WATER RETENTION (Oedema, Swelling, Anasarca, dropsy, Jalodhara, Svayathu, Vishabagam)

Water Retention

 “Stop being bloated”
(Oedema, Swelling, Anasarca, dropsy, Jalodhara, Svayathu, Vishabagam)
Water retention, medically termed as oedema is caused by an excess of water accumulation in the body, which does not drain through natural methods like urination and sweating. The pressure of the excess fluid is uncomfortable and fatiguing.
Do you often indulge in that extra slice of cake or an extra helping of salted nuts? Indians consume 11g salt daily, which is double the safe limit. Studies have established that bread and biscuits- in fact just any processed food- may have more salts i.e. packet of wafers. So consuming them is one of the reasons for water retention.
Fluid retention can occur in your legs, ankles, hands, face, or any part of the body. It's normally a temporary condition and often comes after overindulging in food and drinks. Although it's not serious, excess water weight can cause some people to feel sluggish, uncomfortable, and can have a negative effect on their appearance and quality of life. Water retention can make you feel bloated, achy and uncomfortable. It can cause weight gain.
So, whether you have a big event coming up, feel extra bloated, or just need to drop a few pounds quickly, losing water weight is one of easier things you can do. It may just be temporary, but sometimes it’s the difference between fitting into your clothes comfortably, and not fitting into them at all.
Instead of going in for diuretics, it is wiser to find and eliminate the underlying cause. “Lack of self-control and poor lifestyle choices make us more susceptible to it”. Several studies have revealed that to stay healthy, it is important to have control over three deadly sins- salt, sugar, and stress, so here’ what you can do about it.
“Salt restriction will reduce water retention.”
The term water retention or oedema signifies an abnormal accumulation of clear, watery fluid in the tissues or cavities of the body. Water is found both inside and outside the body’s cells. It forms part of the blood, helping to carry the blood cells around the body and keeping oxygen and important nutrients in solution so that they can be taken up by tissues such as glands, bone and muscle. Even the organs and muscles are mostly water.

The body uses a complex system of hormones and hormone-like substances called prostaglandins to keep its volume of fluid at a constant level. If one were to intake an excessive amount of fluid in one day, the amount of fluid would not be affected in the long term. This is because the kidneys quickly excrete the excess in the form of urine. Likewise, if one did not get enough to drink, the body would hold on to its fluids and urinate less than usual. Imbalances in this system can lead to water retention, which can range from mild and unnoticeable to symptomatic with swelling.
Kapha people  crave rich and fried foods. Which make them sluggish and slow . As a result, they tend to retain water.

Why water retention occurs?
Fluid rich with oxygen, vitamins and other nutrients passes all the time from the capillaries into the surrounding tissues. This fluid after nourishing the cells should return to the capillaries. Water retention is said to occur as a result of changes in the pressure inside the capillaries, or changes that make the capillary walls too leaky (due to vascular permeability) causing oedema. If the pressure is wrong, or the capillaries are too leaky, then too much fluid will be released into the tissue spaces between the cells. Sometimes so much fluid is released that it cannot all return to the capillaries and remains in the tissues, where it causes the swelling and waterlogging which is experienced as water retention.
Lymphatic system acts like an "overflow" and can return a lot of excess fluid back to the bloodstream. But if the lymphatic system is congested, (due to infections) then the fluid will remain in the tissues, causing swellings in legs, ankles, feet, abdomen or any other part of the body.
What happens when you overhydrate?
Excess water intake can cause an imbalance  in the electrolyte level of the body. "It dilutes blood sodium levels and causes fluids to move inside cells which later swell. Also the more you drink the more you tend to urinate. And that can cause nutrients to get flushed out, too. Besides in some cases, there can be a heaviness in the body if toxins are not flushed out and can put pressure on the kidneys as they have to work more then needed. One may witness weight gain also. Food high in salt may cause the body to retain water causing water retention.
Excess of salt:  Food with a lot of salt in them lead to water retention. indigestion, hyper-acidity and bloating. Avoid salt in your dinner on particularly painful days.  
     The heart’s Normal pressure within blood vessels is partly maintained by the pumping force of the heart. However, if the heart starts to fail (in congestive cardiac failure) and high blood pressure, which often results in water retention.
     Kidneys: In diabetic nephropathy or in kidney failure fluids cannot be eliminated from the body properly, resulting in fluid retention.

