(Protection, Body’s natural defense system, रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता)
Life is a bundle of miracles. This human body has intrinsic power to heal and to be healthy. It has vitality. It can resist disease and sustain itself. There is a constant threat to our body by foreign bodies and pathogens that are brutal enough to harm us. Cheers to the Immune System that is fighting against these and guards against trouble makers. Yet some of us get cough and cold or unstable condition of body and mind every now and then, whereas some people never get it. Fate has nothing to do here. It is the immunity which has an important role to play it is just that they have a more robust defense mechanism to combat those virulent organisms.
Genes are the decisive factor behind the strength of immunity system. While we can do little about the genes, there are certain natural ways to give a boost to our defense system. So that in future we are constantly guarded when the season changes and enable our antibodies do their job effectively.
Increased level of pollution due to urbanization and westernization have weakened the natural resistance power of humans. Frequent attacks of many diseases have become a growing problem. It is quite sure that the side effect of urbanization cannot be stopped so there is a need to build up the immunity so that it will tackle the wear & tear occurring in the routine.
" Man is the greatest creation of god."
What is Immunity?
"One minute of anger weakens the immune system for 5 hours.
One minute of laughter strengthens the immune system for 24 hours."
Physiological adaptation of a living system to protect itself from any disease affliction is called Immunity. A living system can fight against the manifested disease. The level of immunity depends on the strength of an individual. It depends on strong metabolism and excretory functions. Infection management focusing more on preventing the infection by strengthening the immune system.
Having a strong immune system is a blessing. However, with the modern and unhealthy lifestyle, it is difficult to maintain a strong immune system without any additional efforts. Immune functions that deteriorate rapidly after the age of 60 years. After the middle age, the thymus gland, which plays a key role in immune defenses begins to decline radically. The thymus gland secretes thymulin a hormone that stimulates the production of T cells. With the decline of thymus gland, the output of thymulin also decreases.
Infection often the first step occurs when bacteria, virus or other microbes that cause disease to enter body and begin to multiply. Disease occurs when the cells in the body are damaged as a result of the infection and symptoms of illness appear.
Immune system in response to an infection springs into action. An army of white blood cells, antibodies and other mechanism begin the work to protect your body of whatever is causing the infection. For instance, the infighting of the common cold your body might react with fever, coughing and sneezing.
An infection has a very profound effect on us and our society. It is perhaps correct to say that in the history of mankind more people have perhaps died due to infectious diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis virus and diarrhea illnesses produce more debility and death than any other causes. Recently COVID 19 has caused havoc.
"Remember immunity isn't built in a day. it's a by product of consistent efforts."
One can get immunity if....
1 . One gets the infection and survives.
2 . One gets vaccinated
3 . Herd immunity or Community immunity is acquired
One can get immunity if....
1 . One gets the infection and survives.
2 . One gets vaccinated
3 . Herd immunity or Community immunity is acquired
"The biggest immunity booster is the mindset of the person."
How does the body naturally defend itself from infection?
The first line of defense
The body’s defenses against infections begin with mechanisms that block entry of the organism into the skin or the respiratory, gastrointestinal or genitourinary tract. These defenses include chemicals, e.g. lysozymes in tears, fatty acids in the skin, gastric acid, and pancreatic enzymes in the bowel; mucus that traps the organism; clusters of antibody-producing B lymphocytes e.g. tonsils, Peyer patches; and bacteria and fungi (normal flora) on the skin and mucus membrane that destroy more dangerous organisms. In patients receiving immuno - suppressive drug therapy, the normal flora can become the source of opportunistic infections. Also, one organism can impair external defenses and permit another to enter e.g. viruses can enhance bacterial invasion by damaging respiratory tract mucosa.)
The second line of defense is an infection of the non-specific immune response.
Rapid Response Sustained Response
The main Unknown Vaccine Boost
The third major defensive system, the specific immune response, depends on lymphocyte activation, during which B and T cells recognize specific antigenic markers on the organism. B cells produce immunoglobulins (antibodies), and T cells orchestrate a multifaceted attack by cytotoxic cells.
Ojas (Vigour, vital energy or core essence ) that nourishes all tissues and is responsible for the optimal functioning of our body, mind and spirit. extracts itself from the human body by virtue of its qualities just as bees collect honey from fruits and flowers."
Fighting of the Virus Covid -19
Our bodies deploy a host of pathogen-fighting machinery against the Sars-CoV-2 virus. These include a rapid response that happens initially, before a more sophisticated biology kicks into
action, hunting for the virus and cell infected by it. Here’s how the immune system works.
