Summer season ग्रीष्मऋतु - (ज्येष्ठ-अषाढ)

                                                             Summer Season 

  ग्रीष्म    ऋतू     

                                            (Mid May-Mid July) ग्रीष्मऋतु - (ज्येष्ठ - अषाढ)
                                                               Temp - 40 - 45 degrees Celsius
Fire Season /Vacation season / Hindu marriage season
Here comes the  long, leisurely days  of summer. Are you sipping lemonade/ or  Coconut water by the pool? Packing for a picnic? Watching the sunset on a beach? I hope you are having a fun. But beware of summer's side effects.  the qualities of summer are hot, sharp, and penetrating. That’s why our pitta dosha—the subtle energy that controls metabolism and can cause us to overheat-tends to flare up when the temperatures rise. Pitta-related imbalances include sunburn, hot flashes, exhaustion, acne, and diarrhea. Emotionally, excess pitta can manifest as anger, jealousy, and impatience.  Try the following tips to keep your cool all summer long.
A light diet including fruits and juices with few salty, pungent and sour articles, modest physical activity, light cloths and sleeping in open were regarded as appropriate for summer
Cooling, Calming and Moderation

Jacaranda, Goldmohur, Amaltas, Jarul
                "Pitta imbalance can cause  issues like  Acidity and Inflammation."
Life in Accord with the Seasons
Life on earth is controlled by the movement of sun. Life event would suggest that time, seasons and three bodily components (the essence of digested food, dosha and strength) are governed, in the final analysis, by the sun, wind and moon.

Time measured as the year has six seasons, Sisira, vasanta and grishma characterize the summer solstice when the sun progresses to the north of the equator, and brings about the period of drawing up (adana). The rest of the year consist of varsha, sarat and hemanta which coincide with the winter solstice when the sun moves south of the equator. This period witnesses the (visargarelease of what ever was drawn up earlier. During adana, the sun draws moisture through hot and rough winds and progresses increase the quality of roughness in substances as it progresses from sisira to grisma. The consequence of this drying and roughening process is the augmentation of taste (rasas) - bitter (tikta), astringent (kashaya) and pungent (Katu) - which share the quality of roughness, and an decrease in body strength.

In contrast, the sun's power is lessen during the southward course by the cloud, winds and rain during varsha, sarat, and hemanta. The heavenly shower cool the earth, the moon gains ascendancy and the rasas - sour (amla)salty (lavana)sweet (madhur) - which have the opposite of rough quality of dominate. As a result, the body gains in strength. 

Thus the season are marked by fluctuation of in strength. During adana, the body strength is highest in sisira, medium in vasanta and lowest in grishma. During visarga or release, it is the highest in hemanta, medium in sarat and lowest in varsha.

संचय/ Disturbedप्रकोपदमन ,रोक, शांत

This season is intensely hot  and environment is prevalent with unhealthy wind. The lakes and rivers are dried up, the plants are lifeless and the strength of an individual becomes weak. Digestion of a person remains in mild condition.
Summer: Under trees, languorous men seek shade from the harsh summer sun, buffaloes wallowing in the mire of muddy waters, birds hiding under a thick abundance of leaves, and lions and tigers seeking cool caves to retire in.

When the season change to summer, sun rays become powerful, the severity of the sun reduces the element of water (Kapha) in the body. Very hot temperatures. It has the longest day of the year (21st June), Summer is the time of pitta, an energy that is a hot, dry, transforming and burning. It is also connected to anger. Organs affected are skin, liver, Spleen and blood. Pitta is vitiated by intake of pungent, salty and sour food and wines, exposure to sun, heat and anger. Body’ energy level is low. Rising temperature and humidity levels encourage the breeding of microbes.
Most of us need to balance pitta in the summer regardless of our constitution. Our digestive fire is naturally low during hot weather, and we often experience a decrease in appetite. We should respect this change by eating in moderation. Our bodies will want more liquids when it is hot. But even though we find it refreshing and satisfying to drink cold water and cool fruit beverages at this time, we must take care not to douse the digestive fire by drinking ice cold liquids during or after meals.

