(Hay fever, Sensitivity, Susceptibility, Acquired Intolerance, श्वास, प्रत्युजरता, चिढ़, शीत पित्त, अधिहृषता)
“Rock with the rhythm of nature”
“Why do you have skin allergy or catch cold (running nose), stomach upset so frequently?”
Do you catch a cold and get a
running nose and sneezing, whenever there is a dust in the air, or even if
someone is dusting near you, Or skin allergies ? Are
seasonal changes affecting your mood, energy and productivity at work? Then you
are most likely suffering from allergy!..........
An allergy is an exaggerated
reaction by the immune system in response to exposure to a certain foreign
substance called ‘allergens’. The response is exaggerated because these foreign
substances are normally seen by the body as harmless in non-allergic individuals
and do not cause a response in them. In allergic individuals body recognize the
foreign substance and the allergic part of the immune system generates a
Allergy is an indication of
lowered resistance and internal disharmony caused by dietetic errors and faulty
style of living. Almost any part of the body can be affected by allergies. The
portion of the body which is affected is called a shock organ. An allergic
reaction typically triggers symptoms in the nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears,
skin, chest and the lining of the stomach and intestine. The organs like liver
and tissues like blood, muscles fats are also affected.
30-40 % of world population is affected by one or more allergic conditions including asthma, rhinitis, anaphylaxis, drug and angiodema.
The world health organization
estimates that 50% of the population will suffer from at least one type of
allergy by 2050. People suffer from allergies all year long. Allergies are more
common in urban settings, notably due to the convergence of factors. One of
those factors is air pollution, which also aggregates pollen allergies.
Allergies are increasingly common due to environmental factors. Indoor air
environment is 5-10 times more polluted than outdoors, as “domestic pollutants”
used every day in indoor spaces
Approximately 10-30% people are
affected by an allergic reaction in industry world and this number is
increasing. Allergic rhinitis affects 20% people. Asthma affects 10% people.
Food allergies affect 3-6% of children and 1-2% of adults. Approximately 8% of
children and 2% of adult suffer from food allergies.
Allergies in young ones
- In developed countries about one in eight children have asthma.
- One in thirteen children suffer from eczema
- One in eight children have allergic rhinitis.
- Food allergies affects 3-6 % of children with one in forty developing peanut and milk.
- One in twenty develop egg allergy.
Living with an allergy can be difficult as they have their own set of restrictions.
“Identify the allergens and
avoid it”
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Dandelion seeds blowing wind |
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Asthma
- Adenoiditis
- Bronchitis
- Breathlessness
- Laryngitis
- Nasal Polyp
- Nasal Blockage
- Pharyngitis
- Recurrent Cough & Cold
- Sinusitis
- Sneezing
- Sore throat
- Tonsilitis
- Wheezing
- Hay Fever
Allergies are the effect of our body's immune system, due to which the sensitivity towards some substances and chemicals that come in contact with our body becomes very high and sometimes this sensitivity can be shown for a long time.
The substance or the chemicals that causes an allergy in the body is allergen and allergens can be found anywhere, They can be found in food , drinks, plants and even in medicines. Most allergens are not harmful or it can be said that the effect of most of them is not felt by most people, but for those whose body is sensitive to allergens, the problem of allergies can be extremely harmful. If your body is sensitive to allergens, it means that your immune system considers any common allergen that enters your body as harmful and wants to attack it , wants to attack it, want break it down. It is due to this attack that red spots swelling or hives appear on the body . Allergies are a common thing among people all over world. It is believed that about 15-20% of people are affected by some form of allergy in their lifetime or they need treatment to prevent this allergy. In such a situation, understanding allergies better can be very beneficial.
An allergy is an abnormal / hypersensitive reaction to a certain substances termed allergens. These substances are well tolerated by most people, but others may react adversely to these agents. These individuals may be termed allergic to those substances.
An allergy reaction usually takes place when the immune system reacts to a substance that normally doesn't harm or pose a threat to the body. It occurs when's specific immune system perceives it as a threat and attacks it. One can have such a reaction after inhaling, eating or touching an allergen.
Skin allergies are quite common today, and it is easy for people to pop anti allergic pill to get relief from constant itching and unsightly eruptions. Urticaria (also called hives ) is one such skin condition,commonly caused by an allergic reaction, and is characterized by raised red weals. Skin health is an outward expression of our internal imbalances that exhibit themselves in the form of eruptions or itching. The root cause behind this indisposition is endogenic/hereditary allergy which makes person prone to various skin ailments like urticaria.
An allergy is a specific
immunological reaction to a normally harmless substance, one that does not
bother most people. People develop allergic problems because of an overactive
immune system in which certain gamma globulin's IgE are overproduced by the body.
Multiple allergies can occur due to poor adrenal gland functioning. Emotional
and psychological stress also contribute to it.
"Hypersensitivity results from a second exposure to what could be normally harmless antigen.(= Allergen) . The second response is not an appropriate normal one. The immune system goes too far."
T cells response :
The release of chemicals from mast cells in the skin causes small blood vessels to leak and result in tissue swelling called weals. The can be few millimetres or several centimetres in diameter, colored while or red surrounded by a red flare and frequently itchy.
1. The first step is Exposure- to allergen/
2. The second step is Sensitization- Allergen
activates sensitized mast cells and antibodies are produced.
3. The third step is Re-Exposure/ or Histamine
release. These antibodies travel to
cells that release histamine and causes an allergic reaction.
4. The fourth step is Allergic Response
Sneezing, watery eye and nose etc.
Anaphylaxis is a rare but
severe allergic reaction. It can occur suddenly, can worsen quickly and can be
deadly. It occurs when certain allergens come into contact with the body.
Acquired intolerance are allergic reactions to food such as wheat or dairy products that are acquired over time. These kind of intolerance stem from an overactive immune system with a root cause of too many toxins in the body.
"Understand Allergy to avoid complications."
How to find a source?
One of the most reliable ways
of pinpointing food allergies is by keeping a food and symptom diary. Make sure
you write it down everything you eat over a period of several weeks, as well as
the symptoms you experience. Over time you will able to understand whether your
symptoms are triggered or subdued by eating certain foods.
In Ayurveda allergy is linked
to the constitution (Prakriti प्रकृति ) of a person. “Sheetapitta” (शीत पित्त ) is a term used in Ayurveda for the
allergic disorder. According to Ayurveda, vata - dominant allergies begin from
the intestine, pitta- dominant allergies affect the skin, and Kapha dominant
allergies affect the respiratory tract. According to Ayurveda upper-
respiratory tract allergies begin in the stomach. A poor diet leads to
undigested toxins (आम ). After a while, if these toxins remain in the body, they
travel to the lungs, neck and head, where they accumulate in the lungs, airway
tubes and sinuses, causing problems for you. Vata aggravated respiratory
allergies are accompanied by gas, bloating, dry skin, dry throat, cough,
sneezing and wheezing. When the allergy strikes, phlegm blocks the nose and
sinuses. If there is a fever, infection or foul taste in the mouth, then
the allergy is pitta- aggravated. However pitta- aggravated allergies tend to
manifest as skin rashes and hives
According to Ayurveda
* Vata (Air element) dominated allergies begin from the intestine,
* Pitta (Fire element) dominated allergies affect the skin, and
* Kapha (Water element) dominated allergies affect the upper respiratory tract.
'Bangalureans' Pollen Allergies |
Parthenium hysterophorus . Congress grass, Bad for Asthma. |
Olive Tree  |
Olive Tree |
Allergic Potential
Olive tree pollen is extremely allergenic, with an OPALS allergy scale rating of 10 out of 10. Olea europaea is primarily wind-pollinated and its light, buoyant pollen is a strong trigger for asthma. One popular variety, "Swan Hill", is widely sold as an "allergy-free" olive tree; however, this variety does bloom and produce allergenic pollen.
Ogren Plant Allergy Scale
Purpose measure plant potential to cause allergic reaction.