Staving off Reinfection
- Experts believe strong levels of antibodies help stop an infection.
- In the case of Sars-CoV-2 studies found antibodies may be lower in mild or asymptomatic cases.
- Bur fewer antibodies do not necessarily mean greater risk. Immune memory should rapidly fight off the virus the next time.
- Studies have shown reinfection are highly unlikely for 6 months since antibodies linger on.
Rapid Response Sustained Response
- This is a response to any infection. This involves non specific chemicals known as Cytokines and interferon that immediately up inflammation and fever to make the body more hostile to any invading pathogen. It may slow down the infection but does not eradicate it.
- B Cells Create antibodies to stop the virus from infecting cells. Antibodies
- T Cells Destroy infecting cells. Host Cells
- B Cell & T Cells
- This is the main tool the body has to fight the infection, depending upon the two immune cells known as the B Cells & T Cells. This begins a few days after the infection.
- B Cells once the body has figured out the Sars-CoV-2 turn into antibodies that petrol and bind to any circulating virus.
- T Cell create immune cells that help (helper cells) flag infected cells and distroys (killer cells) any cell infected by the virus.
- Memory B cells & Memory T Cells
- Memory B cells & Memory T cells are when some of these antibodies, helper and killer cells that worked to fight off Sars CoV-2, mature and settles into the lymph nodes and the spleen giving a body a 'memory' of the encounter. They can rapidly multiply and create new antibodies or killer cells once confronted with the virus again.
The main Unknown Vaccine Boost
- Since the virus has only been around for less than a year we still do not know how long immunity from a natural infection, or a vaccination, will last Infection from the previous corona virus such as Sars have shown to last 18 months but scientist are cautious of assuming such a hopeful scenario . The virus, having infected tens of millions, has not yet mutated to any significant degree. Scientist fear that if it does, it could render existing immunity - by natural infection and inoculation useless.
Vaccine Boost
All of the top vaccine candidates have shown to be able to prime the immune system in a healthy manner, leaving the adopted immune system prepared to fight off.
Sars CoV-2 however, only time will tell how soon a booster shot may be needed.
Enhancing the body’s natural defense system (immunity) plays an important role in maintaining optimum health. We all know that prevention is better than cure. While there is no medicine for COVID-19 as of now, it will be good to take preventive measures which boost our immunity in these times. Ayurveda, being the science of life, propagates the gifts of nature in maintaining a healthy and happy living. Ayurveda’s extensive knowledge base on preventive care derives from the concepts of “Dinacharya”- daily regimes and “Ritucharya”- seasonal regimes to maintain a healthy life. It is a plant-based science.
Ministry of AYUSH recommends the following self-care guidelines for preventive health measures and boosting immunity with special reference to respiratory health.
I General Measures
1. Drink warm water throughout the day.
2. Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation for at least 30 minutes
3. Spices like Haldi (Turmeric), Jeera (Cumin), Dhaniya (Coriander) and Lahsun (Garlic) are recommended in cooking.
II Ayurvedic Immunity Promoting Measures
1. Take Chyavanprash 10gm (1 tsp) in the morning. Diabetics should take sugar-free Chyavanprash.
2. Drink herbal tea/decoction (Kadha काढ़ा) made from Tulsi (Basil), Dalchini (Cinnamon), Kalimirch (Black pepper), Shunthi (Dry Ginger) and Munakka (Raisin)- once or twice a day. Add jaggery (natural sugar) and/or fresh lemon juice to your taste, if needed.
3. Golden Milk- Half teaspoon Haldi (turmeric) powder in 150 ml hot milk - once or twice.
III Simple Ayurvedic Procedures
III Simple Ayurvedic Procedures
1. Nasal application - Apply sesame oil/coconut oil or Ghee in both the nostrils (Pratimarsh Nasya) in morning and evening.
2. Oil pulling therapy- Take 1 tablespoon sesame or coconut oil in the mouth. Do not drink, Hold in the mouth for 2 to 3 minutes and spit it off followed by a warm water rinse. This can be done once or twice a day.
IV During dry cough/ sore throat
1. Steam inhalation with fresh Pudina (Mint) leaves or Ajwain (Caraway seeds) can be practised once in a day.
2. Lavang (Clove) powder mixed with natural sugar/honey can be taken 2-3 times a day in case of cough or throat irritation.
"A daily cleansing, toning and moisturizing skin, this regime is a must."
