Respiratory tract infection (Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Sinusitis,FLu, Tonsillitis,Tropical Eosinophilia,Covid 19, (तुण्डीकेरी, Adenoids, खांसी)

Respiratory Tract Infection

(Sore Throat, Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Sinusitis, Flu, Tonsillitis, Tropical Eosinophilia, Adenoids, Influenza, Tuberculosis,  तुण्डीकेरी,  खांसी)

                                                 Strengthening the immune system

Of the countless breaths we take in everyday, do we even for once realize that with every breath, here is not just air that enters the lungs but also other potentially hazardous substances such as dust, smoke, germs and pollutants in the air and other irritants. Therefore it is vital to pay attention to respiratory health and stay clear from any possible infections.

Of the countless Sore throat is the set of symptoms causing irritation and pain in throat. It makes the swallowing difficult and painful. It usually heals by itself, but some herbs can heal them faster. Throat pain is the leading cause of bringing patients to hospital specially acute Pharyngitis.
Rapid and unplanned urbanization, industrialization, lifestyles characterized by unhealthy nutrition, reduced physical activity; tobacco consumption and excessive use of gadgets are increasing the burden of Ear, nose and throat (E.N.T) diseases.
The oral cavity can be a mirror image of other areas of the body and many systemic illnesses are manifested in the soft tissues of oral mucosa of the mouth. When oral health is compromised, overall health can be affected. 

Respiratory disease is the second highest cause of death in India after heart disease. killing 1 million Indians in one year. From last few years capital sees severely poor air quality in winters. Also Delhi has 1.7 times higher prevalence of respiratory  symptoms including dry cough, wheeze, breathlessness, chest discomfort during the winters. In addition to poor air quality , the Covid 19 pandemic has also made us more aware of the importance of our lungs.


Upper respiratory tract includes nose, nasal cavity, sinuses, naso -pharyngeal, part of larynx above the vocal folds. Ear, nose and throat are vital organs of the body called sense organs, comprising of sensory receptors. They are directly exposed to the external environment, so the changes in the environment have direct impact on these organs. They act as first line of defense against airborne pathogenic investors through physical or chemical barriers.

Ear, nose and throat are very closely intertwined. They are connected to each other through a special duct called Eustachian tube. Ear and nose rare sense organs, the throat, of course, is designed for passage of vital elements such as oxygen, fluids and food.  It can also convey other things, such as Phlegm, mucus and draining toxins coming from the ears or nose.

All the three are lined with mucus membrane. Major role of this membrane is fighting of germs. An infection, inflammation or allergic response in one can cause a problem in other too due to similarity of the lining membrane as well as the canals that connect the ear, nose and throat.

Dry cough is a sign of upper respiratory infection.when the cough becomes productive and accompanied by shortness of breath the infection has traveled to lower respiratory tract.

Mucus in your throat
Its the protective mechanism which throws invading organism from the body.
1  . Acid spill out from the stomach
2  . Infection bacterial or viral
3  . Inhalation of polluted air, fumes
4  . Allergy
5  . Aerosol, Chemicals 
Right medication is therefore important.

According to Ayurveda nasal block and chest congestion with  thick phelgm are result of kapha  vitiation at a kapha predominant places (sinus and chest). In Ayurveda, Respiratory disorders come under Pranavaha sroto vikara as Tuberculosis,(Rajayakshma), cough (Kaasa), Pratishyaya, Peenasa which exhibits the symptoms of Respiratory tract infections. Precipitating factors are : dust, smoke, cold place, staying in cold weather, exposure to cold air, drinking excessive cold water, excessive exercise, excessive intake of dry food,  unwholesome food, suppression of natural urges,infection.

Vital energy or Prana Vayu (प्राण  वायु ) that is present in the Umbilical region, traverses through throat or respiratory pathway and passes out to consume nectar in atmosphere that is air ambarapeeyush (अमरपीयुष ) . Amarapeeyush from the atmosphere and comes back quickly back inside to nourish the body to attain logetivity.

Coughing is an important way to keep your throat and the airways clear. However, excessive coughing may point towards an underline disorder.. A persistent cough can be debilitating and socially distressing.
Type of cough   Acute cough begins suddenly  and usually lasts no more than two to three weeks. Chronic cough lasts longer.Allergic or irritant cough is a very common condition that occurs due to an individual 'susceptibility to irritants like dust,fumes,smoke etc. Depending upon the presence or the absence of sputum, cough can be dry or productive. In productive cough, the sputum may be clear and transparent or it may be thick with difficulty in releasing it. Continuous coughing can also become a cause of disturbed sleep and in case of children a hallmark for Asthma. In case of persistent cough, one must take medical help.

Resolving Phlegm: Phlegm, the mucosal secretions of the respiratory system, is a normal and required substance for healthy respiratory functions. However, when the lungs are irritated, Phlegm can accumulate and cause obstructions within the airways. The accumulation of Phlegm provides an environment for bacterial growth. 

A wheeze is a high pitched whistling sound associated with breathing due to  narrowing of air passage. This is to be differentiated from noisy breathing due to partial blockage of the nose or  due to the collection of phlegm in the wind pipe and its branches.

Most cases of recurrent wheezing are due to asthma. A viral infection called bronchiolitis affecting smaller infants can also  presents as a wheeze. In older children, tropical eosinophilia is also common cause.  A foreign body in the airway or a gland (due to tuberculosis or any other cause). Pressing on the airway can give rise to wheeze.

If you suspect that your child is wheezing for the first time in his life,  let a doctor confirm it. Do not give any medicine on your own.

If the child is not crying the doctor will be able to here the wheeze well with his stethoscope. Hold your child up in your arms with his head on your shoulder. Do not undress him.  Let the doctor listen to his back first. and then notice his breathing.

If your doctor confirm that it was wheeze, he may give the child an injection, or a medicine with a nebulizer, or by mouth and wait for the response. If he finds dramatic improvement, he may suspect that the child has asthma, If you know that that child gets recurrent wheezing you may follow the advise given by your doctor. You may also like to read the section on asthma.  If he considers that tropical eosinophilia should be ruled out, he may ask for the blood test.

                     If one has more of sweets , one may suffer from fever, cough

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
In a typical case the child with a whooping cough severe bouts of cough. He coughs and coughs, his face becomes red he grasp something for support and then makes funny kind of sound (a whoop) as if he was taking a deep breath in, through the partially closed upper end of his wind pipe. The whole episode is followed by a vomit. Children who had having whooping cough vaccine as a part of DPT , 
either do not  get the disease or  get it in a milder form without the typical whoop and the vomit. Otherwise the illness last for about 6 weeks.  A history of contact with whooping cough aids in making the diagnosis.

