Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X)

Metabolic Syndrome

(Syndrome X, Insulin resistance syndrome,Dysmetabolic syndrome,Hyper triglycermeric waist)

Why do people get fat?

The food you eat matters……..
The quality, quantity and time of food consumption play a vital role in proper supplement of nutrition to the body tissues. The right food consumed in right quantity and at right time keeps a person hale and healthy! Logically one should have a light breakfast, full lunch and again a light dinner. Or frequent meals a day to keep the blood sugar stable with a gap of 3 hours in between.
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke. and increased risk of blood clotting. It is very common, in more than 10 million cases in India per year are reported. Chronic cases can last for years or can be lifelong.
Metabolic syndrome is a global disorder, and now considered as a serious public health problem, rising at an alarming rate in developing and developed countries of the world. It is estimated that 20-25% of adult world population is suffering from this disorder. Children can also suffer.
Metabolic syndrome often termed as insulin-resistant or cardiac metabolite syndrome is one type of non-communicable disease. The disease is spreading rapidly worldwide due to increasing unhealthy lifestyle habits. Changes in our day to day habits can help us to combat the deadly metabolic syndrome to a huge extent.
India is rapidly becoming a country with a triple burden of obesity, hence early prevention and intervention are needed, therefore awareness programs about weight management, healthy diet, yoga, physical exercise and regular health check- up should be made among the urban as well as rural population in order to control the risk factors in people as early as possible.

Metabolic syndrome, commonly known as “Syndrome X”, is defined as a group of conditions or a factor that increases the risk of increased blood sugar levels, increased blood pressure, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels that occur together, and finally results in heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Most of the disorders associated with metabolic syndrome have no definite symptoms.
Metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition is affecting a wide range of population throughout the world. The main reason is related to rapid nutritional changes, lifestyle and socioeconomic transition, consequent to increasing affluence, urbanisation, mechanisation and rural-urban migration. An obese person has developed faulty metabolism and despite the increase in bulk, becomes weak and sluggish. A patient due to an imbalance of metabolic processes is able to digest food with unusual speed and then frequently desires to eat more food. In case of delay in getting food, he feels afflicted by hunger.
WHO predicted that diabetes incidence will double by 2025, also indicates a parallel rise in cardiovascular-related illness and death. India is experiencing a rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity, type ll diabetes and death from cardiovascular disease (CVD). At the physiological level, there is an excessive increase of fat and muscle tissue. The buttock, abdomen and breast of the patient gain weight and also become flabby.
 In Ayurveda, the etiology for this morbid condition is lack of exercise, sleep during the day and over-consumption of foods that can imbalance the body tissue building process, for instance, curds, red meat, butter, starchy and fried foods.
Pathogenesis It's also linked to a condition called insulin resistance. Normally, your digestive system breaks down the foods you eat into sugar (glucose). Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that helps sugar enter your cells to be used as fuel. In people with insulin resistance, cells don't respond normally to insulin, and glucose can't enter the cells as easily. As a result, glucose levels in your blood rise despite your body's attempt to control the glucose by churning out more and more insulin.
 “One should eat appropriate quality and quantity of food at right time to be fit and fine”


    Lack of excercise or Sedentary lifestyle  
    Postmenopausal women
     Faulty diet : Junk food, irresponsible eating behaviour. Eating at unwanted hour.
     Eating an excessive carbohydrates diet.
    Stress releases cortisol which causes increase in blood pressure and heart rate.
●   Insulin resistance
●   Type two Diabetes
●    Hypothyroidism
●    Hormonal imbalance
●    Genetic
●     Medicinal side effects such as Striods
●     According to Ayurveda diet & lifestyle which incerases Kapha .
●     Consuming sweet food
●     Emotional factors like boredome,sadness,angar can influence eating habits.
●   Excessive use of gazette.

Risk Factor
     Age: Your risk of metabolic syndrome increases with age
     Race: In United States, Mexican Americans is at a greater risk of metabolic syndrome.
  Obesity: Carrying too much weight especially in your abdomen increases your risk of metabolic syndrome.
   Diabetes : You More Likely to have metabolic syndrome if you have diabetes during pregnancy or if one has a family history of Type ll diabetes
  Other : Diseases Cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or Polycystic ovary.
●  Stroke : Brain attack.
                             "Emaciated body is better than an obese body."