OPALS The Ogren plant allergy scale is an allergy rating system for plants that measures the potential of a plant to cause allergic reactions in humans.
Scale system
The OPALS allergy scale was first published in Allergy-Free Gardening, by Thomas Leo Ogren, in 2000.It covers over 3,000 common trees, shrubs, flowers, and grasses. The allergy scale was updated and extended in 2015 in The Allergy-Fighting Garden.
The Ogren Plant Allergy Scale takes into account pollen allergies, contact allergies, and odor allergies, with higher weighting given to pollen allergies that are caused by inhaling pollen into the lungs. Additionally, plants that cause contact allergies (such as rashes or itching), or that are highly poisonous when ingested even though their pollen does not cause respiratory allergies, are never given low ratings.
Low allergy ratings are considered to be 1 through 3 on the allergy scale. Mid-range ratings are 4 through 6, and high ratings are 7 through 10. Plants with ratings of 9 or 10 have an extremely high potential to cause allergic reactions.
OPALS Rating | Guideline |
1–3 | Very low potential to cause allergic reactions |
4–6 | Moderate potential to cause allergic reactions, exacerbated by over-use of the same plant throughout a garden |
7–8 | High potential to cause allergic reactions, advise to plant as little as possible |
9–10 | Extremely high potential to cause allergic reactions, should be replaced with less allergenic species |
Covid-19, Common Cold, Flu Or An Allergy
The predominant symptoms of an Allergy are :
- Allergic Rhinitis : Nasal watering and sneezing, triggered by exposure to allergens or a change in weather.. They may last for weeks to several months and respond well to Antihistamines (drugs which treat allergies ) and steroidal nasal spray. Allergic rhinitis can last for weeks to months. The duration is related to amount of allergen exposure.
- Flu : A Flu is a viral infection and its initial symptoms may be similar to those of a common cold. Flu comes suddenly. Its other symptoms includes chills and sweats, headache, muscle pain and dry cough.
- Common Cold : However the onset of common cold is slow.
- Covid -19 : Covid -19 's initial symptoms are similar to Flu in mild cases. The incubation period is slightly longer than flu, and the disease may be more severe. In Covid -19 80% patients have mild symptoms, while 15% may develop severe disease with lung involvement requiring oxygen, and 5% may require I.C.U care
"A breast fed baby is not prone to allergies. There are less chances of diarrhea, eczema, coughs, colds and asthma in breastfed babies. "
Types of Allergies:
Respiratory allergies
Spring allergy: There is no cure but you can take steps to
curb it by medication and household habits.
Summer allergies: are usually triggered by
pollen from grasses and weeds.
Fall allergies: Mold and dust mites are
biggest allergy triggers in fall.
Indoor Allergies If you have indoor allergies such as pets, mold,
and dust mites in air-conditioners, coolers, mattresses, blankets and pillows you may notice symptoms more during winter when you spend more
time inside. Other allergens can be chemicals, hair sprays, deodorants,, incense sticks and condiments used in the kitchen.
Allergic rhinitis (Hay fever) : This disease occur due to a deficiency on our body's disease resistance and is actually a type of allergy that affects people who come into contact with allergens, primarily pollen. it is also known as allergic rhinitis. This type of allergy is of two types, seasonal allergies, which occur only in one particular season of the year when there is a proliferation of allergenic pollen in the environment and surrounding areas, and the other is perineal allergies persist throughout the year. It is a common
disease, which is a reaction of the upper respiratory tract to a variety of
allergens and is mediated by a type of immunoglobulin called (IgE). The most
common allergies are dust, mites, pets, cockroaches, Mold, pollen of some flowers, , animal hair,feathers, and certain chemicals.
Pet Allergies : Contact with pets that are kept inside the houses can also cause allergies at times. Skin itching or rashes are often seen upon contact with these animals.A protein called Feld 1 is found in the saliva of cats, and many people experience an allergic reaction to just its scent. Similarly there is a possibility of allergies from the urine, saliva, hair and feces of pets. Dog and cat allergy: Responsible for indore allergy.It can be found in the
people having pets.
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis: Allergies
are usually spores of microorganism (e.g. Micropolyspora faeni in farmer's or
avian proteins (e.g. droppings or feathers in birds fancier’s lung)
"People can become hypersensitive to food . This can cause what are known as delayed or hidden food allergies or sensitivities."
Food allergies
Allergies caused by food :
At some point in life, everyone has to deal with food allergies. It is often seen that immediately after inhaling or consuming food , the body experiences allergies. Allergies such as swelling, dryness of skin or diarrhea are seen after consuming food.
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Dermatitis rash caused by Shitake Mushrooms |
Milk allergy: Casein in a protein found in milk is the cause
of allergy. It causes sneezing, vomiting and hives. Lactose intolerance found
in milk causing diarrhea. Many people have been seen to have milk allergies. After consuming milk, some people develop redness or itching on the skin, and such people are advised to stay away from milk or any product made from milk. Allergies has also been observed to cause vomiting and sneezing. Lactose Intolerance : Due to deficiency of enzyme.
Egg Allergies : They are more common in children than
in adults, after consuming white part of an egg. Reaction ranges from mild to severe.
Peanut Allergies: People with peanut allergies are advised to stay away from its oil, products made from it, and its seeds. Often after eating peanuts, red or black marks appear on the body and nausea occurs. Other nuts like cashew and
walnut are common.
Fish Allergies or Shellfish: are basically protein
allergies. People who consume fish in their diet can also face allergies several times. The sudden appearance of any kind of bumps on the body, diarrhea, redness in the eyes and water flow indicate an allergy related to fish.
Soy: If allergic one should skip soy sauce,
tofu, and Soybean milk, soybean granules. As Soy is a big part of processed food too. Soy allergy refers to an allergy caused by soybean's, lentils, chickpeas, black beans and pulses. Diarrhea,nausea and redness in the eyes occur suddenly after consuming their seeds due to allergies.
Incompatible foods: Taking hot and cold foods together, milk with
fish, honey and ghee in equal quantities. i.e. Banana shake is not recommended .
Sulfite sensitivity: These are Sulphur
based compounds that may occur naturally or may be added to food as an enhancer
and preservative.
Wheat / Gluten Allergy: Many people have been seen to have allergies due to the protein found in wheat. Due to the presence of gluten, allergies such as rashes, itching, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bronchospasm, (symptoms of asthma), and anaphylaxis have been observed. Gluten is basically a type of protein found in wheat, barley, rye, which sometimes can irritate a person's intestines cause allergic reaction. Wheat, wheat germ, barley,
gram, rye, semolina, oat etc. It is a challenge to avoid wheat because it is
present in so many things. Substitute can be rice. The common items are bread,
pasta, cereals, cakes, cookies, chapattis. Others include gravies, croutons,
bread crumbs, soup sticks, biscuits, rolls, pita, noodles. Ice cream cones,
wheat bran, dumplings, rye bread, cornbread, doughnuts, vermicelli, buns,
pizza, spaghetti, pastries. Alcohol beverages mostly made of grains. Drinks
like beer, whiskey, vodka, gin. Processed meat is high in gluten because
various grains are used in their manufacture. Sweets such as Gram flour, (Besan बेसन ) or Atta ladoo,
balushahi, (बालूशाही ) shakkar pare (शक्कर पारे ) and products made of malts like chocolate, candies etc.
A look at intestinal allergies: The
intestine is one of the largest barriers to infections and allergies, capable
of capturing and destroying minute allergens. In some conditions, the system
breaks down. Eventually, large allergens can enter your inner body. Factors
that break down the immune system in the gut are as follows: bad diet, too many
antibiotics and painkillers, fried foods, and sodas, irregular meal timings,
mental stress and lack of sleep.
Foods: Protein allergies are common in Gram, corn, dal, eggs, fish, chicken, meat, prawn, seafood. artificial milk in liquid and powder form, milk products, butter.chocolates,tomatoes, citrus fruits,coconut.