I would not delay the use of antibiotics in whooping cough. The drug of choice is erythromycin, which is started as soon as the diagnosis is made. The drug is more effective if stared early in the course of disease .It should be given in full dose for a period of two weeks. I have also found a drug, salbutamol commonly used for the treatment of asthma to be of help in reducing the  severity of the bouts of cough. A calm smokeless environment is of great help to a small baby The mother's lap is the greatest comfort for the child. A feed or a food given soon after a vomit is often retained.

If people in contact with the baby are given erythromycin for a period of 14 days, They are likely to be protected to a significant extent.

Sore Throat (Pharyngitis) is an inflammation of pharynx. Most of time it is of vital origin. The back of the throat is termed pharynx. Infection of pharynx and tonsils is mostly due to viruses. A running nose, cough, congested throat and redness or watering of eyes add the the possibility of the cause being viral. Such infection do not need any antibiotics.

 When caused by Herpes virus, it is associated with mouth ulcers. Sometimes measles or viral rhinitis, may begin with a sore throat. Bacterial sore throat on other hand are more severe with swollen glands, congested throat, high temperature with muscle and joint pains.
  • Sore throat : Food to be avoided in sore throat. Certain kinds of foods irritate the throat, lead to more congestion, cough and acid reflux and worsen sore throat. Therefore they are best avoided.
  • Avoid Kapha provoking diet like curd, cold food, cold drinks, fruit juices, fermented foods, ice crème etc.
  • Fried foods : cause more itching, throat irritation and also lowers the body's immunity
  • Yogurt :   Worsens the cough by thickening the phlegm.
  • Sour or acidic food:  items such as oranges, lemons, lime and tomatoes irritate the throat and cause more itching.
  • Spicy food :  such as sauces, seasoning and spices cause more irritation, cough and throats congestion.
  • Cold Foods :  like ice cream, cold drinks, and packed cold juices cause throat congestion, acid reflux and decrease local immunity as well. Thereby leading to  more  severe infection.
  • Drink warm water instead of cold water.
  • Drink decoction made up of any one or combination of Tulsi, Ginger, black pepper, long pepper (Pippali), Turmeric and Giloy /Guduchi (Tinospora cardifolia. in the morning and evening.
  • Cinnamon tea in the morning and evening.
  • Giloy tab (immunomodulator and febrifuge) mainly work by way of improving the host defense mechanism.
  • For cough : lukewarm water morning and evening for 3-5 days.
  • Liquid diet and personal hygiene ale also recommended.
  • Fumigation : Environmental purification by smoking neem leaves,
  • Immunity enhancer : Triphala powder. or Ashwagandha powder.
  • Medicated smoking : Black pepper
  • External oil medication : With camphor oil  it relieves congestion, Pinda tailam.

  • Steam inhalation : Turmeric, Nirgundi (Vitex nirgundo), Malabar nut.

Laryngitis It is an inflammation of vocal chords in the voice box (larynx). Causes of laryngitis include upper respiratory infection or the common cold, overuse of vocal chords by talking, singing or shouting: gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) causing reflex laryngitis, smoking; exposure to secondhand smoke; or exposure to polluted air. The most common signs and symptoms of laryngitis or hoarseness, loss of voice, and throat pain. If it is caused by an infection, the affected person may have symptoms of fever, swollen lymph nodes (swollen glands)

In between thumb and index finger / Big toe and first finger

Accupressure point for Tonsils

At the back of your throat, two masses of tissues called tonsils act as filters, trapping germs that could otherwise enter your airways and cause infection. They also produce antibodies to fight infection. But sometimes the tonsils themselves become infected.
Streptococcal Sore Throat need to be handled carefully because, left untreated, it can lead to rheumatic fever with involvement of the joints and the heart.Symptoms : The patient has fever, a sore throat, pus points on the tonsils, and enlargement of the lymph nodes below the jaw, but no running nose, cough or redness of eyes.Treatment : You doctor may like to take a throat swab and do a blood test (A.S.O titre) to further substantiate the diagnosis Children with tonsillitis are  given a course of antibiotic.

Overwhelmed by bacteria or viruses, they swell and become inflamed, a condition known as Tonsillitis. Vitiated Kapha and Rakta are the causative entities. It is usually associated with sore throat and fever. Patient may also experience pain while swallowing.

Influenza (Flu)
Influenza is a vital infection that spreads rapidly from one person to another. This disease seen more often during winters. The patient having flu is infectious to others from  the day before the onset of symptoms until the time  he recovers  from fever  and other symptoms. 

कफ से पीड़ित हो अगर, खाँसी बहुत सताय।
अजवाइन की भाप लें, कफ तब बाहर आय।।

If  more than  one member of the family  has body ache, headache , fever, nasal discharge, , loss of appetite , severe weakness, and an upset stomach, we are most likely dealing with flu.

No antibiotics need to be given. for relief of symptoms paracetamol can be given every 4-6 hours.  A child may be allowed to eat as per  his inclination. . In case of poor appetite which is common during illness, enough liquids including fruit juices, soups, coconut water and plain water should be given to ensure  adequate urine output. For lowering the fever  and also otherwise, sponging a whole body with little warm water  is very comforting. 

The child should stay at home  for a couple of days  even after fever settles, because flu can make  a child very weak.

Tropical Eosinophilia

Diminished Translucency

Tropical eosinophilia, or (TPE), is characterized by coughing, asthmatic attacks, and an enlarged spleen, and is caused by Wuchereria bancrofti, a filarial infection. It occurs most frequently in India and Southeast Asia. Tropical eosinophilia is considered a manifestation of a species of microfilaria

This is a disease that can be confused with tuberculosis, asthma and cough related to roundworm.
Persistent or recurrent cough that gets aggravated at night, weakness, loss of weight and low fever raises the possible diagnosis of this disease.

If you live in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh,West Bengal, Assam, Kerela and Tamil Nadu doctors would first rule out this easily. treatable condition before thinking of other disease like tuberculosis and asthma. Tropical Eosinophilia is more common in these states because of higher incidence of filiariasis. in these region. Tropical Eosinophilia is considered a manifestation of a specific of microfilaria.

Some children with these disease may also have enlargement of glands in the neck and elsewhere. Others may cough up a little blood. The child may also have wheeze.


 The diagnosis is made by doing a blood test which shows an absolute eosinophil count more than 30,000 eosinophil/mm. For example if the total white blood cell count is 20,000/mm and eosinophils are 20% the absolute eosinophil count shall come to 4000/mm raise to 3. In many cases, the child with this condition has a typical chest X-Ray.

Children having roundworms may also have a similar sort of cough. But in all conditions that resembles tropical eosinophilia, the absolute eosinophil count is not so high.

The dramatic response to a commonly used drug for filaria (diethylcarbamazine) almost confirms the diagnosis.

They lie behind the roof of our mouth cavity (the palate) where the back of our nostrils joins the back of our throat. Ordinarily, they seems to do their job quietly by keeping in check the germs in our upper respiratory track. The tonsils are likewise.

