CONSTIPATION (Vibandha, Kabja, Malabadhata, Rajroga)


Water the best Stool Softener

“Conquer Constipation Before It Does!! ”

(कब्ज, कोष्ठबध्दता )
"Mother of all diseases"

                                          "December as constipation awareness week."

We've all been through it. Hours and hours in the toilet but to no avail (or relief). Constipation is one of the most  common digestive problems. While sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and increase intake of sedatives and pain killers, especially in post Covid world are known contributing factors. A lesser known trigger of constipation is stress.

Do you put off going to the toilet because you are busy doing more important things? Or is your child avoiding the bathroom for fear of a painful bowel movement? Either pattern may be a sign of constipation. Constipation is a very common problem these days. Our lives of a constant rush, late nights and fast food habits have turned constipation into a problem of epidemic proportion. Constipation is something which troubles most of us  at some point in life. It is passing a hard stool. Taking control of your digestive health can help you improve your overall health, wellbeing and happiness. Maintaining your digestive health is just as important as maintaining your heart health, bone health, and the health of the rest of your body. Controlling defecation leads to short-term effects and long-term symptoms too. 

Constipation is inability to completely evacuate the bowels or passing very hard stools. The prevalent problem is due to an incorrect lifestyle and poor eating patterns. Although constipation is often looked upon as  a common problem, if not treated or if treatment is delayed, it can lead to further problems such as fissures, fistulas, piles, lack of appetite and indigestion.

Statistically more than 140 million people buy laxatives every year and 2 to 27% suffer from varied levels of constipation. Toilet training in infancy plays a great role in prevention of constipation.

सर्वेशमेवरोगाना निदान कुपित मला
(Constipation is the root cause of many disease)

                                          "Water is the best stool softener".

Constipation is defined medically as fewer than three stools per week and severe constipation is less than one stool per week. Constipation is usually caused by the slow movement of stool through the colon.
Constipation is an infrequent or difficult evacuation of the feces. It is one of the most important topics of the hour. Lots of people suffer from constipation yet only a few dare to talk about it.
Eliminating daily is considered healthy. In case one miss out a day or two, then one is constipating. Few questions - Sitting for long hours in the toilet? Do one strain oneself while passing stool? Is the  motion very hard? If your answer for any of these questions is yes, then you may be experiencing constipation.
Children, elderly, pregnant women are the most common sufferers of constipation. Nevertheless,  most of the IT professional's, businessmen, shopkeepers and others also are a victim of this.
The signs of satisfactory evacuation are the normal, downward direction of wind in the gut, restoration of hunger and thirst, a sense of well being and lightness, clarity of senses and vigor. An unsatisfactory result, on the other hand, is manifested by fatigue, dizziness, burning sensation, headache and debility.
How state of our mind can affect our gastrointestinal health ?
The brain gut connect
There is a brain gut axis at play, which implies that bowel functions are influenced by the brain and vice versa. Thoughts and emotions triggered by stress can have an adverse effect on digestion. On other hand, gut microbiota alterations and inflammation can cause stress. Hence measures to effectively tackle both stress and bowel movement are important.. 
Stress creates hormonal disturbances, which have a huge impact on digestion. Anxiety, which is more severe and persistant state of mind, also affects the circulation of blood and oxygen, disrupting bodily functions, including digestion.
Constipation is a complaint of around 10% of the adult population in general and 20% of elderly suffer from chronic constipation.
According to Ayurveda constipation is due to the malfunctioning of the  the lower part of large intestine. (Bahir Mukha  srotas,).

“To digest is to be healthy”
  • Decrease Fiber :(most common)
  • Decrease mobility
  • Decrease liquid (Less that 8 glasses per day)
  • Decrease exercise : Bed ridden, coma, Ignoring urge to defecate
  • Systemic : Hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, uremia, pregnancy, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia
  • Neurological : Stroke, parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis.
  • Stress can make you constipated
                              "Triphala prevents acidity & constipation in adults."

Constipation In Children
Abnormally infrequent and difficult passage of motions is not common in children, but can be quite troublesome, when it does happen. A child may pass hard motions because of which he may get fissures or cuts near the anus. These can be very painful. The child starts thinking that the passage of motions causes pain. He than purposely starts withholding his stools. In consequence, the stools become drier and firmer, making it more difficult for the child to evacuate. Soon a vicious cycle starts, some times child soils his under clothes when liquid waste leaks around the solid waste.

Change in schedule and diet can compound constipation problems. So make sure you get  plenty of the three most effective constipation combaters : fiber, fluids and exercise.

Normal infrequent motions
Some exclusively breastfed babies pass normal motions once every  2 to 3 days and sometimes even less frequently. The motions are not hard. This is normal and requires no treatment.

                       "In case of dry motion, stop taking salt and spices, and drink plenty of water."

Eating sufficient fruits, vegetables, sprouts whole grains and fluids helps in the prevention as well as the treatment of constipation. Regular bowel habits and a relaxed pace  for morning routines also helps to avoid constipation.

Drinking water on empty stomach is helpful. warm water with a teaspoon of honey is preferable. Many children may pass a motion after that . Others may get used to passing a motion after drinking milk or after breakfast. The child should be relaxed while sitting in the toilet. A young child is encouraged to sit for about 15 minutes. You may engage him  with something interesting like a toy or a book or a puzzle. If he does not evacuate, the child should not be forced to do so.

The diet should have more fibers in the form of fruits like figs (fresh as well as dry) raisins, plums, apricot, vegetables specially raw and leafy vegetables, peas and beans and sprouts. Whole wheat flour chapatis and bread, unpolished rice and enough liquids.

Foods that should be omitted or reduced include white bread, bakery goods, milk, butter, cream, cheese, nuts, popcorn, sausages, sweet potatoes, spaghetti, macaroni, and noodles. Avoid giving the child  milk products since they can depress the activity of the colon. Cow and buffalo milk can also  cause milk allergy and anal fissures, which may cause chronic constipation. via stool avoidance. Soya based milk can be tried in such cases.

When you've gotta go go : Don't encourage a constipation or a UTL by postponing trip to the bathroom. Go as soon as you feel the urge.

Although oral medicines can be helpful, do not medicate without consulting a doctor. Bisacodyl suppository (available as dulcolax) 5 mg  for under two and 10 mg for children over two, may be used. It should be inserted  at the same time each day, preferably after a meal. Use it daily for a month, 2 times a week in the next month and then once week for 3 months.

In severe cases, hospitalization may be needed to manage the child and also to investigate  for some other rare  causes like  congenital megacolon (Hertzsprung disease) and hypothyroidism that can give rise to constipation.

                                   "Eliminating daily is considered healthy".