Sulfite Allergy Due Sulfite are group of chemicals that are derived from sulphur. Sulfite are considered as one of the top ten allergy causing agents. Sulfite are used as preservatives or protectants in various types of food, and according to FDA, one of the hundred people are at risk of being allergic to this chemical.
Casein Allergy : If your lips swell, turn red or start to feel burning sensation after drinking glass of milk or chewing a Piece of pizza, you should consider that you are allergic to casein. This is caused by the presence of a protein called casein in milk or milk based products. Many times, people also experience this with cheese, butter and cream.
“As a part of gluten free
‘grains’ should be avoided”
Skin allergies
Seasonal Allergy : It is common to see many people suffer from allergies as soon as the spring season arrives. In this season, new leaves and flowers start blooming on the trees and their pollen floats in the air. Contact with this pollen can cause allergies in many people and they struggle with various problems such as asthma, coughing, sneezing and redness in the eyes. The symptoms of spring allergies are sometime visible in summer as well. There is no cure but you can take steps to curb it by medication and household habits.
Winter Allergy : Winter allergies can become painful, if not given adequate attention and care. As humidity levels drop in
winter and makes the skin dry. This breaks the natural skin barrier that
controls how much water will go in your skin and how much will go out through
the skin. The patients experience dryness and flakiness during the colder
months of the year, especially if you’re prone to eczema or other dry skin
conditions. With the onset of winters, many develop scaly red rashes, which can
be allergic to nature
Contact Dermatitis : Something touches the
skin and your immune system thinks it’s under attack. It overreacts and sends
antibodies to help fight the invader called an allergen. The result is a red
itchy rash where the substance landed. Detergents, bleach, jewelry, latex, nickel, paint, poison, ivy and other poisonous plants, skin care products, including makeup soaps and perfumes, solvents,, tobacco, smoke.
Hives / Urticaria Allergy : These
are an outbreak of small red swollen bumps appear on many parts of the face and body and there is burning or itching on the skin. This allergy on the skin forms and disappears in different parts of the body temporarily. The patches on the skin that appear
suddenly as a result of allergies.
Angioedema : In angioedema, swellings
happens under the skin, not on the surface. With the swelling of lips and
Allergic to Poison : Ivy, oak and sumac These are the plants that
contain irritating, oily sap called urushiol, which triggers an allergic
reaction when it comes in contact with skin, resulting in an itchy rash which
can occur within hours of exposure.
Allergic after insect sting : It is common to develop allergies on body after being bitten by many insects, mosquitoes and flies. Although these allergies do not long on the body for a very long time. Bee, wasp, yellow
jacket, hornet, or fire ant stings that most often triggers allergies.
Sunlight Allergy Many people’s skin will burn if there
is enough exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Sunburn occurs in the sensitive
Cosmetics Allergy : Cosmetics claims to enhance our beauty but many times their use is also leads to negative effects.Many chemicals, fragrances and preservatives used in cosmetics can become a cause of allergy. Some beauty products can cause
allergies. Certain ingredients used in cosmetics, for fragrance and preservatives,
can act as an allergen. Lipstick and stick bindi allergy are common.
Nickel : It is a skin reaction that develops
after exposure to ornaments containing nickel.
Physical Agents : such as heat, cold and
Chemicals : newspaper ink
Atopic Eczema : The most common skin allergy
which worsens in winter is atopic eczema. This is a condition where skin
develops red, dry, itchy, rashes and this worsens when the weather gets cold
and dry. Sometimes these rashes may be scaly when they appear on hands and
legs. Patients with asthma are more prone to skin allergies.
DD. Hair dye : can cause hives, urticaria or
peeling red skin, sometimes even have blood oozing out from the affected area.
Some can even get acute, along with swelling over the face.
EE. Allergies from medications : Many chemicals and herbal medicines can also cause allergies. Many times, as soon as the medicines enter the body, the body's immune system attack these drugs and results in an allergy.
FF. Synthetic undergarments: It causes rashes.
GG. Plastic Slippers : May cause eczema in the foot.
HH House Dust : Allergies from the dust can cause asthma, breathing difficulties and burning of the eyes and these effect last for a longer time.
Allergies Due To Plant Liquid : Allergies also occur when encountering liquid substances from some plant, Many plants contains chemicals such as urushiol that causes allergies when they come in contact with human skin, and the effect of this allergy can last for several days.
Aspirin / Salicylate Allergy : Its a chemical compound found in many plants, aspirin and many pain killers. It is also found in many vegetables and fruits. Many times, allergies have been seen with its consumption.
"Allergy to citrus fruits is not uncommon and so such fruits should be tried after the age of 1 year in allergy prone children."
Drugs allergies : Penicillin, sulpha.
Intestinal allergies :
The intestine is one of the largest barriers to infections and allergies, capable of capturing and destroying many allergens. In some conditions, this system breaks down. Eventually large allergens can enter your inner body.
Children born into families with a history of allergy as well as those who consume animal milk in the first year of life are more prone to get allergic disorders. Babies exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life are less prone to it,
Food That may be Avoided in First Year Of life
Food that are more likely to give rise to allergic reactions may be avoided till the child completes one year.. These are : artificial milk, (cow, buffalo or powder milk), eggs, fish, and citrus fruits like orange and sweet lime.
In families with strong history of allergy, besides avoid foods, even peanuts, other nuts, chocolate, wheat, corn, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, and all types of berries should be avoided.If any member of the family reacts adversely to a particular food avoid that as well.
Also avoid fried foods and food that contain added sugar or artificial sweeteners. or high in salts. Honey is also restricted below the age of one year, because it may contain certain infective agents.
● History The doctor will ask patient questions regarding symptoms, when they occur, how often, and what seems to cause them.
● Skin allergy needs to be examined by a
qualified dermatologist to assess the problem and advise the patient the right
● Blood Test This measures the level of IgE antibodies released by the immune system. The test is called the radio- allergosorbent test (RAST)
● Skin prick test This is also known as puncture testing or prick testing. The skin is pricked with a small amount of allergen. If the skin reacts and becomes itchy, red and swollen, it may mean an allergy is present.
● Patch test A patch test can identify eczema. Special metal disc with very small amount of a suspected allergen are tapped into the individuals back. The doctor check for a skin reaction 48 hours later, and then again after a couple of days.
● Complete Allergy test : Food, skin and
● Comprehensive Allergy : test to know the
cause of allergy: 98 marks are made on sides of arms. These tests are done by
special type of machine which is available in laboratories.
● Specific blood test. Neutrophils, ESR,
● Gluten allergy test
● X-Ray for sinusitis
“Moisturizing your skin is a good practice"
● Some allergies are genetic while others are caused by bad diet and poor lifestyle.
● According to Ayurveda vata dominant allergies begin from the intestine, pitta dominant allergies affect the skin and kapha dominant allergies affect the upper respiratory tract.
● Liver dysfunction.
"For respiratory allergy inhaling steam is the best option."
● Metals- Cobalt, nickel, chromium present in
jewelry, jean, studs, buttons
● Dichromate- Present in cement, leather,
● Rubber chemicals- Present in clothing,
shoes, tyre
● Colophony- Present in sticking plaster
● Paraphenylenediamine- Present in hair dye,
● Balsam of Peru- Present in Perfumes, citrus
● Topical application- Neomycin, benzocaine
● Drugs- Penicillin, Septran , Erythromycin.
● Vaccines- Especially measles and polio as
they are live vaccines.
● Parabens- Present in preservatives in
cosmetics, creams
● Wool alcohols- Present in lanolin,
cosmetics, creams
● Epoxy resin- Present in resin adhesive
● Chemicals- used to develop and clean the
photographs, formalin
● Gluten- It’s a protein found in grains.
