Winter Season
Hiemal Period / शिशिर ऋतू |
"Dewy Season/ (शीतकाल)
(Mid Jan- Mid March) (माघ- फाल्गुन)
Temp - Below 10-degree Celsius (पतझड़)
Winter is the season for warmth of a cozy fires, hot cocoa, and snuggling under blankets with a book or loved one. During this season, the environment remains cold and windy. Nature in the winter season is sleeping, because of low temperatures, frost in the air and snowing weather. You are able to see trees, that just covered by snow. Days become short, as usual not so sunny and nights are becoming longer. Also winter season is the best time in the year to see the night sky, as they are the brightest in this time of the year.
The most beautiful phenomenon of the winter is snow! You know that the snowflakes are never repeat themselves, they have amazing shapes, that different with each new snowflake. Another amazing thing, that we can see in winter is crystallization of the water. This phenomenon is really beautiful and makes environment more picturesque. To add more, on some frozen lakes it is allowed to ride a ski!
Frozen Dal Lake Kashmir |
The English word “Winter” comes from the Proto-Indo-European root “wend,” relating to water. Winter is caused by the axis of the earth in the hemisphere being oriented away from the sun. When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere, and vice versa. Winter does not occur in most of the tropical zones (like South India Andhra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu). Winter is the coldest season of the year, associated with snow and freezing temperature. Besides, dew drops on the grass look like pearls. There is a Fog and mist in the morning, visibility is less, which causes more traffic and road accidents. During this season, the environment remains cold and windy.
Fog in Delhi |
The word ‘Shishir" is another name for Lord Vishnu. Cold winds, dryness, occasional clouds and rainfall are some of the features that describe Shishir Ritu. This season signifies old age. Winters are great to enjoy food and build immunity. We do not get tired easily. There is no fear of mosquitoes. It is the season of health.
Skying in winter |
Balance of energy : Now that winter is in full swing, prepare for coughs. colds, respiratory troubles, lung and sinus infections, weight gain and skin ailments.. This is due to low immunity, an incorrect diet and lifestyle, a constitutional predisposition towards a kapha disorder, and environmental conditions.
शिशिर ऋतू
शीत हवाओं के झोंके आने लगे हैं
ठिठुरन से सभी को सताने लगे हैं
शीत लहर से बचाव करने को लोग
जगह -जगह अलाव जलाने लगे हैं
बदन पर बेशुमार वस्त्र भाने लगे हैं
जाड़े जबरदस्त जड़ें जमाने लगें हैं
बर्फीली शीतल हवाओं के झोंकों से
अंग-अंग प्रत्यंग कम्पकपाने लगे हैं
नवम्बर से मार्च में जो ऋतु आती है
पर्यावरण की हवायें सर्द हो जाती हैं
पाचन -तंत्र मजबूत रहता है इसमें
यह शीत, शिशिर ऋतु कहलाती है
ठिठुरन जब अत्यधिक बढ़ जाएगी
सूरज की किरणें सभी को भायेंगी
दिन में सूर्य किरणों की गर्मी पाकर
रात को खूब सुहावनी नींद आयेगी
रबी की फसलें अब खूब लहरायेंगी
पर्वत मालायें हिम से सज जायेंगी
निद्रा में अब मधुर आनन्द आयेगा
अब दिन छोटे रात बड़ी हो जायेंगी
शीत लहरों से खुद को बचाना होगा
दौड़ -भाग कर पसीना बहाना होगा
व्याधियाँ न लग जाएं तन को कहीं
कपड़ों से सारे तन को छुपाना होगा
जालिम जाड़े की जड़ें जम न जायें
शरीर को खूब चुस्त दुरुस्त बनायें
नियमित निरन्तर कसरत से'प्रफुल'
जीवन में ज्योतिर्मय ज्योति जलायें
The trees and plants stop growing. The trees shed their leaves. The concept of winter is associated with the season of dormancy, particularly in relation to crops; some plants die, leaving their seeds, and others merely cease growth until spring. For the leaves the chlorophyll is no longer needed, because there isn’t enough sunlight to photosynthesize (the way in which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to create energy for themselves). What you see is the leaves’ natural colour before they drop off through a lack of food. During winter, many of these trees will be barren.
Barren Trees |
That means you can only see the trunk and the branches. It can give you a good view of any bird’s nests that would have been hidden during other months of the year. Similar to trees, frost often withers away a flower's food source: their green leaves. This means that a lot of plants die off. However, during their growing season, they produce a lot of seeds that can survive the winter and sprout next year. Various kinds of seasonal flowers Dalais, roses, etc. blooms in beautiful colors and enhance the beauty of nature.
Rose |
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Fragrant Winter Jasmine/ Jasmine polyanthum ( चमेली ) |
Dahlia |
Pansies |
Buttercup /Ranunculus |
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Petunia |
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Zinnia |
Some annual plants never survive the winter. Other annual plants require winter cold to complete their life cycle; this is known as vernalization. As for perennials, many small ones profit from the insulating effects of snow by being buried in it. Larger plants, particularly deciduous trees, usually let their upper part go dormant, but their roots are still protected by the snow layer. Few plants bloom in the winter, one exception being the flowering plum, which flowers in time for Chinese New Year. The process by which plants become acclimated to cold weather is called hardening.
Animals survive the winter in a number of ways. These include hibernation, migration, and physical adaptation. Winter period can be really challenging for animals. Temperatures are low and it is cold for some of them to stay outside, it is difficult to find food and shelter. That is why animals are trying to survive winter in the different ways.
Migration |
Amu Falcon in Manipur (traveling raptors) |
- Migration : Many birds and fish travel to a new location where they will be better protected from the cold temperatures and harsh weather. This is known as migration, and it happens because they can fly or swim across great distances during the autumn. The animals might not consciously realize that they’re doing this, as they’re biologically programmed to do it ! When the weather becomes habitable again, they’ll return. Migration is a common effect of winter upon animals such as migratory birds. Some butterflies also migrate seasonally. Some of birds in the winter are flying to other countries, where the weather is warmer and it is more easy for them to find food and shelter.
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Hibernating Bear |
- Hibernation : In winter, there is little food left for animals to eat. This means that many species survive by conserving their energy through hibernation. Before animals go into hibernation, they have to prepare. This happens during the autumn, as they collect a lot of food to eat and build up their energy storage. As they enter hibernation, their heart begins to beat slower. Their body temperature cools to match the weather outside, keeping them somewhat protected. They try to use as little energy as possible during this process – hence the sleeping. However, not all animals hibernate during the winter, and a great example of this is squirrels. Squirrels are active throughout the winter, digging up buried stores of food to keep them going throughout the cold winter. However, they may sometimes rest in their nests (called ‘dreys’) for a few days at a time, which is why people sometimes assume that they hibernate.
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Resting Squirrel |
Hibernation is a state of reduced metabolic activity. like e.g., gophers, frogs, snakes, and bats. Hibernation is a time of inactivity. Some endothermic (warm blooded) animals hibernate, usually during the winter, when food is short. They fall into a sleep-like state. They regulate their metabolism to consume less energy. They lower their body temperature, slow their breathing, and slow other vital functions. During hibernation, the body uses fat for energy, which the animal has gathered in summer and autumn. They hibernate from the end of autumn to the start of winter. Animals try and eat as much as they can to increase the fats in their body. Mammals like bats, marmots, hedgehogs, marsupials and others hibernate. The phases of sleeping (called torpor) are different for the different animals. Hedgehogs sleep for 1–3 weeks, without waking, The fat dormouse sleeps for 20–33 days, without waking. The winter sleep of bears is not as deep as hibernation. Only mammals hibernate. However, a few birds including hummingbirds do something similar.
Gophers |
- Some animals store food for the winter and live on it instead of hibernating completely. This is the case for squirrels, beavers, skunks, badgers, and raccoons.
Squirrel storing nuts |
- Camouflage :
To survive the harshness of winter, many animals have developed different behavioral and morphological adaptations for overwintering.
Snowshoe Hare and some other animals change color in winter
Resistance is observed when an animal endures winter but changes in ways such as color and musculature. The color of the fur or plumage changes to white (in order to be confused with snow) and thus retains its cryptic coloration year-round. Examples are the rock ptarmigan, Arctic fox, weasel, white tailed jack rabbit, and mountain hare..jpg) |
Arctic Fox |
Seals have thicker layer of blubber |
- Some fur-coated mammals grow a heavier coat during the winter; this improves the heat-retention qualities of the fur. The coat is then shed following the winter season to allow better cooling. The heavier coat in winter made it a favorite season for trappers, who sought more profitable skins.
Furr Bear |
Birds grow warmer coats |
But some birds are staying in their usual place and surviving winter in own ways. Birds can also grow warmer “coat” and also the evolution process gave some of them low metabolism process.
Burrowing : Snow also affects the ways animals behave; many take advantage of the insulating properties of snow by burrowing in it. Mice and voles typically live under the snow layer. |
Burrowing Snow Bird
Uttarayan is celebrated mainly in Gujrat. The festival takes place generally on 14 January of each year during the Makar Sankranti. Makar Sankranti is a festival day dedicated to the deity Surya. Festival of kite and good food.