    Poor Diet: low in fiber, high in fats found in cheese, eggs and meats. Others like Junk food, dry meals, excessive white flour (maida) is also harmful. Inadequate food intake with low carbohydrates also contributes.
●    Too much coffee and tea.
●    Not practicing "Early to bed , and early to rise".
●   Iron & Folic Acid Deficiency Either or both can lead to constipation. Remedy is green leafy vegetables.
●  Constipation in Pregnancy : Irregularity, that bloated, gassy clogged up feeling, it is very regular pregnancy complaint. Due to high level of progesteron circulating in the blood which causes smooth muscles of  the large bowel to relax, making them sluggish and allowing food to hang around longer in the digestive tract

 Constipation in elderly : Few conditions such as cardiac or kidney ailments may recommend limited fluid intake, less or no salt diet can impact bowel movements. Lack of walking or exercise due to age, change in food habits due to dentures or missing tooth, age related deterioration may all result in constipation. Loss of memory, feeling of being neglected, need for attention and affection may all may lead to change in habits thus constipation.
  Decrease sleep is associated with constipation. Sleep and bowels are intimately connected.
● Insufficient liquids may lead to hard stool : Remedy drinking enough water.  Inadequate  quantity of water or fruit juice may be one of the factors. As liquids add fluid to the colon and making bowel movements softer and easier to pass.
  Lack of Exercise lack of Exercise can also lead to constipation, elderly are commonly affected.
      Use of excessive laxatives : It may lead to more constipation
    Medication: Some of the medicines also cause constipation, like painkillers, antihistamine, antacids, antispasmodics, anti hypertensive drugs like diuretics, Relaxants,  antidepressants, iron supplements, diuretics, opiates, anticholinergic, iron,  medication for insomnia, chronic use of laxative, Antiepileptic, progesterone,  and anticoagulants.
   Irritable  Bowel Syndrome (I.B.S)   Or Spastic colon, have spasms in the colon that affect bowel movements.
  Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, hypothyroidism, makes a person more susceptible to constipation. Also the uterus may compress the intestine thus slowing down the passage of the food.
   Change in routine- travelling: Travelling alters daily routine. Meals are consumed at different times, sleep variations and irregular toilet intervals, all these changes may raise the risk of constipation. Unfamiliar toilet arrangements as during travelling.
   Abuse of laxatives: Laxatives usually are not necessary and can be habit-forming. The colon begins to rely on laxatives to bring on bowel movements. As the time passes, laxatives can damage nerve cells in the colon and interfere with the colon's natural ability to contract.
  Dehydration Liquid that contains caffeine for example ; coffee, tea and cold drinks will worsen one's symptoms. Alcohol also causes dehydration.
     Regular use of enemas can also lead to a loss of normal bowel function.
●  Opioid Analgesic : Opioid analgesia makes constipation worse like Morphine given during surgery. I.e Opioid Analgesics. Abstral · Actiq · Astramorph · Buprenex · buprenorphine · buprenorphine transdermal · butorphanol · Butrans · codeine · ConZip · Demerol .
 ●   Ignoring the urge to have a Bowel movement: People who ignore the urge to have a bowel movement may eventually stop feeling the urge, which can lead to constipation
 ●     Specific diseases:  Some of the diseases slow down the movement of stool through the colon, rectum or anus eg neurological and metabolic disorders
●    The irregular interval between two meals or too much sleep or infected painful teeth or sluggish liver. Enlargement of prostrate gland and emotional stress and strain.
    According to Ayurveda, constipation is caused due to vitiation of vata dosha. It is an imbalance of Apana Vayu. Apana Vayu is one among the body’s five Winds (Vayu’s)  and is said to be responsible for all eliminatory processes. Constipation is also caused due to low ‘Agni’ digestive fire.
     Malignancy could result in constipation
     Hemorrhoids or Arsh, intestinal obstruction 
     Weakness as during convalescence or hospitalization.
    Pelvic tumors, prostate enlargement which presses the intestine and slows down the bowel movement.
   Curd is constipating.
Tea, Coffee and Cocoa : If these beverages are taken in large quantities they cause constipation, insomnia.
Neurological : 
Parkinson's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Spinal lesion
Damage to sacral parasympathetic nerve
Autonomic neuropathy (Diabetes mellitus)
Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa)
GI Disorders
Irritable bowel syndrome
Hemorrhoids and anal fissures
Hirschsprung's disease

“Proper metabolism of food to be the central factor governing health”
Sign & symptoms

      ●     The defecation  may occur with insufficient frequency.
     Stool may be insufficient in quantity.
     Stool is abnormally hard and dry.
     Infrequency, irregularity or difficulty of elimination due to hard fecal matter.
      ●     Coated tongue, foul breath, loss of appetite, dizziness.
      ●     Dark circles under eyes, ulcers in the mouth, Pimples on the face, skin diseases.
     ●   Abdominal discomfort, flatulence, constant fullness in the abdomen, diarrhea alternating with constipation.
      ●      Pain in lumbar region, colicky pain, rheumatism, joint pain
●   A headache, migraine, malaise, pain and crams in calf muscles.
      ●     Non-elimination of stool
      ●     Feeling bloated, uncomfortable and sluggish.
      ●     Nausea, irritability could also manifest
    ● Constipation In Pregnancy : Hormone changes during early pregnancy can slow down your digestive system. As a result, one may become constipated. As the uterus expands, because of the pressure effects women find herself more often constipated. In pregnancy a muscle relaxing hormone called relaxin is secreted by the body, which relaxes, among other things as the digestive system. Relaxing of the digestive system leads to its sluggishness. It therefore requires greater amounts of bulk in it , so as to aid the movement of food through alimentary canal. Constipation is therefore common in pregnancy.
If you find that you have developed a tendency towards constipation, eat less bread, rice and Maida. Eat more chapattis, preferably made of unsieved flour, pulses or dals. Increase the intake of fruits , salads and vegetables.
Lady's finger or Bhindi can be eaten. Dried figs are also very good. and easily available in dry fruit shops. An increase in fluid intake helps; so drink more water, drink 3 glasses of water on waking up in the mornings.
Isabgol can be taken regularly. It is available in packets in chemist shops. Follow the instruction on packet. Avoid laxative pills.
If constipation lingers over a period and is not treated, it can cause veins around the anus to protrude, from straining that  accompanies constipation, leading to piles or permanently protruding veins around the anus . If  piles occur, keep constipation in check and avoid spicy food.
“Constipation is caused mainly due to wrong diet and faulty lifestyle”
    Obstipation refers to severe constipation, it could lead anal fissure, hemorrhoids (piles), bowel impact ion and digestive disturbances.
     Blood stained stools, rectal prolapse, rectal bleeding as bright red streak on the surface of the stool
*    Perl-anal abscess.
“Eating diet that suits your constitution is the first step towards ensuring proper metabolism”

        "Most common cause of constipation is the lack of sufficient intake of water."
·  Constipation occurs when you take 

Excess tea or coffee

No Discipline in rising and waking up time

If you put lot of pressure in the bathroom

So avoid all the three

Therefore avoid it

·  For Bowel movement or optimal bowel evacuation :

Sit in a squatting position

When you sit in WC ,the yours knees goes down, therefore evacuation is not done properly.

So increase your fitness level so that you can sit in squatting position.

If you do notate constipation, you did not have to sit for longer time.

Maintain fitness so that you need not have to spend time in bathroom.