Present in wheat, barley, gram flour
● Chilies and other spices
● Polythene, nylon, pesticides
● Preservatives- in fruit juices other
● Artificial colors- added in food items
● Dry cleaning fluids- have strong chemicals
● Soap, detergents, bleaches
● Mosquito repellent coils- Kachchua chap
Agarbatti, OR Good night mats.
● Pollen allergy- Pollen released from the
plants reach the human noses and throats, triggering a type of seasonal
allergic rhinitis called pollen allergy (hay fever/ or rose fever).
● Air pollution- Inhaled irritant includes:
tobacco smoke, fireplace smoke, smoke from burning wood, grass or leaves,
ashes, aerosol spray, strong perfumes, cooking odor, musty doors, fur of
animals, traffic fumes, feathers, cigarette smoke, desert dust, bleach (cleaning products).
● Dust mite- (microscopic bug) breed in your
carpets, sofas, mattresses, upholstery, curtains and humid places in the house.
It’s a major year-round allergy the world over. Mites do not directly bite or
cause allergies, proteins from their waste products like droppings and dead
bodies, actually provoke the allergic reaction. Particles seen floating in a
shaft of sunlight are dead dust mites and their waste products; they feed on
human hair, human epidermis (skin) scales.
● Mold or mould - It grows from microscopic
fungal spores. As they are so small, mould spores may evades the protective
mechanisms of the nose and upper respiratory tract to reach the lungs and bring
on asthma symptoms. Hotspot of mould growth in the home includes damp basements
and closets, bathrooms, places where fresh food is stored, refrigerator drip
trays, houseplants, air conditioners, humidifiers, garbage place, mattresses,
upholstered furniture and old foam rubber pillows.
● Astonia Polaris- (Saptaparni) the pollens of this tree are
allergens, therefore it’s plantation should be stopped.
● Parthenium- (Congress grass) A weed found
in Bangalore and roadside causes environmental pollution, which is bad for asthmatics.
● Black oleoresin- The ink extracted from
marking nut (Semecarpus anscardiun) causes numerous cases of “dhobi itch” an
allergic dermatitis at the site of contact, usually the nape of neck.
● Urtica dioica- or stinging nettle is a
flowering plant. The leaves and stems are covered with long fine to bristly
hair that can irritate and blister skin when handled. When human skin comes
into contact with leaf or stem it develops reddish patch accompanied by itching
and burning.
● Cashew nut tree- Anacardium occidentale
bears reddish fruit that contain the kidney-shaped nut. This acidic fruit
causes skin irritation. The plant sap from bark, leaves causes painful skin
reaction resemblance second degree burns.
● Mango fruit- It contains urushiol in their
exocarp (outer skin). It causes the facial and peri-oral dermatitis, when a
sensitized individual bites into an unpeeled mango.
* Dust storm impact _ Sensitive persons are affected.
* Chemical Preservatives
a . Allura A C Food coloring in snacks, sauces, preserves, soups, wine etc. Avoid if you are suffering from asthma, rhinitis ( including hay fever ), or urticaria .
* Amaranth Food coloring in wine, spirits, fish roe. Avoid if you are suffering from asthma, rhinitis, urticaria or other allergies.
* Ponceau 4R Conchineal Red A Food coloring . People who suffer from asthma, rhinitis, or urticaria may find their symptoms become worse following consumption of foods containing this coloring.
* Calcium benzoate Preservatives in many foods, including drinks, low sugar products, cereals, meat products. Can temporary inhibit functions of digestive enzymes and may deplete levels of the amino acid glycine. Should avoid by those with hay fever, hives, and asthma.
* Saccharin & its Na, K and Ca salts Sweetener in diet, and no- sugar products. The international agency on cancer has concluded that saccharin is possibly carcinogenic to humans.
* Propyl p -hydroxy benzoate, propyl paraben , and paraben Preservatives in cereals , snacks, meat products and confectionery. Parabens have been identified as the cause of chronic dermatitis in numerous instances.
* Sodium sulphite Preservative used in wine- making & other processed foods. Sulphites have been associated with triggering asthma attacks. Most asthmatics are sensitive to sulphites in food.
* Sulphur dioxide Preservative Sulphur dioxide reacts with a wide rang e of substances found in food, including various essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and essential fatty acids.. Adverse reactions bronchial problems particularly in those prone to asthma, hypertension (low blood pressure), flushing tingling sensations or anaphylactic shock.
* Tartrazine Yellow food coloring May cause allergic reactions and asthmatic attacks and has been implicated in bouts of hyperactivity disorder in children. Those who suffer from asthma , rhinitis and urticaria may find symptoms worsen after consumption.
“Detoxification of the body at
the regular intervals”
Signs and Symptoms
● Sneezing often accompanied by running or
clogged nose, coughing and post nasal drip. The sneezing is mainly due to
allergens that attack the olfactory area. The body as a safety reaction tries
to expel it in form of forceful sneezing.
● Watering and itching in eyes, nose and
● Shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing
● Eruptions or itching over the body, rashes, hives, raised red weals.
● Face, lips, swelling of the eyes
● Redness of skin, Eruptions over the skin,
● Swelling of face and eyes
● Nausea, vomiting, pain in abdomen
● Bloating, indigestion, irregular bowel
habits, and food intolerance.
● Diarrhea, Heartburn
● Pain in joints
● A headache, irritability, dizziness
● Allergic shiners (dark circles under the
eyes caused by increased blood flow near the sinuses).
● The “allergic salute” (in a child
persistent upward rubbing of the nose that causes a crease mark on the nose)
Symptoms of respiratory allergies : The respiratory tract extends from the nose to the furthest ends of the lungs, the alveoli, and the allergy can affect any or the parts. The symptoms could range from watery eyes, sneezing, runny or blocked nose, repeated running of nose, especially in children (called salute sign) itching of throat, rattling of chest, wheezing and breathlessness.
“Indoor pollution causes more
damage to your body than outdoor pollution”
Common Allergies
Allergies can manifest as
- Asthma
- Eczema
- Hay Fever (allergic cold)
- Urticaria (hives)
- Anaphylaxis (severe allergic shock) and
- Diarrhea
- Contact dermatitis
Asthma In Children
In a typical case, a 4 year old child goes to sleep normally and gets up wheezing in the middle of the night. He has difficulty in taking air in and pushing it out. The breathing is faster than usual. When he breaths in , the child has sometimes to take the help of his neck muscles. The normal gap between the two clavicle (collar bones) tends to dip during inspiration (breathing in). While breathing out , the child makes a musical hissing sound termed 'wheezing' The expiration (breathing out) is more prolonged than usual. The child finds it easier to breathe sitting up or wants a pillow or two on the lap or put his head on it for comfort. If the child has had eczema before or has had similar attacks before this episode or has a strong family history of allergy or was artificially fed (not breastfed) , the diagnosis is more or less confirmed. It does not mean that a breast fed child cannot get asthma. It is just that artificially fed children are at a much higher risk.
Consult your doctor to decide if it is asthma. Do not over react if your child gets an attack of asthma. You may pass your anxiety on to the child and so worsen the attack. Follow your doctors advice on handling the situation. Give the prescribed medication by mouth or by inhalation, keep the child comfortably warm without covering him excessively, let there be free flow of air into the room (switch on the air conditioner) and give him enough liquids including water. If he has fever, avoid aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can worsen the attack of asthma. Paracetamol would be better. Avoid giving cough syrups (specially those containing codeine). As long as your child is not in acute distress and is accepting some food and enough liquids, you can manage him at home. Wheezing by itself should not worry you. Consult your doctor, however. if the breathing becomes faster, if child has difficulty taking in air and if he is becoming exhausted. Your doctor can advise hospitalization. This should be done before the child starts fighting for breath or become blue.
Even if you normally do not like the use of drugs like corticosteroids and antibiotics, do not hesitate to use these if your doctor prescribe them in this situation. If your child refuses to take oral steroids, a single injection of dexamethasone (1.7 mg / kg).
