Rainy season or Monsoon वर्षाऋतु (श्रावण- भाद्रपद)

                         Rainy Season

(Monsoon, Wet Season, Green Seasonवर्षा ऋतू )   

                                                (15 July to 15 - Sept) 
                                                       श्रावण और भाद्रपद

                                                    Temp - 19 - 25 degrees Celsius

                                           (Rain, Varsha, बरसातबरखावृष्टीबारिशपाऊस, bhishti)
                                        The Season Of Maladies or Sick leave season
Season of Acidity, Aches and Pain”
                                                                               VATA PRAKOPA
                                                                   Air element in a excited form
What a relief from a scorching summer ! Cool whether and earthly smell ! During this season, the sky is cloudy and rains happen with or without thunderstorms. The lakes and rivers are filled with water. Time for the nature to quench its thirst ! Time to take out our raincoats and umbrellas ! Time for a cup of hot tea and mouth watering pakoras made of onion, chilies potatoes and many other vegetables.

One of the most awaited seasons in India is the Monsoon.  The rains come as a welcome respite after the scorching Indian summers.  It is a season of regeneration. From sowing to greening the field, monsoon plays an important role. It brings down the temperature and makes the land fertile again. But there is, as always, a flip side. Monsoon also increases the chances of infections with a rise in cases of gastrointestinal infections and fever. This is when the earth and creatures regain their energy that is lost during the previous seasons. Syncing our energies to that of nature. We are the guests and our planet and its elements are our hosts. The universe doesn’t move according to our preferences rather we have to continuously make changes to tune ourselves to the elements around us.

                                                                "RAIN PAIN GO AWAY"

Heavy winds blow and uproot the trees; vegetation springs up covering the earth like carpet; the rivers open up like ocean; the lakes and ponds look graceful with blossomed white and blue lotus; sky is bright blue in colour; clouds move slowly hiding the sun behind.

                                               Witness peacock during monsoon

Be it the ancient Vedas or classical Sanskrit text such as Kalidas's Meghdoot and Ritusamhar, there are ample references to Rainy season or Varsha Ritu, 'the season of Rains'. The first chaste encounter of cool water and hot earth, grey sky and parched land, preceded by damp masses of  moisture laden clouds scudding across the skies, bringing darkness at noon and followed by days upon days of uninterrupted deluge. Rainy season is associated with dancing peacocks, croaking frogs, the fragrance of Kadamba. Ghewar a sweet is a festival favourite.

Croaking Frog

Kadamb tree
                                                                "Go bitter in Rains."

Immunity level suffer a setback during monsoon and it becomes really difficult to digest food. Then there is a risk of all skin  and stomach infections. According to Ayurveda  bitter foods are a great combat material for rain toxins. They neutralize Pitta dosha help in digestion and have antibacterial properties, so chew on these.


Apart from higher amount of humidity in air leads to a lack of ojas (also known as lack of vital fluid) and the lack of oxygen in the air can also cause people to suffer from common elements like breathlessness, and weakness.

Water Lily

Rains while welcome, were noted to perturb humors (dosas). There is no denying that we love the monsoon and the blessed coolness it brings with it. But there is also no denying that  continuous rain is responsible for many problems. To fully enjoy this season, we must take a few precautions against illness like intestinal infections, malaria, cough, cold and viral infections, insect bites and fungal infections. Here's how...

                                                                   "Season of Fasting"

But what might surprise many of us (and disappoint us too !!) is that eating fried items in rainy season is not advisable at all. Why ? In summers, our body is heated up  and light and the immediate onset of the rains makes our body  cool and heavy. Air element (Vaata) is in its excited form (prokopa) state. We tend to become lazy and lethargic. Our digestive capacity is at its lowest. And as we all know, fried items are too heavy to digest. If you want to enjoy showers tread with caution 

It is the first season of (विसर्ग काल, Visarga kal). After the intense heat of summer (Sun Strokes),The nature all around is green. Atmosphere is full of moisture. Humidity is at its peak when there are no rain and sun is shining. It is very hot. Air and water both are polluted. The taste of water, smell and its colour changes. The gas is emited from the earth with the sprinkling of rain and there is increased in the quantity of acid in water.

Immunity levels suffer a setback during monsoon and it becomes really difficult to digest food. Then there is a risk of all kinds of skin and stomach infections. According to Ayurveda bitter foods are great combat material for rain toxins. They neutralize pitta dosha, help in digestion and have anti-bacterial properties. so chew on these...
                                                      "GO BITTER IN RAINS."
The Rainy Season begins in India when the South West Monsoon winds begin to blow over this country. It comes as a great relief to the world suffering from excessive heat scorching rays of the sun. The weather is damp and moist, a perfect condition to promote the growth of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. Humans are host to these numerous deadly organism which can potentially destabilize the routine during monsoon.

Effect on body
According to Ayurveda
Vata Air + Space  element (Vata) is vitiated in monsoon season. Vata is a dry cold energy which affects the movement. It gets disturbed by suppression of natural urges, fasting, excessive vomiting, and purgation, exhaustion from physical labor. Due to air (Vata), it causes gas in stomach, distention of abdomen.This vata dosha and the acidity in the atmosphere  causes bad effect on digestion.  Vata dosha  which is accumulated in summer month  is vitiated in rainy season, due to the accumulation of AMA (toxins in the body), It causes diarrhea, dysentery and give rise to other intestinal disorders.. When these toxins or Ama  is absorbed by intestines, it causes Rheumatoid Arthritis or Gathia / गठिया , high BP and vata Rakta (Gout).

Pitta Fire + Water element. Monsoon is a time for aggravated pitta (also known as the fire element). This is due to the acidic conditions in the atmosphere which increases the susceptibility of diseases and reduces the digestive processes in the body. This in turn leads to a loss of appetite due to the sluggish digestive system. hair loss, skin infections. All these occurs due to accumulation of pitta. Pitta is one of the three main elements that govern the working of our body, and is responsible for metabolism and digestion of food. Due to higher amount of pitta in the body one's digestion becomes sluggish and can lead to several problems like indigestion hyperacidity skin disorders like (boils, eczema, rashes) hair loss and infections. Due to polluted water there are rashes in the body (Pitta), boils, abscess, eczema, itching, fungal infection, and other skin infections are common in this season.

Kapha  Water + Earth element. Because of  moisture (नमी), kapha dosha in the body increases. People prone to cough and cold should therefore be extra careful about their food during monsoons. Due to the high humidity, the body does not naturally lose water as it does in summer, as a result, a lot of people may experience water retention and  swelling, which can be quite bothersome. We can utilize the rainy season for healing, balancing and relaxing the mind and body.

According to Ayurveda 
Monsoon is the time when the digestive system weakens and affects two energy systems : vata and pitta. These basically leads to the following:
  • Low digestive strength
  • Low immunity (Ojas)
  • Low vitality
  • It's Raining Pain, for some people the monsoon means a rise in body aches. The body and its power of digestion weaken during the heat of summer. The weakness of digestion spills over into the (following) season of monsoon when vata related disorders also assail the body.
Vata imbalance can lead to  indigestion, body pain, headache and gaseous distension.
A pitta imbalance can lead to fungal infections, urinary tract infections, skin infections and throat infections. 
But there is no reason to panic. Just protect yourself well. enjoy the rains.   

This is the season when body becomes weak and the body's energy or ojas level are low. The rainy season is the time, when the pitta (fire in the body) has been weakened by the  summer.. The rainy season unbalances this pitta due to high vata in the atmosphere. The pitta imbalance can spread to the rest of the body, if not taken care of.

During this season one can heal and balance the vitiated doshas by correct treatment, nutrition and therapies which invigorate and strengthen the body. 
Life in Accord with the Seasons
Life on earth is controlled by the movement of sun. Life event would suggest that time, seasons and three bodily components (the essence of digested food, dosha and strength) are governed, in the final analysis, by the sun, wind and moon.

Time measured as the year has six seasons, Sisira, vasanta and grishma characterize the summer solstice when the sun progresses to the north of the equator, and brings about the period of drawing up (adana). The rest of the year consist of varsha, sarat and hemanta which coincide with the winter solstice when the sun moves south of the equator. This period witnesses the (visarga) release of whatever was drawn up earlier. During adana, the sun draws moisture through hot and rough winds and progresses increase the quality of roughness in substances as it progresses from sisira to grisma. The consequence of this drying and roughening process is the augmentation of taste (rasas) - bitter (tikta), astringent (kashaya) and pungent (Katu) - which share the quality of roughness, and an decrease in body strength.

In contrast, the sun's power is lessen during the southward course by the cloud, winds and rain during varsha, sarat, and hemanta. The heavenly shower cool the earth, the moon gains ascendancy and the rasas - sour (amla)salty (lavana)sweet (madhur) - which have the opposite of rough quality of dominate. As a result, the body gains in strength. 