Tips to boost immunity
- Honor rest & go slow
Respect your body's need to rest
- Exercise
If you have body pain, fatigue, muscle spasms and tightness, start with gentle stretches or subtle yoga. Do not over do it. Listen to your body.
- Reduce inflmmation
Inflammation is part of the immunity process. The problem is when the inflammatory response is not switched off. Increased inflammation is noticed in most Covid patients. While there are medicines to control inflammation, one must focus on lifestyle. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant rich foods can stall inflammation. Inflammation also reduces when we sleep.
- Muscle aches and joint pains
* Load turmeric, ginger, garlic, cloves, cinnamon and black pepper into teas, spice powders, concoctions, dal or soups Add a teaspoon of coconut oil or ghee as this combination works best in the presence of fat.
* Drink a glass of freshly squeezed masambi juice.
* Drizzle a teaspoon of pure extra virgin olive oil over your salad of hummus.
* Consume unsalted nuts.
* Include Omega 3 rich foods like flax seeds, fatty fish or chia seeds.
* Have a cup of freshly brewed loose green tea or black tea leaves sans (without) sugar.
* Add red or green chilies to your food (unless you have hyperacidity or ulcer.)
* Remove all inflammatory foods such as sugar, processed meats, junk foods, refined carbs, refined oils. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.
- Mental health
Fear is your body's survival mechanism. Use that to fuel you into action, like
* Boost your and your family's immunity.
* Follow safety protocol.
* Cut away from sources of news that stress you out, including conversation.
* Believe in your body's intelligence to protect you.
* Affirm this mantra : I am safe, I am protected, I am guided.
* Change the narrative if its been tough for someone. It doesn't have to be so for you.
10 Signs of good immunity
- Complete evacuation of bowel.
- Ideal body weight
- Clear skin.
- No laziness
- Good Appetite
- Blessed with sound sleep without dreams.
- No body pain.
- Be happy and contended at heart.
To remove stress one should do Pranayama and practice meditation.
- Timing
- Quantity
- Quality
- Timing :
Digestive system is connected with Manipur chakra, and Manipur chakra is connected with sun. You must have observed in rainy season when sun is not active, our digestion is not proper.Therefore maximum fast are kept in rainy season (shravana somwar etc). As far as timing is concern it is said that take breakfast as king,lunch as common man and dinner as papaur. When food is take during day it is properly digested as the influence of sun is more.If dinner taken before sunset is ideal or take just after sunset.Eat at least 3 hours before sleeping. So that when you physically move or walk (shat pavali) the food will be properly digested. Eating late at night causes lots of digestion problems. This undigested food causes lots of problem. Lots of toxins are produces causing various diseases. Therefore timing of food should always be taken care of.
- Quantity :
- Quality
The food should be taken little less than your appetite. So that the digestion takes place properly. Food should be well chewed as the process of digestion starts from the mouth.
The immune system is a complex interaction amongst cells in many parts of the body. They all coordinate to protect the body from foreign invaders. The immune system is not located in any one organ system or part of the body. The brain, the blood, the liver, the bone marrow, the lymph system, the spleen, the thymus, the skin and some endocrine glands all work together to make up the immune system.
A well-functioning immune system is of great importance in the maintenance of good health. It can save a person from many health related problems ranging from minor infections to cancer. Environmental factors also play an important role. Diet is the most important factor in building up immunity. Foods contain vitamins, minerals and other important elements that can broadly stimulate immune functioning. This, in turn, will increase body resistance to various viral and bacterial infections as well as cancerous growths that flourish or die according to the operation of immune mechanism.
There are multiple immunity boosters techniques, one should select a natural one which can be done with minimal efforts. The time duration needed for the same varies from person to person. Tobacco, alcohol and narcotics always diminish physical and mental immunity. So it is better to keep them at bay. The more we protect the gut, the more immune we become. Waking before dawn, intake of water, regular bowel movements, exercise, healthy diet and sleep are important factors of boosting immunity. Herbal medicines are preferable but under supervision.
Maintain a proper lifestyle.
Anger, worry, fear, sorrow and other psychological excitements, inadequate diet, excessive fasting, eating and drinking too many rough, dry and harsh foods. Overwork, insomnia, emaciation due to sickness, excessive secretions. External injuries.
A timid and scared personality, dry and lusterless appearance, a general listlessness, weakness in the mind and body, worries and tension, painful and fatigued organs, and loss of jest for life.
Factors that break down the immune system
· Pregnancy: During pregnancy immune system of the body is relatively weaker.