"During summer, when days are longer and warmer, our bodies need energy from high carbohydrate fruits and vegetables."

Grishma Ritu (Summer):

Mid-May to Mid-July - This season is intensely hot and environment is prevalent with unhealthy wind. The lakes and rivers are dried up, the plants are lifeless and the strength of an individual becomes weak. Deposition of Vata Dosha happens but the Kapha Dosha is relaxed during this season. Agni of the person remains in mild condition. Lavana and food with Katu (pungent) and Amla (sour) taste and Ushna (warm) foods should be avoided. Learn How To Balance Vata.
Diet Routine: Foods which are light to process—those having Madhura (sweet), Snigdha (unctuous), Sheeta (cool), and Drava (fluid) Guna, for example, rice, lentil, etc., should be eaten. Drinking a lot of water and different fluids, like cold water, buttermilk, fruit juices, meat soups, mango juice, stirred curd with pepper, is suggested. At sleep time milk with sugar should be taken.
Lavana and food with Katu (sharp) and Amla (acrid) taste and Ushna (warm) nourishments are to be evaded.

                Lemon Juice : Cures sunstroke, dizziness.

Lifestyle: Remaining in cool spots, applying sandal wood and other aromatic pastes over the body, decorating with blossoms, wearing light dresses and napping at day time are useful. Amid night one can appreciate the cooled moon rays with breeze. Extreme exercise or  is to be evaded; a lot of sexual liberality and alcoholic preparations are precluded.

When the season changes to summer, the hot rays of sun captures the water of earth and alter the composition of substances. Sweet, cold liquid and fatty food and drinks are than appropriate. To prevent disorders a diet consisting of the meat, dairy products and rice and cold and sweet drinks are advised. Physical exertion, wine in large quantities and salt and, sour, pungent and hot food are better avoided Sleep in the cool interior of the house during the day  and on the roof cooled by the moon's ray. during the night are pleasant.

To enjoy the breeze from the fan dipped in sandal water and to wear jewels on the hand add to the joy of life. When summer heat advances one should walk in the forest, besides lake and rivers and enjoy flowers in bloom Sexual intercourse id inappropriate at this time because of body weakness.
The body and its power of digestion weakens during the heat of summer. 
Pitta stimulating (पित्तप्रकोप)

  • Burning Sensation
  • Bleeding
  • Inflammation
  • Sharp or penetrating pain
Heat exhaustion: muscle cramps, excessive thirst, fainting, nausea and vomiting, irritability, burning headache, excessive sweating, high fever
Sun stroke: a severe headache, dizziness, disorientation, confusion, increased heartbeat, heavy breathing, unconscious, seizures, high fever, dry skin, piles, liver problems. Cholera, measles, chickenpox, Jaundice
Prickly heat, rashes, Dehydration, urinary tract infections, epistaxis, digestive problems like diarrhea, vomiting, fainting, nosebleeds ,heart burn,  headaches, acne, psoriasis, eczema, skin rashes, photo dermatitis, urticaria , hives, Weakness in the body, etc.
And heated emotions.
Hot Flushes
ये सब गर्मी लू के बैरी

Heat Wave
A spell of searing heat leads to the death of many people. People presented symptoms that led to doctors  to believe that their  existing illnesses turned fatal due to the high heat  and humidity. Illness possibly connected to heat poured in from the region, underlined the myriads ways in which India will have to grid itself to deal with soaring temperatures over the next few decades.
How does heat kill?
Extreme temperature saps the  body of moisture and energy, and rapid dehydration prompts confusion, nausea and dizziness. Physical exertion, manual labour and little access to cooling exacerbate these conditions, as does humidity.. Often low income households, the homeless, the elderly and the frail are among the most vulnerable.
Hot Flushes