At times, however, these adenoid get enlarged and block the breathing passages, causing varying degree of obstruction. In most cases, the enlarged adenoids  shrink in size as the child grows older. In the past, it was considered routine  to remove the adenoids along with the tonsils. But it is now increasingly recognized that often,  both these tissues should be kept intact and only removed  if definite indications for removal exist.

Removal of adenoids should only be considered if the child gets recurrent ear infections, has difficulty breathing normally, breaths mostly through, the mouth, or snores heavily at night with temporary stoppage of breathing (obstructive sleep apnea) for a few seconds, his speech is disturbed and his voice sounds nasal, as if his nose is blocked. Increased gain in weight and height and improved grades in school after removal of tonsils and / or adenoids in children with obstructive sleep apnea have been reported.

Even in the above conditions, the removal of adenoids need not necessarily be restored to, Breathing through the mouth  alone is not an adequate indication; some people do so out of habit. At the same same time, if the child does not have mouth breathing or nasal speech, the diagnosis of enlarged adenoids is likely to  be wrong. before undertaking surgery, doctor may also like to treat the child with antibiotics if they suspect persistent infection, or they may like to be wrong. Before  undertaking surgery, doctors may also like  to treat the child with antibiotics if they suspect persistent infection, or they may like to treat the child for allergies.

To avoid for lungs good health :  Consuming salty food, dairy products, processed meat, cold drinks and fried food can increase the risk of lung disease. 
However, adding nutrient rich food like beets, greens, apples, pumpkin , turmeric and green tea to your diet can help protect lungs.

  • Reduce the weight
  • Do Jalneti at night
  • Sleep over the stomach.

Common Cold

Cold are very common.
  • No antibiotics helps in common cold, because it is viral infection. 
  • Drugs containing phenylpropanolamine (What is phenylpropanolaminePhenylpropanolamine is a decongestant. It works by constricting (shrinking) blood vessels (veins and arteries) in your body. Phenylpropanolamine is an ingredient used in many over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription cough and cold medications as a decongestant)   and anti-histamines (anti-allergy medicines) are harmful in common cold.
  • Opening of the nasal passage is all that is needed if the nose gets blocked.
Accept cold as an Unavoidable nuisance
Many different viruses (over 200) can give rise to colds. In infants below two months, the cold may more rarely, be due to a bacterial infection. The baby may also have high fever. Such infants may need antibiotics.

Typically, the cough due to cold is noticed during sleep, if the child is lying on the back, the watery discharge from the back of the nose drips down the throat. Nature does not want this stuff to go into the windpipe  and the protective mechanism makes a child cough with the post nasal drip. Such a child will sleep better on the stomach. (however making a small infant sleep on the stomach is not considered safe). Tab Cetrizine for cold.

Taking care of a blocked nose
If the nose appeared blocked, use nose drops suggested by your doctor. To use these drops effectively, let your child lie down. Put two drops into the right nostril. Let the head be turned to the same side and keep there for a minute, Then repeat the same procedure for the other side. Petroleum jelly or Vaseline may be applied to the outer edge of nostrils chapped by  repeated blowing and wiping.

Make sure that  the child has enough liquids. Fluids especially warm once, helps to thin nasal secretions and loosen phlegm.

Children who eat chicken can be given hot chicken soup to sip. It has also been found helpful in clearing nasal mucus, as compared to sipping hot water.

Use of Antihistamines
Some doctors use antihistamine  to dry up secretions. This is not advisable. The watery secretions are helping the virus to get out (as in the case of diarrhea). So we should not act against the nature's helpful mechanism.

When do you need antibiotics for the cold?
If your child or infant has persistent thick, yellow or green discharge from the nose, he may need an antibiotic. But remember that before your child recovers from a cold, the thin nasal discharge often normally becomes thick green or yellow.This does not require antibiotics. It is the persistent discharge that needs attention. Let your doctor decide about the use of antibiotics.

If your child has a persistent discharge from one side of the nose, then also you should see your doctor, especially if the discharge is foul smelling or mixed with blood. It may be due to the foreign body or due to a rare condition like Diphtheria.


Link between allergies, sinusitis and common cold :
 Do you have a cold? or an allergy attack that just would n,t go away? If so, there,s a good chance that you actually have sinusitis.Most cases of acute sinusitis starts with a common cold caused by an allergy, which is the inherent susceptibility to disease. Repeated colds inflame the mucous lining of sinuses, the air Chambers in the bone behind your cheeks and eyebrows. 
The tendency to frequently catch cold and get sore,painful throat, if not treated properly gets converted into chronic tonsillitis, adenoids, sinusitis and finally suppression with strong medicines lead to bronchitis  and breathing problems. If you have allergic rhinitis  (repeated attacks of sneezing)  you can develop episodes of acute sinusitis.. allergic rhinitis  caused by ,humidity ,cold air,alcohol and perfumes may further complicate into sinusitis.. Besides if you have asthma, that is an allergic disease  or nasal polyps (small growths in the nose) again chronic sinusitis may be root cause of it..
A stuffy nose during the common cold may confuse the simple nasal congestion with sinusitis.. A cold however,usually last for about 4-14 days.and gets relieved without treatment. Acute sinusitis last longer and typically causes more symptoms than just a cold.Pain or pressure in some areas of the face(forehead,cheeks or between the eyes) is often a sign of blocked sinus drainage. Other symptoms may include a stuffy nasal congestion, post nasal discharge and an ache in the upper jaw.

Cough in Children

Six important facts to be kept in mind if a child has a cough
1 . Call the  doctor immediately if a child with a cough is breathing over 50 times a minutes.
2 .  A child with a cough and cold  should be encouraged to eat  and drink plenty of liquids. You can reduce the risk of respiratory infections by making sure that a baby is exclusively breastfed for about 6 months and continues breastfeeding after that.
3 . A child with a cough and cold should be kept warm (not hot) in an environment free from smoke.
4 . A good doctor helps you to find a cause  and treats the same and does not prescribe cough syrups and expectorants.
5 . Cough per SE is a helpful phenomenon. Do not try to unduly suppress it. If the child is breathing normally, coughs and cold can be treated at home without drugs.
6 . Most medicines sold for cough and cold  are useless and possibly harmful.
Less serious causes 
  • Cold
  • Smoking
  • Adenoids
  • Habit of clearing the throat
  • Sinus infection
  • Attention seeking device
  • Tropical Eosinophilia
  • Measles
  • Hay Fever (Respiratory Allergy)
Serious Causes
  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Asthma
  • Tuberculosis
  • Whooping Cough
  • Congenital Heart Disease
  • Foreign body in the bronchi
  • Tracheoesophageal Fistula
  • Croup
Symptomatic Relief of Cough

Cough is a helpful mechanism. Do not try to unduly suppress it without the advice of your doctor. Let your child drink plenty of liquids, including water. For symptomatic relief  of cough, extract the juice from a dozen or more leaves of tulsi plant. Give a teaspoon of this juice mixed with honey or jaggery, 4 times a day. If the cough is very troublesome , make a mixture of equal quantities honey, lime juice  and brandy and give 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of this mixture  4 times a day. Avoid giving honey to infants, and alcohol if the child has rapid breathing.