International Kite Festival in Gujrat
It is celebrated throughout India as Uttarayan. According to Hindu mythology, Bhishma Pitamah struggled a lot with his life after being wounded in the war, till the onset of Uttarayan. He attained heavenly abode during this auspicious phase. It is believed that people who die on this day achieves Moksha or salvation.
Kumbh Mela
In Allahbad, Nasik, Haridwar and Ujjain
The Kumbh Mela 2024 is going to be held at Allahbad (Prayag) from January 15 th, 2024 to March 8th, 2024. Every six years in Allahabad are celebrated in the month of January-February when Jupiter is in Aries or Taurus and in Sun and Moon in Capricorn during the Hindu month of Magh.
Makar Sankranti 14th Jan
In Maharashtra
Lohri 13th Jan
In Punjab
लोहड़ी की आग आप के जीवन को करे रोशन
रेवड़ी और गजक आप के रिश्ते में लाये मीठापन
मूंगफली और तिल आप के जीवन में लाये अच्छापन
In Assam
Camel Festival
In Bikaner
In South India
It is celebrated in south India with sugarcane, rangoli and pot of rice.
In winter, you direct all your outward energy inwards and settle into a state of reflection, repose, and hibernation. The cold season helps you retrieve all the spent energy over the year and revive you for the next one. To have a healthy and balanced life, it’s important to stay in perfect harmony with nature. Changing your diet and lifestyle can be a great way to stay in rhythm with the natural cycle of seasons.
Dew / शबनम / ओसकीबूँदे |
For most of us winter is the time for parties, good food and dressing up, but some people are badly affected by the decrease in sunlight. Winter brings crisp breezes, coughs and colds, but there is a natural way to cope. You know there is nip in air, its harder to leave your warm bed in the mornings; you pull out the woolen and every thing feels lovely and than it begins... A sneeze, a cough , a sniffle, blocked nose, congested chest and a ghastly feeling that you'll be sick all winter.. The best way to fight winter illnesses is to address them from the root. Congestion , cough, and colds are the result of accumulated toxins in the body and lowered immunity. Other agents can be a trigger as well.
People enjoying the winter weather.
Advantages of Winter
First, winters help the body detoxify by ridding it of excess waste through mucus. During the cold season, the body’s functions slow down in order to conserve energy for survival. As a result, the body produces a high amount of toxins that need to be eliminated from the body.
Boosting the immune system:
Your body uses energy to help fight infection, especially when it’s cold outside. During winter, the body’s ability to produce white blood cells increases in response to the increased demand for immune defense cells, resulting in stronger defenses against infection and illness.
Cold weather burns more calories:
Cold weather can actually help you burn calories. Cold weather has a way of making the bodywork a little harder to maintain an equilibrium, which can lead to increased calorie expenditure.
Reduced stress levels:
The season makes people get more sleep than during other seasons. Hence, the body automatically has more time to heal and repair both physical and mental health.
Nature is healthier:
Winter is a dormant season in all senses. Since the temperature drops in winter, most of the dust and allergens stay on earth reducing allergies. The season also sees a decline in the insect count, making it relatively bug-free. So when you walk outside in winter you are more likely to breathe fresher air and feel much more relaxed and rejuvenated
Life in Accord With The Winter Season
According to Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda winter is a combination of two energy systems that can give rise to health problems. Vata and Kapha. This season is associated with dryness and dehydration, which leads to an accumulation of Kapha dosha and the aggravation of vata dosha. According to Ayurveda, physical strength is at its peak during this time and it is the ideal period to build strength, stamina and immunity in our bodies..
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"Aggravation of vata dosha and accumulation of kapha dosha".
Air & Space Element. Vata Dominance:
Vata people tend to be lean, with dry skin and restless nature. In winter, they feel cold and depressed. They crave lot of cups of tea or coffee, which results in stomach disorders. Their hands and feet are always cold, and they are prone to joint this season.
Shishir Ritu’s cold and dry qualities align with Vata’s inherent characteristics. During this season, Vata tends to be aggravated, potentially leading to conditions like dry skin, joint discomfort, and increased susceptibility to respiratory issues. Excess vata can lead to erratic eating pattern, anxiety, restlessness and fear. The dry cold energy system is called Vata (वात) which causes arthritis and other pains. Winter leads to blockage of channels. Hence keeping warm opens up the channels.
Vata controls all the movement in the body like musculoskeletal movement, neuro-hormonal movements circulation, movements of thoughts and energy inside the body.
Digestion : People with dominant vata dosha tend to have irregular digestion inconsistent appetite and food absorption. and may experience gas, bloating and constipation, when their digestion is imbalanced. Maintaining a regular eating routine and consuming warm, nourishing food helps pacify vata and support healthy digestion.
It is the worst weather for the Vatas, as they become weak and susceptible to cold as well as other seasonal diseases.
Tips for Vata People
Since Vata people are uncomfortable in winter they should incoperate a regular oil massage in their lives., as this is the season when the skin gets very dry. In the olden days a traditional Ayurvedic massage called Abhayangam used to be recommended, but any oil massage is good. To keep themselves warm, vata people should drink herbal teas rather than regular tea or coffee. Which tend to over stimulate the system. There are several herbal teas available for the people with vata nature.. A tulsi tea with warming spices like ginger or black pepper would be good And saffron is also warming for vata people.
The food to be consumed should be warm and laden with moisture and some oil to hydrate and moisturize the body. The best oil for Vata people in Winter season are sesame and mustard oil. I recommend that they drink a lot of soup.
Water & Earth Element. Kapha Awakening:
Kapha people on the other hand crave rich and fried foods. Which make them sluggish and slow . As a result, they tend to retain water. And they also tend to be prone to sinus and Asthma Attacks.
The onset of winter and cooler weather in Shishir Ritu marks the awakening of Kapha dosha. Kapha’s cold and damp qualities can lead to issues like congestion and sluggishness. The cold moist energy system is called Kapha (कफ) which causes sinusitis and other respiratory problems. That is why in winter, people who are predominantly Kapha in nature feel unwell. Digestion : Kapha dosha individuals generally have steady digestion but may experience sluggishness and heaviness. Lighter warming foods and regular physical activity can stimulate digestion and prevent kapha related imbalance.
Shishir Ritus bring out the best out of the Kapha body types.
Tips for Kapha People
Make a clean chest of it. As winter reached its fag end, it brings in rain and humidity that can lead to health complications, particularly for those who are vulnerable to chest congestion. To avoid this you should use natural remedies much from simple ingredients that are readily available in your kitchen.
While exercise is always important, it is particularly necessary for kapha people in winter, because they tend to feel heavy and thus fall ill.
Kapha people should also drink hot soups, but these should be light. Drying foods like kala channa, jowar and bajra are essential, and dinner should be light.. Milk and curd should be avoided and paneer should be eaten sparingly. Rice should be avoided.
Fire & Water Element : Pitta Transition:
But people who are Pitta in nature feel wonderful in winter, because the cold balances the Pitta energy that is burning hot.
Shishir Ritu signifies a transition from the scorching heat of summer (Pitta season) to cooler temperatures. As Pitta subsides, there may be relief from conditions related to Pitta aggravation, such as skin irritations and digestive disturbances.
Digestion : Pitta individual often have a strong digestive fire but can be prone to conditions like acid reflux, heartburn and inflammation if their Digestive fire (agni) becomes excessive. Cooling foods, mindful eating and stress managements are crucial for maintaining balanced pitta digestion. light diet is not advisable in winter.
While the Pitta (hot energy) constitution people feel wonderful in winter. The digestive power is strong. But if you do not follow a rich and healthy diet, the digestive fire or the Agni affects the body and consumes the tissues (autolysis), aggravating the Vata Dosha in the body, leading to an imbalance. The onset of Sisira heightens libido.
How Does Winter Season / Shishir Ritu Affect your body?
It is extremely cold and chilly in winter, which results in moisture loss. In addition to feeling lazy during this season, we also want to be in hibernation mode. Here are some of the changes our body experiences during the winter season:
- Your body may experience physiological stress when it is cold. Therefore, your body will be able to handle these stresses well if it is healthy.
- This time of year, your body feels lethargic due to the aggravation of the Kapha dosha.
- People become more depressed in winter because their brains are more sensitive to low temperatures. This is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
- When it is coldest, your skin is most susceptible to drying.
- It is common for skin to become dry and patchy in the winter. In addition to that, redness and cracks in the skin can result from this.
- The cold wind outside dries out the scalp and causes dandruff and itchy scalps. Hair loss can also be caused by increased dandruff.
- Split ends can also be caused by dryness. This can also cause many other damages to hair like breakage, and dead & frizzy hair.
Actually, this is the best season to build immunity and stamina to improve your skin and hair. But you need to balance the environment with the correct nutrition, lifestyle and exercise.