● Pineal Gland: Moreover it controls the potassium and sodium balances in the body. Its malfunctioning leads to excessive retention of fluids. 
     Malnutrition & poor diet: A poor diet low in protein result in low levels of albumin, which may also play a part in developing water retention.
     Histamine: Inflammation causes histamine released. Results the capillary walls to widen, making them leakier. The aim is to make it easier for infection-fighting white blood cells to quickly get to the site of inflammation. However, if the inflammation persists for a long time, water retention can become a problem.
     Salt excess of salt or Sodium-rich foods may cause water retention.
     Sugar Excess sugar consumption can adversely impact our metabolism. As sugar can cause inflammation in the body, kidney damage and weight gain.
  Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): Premenstrual Syndrome can cause bloating and breast tenderness. This is due to hormone imbalances
     Pregnancy: The weight of the uterus on the major veins of the pelvis can cause a buildup of fluid in the body during pregnancy. In most cases, it is nothing to worry about and generally resolves after the baby is born.
     Menopause bloating: Due to hormonal imbalance during menopause can cause bloating.
     Disability: Immobility caused by disability causes water retention.
     Varicose veins: Lack of exercise is another common cause of water retention in the legs.
     Hypothyroidism or Myxedema: Due to decreasing in circulating levels of T4 and T3 by the thyroid gland irrespective of the cause. There is deposition of mucinous material causing swelling of the skin and of subcutaneous tissues. It is a condition when the Thyroid gland stops releasing thyroid hormone into the bloodstream.
     Anaemia: Low haemoglobin also causes swelling all over the body.
     Steroids: When taken for asthma or oral contraceptives causes water retention
     Allergies: Some foods and insect bites may cause edema in susceptible people.
     Physical inactivity: Very long periods of physical in activities, such as a long-haul flight, increase the risk of water retention.
●     Rainy Season : Due to the high humidity, the body does not naturally lose water as it does in summer, as a result, a lot of people may experience water retention and  swelling, which can be quite bothersome.
     Other factors such as poor diet like too much white rice, white flour, obesity also contribute to it. Adrenal malfunction, loss of potassium, weight gain due to much water intake
Increasing your magnesium intake may help reduce water retention.”
Sign & Symptoms
     Swelling of the legs, feet and ankles, a sign of poor circulation.
     Breathlessness, cough, when fluid built up in the lungs as in congestive cardiac failure.
     Bloating and breast tenderness in premenstrual syndrome.
     Mood swings, insomnia and fatigue.
     Weight gain, puffy face, muscle pain and acne
     Swelling of the abdomen
     Discoloured skin
     Pitting oedema, areas of skin that stay indented when pushed in with a finger
     Arthritis aches and tenderness in the limbs stiffness in the joints
     Weight gain.

             "Frequently people with water retention problems have a weak liver and colon."
     Feet elevation
     Get moving. Simply walking and moving around a bit can be effective at reducing fluid build-up in some areas, such as the lower limbs.
     Cut out excess salt. No adding of table salt
     Sleep more, a good night sleep may help your body manage its fluid and sodium balance and lead to reduced water weight in the long-term.
     Reduce Stress (by constructive hobby) as it increases cortisol and antidiuretic hormone, which directly affect your body's water balance.
     Take electrolyte, Electrolytes control water balance and cell hydration.
     Reduce intake of salt and sugar
     Increase the intake of proteins
     Increase your intake of fruits and leafy vegetables.
     Drink enough water to flush out sodium
     Exposure to the sun for half an hour.
     Take out some time for yourself.
     Have a good night sleep.
“Keep moving”
Regular exercise like half an hour walk daily can help you maintain a natural balance of body fluids and sweat out excess stored water.
 Do yoga regularly to eliminate oedema