                                          "Improve your immunity to avoid common cold."

.Cover your head (including your ears)with a scarf,, head band. When the mucous discharge starts to thicken, tend to stick to walls of throat/nose ; 
Gargling with turmeric, salt and warm water.
Consume a savory/ not too sweet porridge made with barley.

Common cold
Why do some of us get a cold more often then other Symptoms? Well it all boils down to your immune system. Your defense against a cold virus can only be as good as your immunity allows it to be. The virus battles against your immune system and if it wins, it produces all the familiar symptoms- sore throat, watery eyes, leaking nose,congestion,cough and even fever. While it is normal to get two or three colds in a year. More frequent attacks may need one to check their immunity.
There are about 200 different viruses that can cause common cold, and they are floating around us all the time. Though cold weather doesn’t cause a cold. The cold virus thrives better in cold and dry climate. Each one of us is then exposed to their onslaught, which, as yet, has no antidote.

                              “Make herbs your weapon  to fight against common cold.”


  • Lung Function Test
Steroid based Nebulisers are known to cause side effects like a sore mouth, nosebleed, oral thrush.


Amla : Amla cures throat problems.
Garlic : It contains Allicin, which is a potent broad spectrum antibiotic. Take two cloves of chopped raw garlic during a cold. You could also use a lot of raw garlic in your regular recipes to gain its cold fighting benefits.
Dried Ginger (सौंठ) :  Boil two level tablespoonful of Saunth powder and one tablespoon of pepper in one litre of water, till it boils down to 750 ml. Sip this warm liquid throughout the day without straining it.
Eucalyptus oil : This essential oil is very helpful in relieving congestion. Put 5-6 drops of  pure essential oil in two cups of water in your steamer and inhale after placing a towel over your head. Doing this for 3-5 minutes,will help clear sinuses and relieve congestion.

Home Remedies

In its initial stages hot fomentation of cheeks, neck (throat), steam inhalation, consuming hot sour and slightly spicy foods and gargling with turmeric and hot water at least twice a day are advised.

Medicated Milk To be consumed  in case of watery discharge from the nose as a result of rhinitis in its initial stages.This is on an average for 3-4 days. Boil a cup of milk with a cup of water and add 1 flat level teaspoon of dried ginger (सौंठ ) powder. Continue boiling this mixture till only a cup of milk remains. Strain the milk and consume it with sugar (if needed) This milk is to be consumed first thing in the morning before your usual cup of tea/coffee.

Throat Immunity

At times of Covid 19 era take special care of your throat.
  • Steam inhalation.
  • Saline gargles good
  • Take Amla chuana daily, as it  is a throat tonic as well as protects lungs.
  • After coming from outside in hot summer or after exercising do not drink refrigerated water immediately
  • Practice Pranayama Regularly Bhastrika, Kapal bhatti and Anolom vilom.
  • Bhramari & Udgeet pranayama.
  • Do Singh asana daily and throat massage
  • Mask, social distancing and sanitizers are a must practice.
  • If infection Betadine mouth wash.


  • Also avoid anything sour, like tomato, tamarind, lemon and oranges.
  • No to pickles.
  • Avoid cold drink, ice cream if sore throat. 
  • After coming from outside in hot summer or after exercising do not drink refrigerated water immediately
  • Avoid pani puri for infections.
  • Avoid fried.


Onset remedies
Begin taking 1-2 g of vitamin C at the very first sign of a cold. Along with this take a supplement containing Vitamin B - complex with zinc. This may stop your cold from developing further and may shorten the duration of cold.
Drink a couple of glasses of  carrot juice as Beta carotene helps stimulate the immune system and above all keep moving.
Clear chicken soup or vegetable soup with lots of black pepper, ginger, garlic and onions. Keeps the sinuses open and reduces the symptoms of cold such as headaches, congestion and others.
Saline nasal drops.

Chawanprash is a good remedy to improve the immunity.

It is a safer and effective way  of not only relieving symptoms but also for improving immunity and saving you from graver illness.

Neti kriya : Neti kriya is a type of yogic nasal cleansing exercise. ... Neti kriya is designed to purify the nasal passages and bathe the sinuses. ... Jala neti, which is practiced using a neti pot filled with saline solution to cleanse the nasal passages.
Jala Neti kriya (nasal cleaning) is a cleansing practice of the sinus passages with warm saline water. ... It is also called Neti or Saline Nasal Irrigation. ... Tilt the neti pot until the water starts coming out of the other nostril by gravity.
Neti effectively removes dirt and bacteria filled mucus from the nasal passages. It is an ancient yogic purification technique that is all the more relevant and helpful in our modern times where air pollution and airborne pathogens are becoming increasing health risk factors


   Infections. Viral infections like measles, influenza, Covid 19, chickenpox, common cold and mumps. 2. Bacterial infections like streptococcal 
   Dry air It removes moisture from Nasal and oral cavity making it to feel dry and scratchy. This usually occur in winter season or by use of Air conditioners.
   Cigarette, tobacco smoke, air pollution, chemical and other substances in environment cause irritation in throat.
     Straining vocal chords and muscles in the throat due to talking loudly, yelling or singing for long time.
      Allergies like pollen, grass and pet dander causes release of chemicals resulting throat irritation.
  Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) Acid back up from stomach into esophagus cause heartburn and throat irritation.
    Tumor, cyst, or follicle in throat, tongue or voice box can also cause sore throat. Sore throat persisting for long time can be a sign of cancer.
      Exposure to cold is a precipitating factor.
  Lack of sleep, living in poorly ventilated areas can lower the body resistance and thus the individual is likely to catch cold often.
      Change of season often brings cold and this has a natural purpose of draining the extra fluid in the body, allow it to continue, do not suppress it. Ayurveda believes that suppressing this leads to lower respiratory tract infections.
      Lack of sleep,  lack of exercise and living in poorly ventilated areas can lower the body resistance and thus the individual is likely to catch cold often.
      Cold substances like ice creams, oil fried items.
      Eating curd at night
      Side effect of anti-hypertensive drug Envas (gives a bad dry cough)
    According to Ayurveda sore throat usually occurs due to imbalance of pitta and Kapha dosha in throat region.
      Exposure to pollution : vapors, fumes and smoke, dust, pollen, 
     Increased building construction due to real state boom.
     Exposure to furry haired pets 
      Exposure to cold wind/ breeze/ Air Conditioner/ fan)
      Exposure to unaccustomed obnoxious smell
      Suppression of natural urges
      Not following daily regimen like cleaning teeth and Improper brushing of tooth.
      Gutka’ is also one of the major causes nowadays for sore throat and tonsillitis.
      Intake of raw radish, urad dal, milk, curd
  According to Ayurveda are :  Cold place, staying in cold weather, exposure to cold air, drinking excessive cold water, excessive exercise, excessive intake of dry food,  unwholesome food, suppression of natural urges.
●   Salt is a cause of headache, insomnia, sinuses, epilepsy, rheumatoid, arthritis and even cancer.