Kapha is an energy found in human body, in foods,, in the environment, , the time of the day and also your age. Kapha energy among humans provides strength, stamina, good skin and hair and a calm temperament. Kapha gives food high binding and cohesive properties, increases body mass and strength, cools and increases moistness in the body. Kapha in the environment means it is cold, moist, heavy and slow. In the diurnal cycle, kapha energy manifest at night.
People who already have kapha in their system accumulate more in this season. This may lead to disorders such as high cholesterol, increased weight, increase in blood sugar, increase in bile thickness, gall bladder stone tendency, cholesterol blockages, vulnerability to fibroids, arthritic pain, sinusitis, and an accumulation of fluids in the respiratory system.
Phlegm is only a small aspect of kapha excess. For good health, we need the correct balance of kapha.. Therefore foods high in kapha should be eaten with caution this season. These includes milk, curd,(high kapha) cold drinks, red meat, bananas, custard apple, processed cheese, (high kapha) rice, cashew nuts, coconut, ghee, butter,, fried foods, processed and refined foods,, watery foods like melons and cucumbers. Oily foods, sugar and sweets.
To balance high kapha eat dalia (with vegetables) bajra, jowar, corn, fenugreek, cumin, spices, sesame, seeds, sunflower seeds, mustard seeds and oil, Also try massages with sesame seeds oil or dry herbs. Inhale steam with eucalyptus oil. And exercise heavily so you sweat.
Winter: The earth wet with dew, the sky filled with fog, men shivering from the cold, but crows and elephants seem euphoric.
"In winter, when facing shorter colder days, one should consume a high protein diet."
Winter Season: Sasame & Oil (तिल और तेल
Winter is the season to boost immune system and nurture our body. Eating nourished warm food, sleeping well and staying active are some important aspects to keep one healthy during winters.
How to improve immunity in Winter Season
Many people don’t like winter since they consider it to be a season of cold, flu, and other contagious diseases. So it’s often believed that winter decreases your immunity to a great extent. However, but it is otherwise and believes winter to be one where you can strengthen your immunity. The age-old science shows how to improve your immunity and how to stay healthy in winter.
Immunity which includes not just physical immunity but psychological and spiritual immunity as well. Strength (Bala) helps in providing the body and mind with endurance to fight off any problems that affect the different areas of immunity. Various factors affect your immunity such as diet, lifestyle, season, and age. You can maintain a consistent level of immunity throughout any ups and downs in your life.
There are three levels of immunity:
Hereditary - The inherent immunity level you’re born with.
Seasonal - The changing immunity levels due to planetary and seasonal shifts.
Established- The consistent level of immunity that can be maintained by leading a healthy lifestyle.
By strengthening the second level of immunity which fluctuates with changes in seasons and planetary cycles. Winter is a good time to build your immunity since digestion is stronger in the cold weather. As a result, people feel more hungry and digest more which nourishes their bodies.
Many people have the misconception that winter is bad for immunity because it’s difficult to digest. However, that’s not the case. This is because as appetite increases, people tend to eat more junk food which affects their immunity. Having more winter food can help in boosting immunity instead of weakening it. Choosing these immunity-boosting foods will help nourish both your body and mind. Lifestyle too plays an important role in helping you maintain good immunity throughout the season.
Newborn, children, pregnant women, elderly, homeless people, cardiac patient, diabetic, asthmatic, Chronic obstructive airway disease (C.O.P.D) patients, and alcoholics.. Cancer patient and the patient on immuno-suppressant drugs, (renal transplant patient)
Diseases: Sign & Symptoms
Effect On Human
The winter season has both positive and negative impacts on human health. On the positive side, cold weather can reduce inflammation. Humans are sensitive to winter cold, which compromises the body's ability to maintain both core and surface heat of the body.
Winter Injuries :Slipping on icy surfaces is a common cause of winter injury. Other cold injuries include :
Hypothermia when temperatures falls below 95 degrees Fahrenheit. There is Nausea, vomiting, unconsciousness and death (high risk group involves- newborn, child, chronic illness, alcoholic, diabetic and elderly). Hypothermia : Shivering, leading to uncoordinated movements and death.
Frostbite : Freezing of skin , leading to loss of feeling and damaged tissue. If the individual has less than optimal circulation to distill parts such as hands, fingers, feet, toes. (Age /size of individual)
Trench Foot : Numbness leading to damaged tissue and gangrene.
Chilblains : Capillary damage in digits can lead to more severe cold injuries.
Influenza, Viral Fevers, Covid 19 : and other respiratory disease also increase during the winter. As it is related to low immunity of the body.
People are indoors more often, allowing viruses to pass more easily from one person to another. And the cold, dry air may weaken resistance.
Respiratory symptoms : Cold air is a necessity for the respiratory system. It is an effective way to clear out the lungs and get rid of built-up mucus. When we breathe in cold air, it causes a reflex reaction in our lungs, which helps to clear out mucus. The cold air also helps with clearing the nasal passages by causing a reflex called “the vasoconstriction response” which narrows the blood vessels and prevents fluids from draining down into your throat. This also reduces inflammation and swelling in your nose and sinuses, as well as helps to prevent infections from spreading.
Common cold, Rhinitis, Tonsillitis, sore throat, cough, allergy, sneezing, snoring, asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, whooping cough, upper and lower respiratory tract infection, chest infection, pneumonia, H1N1 influenza (Flu), Chikungunya, Eosinophilia. which can be severe and life-threatening, particularly for vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and those with weak immune systems. In addition, winter in India is associated with increased air pollution, which can lead to respiratory illnesses.
Influenza: symptoms include headache, fever, muscle pain, sinus infection, fatigue, dizziness, cough and loss of appetite.
Due to sinus and other problems that arise in winter, headaches are a common ailment for many.
Ayurveda believes Asthma is the result of bad food combinations. These secrete toxins which collect in the digestive system and are aggravated by a wintry conditions affecting the lungs. To prevent Asthma Ayurveda suggest detoxifying the body before winter with a semisolid or liquid diet, cleansing therapy, herbs and laxatives.
Diabetes, stroke, heart attack, rise in blood pressure, dehydration.
Stiffness in the body and tightness caused by colder weather conditions are main reasons for rise in joint pain. Cold and cloudy weather is not just painful for the bones as far as senior citizens are concern but it is also impacting their blood sugar levels and BP are going up. ..
What ever type of Arthritis you are suffering from, be it osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis Frozen shoulder, sciatica, backache, or any other form, most patient report stiffness, and worsening of pain during winters. This is because:
* The nerves and the receptors that sense pain, becomes insensitive during winter.
* Cold temperature causes constriction of blood vessels and reduces blood circulation to hands and feet that increases pain in arthritic joint.
* Mahanarayna Taila is a renowned Ayurvedic oil known to help in relieving arthritis and inflammation. Muscles have more spasms and stiffness in colder temperatures.
* Vitamin D deficiency. Sunlight exposure causes vitamin D to naturally form in the skin. During winter, sunlight exposure decreases and vitamin D deficiency worsens. Here are few tips to take care of your joints during winter.
Digestive system : Many complain of digestive discomfort, constant feeling of heaviness as a result of bloating. Indigestion due to lack of exercise, oral stomatitis, gastritis, hyperacidity, abdominal colic pain, constipation, piles.
Skin: As oil glands solidifies in winter, skin becomes dry, rough & itchy and eczematous. Other symptoms includes. Acne, cracked lips and cracked heels. Sunburns due to overexposure to sun. Swelling of fingers and toes, redness ulceration. In children allergies and atopic dermatitis. Wool allergy is very common in winter causes irritation in skin. Herpes infection due to low immunity and Scabies due to poor hygiene are common in winters. Chapped lips, and cracked heels etc. Skin care in winter is a must include moisturizing, applying sun protection creams and increasing intake of water. Psoriasis where skin grows fast 10-12 times more therefore flakes formation. For people suffering from psoriasis, the symptoms may worsen as the Winter season kicks in. This is primarily due to little or no exposure to UV rays from the sun that prevent the growth of skin cells responsible for causing psoriasis. The lack of humidity during winter also results in dryness-related psoriasis symptoms.
Hair: Dryness, skin do not normally exfoliate in winter therefore dandruff.
Eyes : Dry eyes - Retain moisture to combat dry eyes. Due to low humidity, dry, itchy eyes are a common problem in winter.
Air Pollution : Problem due to pollution (specially in Delhi) Particulate matter (PM) 2.5 or more. Other pollutant carbon monoxide, nitrogen, all constitute the smog. Pollutants can enter respiratory tract, via throat and move in blood can cause heart attack, stroke and respiratory problems.
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Exposing to sun in winter |
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) : In this gloomy weather and limited daylight hours , Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects most of the people in Kashmir with symptoms ranging from low energy, sadness, depression, feeling of lethargy, low mood, sleep disturbance, increased appetite (carbohydrate craving), fatigue, decrease in social and occupational functioning. ,”You can help yourself from seasonal mood variations by spending lot of time outside , exposing yourself to sunlight at least 30 minutes daily when sun is out and around 2 hours in cloudy days, proper sleep schedule, exercise, keeping busy yourself can help in prevention of seasonal blues.”