Tuberculosis incidence is seasonal, with peaks occurring every spring and summer. The reasons for this are unclear, but may be related to vitamin D deficiency during the winter.
There are also studies linking tuberculosis to different weather conditions like low temperature, low humidity and low rainfall. It has been suggested that tuberculosis incidence rates may be connected to climate change. Extreme heat episode, therefore can pose a public health risk. This is a global phenomenon.
Elimination therapy
During the heat of summer, it's best to swim and do gentle yoga
         Application of Heena (मेहंदी), to eliminate excess heat from the body.
         Pranayama- Sheetali and shitali.
         Chandra Bhedi pranayama- breathing  from left nostril.
         Mudpack made of fuller earth (मूलतानी  मिट्टी) has cooling properly.
         Sandalwood paste is soothing brings down the temperature of fever. 
     Sleeping on right side keeps the body cool. Sleep on your right side to open your left nostril, which corresponds to the ida nadi, the subtle energy channel that corresponds to the cooling moon.
         Application of Chandana pastes over the body
       Neem is a natural cleanser and blood purifier. Neem paste can be applied on hot and sweaty areas. 
         Aloe Vera (Burn plant) its gel used for local application as well as for taking orally. It removes the heat from the body and helps cool down. Apply Aloe Vera paste on sunburns or tan. 
         Calamine lotion is also soothing for skin.
         Egg white is also a good remedy for burns (only for local application). 
         Moon bathing 
        Coconut oil is cooling and soothing. 
         Gulab Jal or rose water
●   To activate Chandra Nadi : One tip to protect your self  from the scorching heat in this summer. Close the  right ear with small ball of cotton before leaving the house. In a few minutes the left nostril will become more active and since it is the Chandra nadi it will keep you cool from within, You will be saved from heat stroke, high BP, Pitta, migraine and other problems caused by the heat. 

         Shatavari, Triphala 
To boost immunity 
a. Take Terminalia chebula (हरड) + Jaggery (गुड) as tonic in summer season.
b. Amla murabba, amla powder.
c. Gulkand Rose petal preserve
d. Shatavari, Triphala  
                                                         SEASON PITTA SUMMER HOT

When the season changes to summer, the hot rays of the sun captures the waters of earth and alter the composition of substances, sweet, cold, liquid and fatty food and drinks are than appropriate. To prevent disorders, a diet consisting of dairy products and rice, and cold and sweet drinks are advised. Physical exertion, wine in large quantities and salted, sour, pungent and hot food are better avoided. Asleep in a cool interior of the house during the day and on the roof cooled by moon's rays during the night are pleasant.
To enjoy the breeze from a fan dipped in sandal water and to wear jewels on the hand add to the "joie de vivre". When summer heat advances, one should walk in the forest, besides lakes and rivers and enjoy flowers in boom. Sexual intercourse is inappropriate at this time because of body weakness.
Watch what you eat
Rising temperature and humidity level encourage the breeding of microbes. Moreover your body also needs cooling and soothing foods
Avoid outside uncovered and uncooked food specially roadside food.
Consume more salads and fresh seasonal fruits that have a cooling effect on the body.
The body dehydrates faster in summer, so consume more water, buttermilk, lemon juice and fresh fruit juice.
Acid reflex and heartburn
These are common problems.
Avoid late night dinners and control the consumption of spicy food.
Coconut water, basil tea, ginger water etc. can help reduce acidity.
Don't forget to exercise.
Skin and hair in summer season
Exfoliate at least twice a week
Do no forget to moisturize 
Go with as little make up  as possible.
The skin turns 'moody' in summer due to the fluctuating humidity so do use rose water.
Wash your hair at least twice or thrice a week
Avoid using hair dryer and other styling products.
Always keep your hair clasped loosely