Signs & Symptoms

●   Trunkhal Obesity :  Apple belly or Pot belly.
     Increased thirst and urination, fatigue and blurred vision
     Prolonged sleep
     Bad breath
     Excessive sweat and low vitality
     Fat accumulation in the liver (fatty liver)
     Micro albuminuria kidney may also be affected.
     Sleep apnea 
     Dementia (loss of memory) with ageing.
“A bulging abdomen/waste is the prominent sign"

According to guidelines by the National Institute of health, clinically metabolic syndrome occurs in a person who has three or more of the following measurements:
    Waist circumference less that 102 cm in men and less than 88 cm in women.
    Triglycerides  : Less than 150 mg/dL
     HDL Cholesterol : Less than 40 mg/dL in men and less than 50 mg /dL in women
     Blood Pressure (BP) : Less than 130 mmHg Systolic BP or less than 85 mmHg Diastolic BP
    Fasting Glucose : less than 100 mg/dL, Diagnosis  Any 3 of the 5 features above.
    Weight : Overweight.
●   Skin fold thickness increases. It can be examined by pinching.
     Assis  the smoking status of a person
     Full cardiovascular risk assessment  
     Body mass index (BMI) should be normal. (weight in kilograms x length square in meters)
     Blood test for clotting factor

"Healthy lifestyle is a lifelong commitment."
     Lose weight if obese.
●   Small frequent meals with a gap of 3 hours.
     Don't skip breakfast.
●   Give time to your family and friends since it is the greatest predictor of our longevity.
●   Eating at unwanted hour should be avoided.
     Stay away from smoking and drinking alcohol
  7-8 hours sleep is necessary for an adult for proper body metabolism. Insufficient sleep or insomnia is associated with CVD, diabetes, hypertension, obesity and depression.
     No sleep in the afternoon
     Inviting a buddy to exercise with you
     Take a walk  during your work break, even it is around just a building
     Encourage kids to play outdoor games
     Evaluate what you feed your child
     Reduce stress : By having constructive hobbies.

"Eating frequently because you love to, is a burden to your body."
    Excercise like swiming, walking, jogging, cycling are best. minimize the chances of CVD to a great extend.
●  Physical activity : Regular exercise five days or 150 minutes a week. Walking one hour per day or half an hour  in morning and half an hour in the evening.
    Aerobic excercises. 
     Maximize the use of staircase instead of lift or escalators
     Doing all your household work

                     "No sugar as it has empty calories which causes weight increase. 2TSF of sugar per day. No to laddoo, mithai". Eat sweets once a month. Apple guavas a good option.

Surya Namaskar
A couple of Surya namaskars pump the heart rate that is equivalent to brisk walking and running can be used as an alternative to morning/evening walks in the times of smog. Early morning is the best time for Surya namaskar. Surya Namaskar is a physical exercise where almost 97% of the muscle are switched on to active mode. They remain active, hours ahead during the day till you recharge them next morning
Ardha Matsyendrasana



●  Anuloma Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing) It has a calming effect on nervous system.
● Kapal Bhati  Sit in any comfortable meditative posture like Sukhasana,  Vajrasana or Padmasana. Keep your back, head and neck in straight line.  Exhaling forcefully followed by a passive inhalation.  Let your facial muscle be relaxed while practicing this.

Surya Mudra

Rudra Mudra

Nabhi Marma
Location- It is located in the umbilicus region.
Stimulation- Nabhi Marma should be stimulated on empty stomach. Sit in Vajrasana make the fist and press the umbilical region and bend forwards after breathing out. Slight pressure is given to this point.
It helps in the process of digestion, metabolism and absorption.
Bandha or locks
Uddiyana Bandha
The exercise by which the prana vayu   takes an upward course to enter into Sushumna Nadi  is called Uddiyana Bandha.
Formation- Assume any meditative Asana. Lift your chest a little upward and push the stomach back so as to touch the spine. Keep in this position as much time as you can. Repeat this Bandha 3 times, increase the number gradually.
Effect- This Bandha cures the diseases pertaining to the organ of digestive system and pancreas.
Meditation helps to relieve stress and tension.
     Kriyas are useful for cleaning the internal channels
     Splashing eyes with water 50 times in morning daily.
     Gandush is oil pooling in mouth good for oral health 
     Vamana therapeutic vomiting. Cleaning of the upper part of gastrointestinal tract.
     Virechana is purgation. Cleaning of the lower gastrointestinal tract.
     Basti or enema cleans rectum.