If your child is prone to frequent attacks, consider buying a nebulizer. This is very handy for use during an acute attack. However, a metered-dose inhaler. (used by adults) with an easily available spacer device and facial mask is preferable for routine use.
You might also consult a child psychologist or a family Counselor to see if a slightly older child needs a extra emotional support. An older child may be introduced to yoga, but do not force him to practice it if he is not interested. or is not yet ready for it.
Skin test for allergy and desensitization are also available. In these repeated injections with increasing concentration of extracts of the substance to which the child shows an allergic reaction are given.They may be considered if you have tried other measures under expert supervision, and you find that your child cannot carry out his normal activities including schooling and your doctor assures you that there is a competent person who will do these test and undertakes the follow-up treatment.
Besides a family tendency, passive smoking, allergy to certain foods, sudden exertion in form of unaccustomed exercise or sports, anxiety or unsolved conflict at home or school, and respiratory infections may precipitate an attack. However sports should be encouraged. Children who get exercise-induced asthma are given medication for their asthma immediately before the activity. Also 2 gram of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), given one hour before exercise. has been shown to have protective effects for such children.
House dust mixes with mites in the room of which the child sleeps should be specially taken care of. Keep cockroaches away. The room should be kept scrupulously clean and have minimum furniture in it. Old books, clothes, blankets and musty beddings may trigger the attack. Expose them to the sun frequently. Make sure no dust remains on fans, in corners, behind or underneath the furniture or on curtains. Thin curtains, which can be washed frequently, are better than thick or heavy curtains. Mob the room with wet cloth rather than dust it. Avoid using wool blankets and carpets.
Also avoid keeping stuffed toys and plants in the room. Hairy pets can also be a source of allergy. If your child has asthma, do consult your doctor before you get a pet.
If you have a vacuum cleaner, use it only while the child is away from home.
Let the child avoid all types of talcum powder, strong perfumes, scented soaps, cold drinks, as well as sudden variation of temperature (for instance a very cold air-conditioned room from outside where the temperature is very high.) Sudden exertion and certain foods that he is allergic to (eggs, cold drink, peanuts, packed drinks and wafers etc.
To find out whether a the child is allergic to the foods listed above, first introduce an item into the diet when he is perfectly well. Watch for a week. If the child remains well (without medication) , he is probably not allergic to that item of food. Avoid offering any suspicious item for 6 months and than try again. If the child react severely to any food , do not offer it for at least a year.
Banana are often blamed for bringing an attack of cold and asthma. This is probably not true.If the child who is given a banana gets an attack on certain occasions and not on others, he is probably not allergic to it. A banana, especially when given on an empty stomach (at least half an hour to one hour before meals) is a healthy fruit and should not be easily discarded from the child's diet.
The good news about asthma is that if the attack start in early childhood, they are more likely to disappear with age. Also in children without a history of heredity and other factors mentioned above, and in whom the attack always start with a viral cold rather than coming up suddenly, the diagnosis of asthma should never be made in a hurry. Such children temporary react to the cold with a wheeze but may not have asthma. Half the children with definite attacks of asthma are likely to be free of symptoms within 10 to 20 years. However recurrence are known in adulthood. Also, those who have severe attacks in early childhood are more often found to continue getting attacks in adulthood.
At times children with asthma may have a persistent cough that worsen at night. These children may not have any attack of wheezing, but they do benefit from drugs prescribed for asthma.
Eczema in children
If a 2 or 3 months old baby develops red patches of itchy dry skin on his face , forehead and the back of the ears, he is probably heading for an allergic skin condition called eczema. Itching makes the rash worse and the skin starts oozing. As the secretion dries up , scaly patches may be noticed.. If the broken down skin becomes infected, pus like discharge is observed and the child may develop fever.
In older children , eczema presents as itchy, dry skin. The front of the elbows and the back of the knees are more commonly affected.
Eczema is more commonly in babies given artificial milk. Babies exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life are less prone to it. In the families with a strong history of allergy, exclusive breastfeeding is therefore advisable for 6 months. An older infant may get this allergy with an egg, milk, peanut or a wheat preparation.
Another similar condition termed a contact dermatitis may develop because of contact with an irritating substance like woolen clothing, certain soaps or oils, besan (gram flour paste) , a bubble bath, disposable diapers or certain plants.
The treatment of eczema remains more or less symptomatic. The principles are to keep the skin moist, minimize itching , and to try to find the possible allergen. Avoid frequent washing of the skin (specially with soap), it is likely to dry it more. Linseed oil may be applied over the itchy patch. Apply an ointment(ung. emulsificans aquosum, BP), available from the chemist., instead of soap. Pat the skin dry with a soft towel and do not rub. Avoid application of besan (gram flour) paste on the skin. Some children may also get a rash from using certain expensive soaps (including baby soap) and oils. Application of milk creams may also cause rash.
Keep the child's nails short.Do not use mittens (as hard gloves) at night unless the itching is severe. If you must use them , check inside the mittens that they are smooth and do not have any loose threads that may get entangled with the child's fingers.
The doctor may prescribe oral anti-histamine drug like chlorphenaramine. Cold compress on the rash may be found to be soothing. Soothing ointments containing corticosteroids should be used only in consultation with a doctor, since they are absorbed into the body through the skin and may cause side effects . If applied, they should be used in a very small amounts. If the skin gets infected , the doctor may prescribe antibiotic. In a very severe cases , cyclosporine, a potentially toxic drug, has been found to be helpful.
A mother who is breastfeeding may try avoiding possible allergens(food) from her diet.
If you need to be on a prolonged milk free diet, consider taking some calcium preparations and vitamin B 12. A diet that includes fruits, vegetables and sprouts is essential.
Some babies who are allergic to cow milk may tolerate soya milk better, though some children are also allergic to soya milk. Premature babies may not have satisfactory weight gain with soya milk . Some people are also showing concern about the presence of high levels of aluminium and phytoestrogen in soya milk preparations. , though no definite adverse effects have been substantiated because of presence of these two.
Hay Fever (allergic cold)
It s a seasonal condition related to allergens present in the child's environment like pollen from trees or grass.
It is present as itching in the nose and palate, and frequent sneezing and watery discharge from the nose., with or without redness of eyes. The attacks only appears in a certain season of the year and respond dramatically though temporarily to antihistamines. The child becomes completely free of symptoms once removed from the offending environment.
Similar symptoms are seen all through the year in some children. In such cases , the underline cause is an allergen at home like house dust or animal hair.
Urticaria (hives) in Children
This condition manifest as itchy, pink or reddish raised patches of skin that tend to come and go, to reappears on other parts of the body. The size of the patch may vary from 1 millimetre to a few centimetres (giant urticaria). Itching may be severe or mild.
Itching may be severe or mild Urticaria may follow intake of certain foods like fish, eggs and nuts or some drugs or certain infectious agents.. Contact with some plants may also be responsible. At times, no obvious cause can be determined.
Most cases respond to histamines. As the patches tend to recur, treatment must be continued for as long as the doctor advises. At times, an injection of adrenaline is given for immediate relief, especially if the patches are also associated with edema or swelling. If the cause is known. the same should be taken care of.
Anaphylaxis (severe allergic shock)
Causes :
This is a serious, though rare reaction following injection of certain drugs like penicillin and antitoxins that are made from horse serum for the treatment of tetanus or for poisoning following snake or scorpion bites. Occasionally, the sting of an insect may also cause it. Such a reaction can sometimes also be seen with an oral medication.
The patient with anaphylaxis complains of a constructing sensation in the throat and chest, develops urticaria and has difficulty in swallowing. He may become unconscious and stop breathing.
This is a serious condition needing immediate medical attention. An injection of adrenaline and mouth-to-mouth breathing with cardiac (heart) massage may be needed.
Spring Catarrh
Try to identify the allergy which is not possible in many cases as it is multi factifactoral and environmental pollution is unavoidable
Rx Antihistamine eye drops like sodium Cromoglycate (Cromal Forte) Or Ketotifen (Ketorid) or Olopatadine hydrochloride (Pataday) to inhibit mast cell degranulation. To be used for a month before effect set in.