Western Commode (WC) 

When one has constipation one bends too much forward

So use a bath stool, just put your knees on top 

Knees are above your hips

Vajra Asana

 Eat smaller meals more often for smooth, easy digestion.
·  Resist the Refined : While high fiber foods can keep things moving, refined foods can clog things up. So steer clear of the refiner things in life, such as  white bread,, white rice, maida, besan etc.
·  Fight back with Fiber :Consume more fiber rich foods such as  kidney beans , whole grain cereals,, nut, seeds, lentils, , black beans, oatmeal etc. fresh fruits but not banana, which are constipating. Juicy fruits, sweet kiwi, a tiny fruit that packs a potent laxative effect. And vegetables (raw and lightly cooked), with skin left on when possible.) Jackfruit is constipation. Whole grains, legumes (beans and peas), and dried and freeze dry fruits.. Going for greens (green vegetables) can also help get things going. You can add some bran or psyllium to your diet, So add fibers to the food gradually or you may find your digestive tract protesting loudly. Its a temperory side effects. Sabudana is constipation. Don't overdo these fiber powerhouse,, though as they move speedily through your system, they can carry away important nutrients before they've had the chance to be absorbed. 
·  When you gotta go, go : Holding in bowel movements regularly will weaken muscles that control them and lead to constipation. Timing can help avoid this problem. For example, have your high fiber breakfast, a little earlier than usual, so it will have a chance to kick in before you leave the house, instead of when you're in the car struck in traffic.
·   Drown your opponent :   Dehydration is a common trigger of constipation. Drink plenty of fluids for a healthy bowel movement. Constipation doesn't stand a chance against an ample fluid intake. Most fluids, particularly water and juice, are effective in  softening stool and keeping food moving along the digestive tract. Another time honoring way to get things moving : Turn to warm liquids, that spa staple hot water and lemon. It helps stimulate peristalsis, those intestinal contractions that help you to go . Truely tough cases may benefit from the favorite's prune juice.
·  Don't max out a meal time : Big meal can overtax your digestive tract, leading to more congestion. opt for those 6 mini meals a day  over 3 large ones.. You'll also experience less gas and bloating.

·  Check your supplements and medications : Ironically, many of the supplements in pregnant body good (prenatal vitamins, calcium, iron supplements) can also contribute to constipation. As antacid is also taken in pregnancy. Magnesium supplement helps fight constipation. (taking it might relax  achy muscles and help you sleep better too.)
·   Go Pro : Probiotics or good bacteria may stimulate the intestinal bacteria to break down food better, aiding to digestive tract in its effort to  keep things moving. Enjoy probiotic in  yogurt and yogurt drinks that contain active cultures. Probiotic supplements in capsules, chewable or a powder form that can be added to smoothies.
·    Get a move on : An active body encourages active bowels (even a brisk  10 minutes walk can get things moving). So make sure you're getting the recommended amount of exercise. Kegels exercise for combating constipation.. These pelvic floor exercises, can keep you regular when practiced regularly
·  Add chia seeds flax seeds, rye bread and oat bran in your diet.
· Include fresh fruits and vegetables such as  apple, pear, kiwi, figs, bananas, oranges, prunes, grapefruits, berries broccoli, carrots, sweet potato, beans, peas, lentils and spinach.
·  Refrain from  smoking.
·  Reduce consumption of sugar, tea and coffee.
·      Early to bed and early to rise is a good habit.
·      Limit consumption of alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

·    Sesame seeds good for constipation.

 ·    Milk and Ghee at bed time regulates bowel functions.

·   Water the best stool softener. Drinking 3 glasses of water early in the morning keep the intestine functioning well. Keep a water overnight in a copper vessel and drink it when you wake up in the morning. Or drinking warm water on waking up is a good practice. Drink 3 to 5 liters of water daily. Drink enough fluids especially in warm water.
·      Going for a morning walk regularly. Or long leisurely walk helps immensely.
·      Don't skip your breakfast. 
·   Digestive Buttermilk :  Supplementation of probiotics (beneficial bacteria in our digestive system) e.g. Yogurt, curd, shrikhand etc. will help to relieve constipation. A glass of buttermilk after meals can improve digestion while preventing acidity. Some added condiments, such as dried ginger or pepper, cumin seeds may further improve its propertiesLunch should be taken between 12 am - 2 pm. Drink digestive buttermilk with lunch. Probiotic such as yogurt and buttermilk produce  lactic acid in the body , which help in treating chronic constipation.

Considering the nature of buttermilk, it is apt to consume it in the morning with breakfast or after lunch during winter as it has a buffering action (resist the changes in pH value on the addition of small amount of an acid). It is better to avoid it at night during dinner.
·      The food that you consume should not be too dry. It must contain an adequate amount of oil or ghee in it. Also, food should not be cold, astringent, bitter and pungent. 
·      Do not eat in hurry or very slow
·    Take 3-5  litres of water daily. Water should, however, not be taken with meals as it dilutes the gastric juices essential for proper digestion. Water should be taken either half an hour before or an hour after meals. 
·   Mukhwas - Eating saunf, misri, jaggery, roasted dal, cardamom, ajwain, betas leaf, clove, sesame and flax seeds after meals is a good practice.

·      Dinner should be taken by 7 O'clock.
·    Positive emotions.
·      Slow down and chew. Chew each morsel of food 15- 20 times before swallowing.
·      Eat warm, unctuous food. It should not be incompatible.
·      People who eat ample of high- fiber.  foods are less likely to get affected from constipation.
·     Constipation is to be rectified by Daily regime (dinacharya) and seasonal regime (ritucharya), that is daily regimen and what one should follow as per season.
·      Develop regular bowel habit. Natural reflex should not be suppressed

                                      Lemon Juice : Helps bowel movement.

·   Use a bath stool, just put your knees on top . Sitting in western-style toilet does not put any pressure on our stomach and sometimes doesn’t even lead to good and satisfactory clearance of stool.

·      In winter you should drink warm water, it gets the gut and bowel moving and hydrates the system. 
 ·     Indian toilets are ideal for evacuation. It improves digestion. Squatting squeezes your stomach, which aids digestion by pressing, pressurizing and churning the food in your stomach. Indian toilet keeps you fitter. Squatting in Indian toilets makes you exercise every day, which is good for your overall health. Sitting in Indian toilets makes you squat, sweat and move your hands. Indian toilets are eco friendly. Using Indian toilets benefit pregnant women as they have to squat while using them. There is no pressure on the uterus while a pregnant woman sits on the Indian toilet. It is even said that using Indian toilet regularly makes pregnant women ready for a smooth and natural delivery.

·  Fruits surely helps in preventing constipation if consumed daily along with fresh vegetables and whole grains and whole pulses.
·   1 Tsf of Chawanprash with 1 cup of hot milk.
·    Use natural laxatives such as prune juice. 
·    Set a regular time each day for bowel movements. Take enough time, and don’t rush. 

                                                       "Avoid harsh laxatives."

                         "Guava is a natural laxative"
“All foods in their natural state contain a good percentage of ‘roughage’ which is necessary for constipation”
Yoga for constipation
Yoga is beneficial in relieving stress induced constipation. Yoga helps release tension in muscles, especially the core muscles involved in digestion. It assist in speeding up the  passage of stool and restoring healthy digestion
Topsy - turvy poses helps bowel movement like Shishasana and Sarvangasana.
Veer Asana

Its a Shavasana for legs

Virasana or Hero Pose is a kneeling asana in modern yoga as exercise. Medieval hatha yoga texts describe a cross-legged meditation asana under the same name. Supta Virasana is the reclining form of the pose; it provides a stronger stretch. 

  • It's very easy. Take a yoga mat, block, blanket and a bolster. (Iyanger yoga)
  • Bend your knees and sit on them. 
  • Roll your calf out.
  • Point your toes behind, towards the wall. Put the dorsal aspect of foot on the ground.
  • Bend forward, wore both your calf muscles out
  • And then release your buttocks in between your heels. 
  • Soles are pointing behind
  • There has to be space between your toes.
  • Yours knees will remain together
  • Hips in between heels
  • Sit in this position for 4-5 minutes.You will find a great deal of relief from constipation.