Thus the season are marked by fluctuation of in strength. During adana, the body strength is highest in sisira, medium in vasanta and lowest in grishma. During visarga or release, it is the highest in hemanta, medium in sarat and lowest in varsha.



                                              THE SICK LEAVE SEASON


Infections: Viral, fungal, bacterial, parasitic.

Urinary tract infection.
Skin problems   Swelling. Itching. Skin infections are quite common in this season :  Ringworm, Tinea curries (fungal infection due to excessive  sweating)
Eye :Conjunctivitis.
Hair Dry hairs.

Water retentionSwelling, High BP

 Weakness, blood disorder,
Seasonal Fevers :
Earlier peak mosquito breeding would take place, in September and October. The transmission period
increased due to global warming. Antibiotics and pain medicines must be avoided. People must
continue to take preventive measures.If the fever doesn't reduce in 2-3 days. People should only take
Paracetamol to control fever. Tab Paracetamol 500 mg.
Respiratory Viral illness
Respiratory infections : Cold, cough and Upper respiratory infections. Viral Fever, sneezing, running
nose, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Worm infestation. Respiratory ailment including H1N1, tend to witness a
rise around Monsoon. along with Seasonal Flu.
Throat infections. Majority of viral illnesses are water and air borne. Rhinoviruses,
influenza, Chickengunya,
Swine flu. and dengue are on rise.The humidity in monsoon accounts for a higher transmission of
respiratory viral illnesses like influenza. It also allows for the growth of molds and mites. Allergies
tends to exasperate during these months.  
Dengue Dengue cases are found in October and November. So people must be careful and check
for mosquito breeding in the house. and neighborhoods. Prevalence of Serotype 2 Dengue
virus associated with a higher  risk of severe disease, most people are not showing severe symptoms..
Although we see cases wherein the platelet count goes down to 15,000 to 25,000 but even these
patients have been recovering on their own with symptomatic management. They do not need
platelets and they are not suffering from internal bleeding. A human body's normal platelet count is
150,000 to 450,000. Symptoms :Fever, body ache, nausea, rash, (bleeding under the skin), low
platelet count, pain behind the eyes.Transmission Bite of Aegypti  mosquito that breed in clean
stagnant water.Danger Signs: Vomiting three times a day or more, bleeding from nose, or gums
in vomit or stool.
Seasonal Flu Symptoms Fever, cough, throat, runny or stuffy nose, headache, body
ache. Transmission Droplet emitted by  an infected person when they cough or sneeze. Danger
Signs Shortness of breath, persistent dizziness, or confusion severe weakness or unsteadiness.

Vector (mosquito)  born infections (July to September)
Rain water stagnating in puddles, pots or at construction sites becomes a breeding ground for
mosquitoes. Disease like Malaria and dengue therefore peak during this period. Wading through
flooded streets puts people at risk of Leptospirosis which is spread through bacteria infected water
mixed with urine and feces of rats.
Scrub Typhus Its a bacterial disease. that is transmitted by mites. Symptoms
Fever, chills, headache, body ache, and scrub like area at the site of bite. Generally seen in rainy
season. This is because of the huge construction sites that have scrubs where the mites that transmits
the disease breed.
Water and Foodborne (Gastrointestinal)
 Stomach infections, : Indigestion, gastroenteritis,  vomiting, gaseous distension, diarrhea,
dysentery, jaundice, typhoid, cholera. Contaminated water is another risk factor during monsoon.
Drinking such water or washing fruits
and vegetables with it can make one sick. It can lead to diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, and jaundice.
Typhoid Symptoms High fever, body ache, lethargy, diarrhea, poor appetite, abdominal pain.
Transmission Through contaminated food and water. Danger Signs Persistent vomiting several
times a day , swollen stomach.
Skin Infections
Contaminated skin infection like scalp infection, fungal dermatitis and conjunctivitis are also
common in this season.
Dehydration : Dur to increase in humidity. Low BP.
  • Tips to beat SEASONAL INFLUENZA  (FLU)
#      Main symptoms - Sore throat, severe cough, high grade fever 102 degrees Fahrenheit or above, bodyache, runny nose, and chest infection. Pollution only makes the symptom worse, as people tends to develop secondary bacterial infections that need a course of antibiotics and take longer to treat. 
#       Normally 3-5 days is enough time to recover sometimes 10 days to two weeks. Symptoms are self limiting and do not require medicines.
#      Symptomatic treatment is advised and warn against using antibiotics till the disease is limited to the  upper respiratory tract.
#      Antipyretic for fever and decongestant drugs.
#     At Risk (young children upto 5 years), elderly above 60 years)  those with lower immunity, , such as diabetic, hypertensive etc.
#        Precautions - Avoid exposure to cold air.
#       To keep body well hydrated as fever tends to dehydrate the body..
#        Avoid early morning or late evening walks as temperature is colder during  that time.
#        Keep as warm as possible. It's still not a weather to ditch light woolens.
#        Use warm water for bathing and washing
#        Avoid chilled drinks .
#         Drink lukewarm fluids that helps in clearing the chest congestion instead.
Other warm fluids  such as soups, herbal tea etc
#       Maintain hand hygiene. Wash hands frequently or use an acid based hand sanitizer.
#       Cough  Etiquettes- Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing.
#       Don't use handkerchief. Use a tissue and discard after each use.

#     Waterborne infections tends to peak during the rainy season. That's because all bacteria and viruses  become super active thanks to the elixir of life-water. As the population of bacteria, viruses and pests increases, they contaminate water supplies. So it's especially important in this season to use a good quality filtration process. Also, carry your own water with you to the office and make sure your children have water bottles too and ensure that the drinking water tanks and outlets at work, at your children school, and at home are regularly checked for dead pests and cleaned.
#     Avoid streat food for two reasons. One, this is already a season when bacteria and viruses are overactive and water outside the home is suspect. Two : Because the vendors themselves are vulnerable to catching and spreading infection.
#     Raise your level of immunity by consuming vitamin B & C. Good source of vitamin C are citrus fruits, guava, amla etc. And vitamin B are fruits  plus whole grains unpolished rice and vegetables. But cut down on raw salads as they may cause infections.
#      Be careful about milk and all milk based products. In this season, the chances of contamination through dairy products is very high. Deadly infections can result from contaminated milk and lassi.
  • Makes us prone to COUGH, COLD AND INFECTIONS


#    Avoid sour food items like pickles, chutneys and sour drinks, as these predispose the throat and tonsils to infections.
#     Avoid refrigerated water and icy cold drinks. 
#     Do not eat processed cheese and fried foods as they clog the digestive channels and block the upper respiratory tract.
#    Consume warm drinks such as tea with ginger and tulsi and warm soups with pepper, garlic and ginger or galangal.   
#      Change into dry clothes immediately if you get wet.
#      Consume vegetables like karela, neem and methi leaves.
#      Take a herb called guduchi, which not only improves immunity, but also brings down fever.
#    Drinking a decoction of dhania and tulsi leaves, boiled in water, is a good remedy for  upper respiratory tract infection.
#      Crush and juice upto four Papaya leaves, and drink two teaspoonful of this juice thrice a day with  water to improve immunity, heal fever and infections.
#       Add honey to a Tulsi and black pepper decoction, drink if you have fever, cough, and cold.
#       Eat fruit rich in vit C such as papaya, amla and citrus fruits.
If you have a fever, sponge yourself with tepid water, and take steam with peppermint oil.

#        To avoid mosquito bites, use an anti-mosquito cream. (Odomos) or odomos patch for children.
#     Use aromatherapy oils like Eucalptus and lemongrass to keep insects away from home, and therefore avoid insect bites.
#        Use mosquito net.
For some people, the Monsoon means a rise in body aches.
Most people love the relief that monsoon brings from summer, but some poor souls find themselves besieged by aches and pains. These could be pain  in the joints, increased stiffness and feeling of pain in old injuries. Increased pain  are due to the drop in the atmospheric pressure. Due to which the fluids in the body swells, causing pain symptoms. It is also  thought rainy weather  pains as psychosomatic. Ayurveda describes the rainy season as the  time when two kinds of energies work together negatively.  Vata energy, which causes movements and also body pains and gas formation, increases, while digestive energy decreases, leading to higher chances of indigestion. Her's what you could do to avoid this :
#      Avoid gas forming foods like Kabuli channa, rajma, lobia, urad dal, beans, green vegetables, sprouts, cabbage, potato, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, arbi, etc.
#          Take easily digestible food like guard vegetables : Tinda, torai, lauki, karela..
#          Avoid food like curd, sweets, rice, pickle, tomato ketchup, brinjal and sour drinks.
#          Reduce joint pain and inflammation with this ginger and honey drink. Crush some ginger. Boil it in three cups of water, till its reduce to two cups, and add a teaspoon of honey. Drink it warm twice a day.
#          Add Garlic to your food. Garlic is anti-inflammatory
#         Drink Turmeric milk. Add a pinch of turmeric to  boiling milk. Consume just before bed time.
#          Warm Sesame seeds (til) or oil and massage the knee joint.
#         Exercise is essential in this season to avoid joints pains. If you can't exercise outdoor, do yoga or join a gym.
#          Garlic, methi dana, dry ginger good for pain.