Rx In severe cases- Prednisolone acetate 1% eye drops TDS X 10 Days, then taper the dose.
If no response
Corticosteroid eye drops for cases which do not respond to the above drops.
Rx Fluorometholone (FML) eye drops QDS) and taper in 15 days. If still not effective,
Rx Prednisolone acetate eye drops QDS for 15 days with tapering doses.
Rx Loteprendnol etabonate (Lotepred /Loteflam) eye drops can be used upto 3 months with little or no rise in intraocular pressure as it is a corticosteroid with minimal side effects.
Diarrhea due to allergic Food
Due to allergy to Foods
Causes and Symptoms :
Diarrhea with or without abdominal distension, and pain in the abdomen can occur in some children following ingestion of artificial milk, certain food additives or preservative and other foods mentioned under the heading of asthma. The symptom may be related to allergy or to some other mechanism. Some children with allergy to artificial milk (liquid as well as powder) may also develop skin rashes, vomiting, and get bleeding from the intestines. Their lungs may also be affected.
Avoid the allergens. The doctor may prescribe an antihistamine.
● Protect yourself from dust and pollution as
much as possible
● In the morning wash your face and eyes with
water, it cleanses the face, provides relaxation and also removes the dryness
of the face.
● In winter in Delhi when there is a lot of
smog, and cold in weather no morning walks do stay Indoor.
● Drinking warm water throughout the day in
● Wash the hands and legs as soon as one
enters the house. Wash hands frequently
● Footwear should be kept near the entrance.
No outside footwear should go to the kitchen.
● Daily oil massage before the bath to build
immunity and improve circulation. Sesame oil is preferred.
● A warm shower bath is advised which is
effective in ridding the body of itching, dirt, tiredness, sweat, burning
● Wear cotton, linen or khadi ( खादी, These cloths are warm in winter and cold in summer ) clothes, avoid
synthetic fabric
● Instead of chemical-based soap use herbal
● Drink 3-4 litres of water daily to detoxify the system.
● Eat easily digestible home cooked fresh
food. Food should be warm
● Install an exhaust fan in the kitchen.
● Follow daily routine (Dinacharya, दिनचर्या ) and
seasonal routine or (Ritu charya ऋतू चर्या ) for health, which make one healthy throughout the year.
● Do not use chemical room sprays and
chemical home cleaners.
● Drink one cup of warm water before going to
● Stay relaxed, avoid anger, have a sound
● Keep away from cold foods, if you are
● Choose an organic products.
● Wash all fruits and vegetables as thoroughly as you can.
● Peel Apples, Pears and Potatoes.
“Boost your body immunity”
● Walking daily for half an hour.
● Running, cycling or swimming are good
● Daily exercise helps in clearing the
increased Kapha.
Surya Namaskar
A couple of Surya Namaskars
pump the heart rate that is equivalent to brisk walking and running can be used
as an alternative to morning/ evening walks in the times of smog. Early morning
is the best time for Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar is a physical exercise
where almost 97% of the muscle are switched on to active mode. They remain
active, hours ahead during the day till you recharge them next morning
● Sit up with the legs stretched out straight
in front of you, keeping the feet together and the spine erect.
● Bend the left leg and place the heel of the
left foot beside the right hip.
● Take the right leg over the left knee.
● Place the left hand on the right knee and
the right hand behind you.
● Twist the waist, shoulders and neck in this
sequence to the right and look over the right shoulder.
● Keep the spine erect
● Repeat to the other side
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand
● Lie down fixed on your back in the
Shavasana– The Corpse Pose
● Breathe in by your nostrils slowly and put
your palms facing in downward direction flat on the floor. Holding the hips
fixed on the floor slowly curve your knees and get them upward towards the
abdomen through breathing out
● Breathe in by the nostrils, pressing your
hand in downward direction try to raise your body from the waistline upwardly
away from the floor, curving the backbone backwards and unbending the arms,
your hips should be on the floor
● Breathe in, and then whilst breathing out,
raise your legs directly upward perpendicular to the floor. You can support
your hips with your hands making sure that your legs should be united, knees
straight and toes pointed straight up
● Keep your head straight, don’t turn it to
any side.
The chin should be compressed
against the chest.
Shavasana– The Corpse Pose
You lie down on your back and
relax your body and mind. During the pose, you close your eyes breathe
naturally and practice eliminating tension from the body. It relaxes all the
“Keep your mind and bowel clean”
Bhastrika–Or (Deep breathing)
Inhalation followed by exhalation.
Increases oxygen supply to all
parts of the body, thus improving blood circulation.
Anulom - vilom Place the thumb
in your right nostril and your ring and little fingers by your left.
● Inhale through the left nostril, closing
the right with the thumb.
● Exhale through the right nostril, closing
the left with the ring and little fingers.
● Reverse the process with another nostril.
Ujjayi Pranayama- Or (Hissing
breath) This is the only pranayama which can be performed sitting, standing,
lying down, walking or even working. The immune system, respiratory,
circulatory-lymphatic, nervous, digestive and all other systems are toned up by
this practice.
● Ujjayi or The “loud breathing” consists of
drawing air in through both nostrils with the glottis held partially closed.
● The air passes through a narrow air passage
in your throat, creating the sound made by your breath.
● An effective therapy for Asthma attack.
Udgeeth Pranayama- Pronouncing
‘OUM’ (ओउम )while taking a deep breath.
● It is essential to employ different methods
of relaxation
● By chanting Gayatri mantra concentrate on
ajna आज्ञा chakra, which is present in between two eyebrows.
Varuna Mudra
● Formation: Join the tip of the small finger
with the tip of the thumb.
● Benefit: It is beneficial in removing
impurities present in the blood.
Shankha Mudra
● Formation: Place the thumb of the left hand
at the base of the right thumb. This is the point of the thyroid gland in the
palm Fold the fingers of the right hand covering the left thumb, join the index
finger on the left hand with the thumb tip of the right hand. The other three
fingers of the left hand are to be placed on the back of the right palm.
● Benefit: The thumb which represents the
element fire is covered by the fingers hence fire is subdued.
● This Mudra relieves allergies, caused by
dust and smoke, so throat becomes clean: also pacifies skin rashes.
“Sugar is your worst enemy, as it will strengthen fungus and destroy your
immune system”
● Diet of vegetables, fruits, soups and
● Anti pitta diet is suggested. Plenty of
salads, sprouts, bitter leaves and some astringents are recommended.
Excessive consumption of tea coffee, oily and spicy food to be avoided.
● Eat home cooked food. Bitter gourd or
Karela to be taken frequently
● Plain wheat chapatti to be eaten if no
gluten allergy. Rice, corn, soy, jawar, potato, beans are gluten-free.
● Cleanse with specific detoxification diet
like lemon juice, soups, buttermilk
● Eat rice khichdi with a little cow’s ghee
● Buttermilk with Cumin (jeera), ajwain black salt
and ginger at lunchtime
● Dried fruits raisins and figs are safe to
● Keep to organic, untreated, unprocessed
foods as far as possible.
● Onions have a chemical called quercetin,
which can reduce allergic reaction.
● Berries are also good to fight against
● Beta-carotene like carrot intake may help too
● Vitamin C
Citrus fruits such as Pineapples have bromelain, which is also
anti-allergic. Others include kiwi, Amla, oranges, lemons etc. as they have
natural antihistamines properties.
● Omega 3 fatty acids such as flax seeds,
walnuts and chia seeds as they reduce inflammation in the body.
● Vegetable juices are good for pitta
aggravated doshas.
● Apples, tomatoes, parsley, peppers,
cherries, green leafy vegetables, broccoli. Lettuce, legumes and berries as
they prevent both the manufacture and release of histamine, as well as other
allergic and inflammatory compounds.