· Children have weak immunity
· A bad diet
· Children have weak immunity
· A bad diet
· Too many antibiotics and painkillers
· Fried foods and diet soda
· Irregular meal timings
· Mental stress
· lack of sleep
"Continuously living in the hormones of stress, fear and anxiety will just invite more diseases."
"Continuously living in the hormones of stress, fear and anxiety will just invite more diseases."
How To Improve Your Immunity?
Improve your diet
The food you eat plays a key aspect in determining your overall health and immunity. Eat low carb diets, as it will help control high blood pressure and sugar. A low carb diet will help slow down diabetes and focus on a protein rich diet to keep you in good shape. And regularly consume vegetables and fruits rich in beta carotene, ascorbic acids and other essential vitamins. Certain foods like mushrooms, tomato, bell pepper and green vegetables like broccoli, spinach are also good options to build resiliance in the body against infections.You can also eat suppliments rich in omega 3 & 6 fatty acids for your dailly dose.
If stepping out to buy grocceries is not an option during social distancing. Some natural immunity suppliments includes ginger, gooseberry,(amla), and turmeric. Some of these super foods are common ingredients in Indian dishes and snacks. There are several herbs helps in boosting immunity like garlic, basal leaves and black cumin. Certain seeds and nuts like sunflower, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and melon seeds are excellent source of protein and vitamin E.
Probiotic like yogurt, yakult and fermented food are also excellent source to rejuvenate the composition of gut bacteria., which si important for nutrient absorption. by the body. These are good options for the older generation too.
Don't Compromise on Sleep
Good snooze time for 7-8 hours is the best way to help your body build immunity. Lesser sleep will leave you tired and impair your brain activity. The lack of sleep will prevent the body from resting and this will impair other bodily functions that will have a direct impact on your immunity. Lack of sleep adversely effects the action of the flu vaccine.
Stay Hydrated
Drink up to 8-10 glasses of water every day to stay hydrated. Hydration will help flush out the toxins from the body and lower the chances of flu. Other alternative include juices made of citric fruits and coconut water to beat the heat.
Immune Boosters or Vitalizes रसायन /Rasayana / Elixer of Life
What is Rasayana?
Rasayanas or vitalizers: The prime function of a Rasayana is to enhance the efficiency of the metabolic processes and thus revitalize the body tissues. They replenish the vital fluids of our body, thus keeping us away from disease.
Rasayanas has:
Rasayanas has:
1: Antioxidant
2: Immunomodulators action
3: Hemopiotic effect
4: Adaptogenic action
5: Anti-ageing
6: Anabolic action
7: Nutritive function
8 Neuroprotective action
However for a Rasayana to act effectively, the digestive system (अग्नि) must be in good shape. Rasayanas should be consumed, according to the constitution of a person:
* Pitta constitution person: Regular intake of milk
* Kapha constitution person: Regular intake of honey
* Vata: constitution person Regular intake of ghee
Rasayanas for prevention
Gastrointestinal system: Adarka ( zingiber officinalis) Pippali ( Piper longum), harad, chitraka
Respiratory system: Amla, Pippali, Guduchi
Circulatory system: Pomegranate, Punarnava, Draksha (Vitis vinifera)
Nervous system: Bala (Sida cardifolia), Ashwagandha, Brahmi
Urinary system: Punarnava
Reproductive system: Ashwagandha, Shatawari
"Constitution / Prakriti ( body type) Food not appropriate for one’s constitution may reduce immunity and cause disease."
Drug administration (औषधि रसायन )
* Chyawanprash: A premier Rasayana is good for alleviating cough and bronchial asthma. It nourishes weak, promotes digestion and improves concentration and memory.
* Harad Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
Consume daily to enhance immunity. It also relieves constipation. Best laxative, digestant and appetiser. It is consumed with different substance in different seasons.: Ritu Haritaki for Rasayana purpose: Varsha- rock salt (Saindhava lavana), Sharad- Sugar, Hemant- Dry ginger, Shishira- Long pepper, Vasant- Honey, and Grishma- Jaggery. Taking harad powder in the morning. Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) Vibhitikapowder before meals. Amla: Amla powder after meals is an excellent regimen to get rejuvenating effects.
Appetite increaser, Ii is good for the respiratory & gastrointestinal system. Consumption of 3-5 grams of pippalipowder mixed with half a teaspoon of honey enhances immunity and relieves chronic cough and dyspnoea. It is taken as Pippali ksheer (पिप्पली क्षीर): To prepare we need 1 part of pippali fruit powder, 8 part of milk and 16 part water, to be boiled and reduced to 8 parts. While consuming honey be added to this. This decoction will help to strengthen the respiratory system, improves digestion and liver function.