  • For Aches in BONES AND MUSCLES
#      Add a few drops of peppermint oil to warm til oil and massage.
#      A hot fomentation is particularly useful in this season
#      Avoid salt in your dinner on particularly painful days
#    Ensure you have a calcium rich rich diet. Seeds (til, sunflower, flax seeds) and nuts are rich in calcium and so is paneer.
#       If the pain is severe, check your vitamin D levels.
#       Avoid using Air conditioner continuously as it aggravate body pain.
  • If you are DIABETIC
#   You must take care of your feet, as diabetes tends to suffer from nerve damage and poor blood flow. These affects their feet adversely.
#     Do not walk outside barefoot because a variety of  worms and insects can infect your feet.
#    Remember to wash and dry your feet, and apply anti fungal powder, before wearing your shoes.      #     Diabetics must avoid tight or ill fitting shoes.
#     An oil massage is helpful.
  • If you are ASTHMATIC
#       During monsoon, avoid curd, pickles and heavy foods at night.
#       Practice Pranayama everyday and walk regularly.
#       Avoid the growth of moulds and fungi in cupboards and other closed areas. Just scatter neem and betel leaves inside and breath easy.
  • If you have a LIVER DISORDER
#       Eat liver friendly foods like barley, fruit, khichadi, cold soups and coconut water.
#        Avoid alcohol, heavy proteins and fried foods.
  • If you have SENSITIVE SKIN
#       Take green gram and channa powder in equal proportions, mix it with water or milk and wash your face with it , twice a day
#    Make a paste of papaya, honey and milk. Apply on your face. Leave it for 15 minutes, and wash off.
#           Get a weekly body massage with Dhanvantari tel, or mustard. sesame, coconut oil.
#           Exfoliate your skin with  a paste of two tablespoons besan (gram floor) mix with turmeric and raw milk. Apply on your face, leave it  on for  15 minutes and wash off.
#           Should you pick up a fungal growth on your skin, wash the area  with water containing a neem decoction, and also apply neem infused oil on your skin.
#           Massage the skin with olive oil mix with a few drops of neem oil is an excellent tool against skin infections,  
#     Do Vajrasana after dinner. 
#    After dinner lie in supine position. Take breath 8 times. Followed by lie on right side take 16 breaths. Followed by  lie on left side take 32 breaths. By this food will be digested early, and there will be no gaseous distension.
#     Do not eat very hot/ or very cold foods as it hampers digestion.
#     Eat dinner 3 hours before sleeping.
#     After dinner walk a must.
#     Practice vayu mudra.
#     Eat some corn Since digestion gets sluggish, it helps to stick to high fibre foods like corn kernels and corn atta, These are loaded with both soluble and insoluble fibre. 
#    Bet on bitter gourd : This humble gourd's blood purifying properties will help keep infections at bay. Its good digestive agent as it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and keep digestion humming along and constipation a common problem during rains-away. 
#    Raw mangoes prevent constipation too. Loaded with pectin, these keep insulin in check which helps bust monsoon induced lethargy 

#     Keep your scalp clean and dry.
#     Use a good quality conditioner after every shampoo to replenish moisture.
#    Use a hair serum to provide extra hydration.
#     Protect your hair from rain.

For Conjuctivitis or EYE FLU / Pink Eye
#   Conjunctivitis is a highly contagious eye condition that spreads more during the rainy season.. Eye flu cases are on the rise due to monsoons. With good hygiene, one may reduce the risk of catching viral eye infections. Eye hygiene is critical: People tend to get conjunctivitis during monsoon due to high humidity. It can be infective—viral or bacterial. Non-infective conjunctivitis would be allergic. Conjunctivitis usually spreads more in crowded places and if preventive measures are not taken.
# A virus that causes viral pink eye can spread from your nose to your eyes, or you can catch it when someone sneezes or coughs and the droplets come in contact with your eyes. Bacteria cause bacterial pink eye. Usually, the bacteria spreads to your eyes from your respiratory system or skin. You can also catch the bacterial pink eye if you:
#   Many people who get infected don’t know how to quarantine themselves and end up spreading it to others.
# Those infected need to be quarantined at home and their caregivers must be careful. Personal belongings of the infected should not be shared and must be properly sanitised after recovery.
# Symptoms  Watery discharge in eye, congestion, hemorrhages in the superficial layer of the eye. Pain, irritation, redness, blurry vision, sensitivity to light, and swelling of eyelids along with others. Discomfort in the eye.  
#  In case of severe infection, steroids have to be administered to control the inflammation.
#   How it spreads :  It is mostly understood that coming in direct contact with an infected person is the basic form of spread, but that doesn't mean including in the eyes of that person. If a person is infected with such eye flu, it is often advised not to touch the eyes or rub them, as the virus/bacteria can be present on the hands, which we use for doing daily chores. And if not disinfected, it can easily be transferred to another person as the area is contaminated. It can also be transmitted through the air where there is less ventilation.

#   Cold Compress:with ice packs.  In some cases, a cold compress can relieve symptoms of conjunctivitis. Use a clean cloth or ice pack wrapped in a towel and apply it to the affected eye for 5-10 minutes. 
#   The management is through antibiotic eye drops, eye ointments, topical decongestants, lubricants and some oral anti-allergic. 
Precaution : Practice hand hygieneThe first and foremost thing you must do is, wash the hands frequently and avoid touching the eyes with unwashed hands. Avoiding touching one’s eyes and face constantly. Make sure to follow good hygiene practices that include a balanced diet and sufficient sleep. Also make sure that no personal items are shared with any one and that your environment is clean and safe.

Monsoon is when the weather changes from hot and dry to hot and humid, conductive to the growth of  bacteria, viruses and fungi
संचयप्रकोपदमन ,रोक, शांत

"Quiet and leisurely lifestyle is ideal in a monsoon"

Personal hygiene is important in any season, but particularly during the monsoon.
The rainy season is when you are most likely to fall ill. Sometimes there is a spill of sewage on roads. Besides that, the environment conditions favor the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungus in the atmosphere and on the surfaces of many objects.
                                                        "This Monsoon rejuvenate yourself"
  • Clear away any stagnant water in and around your living spaces to lower risk of Dengue and  Malaria infections.
  • Wash your hands with soap and clean water regularly to protect against infections. 
  • Wash your feet when you come indoors. Focus on your feet: Your feet bears the real brunt of monsoon, and are exposed to possible infections. Ensure your feet and footwear are dry as far as possible, to keep infections at bay.
  • Iron all cloth :  Damp cloths can become breeding grounds for fungus when you fold them and put them in your cupboard. Make sure you iron all your clothes before you put them away, to avoid mold. You can also add a few Neem leaves to the water while washing clothes, as a natural mold repellent.
  • Brush your teeth and floss them regularly.
  • Women make sure you're clean during your menstrual cycle.
  • Rubbing the body with towel.
  • Bath & shampoo regularly.
  • Dispose of your garbage properly as it can be hazardous to health and the environment. 
  • Keep a proper check on the water drainage system and try to repair the faults. 
  • Cleaning of overhead water tanks before monsoon
Massage (ABHYANG) (स्नेहन)
  • Massaging the body properly with Sesame oil, mustard oil is advised during this season. It reduces Vaata and increases strength. Massage with Sesame oil. Massage provides physical, mental and emotional benefits. It improves overall well-being and promotes energy and longevity. It improves blood circulation and facilitates the removal of toxins from the tissues. Keep all allergies at bay .
  • Warm oil massages with Sesame oil, mustard oil or Mahanarayana oil before bath
  • Use of ubtan : Neem leaves, besan, rind of pomegranate.
  • Sleep well for better immunity. Try to sleep for uninterrupted 7-8 hours. Lack of sleep can retard  all body functions like digestive and cognitive. Irregular sleeping pattern can result in making you feel tired and reduce your immunity.
  •  By sipping boiled water with dried ginger act as an immunity booster.
  • Immunity Boosters, Home Made Kadha (काढ़ा ) : Consuming home made decoction or  kadha once  a day.. It contains turmeric, tulsi, cloves, ginger, black pepper corn, cinnamon, black cardamom and honey or jaggery.. They help boost immunity and are also anti- inflammatory.