Mudras or Hand Gestures

Varuna Mudra 

Vyana Mudra

Summer Diet
The intense heat during season absorbs all moisture and oil.Temperature shoots up increasing dryness and dullness in the body. The diet should contain light, oily easily digestible cold and liquid food. Milk , butter milk, coconut water vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes, onions, drum stick, banana (unripe) curry, white pumpkin, mint, lemon, pulses like masoor, green gram,fruits like mango, orange , grapes, water melon, musk melon with the warm food is an ideal diet. Prolonged refrigeration and reheating is to be avoided.
         A light diet including fruits and juices
     Cooling food: Or Pitta pacifying food: fennel, coriander, jeera, cardamom, green leafy vegetables, coconut cucumber, water melon, dairy product-- yogurt, milk. ghee, green salads, parsley,  sprouts.
         Grains Rice, Barley, Wheat   
         Try steamed asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprout and cucumber raita. Khichdi made of basmati rice and moong dal, with a little ghee and grated coconut makes a delicious light meal.
         Taste- sweet, bitter and astringent are pitta pacifying taste.
         Kattu (कटु) tastes are more powerful and hence can be included in the diet in this season.
     Seasonal fruits- litchi, mangoes, watermelon, muskmelon, pears, apple,  pineapple, plums, prunes, Lemon, berries, phalsa, Grapes, water chestnut (सिंघाड़ा) and coconut (keep in mind that all fruits consumed in summer should be ripe and sweet).
         Seasonal vegetables Chaulai ka saag, tinda, okra, arbi, torai, bottle gourd, snake gourd (परवल), cauliflower, unripen mango.
    Salads- onion, tomatoes, cucumber, beet, carrot, lettuce, oregano, cooling leaves (mint, coriander), lime
         Vegetable Juices good for controlling excessive thirst 
         ChutneyCoriander/ mint chutneys keep Vata and pitta in imbalance, Coconut chutney 
         Cereals boiled riceWheat, barley, oats, sweet corn
         Light Pulses- Green gram (मूंगदाल), roasted pulses as oil has to be avoided.
     Dairy- Ghee (clarified butter), milk, (cow or buffalo), yoghurt, lassi with added sugar, Piyush (cow's colostrum), shrikhandरबडी़
        Spices More of cumin, fennel and coriander seeds or powder, mint, cardamom, only use rock salt.

●      Sweet -    Jaggery

●         Unctuous - Coconut, flax seeds

*       Food containing more water
         Drink more room temperature water. 
         Beat the heat with the right thirst quenchers
Healthier drinks /food
     Tender Coconut water– It is the most natural drink after regular water to keep yourself hydrated. It re hydrate the body as it comprises processed carbohydrates in the form of electrolyte and sugar, which in turn help balance the water levels in the body. It is a good source of arginine and amino acid that helps the body to response better to stress. Have it fresh on waking up or before workout.

        Lemonade- Possibly the most popular beverage in the world, it helps energize your body as well as kills your thirst. It is an excellent source of vitamin C and helps in improving digestion, cleanses your body, and reduce the risk of experiencing heartburn or bloating.  lemon soda can be another option for drink.

       Lassi -  It can be sweet or salted  The beverage is traditionally served in earthen clay pots or ‘matkas' which aid in providing the instant coolness that is associated with the drink. This smoothie-like drink is made from yogurt and boost of a creamy texture. It is sweet in flavor,  but can also be enjoyed in a savory form. It is an excellent digestive and helps in energizing the body as well.

         Sugarcane juice-  Ganne ka ras : For a shot of energy. With rock salt, mint leaves,  lemon and ginger juice. Perfect to beat the summer time heat, it also serves as an energy drink. . The sugar molecules found in sugarcane are unique in combination with flavones they form glycosides, making it anti-inflammatory, alkaline and your ultimate detox dose. It can expedite the toxin clearance from the body by supporting the liver and kidneys.  It is loaded with carbohydrates, proteins and minerals. It has 57 calories per 100 ml. It has vitamin A, B- 12 ,C, iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. 

    Water Melon Its high water content can help you escape dehydration. while
       maintaining the electrolyte balance. Being low in its glycemic load, it can satisfy your
       sweet craving without shooting the blood sugar level. It can reduce muscle soreness.
     Green raw mango drink (आम पनाA very popular drink during summers in North India. This nourishing drink is made up of green unripe mangoes boiled. 4 raw mangoes, 1 tbsp cumin seeds roasted, cardamom powder, Hing a pinch, mint leaves 20 in number, black salt, salt, sugar, pepper powder. Serve cold with ice. This drink reduces the effect of sunstroke in summer and has a cooling effect.
    Musk Melon drink- This is mouth watering and quenches thirst keeps you cool and replenishes all essential salts and nutrients that get drained out during summer. It is made with tamarind and Jaggery.