If you have problem in sitting in this posture

  • Take a block, And sit over it
  • Place the block below your hips. So that you can raise your back straight
  • Your sitting tall, Your chest should be open and
  • Your shoulder blades should be pointing downwards

Please do not watch TV, No whatsapp, or No Facebook.

If this is also tough 

  • Take one boulder or (big side pillow)
  • Take a blanket and cover over it
  • So that you can sit comfortably 
  • Then keep. Both your knees together 
  • Then sit over it., You can use as many blankets as desired
  • And it should be comfortable for you to sit
  • Release your hips down
  • While you lift your chest up 
  • And while you push your shoulder blades down.
  • If you think that the height is more than
  • You  separate the knees.
  • You can meditate,or sing bhajan or kirtan or read namaz  or do prayers.
  • Do some constructive thing, what ever you feel like 
  • Spend more time with yourself

Good of Malathion runners, Varicose veins,People stand for too long

For Bowel movement or optimal bowel evacuation . If you do not have constipation, you did not have to sit for longer time.

Maintain fitness so that you need not have to spend time in bathroom.


    ●      Headstand  pose Shirshaasna (headstand) (शीर्षासन)

      Technique : The he body is completely inverted and held upright supported by forearms while the crown of the headrest on the floor.
  • Its a boon to people suffering from constipation.
  •  Improves digestion.

  ●  Shoulder Stand pose   Sarvangasana  ( सर्वांगासन  )    

Technique :  Lie down fixed on your back in the Shavasana – The Corpse Pose. Breathe in by your nostrils slowly and put your palms facing in downward direction flat on the floor. Holding the hips fixed on the floor slowly curve your knees and get them upward towards the abdomen through breathing out. Breathe in by the nostrils, pressing your hand in downward direction try to raise your body from the waistline upwardly away from the floor, curving the backbone backwards and unbending the arms, your hips should be on the floor. Breathe in, and then whilst breathing out, raise your legs directly upward perpendicular to the floor. You can support your hips with your hands making sure that your legs should be united, knees straight and toes pointed straight up. Keep your head straight, don't turn it to any side. The chin should be compressed against the chest Holding the posture for a while breathe softly through the nostrils. Reverse the steps to come back to the Shavasana– The Corpse Pose
     Benefit :
  • It provides good circulation to the head region. It also relieves the stress and calms down the mind.
  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression.
  • Stimulates the thyroid and prostate glands and abdominal organs.
  • Stretches the shoulders and neck.
  • Tones the legs and buttocks.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause.
  • Reduces fatigue and alleviates insomnia.
  • It activates the thyroid and pituitary glands.
 ●      Seated Forward Bend Pose Pachimotanasana (पश्चिमोतान)

Technique :  In the seated position, extend your legs out in front of your toes pointed up. Inhale raising your arms above your head. Now exhale, reaching your toes, ankles, or calves. Bending your knees if necessary, gently press the crown of your head towards your toes as you breathe deeply. This asana tones and flexes the spine.

Benefit :
  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression.
  • Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings.
  • Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort.
  • Soothes headache and anxiety and reduces fatigue.

Malasana (Squatting position)

Squatting is one of the most effective ways to tone the entire lower body. As the pelvis descends it encourages the downward flowing energy of Apana Vayu and thus helps in constipation.  Squatting helps in the complete evacuation of the stool from the colon in our body. This prevents the chances of constipation, appendicitis and other factors that can cause colon cancer.

So increase your fitness level so that you can sit in squatting position.

Vajrasana (Ankle posture)

Sit on vajrasana daily for 05 min both morning and night after consuming 1 litre of warm water , which will train the bowels. 
Kneeling position sitting on your heels. Sit in Vajra asana for 10 minutes after meals
Halasana (Plow posture)
     Lie on your back with your arms beside you, palms downwards.
     As you inhale, use your abdominal muscles to lift your feet off the floor, raising your legs vertically at a 90-degree angle.
     Continue to breathe normally and supporting your hips and back with your hands, lift them off the ground.
     Allow your legs to sweep in a 180-degree angle over your head until your toes touch the floor.
     Your back should be perpendicular to the floor. This may be difficult initially, but make an attempt for a few seconds.
     Do this slowly and gently. Ensure that you do not strain your neck or push it into the ground.
Pavanamuktasana (Wind releasing posture)

     Lie flat on your back with your hands placed by your side
     Fold back the legs and let your feet be flat on the floor
     Interlock fingers of your hands and place them a little below the knee
     Bring the thighs up near the ches
●    Breathe out, raise your head and shoulders and bring your nose to your knees. Now the final position is attained.
Padahastasana (Intense forward bending pose)

     Stand erect and bend the body forward. Let the arms touch the floor. If it is difficult to take the arms only as far as it is possible without straining. Exhale as you bend forward.
     Bring the trunk closer to the legs. Try to touch the knees with the forehead. This may require a lot of flexibility. In the initial stages, take it only as far as it is comfortable.
Shashankasana (Hare pose)
     Sit in Vajrasana, both your palms should Keep your neck and spinal cord straight.
  Take a deep breath and without allowing the elbow to bend, bring your hands above your shoulders. Equal distance should be maintained between your arms with your fingers raised.
     Slowly exhale and reach down to touch the ground with your head and both your hands.
     Relax when the forehead and palms touch the ground. Some areas of the chest and abdomen will rest on the thighs.
     To finish, you should exhale and place your palms on your knees.
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist)

     Sit in stretch leg position. Hands besides your body. Now fold your right leg at the knee and keep it under your left thigh
     Keep your left foot outer side of the right knee by keeping the support of your right hands.
Stretch your right hand up while inhaling and then lock your left leg by catching your left ankle. Twist your body left side, look back.

    Fish Pose Matsyasana (मत्स्यासन )

The posture is dedicated to Matsya the fish. Incarnation of Vishnu, the source and maintainer of the universe and all things.
Technique :
  • Sit in a Padmasana
  • Lie flat on the back with the legs on the floor.
  • Exhale, arch the back by lifting the neck and the chest, take the head back and rest the crown on the floor. Drag the head further back by holding the crossed legs with hands and increase the back arch
  • Now take the hands from the legs, bend the arms, hold the elbows, with the hands and rest the fore arm on the floor behind the head.
  • Stay in this position for 30 seconds while breathing deeply.
  •  Rest the back of the head  on the floor, lie flat on the back, inhale then come up to Padmasana, release the legs and relax.
  • Recross the legs the other way and repeat the pose for the same way. length of time.

Benefit : 

  1. It greatly improves posture, flexibility, digestion, thus reducing constipation.

   Surya Namaskar 

       ●          Seated Forward Bend Pose Pachimotanasana (पश्चिमोतान)

Technique :  In the seated position, extend your legs out in front of your toes pointed up. Inhale raising your arms above your head. Now exhale, reaching your toes, ankles, or calves. Bending your knees if necessary, gently press the crown of your head towards your toes as you breathe deeply. This asana tones and flexes the spine.

Benefit :
  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression.
  • Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings.
  • Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort.
  • Soothes headache and anxiety and reduces fatigue.