The heavy downpour sometimes won't alow you to go for your favourite run outside, let's find out what you could do to keep the body in motion on such drenched days

  • Exercise in  moderation on regular basis has been scientifically proven to improve immunity. It also gives us improved posture and better muscle strength. 
    Light  exercise or yoga, morning/evening walk is good for health. 
    Do not indulge in excessive  exercise. Vaata is already in excited state. Excessive exercise will aggravate  vaata in the body. It will lead to various elements like body ache, fever, weakness, digestive disorders etc.
  • Jump Rope Skipping : Jumping at a very moderate rate burns 10-16 calories a minute and  it will give you lightness on your feet. It's also great for working the arms and legs along with the rest of the body.
  • Plyometric exercise : These can strengthens the muscles and tendons in your upper and lower  body. Do pump squats. Clap push ups. high speed sit ups, but don't over do it to avoid injuries.
  • Core Training : A strong core prevents lower back pain and improves coordination between upper and lower  body during running. Try a combination of  the following exercises for 30 seconds or more for each side planks, planks, rotational crunches and flutter kicks.
  • Balance Exercises : When struck at home you can do single legged deadlifts, heel to toe walk or vrikshasana. Even slowly walking back and forth inside the house with your eyes closed can become a challenging  move for balance.
  • Static stretching : This can improve stride length for runners. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and repeat three times focusing on  the calves, and front thigh, hip, pectorals (chest, lats) and biceps.
  • At Least 2-3 liters of water everyday. Drinking sufficient water will not only help flush out toxins but maintain a healthy fluid balance. Water is the best solution for many health problems so, try to stay hydrated and carry a water bottle with you whenever you go out. 
  • Boiled water should be consumed to avoid any affliction through water. While boiling the water, dry ginger, or cumin seeds can also be added. Taking this water helps  in easy digestion and also act as carminative.
  • Purification of water should be taken care of. Water should be boiled cooled and consumed.
  • Clean water should be used for bathing to prevent skin infections.

  • For drinking, boil water, suspend alum (Phitkari) in it to remove impurities.
  • Install a good quality water purifier. Also, carry your own water with you to the office.
  • Keep body warm as viruses attack immediately when body temperature goes down. Take bath with warm water to ensure the body temperature stays warm  
  • Hand Sanitizer - your good friend in rainy season.

  •  AntiFungal Powder : Keep the skin, skin folds and spaces between the fingers and toes absolutely dry. Use antifungal powder.
  • Right footwear Wear comfortable open toed footwear which has a firm base.

  • Wear a mask if you have a cough or cold while going out in public.
  • Carry an umbrella and raincoat while going out.
  • Prevent mosquito bite by wearing full sleeves.
  • Wear clean, loose fitting cloth
  • Keep  yourself warm from cool breeze and drizzle. Always wear dry and warm clothes.
  • Living in a dry place protected from rain.
  • Abstinence from drinking cold water.
  • To keep mosquitoes away, spread the fumes of dried neem leaves in the evening at your home. This would keep diseases such as dengue and malaria away.
  • Put screen on windows.
  • Applying Odomos cream, and using good night / mosquito net, mosquito repellent.

  • Children require special care during Monsoon. Their habits and increased contact with the environment make them more susceptible to the micro organism.
  • Reduce outdoor time in the evening as mosquito bites are frequent then.
  • Use mosquito net while sleeping.
  • Use Neem leaves for mosquitoes and housefly. Other things like lobaan, hing and Guggal can be burnt at home  and make fumes of it.
  • Use aromatherapy oils like eucalyptus oils and lemongrass to keep insects away from homes.



  • Mosquito repellant plants: Lemongrass, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Marigolds, Allium, Citronela, catnip, Lantana, camara, Monarda, Ageratum, Lemon  geranium, 
  • Cut your nails regularly as moisture between them will invite infections. 
  • Always wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
  • Avoid eating food from outside.
  • Start your day by oil pulling with sesame oil (Gandush)

  • Keep pickles, bread free of fungus. Store in airtight containers.
  • Dinner should be done early.
  •  Light  exercise or yoga, morning walk is good for health.
  • To avoid skin diseases one should keep skin dry and clean.
  • Meals should be taken at fixed time
  • Take yearly Flu shot. specially for senior citizens and children,
  • Wash all your fruits and vegetables for properly before cooking. Vegetables and fruits have high exposure to dust and dirt. 
  • Keep a regular check on weather alerts. 
  • Avoid driving at the time of emergency warning. 
  • Keep a proper check on the water drainage system and try to repair the faults. 
  • Try to maintain social distance and avoid going out if it’s not necessary. 
  • Use pleasant fragrance to keep yourself fresh.
  • Fumigate your home with agarbathi, dhoop or guggulu (Commiphora wightii) to remove damp smell. These also helps in keeping mosquitoes away.
  • Medicated enema (basti)  is prescribed as an evacuation measure to expel vitiated Doshas.
  • Sweating (Swedana)  heat application is useful for health.
  • Bed should be clean and dry.
  • Bed mattress should be exposed to sunlight.
  • One should always take meals when hungry..
  • Without the urge of hunger and eating many times is harmful.
  • Awake late at night, as it increases vata.
  • Avoid physical exertion
  • Stay away from wet walls if you suffer from asthma or diabetes. Wet walls breed fungus and can lead to infection.  
  • Avoid day sleeping as it vitiates Kapha.
  • Do not sleep after having your lunch as that can complicate problems of indigestion. 
  • If diabetic do not walk barefoot, dry your feet and apply anti-fungal powder before wearing shoes. Avoid tight and ill-fitting shoes.
  • Avoid growth of molds and fungi in the cupboards. Just scatter neem and betel leaves (or paraffin balls) inside and breathe easy.
  • Avoid using the air conditioner continuously as it aggravates body pain.
  • Avoid heel or leather shoes completely.
  • One should keep the windows open when the sun shines because this will help to reduce the dampness at home which is the main cause of many diseases in this season
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Secure your gadgets in waterproof pouches.
  • Sexual indulgence, hard work, staying in wind, staying at the river bank are some of the things that should be avoided.
  • If weak digestive power  astringent, dry,  stale,  raw, cold and and food which increases air element  should be avoided..
  • Avoid river and tank water.
  • Avoid drenching in rain.


Food to be eaten according to the seasons. In the rainy season the digestion becomes sluggish  and similarly in winter it becomes sharp and therefore diet has to be adjusted according to the season. One should avoid eating foods heavy to digest like Jack fruit in the rainy season but even a  Pulses like black gram (urad)  which is otherwise relatively difficult to digest can be easily eaten in winter. During the monsoon, stomach infection is rampant due to two reasons: It's the ideal season for bacteria and fungus to multiply, which otherwise stay dormant; and after a hot summer, immunity is down. The solution is to have food that's anti fungal and anti bacterial by nature like khichadi. Therapeutic diet advise in different conditions of ill health can protect us from digestive disorders
Food to eat
Indicated Food : Shravana masa - Jeera, pulses, oil, milk.
Bhadrapada masa - Milk
Bitter Foods
Vegetables like snake gourd, ash gourd, bitter gourd et al are extremely nutritious and are much better option than leafy greens during monsoons. They are rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium and manganese and perk up  your immunity levels.
levels Turmeric is a well accepted immunity  boosting agent. It is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic too Turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
To ensure that your digestive system works fine during the rainy season you can include cumin seeds and fenugreek in your diet. These magic herbs and spices sooths the digestive process.

Seasonal Fruits
Binge on Citrus fruits :  Raise your Vitamin C intake to boost immunity against cold and flu. You
can get it from the citrus fruits like oranges, kinnow, grapefruit, and even from guava. Also include
more green vegetables and fruits in your diet. Amla is the rich source of vitamin C.

Lemon,, sweet lime ,are good source of vitamin C. They help to boost immunity.

  •           Mulberry is rich source of vitamin C



  • Good for constipation.




  •        Fresh papaya, plums, guava and peaches, Jamun, grilled Maize or bhutta are the seasonal fruits found in monsoon. They are sweet, nutritious and healthy. They also help in strengthening the immune system.
  •       Banana & Apple are known for their high pectin content, act as soluble fibers that regulate bowel function. Act as prebiotic and promotes digestive calmness.
  •       Banana Due to the presence of pectin, ripe banana can be an important diet during monsoon. To reduce the severances of diarrhea, the contribution of banana is remarkable. It is only due to pectin as it is a water-soluble fiber. It also contains potassium which is one of the most important electrolytes
Pomegranate on the other hand, are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, serving as excellent prebiotic that enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus.

  • Berries foster a  diverse and healthy gut microbial ecosystem by providing food for  beneficial gut bacteria.
Jujubi/ Indian berry


Mulberry Fruit : 
  •           Mulberry is rich source of vitamin C

Mulberry/ Shahtoot

Seasonal Vegetables 
Nutritive Cruciferous Vegetables 
  •       Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower contain unique compounds that promote the growth of gut bacteria, while also supporting immune surveillance and gut flora maintenance.
Guards :

Patola/ Parwal Pointed Guards

  •  Green gourd, Bottle gourd (घीया, लौकी,)  pointed gourd (परवल या पटल), Ridge gourd (गिल्की, तोरई) · Ivy gourd (कुंदरू)  white gourd, bitter gourd (करेला) are suitable, as these do not increase gastric problems.
  •   Bitter foods thwarts pitta:  So go bitter in the rains, as they are great combat material for rain toxins i.e. turmeric, methi, Karela, Giloy, Kalmegh, neem. it can prevent infections as they are natural antibiotics. It helps to stay away from infections.