     Mint  made of pudina (mint), lemon, rock salt (Kala namak) and honey.  It keeps the stomach cool. This iron rich herb can boost immunity and has an anti allergic effect. It helps in relieving stomach cramps and acidity. It prevents nausea and bad breath and has a soothing effect on change of season, allergies, asthma and cold as it clears congestion. One can also relish as chutney.
         Milkshakes, mango shake

   Cucumber The crunchy vegetable is extremely cooling and full of fiber and water content.It can help restore digestive health. The B vitamin present in cucumber buffer damaging effects of stress and lignans help in reducing inflammation. When used locally good for dark circles.Best eaten as salad before lunch time.

    Sabja Seeds or Sweet basil seeds drink The Indian cousin of Chia seeds is a sweet Basil or Tulsi seed is commonly known as Sabja. Prepare lemon juice and add a spoonful of sweet basil seeds (Sabja seeds). After the seeds swell, stir well and drink it. (soda can be added to it optional). It serves as a cooling drink. It has cooling effect on body. They help in stabilizing appetite and increasing metabolism. Soak for at least 2-3 hours and consume once it turn into a gel. Add to your smoothie or coconut water or lemon sharbet.

         Vetiver Drinkख़सशरबत

    Buttermilk (छाछ/तक्र) A perfect digestive. It contain a skimmed milky liquid that's
flavored with cumin and rock salt. It's good for digestion in summer. It is a yogurt based
drink, but its particularly salty.

“Leave Cola, Drink Buttermilk”


No Indian meal can be considered complete without a glass of buttermilk. Be it “Chaas” in Gujarat, Mattha in UP, lassi in (sweetened version) in Punjab or ‘majjigae’in Karnataka. Ingredients: Dry ginger, black pepper, salt, cumin seeds, asafetida and buttermilk.

  Thandai   or shardai, is an Indian cold drink prepared with a mixture of almonds, fennel seeds, watermelon kernels, rose petals, pepper, vetiver seeds, cardamom, saffron, milk and sugar.
      Wood Apple drink (कविट / कैथ फल It is prepared with Jaggery and cardamom. It is cooling and thirst  quenching too. This drink has a very striking flavour and fragrance. It can be eaten as chutney also.

      Golden Apple Drink (बेलशरबत) Beal juice Aegle marmelos  This energizing and cooling thirst  quencher gives instant relief from the heat. It is known to be a herbal drug that can stabilize increased blood sugar, triglycerides, cholesterol and blood pressure. The anti-microbial anti fungal properties strengthen the immune system warding off the snifflies. Enjoy a glass of fresh bael juice mid-morning. Fitness Drink  It cools the body. It is made from fruit  bel pulp and sugar. Its quite popular in Delhi. Be it a acidity, indigestion or intestinal parasites, this fruit's antidote nature will help you combat all. Ripe fruit pulp is an excellent laxative. Ripe fruit are also good for heart and brain,   Take a ripe Bael fruit (outer rind of the fruits turning green to yellow is the indication for ripening) and collect its gummy pulp by breaking it. Mesh this pulp in 2 liters of drinking water and eliminate the seeds. Squeeze juice of the pulp, and discard the squeezed pulp. Strain it well. Add sugar to taste and ice cubes for chilling. Drink it in transparent glass , as the color of the sherbet is also awesome! Yummy-Yummy tasty bael sherbet is ready.


     Phalsa sharbat (फालसा शरबत) cooling berry - Soak a handful of phalsa fruits in water for half an hour. Crush, strain mix with sugar, black salt, water and serve chilled. Garnish with a mint leave. This is a popular exotic drink in North India.

         Palm nectar (Neera)
  Kokam Sharbat Garcinia (कोकमशरबतTraditionally it is used to treat inflammatory ailments and bowel complaints. It is cooling and aids in digestion and can ward off heart burn. It helps in controlling cholesterol and keeping the weight in check. Have it as a sherbat.

