parts. For them day sleep is in order particularly in summer when vata get disturbed and nights become shorter.
However day sleep is inadvisable in other season, when kapha and pitta tend to be perturbed. It is also harmful for the obese who suffers from disorder of kapha and toxins. Indeed inappropriate day sleep may predispose too much morbidity and disease such as headache, a sensation of heaviness, indigestion and loss of appetite, swelling, restrictions, of the heart, skin infections, impairment of memory, and intelligence, blocking of body channels and the weakening of sense organs. The wise should therefore cultivate the habit of sound sleep which promotes happiness. Even when disturb sleep will return in response to oil massage or bath, meat soup, rice with curd, wine, aggregable aromas, and sounds, gentle rubbing of the body, emollient applications to the eyes and face, a comfortable room, and bed and proper time.
On other hand if a person suffers from a  tendency to unhealthy and excessasive sleep it should be checked by evacuation therapy, medicated smoking, physical activity, bloodletting, fasting, an uncomfortable bed, and subduing of tamas by the promotions of satvik qualities. However, carries too far, for these factors and others lie old age, Vataja disorders, and Vatala constitution may bring on insomnia.

What determines how and when we sleep?
Since the 18th century there has been overwhelmingly the industrial revolution and factors linked to it, from the emergence of work shift to the prevalence of artificial lighting. As the industrialization spread and economies began to boom, hyper - capitalist societies demanded something new of its citizens spending. Now it was a leisure hours that stretched and began to eat into sleep times.

This is how revenge bedtime procrastination (Revenge bedtime procrastination refers to the decision to delay sleep in response to stress or a lack of free time earlier in the day. The addition of the word “revenge” to the concept of bedtime procrastination became popular on social media) came into being. We stayed up late to force fit leisure activities into our busy schedules partly in retaliation to the  also stretching work day. We sidelined sleep for supposed "me time", which is definitely not healthy.

Screens have of course, intensified the war on sleep. As has rising stress levels, poor diet, pollution(particularly air and light). But what really kicked  the battle into high gear  is the commodification of attention. Multi billion dollar multinationals from Netflix to Twitter to Epic Games and they are just giants representative of  their field - depend on their revenue models on keeping the user hooked. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings famously said his competition isn't Amazon or HBO, but SLEEP. 
The result A binge- watching, binge playing, doom scrolling population where the lines between consumption and over consumption  have blurred, even in the very young. A study of students between 9-17 found that 8.6% were taking over 30 minutes  to fall asleep (instead of average  20 minutes for that age group). Young people knew they weren't sleeping early enough or for long enough either. Asked what was keeping them  from doing so the two top reason sighted  were use of electronic gadgets (23.7%) and lack of parenteral control over sleep schedule as they age (20.8% of boys  and 13.7% of girls)
You can sleep for 12 hours and still suffer from  poor sleep. Quality sleep is when we achieve the N3 stage of sleep and REM (rapid eye movement). That's when we and our brain are the most relaxed. If you are in bed for 7 hours and have deep sleep for 5 or 6 hours, that is good quality sleep. But you can also spend 7 hours in bed and only have 15 minutes of deep sleep and that is not good quality of good sleep.. Good quality of sleep improvs brain performance, mood and health.
When sleep quality detoriates, the risk of several diseases and disorders ranging from heart disease and stroke to obesity and dementia increases.. Higher quality of sleep helps the brain to prepare to learn, remember and create while also helping in repair of our immune systems. 

Myth : Older adults require less sleep compared to younger adults. The truth is that  older adults need the same amount of sleep as younger adults because sleep is very important to prevent various heart  and other diseases. And it also performs the restorative functions of our vital organs.

Pandemic Boost
One of the thing that happened  when world came to a veritable standstill in the first year of pandemic  was that sleep times rebounded, People had less to do, and were simply sleeping more. During the pandemic , people started to realized that sleep is the third pillar of health after diet and exercise.
In India , we were sleeping an average of 6-8 hours a day before 2020, but in a first lockdown we added at least 30-40 minutes to our daily sleep duration.. This then  dropped to about 5-7 hours daily as pandemic restrictions were lifted  and we tried to get back to our  old routines but with additional problems such as fragmented  sleep and anxiety in some cases. Pandemic was wake up call, it helped some of us realize  how badly we have been sleeping all this while.
                                                 "Now sleep is seen as an index of health."
Peace of mind
Today we do not eat in relaxed way, adequate rest, no time for family, we are just running after money and fame. And all this is increasing the stress- imbalance Our Pragya-apradh (willful transgression) is welcoming new maladies of insomnia, phobias, depression, anxiety and all. The karma matters!