  • Torai, bottle gourd et al are extremely nutritious and are a much better option then green leafy vegetables during monsoons. They are rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium and manganese and per up your immune levels.
  •  Other vegetables like lady's finger, brinjal, tomato, mandookparni leaves (amaranthus) etc.
Natural diuretics that should be in your diet. They stimulate kidneys to produce more urine and by way of that, release toxins and excess salts. Natural diuretics may include herbal tea, veggies like beetroot, pumpkin, garlic, asparagus.
Cucumber : 

  • Cucumber are 95% water and also rich in vitamin C. Their ability to balance the water  level makes them an excellent option for heart and kidney problems. 
  • Cucumber : It is  diuretic. Should be consumed in day time.

  • Brinjal Is also diuretic.


Spices :
Spices can be valuable allies in the quest for improved gut health. Possessing multiple health benefits, spice's exhibits antioxidant, anti inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties. 
  • Ajwain Seeds: Good  for digestive problems, improves intestinal health.  They also help in relieving the bloating. Ajwain seeds are beneficial in treating spasmodic pains, abdominal discomfort due to indigestion, heartburn, and loss of appetite.

  • Fenugreek helps in preventing infections.
  • It is  popularly known as methi, is another herb which helps to act as a shield against all deadly monsoon diseases. To ensure that your digestive system works fine during the rainy season you can include fenugreek in your diet. These magic herbs and spices soothe the digestive process. It is an energy booster and contains all the necessary minerals to take care of our body even during fever 
  • The active compound curcumin found in turmeric stimulates the development of healthy gut flora while inhibiting the growth of harmful organisms.
  • Turmeric is a well accepted  immunity boosting agent. It is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic too. Turmeric is well for its anti-inflammatory properties
  •  (Haldi Dudh) or Tumeric Latte Turmeric when consumed with warm milk at bedtime wards off a sore throat, chest congestion, common cold and Arthritis which are a common monsoon related discomfort.  
  •  (Turmeric) Bitter in taste, are good to eat in this season.
  • It is an anti inflammatory food.
  • Garlic, another commonly used spice, naturally contains insulin, a type of non digestible carbohydrate or "functional Fibre" that feeds the healthy bacteria in the digestive system

  • Ginger is used to control nausea and vomiting. This is because of its Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestive) and Rochana (improves taste) properties. Chew a piece of Ginger with added rock salt (Sendha namak) to control nausea and vomiting.

  • Start with a small piece of fresh ginger and a pinch of salt. Cover with lime juice (optional) and Himalayan rock salt to marinate. Eat one strip prior to meals. Salt is also great for digestion.
  •           Ginger is known to have remedial effects on common cold, sore throat and also weak immune systems. 
  • (Alle pak) Crystallized ginger good for sore throat.


  • Cinnamon inhibits the growth of  unfriendly bacteria while creating an ideal environment for the proliferation of friendly gut bacteria.
  • Take Terminalia chebula (हरड़+ Rock salt in monsoon as a tonic 
  • Have cinnamon-infusions as its antibacterial properties improve the
    immunity of the respiratory system. 

Rock Salt 
Improves Digestion, , Boosts Metabolism, , Regulates Acids in Body, , Stabilizes Blood Pressure.

 Cumin/ Jeera

  • Clove oil is good for oral hygiene.
  • Herbs pippali, dry ginger, fresh ginger, cumin, asofotida, Harad with sendha namak
  • Burn camphor in a clay diya to disinfect the atmosphere.
  • To avoid skin infections and itching adds 2 tsp of Neem oil in half cup sesame oil and uses this for a massage before hot water bath at least once a week.
  • Use Neem oil in your bath for protection against insect. The neem oil is a very effective antifungal and antibacterial agent.
Cooling Herbs are Amla, saunf and Elaichi
Green Cardemum

Fennel Seeds

  • Herbs like neem, tulsi, triphala, amla, saunf and cardemum which are cooling and vata pacifying.
  • Those who suffer from infections and fever during rainy season can find relief with a decoction prepared from ginger, tulsi, cloves, pepper, cinnamon and cardamom.
  • Ashwagandha has immunomodulating properties.
  • Neem leaves for antibacterial, antifungal properties.
  • Always have a warm water bath. If you can have a bath with water in which neem leaves have been boiled, it’s a definite way to keep all bugs at bay.

Neem leaves for antibacterial, antifungal properties.

  • Lemongrass for antimicrobial properties.
  • Mosquito repellant plants: Lemongrass

    Dry Ginger/ Sonth (Anti flatulence herb) :  Anti-flatulence herb like ginger powder (सौंठ), ajwain, asafetida (हिंग) and black salt should be liberally used
    Dry ginger powder

    Asafoetida (Anti flatulence herb) : 

    Giloy (Tinospora cardifolia)
    • Giloy for Anti inflammatory property, anti viral, anti tumor, antioxidant and antibacterial.
    • Those who suffer from infections and fever during rainy season can find relief with a decoction prepared from ginger, tulsi, cloves, pepper, cinnamon and cardamom.
    •        Febrifuge : (Antipyretic use of plantsGiloy, guduchi,or  amrita,  which protects the whole body.

                                                          Giloy Dry Extract

      • Giloy is a universal herb that helps boost immunity
      • Giloy is very beneficial in improving digestion and treating bowel related issues
      • Giloy acts as a hypoglycemic agent and helps treat diabetes
             Aloe Vera Juice : To be consumed. Aloe Vera improves digestion and provides relief from ulcers.

    • One should consume natural diuretics like barley water, jasmine tea, rose decoction and barley sattu. 
    • Due to high humidity, the body does not naturally lose water as it does in the summer, as a result a lot of people may experience water retention and swellingwhich can be quite bothersome.
    • This is a season, when pitta is already vitiated, so one should consume foods that are light on the liver and digestion. Such foods are:

    Spicy moong dal Khichadi

    • Food that's antifungal and antibacterial by nature like khichadi
    • Light diet which is easily digestible.
    • Preference for salty substance (Sendha namak)
    • Dalia with vegetables
    • Barley sattu

    Old Barley Sattu
    Drying Foods
    • To counteract the effect of water retention. These include wheat, chickpea (channa), corn or grilled Bhutta (makka), Oat (jao), gram and flour (besan). Boiled black and white Chana chaat and peanuts, boiled corn, brown rice poha, soya and roasted ChanaDalia, steamed Moongs sprouts are drying for the body and also easy to digest. As watery foods come with a risk of contracting fungal infection and may cause bloating.

    Corn/ Grilled Bhutta

    Grated Corn

    Drying food  Consume dry meals since the chances that of these food items getting infected are low.

    Roasted Black gram

                                                                       Boiled Corn
    • Foods which are drying and light. Foods like boiled corn, brown rice poha with soya. Roasted channa, . Steamed moong sprouts are drying for the body and also easy to digest.
    • The best food for the season are those that are drying in nature.  boiled black or white channa chat and peanuts. 
    • Peanut chaat / Moongphali ki chaat

    Peanut chaat

    • Chickpea Salad

    Chickpea salad

    • Boiled black Gram Chat
    Boiled Black Gram Chat

    Steamed Sprouted Moong bean salad

    • Old wheat, , honey,
    • Herbs pippali, dry ginger, fresh ginger, cumin, asofotida, Harad with sendha namak)
    Hot Drink
    • Also sip on hot drinks like jasmine, chamomile and ginger tea or coffee. And soups that contain ginger are appropriate for this season.

    Ginger, milk tea

    Honey, lime, ginger tea


    Chamomile Tea

    Jasmine Tea

    Warm Soups
    • Hot Soups of pulses seasoned with ginger and asafetida, pepper, long pepper good for digestion. Hot soups to relieve the blocked feeling which comes with urinary tract infections (URI ). It helps to  boost immunity. They also enable the toxins of the body to get flushed out, maintaining one's health and reducing vulnerability
    • Soups of pulses (Moong dal soup)  processed with ginger, garlic or asafoetida, jeera (cumin seeds) are very good for this season.
    • Soups of pulses (Moong dal soup)  processed with ginger, garlic or asafoetida, jeera (cumin seeds) are very good for this season.
                                                                          Moong Dal Soup

    Ginger Garlic Soup

         Ginger. Carrot,Tomato Soup

                 Ginger Carrot Soup

            Pumpkin & Ginger Soup

    • Non-greasy, non-fried food. Oil, grease and frying make the food very heavy for digestion and this also ultimately results in AMA (undigested foods turning into toxins). Oily foods like chips and namkeen should be avoided.
    • Foods which are not very refined. Refined and processed foods like maida,sooji, and all products made from refined flours are detrimental to one's health.