It is good for the nervous system. Boil 10 grams of Ashwagandha powder in a glass of milk and consume after dinner. It builds body weight and stamina maintains general health. Can be given in convalescent period for fast recovery. The same relieves mental stress and helps to get a sound sleep.
It is good for the nervous system. Whole plant preferably fresh is used. Consumption of Brahmi with honey or ghee early in the morning on empty stomach promotes intellect and memory; relieves stress.
Brahmi enhances brain function. An important drug for the improvement of intelligence, memory and revitalisation of sense organs. It clears voice, improves digestion and purifies the blood.
It is good for the reproductive system. It is sweet, bitter and cool in potency. It’s a prime tonic for all general usages but has a more specific action on the female system. Shatavari is calming to the heart. The root powder is taken for enhancing vigour and strength. Shatavari. It is one of the best rejuvenation drugs. It increases breast milk. It is Tonifying it improves intellect, increases digestive power, nourishing, good for eyes. Good for vata and pitta. It is one of the best choices to beat the heat of summer. It can be taken with milk or ghee.
* Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) मुलेठी Prevents respiratory tract infections and
Gastrointestinal system.
Gastrointestinal system.
* Punarnava: (Boerhavia diffusa):
It is good for kidneys. It is sweet pungent and astringent in taste and hot in potency. Its boon for liver improves the working of kidneys. It's an antioxidant herb. It purifies the blood and aids in increasing the basic haemoglobin of an individual. Daily intake of Punarva leaves promotes general health and acts as a rejuvenator.
It is good for kidneys. It is sweet pungent and astringent in taste and hot in potency. Its boon for liver improves the working of kidneys. It's an antioxidant herb. It purifies the blood and aids in increasing the basic haemoglobin of an individual. Daily intake of Punarva leaves promotes general health and acts as a rejuvenator.
It is also a very good herb to strengthen the immune system. It has anti-bacterial and anti-diabetic property and also acts as a mild digestive, stimulant and carminative. It is widely used in skin, respiratory and liver disorders. It purifies the blood and enhances the complexion. Turmeric powder can be used for gargling also.
* Guduchi (Tinospora cardifolia) Giloy.
Clean and fresh 2 Tinospora leaves with warm water.This herb is also a proven immunomodulator. Part used mature stem and leaves. Consumption of its juice or decoction every morning with honey rejuvenates and controls diabetes; helps to palliate chronic arthritic pains. Guduchi is a known remedy for fevers.
Clean and fresh 2 Tinospora leaves with warm water.This herb is also a proven immunomodulator. Part used mature stem and leaves. Consumption of its juice or decoction every morning with honey rejuvenates and controls diabetes; helps to palliate chronic arthritic pains. Guduchi is a known remedy for fevers.
* Bhallataka (Semicarpus Anacardium)
It is a well-known drug for immune modulation is very useful as an adjuvant in carcinoma.
It is a well-known drug for immune modulation is very useful as an adjuvant in carcinoma.
* Triphala
A panacea. It boosts immunity, eases inflammation. Triphala offers antioxidant, bacteria-killing and immune-enhancing benefits. It improves digestion. Consist of three fruits Amla, harad and vibhitaki. It is an effective blood purifier that stimulate bile secretion as it detoxifies the liver. It promotes bowel movement and cleanses the system. It has high nutritional value. Triphala as a nourishing supplement known for its ability to rejuvenate healthy tissues allowing one to age gracefully. Triphala can be taken as a decoction. Triphala is usually taken on an empty stomach, to take it first thing in the morning or before bedtime. generally. Triphala taken in morning will promote rejuvenation action (Rasayana) while in the evening it will show laxative effect.
A panacea. It boosts immunity, eases inflammation. Triphala offers antioxidant, bacteria-killing and immune-enhancing benefits. It improves digestion. Consist of three fruits Amla, harad and vibhitaki. It is an effective blood purifier that stimulate bile secretion as it detoxifies the liver. It promotes bowel movement and cleanses the system. It has high nutritional value. Triphala as a nourishing supplement known for its ability to rejuvenate healthy tissues allowing one to age gracefully. Triphala can be taken as a decoction. Triphala is usually taken on an empty stomach, to take it first thing in the morning or before bedtime. generally. Triphala taken in morning will promote rejuvenation action (Rasayana) while in the evening it will show laxative effect.
* Trikatu:
3 Pungent herbs -black pepper, ginger and long pepper. It helps to cut through accumulated mucous and open up channels of nutrition. Taken as 1 teaspoon with honey. It is good for respiratory system.