Magic marker
How much does sleep matter ? Sleep deprivation lead to non life threatening psychological conditions. Conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity and hypertension were all reflected in changing sleeping habits and patterns.
Poor sleep can signal depression, gastrointestinal disorders, musculoskeletal disorders. Inadequate restful sleep also causes decreased production of infection fighting white blood cells, cytokines, that help suppress inflammation and melatonin that alleviates stress and promotes sleep. "It is a core indication of course of  mental wellness too. During the pandemic it was our best shot  at decoding how  we were really feeling.

Benefits of good sleep:
*  Make digestive tract clean

* Control the blood circulation
* Provides mental relaxation and distressing
* Repairs cells and keep them active
* Increase memory power
* Improve the glow of the body
* Corrects the bad postures

                  "Consult a sleep specialist at the Neurology and sleep center Delhi or NIMHANS, AIIMS"
  • Screens
  • Rising stress levels
  • Poor diet
  • Pollution (particularly air and light)
  • Lack of physical activity/ empty stomach/ work pressure/ stress/ improper diet and lifestyle
  • Salt is a cause of headache, insomnia, sinuses, epilepsy, Rheumatoid, arthritis and even cancer.
  • Intake of tea, coffee and Cocoa especially before going to bed causes insomnia.
  • Pain/ fever/ hypertension/ excitement/ work pressure
  • Psychic i.e. Depression, anxiety, stress, strain, bad thought, etc.
  • Old age (after 60)/ night shift/ drug addiction/ alcohol
  • Alzheimer’s/ Parkinson's/ Arthritis/ Hyperthyroidism
  • Allergy, nutritional deficiency, overwork and overtiredness
  • Heat and cold, acute infections, coughs, headaches
  • Digestive problems/ intake of cold and dry foods
  • Overexcitement/ ill health
  • Ayurveda It is disturbance in vata dosha
                     A crucial aspect of overall health and fitness is getting 8 hours of quality sleep"
Sign & Symptoms
  • inability to fall asleep
  • Not feeling well
  • Irritablity
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Tiredness / Fatigue
  • Difficult to fall asleep
  • Wake up during midnight and difficult to go back to sleep
  • Wake up too early in the morning and feel tired
  • Dark circles around the eyes/ Swelling in the eyes
                                 "Melatonin. The hormone that is responsible for inducing sleep."                                 

A true cost of sleep debt
Put down the remote,
Turn out the lights.
You're already likely deep in debt.
 "The world is seeing a rising incidence of sleep debt."

Typically a shortfall of 25% or more is considered sleep debt. For a person who needs seven hours of sleep a day, five hours of sleep would be the start of such a cycle. One should ideally make up for  lost sleep the same day with a nap or two. over a time, sleep dept  can cause fatigue, irritability, required attention spans and drowsiness affecting cognitive and other functions. It also does  to contribute to the ageing of the body. This means that  in a sense, one is literally loosing time.

A good litmus test is to wake up spontaneously, without relying on an alarm clock. If you feel refreshed, you are getting enough sleep.

  • Follow organized lifestyle
  • Brisk walk in the evening
  • Hot bath before going to sleep
  • Go to bed with a happy mood/ reading in bed
  • Sleep in a peaceful dark, comfortable room
  • Have dinner at least 2-3 hours before bedtime Listen to soft music around 45 minutes before going to sleep.
  • Keep your electronic gadgets away from your bed and switch off your mobile phones.
  • Cleanliness of bed along with comfortable cotton clothing will promote good sleep
  • Follow a fixed routine for sleep. Sleep at a fixed time every night and wake up at a fixed time every morning. This would set a fixed “sleeping schedule.”
  • A hot shower or a bath about two hours before going to bed soothes the nerves and relaxes the body. One can also add a few drops of essential oils like chamomile, lemon balm, lavender or rosemary to the bath water, as it soothes effectively.
  • Have early and light dinner should take lots of green vegetables, Dalia, etc.
  • Meditate for ten minutes to keep the mind calm
  •  You can promote your sleeping pattern by utilizing good “sleep hygiene”. It means you have to improve the quantity and quality of the hours you spend in bed by utilizing the combination of habits and factors that affect how you sleep.
  • Reading few pages from book before sleeping
  • Keep yourself busy mentally as well as active physically. So that when one goes to bed you should be completely tied. Then only one can have deep sleep.
  • Do not drink water at the time of sleeping so that the sleep is not disturbed due to urination.
  • Start counting backwards while lying on the bed.
  • Laughter is the best medicine.
  • Start writing diary if unable to sleep
  • Use hypnotic as last resort
  • Sarvangasana- It provides good circulation to the head region. It also relieves the stress and calms down the mind.
  • Shirshaasna- The body is completely inverted and held upright supported by forearms while the crown of the headrest on the floor.
  • Shavasana- You lie down on your back and relax your body and mind. During the pose, you close your eyes breathe naturally and practice eliminating tension from the body. It relaxes all the muscles.
  • Vajra Asana- It is a kneeling position sitting on your heels. Sit in Vajra asana for 10 minutes after meals.
  • Yoga Nidra : Guided meditation for sleep and relaxation.