     Bhastrika (Deep breathing) Inhalation followed by exhalation. Increases oxygen supply to all parts of the body, thus improving blood circulation. It relieves stress. 
     Anuloma Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing): It has a calming effect on nervous system.
     Kapal Bhati:  Sit in any comfortable meditative posture like  Sukhasana, Vajrasana or Padmasana. Keep your back, head and neck in straight line. Exhaling forcefully followed by a passive inhalation. Let your facial muscle be relaxed while practicing this.
"Women should avoid heels while pregnant, as water retention is common during pregnancy. Strap sandals or high heels can lead to swelling of the feet."
Indra Basti Marma
Location: 4 in number 2 In hands and 2 in legs. In hands, it is located four fingers below the elbow joint. In leg, it is located four fingers below the knee joint.
Stimulation:  of Indra Basti Marma helps in water balance. Press with thumb for 8 seconds 18 times. Keep the hands straight. In legs while sitting in squatting position, placing the hands in between legs.

 Kidney Mudra

The Mudra cures kidney disorders. This has the same qualities like Jalodara Nashaka mudra.
Formation :
The little finger and the ring finger tips are to be placed at the base of the thumb and thumb should be placed over the fingers.
Effect :
Water content is reduced and the heat is increased.
Benefits : 
  • The problem of running nose, and watering of eyes is cured.
  • Throat pain is pacified immediately.
  • Problem of phlegm in throat  and the lungs is cured.
  • Help in curing dropsy.
  • loose motion is cured immediately.
Discontinue performing mudra when element is cured.
Jalodara Nashaka Mudra

Jala means water, Udara means stomach. Nashaka means to end. The little finger signifies water element. Mudra controls the excess of water element in the stomach.
Formation :
The tip of the little finger is placed at the base of the thumb and the thumb is placed at the back of the little finger gently.
Effect :
Jalodara Nashaka Mudra reduces the excess water element in the body,suitably affecting the water metabolism. It can thus overcome water logging within the body.
Benefits :
Jalodara is the Sanskrit term for the disease- Dropsy. This disease is caused due to excess of water content in the stomach.This mudra is named after the curing  of the disease Jalodara.
  • Mudra can cure elephantiasis.
  • Swelling in any part of body like face , hands and legs can be cured with this mudra.
  • This mudra cures excessive salivation, watery eyes, running nose, hyperacidity, diarrhea (loose motions).
  • Pleurisy, effusion in joints can be cured.
  • Excessive menses is balanced.
  • Excessive urination is cured.
  • Menstrual date can be postponed by the practice of this mudra  for 15 minutes daily 3 days prior to the date of period.

  • Jnana Mudra : 
It is helpful for retention of fluid;

“Vitamin B6 may help reduce water retention, especially in women with premenstrual syndrome”.

Eat Smart
Besan/ Gram Flour

Roasted Bhutta with lemon and black Pepper

Switch to foods with  low water content like besan and bhutta to avoid water retention. Also stick to easy to digest foods. (No fried foods ) as the body's digestion capacity is comprimized during the rains due to High Humidity.
  Natural diuretic Asparagus, beets, sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, cranberries, cucumber, eggplant, grapes, leafy vegetables, chaulai saag, bathua, leeks, lemon, lettuce, onion, pineapples, pumpkins, watermelons.
  Potassium reduces water retention. Food rich in potassium  makhana, boiled potato, apple, banana, apricot, Bell pepper, melons, mushrooms, peaches, raspberries, spinach, avocado, tomatoes, strawberries, Sunflower seeds. You can also consume foods that are rich in potassium
     Buttermilk with ajwain, dry ginger, black pepper
     Increase calcium, B5 and in your diet.
   Vitamin B6 has been found to draw off extra body water. The best dietary sources are whole wheat, brown rice, soybeans, alfalfa sprouts, wheat bran, walnut, potato, whole pulses, green peas etc.
  Magnesium Consuming more magnesium from different sources, such as beans, nuts, whole grains, and leafy greens
     Eat curd, yoghurt, buttermilk