● Alkaline foods its liberal use is essential
for those suffering from allergies
● Eat cooling foods: cumin (jeera), fennel
(saunf), coriander (dhania) and mint (pudina), cucumber and aloe vera juice.
● Ghee is used internally as well as
“Water is the best detoxifier”
● Avoid exposure to dust, smoke and pollution
● Avoid exposure to allergen, failing which
wear a very fine mesh face mask
● Avoid carpets, woolen , and wall hangings
● Avoid fur pets like cats, dogs
● Avoid using fresh bed linen from the
storage box. As it may contain mounds
● Avoid wearing thick net type synthetic
cloth which acts as irritant to the skin
● Avoid artificial flavoring and coloring
and peanut butter
● Avoid Clothes colored with synthetic dyes
● Avoid wearing earrings made of nickel and
● Avoid using contaminated water
● Avoid staying in dirty clothes which have
sweat in them
● Avoid eating food in an unhygienic place
● Avoid using belongings of a person
suffering from disease
● Do not consume any fermented food or food
that contains yeast
● Avoid new grains, new rice. horse gram,
Chana, peas, rajma. urad, lentils, arbi, brinjal.
● Avoid the diet and lifestyle that is
against the season
● Avoid wearing tight clothes and eating junk
● Avoid eatables like: egg, fish, tea,
coffee, hot, spicy, sour, fried foods, curds, sweets, paneer, red meat, bakery
foods, refined flour ( maida), preserved foods, carbonated drinks refrigerated foods and tinned
● Avoid exposure to cold air/ cold water/
rain/ AC and dust
● Avoid taking cold bath after coming from
hot sunny environment
● Avoid using low-grade cosmetic products
● Avoid taking medicines without doctor’s
● Do not use any creams or medicines given by
● Avoid packaged foods and fruit drinks
● Do not take sour curd
● Avoid heavy, processed, refined and fried
● Cut down the number of cheese children eat.
● Keep yourselves covered so as to avoid
exposure from sudden drop or change in temperature
● Do not eat very spicy or oily food as they
block the digestive system, delaying your recovery
● Avoid tea, coffee, chocolate, cola drinks,
alcohol, sugar, sweets, refined cereals.
● Meat, fish, chicken, milk, cheese, butter
● Smoked salted pickled foods
● Chemical additives, preservatives and
● Avoid sour foods and carbonated drinks
● Avoid dairy products for 60 days
● Overexposure to sun should be avoided
● Avoid stale and reheated foods
● Sleeping during daytime
● Avoid mental exertion like anger, worries,
anxiety etc.
“Eating citrus fruits to boost
● Bitter taste herbs are preferred.
● Trikatu (Pippali, Black Pepper and Dry Ginger), Pippali, mulethi and tulsi these herbs help clean the lungs. Trikatu,
in particular, removes toxins. Trikatu can be consumed with honey followed by a
cup of hot water twice a day.
● Kalmegh, turmeric root ginger, garlic,
black pepper neem, gokshura well known as a powerful immune stimulant.
● Neem oil cools the skin and prevents
● Turmeric It helps heal the inflamed
● Ginger, black pepper and lemon It improves
liver function and promotes better digestion.
● Cinnamon improves gut flora.
Herbs recommended as blood
purifiers are as follows:
● Licorice root It’s a perfect detoxifier. It
eliminates the harmful substances from the respiratory tract. Licorice drink
soothes the intestine.
● Psyllium or Isabgol seed It stimulates the
natural ability of the body to eliminate
the waste products and helps in eradication any toxins circulation in blood
● Aloe vera orally good for allergy, helps in
liver function and thus in detoxification. Drink Aloe Vera juice daily it
detoxifies the intestine.
● Garlic It helps to stimulate the lymphatic
system to more efficiently get rid of waste material. Intake of three cloves of
garlic (raw) once a day on a daily basis for a month purifies the bloodstream.
● Manjistha Rubia cordifolia is probably the
best blood purifying herb in Ayurveda
● Acasia catachu / Khair / Kaththa : The tree finds its major application in the treatment of skin and respiratory problems more in particular of allergic origin.
“Sunscreen application before stepping out”
Home remedies
Immune boosters:
● Triphala Powder : Eat Its churana daily, it acts as
immune booster It clears the micro channels in the body, builds immunity and
banishes allergies, coughs, colds and fevers. These are Ayurvedic blood
purifiers help to establish a Pitta balance in body
● Giloy (Tinospora cardifolia) Take the fresh Stem, soak overnight
in boiled water. In the morning squeeze the soaked stem into water filter and
take it with honey twice a day.
● Ashwagandha It can be taken with milk.
● Tulsi It is a wonderful blood purifier and a good immune booster should be
taken with water.
● Chyavanprash Two tablespoon in the morning, followed by a
cup of warm milk.
● Dab or Tender coconut can be taken in the morning or evening.
● If your allergy is pitta- aggravated,
regular doses of Triphala and Guduchi will help you
● Drink tea made with natural antihistamines
especially nettle leaf or ginger.
● Multani Mitti (Bentonite) act as a great
source of curing skin allergies. Mix some amount of Multani mitti with rose
water and some camphor. It removes impurities without any side effects.
● Neem It keeps you away from blood infections.
● Drinking of horse gram soups dressed with
onions, black pepper and minimum salt is very useful helps to strengthen body’s
immune system.
● Amla is the best rejuvenator. Taking fresh Amla juice every day is a very
good remedy to fight cold.
● Ginger, honey and black pepper give
immediate relief in sinusitis.
● Decoction of drumstick leaves twice a day.
● Use of 5 drops of castor oil in a little
juice or water take on an empty stomach in the morning, is highly beneficial
for allergies in intestinal tract, skin and nasal passages.
● For allergic bronchitis take 2 grams
to fresh turmeric with honey twice a
day. And Nirgundi leaves vapors.
● The Pepper and turmeric works well for flu
and cold 1:4 ratio, this can be used along with honey or warm water.
“Amla the best rejuvenator”
What measures should be adopted during seasonal changes for respiratory problems ?
To avoid worsening of any respiratory problems, the below measures can be adopted :
Avoid sudden change of temperature.
Avoid exposure to allergens such as dust, pollen, deodorants etc. Regularly vacuum cleaning surfaces such as mattresses, blankets, carpets etc can help.
Keep your self well hydrated.
Take vitamin C supplements or eat fruits that are rich in vitamin C.
Regular intake of steam is helpful.
There is not one reason for having allergies, there can be several causes, and the first step in treating or preventing them is to take responsiblity for ourselves. Whenever we feel an allergy , it is neccessary to immediately examine the changes that have occured in our diet and lifestyle in the past few days. It is possible that there is a high concentration of allergens in the new home you have entered or allergies may be possible due to the flowers of a plant in the house or its scent. People living in dusty areas are commonly found to be affected by dust allergies. In such cases, it is better to live in less dusty areas, rather than living in such places. You can also investigate the causes of food related allergies yourself. Improvements in lifestyle, cleaniness and caution can go a long way in dealing with this problem
● Take care of humidity levels inside the
room in winters. If using room heaters, do keep a bucket of water in one corner
of the room to avoid dryness of the skin.
● General health and the resistance should be
built up by boosting immunity in the body.
● Detoxification of the body to remain
healthy by Panchkarma
● Keeping fast in both the Navratras is a
good practice to detoxify or observing Roza in Ramadan month.
● Detox tea: Girnar detox tea taking once a
day contains nil calories.
● Those suffering from respiratory ailments
such as asthma and bronchitis should consult their physician and get their
medication revised before the sudden change in weather.
● Always know what triggers your asthma. Get
your asthma fully under control during the winter season as the cold and dry
air can trigger an asthma attack. Buy a peak flow meter, nebulizer, Spo2
monitor and MDI spacer.
● Protect against epidermal irritation by
keeping your skin hydrated with moisturizing Remedies and drinking 2-3 liters
of water daily.