  • Chandra Bhedi Pranayama- Press your right thumb to the right nostril and inhale through your left nostril. Continue for 2-3 minutes.
  • Bhramari or Humming bee breathe- Or Breath in ,breath out : Take a long inhalation through the nose, and on exhalation create a humming sound from the throat. Yogic breathing excercises have shown to have beneficial effects on your sleep as well as mood. Do at least 10 cycles.
  • Belly Breathing- Lie on your back, breathe deeply from your abdomen getting as much air as you can into the lungs. As you inhale your belly should rise, and as you exhale your belly should fall. This allows you to inhale more oxygen and more relaxed you feel.
  • Anolom Vilom- Inhale through one nostril and exhale through other alternatively.
  • Udgeet pranayama- It is the art of conscious breathing. One has to chant primal sound “AUM” which reverberates to resonate. It awakens mind to its inherent, immense potential.
Regular exercises such as walking, jogging, skipping, and swimming and taking part in physical activities are the good exercises for insomnia.
Sthapni Marma
Location - It is located in the space between two eyebrows at the site of Agnya Chakra.
Stimulation - With folded hands touch the thumb of both the hands in between eyebrows. With the help of thumb pressure can be given 18 times.

To cure insomnia Jnana Mudra is to be followed by prana Mudra
  • Jnana Mudra Formation- Joining together the tips of the thumb and the index finger forms this Mudra. Sleeplessness and insomnia can be cured by practicing 50 minutes of Jnana Mudra followed by 15 minutes of Prana mudra.

  • Prana Mudra Formation- the tips of little fingers and ring fingers are joined with the tips of the thumbs

  • Shoonya Mudra Formation - The tip of the middle finger is to be placed at the base of the thumb and the thumb is to be placed at the back of the middle finger gently. Sleeplessness is cured.

Apana Vayu Mudra

This mudra can save a person from 'heart attack', hence a mudra is called Sanjeevani Mudra, one that gives life to a dying person. This mudra gives instant results and the pain is reduced immediately.
Formation :
This is combination of two Mudras Vayu and Apana. From Vayu mudra by placing the tip of index finger at the base of the thumb and then form Apana Mudra by joining tip of the thumbs with the middle and ring fingers.
Effects :
There is combined effect of Vayu mudra and Apana Mudra. Vayu mudra relieves the pain instantly and Apana mudra maintains space to reinforce blood circulation to the heart. 

  • Headache due to lack of sleep , mental worries, over exertion and problems of blood circulation are relieved.

Perform Apana Vayu Mudra-
  1. When there is sleeplessness.
  2. When there is over exertion.
  3. When there is stress.
  4. When climbing staircases and hills.
  5. When there is crises.
  6. Shakti Mudra

    This Mudra  is in honor of Shakti, the Goddess of life energy.This mudra brings relaxation to the pelvic region.
    Formation :
    Place thumb of each handing middle of the palm and bend the index and middle fingers on the thumbs loosely. Join the little finger and ring finger of each hand to the  corresponding fingers of other hand.

    Effect :
    There is a calming effect on the pelvic region because of the bent thumbs, index and middle fingers.

    Benefits :
    • Creates a pleasant relaxation in the pelvic region.
    • Counteracts spasms in the intestine and menstrual pains.
    • Relieves prostrate gland problems.
    Increases the dept of respiration in the lower chest area.
    Helps fall sleep at night
    Slow urination is rectified..