    Immunity boosting foods for Monsoon season
    • Choose milk over curd.
    • Avoid watermelon and muskmelon during this season.
    • Avoid raw salads. Make sure to steam your salad before eating during rainy season.
    • Choose corn oil or any light cooking oil over sesame, peanut and mustard oil which can invite infections.
    • Try and limit meat for a couple of months. If it's unavoidable choose soup and stew over heavy curry dishes.
    • If you are prone to allergies avoid spicy foods as it increases body temperature and stimulated blood circulation which leads to faster spread of allergies.
    • Those who suffer from infections and fever during rainy season can find relief with a decoction prepared from ginger, tulsi, cloves, pepper, cinnamon and cardamom.
    • Pre cut fruits, fried and junk food or any street food should be avoided completely.
    • Seasonal fruits, vegetables and spices into our daily meals to boost an immune system. These natural wonders are packed with  essential nutrients,antioxidants fibre and beneficial microbes that support a healthy gut.
    •  Opt for cooked and steamed vegetables.

    • Sour and salty items should be preferred. This is to counteract the cold  and humid conditions.

    • Milk.
    • Milk flavored with ginger or pepper is very good for health. They act on digestion. For one cup milk, add small piece of ginger or 1/4th tsf of pepper powder. Sugar can be added to it to taste.
    •  Soups of pulses (Moong dal soup)  processed with ginger, garlic or asafoetida, jeera (cumin seeds) are very good for this season.
    • Use of honey with water every day during rainy season is supposed to be health promoting. To 1 glass of water or milk, add 1-2 TSF of honey. Honey is good for conditions like  difficulty in breathing, cough and loose motions.
    Spices :
    Spices can be valuable allies in the quest for improved gut health. Possessing multiple health benefits, spice's exhibits antioxidant, anti inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties. 

     Cumin/ Jeera
     Cinnamon Have cinnamon-infusions as its antibacterial properties improve the immunity of the respiratory system.

    ·       Mastu (Thin water of yoghurt)
    ·       If liver disorders: Eat Barley, fruits, Moong dal khichdi, cold soups and coconut water.

    • Moong Dal : In pulses moong dal is best can be eaten daily. 

    Moong Dal Tadka


    • Dry ginger should be added in butter milk along with black salt, black pepper, green coriander, ginger, hing or asafoetida.
    • butter milk can be prepared with Pippali, dry ginger, black pepper, clove, pomegranate powder, pink salt or Sendha Namak, ajwain, and Trikuta (dry ginger, Pippali and black pepper mixture).  All these ingredients should be added to the butter milk to make it a good digestive. It also decreases air element in the body.

    Chatani made of garlic, onion, mint or Pudina is very useful in this season.

    Honey should be used in different food items and should be used by dissolving in water.

    Food to Avoid
    Contraindicated food in Rainy season (4 months)
    Shaka Vrata  शाक व्रत : In Shravana month. . Spinach and all green leafy vegetables. As they are vata producing food and infested with worms in this season..
    Dadhi Vrata : दही व्रत In Bhadrapada month. No curd / yogurt. Fermented foods (as they aggravate pitta). Milk ,curd as digestive fire is weak. Curd and fermented food articles like curd aggravate pitta. No alcohol,idli etc.
    Lemon. Spices, and Tamarind
    • Raw vegetables for example may harbour  germs and viruses that can potentially exacerbate stomach illness. It is advisable to opt for cooked or steamed vegetables instead. Avoid raw foods such as salads, curd and uncooked food as they are overloaded with bacteria.
    • Avoid consuming meals outside the home, can lead to issues such as bloating indigestion and stomach aches due to variations in food quality and hygiene.
    • Fried foods which are heavy and challenging to digest, can further burden the gut, particularly when combines with  the already sluggish digestion process caused by humid weather. Replacing fried snacks with healthier options like wraps or warm soups is a wiser choice.
    •  If you can avoid sweets. sour and salty items should be preferred.
    • Jackfruit should be avoided. 
    • Pulses like black gram (urad), Kabuli or black chana, rajma, lobia (all gas forming food) to be avoided.  which is otherwise relatively difficult to digest can be easily eaten in winter
    • Heavy foods : Rabadi, malai, sugarcane, curd, thandai.
    • Cold foods like ice cream.

    Therapy during monsoon
    • Herbal oil massage (abhyanga) with special medicated oils is very relaxing and rejuvenating.
    • Dry herbs massage is also good to get the lymphatic channels moving and to get the toxins flushed out of the system.
    • Medicated steam is recommended for body pain and joint pain.
    • Nasyam and Shirodhara once a week can get the body to liquify the struck toxins and move them out of the system. We can utilize the rainy season for healing, balancing and relaxing the mind  and body.

    Tips to keep oneself fit and fine 

    Elimination therapy

    BEAT THE HUMIDITY                                   
    ·     Panchkarma ( पंचकर्मा )  or Detoxification should be done to detoxify the body. Monsoon is considered the best season for Panchakarma.  A cleansing procedure.
    ·   Purgation - Triphala 1 teaspoonful with warm water at bedtime or Psyllium seed husk (Isabgol) 1 tsf in water at bedtime

    Isabgol / Psyllium Husk 

    ·     Natural diuretics like cucumber, brinjal, barley water, jasmine tea, rose decoction and barley (जौ ) sattu

    ·       Emesis (वमन) Therapeutic vomiting. It is best elimination therapy for Kapha & pitta Dosha
    ·     Nasya Nasal cleaning (नस्य) by dropping two drops of Anu taila in each nostril. it helps build immunity.

    "During Summers, Rains and Autumns, the time limit of exercise should be further reduced as these are the seasons of Vayu aggravation."

    ·       Massage

    ·    Indulge in a massagewith sesame oil,  mustard oil or coconut oil daily or twice a week.. As oil is a panacea for all Vata disorders 
    ·       Ubtan Application of Ubtan  made of neem leaves, gram flour and rind of pomegranate.
    ·     Dry herbs massage is also good to get lymphatic channels moving and to get the toxins flushed out of the system.
    ·       Pizhichal Cotton cloth immerses in lukewarm medicated oil is squeezed over the body.
    ·    Shirodhara A technique to beat stress. Process of pouring medicated oil, buttermilk and decoction on forehead or on a specific part of the body.
    ·      Udwarthanam Special therapeutic deep tissue massage using medicated powders and oils too.
    ·       Practice Pranayama every day and walk regularly.
    ·    Kapal Bhati- Normal inspiration and forceful expiration. All the secretion in the respiratory passage is thrown out of the body. It's a cleansing procedure as well as a Pranayama.
    ·   Sheetali Pranayama :  Cooling Breath - Sheetali Pranayama शीतली प्राणायाम

    Sheetali Pranayama

    Sheetali means cool. This pranayama cools the system, hence the name.
    A simple breath, perfect for a hot day or when the body is warm after practicing yoga postures.

    Process :
    • Sit in a comfortable posture or Asan - Padmasana / Sukhasana or  Vajrasana or any other, spine must be erect & body must be relaxed
    • Perform the Jnana mudra with the hands.
    • Open the mouth and form the lips into an 'O'
    • The sides and the tip of the tongue touching the teeth, from the molars to the front teeth, should be lifted and curled up.
    • The shape of the tongue will resemble a fresh curled leaf about to open.
    • Protrude the curled tongue out of the lips. Draw in the air past the curled tongue with a sibilant sound (Sssssssss) to fill the lungs completely. The air is drawn in as if through a pipette or a drinking straw. After full inhalation withdraw the tongue and close the mouth.
    • After full inhalation, lower the head, from the nape of the neck, to the trunk. The chin should rest in the notch between the collar bones just above the breast bone. The head is now in Jalandhar bandha position.
    • Exhale slowly  with an aspirate sound (bhuuuuuuuuuuu) through the  nose as in ujjayi
    • Keep the eye gently closed.
    • Inhale deep, smooth through mouth, via rolled tongue, the air passing in should feel cool.
    • Inhale, to start for 5 counts, exhale through nose for 10 counts. Practice for 5 minutes.

    Benefits :
    • This cools the system and soothes the eyes and ears.
    • Sheetali is effective in cooling the body, the brain and nervous system..
    • Pitta conditions
    • Heat exhaustion
    • Chronic fatigue
    • Reduces hyperacidity and indigestion.

    The Hissing Breath - Sheetkari Pranayama शीतकारी प्राणायाम

    Sheetakari is that which causes cold. This is a variation of Sitali Pranayama. 