     Solkadi (सोलकढीं) It is made with coconut milk and kokum paste. Added to it green chilies, garlic flakes, ginger, cumin, coriander leaves, salt to taste and water as required. It is usually eaten with rice. Popular in Goa.
         Jaljeera  A cooling drink to relish in summer.

     Barley Sattu A coolant  when mixed with Bengal gram flour. It makes plant based gluten free natural protein supplement. It is high in insoluble fiber that makes it good for your intestines, and is low on hypoglycemic index making it good for diabetics.  A power-packed energizer. Barley helps in promoting growth of good bacteria in colon. Drinking barley water is also good for water retention. Barley can be eaten as khichdi mixed with dal or simply barley lemon water.

         Tamarind drinks It's pulp mixed with Jaggery water and cardamom
         Rose sharbat - Roohafza (रूहअफ़जा)
 Gulkand  It has a cooling effect while banishing all heat related problems like tiredness, lethargy, itching, aches and pain. It also reduces acidity, help in treating ulcers and swelling in the intestine. Having 2 spoonful of Gulkand before venturing outdoors can prevent sunstroke, nosebleed and foul body odor. it is made up of Rose petals.

         Fruit Juices like orange, sweet lime, pineapple, mango, litchi etc.
       Beetroot. Cucumber & Amla Cooler
Amla, Beetroot, cucumber

  • Beetroot and Amla cooler : Wash 50 gram beetroot and trim it from the top. Boil it until it is tender. Rinse it with cold water thoroughly. Peel its skin and chop it. Blend 10 gms cucumber, 5 gms ginger, 10 gm Amla and 5 gm  mint with chopped beetroot. Pour the puree through a fine strainer into a bowl. Add 1gm salt, 1 gm cumin powder, 2 gm Maple syrup, 5 ml lemon juice and water.. Serve it with edible flowers. Pitta flowers. Pitta dosha flavours bitter and astringent tastes, which are cooling and refreshing in nature. Raw beetroot provokes pitta. but cooked beetroot pacifies it. It transforms the starch into  sugar making it cool in nature. It also cleans the blood, nourishes the liver.Improves eye sight and is good for Anemia. Amla has a soothing effect on the pitta body type.
  • Basil seed and coconut pudding with apple and almond custard : Mix together 5o gm soaked Basil seeds, 100 gm coconut milk and 5o gm apple custard with some of desiccated  coconut. Refrigerate the mixture for 30-60 minutes. Once thickened pour it into a bowl or glass. Garnish it with fresh cut fruits, 5 gm toasted almond,  and desiccated coconut each.
  • Pitta in summer is at an all time high. To calm the fire within or outside, load your diet with cooling sweet astringent foods. Good fat can be consumed in moderation as our gut fire is capable of digesting just about anything right now. This coconut custard apple and basil seed pudding contains all good fats from coconut milk has sweetness and astringency from custard apple and provides an ample amount of hydration from basil seeds of Sabja. It is the perfect summer breakfast.
"Cool as a cucumber"
         Fruits: Discard if they are sour or unripe
         Avoid spicy, oily, fast and fried and acidic good.
         Avoid roadside juices (ice in sugarcane juice) 
          Avoid sour fruits, citrus fruits, sour cream, cheese, dark meats, et al that produce heat in the body
●      Curd should not be eaten in summer.
         Avoid tobacco 
   Restrict Curd (sour) as it is hot in potency, people who have the problems of acidity and hyperacidity. 
         Avoid outside uncovered food especially roadside, cut fruit from the market
         Avoid Heavy diet
         Warming and heavy food like ghee, oil, fried, Rabri, malai, jalebi
         Dry ginger, chilly, pippali asafoetida, mustard
         Dry fruits cashew nut, walnut, groundnut
         Restrict non-vegetarian food
         Restrict Carbonated drinks 
         Caffeine- Tea, coffee as it loses water from the body due to urination.
         Wine, alcohol in large quantity
         Taste- pungent, sour to be avoided.
         Sour and salty foods.
     Heavy and warm food: Black gram ( उडद ), Mustard oil and mustard leaves in cooking (very heating)
         Hot potency food: chilies, garlic, ginger, asafetida,  mustard, spices, pickles, peanuts, meat.
         Papaya, pineapple (very heating)
         Eggplant (baingan), garlic- minimize or at least cooked in ghee 
         Fermented foods
"During Summers, Rains and Autumns, the time limit of exercise should be further reduced as these are the seasons of Vayu aggravation."