 ●  Cobra pose  Bhujangasana  (भुजंगासना )

Technique :  Lie down on your abdomen by taking legs apart. Keep the palm beside the chest. Breathing in, lift the upper part of your body, up to naval region. Hold it for 10 seconds by feeling the stretch on your abdomen.
Benefit : 
  •         This asana is beneficial in diabetes, bronchitis, asthma and spondylitis.
  •         Opens up the shoulders and neck. 
  •         Tones the abdomen.
  •          Strengthens the entire back and shoulders.
  •          Improves flexibility of the upper and middle back.
  •          Expands the chest.
  •          Improves blood circulation.
  •          Reduces fatigue and stress.
  •          Useful for people with respiratory disorders such as asthma. (Do not practice this yoga pose during the attack though).
  •           Flexibility of the dorsal spine, strengthens the spinal muscles. Prevent back pain. Reduces abdominal fat.
      ● Locust Pose Shalabhasana ( शलभासन   )     

Technique : Lie flat on your stomach. legs should be stretched out straight, feet should be together, chin and nose should rest on the ground and look straight ahead. Place your arms under your body and keep them straight. Now form a fist with your hands and place them close to the thighs. Next, raise the legs. They should be kept together straight and stretch them as far as you can and avoid bending the toes and knees.
Benefit : 
  • This asana has been beneficial in the treatment of diabetes, stomach and digestive disorders, low back pain, rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Strengthens the lower back and tones the organs of pelvic region hence leads to well functioning of stomach, liver and bowels.
  • Beneficial for people suffering from back pain, slipped disc and sciatica but only if the condition is not severe.
Caution : People suffering from heart disease or blood pressure should not practice this asana.

    Bow pose  Dhanurasana  ( धनुरासन )
Technique : First lie on the stomach and fold up the legs maintaining the ankles on the hip. Both knees and toes should be touching.  Now hold both the legs with both hands from the ankle. While breath in knees should be raised and thighs should be stretched up and keep the hands straight. After raising the lower portion of the body, the upper portion including stomach, chest, neck and head should also be raised. The only portion that should contact the floor ideally is the abdominal section about the naval area. Rest of the body parts should be lifted creating the shape like stretched bow.
*   Strengthens rejuvenates the spine,
*   It expands the chest, makes the spine strong, healthy and flexible.    
*   Fills the solar Plexus energy.
*   Increases the activity of liver, thyroid, Gonads, pancreas, thymus, kidney and adrenal glands.
*   It gives good stretch to back and abdomen.
Improves the functioning of pancreas and intestine. Thus helps in controlling blood sugar levels. Organs like liver and pancreas 
Half Spinal Twist
  ●   Half Spinal Twist Pose   Vakrasana  ( वक्रासन )

Technique :   Sit in stretch leg pose (Dandasana). (दंड  आसन ). Hands besides of your body. Fold your right leg at the knee and keep your right foot beside the left knee. Stretch up your left hands and lock your right leg by catching your ankle joints. Keep your right hand on the back and look back. Twist back maximum so you can feel the pressure on your pancreas. After 10 sec repeat in reverse order.
Benefit : Good for Pancreas.

Crescent lung twist

Legs up the wall

“Factor curing constipation is natural and simple diet”
Breathing Exercises
    Kapalabhati  : This rhythmic breathing exercise helps relieve constipation by contracting the muscles of your digestive system.
     Anulom-Vilom  : (Alternate Nostril Breathing) This is a calming and powerful pranayama.
   Bhastrika  : (Breath of fire) Increases oxygen supply to all parts of the body, thus improving blood circulation.
●    Deep and Diaphragmatic Breathing are excellent to relieve tension.
“Constipation mars beauty, skin glow diminishes”
     Brisk morning walking for 45 minutes daily, outdoor games, skipping, swimming, cycling is good for digestion.
    Jogging outdoor, gardening, simple stretching early in the morning, swimming, yoga are best ways to bid your constipation a final goodbye.
     Shat Pavli  Walking hundred steps after dinner
“Mindfulness of eating is more important than what we eat”

Meditation too helps in inhibiting stress hormones like cortisol, which slows digestion.

Massage  point

Large Intestine Point

     Apana Mudra

Formation- Tip of the thumb is to be joined to the tip of the middle and ring finger. Apana Vayu is concern with the expulsion of body wastes and keeps the body clean.

    Apana Vayu Mudra

This mudra can save a person from 'heart attack', hence a mudra is called Sanjeevani Mudra, one that gives life to a dying person. This mudra gives instant results and the pain is reduced immediately.
Formation :
This is combination of two Mudras Vayu and Apana. From Vayu mudra by placing the tip of index finger at the base of the thumb and then form Apana Mudra by joining tip of the thumbs with the middle and ring fingers.
Effects :
There is combined effect of Vayu mudra and Apana Mudra. Vayu mudra relieves the pain instantly and Apana mudra maintains space to reinforce blood circulation to the heart. 
  • Cures Constipation.
Perform Apana Vayu Mudra-
  1. When there is sleeplessness.
  2. When there is over exertion.
  3. When there is stress.
  4. When climbing staircases and hills.
  5. When there is crises.

    Mushthi Mudra

It is a closed fist position of the palm.. Mushthi is the tight fist which is the symbol of force. This mudra promotes digestion, helps cure constipation and lethargy.
Formation :
Form the fist with both hands and place the thumb at the back of the ring finger.
Effect :
This mudra is a combination of Vayu mudra, Shoonya mudra, Soorya mudra, Jalodara Nashaka mudra , which decreases all the four elements thereby solving the  problems of excesses of four elements namely Vayu, Akash, Prithvi and Jala. The Agni affecting Soorya mudra generates heat and energy in the body.
  • When feeling depressed discouraged or suffering from physical discomforts like shivering, phlegm in the wind pipe or feeling of lethargy and inertia. Perform this mudra for 50 minutes followed by Prana mudra.
  • Reduces the tingling in the body parts.
Pushana Mudra or Nourishing Mudra

Pooshan means the God of nourishment and hence this mudra is  dedicated to the sun God.
Formation :
Right Hand : Middle finger is on the top of the index finger and the index finger touches the top of the thumb.Other fingers are extended straight.
Left Hand : The ring finger is at the top of the middle finger.The thumb and the middle finger are joined together at their tips.Index finger and the little finger stay extended.
This mudra is called Pooshan Mudra as it influences the energy currents that are responsible for absorption and utilisation of food, as well as helping with its elimination This mudra intensifies breathing and helps in the absorption of oxygen and release of carbondiaoxide from the lungs.
Benefits :
  • This Mudra has a relaxing effect on the solar plexus the area of stomach liver, spleen and gall bladder.
  • Regulates energies in the elimination and detoxification.
  • Relieves acute nausea,  flatulence, seasickness and the feeling of fullness after meals.
  • Finger positions of the left hand aids in directing energy upwards.Concentration, memory, logic, enthusiasm are positively influenced.
  • If there are chronic complaints about lack of energy than the mudra of the right hand can be modified as follows:
  • Placing the right finger on the top of the little finger is touching the tip of the thumb.
This alternate finger position helps in activating energy in the pelvic floor.
  • Excellent effect on general health
Varuna Mudra

Formation- This Mudra is formed by joining together the tips of the thumb and the little finger.
     Yoga Mudra

Formation- Sit in Vajrasana. Place the left palm on the navel and place the right palm on the left palm. Draw a deep breath and exhale slowly. Gradually bend forward. And touch the ground with the chin. Eyes should look forward. Then inhale slowly and lift the body. This Mudra removes constipation and avoids the formation of gas.
Ashwini Mudra

Formation :
Sit in a meditative pose like Padmasana, Sukhasana or Vajrasana. Draw the lower part (anus) upwards while exhaling, and loosen it downwards while inhaling. This is called Ashwini mudra. One can also lie on the back and do this mudra. One should  perform this mudra  when the stomach is empty. One can perform this mudra  for 20 to 25 times and than gradually reach 75 to 100 tomes.