● Moisturizer- To maintain a good skin, apply
moisturizer within 5 minutes of taking bath so that the skin stays well
hydrated. People over 40 should use it routinely.
● According to Ayurveda follow Dinacharya and
Ritucharya…. The seasons have a natural effect on tridosha and the strength of
a person is disturbed when suitable diets and routines are not adopted according
to the season.
● There are two methods to detect disturbing
A. The first method is the
trial and error elimination diet.
Self-search should be carried
out to ascertain any suspicious symptoms from foods. It is advisable to try and
eliminate certain diet, excluding suspected foods for two weeks until the cause
is detected.
Occasionally by changing the
brand, you can find a substitute that does not upset you.
B. Another way to detect the
cause of allergy is by “Pulse test”. Check your pulse before a meal. Then
limiting that meal to one food only. Wait for half an hour after eating and
take your pulse again. if there is increase in pulse above 80 then that food is allergic.
● For prevention Vitamin C known as
bioflavonoids are recommended. They gradually strengthen cell permeability to
help immunize the body from various allergies, especially hay fever.
● Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid brings great
relief to allergy sufferers.
● Dry massage produces dry heat by friction
and helps in pacifying Kapha.
● Throws for your couch: A stylish element that
can enhance the look of the living room and at the same time keep dirt
particles away is a throw. As the dust particles tend to settle deep into your
sofas and cushions that can lead to dust allergies. Thus throws will help you
combat this.
● Taking your shoes off before entering the
● The maximum amount of dust from outdoors
easily gets settled on the fabrics of windows and door curtains, which is why
washing them regularly is recommended.
● Regular cleaning and maintaining surfaces.
● Plants for purifying air: Money plant,
rubber plant, fern, palm, piece lily.
● Wearing an N 95 pollution control mask when
you step outside may give you some protection.
● Natural air purifiers: Lac, turmeric,
ativisha, usire, musta, harenuka, ela, patra, tagara. kustha and Priyangu (all
these are easily available in Indian raw drug stores) should be put on fire and
fumigated. It purifies the air.
“Drinking 2-3 liters of water daily
prevents epidermal irritation”
For Anaphylaxis : Inj Adrenaline Injection Epinephrine .5 ml
The development of allergies and its response in children is a dynamic process. Many children "outgrow" their allergies. Also as the child grows the response to allergen can be less severe and more easily managed by the relatively bigger body area.. Some allergies usually specific to a limited number of allergens can now be treated by sensitizing the body i.e. exposing the body to minuscule amount of the allergen under supervision. This is so common in children though. But most of the symptoms can be controlled with the currently available self medications.
Some allergic reaction can be severe and life threatening and would need immediate intervention as these reactions can effect the airways and make breathing very difficult
Some people are also very allergic to dust and pollution, so what can be done to prevent it? The answer lies in neighborhood, city and government. At an individual level one could avoid exposure to both indoor and outdoor pollution. use air purifiers can reduce exposure within the house and may be a good option.
Anti Histamine :
Steroidal nasal Spray :
Anti-histamines and steroids are only short term relievers and their constant intake may result in side effects.
● Anti-allergic tablets or ointments.
Antihistamines Tab Avil or Actifed or chlorpheniramine, Tab Cetrizine 10mg. Tab
Allegra, tab Hydroxyzine 10 mg night before bedtime.
● Steroids if acute symptoms, may be
controlled by tab prednisolone 40 mg/ 24h dose according to the severity. Tab
Betnesol (0.5 mg) four times in reducing doses.
● Nasivion nasal decongestant : To get instant relief from blocked nose.
● Vitamin E tab Evion it possess
anti-allergic properties
● Take unienzyme tablets to restore the gut
flora balance
● Steam inhalations with benzoin, Vick’s or
benzoin inhalation
● Surgery- Minor surgical procedure, help in
some cases e.g. vidian neurectomy in vasomotor
● Sub mucous diathermy
● Lactose Intolerance : You can have coconut milk,almond milk or butter milk as replacement of dairy milk.
Dye Allergy
Any hair dye should be applied only after testing the dye at the back of ear.
Avoid hair dye in future
Wysolone 20 mg tab (Prednesolone)
It is a steroid. It is used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions such as severe allergic reactions
Tab Wysolone 40 mg stat After breakfast followed 20mg after dinner. on first day.
on second day Tab Wysolone 40 mg after breakfast.
On third day Tab Wysolone 40 mg after breakfast.
20 mg for 2 days
10 mg for 2 days
5mg for two days.
all other drugs will continue for a week.
Then taper off the dose of Steroid Tab Wysolone.
In severe cases Inj Decadron 2ml BD for three days
Ranitidine 180 mg
Belongs to a group of drugs called histamine-2 blockers. It works by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces. Twice a day with Tab Wysolone
Tab Atarax 25 mg
Tablet is used to treat anxiety and helps to get relaxed before or after surgery. It is also used to treat symptoms of skin allergy like itching .Three times a day for three days.
Tab Allegra 180 mg
It is an anti-allergy medicine used in the treatment of allergic symptoms such as runny nose, congestion or stuffiness, sneezing, itching, Three times a day.
Shampoo the hair twice a day...
Cleansing Techniques: When
mucus is excessive these kriyas or shat karmas should be practised. Emphasis on
cleaning of the body for physical and mental health by these methods expelling
the toxins by body’s natural route of elimination.
● Kapalabhati Cleansing of nose, lungs and
bronchial tube.
● Shodhan Chikitsa Pacificator treatment
where the doshas are eliminated out of the body, Panchakarma comes under this
Vaman Therapeutic vomiting
Virechan Therapeutic purgation
● Udwarthanam (Powder massage/ dry massage) A
body toning program, it is the application of herbal powder on the entire body,
excluding face. It makes the skin supple and cures itching, rashes. Some of the
herbs used are Triphala, trikatu, vidanga red millet, barley, and horse gram
etc. Powder massage should be performed in reverse direction, (down to up)
opposite to the hair follicles.
● Applying herbal packs externally helps in
dissolving local infection or purging it out.
● Jal Neti is a practice that helps clear the
sinuses. It is the cleaning of nasal passage with water.
● Nasya (Nasal drops) Nasal instillation of
oil. Anu taila or Shad bindu taila as nose drops to lubricate the nose and decrease allergic
● Or the application of 5 drops of
ksheerabala oil as nasya around 7.30 a.m. in the morning for 14 days is very
useful to stop sneezing.
● Basti - Colon cleansing. Enema with
medicated drugs.
● Dhauti - Upper digestive tract cleaning.
● Gandush - Keeping the til (sesame) oil in
the mouth for few minutes cleanses the oral cavity.
● Shamana Chikitsa - (Palliative treatment)
These include internal medicines, diet and
lifestyle modification. These are external treatments
● Lepa- local application of herbs.
● Abhyanga- Body massage using oils
● Rasayana- or tonic to build immunity
● Take internal medicine to remove vitiation
of blood
● Inhalation- of turmeric smoke helps in
reducing congestion. A small piece of turmeric is smeared with ghee and burnt.
● Aloe Vera gel locally
● Eat Gulkand, a compound preparation from
red rose petals and sugar , taken for a week.
● Neem ointment, sandalwood cream, or coconut
oil for local application
● Splashing the eyes 50 times with cold water
in the morning
● Fast on fruit juices, followed by a mono
diet of vegetables, fruits such as carrots, grapes, apples for one week. After
that one more food is added to the mono diet. A week later third fruit is added
and so on.
● After four weeks, the protein food is
introduced, one at a time
● Cleanse with a specific detoxification diet
and regular enemas
* For skin allergies Neem leaves added to hot water, and after it is cooled down, it can be used as refreshing bath water that reduces itchiness and sooths the skin. Neem leaves and buds taken orally are good for skin.
Homeopathy as a safe and effective healing medicine, treats skin allergies in a holistic way and increases immunity to curb further progression.
“Know your Allergen and stay safe"
* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.
Very nice and informative article!!!
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