शिशिर ऋतु में सूर्य बरसाता हैअमृत |
Sun bath: Make sure to go out in sun to get the daily intake of vitamin D. Sunlight spurs the body to make vitamin D that helps to safeguard ourselves against cold and flu. getting some sunlight Expose oneself to morning sun rays for natural sudation. In order to keep the body warm. To open up closed body channels, to relieve stiffness take sun bath. Walking should be done in sunlight to avoid exposure to cold. Sufficient exposure to Sun. As it is the Visarga Kaal, the Sun gives out energy and strength.
"Nights are longer during winter".
“Pamper the skin - Clean and moisturize”
Why problems happen in winter?
- Overindulgence of heavy fried foods (Pooris, Parathas, Matthis, Bhajiyas etc.)
- An overdose of junk food, and foods containing a lot of trans fats.
- Over consumption of cheese and ice cream.
- Lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle.
- Changes in the food we eat as well as lifestyle.
- Sleep for longer and feel sluggish to step out for workout sessions.
Winter Allergies : "Keep seasonal allergies at bay." Dust mites, mold, pet dander... find out what causes your allergies to flare up as the temperature starts to drop." While indoor allergens are present year round, allergies can flare up during winters as you're cooped up in the house with the windows closed. Sneezing, congestion,, runny nose- the onset of winter is not a breath of fresh air for many. As the weather get colder winter allergies rear their ugly head. Unlike autumn or spring allergies which are often responds to outdoor allergies such as pollen, winter allergies are usually triggered by substances inside our homes. While these indoor allergens are present year round. Allergens can flare up during winters as you're cooped up in the house with the windows closed.
Over exposure to indoor allergens is one of the main triggers for winter allergies. "During winters, staying indoors leads to higher exposure to dust on carpets, furniture, toys etc. insects like mites and cockroaches and pets carrying dust and pollen on their furs.Those susceptible to allergies could be worst hit and conditions such as asthma, seasonal rhinitis, urticaria may worsen.
Pollen from the plants and air pollution do lend to the problem too. With children and elderly having been mostly confined indoors due to the pandemic Stepping out now would expose them to many outdoor allergies as well. Indoor dust and mites account for a large number of allergic conditions. Drying of the skin during winter, could predispose to urticaria.
The symptoms being similar to those of other allergies can often be confused with an infection. but they tend to trouble for longer periods and may have a waxing -waning course unlike most respiratory infections. Common symptoms include runny blocked nose, itchy throat, watery eyes, coughing, sore throat, slight fever etc. Additional symptoms such as chest tightness ,shortness of breath, exhaustion and wheezing may arise in severe allergies.
How to treat them
* The primary method to combat winter allergies is to learn how to minimize exposure to the allergens. "Nasal decongestants / rinses to clear out mucus and relieve the swelling is recommended. You can opt for over the counter medication such as anti- histamines and nasal steroids.
* Keeping the skin moisturized is another method.. When your skin becomes dry, use pH balanced moisturizing soaps and body washes and just after bath, gently pat the skin with soft towel and do not rub it. Then a moisturizing body lotion needs to be applied to restore hydration.
* Some can choose to build their immunity, too. Immunotherapy or allergy shots where the person is gradually exposed to higher doses of allergens to create immunity within the body.
* Keeping humidity below 50 percent helps reduce dust mite. Dehumidifiers are very helpful for such individuals.
* Vacuum carpets and rugs frequently. Clean regularly wet mopping is better than dusting that tends to cause allergens to get suspended to air.
* Furthermore, bath your pets weekly, if possible to wash away dander and other allergens from their fur.
"Although winter is about slowing down and adopting a gradual pace of life, and retire early to bed. It’s natural for the body to demand more sleep in winter since the days are shorter and the nights are longer. Moreover, the winter season is also a time to be in a resting period, so it’s ideal to reduce your activities to a bare minimum and provide more nourishment to the body.
Bloating In Winter
Prevention- Regular drinking water can be substituted with Jeera (Cumin seeds) water. However don't consume it in excess.
- Coconut water can help prevent bloating. One can take it twice a day.
- Timings of meals are important, Following the practice of maintaining a maximum gap of 3 hours between meals prevent bloating.
- Daily jog keeps our metabolism strong. So it is advisable to workout everyday and keep indigestion at bay.
- Yoga asanas such as child's pose, sitting straight while working, seated forward bend and wind releasing pose helps prevents bloating and also helps gives boost to our metabolism
- Physical activity
- Meditation and yoga practices reduce stress and anxiety attacks.
Keeping up late at night, irregular meals, stress, and other habits that can affect the immune system should be avoided. For your immune system to function properly, you need a rhythm in your body.
● Rest - Winter is characterized by long nights and smaller days so you should give your body and mind an ample amount of rest. Going to bed early and rising early can help you to create the perfect balance.
● Reduce stress - Winter helps you slow down which helps you to reduce stress to a great extent. Having a planned and organized routine for your daily activities can help you avoid clutter and confusion and reduce anxiety.
● Practice Yoga - Yoga is a great way to calm your mind and stay healthy. There are different movements that help produce heat in the body for the cold season and are ideal for balancing Vata and Kapha.
● Get regular. Avoid the winter winds of change by developing a regular daily routine — regular times to eat, work, exercise, meditate and sleep.
● Heat up. Stay warm and moist with hot and cooked, soupy foods. The easy to digest mung dal khichadi is one of my favorites.
● Increase your oil intake. Favor heavier foods with more healthy oils, such as ghee, sesame and olive oils, nuts, and seeds.
● Downplay Stimulants. Limit stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine-containing beverages and late-night TV.
● Breathe deeper. Calm your nervous system with gentle deep-breathing exercises enjoyed during the day.
● Meditate. It’s good to do this daily in the morning upon arising and before dinner. While 20 minutes twice a day is ideal, even a few minutes “mind quieting” helps reduce mental stress.
● Get outdoors. Exercise outdoors regularly, hopefully in the sunlight. If bitter cold and ice make even a short walk unreasonable, stepping outside a few minutes in the bracing air each day (followed by some indoor activity) is a good alternative.
● The Kapa dosha is dominant at certain times of the day. If your energy level is high, it's ideal to practice some activity or workout. It is therefore best to practice yoga in the morning between 6 AM and 10 AM.
● It is important to maintain a strict diet routine and eat the food at proper intervals. One should not skip meals and eat a heavy breakfast and lunch, and dinner should be light. If you follow a regime, this will help you to reduce Vata and keep your body warm naturally.
● One can take stream bath daily followed by oil massage.
● There is a natural accumulation of kapha due to the cold and wet environment, so one should try to keep warm. The fabrics that are mentioned are: silk, leather, jute, thick cotton, wool etc. Wear extra layers of clothes to keep yourself warm. Wrap your entire body, including your head, in extra clothing, Items to stay warm, such as extra hats, coats, mittens, , sleeping bags.
● Stay awake and stay moving. You will be less vulnerable to cold-related health problems. As you sit, keep moving your arms and legs to improve circulation and stay warmer.
● Hydration: Drink lots of warm water it will moisturize the skin from inside and hemostatic mechanism will work smoothly. Drink required amount of water every day and stay hydrated. Water helps to clean our system and remove toxins, carry nutrients to the body cells and help balance body fluid.
● Maintain Hygiene : Maintain good hygiene, wash hands to keep the bacteria and viruses to stop spreads of germs. Frequent washing of hands to avoid infections. As computer, cellphones, door handles, pen, pencils, mobile are a source of infections. Wash the face 2-3 times a day. Use tissue instead of handkerchiefs. Use of hand sanitizer is preferred.
शिशिर ऋतु में सूर्य बरसाता हैअमृत
● Mask: To protect against pollution and respiratory infections. N 95 mask, or N 99 mask is preferable.
● Steam bath (स्वेदन): A steam bath should be regularly as it opens the pores of the skin. It removes the toxins from the body.
● Purify the air with camphor : Close doors and windows in winter can lead to proliferation of bacteria and viruses. So burn camphor in your home to drive away the germs.
● Pressing thumb inside palm before getting up in the morning for 5 minutes.
● Should not miss the breakfast in the morning in this season.
● Foot wear should be worn always. One of the reasons for increased hip and leg pain during winter is constant cold exposure of feet.
● To counter the effect of winter hot water should be used for all washing and drinking purposes.
● Stay active, keeping your hands and feet warm is very important. Rubbing and clapping of hands generate heat.
● Have dreamless good night sleep, as long sleeping hours at night keeps Vata in balance.
● Keep the air clean by indoor plants. Install air purifier if possible.
● If using room heater always keep a bucket of water inside the room to maintain humidity it will prevent a dry cough. Or install a humidifier.
● Switch off blowers 15 minutes before coming out of the room or car.
● Dry the hairs properly after a bath with the towel.
● Soak your feet in hot water for 25 minutes. Add aromatic oil such as rose/orange blossoms. This will relax your nerves and drive the cold away.