Effect :
Blood circulation to the anal part becomes proper and it attains health. Vitality increases many fold.

Benefits :
  • Good for Prolapse rectum, Prolapse uterus and piles.
  • This mudra helps in attaining power and vitality.
  • Ashwini mudra successfully  avoids and cures diseases associated with piles and constipation.
  • It also relieves problems caused by gas.
  • Renal part is maintained healthy.
  • During pregnancy this mudra eases child birth.
  • Old age is arrested due to activation of Mooladhara chakra.
“Eliminating daily is considered healthy”
Nabhi Marma
It is located in the navel, region ( umbilicus)  Stimulation - Sitting in Vajrasana with the fist of right-hand press this Marma and then bend forwards take deep breathe followed by pressure. The left hand should support right hand.

“Excessive use of purgatives leads to dryness of intestine”
     Energy centers
     Muladhara Chakra or root chakra
First chakra located at the base of the spine. Concentrate on Muladhara chakra.
   Manipur Chakra This chakra is positioned at the level of the navel and corresponds to the solar plexus. It controls the process of digestion.
Try doing some meditation daily for at least  ten minutes so that your mind and body are healthy. It helps to relieve stress, should be practiced regularly.

        "To remain healthy, keep your mind clean and keep your bowel clean".

Basti (Enema)
(Cleansing procedures) Therapeutic cleansing of the large intestine by medicated enema, basti is used to flush out the loosened doshas through the intestinal tract.
“Diet act as a primary factor to correct constipation”


Mind your diet
High residual diet with dietary roughage :
  • Oatmeal porridge or wheat husk with milk.
  • Chapatis with ghee or brown bread with butter, honey or fruits such as prunes, dates, figs, mangoes, apricots,
  •  Green leafy vegetables
  • Salads of lettuce, radish.

 and less of carbohydrates and starches. Fruits such a  bananas, figs, dry figs, apricots,  and black currents to be soaked overnight and crushed pulp sweetened and given daily
Relieving constipation

     Salad: being a good source of fiber should be taken in ample amounts, like tender radish, tomatoes, onion, cucumber, beetroot, lettuce, parsley, bell pepper, olives, oregano etc.
    Few drops of ghee in 1 cup warm milk.
     Fiber: such as salads fruits, legumes, green vegetables, whole grains, Dalia (broken wheat), ragi, maize, pulses with cover, unpolished rice, sprouted lentils such as (moong and moth) are good for constipation.
     Oats (having soluble fibre), flax seeds, nuts, whole cereals, etc. with a high source of fiber are gut-friendly. They have a laxative effect and add bulk to the diet and prevent constipation.
     Unprocessed wheat, whole wheat, unpolished rice, ragi, maize etc. are good
     Roasted Chana with cover is good for constipation.
    Wheat bran (outermost layer of wheat grain) is a very good source of dietary fiber. Biscuits and cookies are available in the market by the name of  ‘‘digestive’. Use ‘choker’ rough part of wheat flour while making chapattis

     Vegetables : such as cabbage, green beans, okra (bhindi),  sweet potatoes, are useful
     Vegetables like Cauliflower, radish, turnip, carrot should be cooked along with their leaves
     Do not peel the vegetables like cucumber, potatoes, turnip, carrot, radish etc
     Green vegetables like palak, methi, sarso Ka saag, palak, chapatti,  bathua, Asparagus, green leafy onion and garlic are good for constipation.
   Bottle gourd is good for constipation. Even lauki juice is good, should be taken in the morning.
     Drumstick, Karela should be consumed regularly
     Instead of dry, vegetable in curry form is preferred.
Pear good for constipation

                             "One in five suffer chronic constipation."

 Fruits: Include more fruits in your daily diet. Fruits such as Papaya, kiwi, grapes, pomegranates, chikoo, raisins, apples, oranges, dates, mangoes, melons, cashew nuts and peaches are helpful.

     Papaya comes with a digestive enzyme called papain a powerful enzyme that aids in digestion of protein, which when ingested makes for a great metabolism booster. Papaya should be consumed raw for breakfast as fruit salad. As the presence of both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber is a must to maintain a healthy digestive system. Eating Papaya fruit before or after your meal daily is helpful in relieving constipation.

    Guava is a richest sources of dietary fibre. It keeps your bowel movements good and healthy.  Guava seeds also work as natural laxatives
     Mango is a natural laxative. It can be cosumed as fruit or in juice form.

●     Banana
Does Eating Banana Cause Or Relieve Constipation? Here's What Experts Say

  • Bananas are loaded with fibre and nutrients that protect the gut lining
  • Unripe bananas (green-coloured) may cause constipation
  • Banana is soft in texture, so it's easier to mash

Ripe Banana's high fiber content helps bowel regularity and eases constipation.. It's an easy-to-grab and hassle-free fruit to gorge on when we are pressed for time, especially in the morning. Moreover, the humble fruit is lauded for its taste and numerous health benefits . They are rich in potassium.

●   Aegle mamelons (Bael) fruit is regarded as best of all laxatives. It is good for stomach and a natural immunity booster. It cleans and tones up the intestineIts regular use for 2 or 3 months throws out even the old accumulated fecal matter. The ripe fruit of the Beal is an effective laxative. It can be taken in the form of sherbet/halwa. This will dissolve the waste of the intestines and flush them out of the body.

 Bael fruit is regarded as best of all laxatives. It cleans and tones up the intestine. Its regular use for two or three months throws out even the old accumulated faecal materThe ripe fruit of the Beal is an effective laxative. It can be taken in the form of sherbet/halwa. This will dissolve the waste of the intestines and flush them out of the body.

●   Eat an apple (with skin) daily on empty stomach.
   Jamun are good for constipation.
●   Guava is good for constipation when eaten with seeds which gives roughage  to the diet and helps in normal evacuation of bowel.
     Pears are regarded the next best fruit beneficial in the treatment of constipation.

     Grapes have also proved highly beneficial in overcoming constipation. The combination of the properties of the cellulose, sugar and organic acid in grapes make them a laxative food. Raisins soaked in water can also be used.
     ‘Missi Roti’: A  chapati made of wheat and Chana ratio 1:1
   Ghee: The reason behind taking ghee in the beginning of the meal is to ease bowel movement. At the starting of the meal, ghee rice is eaten to sooth the alimentary canal.
     Pulses: Dal is constipating, dry and cool. But when fried and dehusked prior to cooking and then prepared into soup. It is very light for digestion. Dal should be eaten with its cover on and along with ghee.
     Khichadi: 500 grams of Dalia, Bajra, rice and moong. Add rock salt, ginger in it. Temper it in pure ghee along with hing.
   Salt: Sendha Namak or rock salt is the preferred salt for constipation as it boosts metabolism.
     Oils: sesame, olive, mustard or groundnut oil are good for cooking
●   Drink one glass of water boiled with one tsf of flax seed (Linum usitatissimum) at bed time 

LemonLemonade good for constipation

Chia seeds and Honey removes constipation


Flax has high soluble or insoluble content. Its seeds can be eaten to deal with elimination, as their fibre and mucilage content help improve stool motility You can make chutney or add to the cereals and salads.