Sign & Symptoms

●   Running nose stuffy nose,sneezing,
●   Sore throat
●    Headache
●    Fever and cough dry/ or with mucous
      Redness, tenderness, burning sensation and pain
      Itching swelling white patches over tonsils,
      Hoarseness of voice
   Anorexia (loss of appetite), fever, nasal congestion, running nose, headache, chills, body ache difficulty swallowing.
      Tears in eyes
      Cough dry/ wet
      Nasal membrane swell, making individual breathe through the mouth.
      Pressure sensation in the ear
      Sense of smell and taste reduce


Types based on the part of throat evolved:

      Pharyngitis Affects the area behind the throat
      Laryngitis Affects voice box
      Tonsillitis Cause swelling and redness of tonsils.
      Enzyme linked immuno assay,
      Sputum examination
      Blood cultures and / or serology methods / eosinophil count
      History of allergy
      Examination Clinically by visualizing with torch
      Pulse examination for fever
      Auscultation to rule out chest congestion
      Haemograms : Blood test- to rule out Eosinophilia
      Throat swab to rule out Streptococcus infection in throat.
●    Chest X-Ray, 
●    CT Chest


    Deep breathing is one of the best ways to improve  your breathing capacity and helps keeping respiratory infections at bay.
●    Make sure to do yoga every day and be regular.
●    Maintain personal hygiene
      Boost immunity by eating Chyawanprash.
      Wash your hands frequently to help prevent many infections.
      Sip warm water frequently.
      Eating healthy
      Take proper rest and sleep.
      Do not shout or abuse the voice
      It is advisable to eat less especially in the night.
      Drinking fluid of any type is the best way to cough up secretion.
      Propped up position while sleeping (with the help of extra pillow)
      Install an air purifier.
    Intake of plenty of warm/ lukewarm water, freshly prepared orange juice, hot water with lemon, hot tea.
      Change your toothbrush frequently.
      Do not sleep with your mouth open
      Sleep on left side
      Breath through the right nostril
      Should not sleep in afternoon.
      Rubbing both the hands will generate warmness.
      Making fist with your thumb inside will keep the body warm
      Boost your immune system and stay healthy.
      Avoid exposure to illness.
      Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze, yawn or cough.  
      Use tissue to snuff out the cough.
●  Follow Dinacharya (daily regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) and Swasthavritta healthy regimen
      Daily tongue cleaning routine.
    Achamana (आचमन) Hindu ritual- sipping of small quantity water does the purification of oral cavity (indriya shodhana). 
●   Fumigation for disinfection : It is the well known method of sterilisation, wherein fumes produced from the fumigant are use to eradicate harmful micro and micro- organisms in a located site.
Fumigation with turmeric and ghee.
Fumigation with Guggulu ( Commiphora wightii ) and neem leaves and ghee.
Fumigation with white mustard seeds and Guggulu.
Fumigation with Aparajitha leaves (Nyctanthes arbortristis )and neem leaves and ghee.
Avoid close contact
●  Stay home when your sick. Cover your mouth and nose.Clean your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. 
●  Water is a cure to a lot of issues related to our body. Having water regularly will improve blood flow, which in turn will keep your lungs hydrated.
● Consuming pungent food items like garlic or onion will help reduce cholesterol and fight infections that affect the lungs.
● The spicy compounds in capsicum is helpful because it improves blood flow and fights infection.
●  Consume citrus fruits rich in vitamin C regularly that will help lungs transfer oxygen.
●  Similarly, pumpkin that is rich in vitamin C lowers the chances of lung disease. Carrots have also have the same property and can help fight diseases.
●    Sleeping in prone position :  prone position :
Approximately 7% of people sleep on their stomach. This is called the prone position.enables comfortable prone and lateral positioning during sleep and improves the respiratory parameters in patients. The main physiological aims of prone positioning are: 1) to improve oxygenation; 2) to improve respiratory mechanics; 3) to homogenize the plural pressure gradient, the alveolar inflation and the ventilation distribution; 4) to increase lung volume and reduce the amount of atelectatic regions; 
Why you should sleep face down if you have corona ? It may help ease snoring by shifting fleshy obstructions from your airway. which is face down and stomach touching the ground. It opens the opens the posterior and lateral part of lungs for respiration.  However, improved oxygenation by more advantageous gas exchange in the lungs seems to take place in the prone position as compared to the supine position. “If the human being would sleep in the prone position, the soft tissue would instead fall forward, hypothetically causing an enlargement of the upper airways in REM-sleep.”
● Golden Milk : Have a glass of warm milk mixed with turmeric every night. It helps fight infection and lung diseases. You can keep that annoying cold at bay.
●    Ginger has anti- inflammatory properties and helps get rid of pollutants from the lungs. Have it raw or mixes in your food.

●   Do not go outside in night without covering your head, ears and chest region.
●   Do not take cold water for drinking and bathing purpose.
●   Do not be awake for long in the nighttime.
●   After bath do not keep the scalp wet, dry it thoroughly.



Do walk, do yoga, anything, just as long as you get moving and stretching. Walking strengthens the lungs. Jogging, climbing, swimming and cycling are other options.


It’s true there are many helpful asanas that can open the chest area to help improve the elasticity of the plural cavity and its accessory muscles, which can improve breathing capacity and respiratory challenges.


Vajra asana


   Ujjayi pranayama- In this technique, partially close the back of your throat, which covers the windpipe, so that, as you inhale and exhale through your nose, the air passes through a narrow air passage in your throat, creating the sound made by your breathing. Sound appears to be whispering of letters.
   Bhramari pranayama-It is known as bee breath. Bhramari helps to clear and strengthen the respiratory system and improve vocal resonance. It has calming effect on body. In this pranayama, keep your lips gently closed throughout, inhale deeply, then hum as you exhale, extending the exhalation as long as possible.
      Suryabhedi Pranayama Breathing through right nostril. It can be done by sleeping on left side.
      Kapalbhati Normal inspiration, and forceful expiration.
      Udgeeth pranayama Chanting of our after deep inspiration.

Jal Neti
Nasal cleaning : Jala neti is beneficial for upper respiratory health. It would well become a part of one’s daily morning routine. 
The Sanskrit word, Jala, means “water”. The original meaning of neti is “to guide”. It has also come to mean “nasal cleansing”. Therefore, Jala neti means guiding water through the nasal passages to cleanse them.Jala neti is a traditional Ayurvedic and Yogic practice that clears the nose and sinus passages through nasal irrigation. Sea salt is dissolved into warm, pure water in a Neti pot, a tool specifically designed for this purpose. The head is tilted forward and to the side and the solution is poured into one nostril and allowed to pour out the other, thereby clearing the nasal passages and sinuses of excess mucous, toxins and debris along the way. Neti allows for fuller, freer breathing, which increases the amount of prana, or vital life energy, that we absorb. 