● Fill the bathtub with warm water, add essential oils and soak yourself for 20-25 minutes. Drink a cup of warm milk after this bath and sleep.● Sleep : A good amount of sleep helps to keep the body's immune system healthy, eliminates stress hormone cortisol and burns calories. Sleep is non-negotiable factor for maintaining good health. Sleep on the left side : It stimulates the Surya Nadi and generates heat in the body.
● Lie back and listen to music : Music is the food for soul. It has a profound impact not only on humans but also plants and animals. The harmonic notes of music bring the mind and body back in balance. If you enjoy chanting, do so.
● Take a hot shower or warm bath: A hot shower can help reduce stiffness and pain. Swimming in a heated pool is both a great exercise and is soothing for the joints.
● Soak your feet in hot water : Heat water and add an aromatic oil such as rose or orange blossoms. Add a dash of bath oil and dip your feet in it for 15 minutes. This will relax your nerves and drive the cold away. If you have a bath tub, fill it with warm water, and essential oils and soak yourself for 20-25 minutes. Drink a cup of warm milk after this bath and sleep like a baby.
● Intake of tulsi and honey daily.
● Stay active : Cold weather makes us lazy. Being active even when it's cold helps in reducing arthritic pain .Continue your walk and exercise in winter as well. If the cold is keeping you from going outside, exercise Indoor.
● Vitamin D3 Supplementation: Go outdoor and soak in the warm sun, our body requires vitamin D - which is essential for maintaining health and immunity, Vitamin D is also required to regulate the mood. Vitamin D Deficiency might play a role in the joint pain and stiffness. Vitamin D is also essential for maintaining good bone health and decrease the risk of osteoporosis.
"ठण्ड अगर लग जाय जो नहीं बने कुछ काम।
नियमित पी लें गुनगुना, पानी दे आराम।।"
● A person should reside in warm and cozy place.
“Stay active”
● Avoid bitter , too much spicy food items .
● Avoid dry , cold & light food .
● Lady’s finger, spinach , pulses are not advised .
● Avoid consuming cold water
● Quit Smoking : Smoking makes individuals susceptible towards respiratory infections in winter, hence one should quit smoking.
● Avoid cold exposure: Wear warm cloths and stay away from cold. Also dress in layers. Always
make sure to cover your ankles, knees, and hands using socks and gloves. For local relief use a hot water bottle or a heating pad
● Avoid fasting
● Avoid handshakes to prevent spread of infections instead ‘Namaste’ is fine.
● Avoid mustard oil, as it can cause pigmentation
● Should not expose to cold and strong breeze .
● Avoid going for early morning walk as cold temperatures and exercise can result in coronary artery problems like heart attack. Morning walks causes direct exposure to the outer cold environment worsens the skin.
● Avoid prolonged use of heaters or blowers results in an increase in body's core temperature. It can also result in electrolyte imbalance as it dehydrates you. It dilates blood vessels resulting in a severe headache. Should not sleep with blowers on. Excessive use can even cause itching.
● Avoid day Sleeping. Day sleep especially during this season make you put on more weight.
● Also avoid keeping awake late at night.
● Avoid carbohydrate craving
● Avoid frozen shoulder syndrome by doing muscle stretching exercise.
● Avoid massive change of temperature.
● Avoid dehydration : During winter, fluid intake decreases. We feel less thirsty and run the risk of getting dehydrated. This is specially true for the elderly. Make a conscious effort to stay hydrated.
● Too much exposure of skin : Can really worsen your skin.
“Quit laziness and do exercises”.
Winter Food Traditional delicacies
- Sarson Ka Saag
- Makkai Ki Roti
- Gajak
- Til ke Laddoo
- Til Bhugga
- Dates
- Pinni Ke Laddoo
- Gajar ka Halwa
- Bajre ki khichadi
- Revadi
- Roasted Peanut
"Lasuna or garlic is recommendations as tonic /rasayana in winter season."
Physical activity is an important aspect to keep one fit throughout the winter. Daily routine of yoga or any form of physical activity will help to keep you warm and boosts the immune system improving defence against seasonal ailments like flu and colds.
● Vigorous exercises can be done. In this season wrestling is recommended, but in its absence, aerobic exercises or other forms of physical exercise routine can be followed. People should exercise regularly. Daily walking for half an hour a must.
● Exercise like walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, cardio, yoga, dumbbell, sit ups, push-ups.
Following are the benefits of exercise:
● Mood elevation
● Well being
● Good for digestion
● Lowers Blood pressure
● Diabetes- reduces blood sugar
● Helps weight loss
● Controls bad cholesterol.
● Reduces Arthritis symptoms
Check Your Health Regularly
Winter season precautions include keeping a check on health conditions by opting for a regular health checkup. As cold weather triggers health problems like asthma, flu, sore throat, painful joints, and increased risk of heart attacks as low temperature makes blood pressure to rise and puts more pressure on heart. Preventive health checkup is best way beat the winter diseases and to enjoy good health even in the chilled weather.
● Bhastrika : (भस्त्रिका) Forceful Inspiration & expiration
● Kapalbhati (कपालभाती) Normal inspiration & forceful expiration
● Suryabhedi pranayama (सूर्यभेदी प्राणायाम) Breathing from right nostril.
● To generate heat in the body : Take deep breathing continuously, will generate heat in the body.
Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Without Bandha)
- Make yourself comfortable in Siddhasana or Padmasana.
- Your eyes should be closed and your spine, neck, and back must be straight.
- Close your left nostril with your ring finger and little finger.
- Inhale slowly and deeply through your right nadi or right nostril.
Accupressure Point
The natural therapy of Acupressure Reckons that prana Or life force is discharged from the right arm of the body. The control point of this life force lies on the front part of right arm, in between the wrist and the elbow. You can control the excess the discharge of prana by pressing that point intermittently ( press and release continuously) for 2 minutes every day. Doing this can help maintain youthfulness for a longer period and delay old age.. This acupressure tip is of great help to men and women who have crossed their 30,s.
Linga mudra

Shiva Linga Mudra
To get rid of Cold & Cough.
Rudra Mudra
God Rudra is a symbol of fire. Rudra meaning fierce is another name of Shiva. Rudra Mudra is the ruler of the third chakra (fire center)) in our body. It rules the fire center in the body. Rudra is the ruler of Solar plexus the Manipur chakra. It is also another name for sun. This mudra activates Manipur Chakra.
Formation :
Join the tips of ring finger and index fingers to the tip of the thumb.
Effect :
The Prithvi element and the Vayu element get balanced. This Mudra affects the glands in the abdomen.
Benefits :
- Our whole body mass is made up of Prithvi. The centering force is associated with Prithvi. Rudra Mudra strengthens the Prithvi element and its organs. Hence stomach, spleen and pancreas function better. This Mudra develops heat and energy in the body.
- When Prithvi is strengthen the brain also receives enough energy.
- If a person feels listless, heavy, weighted down and dizzy, the weakness is relieved and completely eliminated by the practice of this mudra.
- For energy practice this mudra for 15 minutes daily
Agni Mudra
Agni Mudra 1 |
Agni Mudra 2 |
Agni mudra is performed by holding down the ring finger with the thumb and is also thought to be performed as the image above shows. Here the right hand is made into a fist with the thumb pointing upward which is then rested upon the palm of the open left hand, palm facing upward. This is thought to improve self-confidence and esteem while enhancing creative ideas and vitality. This mudra is seen to help in balancing the fire and space elements in the body.
This cold season marks the onset of severe cold and dryness
How to Reduce Vata Dosha with Food in Winter
A Vata balancing diet is the key to maintaining good immunity in winter. The two key elements of a Vata-pacifying diet are warm and cooked food. For example, warm soups and stews, hot cereals, and warm beverages such as herb teas are ideal for maintaining your body heat and, consecutively, your immunity. The predominant tastes are sweet, sour, and salty.
Bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes should be avoided. Sweet, sour and heavy fruits such as oranges, bananas, cherries, pineapple, and berries and cooked vegetables such as beets, carrots, asparagus, and sweet potatoes are the ideal food to consume in the winter season. Some of the Vata reducing herbs and spices include cardamom, cumin, oregano, cloves, and turmeric.
Many have questions such as how to keep the body warm naturally and how to reduce Vata in the body in winter. A simple solution to achieve these is by maintaining a strict regime for your food and eating them in regular and proper intervals. It’s important not to skip any meals, have a heavy breakfast and lunch, and a lighter dinner. Moreover, remember to have your dinner at least three hours before going to sleep. To satisfy your hunger pangs in-between meals, you can munch on nuts and raisins soaked in water.
Whole Grains : Millets (in moderation), Oats, Cereals, pulses, wheat or gram flour products, rice, corn, and others, are advised. Rice, Wheat, Quinoa, rye (in moderation)
- Dairy : Butter, cheese, Ghee, Milk, soy milk. Hot Milk with honey :
- You can add a range of cooked grains such as oatmeal, barley, tapioca, and cornmeal to your diet in winter
- Fish, Eggs and meats such as chicken, and turkey are also good foods to eat in winter.
- In winter, however, a glass of hot milk with turmeric and nutmeg can induce good sleep.