     Increase the intake of vitamin C, the best dietary sources include guava, Capsicum, orange, lemon, tomatoes, pineapple, cabbage.
     Proteins such as sprouted Moong, whole pulses, paneer, tofu, fish, eggs.
     Barley water is an effective remedy
     Kokum fruit is good for oedema.
“Potassium may reduce water retention by increasing the production of urine and decreasing the amount of sodium in the body.”
     Salt restriction avoids adding salt to salads, meals and raita. 
     Avoid dehydrating drinks like tea, coffee and alcohol
     Avoid refined carbs as it leads to rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin I.e. processed sugars
     Avoid processed foods, canned and dried soups, baked goods etc, as they are high on salts.
     Avoid pickles, chips, parathas
     Restrict alcohol consumption.
*    Avoid tight clothing, especially  around the ankles or calves. Try not to stand for long periods.


     Fenugreek seeds reduce water retention
     Fennel is also an effective remedy
     Lemongrass is effective in curing water retention
     Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a herb that has been used as a natural diuretic. Take Its leaf extract.
     Corn silk tea is effective for water retention
     Triphala reduces the swelling
     Punarnava useful in the treatment of swelling
     Cardamom, Ajwain and Jatamansi are a natural diuretic
     Horsetail herb has diuretic effects
     Parsley: This herb has a reputation as a diuretic in folk medicine
     Hibiscus: Roselle, a species of hibiscus, has been used in folk medicine as a diuretic.
     Garlic: Well-known garlic has historically been used as a diuretic
     Cranberry juice: It has had diuretic effects
     While the WHO recommended intake of sodium is 2g and that of common salt is 5g (1 tsp per day) to prevent water retention.
     Keeping your weight under control
     Sweating is very important which can be achieved by regular exercise.
     Get moving
     During a long-haul flight, even minor physical movements, such as standing up on tiptoes a few times, rotating the ankles, and wiggling the toes, can help reduce fluid retention
     Keeping the legs raised for three or four times each day can help to improve circulation and shift fluid.
     Sleeping with the affected limb raised above the level of the heart can also be helpful.
     Exercise helps the leg veins work against gravity to return blood to the heart.
     Daily massaging with Til oil. A message may also help the affected area when stroked firmly in the direction of the heart. This may help move the fluid. It is important that the hand movements do not cause pain.
     Wear support stockings if the water retention occurs in the lower limbs
     Avoid sitting and standing still for too long
take breaks from sitting and walk regularly when completing long journeys by car, train, boat, or plane
     Drink more water to flush out the toxins.
* Try a wedge-shaped pillow under the mattress  at the foot of the bed.
     The treatment of water retention depends on whether or not the primary cause is excessive leakiness of the capillary walls. If this is not the cause, as in cases of heart or kidney disease, then diuretic medicines (diuretics) may be an appropriate treatment.
     Water retention due to a cardiac problem : This condition is usually treated with diuretics, otherwise the water retention may cause breathing problems and additional stress on the heart. A digitalisation is also an option
     Diuretics: A limited course is recommended, as taking them for too long can lead to dehydration, worsen water retention, and cause kidney damage.
     Magnesium: 200 mg of magnesium per day reduced water retention in women with premenstrual symptoms.
     Vitamin B6 Increase vitamin B6 intake.
     Proteins High protein diet
     Take iron
     Apply a cold towel or tea leave bags refrigerated on your face and eyes to decrease bloating.
     Apply cold calamine lotion for 15 minutes, then wash with cold water.
     Use natural face mask of fuller earth, rose water dipped in cold cloth on the face.
* Naturopathy - Edema can be treated with any oil or table salt with vinegar when applied on foot 
“Salt intake restriction”
Link: https://madhuchhandacdmo.blogspot.com/2018/03/water-retention-oedema-swelling.html

* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.


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