 What are the benefits of Jala Neti?
Jala Neti is a very beneficial technique that can provide relief from sinus problems, allergies, asthma, colds, and headaches, among other things. When done regularly, it can even clear up chronic sinusitis and rhinitis

Learn to meditate and concentrate on Vishuddha chakra which is located on the throat region. It also helps to relieve stress.

Simha Kriya

A simple  but powerful yogic process to boost immunity and enhance lung capacity.It has to be done 21 times.Anybody from 6-70 years can do.

Isha kriya

This is also a  simple  but powerful yogic process to boost immunity and enhance lung capacity

Acupressure point
ThroatAt the base of thumb

      Kantha Marma(कंठ मर्म) Stimulation:
      In creating negative pressure take deep inspiration followed by protruding tongue out.

    In creating positive pressure take deep inspiration, blow the mouth cavity, cheeks are swollen, hold the breath, followed by exhalation through nostrils.

      Vishuddhachakra (विशुध्द चक्र)  It is located in the throat region.

      Udana Mudra Beneficial for throat problem.

      Surya Mudra generates heat in the body. Surya mudra is good for sinusitis.

     Linga Mudra

It works by concentrating on the fire element inside the body.
Formation :
Linga mudra is formed by interlocking the palm but keeping the left thumb erect pointing upwards. This mudra can be done by reversing the hand too,
Effect :
The fire in the thumb is activated  and is able to increase uninhibited.
Benefits : 
  • Asthma, bronchitis, T.B Pleurisy are cured.
  • Hypothermia : Shivering and chills due to cold weather can be controlled. 
  • Discomfort experienced in air conditioned room is relieved by this mudra.
  • Ailments caused by over production of mucus such as wet asthma cold sinusitis etc can be cured.
  • Increased digestive powers and also melts excess of fat in the body. Give better results  when performed together with  Soorya Mudra- both 15 minutes each, one after the other.
  • Difficulty in breathing can be relieved by this mudra.
  • Congested nose can be relieved by this mudra immediately and one can get good sleep.
  • Regulates the flow of menstrual cycle. Give better results when performed  together with surya mudra.- both 15 minutes each , one after other.
  • When naval center is shifted from the original place, comes back to its place by this mudra.
Special Note : This mudra increases heat in the body so this mudra is to be performed  only for 15 minutes or less. But when there is congestion and cold continues do this mudra for 30 minutes twice a day followed by Prana mudra for 10 minutes.. Since this mudra generates heat  one must consume a lot of  liquids such as water, fruit juices, milk, butter milk etc.
Any one suffering from acidity , fever and stomach ulcers  should not perform this mudra.
This mudra is to be performed only  till the problem persists and then it should be discontinued.

     Shankha Mudra

  • Tonsillitis and other throat infections are cured.
Adity Mudra

Formation :
Place the tip of the thumb at  the base of the ring finger.
Effect :
Ring finger represents earth or Prithvi and thumb represents fire or Agni. When Agni touches the base of ring finger there is a growth of Prithvi element and also the growth of Agni.Therefore therefore there will be weight gain with improvement in stamina.
Benefits : 
  • Problem of sneezing continuously in the morning can be cured with the practice of this mudra. Yawning and sneezing during meditation can be prevented by practicing this mudra
Apana Vayu Mudra

This mudra can save a person from 'heart attack', hence a mudra is called Sanjeevani Mudra, one that gives life to a dying person. This mudra gives instant results and the pain is reduced immediately.
Formation :
This is combination of two Mudras Vayu and Apana. From Vayu mudra by placing the tip of index finger at the base of the thumb and then form Apana Mudra by joining tip of the thumbs with the middle and ring fingers.
Effects :
There is combined effect of Vayu mudra and Apana Mudra. Vayu mudra relieves the pain instantly and Apana mudra maintains space to reinforce blood circulation to the heart. 

Perform Apana Vayu Mudra-
  1. When there is sleeplessness.
  2. When there is over exertion.
  3. When there is stress.
  4. When climbing staircases and hills.
  5. When there is crises.
Kuber Mudra

This mudra is dedicated to Kubera- The God of Wealth. As per Indian mythology Kubera is a God of North East direction. He is the treasure of shiva, God of Kailasa. Kuber mudra beatows blessings and our project succeed, one gets wealth Kuber mudra also bestows courage. Kubera mudra is a hand gesture (hasta mudra) used in yoga to focus on abundance and prosperity – both spiritual and physical. The term comes from the name Kubera, a Hindu demi-god of riches.
Formation :
Join the index finger tips and middle finger tips to the thumb tips.Place the little finger tips and ring finger tips in the middle of the palm. 
Effects : Joining the tip of middle and index fingers to the tip of thumb balances the blood pressure.. General health is enhanced as the tips of the little finger and ring finger touch the pressure points of Solar plexus, adrenal glands and kidneys
Benefits :.
  • Inhaling upwards while performing this mudra also helps to de-congest the sinuses.
      Light liquid, nutritive diet
      Should be encouraged to take meat or chicken soup 
      Vegetables with bitter or sour taste, garlic, onion
      Honey is good for congested throat. It pacifies Kapha.
      Roasted Channa good for cough.
      Drink Masala tea- Sonth, kali mirch, cinnamon, green cardamom
      Grains: wheat, barley
     Vegetables: Ladyfingers, brinjal, snake gourd, fenugreek, raw turmeric, fresh ginger, onion.
      Legumes: Green gram (Moong dal), Masoordal
      Meat: chicken, (roasted), goat meat (Keema)
      Fruits: Black raisins, fresh dates, apricots can be taken in a dry fruit category.
      Herbal tea: Using Tulsi, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, and dry ginger (सौंठ)
    Take nutritious food rich in vitamin C, iron and zinc that to avoid ENT infections by improving the immunity.
    Regular use of mint, coriander, cumin, black pepper in chutney form if taken in the last course of dinner is good prevention for upper respiratory inflammatory conditions.