- It’ll also help to stick to water or juice-based fast for a refreshing winter Ayurvedic cleanse, especially if you suffer from Kapha imbalances such as cough and cold.
- For an increased immunity during winter season, Ayurveda suggests consuming a Chyawanprash in the morning. It is a multi-vitamin, multi-mineral & antioxidant herbal supplement, consisting of 30 different Ayurvedic herbs.
- Who are non vegetarian should eat meat which helps in providing good energy.
- One should particularly avoid taking cold foods and drinks and should.
- During Shishir Ritu, foods that are alkaline in nature and have a sour taste are preferred. This includes Amla, Lemon and Starfruit.
- Avoid consuming spicy food, such as Black Pepper and astringent vegetables including Capsicum, Bitter, Broccoli, Cauliflower during this Ritu.
- Hot Spices : Such as garlic, ginger, black pepper, and chilli pepper.
- Herbs : Haritaki (fruits of Terminalia chebula), Pippali (products of Piper longum), Tulsi, pepper, cloves and ashwagandha tea can be consumed.
Its a most popular drink loved by everyone. Imagine the flavor of brewing sweet, spicy, hot and aromatic spices with sugar milk and tea. Its amazingly flavorsome, delicious and totally relaxing. A hot cup of masala chai is amazing way to sooth your senses and refresh your mind. it keeps the body warm and helps breakup the blocked sinuses. The spices are crushed and than simmered with tea and water. Later you just add milk and simmer further. To make this whole spices are ground in a spice grinder and stored in an air tight container.
Ingredients :
30grams Dried Ginger
20grams Cardamom
10grams Black peppercorns
10grams Cloves
5grams Cinnamon
4 no. Black cardamom
5grams Fennel seeds
1/4th piece Nutmeg
Tulsi Leaves
Masala tea Preparation
1 cup Water (used tea cup)
1 cup milk
3 tea spoon tea powder(small spoon used)
- Used RED LABEL tea powder
4 tea spoon sugar(adjust as per the sweetness)
1/4 tsp tea masala
● Tomato Dhania Shorba with Garlic Bread
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Tomato Dhania Shorba |
Garlic Bread |
Step 1 – Prep the garlic. Before getting started, preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. As it heats, mash the garlic clove. To do this, first finely mince it with a large knife.
Once all chunks are small, turn your knife horizontally with the sharp edge facing away from you. Use the edge to press down on the clove of garlic and then pull towards you. This will mash it into the cutting board. You’ll need to do this several times over all of the garlic until it has a paste texture.
Step 2 – Prep the butter. In a small bowl, mix together the softened butter, garlic paste, and fresh parsley.
Step 3 – Butter the bread. Spread the garlic butter evenly over six slices of bread. About 2 tablespoons of garlic butter per side of the bread. Make sure to get the butter to the edges!
Step 4 – Bake the toast. Place the buttered bread on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees F. After the 10 minutes are up, flip the bread and bake for about 5 more minutes
Spinach / Palak Soup with soup sticks
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Spinach Soup |
Mushroom Soup |
● Tomato Soup with crunchy cutons :
Tomato Soup
Crunchy Home made Cutons |
Sweet Corn Soup
Bland sweet corn soup |
Chinese hot Sweet and sour soup
Roasted Onion Garlic Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkin Soup |
Hot Rasam : South Indian Appetizer Delicious Chicken soup
Do’s● Boosting juice : Daily in the morning during this season. Take one carrot, one beetroot, a handful of pomegranate and churn in a mixer. Add to it a juice of half a lemon (make sure to pic up seasonal red carrots, not the orange one.
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Detox Juice |
● Milk Kashaya : For cold & Cough .Milk boiled with spices such as pepper, cumin, ,dalchini, cardemum, dry ginger powder, nutmeg and coriander. Roast all ingredients one after other on a gentle flame except cardemum. Now powder all ingredients. Add jaggery or sugar for taste. Consume it during cold season or once in a day. This will relieve you from cough cold and also keep the body warm.
● Sesame seeds: Til ladoo, tilkut, gajjaka, (मूँगफल्ली पट्टी), (चिक्की) These are widely eaten in Makar Sankranti, lohri and Pongal. As sesame is good for skin, bones, teeth and hairs. It is rich in calcium.
● Tea & Coffee
A majority of people enjoy warm drinks such as ginger, tulsi tea and coffee. However in summer tea and coffee consumption should be minimized or avoided. Tea and coffee generates a lot of heat in our bodies throughout the summer. It may also lead to stomach gas. Cold beverages on the other hand help to cool down your body.
Oily Foods
Fried roasted foods should be avoided at all times, but can be Consumed in winter in small amount. These might create digestive issues and cause indigestion and heartburn.
Cabbage is a vegetable that is available in the winter season. It has tremendous amounts of dietary fiber, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K. Cabbage should not be eaten raw. It should be cooked and is used in dishes like vegetables, spring roll, coleslaw, sauerkraut, and stir-fry.
Cauliflower is a vegetable that is available in the winter season. China is the largest production house of this vegetable. Cauliflower can be eaten raw or cooked. It is used in dishes like Masale bhaat (rice) , roasted cauliflower, cauliflower rice, and soup.
Another well-liked fruit that is readily accessible in the wintertime is pears. They are a good source of dietary fiber and Vitamin C.
Apples are one of the most popular fruits available in the winter season. They have antioxidants that assist in avoiding chronic diseases, and they are also an excellent supply of fiber and vitamin C. Apples come in different varieties like Red Delicious, Granny Smith, and Golden Delicious, green apple each with its unique flavor and texture.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are a great source of Vitamin C which helps in boosting our immune system. Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines, and limes are just a few of the citrus fruits that are readily accessible in the winter. These fruits are not only delicious but also have many health benefits. In addition to lowering the risk of heart-related diseases, they also aid in the prevention of the common cold and the flu.
Garam Masala
Garam Masala
Spices such as black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and bay leaves are warm in nature,
Ginger is great for dry cough. Add a few drops of crushed ginger juice to half a teaspoon of honey and consume up to four times a day. Make sure that children don't consume more than one teaspoon of the concoction over full day.
Ginger, dry ginger (सौठ):
Ginger is one of the most popular herbs used in Ayurveda and comes in handy to address a number of ailments. It is effective for respiratory problems such as lung congestion, cough, cold and allergies. To use a ginger most effectively, it should be used as a fresh herb. The active compounds of ginger help dissolve and extricate phelgm. You can also add ginger shavings to a hot cup of tea.
The active compounds of ginger help dissolve phelgm.
It warms the body and reduces kapha and Vata. Ginger supports healthy circulation and prevents frequent cold and cough. It facilitates the release of expectoration too. Dosage: Add 1 tsp of crushed ginger in cup of hot water. Take 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner. Ginger along with rock salt and lemon sprinkled over it is good for flatulence.
Garlic should be specially eaten in winter. Garlic also has a warming impact as they result in an increase in bile and heat in your body and raises one's metabolic rate. So, excessive consumption of it is not advised.
Licorice /Mulethi
Also called mulethi, This is an effective demulcent. Mulethi makes tough mucus thinner, which makes it simpler to be expelled from the lungs. It also coats your insides and tackles irritation in the chest and throat. But mulethi in water along with other herbs to prepare a healing decoction.. Licorice is a highly effective remedy for most people, but it isn't recommended for pregnant women. You can also chew mulethi sticks to eliminate chest congestion.
Cinnamon / Dalchini
Fresh cinnamon is a cough reliever. This ubiquitous dalchini is effective as an antiseptic and cough reliever. Take a fresh cinnamon stick and powder it. Add a powder to a ginger and liquorice mix and boil the water, til it reduces to half. Drinking a cup of this concoction thrice a day can clear your lungs of congestion.
Eucalptus Oil
It is very good antiseptic for lungs. To use it, just drain a capsule of Eucalptus oil into a cotton ball and inhale the vapors.. Alternatively you can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to water in an inhaler, and inhale the steam.
Flax Seed
Flex Seed
Flex seed is packed with nutritional content. However one should limit their consumption as the heat approaches.
- ● Nutritive diet which are heavy sweet, sour and salty is preferred. As it stimulate senses like taste and smell and help in reducing Vata.
- ● Heavy and properly cooked meals are ideal for this season as they help keep you warm and energetic.
- ● Til / Sesame and its preparations are good.
- ● Pulses : like black gram (urad dal).
● Drinking hot water during the winter season helps to reduce the dryness of skin.
● Sweet product made from sugarcane extract like jaggery is beneficial.
● Sugarcane derived sweets, such as jaggery, should be consumed.
● Include hot drinks like ginger tea in your diet.
● People who consume non-vegetarian food should include meat that provides good energy in their diet.
● Make sure to go out in sun to get the daily intake of vitamin D. Sunlight spurs the body to make vitamin D that helps to safeguard ourselves against cold and flu. getting some sunlight.
● Vitamin A : Like carrot.
● Vitamin C like Amla, drumstick leaves, guava, citrus fruits.