* Aloe vera (Kumari)
It is bitter, astringent, sweet and cooling. It is a laxative and tonic. It is excellent for cleansing the plasma, skin, blood and the liver. Aloe Vera, It is used for general debility.
* Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) Sipping a tea prepared from 1-2 shredded leaves of vasa cures cough, throat irritation and even mild wheezing.
* Arjuna Tree (Terminalia arjuna):
Its bark is a well-known heart tonic and used extensively in cardiac debility.
* Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
Tulsi gives highest oxygen in the morning. It is pungent, sweet and hot in potency. Its extract is shown to possess immune-modulator and antioxidant property. It is an important herb for clearing the mind and brain. Its leaves promote the removal of the catarrh matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. It enhances immunity and metabolic functions. It acts as a cardiac tonic and purifies the blood. Tulsi is good for general debility. It is good to put a little tulsi in the water that one drinks.
* Vacha (Acorus calamus)
Intellect promotor. It is pungent bitter in taste hot in potency. It is a stimulant to the mind and senses. It clears mucous from the head, throat and lungs. It improves digestion, increases the power of speech, reason and intelligence and sharpens discrimination.
Intellect promotor. It is pungent bitter in taste hot in potency. It is a stimulant to the mind and senses. It clears mucous from the head, throat and lungs. It improves digestion, increases the power of speech, reason and intelligence and sharpens discrimination.
* Ginseng:
Ginseng is a wonder herb with the outstanding medicinal property. Chinese prefer to chew a portion of the root every day.
* Bala (Sida cardifolia):
It is good for the nervous system. It has body strengthening and body bulk increasing properties. Helps to pacify air element (vata dosha)
It is good for the nervous system. It has body strengthening and body bulk increasing properties. Helps to pacify air element (vata dosha)
* Shankha Pushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis):
Memory enhancer. It is an intellect promoting drug (medhya Rasayana). It is a laxative, aphrodisiac, nervine tonic, rejuvenator, health and complexion promoter.
* Neem (Azadirachta indica): Margosa
Neem is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-septic properties making it a great addition to detoxification regime. Neem also purifies the blood and helps to get rid of unwanted metabolic waste from the body. The bark is an insecticidal, liver tonic, expectorant. Used in skin diseases like eczema, pruritis, malaria, wounds, ulcers, intestinal worms. Leaves are antiseptic, a good appetizer used in skin diseases. Neem It is anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and adaptogenic properties.
Neem is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-septic properties making it a great addition to detoxification regime. Neem also purifies the blood and helps to get rid of unwanted metabolic waste from the body. The bark is an insecticidal, liver tonic, expectorant. Used in skin diseases like eczema, pruritis, malaria, wounds, ulcers, intestinal worms. Leaves are antiseptic, a good appetizer used in skin diseases. Neem It is anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and adaptogenic properties.
* Kalmegh (Andrographisp aniculata):
It increases immunity and is good for inflammation and infections. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic lowers the fever. It is also a liver protector. It is good for jaundice and fever.
Tea Masala : To increase you immunity.
"Rejuvenation - 1. Truthfulness, 2. Freedom from passion and 3 . self control."
* At least 3 litres of water should be consumed daily.
Healthy diet:
* A healthy diet should contain plenty of whole grains i.e. cereals and pulses.
* Fatty foods and sweets in the diet must be kept in balance.
* Diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of degenerative diseases.
The food pyramid
To visualize a balanced diet imagine food you consume forming a shape of a pyramid.
· The largest portion of your diet: chapatis, cereals, and rice will form a base.
· The second largest group: fruits and vegetables constitute the next level.
· The upper-middle level: is comprised of milk, yoghurt and cheese group as well as meat, poultry fish beans and nuts group.
· Finally, the top is comprised of foods we use sparingly like fats, sweets and oils.
Choosing healthy fats:
* Olive oil
* Nuts
* Flax Seeds
* Fish & Seafood
* Ghee
Immunity boosting Foods
* Home Made Kadha (काढ़ा )
Consuming home made kadha twice a day.. It contains turmeric, tulsi, cloves, ginger, black pepper corn, cinnamon, black cardemom and honey or jaggery.. They help boost immunity and are also anti- inflammatory.
Turmeric Jaggery One spoon of turmeric and jaggery before the day begins.
Neem + Turmeric & laced with HoneyShould be taken daily in the morning. A good immunity booster
Hot Water + HoneyIt is good for Anemia.