●  Do not take the following: Fish & fish products
●  Milk & milk products except diluted butter milk boiled with turmeric powder and ghee.
●   Deep fried items, refrigerated and reheated food and cold water.
  Avoid mucous or Phlegm (बलगम) causing food: like milk, curd, cheese, buttermilk, tamarind, banana, custard Apple, guava, prunes, melon, watermelon, sour tomatoes 
      Stop drinking anything which is not boiled and warm
      Avoid fried oily, spicy, sour items.
      Avoid exposed to cold
      Avoid intake of cold substances like ice creams, cold drinks, refrigerated water.
      Better to avoid fresh fruits
      Oil nuts: Pistachio, walnuts, cashew.
      Avoid dusty atmosphere, or chemical like asbestos, smoking etc.
      Avoid exposure to cold weather
      Quit smoking
      Suppression of urges
      Sour foods should be avoided
      No head bath
      Avoid contact with an allergen or irritant
      Avoid radish banana, cucumber
      Avoid air conditioner
      Avoid excessive talking
      Avoid dust, fumes, pollution
      Avoid salads 
      Avoid heavy meal at night
      Avoid peanuts

   Trikatuis a combination of 3 herbs: Ginger, (Zingiber officinale) or (सौठ) black pepper, (Piper nigrum), and Pippali (piper longum). Taken along with honey.
      Pipli Pippalisheer (पिपलीक्षीर) Good for dry cough. Boil milk add sugar, and Pippali powder
   Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) It is boiled in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper and honey. This reduces the sore throat problem.
      Ginger (Ginger extracts or ginger decoction) taken several times a day with honey is an excellent remedy for treating cold along with cough. 
   Tulsi Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) is heat generating in action and useful in respiratory infections. Or Chewing few leaves of tulsi or extract of leaves will help of sore throat problems. Tulsi and ginger tea, helps to reduce cold. Or Tulsi,ginger,pepper with honey.
Tulsi juice with honey, helps to cure cough.
 Garlic- Natural antibiotic helps to prevent cold, flu. It can destroy viruses and bacteria. Immerse Lahsun (Allium sativum) in honey and hold it for forty days. A spoonful of this mixture every day helps throat infection.
      Onion- (Allium sepa) it has the power to liquefy phlegm. This makes the sticky mucus runny and it is discharged out of the nose.
      Amla-regular use of Amla powder. It is the highest natural source of vitamin C. 2-3 tsp of fresh juice of Amla or 1 tsp of the powder with honey is beneficial.
    Turmeric an anti-inflammatory agent. Add 1 tbs of the powder to a cup of milk and taken at bed time. It helps in early recovery. Turmeric decreases malaise and correct constipation. It keeps the lungs clear of phlegm and activates the liver. Fried turmeric powder taken with 1-2 gm of ghee mixed in hot milk, taken internally, gives immediate relief. Gargle with warm turmeric powder 2-3 times a day to relieve a sore throat. Inhalation of smoke from the burning turmeric brings quick relief by causing copious nasal 
    Vasa Soothe your sore throat with (Adhatoda vasica), make a decoction of crushed vasa leaves. Mix with honey or sugar.

Self care tip to follow at home
 ●  Sipping lukewarm water.
 ●  Steam inhalation in case of upper respiratory tract infections.
 ●  Keeping away from precipitating allergens.
 ●  Avoid smoking.

Home remedies
●  Dry Cough Cosume a teaspoon of melted ghee (clarified butter) with half a cup of warm water at         night before you go to sleep.
  Deep Gargle (kavala/gandoosha) a few minutes every morning for care of oral cavity. Gargling with Triphala and Yashtimadhu (Mulethi) or licorice.
    Gargling (Palatable hot water) It is probably the best home remedy because it relieves cough and nasal blockage. Using a pinch of rock salt and turmeric powder in lukewarm water. Gargling 2-3 times a day gives soothing effect on the burning sensation of throat due to frequent coughing. 
●   If there is mucus  production take 1/2 tsf of ginger powder, 1 pinch of clove powder and 1 pinch of cinnamon powder  on 1 cup of boiled water as a tea.
●   Cold : Take 1 tsf of grated fresh ginger,, 1 tsf of cinnamon powder and 1 tsf of licorice powder. Add all this together to 1 liter of water and boil on slow fire  for 10 minutes till about 1/4th (250 ml)  of it is left. This drink can be taken three times a day.. Honey can be added as a sweetener.
      Decoction prepared with tulsi, ginger and black pepper.
  Yashti churna (Powder of licorice root) licked with honey reduce throat irritation and cough, it helps to expel Phlegm easily.
   Milk boiled with ginger, pepper, turmeric and liquorice taken at bedtime help to relieve sore throat.
      If hoarseness is due to dryness of the throat-7 kernel of Almond and 7 grains of pepper should be ground together with water and sugar. This linctus relieves hoarseness.
    A mixture of Kali tulsi (Ocimum basilicum) leaf juice, Adrak (Zingiber officinale) juice and honey is prepared. One spoonful of this is given to the patient to get rid of throat inflammation.
 Powder of Methi (Trigonella foenum- graecum) seeds and haldi (Curcuma longa) mixed in tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) juice.
      In throat infections, Glenda (Tagetes erecta) leaves (3g) and sugar ( 6g) is crushed in 4 ml water, filtered and taken orally.
      Gargling with Saunf (Foeniculum vulgaris) water treats sore throat.
      Fresh leaves of Mehndi (Lawsonia intermission) in a glass of water and gargle as a remedy in sore throat and tonsillitis.
      In tonsillitis powder of Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and Haldi (Curcuma longa) powder is given.
      Lemon juice linctus for sore throat. Take half a lime, add plenty of honey or sugar to it and keep licking. It is an expectorant. Lemon improves digestion (Panchana) and dissolves Phlegm. Honey helps to expel Phlegm.
    Tambul sevana (पान खाना) Betel leaf chewing tones the muscles of jaw, does shodhana, improves Swara, and facilities digestion. Prevents dryness and cracking of mouth and lips and Increases the local defense mechanism.
●   Decoction of crushed garlic  bulb, ginger, curry leaves, clove with jaggery helps to reduce flu.
●   Add camphor to heated sesame oil, when lukewarm to be gently massaged over the chest and back, followed by hot water fomentation, help liquefy the phlegm for easy expelling.
●   Steam inhalation with 2 drops of eucalyptus oil helps to clear the nasal cavity.


 “Remember, if you have to take antibiotic, take the full course. Do not be tempted to stop just because you feel better. Remember those superbugs ! ”


    Avoiding the causative factorStaying away from the causative factors before and after getting infection reduces the possibility for breeding germs. It also helps the disease fighting mechanism of the body to play a role in arresting the disease
●    Complete rest for three days
●    Decongestant
●    Gargles :Saline gargles with warm water.
●    Hot water bath : No water over head.
●    Steam Inhalation and get rid of mucus with Vicks.
●   Keep Allergy under control.
●   Avoid irritants such as pollutants, chemicals and fragrance.
●   Pepper longam An anti-inflammatory herb good for respiratory system.
●   Trikatu : Pepper longam + black pepper + ginger good for respiratory infections.
●   Haldi or Turmeric : an inflammatory drug.
●   Chilly is good for respiratory system.
●   Cayenne pepper
●   Spicy food good for respiratory system.

  • Detox lungs naturally
Drink plenty of water it thins out the inflammation.
Ashtanga yoga helps respiratory system.
Stop smoking
Regular exercise or physical activity. Half an hour walk 5 days a week.
Eat healthy diet like fruits and vegetables, leafy greens. garlic, onion, orange, apples, grape fruit . Beans
kidney bean, berries, olive oil, poultry, spinach.
Adequate hydration
Wear mask for pollution N 95. Watch Air quality index (AQI) before visiting any place.How clear it is.
Breathing exercises, Pranayama.
Physical activity.
Diaphragmatic breathing, belly breath or deep breathing, Bhastrika pranayama. 