● Vitamin D: Because there is scarcity of vitamin D in this season due to lack of sunlight, food rich in Vitamin D is recommended- Salmon, tuna, cod liver oil, fish, fortified cereals, oysters, fortified soy products, dairy products, eggs, mushrooms, yogurt, cheese, orange juice, zucchini and tomatoes.
● Vitamin E: Sunflower seed, almond, peanuts, flaxseed oil, soybean, pistachio, broccoli, carrots, turnip, nuts, papaya, pumpkin, red pepper.
● Vegetables : Vegetables are essential to the boost immune system. We can also have an optimum intake of foods rich in vitamin C, as it helps to strengthen our immune system and to keep our body healthy. Seasonal Vegetables- Heat-producing vegetables such as Turnip, radish, Brinjal Cooked (eggplant), onions, onion, meshed potatoes, carrots, Pumpkin, tomatoes, beet and spinach. Legumes are a good option since they are good for Kapha and should be consumed with ghee so as to reduce the effects of Vata. Eat Green leafy vegetable like Sarson ka saag, Jimikand (सुरन), peas (मटर), cauliflower (फूलगोभी), cabbage, spinach, (पालक),, bottle gourd, mushroom, Parwal, beetroot, potatoes, sweet potato, pumpkin ash gourd is good etc.
● Plenty of Fresh Fruits: Banana, dates, fig, Grapes, guava, lemon, oranges, papaya, peaches, plum and strawberries. Amla is preferred. Sugarcane is good. Apple, papaya. Dry fruits-Almond, walnut, cashew nut, raisins, dates, figs (अजींर), pistachio. It keeps your body warm. Ground nuts are good source of proteins.
● Food rich in zinc: nuts and seafood
● Pulses- black beans (Urad dal), Kidney beans, (राजमा), soybean, Lobia, Horse gram (Kutath). Pithi (made from pulses) should be taken regularly
● Non-veg: Eggs, Fish, prawn, mutton, chicken.
● Grains- New Rice, Wheat, Jowar, Barley, Ragi, bajra, corn (Makka) oat. Should consume newly harvested rice, wheat, barley
● Nuts & Seeds : Cashews, Lotus Seeds, Peanuts. Pistachios, Sunflower, Walnuts. Oilseeds- Flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, groundnuts, etc.
● Avoid consuming cold drinks.
● Avoid taking diet which are light, cold and pungent, bitter and astringent in taste because they are instrumental in vitiated vata.
● Lady’s finger , spinach , pulses are not advised .
● Bitter, astringent and pungent taste foods should be avoided as they tend to increase dryness in the body.
● Restrict salt to control Blood pressure (BP) and sugar in diet to control diabetes.
● Avoid dry, cold & light food.
● Food with preservatives should be avoided like ketchup.
● Avoid junk food.
● Avoid Vata aggravating food: Bengal gram (चना), legumes, rajma, lobia, Moong, arhar dal, excess peanuts
● Arvi, potatoes and raw foods.
● Avoid drinking cold water over paratha.
● Avoid excess tea and coffee as it dehydrates the body and aggravates acidity.
● Taste: Avoid sour, cold and fried items.
● Avoid coriander in January due to its cooling effect.
● Avoid fasting during winter as it can lead to Vata aggravation.
● No sattu, Dry vegetables, Barley, Moong, Aarhar dal, Cold drinks
● Avoid constipating food like Jack fruit and banana.
● One should not expose to cold waves.
● Avoid tamarind, curds and pickles.
“Maintain your immunity level”
Winter dishes from different parts of India
Sarson ka saag, Gushtaba, Rogan josh, Makki ki roti, Bathua.
Beet root Thoran, Carrot Poriyal, Kootu, Thiruvathirai, Thalagam
Tiruvadirai Kali, Kaavath curry.
Thukpa, Nolen Gur Sandesh, Zan, Til Pitha, Chi AlMeh, Nga Atoiba Thingba, Jadoh, Litti Chokha, Macher Jhol, Dalma, Koraishutir Kochuri.
Undhiyu, Lapsi, Raab, Ghewar, Kachariyu Pak.
"Spring and winter are the kapha seasons."
Home Remedies
● Vegetable Soup : To clear the infections as it is a natural antibiotic and immunity booster. For children, make a clear vegetable soup with crushed turmeric added to the boiling broth. Make it a part of their winter meal everyday.
Ajwain |
● Ajwain : Ajwain is a friend of stomach. Roast the herb and and add it to Rotis for lunch or dinner. Alternatively, crush a pinch, add it to some onion juice and boil with a bit of jaggery. Have it twice a day.
● Guduchi : It helps boost immunity. Mix a pinch with honey or jaggery and have it once a day.
● Amla : With its copious quantities of vitamin C helps fight cold. Its especially good for kids, so make sure they get the right amount of Chyawanprash for their age.
● Saline nasal drops : Keep saline nasal drops near your bed. It helps clear a blocked nose at night.
● Eucalyptus oil : Eucalyptus oil helps clear the nasal passage.
No consumption of curd at night because digestive power of the body is weak and kapha is predominant.
● Warming foods: black pepper, long pepper, (पिपली) clove, methi, asafetida, ginger, (सौंठ) garlic etc.
● Fenugreek:
● Pippali: पिपली
Pippali (Piper longum) is a common table spice like black pepper. It boosts metabolism, burns toxins and helps maintain a healthy digestive environment, it is the best tonic for lungs and supports clear and comfortable breathing. Dosage: Mix 1/2 tsf of pippali powder with one tsp of honey or warm water.
● Turmeric powder: This boost immunity, reduces kapha and is excellent for fighting cold and cough. Dosage: Consume 1/4 to 1/2 tsp turmeric powder with warm water twice a day.
● Tulsi: It removes kapha from the lungs and upper respiratory tract and provides clear comfortable breathing. Tulsi boost the immune system and helps maintain a normal body temperature. Dosage: To make a tulsi decoction of 100-150 ml. Boil 10-12tulsileaves in a glass of water and reduce it to half. Add ginger and honey. Have it twice a day.
● Amla: Amalki (Emblica officinalis) is a potent rejuvenator that nourishes the tissues and remove the toxins. It has an antibacterial and astringent property. which helps to increase immunity and protects the body from various infections. Dosage: Take one tsp of amla powder with lukewarm water twice in a day.
Boost your immunity
● Chyawanprash: To increased immunity in winter season consume chyawanprash. One tsp with warm water or milk in the morning. It is multi vitamin, multi mineral and antioxidant herbal supplement
● Honey is antibacterial, soothes throat has a warming effect
● Terminalia chebula (हरड़) along with long pepper (पिपली) Pippali 1:1 as a tonic in the winter season.
● Tinea cordifolia (गिलोई)
● Muskmelon seeds: (मगज) Melon seeds are full of health benefits. The melon seeds are an excellent source of proteins, vitamins (folate, thiamine and niacin, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid), minerals (magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and manganese) fatty acids.
Moisturize the skin frequently
* Common Cough & Cold: Saline Gargles. Antibiotic course. Phensedyl or Honitus cough syrup. Inhalation of Medicated stream (Karvol inhalation capsule, one cap in a pint of boiling water. Tab Actifed 1-1-1. Tab Disprin one thrice daily. Nasivion or Otrivin nasal drops. Vicks inhaler. Keep house dust free and keep windows closed. Avoid carpets.
* Flu A good way to protect your self is taking a flu shot, the protective effect of which last up to a year.
* Winter Eczema Eczema is a common problem that worsen in winter. Apply generous amounts of moisturizer at bed time and after bath to prevent body moisture from evaporating. Also bath with lukewarm and not hot water.
* Heart Attack Winter are peak season for heart attack, it could be due to increase in blood pressure that affects the heart during this season. Ensure your exercise and try to stay warm enough.
* Dry skin: After bath apply Aloe vera gel or moisturizing lotions or coconut oil all over the body regularly.
* Sunburn: Apply sunscreen lotion before stepping out of sun or Aloe vera gel.
* Dandruff: Wash the hairs twice a week. Use Ketoconazole (Nizral or Selsun) shampoo. Stop applying oil on scalp.
This is best for oily hair. Take a ripe tomato, remove the seeds and mesh it into a pulp. Add a spoonful of fuller earth powder (Multani mitti) in it. Add just a pulp and not the watery tomato juice. Apply this pack well and massage your scalp with the peels, as it will help improve blood circulation and restrict dandruff. Wait for 30 minutes until it dries and than wash with cold water.
Dandruff is the result of accumulated dead skin layers, and yogurt has an anti-fungal property, which prevents this scaling of the scalp. Take a cup of yogurt and add a pinch of black pepper powder in it. After mixing the two ingredients well you can apply it over your scalp and hair. Wash after 30 minutes.
Fenugreek Seeds
Soak the fenugreek seeds over night and then grind it in to paste. Apply this on your scalp. Keep it for 45 minutes, and then wash it off with a shampoo
Aloe vera
Aloe vera gel is one of the best cures for oily scalp. Just extract the gel from the plant and apply it well. The anti--bacterial property of aloe vera gel will remove fungus.