Moon Salutation is more appropriate during summer than Sun salutation

         Getting up early in the morning
         Morning walk
         Modest physical activity. Extreme  exercise are hard work is to be evaded.
         Day sleep is advised during the summer. A short afternoon nap is rejuvenating.
       Stay hydrated  The body dehydrates faster in summer so drink lots of water to avoid dehydration. It is important to drink salt or an electrolyte solution along with sufficient water.
         Try to stay indoors in a cool place
         Protect yourself with sunscreen, hat, goggles and umbrella.
         During this Ritu, eat home cooked food, stay at home and relax.
         Swimming/ Bathe in cold water
      Wear light lose fitting light colored cotton or khadi clothes, which breathe and do not trap the heat.
         Covering the head with a wet towel if out in sun.
         Sipping water regularly
         Enjoy cold breeze

●     Moisturize daily

    Remaining in cool spots, applying sandalwood paste and other aromatic paste over the body.

       Wearing light dresses.

    Remaining in cool spots, applying sandalwood paste and other aromatic paste over the body.
       Wearing light dresses.
         Avoid exposure to direct sun rays in peak hours 1 pm - 5 pm
         Avoid too many exercises and exertion. Heavy outdoor activity is not advised 
         Add boiled Neem leaves to bathing water to prevent skin infections
         Avoid controlling thirst
         Avoid intake of sour, pungent, hot, deep fried items and flour of wheat and grains ( बेसन + मैदा )
         Awake late night
         Tea, coffee and alcohol
         Hot spicy food
         During this Ritu, eat home cooked food, stay at home, relax and be among children.
         Wine in large quantity
         Do not drink cold water immediately after one has come from outside (hot weather), is harmful
         The exercise which leads to lots of sweating is to be done sparingly
         Avoid Anger


Cooling Pranayama
* Sheetali Pranayama


              Apart from keeping the body cool, regular practice of Sheetali Pranayama reduces
        hypertension and hyper- acidity. It is calming to mind. Sheetali is ideally practiced in summer months to cool the body and refresh the mind. It should be practiced only on empty stomach.
To practice Sheetali, first sit on a ground or on the chair  depending on your comfort. Now fold the tongue like a crow's beak and slightly protrude the tongue outside.. The folded tongue leaves the hole in between. Place your palm on your knees. Close your eyes, inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nostrils.  This is one breath. Continue the practice. Inhale from the mouth and exhale from the nostrils. up to five times. The body cools with great intensity and it is immediate.
Practice of Sheetali helps tighten the gums and reduce ailments concerning the teeth. Condition like bleeding gums, smelly gums etc.

*  Shitkari Pranayama

Sit in a comfortable place, either on a mat spread on the ground or on a chair. Place the tongue between the two rows of teeth and open the mouth wide. Now close your eyes and breath in through the mouth and out of the nostrils. While breathing in , the air rushes in through the sides of the mouth, between the two rows of teeth. Perform this practice up to five times.

Heat Stroke
Signs of dehydration and exhaustion.
Mild cramping in muscle could be due to an electrolyte imbalance, 
Stop working out if you experience unusual weakness, dizziness,  headache, light-headedness
Confusion / disorientation, nausea or vomiting.
Paling of skin, Absence of sweating
Difficulty breathing
Rapid heart beat, and 
High body temperature

Heat Exhaustion
Drink 1 glass (250 ml) of coconut water or grape juice. Take 2-3 pieces of dates and cook them with 1 glass of milk or water. Eat the dates and drink the milk or water. It is also good to blend them in a mixture before taking. The drink is very good and gives instant energy.


* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.


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