    Sheetkari Pranayama or the Hissing Breath is usually done after practicing other Asanas and . 
    Sheetkari Pranayama cools the body.
    Process :
    Sheetkari is very similar to Sheetali Pranayama. In Sheetkari, the tongue is not rolled into a tube; instead, it is rolled up to touch the upper palate. The teeth are then clenched and the lips are kept apart. Those who find it difficult to do Sheetali Pranayama can easily practice Sheetkari and get similar benefits.
    • Sit in a comfortable asana with palms on the knees.
    • Roll the tongue upwards so that the lower part of the tongue touches the upper palate.
    • Clench the teeth together. Pull the lips apart so that the teeth are exposed.
    • Breathe in slowly. First fill the abdomen, then the chest and finally the neck region. This is the complete yogic breath. When breathing in, a slight hissing sound is produced. This is similar to the hissing of a snake.
    • Bend the neck forward to do the chin lock, also called the Jalandhara Bandha
    • Hold the breath for some time, as much as you are comfortable
    • Release Jalandhara Bandha and exhale slowly through the nose.
    • This is one round of Sheetkari Pranayama. One can do as many rounds as you may feel comfortable. 
    Benefit :
    • The action of pulling the air through the teeth creates a cooling effect on the body.
    • Sheetkari relaxes the body and the mind.
    • According to Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, Sheetkari removes hunger, thirst, sleep and lassitude.
    • Sheetkari is good for health of teeth and the gums.
    Contraindication :
    Do not do Sheetkari Pranayama if you are suffering from a cold. But if you are in a hot environment, it is ideal for cooling the body.
    ·       Fasting The best remedy to detoxify the body
    ·      Sneh Gandush : Or Oil Pulling 
    Sneha Gandush

    ·     Emesis : Drinking three glasses of water and vomiting out after 5 minutes, with the help of three fingers by stimulating the tongue.
    ·       Shankha Prakshalana Cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract. Drink 10-15 glasses of water. It is followed by series of evacuation. Take light diet of khichdi and buttermilk in afternoon. And normal diet for dinner. It can be practiced once a month. 
    ·   Steam inhalation Inhale steam with few drops of eucalyptus oil (helps in elimination of Kapha from the head)  
    ·       Medicated stream is recommended for body pain and joint pain.
    ·       Medicated smoke by burning turmeric. It is good for the elimination of Kapha.
    ·       Mudra  Vayu Mudra and Apana Vayu Mudra
    Vayu Mudra

    Apana Vayu Mudra

    ·     While waking up in the morning, lie down on the right side for 5 minutes. Good for excess air).

    ·   For Air constitution (vata Prakruti) person irregular meals, excess physical activity, excessive thinking is not suitable, while doing oil massage (abhyanga) on a daily basis, yoga, sleeping adequately at night is advisable.
    Kak Mudra

    To boost immunity
    Immune system is the defense mechanism of our body, against any disease. Stronger the immune system lower are the chances of falling ill. During Flu or the viral season, some people would stand tall while some will get sick very often, some will go out in the cold mornings for a walk or run and not catch cold but some even after taking all the  precautions will get the infections. The difference is in strength of  their body's immune system.  So how can one improve  his/her immune system : Some natural way to boost your immunity
    Oil should be taken in early part of Rainy season.

         Castor oil, on other hand is a purgative and an antidote to vata and kapha. disturbances.                                       
    • Worm food to  be consumed
    • Nutmeg and black pepper.
      ·        ·  Reduce your stress levels : Chronic stress suppresses immune response of the body by releasing a negative hormone cortisol. To keep your stress levels in check practice yoga, meditation and deep breathing.

                 ·  Think positive : Negative emotions like jealousy  hatred and anger harm the body more than anything else. Reorganize your thoughts and remove those with negative connotations regularly.

         ·     ·     Avoid self medication:  Some people pop pills very frequently especially antibiotics. This is very harmful for natural immunity of the body. One must never self medicate.



    §          Instead of vigorous outdoor activities, it is advised that we practice yoga (sets of Suryanamaskars) to relive the stiff muscles. Vajrasana (helps in digestion), padmasana (minimizes anxiety) and bhujangasana (strengthens chest and abdomen) are most beneficial.



    Dehydration not only results in the loss of water in the body, but also essential nutrients, one such being potassium, therefore in addition to keep in check in water intake , it is also important to replenish minerals. Dehydration can lower the blood pressure, thereby causing headache, fatigue and several other issues. When dehydrated  blood vessels cannot stretch enough due to the  reduction in blood volume The higher sodium content in the dehydrated blood stream forces capillaries to close and blood pressure to increase. So drink at least 10-12 glasses of water is a must in a day. In addition coconut water, salted chaach, lemon water and fruit juices etc. . Different smoothies are also beneficial.

     Coconut water is rich in sodium and potassium and drinking it will quench  your thirst and replenish  lost nutrients. 
    Cucumber : It is a diuretic. It has  95% water and also rich in vitamin C. Their ability to balance the water  level makes them an excellent option for heart and kidney problems. 
    Also Celery is rich in sodium, potassium, iron and zinc. They have the highest water content among all vegetables, and are good source of B vitamins, foliate, antioxidants and fiber. So remember to say happy, healthy and hydrated. 

        Patra  These spicy fried Colocasia leaf (Arbi ke patte) rolls are a staple with evening tea in the rains in Maharashtra called Adu vadi. Dipped in a spicy besan (chickpea flour)  batter, the leaves are rolled up tight, steamed first then sliced into pinwheels, shallow fried, and topped with sesame seeds or coconut.

    Rishi chi bhaji  This wholesome Maharashtra broth is usually cooked during Ganesh utsav using seasonal vegetables like yam, amaranth leaves, Colocasia leaves and green bananas. Its slow cooked in a large pot as an ode to the bounty of fresh produce during the rains. 1 Cup Pumpkin, cubed
    ½ Cup Lady Finger/Bhindi, thickly sliced
    ¼ Cup Corn Kernels
    1 ½ Cup Red Amaranth leaves/Lal Math, shredded
    1 Cup Alu chi paan / Colocasia Leaves, shredded
    ½ Cup Tamarind pulp
    ½ tbsp Gud/Jaggery, soaked in ¼ cup water
    3 Green chilies, slit
    Salt, to taste


    In a true Bengali household a rainy day means Khichari. The Green lentil (moong dal) and rice is fried in ghee and stirred to a right consistency- the peas, potatoes and other vegetables soft but not squashed. Served with crispy fried egg plant (begun bhaja) or fried potatoes. 

         Karkidaka Kanji 

    A porridge cooked with Navara or red rice  and coconut milk This warm dish is an immunity booster to be enjoyed on cold, wet days in Kerala. Infused with ajwain, ginger, coriander, cloves, and cardamom. It is sometimes garnished with crispy fried onions. 

        Food having sour salty taste and of unctuous qualities should be eaten.
       Herbal tea Get green teas, Neem, ginger, lemon, Tulsi, Cinnamon, or lemongrass tea. Ginger and honey tea is also good option as it gives a soothing feeling to the throat in the windy and rainy weather.

    ·   Ginseng tea It is effective at warding of infections and improving immune functions, as it encourages both interferon and white blood cell production. It is best taken in the morning or mid day.

     Masala tea It contains ginger, clove, cardamom, cinnamon, tulsi and tea leaves.  which reduces inflammation in the body. Other spices used in Masala tea have antibacterial, antifungal and anti parasitic properties, which are extremely essential for the body to fight the seasonal infections that are prevalent during monsoon. It revitalizes the body, improves the digestion, boost metabolism and helps in reducing menstrual pain

    Lemon and pepper tea is the perfect beverage to consume when your immunity is low. it is extremely beneficial in detoxifying body and also reducing joint pain in patient having arthritis. To make this tea you would be requiring lemon, turmeric powder pepper, honey and tea leaves.

    Ashwagandha tea It increases immunity, reduces stress and anxiety and helps in stabilizing the blood sugar levels. It is made by Ashwagandha root, honey and tea leaves. wash and then boil the root in a cup of water for 15 minutes. Strain in a cup then stir with honey.

     Mint tea It helps to improve memory and also good for tackling diarrhea.it contains mint leaves, rosemary and lemon. Tear the mint leaves in a cup, while setting a pan of water to boil.

    ·        Vegetable Broth Take vegetable in broth form.

    ·   Carrot Juice Dyspepsia (indigestion) is another ailment during the monsoon which is very irritating and troublesome. But starving is not the solution for dyspepsia. Rather, it should be prevented. Carrot juice is ideal for this purpose. The anti-dyspeptic effects of carrot help to cure the problem by providing the nutrients lost from diarrhea
    ·       Perfect steamed  rice as monsoon is the season of stomach ailments, plain white rice should be taken instead of spicy food. First of all, it is easy to digest and plain white rice can decrease the amount of watery stool.

    ·    Cow's Ghee Food cooked in desi ghee helps to keep the internal systems lubricated and enhance the digestive fire. In this season when the internal pitta is imbalanced, this keeps our digestive tracks running smoothly.

    ·    Hot Water To aid digestion— In some hot water add salt, pepper and ginger. Take this concoction every day.