Agya Chakra
It is located between the eyebrows.
  • Chakras are whirlpools of energy located along the spine (invisible to the eye) and also called psychic centres.
  • Chakra meditation is the way to bring healing and wellness into the body and mind.
Mantra Jaap
Mantra Japan is a very powerful form of meditation, especially for a dynamic mind. Meditate for ten minutes to keep the mind calm. Gayatri Mantra can be chanted before sleep.
Calming and sedative foods
  • Aniseed- Its tea is prepared by taking a tsp of aniseed (choti saunf) and add it to 375 ml of boiling water. Simmer this for 15 minutes, filter and add honey and milk to it. Sip this tea every day before bedtime.
  • Bottle gourd- This vegetable is relaxing and sedative food. A mixture of bottle guard and sesame oil can also be beneficially massaged over the scalp every night before retiring, to induce sleep.
  • Celery- The juice of celery leaves, mixed with tsp of honey, should be taken at night before retiring. Celery seeds are also calming and soothing.
  • Cumin seeds- Mash a ripe banana, add roasted cumin seeds to it and mix properly. Consume this before going to sleep
  • Dill (Soya)- it's a calming and soothing food. The green dill plant is used as vegetable eaten with methi. It is also used for flavoring soups, sauces etc.
  • Honey- It has hypnotic action in bringing sound sleep. It should be taken with water, before going to bed, in dose of 2 tsp in big cup of water
  • Lettuce (Salad patta)- Its juice is highly effective in insomnia.
  • Long pepper (Pippali)- Have a tsp of pippali powder in warm milk along with jaggery before sleep.
  • Milk- A glass of milk, sweetened with honey, should be taken every night before going to bed. Milk with a paste of poppy seeds is a good remedy for sleep. In a glass of milk, add a tsp of poppy seeds paste and add some sugar to it, drink this after dinner.
  • Nutmeg- The powder of nutmeg, mixed with fresh Amla juice or milk can be consumed
  • Onion- Raw onion is good for insomnia
  • Oats- This popular cereal induces tranquility and sleep
  • Thiamine Rich Food- Increase in the consumption of foods such as whole grain cereals, pulses and nuts are effective in treating insomnia.
  • Tomato Juice- Drink one cup of tomato juice
  • Banana- Good for nerves: Bananas are the source of the vitamin B group, essential for good nerve health. This also benefits people with a vata imbalance and sleep problem.

To avoid
  • Get off your gadgets : Smartphones ,laptops, tablets. television  and even kindles interfere with your sleep. The blue light emitted by such electronic devices tricks your brain into thinking it's daytime, even when it's not. Half an hour, before you're set to sleep, switch off your gadgets and see the results.
  • Avoid having a television in your bedroom
  • Don't’ think too much before going to bed
  • Don't take unnecessary medical aids for sleeping Avoid TV, mobile, laptops before sleeping
  • Reduce a consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea, etc.
  • Avoid afternoon naps, unwholesome diet and heavy meals
  • Excessive physical and emotional exertion
  • Avoid use of all gadget after 10 PM
These are called stimulants: to be avoided.
  • Tea : Tea contains tannin which is a harmful substance.
  • Coffee : Coffee contains caffeine which is also a harmful substance.
  • Cocoa : Chocolates are prepared by this seeds. These seeds contain. 'Alkalide', a harmful substance
  • Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)- it is taken with milk. Ashwagandha supports healthy sleep by rejuvenating the body and addressing the stress related fatigue. It helps adrenal system regulate hormones and thus cope with stress.
  • Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi)- It is good for treating insomnia. Brahmi coolsthe mind and nervous system, promotes daytime energy and induces night time sleep.
  • Tulsi : Tulso balances the hormones and thus provides stress relief.
  • Peppermint :  The menthol present in peppermint is a natural muscle relaxant and helps to treat stress, anxiety and mental exhaustion.
  • Cardamom :  In conditions of stress and sleeplessness, the application of cardemum oil  around the nasal area helps induce relaxation and sound sleep.
  • Chamomile : An excellent calming herb, it relaxes both body and the mind sedative, which is safe and effective for both adults and children. A cup of chamomile tea at the end of the day helps calm the nerves and improve sleep.
Chamomile tea