* Ash Guard ((Bacopa hispida) Kushmanda / White Pumpkin
Its fruit and seeds are used. A rejuvenating plant capable of improving intellect and physical strength. It is highly nutritious food Helps to normalize digestion. Cure emancipation and chronic fevers. Useful to cure chronic cough and asthma. 1-2 tsp with warm milk before breakfast or after dinner. Commonly used as petha (sweet).
* Drumstick (Moringa oleifera) Shigru
Benefits : Very high on immunity boosting properties. Excellent for diabetes, blood pressure and kidney health. An incredible source of essential minerals, calcium, iron and phosphorus which helps to strengthen bones. Very high on antibacterial qualities which help in avoiding infections around the throat and chest area. Drumstick is one of the superfoods which helps in boosting your immunity and acts as a shield for any virus to grow. Part used fruit (pod), leaves, root. Regular consumption of drumstick leaves help with nutritional support. it prevents night blindness. Moringa as immune booster:
· Moringa has 7 times the vitamins found in oranges and strengthens our immune system and help fight against cold and flu.
· Moringa has 17 times the calcium found in milk which builds strong bones and teeth. It helps prevents osteoporosis
· Moringa has 10 times Vitamin A found in carrots which is good for eyes, skin and heart.
· Moringa has 15 times the potassium found in bananas which is good for the brain and nerves.
· Moringa has 25 times the iron found in spinach and good for Hemoglobin.
· Dried Moringa leaves are good for tea and cooking.· Moringa has 09 times the proteins found in curd.
* Spinach: Strengthens your immune system
* Carrot A carrot as one of the richest sources of antioxidant beta- carotene, is a powerful immunity stimulating food. It strengthens immune defenses against both bacterial and viral infections as well as cancer. Carrot is an antioxidant-rich in vitamin A and E. it has beta carotene good for eyes.
* Bitter Guard (करेला): It possesses immunomodulatory properties. Proper consumption of the bitter guard (in any form)
* Garlic (Allium sativum) लहसुन It helps to strengthen the detox system, immune system and controlling free radicals. It is rich in vitamin A, B, C, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Se, apart from 17 different amino acids, It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-cholesterol, and anti-cancer properties. It enhances immune functioning. It particularly stimulates the power of T lymphocytes and macrophages which plays a dominant role in immune function. Used in rheumatoid arthritis, flatulence. Garlic It is a good pain reliever.
* Fenugreek: (foenum- graecum). Methi Seeds It is good for maintaining healthy diet wellness and raved up the immune system. It is considered tonic and it reduces oedema. It is anti-deleting, galactagogue, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertensive and digestant.
* Sprouts can be made of alfalfa seeds, mung, moth, Lobhia, Black Channa. Sprouts have rejuvenating and health-promoting qualities. Sprouts are treated as living food rich in vitamin C. Being alkaline in nature sprouts help in improving health, purifying the body and rendering it immune to the disease. It increases the nutritional value of our daily diet. Sprouts are quickly and easily assimilated by the body and provide quick energy.
* Soyabean & soy products: Saponin present in the maximum concentration in soybeans have cholesterol lowering anti-cancer and immune-stimulatory (stimulates the immune system) properties.
* Mushrooms: Shiitake, the big brown Asian mushroom. it has got anti-viral substance called lentinin that has a strong immunity booster activity.
* Pumpkin Seeds - Just by having 3-4 spoons of pumpkin seeds everyday can provide you with substantial quantities of healthy fats, magnesium and zinc which are vital for immune functions.
* Red Capsicum - Vitamin C present in Red Capsicum is 3 times higher than the Vitamin C found in an orange. Ensure to have red Capsicum in your salad everyday before meals.
"Fruits should be eaten only on an empty stomach."
Binge on Citrus fruits :
Lemon, oranges, sweet lime ,are good source of vitamin C. They help to boost immunity.
EMPTY STOMACH FRUITS - Empty stomach fruits works miraculously and is highly
recommended for making the system alkaline & building good health. All kinds of fruits strengthen the immune system, as they are rich in vitamins and beta carotene. Have one bowl of fruit every day.
* Mangiferaera Indica (Aam आम ): It is a restorative tonic. It attracts a tonic for digestive organs.
* Apple: Apple is the best fruit to tone up a week and run-condition of immune a system.
* Berries & Amla are good immunity boosters.
* Brest feeding increases the immunity of a baby.