    ·          Honey is good for throat and kaphs aliments, and best for keeping bodily dampness in check.
     “Pitta & Vata is aggravated in rainy season”
    *   Avoid eating from outside. Since the digestive fire is low, one can fall prey to illness very easily. As far as possible, eat food or snacks prepared at home. Avoid fried food.
    *    It is not very good to eat meat in this season, because it is heavy to digest. As the animals drink polluted water, the intake of meat of these animals can prove hazardous for health. Though light soup made from meat  can be taken in small quantities.
    *    Roadside charts and cut fruits left exposed for long harbor E coli and other diarrhea l agents.
    *   Humidity and rain retard digestive process so deep fried / oily food items are a big no. They put severe stress on the  gastrointestinal system, leading to heartburn, gastritis and acidity.
    *    Fishes and other sea foods should be avoided since micro-organisms can enter through trans-ovarian transmission.
    *     Do not have milk during the day and in the month of Shravan.
    *     Curd should be generally avoided during the entire season of monsoon.
    *    Avoid Use of buttermilk in bhadon
    ·       Don’t have fruits along with milk
    ·     Avoid adding fresh ginger to boiled water or tea as it can cause acidity. Just during the rains use dried ginger instead.
    ·       Avoid raw, uncooked, and stale food
    ·       Avoid spicy food with too many chilies
    ·       Limit dairy consumption like cheese, paneer, these are hard to digest in rainy season.
    ·       Avoid drinking an excess of fluids at this further slows down the metabolism.
    ·       Sour foods pickle, curd. chutney, kadhi. As Sour foods irritates the respiratory passage.
    ·    Do not eat a green leafy vegetable in Shraavana months. Green leafy vegetables harbor moisture and help growth of microorganisms.As it is infested with worms and full of mud and it also aggravates Vata.
    ·       Avoid pickles, heavy food at night especially asthmatics
    ·       No fermented food Avoid fermented and sour foods such as tamarind, chutneys and pickles. They can lead to water retention like dosa, idli, uttapam, vada, curd, vine, vinegar, alcohol in the month of Bhadrapada. As anything fermented aggravates pitta.
    ·     Refined and processed foods like (बेसनमैदाmaida, all products made from refined flours are detrimental to one’s health.
    ·       Avoid potato, horse gram as it causes gastritis and bloating
    ·      Heavy diet- Urad dal, Rabdi , malai, curd, milk, processed cheese, fried, red meat, as digestive fire is weak.
    ·       Avoid new rice, lady’s finger
    ·     Sour Food-tomato, ketchup, tamarind, Pickles, chutneys. Sour drinks predispose the throat and tonsils to infection
    ·       Avoid chilled drinks, ice and ice creams
    ·     Foods like chips and Namkeen should be avoided.
    ·     Excess of salt:  Food with a lot of salt in them lead to water retention. indigestion, hyperacidity and bloating. Avoid salt in your dinner on particularly painful days.  

    Keep allergy at bay :  Nasal Inhalation  (नस्य): Administration of medicated oil through the nose is known as Nasya. The medicine administered through the nostrils pervade into the nervous (Brain) and venous system( blood circulation ) present in and around nostrils. Medicated oils i.e. Anu Taila  or / sesame or mustard oil or herbal mixtures are inhaled, clearing the sinus passages, draining excess mucous. It cleanses, purifies and strengthens the nasal passages, allowing you to breathe fully and easily again. These are proven to counter infections.

    Cough Lozenges : Some of the easiest recipes  use lime juice, powdered cloves, ginger and amla. Boil these and add honey or sugar after turning off the burner. Then pour  drops of liquid  in a pan so as to make tablets.

    A cup a day : Simply add a spoonful of turmeric to your tea. Infusion made with tulsi, black pepper, ginger and amla , Add any or all of them for more energy and vitamin.

    Healthy preparations
    • Take dry ginger, pepper , long pepper, and mulethi (yeshti madhu). Make them into fine powder. Now mix them into equal quantities. This can be taken with honey or milk or sugar candy for taste. This mix should be given to children 1/4 to 1/2 tsp two times a day. Adults can take 1/2 to 1 tsp one to two times a day. This is a preventive and a curative remedy for cold , cough, fever and other digestive disorders.
    • Take 1/4 tsp fine powder of haritaki (terminalia chebula) with honey or water twice a day, once in a morning and the second tome before going to bed. This controls all eye diseases and provides brightness to the eye.
    • Haritaki is slightly fried in ghee and made into fine powder. To this powder rock salt (saindhav namak)  is added to taste. Half to one tsp of this mixture can be taken after meals with warm water. Haritaki has hot potency and mild laxative. and stimulates digestion. It act as a rejuvenator  (rasayana ). It cures fever, cough, cold and dyspnea. It is a healthy promoting remedy during this season.
    • For indigestion, the following recipe gives relief. Slit the lime  into 4 parts. From one end fill the pepper and rock salt mixture. Roast this on low fire for 5 minutes and eat this preparation while eating food.
    • Take tender leaves of amaranthus. Clean it thoroughly. Discard infected and perforated leaves. Keep the leaves in lukewarm water  for 5 minutes and chop them. For seasoning : 1 tbsp of oil, half a green chilly, 2-4 cloves of garlic, 1/4 to 1/2  tsp of pepper, 1-2 tbsp of gram flour, 2-3 cloves and 1 pinch of asafoetida. Now heat the oil in a pan. Add the seasoning items to the oil and add the finely chopped leaves. When it is cooked add gram flour  and keep it on fire for some times. Add salt to taste.  This preparation is very tasty and beneficial too.  In the rainy season sour taste (amla rasa) is predominant in the body as well as in the environment. The alkaline nature of amaranthus  and sour nature of the body  act  on digestion and form a sweet taste, which controls the aggravation of vaata and increase of pitta in the body.
    • Use of horsegram in food  is commonly seen in different parts of India,  It has a different odour. to which some people are allergic.  To remove this odour, gram is roasted before using.  Even the use of garlic and coriander leaves will take away the odour of horse gram. Horsegram can also be used in the soup form.  Take 1 to 1/2 cup of horse gram. Wash it well and soak it for 24 hours. Add 8 times water to the gram and pressure cook for 15-20 minutes. For seasoning take a few seeds of jeera, 1/4 gram of red chilies, 1 tbsp of coriander powder, 1/2 tsp of pepper, 1 tbsp of oil and lemon juice and salt to taste. Now strain the water from cooked gram. Heat the oil in a pan  and add seasoning agents. Add the water of the horse gram. Bring it to boil and add lime. Ready to use horse gram is hot  in potency. It is good for people suffering from cough,  discomfort or pain in a urinary tract. It even expels small stones from the tract.
    Preventing Monsoon Maladies
    • Vaccination are also available for infections such as typhoid and influenza. Take yearly Flu shot. specially for senior citizens and children,
    • To prevent Diarrheal diseases. consume boiled water, especially during July-November
    • Avoid uncooked  or uncovered food while eating outside.
    • Follow strict hand hygiene after visiting the toilet and before cooking and eating.
    • Good ventilation and dehumidifiers can help minimize the likelihood and spread of respiratory infections and allergies.
    5 Easy Ways Not To Get Sick In The Rains
    Come monsoon and the smiles softens, the soils settles and the clouds becomes unpredictable but along with the rains come multiple infections and stomach problems, the digestion gets sluggish, the body begins to bloat and lethargy is rampant. Here's how to keep your self healthy and happy during this difficult season.
    Eat Smart
    Besan/ Gram Flour

    Roasted Bhutta with lemon and black Pepper

    Switch to foods with  low water content like besan and bhutta to avoid water retention. Also stick to easy to digest foods. (No fried foods ) as the body's digestion capacity is comprimized during the rains due to High Humidity.

    Boost your immunity
    lergies. Expect infections to be all time high and immunity to be at an  all time low. So deliberately include foods like garlic,onions,haldi and methi seeds in your daily diet.

    Corner some corn
    Since digestion gets sluggish, it helps to stick to high fibre foods like corn kernels and corn atta, These are loaded with both soluble and insoluble fibre.
    Bet on bitter gourd
    This humble gourd's blood purifying properties will help keep infections at bay. Its good digestive agent as it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices and keep digestion humming along and constipation a common problem during rains-away.

    Relish raw mangoes

    Raw Mangoes
    Loaded with pectin, these keep insulin in check which helps bust monsoon induced lethargy decisively. Raw mangoes help prevent and treat gastro intestinal disorders like diarrheas, dysentery, piles,chronic dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation too, all of which are rampant during monsoons.

    As diseases strike those who neglect a code of healthy living, it is incumbent on sensible people to follow the code. This would include the elimination of the accumulated dosas by the administration of 
    • Emetics
    • Purgatives
    • Enema
    • Nasal evacuation.
    During the first month of spring, rainy season and winter.

    This Monsoon rejuvenate yourself"

    Link: https://madhuchhandacdmo.blogspot.com/2018/07/rainy-season-or-monsoon.html



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