  • Convolvulus pluricaulis (Shankhpushpi)- It calms the mind
  • Nordostachys jatamansi (Jatamansi)- It is used to calm the mind and promote a restful sleep
  • Pepper longum (Pippali)- Have a tsp of pippali powder in warm milk along with jaggery before sleep.
  • Fenugreek- Mix 2 tsp of fenugreek (methi) leaves juice with a tsp of honey. Costume This at bedtime daily.
  • Rauwolfia Serpentina  (Sarpagandha)- Mix ¼ tsp of Sarpgandha powder with cardamom and consume this twice daily for two weeks.
  • Saffron- is helpful in treating insomnia. Take 3-4 strands of saffron and soak them in a cup of warm milk. Sip this every day before going to bed.
  • Pumpkin,s Seeds (Cucurbita pepo seeds) "Nature's sleeping pill." It has calming effect.
Home Remedies
  • Mix a pinch of Jaiphal (जायफल )powder in a cup of hot milk and drink half an hour before going to bed.
  • Mix a pinch of cinnamon powder in a cup of hot milk and drink half an hour before going to bed.
  • Drink warm milk before going to bed.
  • Eat a banana after dinner and drink a glass of warm milk
  • Eat adequate quantity of almond, pistachio, cashew, walnuts, etc.
  • Take one tsp of honey with warm water before going to bed
  • Drink warm milk with 1-2 tsp of honey before going to bed
  • Take 2 tsp of fenugreek juice with one tsp of honey
  • Finish your meal with curd/ curd rice
  • Can try eating raw onion with honey
Meditate by concentrating on your breath for complete relaxation
  • Stop social networking activity on your computer/ mobile/ at least one hour before bedtime
  • Indulge in physical activities and exercises. Avoid eating two hours before sleep
  • Avoid stimulating TV programs or reading stimulating books in the evening.
  • Avoid all caffeine products including chocolate
  • Go to bed early and wake up before the sunrise
  • Touch the tip of the tongue to the palate if you do not get sleep
Some Questions
What is on your bed side table?
Keep it minimum.
Which sleep hygiene practices do you swear by?
Get at least eight hours peaceful sleep everyday to be fit. Quality sleep for eight hours is a must. Follow practice it daily
No 8 hours of sleep isn't enough. you need to be focusing on its quality too.

Identifying sleep disorders is especially important, we may be able to prevent some of this premature mortality.

5 Factors to determine the quality of sleep
  • Ideal sleep duration of seven to eight hours a night21% for 
  • Difficulty in falling asleep no more than two times a week
  • Trouble staying asleep no more than  two times a week.
  • Not using ant sleep medication
  • And finding well rested after waking up  at least  five days a week.
People who ticked all five factors were 30% less likely to die early for any reason. 21% for cardiovascular disease,, 19 % from cancer and 40% for other assorted reasons.
            Who slept longer and better were were more likely to see gains in life expectance.

Smart GRID Mattress
The product is made up of  hyper elastic polymer and designed on the science of pressure relief. It is a stretchable material shaped like a grid.. The unique structure of the product enables the smarter parts of the body to  be cuddled and comforted with larger areas like the back remain firm and straight. The grid structure allows the walls of the grid to buckle down on body curvatures like the  hips and shoulders. Adding that the technology allows for a mattress to be both hard and soft. The same technology is used in company's pillows, cushions and chairs.

"Relax and let go everything else".
Check your habits : Are you one of those who just can't fall asleep without a dose of reading a thrilling novel or watching a bit of a mystery movie? That may be why you're not able to sleep. Dark or disturbing content just before bed time can project violent images into your subconscious mind, making it difficult for your mind to rest.
Analyze your diet : Avoid having a heavy dinner as it'll make you feel bloated and uneasy, making it difficult to sleep. Before calling it a day, go for some chamomile tea, or munch on almonds and walnuts.

                                    7-8 hours of sleep every day most adults need.

Ayurvedic Tips to improve sleep
By Addressing the underlying imbalances in the body and  incorporating specific home remedies you can effectively beat insomnia.
  • A soothing bedtime routine :
Create a consistent bedtime routine to signal your body and mind that its time to unwind . Having a sleep schedule is conducive to relaxation. Avoid stimulants like caffeine, nicotine and electronics (e.g. smartphones, tablets and television) at least two hours before bed instead opt for a relaxing activity like reading a book or listening to soft music. Also try to go  to bed and wake up at the same time everyday, even on weekends.