Kiwi : Kiwi is  very delicious fruit grown widely in Nagaland. It is high in fiber .It is highly beneficial for digestive system. Actinidain the active component in Kiwis, helps to breakdown proteins in digestion. It can be consumed as salads, juices and smoothies. 

Prunes : Prunes are helpful for elimination, due to its fiber content, but it is actually sorbitol that is mainly responsible. It helps to balance the sugar or water levels in the stool enabling it to pass through the digestive tract more easily and with significantly less pain.

 Cassia fistula Amaltas The pulp of the ripe fruit of the cassia tree ( amaltas) is an effective laxative. It has no side effects. can be taken by children  and pregnant women. The fruit pulp is used  with lukewarm water. or as chutni.

Probiotic : Supplementation of probiotics (beneficial bacteria in our digestive system) e.g. Yogurt, curd, shrikhand etc. will help to relieve constipation.


“Drink water in the morning, buttermilk in the afternoon and milk at night”


     Avoid rice, maida, junk food, cakes, pastries, maida biscuits, cheese, fleshy foods, hard-boiled eggs.
     Avoid eating lots of spices, fried and frozen food and food drinks with preservatives.
     Avoid two fruits raw banana and jackfruit as they are constipating
     Excessive oily / spicy and heavy food article
     Stress/ Anxiety/ Mental worries
  Avoid laxatives as they are not recommended for children below 6 years of age. Your body ordinarily need no help to have them
     Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol as it causes dryness
     Sugar and sugary foods as it steals B vitamins from the body, without which the intestine cannot function normally.
     Avoid fasting, refrigerated water, sabudana khichdi as it is constipating
     Avoid sitting in one position for a long time
   Do not get habituated to tobacco chewing, smoking, alcohol, caffeinated drinks to induce stools. It can worsen the condition.
     Do not eat in hurry or very slow.
CAUTION: "Laxatives can help relieve and prevent constipation but not all of them are safe for long-term use. Overuse of certain laxatives can lead to dependency and decreased bowel function"


    Triphala It promotes good colon health and acts as a non-habit-forming laxative without causing cramps or irritation. It gently stimulates the intestinal walls and restores tone to the colon thus helping in the elimination process, providing a colon cleansing effect. Can be taken with warm water or hot milk at night.


     Psyllium husk (Isabgol) : 

Psyllium is a natural grain, which is made of 70 % fiber. After it is ingested its high non-soluble fiber content do not get absorbed in small intestine. it passes right through the large intestine where it is partially broken down by normal bacterial flora, it absorbs excess of water and increases around 10 times in volume becoming a mucilaginous gel responsible for bulking the stools and aids in elimination.  Can be taken with milk or one tablespoonful with water at night.
     Vibhitaki / Behada  The half-ripe fruit of belleric myrobalan is a purgative. It is used in the treatment of chronic constipation.
     Chebulic myrobalan or Harad  Powder (5 - 10g) of Harad is given with lukewarm water before going to bed.  For constipation, one should use regularly haritaki with jaggery.
Aloe vera

●  Aloe vera : Curb Constipation Aloe vera has a gentle laxative effect and can relieve constipation, as anthraquinones in it  speed up bowel movement. It can help during heartburn or acid re flux., which occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus. Aloe Vera juice or its pulp can be eaten.
     Fenugreek seeds soaked overnight prevents constipation.
     Eranda (Ricinus communis) Castor oil is effective as a purgative.
     Coriandrum sativum or Dhania It boosts the digestive system, softens the stools, rich in fibre and works best if taken with Senna.I t is Vata shamaka ( Vata Dosha pacifier).
     Glycyrrhiza glabra liquorice softens the stools rich in fiber and works 
 best if taken with Senna.
     Chicory ( Kasni) Chicory is a natural laxative.
     Cassia  Augustifolia  Relieves constipation smoothly.
     Acorns calamus Sweet flag  Traditionally used for constipation and indigestion.
  Asafoetida Taken with warm water good for gaseous troubles and helps to restore Apana Vayu.
     Ajwain Half tsp of ajwain at bedtime.
     Senna Half tsp with warm water at bedtime.
     Amla churna 1 tsp taken with water.

            "Maintain good bowel health is the only way to avoid constipation."
Home Remedies

      Chyawanprash it eases constipation.
     Soak dates in hot milk for few hours and then take the preparation at bedtime to free bowel movement.
    Ginger tea is a great home remedy for constipation. It helps in starting a bowel movement.
     Drinking warm milk with ghee and sugar at bedtime.
     Soak 8 - 10 raisins in hot water. Allow for cooling, and then crushing well and strain. It regulates bowel movement.
     Winter meals should be followed by a piece of jaggery.
     Coconut - Dry coconut laddoos good for constipation due to rich fiber content.
   Lemon juice squeezed in hot water with a pinch of salt or honey to be taken early morning - daily, is an effective remedy for constipation.
     Dry figs or anjeer to be soaked overnight and eaten in the morning.
     Flour for chapati 10 kg wheat, 2 kg Chana ( black gram), 1 kg jau, and 1 kg soybean. It is a good remedy. 
●    Take the seeds of rudra tulsi for 40 days. 

Circadian rhythm

Human Biological Clock

The strong connection between dietary patterns and circadian rhythm must not be ignored.

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes. Chronobiology is the study of circadian rhythms.

Do you know our dietary patterns, appetite and satiety are all regulated  by our circadian rhythm? Unfortunately, we do not align our eating habits to it , and revolve it around our work schedules, social colanders and convenience instead, not realizing the pressure we put on our bodies to work against what it's designed for.

"The circadian rhythm and its impact on digestion is a law of nature that we should align ourselves with."

Not everyone needs a diet plan. Just by tweaking  their meal timings and aligning it with the  circadian rhythm, they can start to see noticeable improvement in their health like high energy levels, alertness, better sleep, digestion and water retention., waking up with a flatter stomach, no bloating, clearer skin, lesser cravings, and so much more.

What does eating according to the circadian rhythm mean?
In simple words, it means aligning our meals timings and patterns to the  sunset and sun rise, because of its impact on our digestion. As per circadian rhythm our digestive fire wakes up as the sun rises, peak around noon,, and slow down as the sun sets. 

Eating in accordance with  this rhythm means we consume our first meal of the day after sunrise, eat a substantial lunch in the afternoon and our last meal of the day with  or close to , sunset followed by fasting through the night  till the next morning,

The morning appetite
As the sun start to rise, so does our digestive fire. The first meal of the day thus should be post sunrise, especially if you feel hungry. If you don't embrace it  because your body is still elimination and processing the last meal.

At the same time , eating too early, before the sun rises, can go against circadian rhythm because your metabolic fire and digestive ability are not activated yet. The body is still in the  detoxification process and nothing that you eat  so early is going to be  broken down effectively.

The afternoon appetite
When the sun is atop, our digestive fire is at  its peak.  This makes lunch time really important and gives us the opportunity to have a really good meal. In fact aiming for a maximum calorie intake from your breakfast and lunch and the least from your  dinner best supports our digestion and the circadian rhythm. What  this also means is that  the ideal time to eat a desert is  in the afternoon.