                                             "Focus on healthy diet. Stick to 2-3 TSP of oil per day"

     Intensive dietary modification. Eat multi coloured food. 
     Cooking method : Boiled, steamed, roasting, grilled or baked food is preferable.
     Diet rich in fiber such as whole grain, oats, lentil (dal) chana,with cover, soyabeans etc.
●   At the physiological level, the first step is the intake of light diets like barley, Moong dal, kulattha, Amla fruit, honey
   Fibres such as  wholesome grains, fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits. (citrus fruits  like orange)
     Fermented preparation of buttermilk
 Consume hot soups or appetizers, this would help to enhance the digestive juice secretions for better digestion.
  Natural drinks like fruit juices, tender coconut water etc. are moisture and nutrient supplements are recommended 
     Taking honey in hot water in the morning as the first thing. Honey is a substance which has a quality to reduce Kapha.
     Use of combination oil for cooking.  For example : Mustard oil, soyabean oil, ground nut oil, sesame oil, rapseed oil, olive oil, rice bran oil & canola oil. Omega 3 fatty acid is present in mustard oil. Change the oil in 2-3 months. In the morning one type of oil and in the evening another type of oil should used.
     Low sait diet, to prevent hypertension.
●  Tea : Green tea without sugar / and milk. or any other herbal tea is prefered. As milk tea adds to the calories.

" Reduction in calorie intake."

     As Indian diet is high in  calories such as puri, pakoda, parotha,samosa, so one should be careful while eating. It is also rich in saturated fat. Its ok once a month.
      Avoid dead food like processed and packed food that are rich in fats, sugar and salt such as chips, fries, soft drink and fast foods. Being high in fat and calories, they are leading cause of obesity, CVD and type ll diabetes.
     Limit consumption of sugar and sugar-based beverages as it increases weight.
     Limit sodium intake as it increases blood pressure
     Avoid saturated fats for example butter & ghee.
●    No to Trans fat which are available in deep fried items. Bhature,samosa. Re use of oil should be avoided.
●    No to  bakery products like cake, pasteries, cookies.
     Restriction of extra oil, sugar and sweet product and high glycemic food.
     Complete restriction of Tamasic food such as alcohol, beverages etc.
     Avoid consuming cold drinks while eating food .
●   Avoid refined carbohydrates like maida.
●   Avoid fruits like banana, mango and chikoo.

     Flavonoids have gained a fair share of recognition in controlling metabolic syndrome
     Neem Azadirachta Indica
     Trigonella foenum graceful
     Momordica charantia
     Eugenia jambolana
     Gymnema Sylvestre
     Cinnamomum zeylanicum
     Catharanthus resets
      Chirata. These plants have antidiabetic activity
 Plants with anti-cholesterol and antihyperlipidemic property: Allium sativumor garlic, Cinnamomum tamale, Garcinia pedunculata, Terminalia Arjuna, Coriandrum sativum, L.Emblica Officinalis, Phyllanthus niruri, Glycine max, Ocimum sanctum of Tulsi, Moringa oleifera, Sesamum Indicom., Curcuma longa, Withania somniferaand Citrus sinensis. 
     Use of herb like Giloy, Triphala

     Drugs to control cholesterol levels of lipids, high blood pressure and blood sugar.
     Management of underline risk factors that promote the development of metabolic syndrome.
     Drugs for cardiometabolic risk reduction. 
Anti-hypoglycemic, antihypertensive and cholesterol-lowering agents such as metformin, angiotensin ll Receptor Blockers, ACE inhibitors and statin respectively.
     Drugs like sibutramine and rimonabant have been evaluated and produced good outcomes in the overall management of high-risk patients with metabolic syndrome.
     Bariatric surgery liposuction .Cosmetic surgery to remove fat bariatric surgery liposuction
     Panchakarma includes Basti (enema) is advisable. As this treatment will gradually restore the impaired metabolism.
     Udwarthanam (dry powder massage) special type of external message with herb powder like Amla, Neem is useful, as it will help to dissolve the fatty tissues and improve the functioning of the skin.
     Abhyanga (oil massage)
     These three things can drastically change the body structure.
“Follow Dinacharya (daily regimen) and Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) to remain healthy”


*The drugs mentioned should only be consumed under medical supervision as prescribed by the Registered Medical Practitioner


  1. Very well researched and informative article. This is going to be helpful to so many people especially in this day and age when eating junk and having a sedentary lifestyle is very common.

  2. Thanks for valuable information. It will be helpful to me to reduce my belly fat which had developed after menopause.


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