  • Abhyanga (self massage)
Abhyanga or the practice of self massage using warm oil, is an integral part of the Ayurvedic daily routine. Massage your body with sesame oil or coconut oil before taking a warm bath or shower. It promotes relaxation, calms the nervous system, and induces better sleep.
  • Nasya and Shirodhara therapy :
These Ayurvedic therapies can be beneficial for insomnia. Nasya involves applying medicated oil to  the nasal passages. Ayurvedic oils such as Brahmi oil or sesame oil infused with calming herbs
can be used for  this purpose. Apply  a few drops to each nostril before bed time to sooth the mind and induce sleep. Shirodhara involves a  continuous stream of warm oil on  the forehead, both promoting relaxation and better sleep.

  • Pranayama : 
Certain breathing techniques and Pranayama exercises can help calm  the mind, release tension and prepare the body for sleep.  Practice deep belly breathing, alternate nostril breathing, (Nadi shodhana),  or cool breathing (Sheetali Pranayama) before bed.These practices can improve sleep quality. 

Treating underlying cause of insomnia. Medical and behavioral / psychological treatments
  • Sleep hygiene
  • Relaxation technique
  • Psychological
Tranquilizers : Tab Compose
*  Non Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) Available on you tube, find an NSDR video. (It is generally explained as guided awake-sleep) for improving sleep.
White noise machine : A white noise machine uses sound to minimize ambient noise. That makes them useful when you're trying to fall asleep, but they also help block distracting sounds if you need to focus.  it's often recommended for sleeping difficulties and sleep disorders like insomnia.
Pillow menus : 
* Sleep apps, new technologies are using artificial intelligence sensors and sound in attempts to monitor and guide sleep.

Management in Ayurveda:
Yog nidra : For improving sleep duration and quality in high performance athletes. Guided Meditation for sleep & Relaxation. Yoga Nidra (योग निद्रा ) :  Guided Meditation for sleep & Relaxation. To release tension.

Technique : During our lifetime, we accumulate mental, muscular  and emotional tensions, and they affect our health. In yoga the way to release these tensions is through the practice of relaxation or yoga nidra. This practice induces (Sense of withdrawal) Pratyahar, a state in which a mind  is isolated and the senses do not feed the brain with fresh information. When there is complete isolation from the influx of the senses, the consciousnesses, the mind and the brain  undergo metamorphosis, a complete transformation. It is as if a new  brain, mind and conscientiousness  are been created out of the old brain, mind and consciousnesses.
Benefit : 
  • All mental, muscular and emotional tensions are immediately relaxed.
  • Champi- Apply Almond oil/ Brahmi oil, or Luke warm coconut oil to the scalp in a circular motion before going to bed
  • Nasya- Apply of medicated oil such as Anu Taila in the nostrils
  • Shirodhara/ Shirovasti- Shirodhara is performed with medicated oil with specific guidelines of time in the day, the height of Dhara pot & temperature of liquid. It helps in balancing the vata.
  • Yoga Nidra- It is state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like “going to sleep” stage. It is the state in which the body is completely relaxed, and the practitioner becomes systematically and increasingly aware of the inner world by following a set of verbal instructions. This is a meditative practice for deep relaxation and healing. Do this practice for 10 minutes.
1 Connect to your heartfelt desire
2 Set an intention
3 Find your inner resource
4 Scan your body
5 Become aware of your breath
6 Welcome your feelings
7 Witness your thoughts
8 Experience joy
9 Observe yourself
10 Reflect on your practice.
  • Abhyanga- Massage the body with till oil before going to bed
  • Mud pack- Apply Mudpack overhead, forehead, eyes and abdomen for 30 minutes
  • Vegetable Juice- Drink cucumber and bottle guard juice
  • Padh Abhyanga- Foot massage with mustard/ sesame (Till) oil before going to sleep
  • Hot water footbath at night before sleeping
  • Shat Pavali- Walk a hundred steps after dinner
  • Take warm water bath two hours after dinner before sleeping.
Music therapy Put on some gentle music as your getting ready for bed. Once you are ready to sleep, focus fully on the calming sounds. Pick from a range of music available easily and freely. For instance, bird chirping, rainfall forest etc.


Both day night are two different forms nature . They are two different divisions of time. The day generates power in human beings through action, and the night relaxes the body and purifies the body. Man should use both night and day properly.. (Rig Veda)


* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.



  1. Very informative & helpful for people.

  2. Amazing lifestyle tips. Thanks for sharing. To get deep sleep herbal capsules for insomnia works really good. It is not habit-forming tablets. So, you can daily and follow these tips also to cure sleeplessness.


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