The evening appetite
for As the sun starts setting and it gets dark our body naturally start to  secrete melatonin. The hormone that is responsible for inducing sleep. As a result a body slows down and is least interested in digestion. It is now more foccussed on repair, recovery, growth, rejuvenation, elimination and healing. To support this, its best to start tapering calorie intake and eat your last meal close to sunset, followed by giving our digestion a complete breakthrough. by fasting. This is also called  the circadian rhythm and is by far the most  natural way to fast.

Late night meals
for Our body is not designed to digest and break down food, as the sun starts setting. If you do have a late night meal, your body will still try to digest, but at the cost of 
  • Irregular blood sugar levels
  • Constipation
  • Acidity
  • bloating
  • Sluggishness the next day
This is because the circadian rhythm is challenged. The pancreas also has a melatonin receptor, indicating that  on the release of melatonin, when it gets dark it binds to the receptor on the pancreatic cells, thereby suppressing its function. This speaks volumes about why a late night meal can mess up your digestion and sugar levels., and you may even wake up feeling acidic and heavy. Melatonin upon its release blocks pancreatic functions because digesting food at night is not what your body is interested in.

If you do end up  eating late, since your metabolism is slow, it is a struggle for your body to break down the food. You make your pancreas churn out more digestive enzymes, make your stomach produce more acids and forced itself to digest the meal. The Dutch and Europeans enjoy croissants, chocolate, pastries and similar foods in the morning when the metabolism is at its highest.

What about late night snacking?
Your body is not designed to digest food late at night. It is that simple. Now consider all of these events, how the body functions, and what may happen when you disrupts this circadian rhythm. The moment you have a late night meal, you disrupt every part of the rhythm, because it is all connected.

The circadian rhythm and its impact on digestion is a law of nature. If we challenge the law of nature by going against the circadian rhythm that governs thousands of functions in the human body at a cellular level, and even the best treatment, medicines, doctors, nutritionist, spiritual healers or yogi expert will not work.

And what if we align ourselves with the law of nature and add the right medicine, lifestyle, food, and so on ? That is what we begin to see prevention, healing recovery and healthy improvement occurs.

Don't use any laxatives including the herbal remedies or castor oil. unless your Practioner specifically recommends it.


Dealing with it

Bulk forming stool softener for occasional use.
To manage stress induced constipation, one need to address the root cause of the stress in the first place    
    ●  Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) : helps ease stress by identifying negative thoughts patterns and replacing them with positive ones.
    ●  Water intake to be increased. Drink at least 10 glasses of water in a day.
    ●   Exercise
    ●    Isopgul or Isogel i tsp in water or milk daily at night.
    ●    Lactulose (Duphalac) 15 ml , followed by a glass of water daily.
    ●    Laxative syrup (Senolax syrup) one tsf daily.
    ●    Syrup of Figs.
    ●    Regular bowel habits to be encouraged.
    ●    Managing blood sugar levels : is critical in reducing nerve damage that impacts intestines

Severe Constipation
H      ●      Hypertonic saline enema. 
B      ●     Bowel wash with normal saline till all the hard masses are removed. If diet and lifestyle modifications do not help, the patient is recommended medications or surgery for chronic constipation as a last resort.

BBulk  laxative like crema diet, isapghula husk, lactifiber        
Massage over the colon with hand or fist moving from cecum along ascending and transverse colon down to descending colon.
Senasoft 1-2 tab at bed time
Liquid Cremaffin or cremaffin plus. One teaspoon after dinner
Tab Cremalax 1 at bed time.

If necessary
Dulcolax or glycerine suppository or
Proctoclysis or plain water enema
For chronic constipation
Note :  Chronic constipation will be secondary to other disorders for example hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome,( IBS) , Colorectal cancer, bulk agents such as Isapghula, crema diet, evacuol.
Tab Dulcolax 1 at bed time
Osmotic laxative
Polyehylene glycol (Laxpeg sachet)
Lactulose 15-30 ml. preferably during breakfast.
Milk of Magnesia
Rectal examination should be done to deduct fissure-in-ano stricture of anus ot any other painful condition around rectum and anus.
Note : Habitual constipation is more common and should be treated with  psychological backup.
●   Digestives like Unienzyme.
●   Taking soft or mild laxatives to clear the bowel is also beneficial in the treatment of skin disease. A teaspoon of triphala powder can be taken at bed time every night with warm water any other natural laxative such as figs, raisins, prunes can also be taken.
●   A high residual dietwith dietary roughage like oatmeal porridge or wheat husk with milk. Chapattis with ghee or brown bread with butter, honey or fruits should be eaten.
●  Laxative : are medicines that will help a person to pass stool. Mildly constipated people should not take them, as they are habit forming. Tab Dulcolax, Naturolax
   Squatting : Indian toilet - Those using the squatting type toilet are at an advantage  as it exercises your joints and muscles without having to do much. Use it more frequently if you have one in the house.  It also eases constipation.

    Liquid Cremaffin. One tablespoon after dinner.
     If necessary Dulcolax or Glycerin suppository or Proctosedyl or plain water enema.
     Livo- Luk (lactulose solution 15 - 20 ml preferably during breakfast.


     Ayurvedic management, eradication of causative factor. Nidaan parivarjana.
     Snehana, anointing the body internally with medicated ghee or oil.
     Aloe Vera juice or its pulp can be eaten.
     Elimination: Mild laxatives like milk, ghee and rose (gulkand)  are often sufficient; bulk laxatives like psyllium. Bitter laxatives that cool and clean the liver include aloe, rhubarb and senna.
     Bowel regulator drugs like Triphala mixture of three fruits such as Amla, haraḍ and behada).  Take 1 tsf with warm water at night.
     Restoring the digestive fire Samsarjana.
     To cure constipation problem in pregnant ladies, Mulethi, Isabgol and Triphala powder, should be mixed in equal proportion and 10 g of this mixture is given with water before going to bed.
     Adding 1 -2 spoons of castor oil to warm milk at bedtime helps.
  Linseed or flaxseeds are extremely useful in difficult cases of constipation. A teaspoonful of linseed  swallowed with water before each meal provides both bulk and lubrication.

          "In presence of constipation, toxins are produced by fermentation in the intestine."
Drinking water which has been kept overnight in copper vessels, the first thing in the morning will bring good results.
●  Fasting is advised in treating the disorders  like constipation.
     Apply mudpack over the abdomen.
     Kati snana  Sitzs bath is good for constipation.
      Lukewarm water enema.
     Laghoo Shankha prakshalana It is cleaning of the alimentary canal once a month. By drinking water. In this technique, Saline water and certain asanas are used to clean the whole gastro-intestinal tract.. This is one of the most direct, dynamic and effective method of removing constipation. It is simple to perform and takes only half an hour in the morning.
Agnisar and Nauli kriya
Moola shodhana
     A cold friction bath taken daily in the morning can help cure constipation. An alternate hot and cold hip bath took before retiring to bed is also beneficial.
     Softovac Bowel regulator. Non-habit forming. High fibre formula such as  Isabgol, Harad, Mulethi, Sonamukhi, Saunf, Amaltas. One teaspoon at night.
     Honey is good for children having constipation.
Panchakarma as per season helps immensely.
     Massage gives you the essential luxury  of frequent oil massages. This helps bring Vata into a balanced state and helps elimination. Massage over the colon with hand or fist moving from cecum along ascending and transverse colon down to descending colon. 
“Fiber-rich foods,
        Plenty of fluids,
                Regular exercises.
                       Overcomes constipation”

             "Let us all say good bye to constipation".

       An Indian movie on constipation is produced called "Piku".


* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.


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