●   Do not surgically remove the tonsils just because they are getting inflamed. Tonsillitis is the first level of defense in the body against external organisms. 
●   Gargle with hot water with turmeric and salt. 
●   Do not give your child cold items such as ice water, ice cream, curd, butter milk etc. Give her only boiled and warm water. 
●   Do not take head bath when the tonsils are swollen.
●   Antibiotic if necessary.

Pharyngitis & Sinusitis
   Steam inhalation with a drop of Eucalyptus oil or clove oil in water gives comfort in respiratory ailments.
      Saline or alum gargles
      Mendel’s Throat paint to be applied locally
      Do not take head bath till the sore throat disappears 
      Drink boiled water (plenty), bed rest and soft diet
      Local gargles with disprin soluble tablets or Hexidine outs wash
      Tab Paracetamol three times a day or
      Tab voveran
      For dry cough Syrup Actifed DM 2 tsf three times a day
      If no relief and throat show follicular tonsillitis 
      Antibiotic: cap Ampicillin 250-500 mg thrice daily. Along with B complex
      Tab Erythromycin 250 mg one four times daily for six days.
      Tab Azithromycin 500mg 1 tab for three days.
      Sup Ambriyolite 2 tsf thrice a day.
      Or syrup dextromethorphan for dry cough 
      Tab doxycycline 100mg twice daily on first day then once a day for week
      Tab ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice a day
      Tab Co- amoxiclav 625 mg twice a day
      Tab cefuroxime 250-500 mg twice for 5 days.
      In recurrent cases tonsillectomy is advised once acute attack is over.
      Regular salt water gargle is beneficial
      During bout of infection, voice rest is better (मौन व्रत)
    Nasya ( instilling in each nostril once every day two drops of Anuthaila which is available easily will benefit you. 
     Avoid ice creams, cold and refrigerated items. Also use only boiled and cooled water for drinking purpose.

      Speak minimumgive rest to voice.
      No smoking
      Tab Cinaryl or tab Dristran or tab Vikoryl twice a day.
      Medicated steam inhalation. Tincture Benzoin or Karol inhaling capsule in a boiling water
      Strepsils lozenges 3-4 per day to be kpet in mouth
      Antibiotic if necessary: Septran DS tab twice a day for five days
      Azithromycin 50 mg BD.
      Ciprofloxacin 500 mg BD
      Short course of steroid or antihistamines.
      Tab Betnelan or Kenacort 
      One thrice a day x 2 days
      One twice a day x 2 days
      One daily x 2 days
      Tab Cetrizine once a day.
Tropical Eosinophilia 
    Tab Banocide forte or tab Hetrazan. 100 mg one tab thrice a day for one month. Repeat 3 such courses at monthly intervals
      Phensedyl linctus 1 tsp morning and night
   Note Diethylcarbamazine may cause exacerbation of Symptoms in the early stages, if so :tab Prednisolone 5 mg 1-1-1-1 for 10 days and gradually taper of the dose.


●     Pippali Milk : Ingredients Required 1/2 tsp Pippali powder 1 cup Milk 1/4 cup water Method of Preparation Mix all the ingredients and heat to boiling point...

●    Natural herbal antibiotic : Turmeric, ginger, garlic,tulsi and pomegranate.
      Tab Honitus, or syrup / tab koflet for soothing of throat irritation.
      Ginger tea with honey gives immense comfort in cough and stuffy nose.
      Keep mulethi (licorice), or clove, Mishriin mouth for throat irritation.
   Medicated steam Inhalation using Eucalyptus (nilgiri) inhalation of turmeric by burning turmeric on tava.
      Use of twigs of (Neem/ Babool/Khadira) for tooth cleaning, followed by tongue cleaning.
      In case of dry cough decoction of licorice root with honey helps to soothe the throat. 
●  Milk kashaya : For cold & Cough .Milk boiled with spices such as pepper, cumin, ,dalchini, cardemum, dry ginger powder, nutmeg and coriander. Roast all ingredients one after other on a gentle flame except cardemum. Now powder all ingredients. Add jaggery or sugar for taste. Consume it during cold season or once in a day. This will relieve you from cough cold and also keep the body warm.
●  Detoxification : Cleansing therapies using medicated decorations, pills and pastes help in removing excessive phlegm, thereby clearing the airway. They help reduce the infection. The severity of condition is drastically reduced post detoxification. Detoxification helps in treating the respiratory infections effectively.  Purgation ,Enema (Basti)
●    Inhalation : In the evening, inhale the water vapour boiled with "Nirgundi " (Vitex nirgundu)  leaves 50 gms.
●    Snuff : Finely powder dry ginger and snuff it 1 pinch on each nose in the morning. Deeply inhale the powder to the sinus.. It may slightly produse a burning sensation, but it will remove the phlegm. Before doing this give wet hot fomentation on the sinus area around fore head.
   Nasya (नस्य) (instilling medicated oil in the nostrils). It prevents the diseases of nose, ears, throat and head. e.g. Ksheerabala Taila (Avartam), Anutailaetc.

●  JAL Neti  : Cleansing of nose with water. Jal Neti is a process which aims to clean the nasal channel by allowing water into nostrils. Nasal cleansing yoga works good for people suffering from allergies .
    Emesis(वमन): This is a Panchakarma procedure where patient is made to vomit under supervision.
    Apply Thulasiadi thailam (तुलसी का तेल )  on the head about 1-2 tsf  before bath.
●   Rasayana to boost immunity. Chyawanaprash, Dasamoola Rasayanam and Agasthya Rasayanam.
    Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) - The leaves contain alkaloids which have strong anti-allergic, anti- 
  Black Pepper (Piper longum) It contain alkaloid pipeline which contain anti- inflammatory properties. It also helps to break down the mucous and dilate the bronchioles.
●  Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)- It has anti- asthmatic activity acts as an antioxidants and possesses immuno-modulators property.
●    Guduchi ( Tinospora cardifolia) 
●   Turmeric ( Curcuma longs) Haridra It contains curcumin which has anti bacterial, antiviral and anti inflammatory properties. Usually turmeric can be taken with warm diluted milk during cough.
●  Kantakari (Solanum zanthocarpum) It is  used in the treatment of cough and breathing disorders due to its anti asthmatic & anti - allergic property.
●   Harad ( Terminalia chebula) Haritaki  It has hot potency and is a Anti- tussive (speciality to relieve cough) properties.
●  Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) It acts as nervier toniv with anti bacterial,immuno modulating.
●    Take 1 tsf of "Agasthya rasayanam"  at night  followed by warm water.

      Exposure to sun

* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.


* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.


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