Gram flour
Add 2 spoons of gram flour and mix with half cup curd in a bowl. Mix it well and apply on your scalp. Let it stay for 20 minutes and than wash it off. Curd moisturize your skin.
Squeeze a lemon in a bowl and add honey to it. Now apply this with a slice of lemon on your scalp. The citric acid in a lemon removes dandruff, while honey moisturize your hair..
If you have dry scalp and dandruff, apply hot oil, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil. This will motorize your scalp and avoid scrapping of dead cells. Do this once a week.
Chilblains |
Chilblains : Swelling of fingers & toes: Keep hands and feet warm. Apply warm sesame or coconut oil locally. It will increase the circulation. Protect it by woolen socks and gloves. Apply Thrombophobe ointment.
Psoriasis: Moisturize after bath, apply coconut oil all over the body gently. For itching antihistamine tab i.e. tab Avil.
Epistaxis: Check BP. Rest in head high position. Pinch the nose, squeeze the nose between the thumb and first two digits, while patient’s breaths through the mouth. Cold compresses. Inj. Kaplin (Vit K) 10 mg IM followed by Tab CVP three times a day. Tab Alprazolam 0.5 mg.
Itching near mouth: Avoid citrus fruits like oranges, sweet lime. Apply moisturizing cream or coconut oil.
Diabetic: Keep sugar under control by exercise diet and medication. In case if an abscess drainage and a course of antibiotics. Blood sugar test, pus should be examined for culture and sensitivity test.
Cracked heels: Apply Vaseline, plain ghee or sesame oil locally.
Cracked lip: lip balm/Ghee /Malai or cream.
Sunburn: Apply sunscreen lotion before stepping out of sun. Aloe Vera gel is also a good option.
Arthritis: Area should be kept warm. Use knee cap. Relaxation and contraction exercise of knee should be done. Take warm water bath, no exposure to cold after bath. use hot water bottle or electric heating pad for relief. Light exercise like walking is preferred. Restriction of salt will reduce the swelling.
Asthma: Avoid known allergens, pollution and congested places. Avoid early morning exposure to cold. Use of inhaler, nebulization. Steroids, antibiotics if infection. Asthmatic must use preventive inhalers in the morning and cover their face with wet tissues to avoid exposure to environmental pollution.
Dry eyes:
Tear plus eye drops.
Restrict the use of heaters. Use a humidifier to add some moisture back into the air. Drink lots of fluids. This will keep the body hydrated., which will help to maintain moisture in eyes. Direct blow heating into your face should be avoided. In the car, position the heat vents towards the lower body. Wear eye protection or hat with a visor when outdoors to keep particles and wind from getting into your eyes is a must.
Eosinophilia: Steam inhalation, saline gargles. Three courses of Tab Banocide forte (Hetrazan) 100 mg in the interval of one month. Phensedyl linctus one teaspoonful morning and night. Tab prednisone 5 mg 1-1-1-1 for 10 days then taper off tiff the dose
Hypothermia: Cover with blanket, warm food, reheating guarded, hot water bottle. Wear clothing in layers, because the air in between act as an insulator. As cotton is a breathing fabric inner layer should always be cotton. Head neck, palms, feet should be covered to prevent loss of heat.
* Mouth ulcers Cold sores or mouth ulcers are common in winters. Have vitamin C in the form of citrus fruits and try to avoid stress. Eating radish leaves. 2 tsf of Triphala powder with hot water at bed time.. Tab Folic acid 5 mg once a day. Lots of fruits and vegetables. warm water every hour.
What are the ways to manage joint pain and muscle stiffness in Winter ?
With the winter chill setting in, aches and pain in the body can become a perpetual problem, especially for those suffering from arthritis. This generally happens due to vitamin D deficiency, because of low sunlight exposure and lightening of muscles. Here are some ways to manage these issues in winter.
- Stay Warm : It is essential to keep your self warm to reduce instances of joint pain and stiffness. Having warm bath, using an electric heating pad or a hot water bag, over aching joints can help relax the muscles, alleviating the pain. If you notice swelling, take additional measures like using bands or braces to manage it.
- Exercise regularly : Regular exercise such as running and stretching not only keeps your body active but also helps to maintaining flexibility. Additionally, it helps keep bone joints lubricated and blood circulation is also maintained.
- Have a balanced diet : Make sure to have a healthy and well balanced diet, which includes good quality protein, fat and fibre, and antioxidant rich food, and stay hydrated. Adequate sleep is also necessary to ease the aches. If your joint pain continues, visit the doctor for medication.
Skin and Hair care for winter
Cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air, which then dries the skin and hair. Here are a few steps you can follow for a renewing radiance:
Regular body massage with oil according to individuals prakruti should be done. Body massage for 15-30 minutes with mustard oil to keep the body warm and sturdy. A good massage helps to keep off the dryness of the skin, improves blood circulation, and keeps your body warm.
Massage not only generates heat, thereby providing respite from the cold, but it also keeps Vata dosha from getting aggravated.
Oil Massage / Abhyanga or application of oil to the whole body, is an excellent way to nourish the skin and follow by bathing with water.
Body Scrub : help remove dead cells that accumulate on the skin because of dryness.
Head Massage / Shiro Abhyanga : Dandruff : A dandruff problem also worsens during this season. So give your head a good massage with good herbal oil on alternate days. Head massage with lukewarm oil helps stimulate the hair follicles and provide intense nourishment. Oils helps in effectively reducing dryness and adds shine a to lifeless hair during the Winter.
Moisturizers: Moisturizers adds nourishment in the skin. These should be applied immediately after bathing, whilst the skin is damp and has better ability to absorb.
Sunscreen: The skin needs protection from the UVA/UVB rays of the sun, at all times. Use it daily after cleansing, toning and moisturizing.
Masks: Nourishing and hydrating masks are a blessing for dry and dull skin as they lend an instant glow. Massage it well on the face and neck for 10-15 minutes; the longer the better. Use hot water to dip your fingers, occasionally, while massaging. Dab off excess emulsion with a warm towel and follow with a splash of cold water.
Jal Neti (nasal cleaning)
Nasya Nasal evacuation: Drop of Anu taila in both the nostrils. Or Almond oil, this clears the sinuses and is said to build memory and concentration.
Enema lubricant and non-lubricant
Kunjal kriya (therapeutic vomiting) Drink 3 glasses of water and vomit it out after 5 minutes, by stimulating the tongue with three fingers.
Inhalation: Inhalation of the ‘dhoop' from aguru keeps the respiratory passage clear and removes Kapha.
Abhayangam Full body Ayurvedic massage : Get a full body massage with medicated oils, following which hot stones are placed on your back along the spinal cord. This relieves tiredness and pain.
Face massage with herbal oil :
Side Effects Of Using Room Heating In Winter
Room heaters offer respite from winter chill, but there are side effects too using a room heater.
Dry Skin : Room heater reduce humidity level in the air, leading to dry skin, itchiness and even exacerbating existing skin conditions.
At least 16 people have died, either of suspected carbon monoxide poisoning caused by the use of anghethis. Or from burn sustained in fire. Fire officer advice people to keep their room well ventilated when using braziers and to protect clothing from electrical heating appliances.Carbon monoxide Poisoning : Fuel burning heaters such as those using coal, gas or kerosene, emit carbon monoxide.
Coal Burning |
Burning coal in a close unventilated room can cause death. When coal burns in a closed room carbon monoxide is produced. This poisonous gas has the affinity to mix with the hemoglobin present in our blood and forms carboxyhemoglobin. This carboxyhemoglobin decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of blood in our body.
Eye Irritation |
Electric space heater |
Burns from direct contact with space heaters :
Scalds / burn |
Decreases the moisture content in the air : Using a heater for too long decreases the moisture content of the air making it more drier.
Wood Fire Places |
Can lead to fire accidents : Room heating can lead to potential fire accidents. Make sure you don't cover the room heater outlets, it will catch fire instantly. Do not pull any polyester clothes near the room heater.
No Polyester clothing near heater |
Oil heater |
Dangers of Oil Heaters :
Leaving a heater too close to a inflammable objects can run a risk of starting fire. Keep away from curtains.
Placing a heater on an unstable surface could be a fire hazard.
Allowing oil to leak from the oil heater.
Using a wrong fuel in an oil heater. If anyone were to introduce a different fuel into the heater and that oil had a lower flashpoint, it could catch fire if someone turned the heater on to a high temperature.
Failure of safety fuses.
Aligning yourself to the rhythms of nature is the key to living a balanced life and maintaining healthy levels of Vata and Kapha. Both diet and lifestyle play an important role in helping you achieve this. Having a personalized routine goes a long way in contributing to the vitality and positivity of your being. In the end, attuning your body and mind to nature’s cycle is the key goal of Ayurveda which can help you lead a mindful and healthy life.
So enjoy the winter / Eat well / Sleep well / Keep smiling / Exercise / Maintain good hygiene / be close to nature.
* Medicine as suggested above should only be taken under the consultation and supervision of registered medical practitioner.
Thanks you, madam.
ReplyDeleteVery nice and informative article. I am sure people will benefit from this.