Almond Milk : Take 2 almond soaked in water,1 cardamom, crush the seed well, 2 strands of saffron / kesar powder . After badam has soaked in for 15 minutes powder it after peeling it. crush the white seeds well. Take a glass of milk heat it to near boiling point . Put the crushed badams (almond) cardamom, and kesar into the hot milk. Add teaspoonful of sugar, stir well. Your favorite drink is ready. If you prefer it cold chill it and than drink. Taken before bed time, it provides very peaceful, nice sleep. It also helps to heal boils in the mouth or throat area.. For those who have acidity or ulcer in the stomach, if taken regularly it helps to provide the healing touch. It is also very helpful in reducing dry cough. In pregnant women the saffron has good effect in preventing and checking the spread of infection.
Milk kashaya : For cold & Cough .Milk boiled with spices such as pepper, cumin, ,dalchini, cardemum, dry ginger powder, nutmeg and coriander. Roast all ingredients one after other on a gentle flame except cardemum. Now powder all ingredients. Add jaggery or sugar for taste. Consume it during cold season or once in a day. This will relieve you from cough cold and also keep the body warm.
A cup a day : Simply add a spoonful of turmeric to your tea. Infusion made with tulsi, black pepper, ginger and amla , Add any or all of them for more energy and vitamin.
Cough Lozenges : Some of the easiest recipes use lime juice, powdered cloves, ginger and amla. Boil these and add honey or sugar after turning off the burner. Then pour drops of liquid in a pan so as to make tablets.
Ghar ki khichdi : (घर की खिचड़ी ) Prefer fresh home cooked food . Consuming barley rice and moong dal in khichadi form.
Ginger and rock salt : having a small piece of ginger with rock salt before every meal helps boost immunity.
"Immunity cannot be build overnight."
Milk & its products
* Curd or Yogurt: Curd or yogurt is extremely valuable immunity stimulating food. Good for the stomach. It is a probiotic and nourishing food. It's a valuable source of protein, essential vitamins and minerals and a rich source of calcium and riboflavin. It’s a powerful protector against virus infections. eating curd stimulates at least two vital components of immunity, namely nature killer cells and gamma interferon. If a person starts eating curd or yogurt three months before pollen season or cold season, it can build up his immunity,
* Milk: Milk is regarded as a complete nutritional food. It gives instant energy, is a memory enhancer, aphrodisiac and increases longevity and rejuvenation. It contains protein, fat and carbohydrates, vitamins and other minerals. considered essential for sustaining life and maintaining health. The proteins of milk contain all amino acids essential for bodybuilding and repair of body cells. It’s a rich source of calcium. Milk increases strength, improves memory, removes exhaustion, and promote long life. Drink a glass of warm milk before sleep. It alleviates all doshas and is good to cure constipation, eyes and sleep.
* Ghee (Grisha) Clarified butter: 10-15 ml fat per day. Use cow’s ghee only. It increases memory power, clarity of voice and boosts body energy. It rejuvenates skin and enhances the low-skin kin. It is rich in fat-soluble vitamin including Vitamin E, A and K, K2 helps to maintain healthy vision and maintain the glow of the skin. It contains butyric acid which acts as a detosifier, improves colon health, It transports calcium into your bones. Calcium cannot be absorbed unless it is accompanied by Vitamin K2. The body needs good fats for the proper functioning of the brain. Ghee contains those good fats. Ghee is cleansing and nourishing food. A great tonic for children, the old and the weak. Balances pitta & vata Disha. Good for eyesight, voice, body suppleness, Ojas (life-sustaining vitality.), memory, proper functioning of sense organs.
Caution: Use ghee in moderation
* Buttermilk Taken with cumin, rock salt and dry ginger powder remove all doshas or humor vata, pitta and Kapha. Those who take buttermilk regularly do not age faster, keep their arteries flexible for a longer time. Thus buttermilk is an elixir which keeps old age and disease away. Curd should not be sour and water added should be warm in winter and cold in summer. It must be taken at lunch. Buttermilk detoxifies the body and cleanses the intestines, relieves constipation and helps to replenish intestinal flora.
* Low-fat foods: Too much fat, especially of the wrong type, weakens the immune system. The vitality of the immune system also depends on the type of fat. Fish oil containing omega-3 fatty acids seems to strengthen the immune system. Most harmful are the vegetable polyunsaturated fat called omega-6 fatty acids.
* Almond It possesses immuno modulatory properties.
"Consult an immunologist."
Essentially a healthy lifestyle regime is all it takes to give a boost to immunity system naturally.
* Have your dinner by 7 O Clock so there is enough of fasting and body gets more time to heal.* Have fruits in breakfast* Eat one grain meal a day.* Cooked Food - Restrict the number of cooked meals to ONLY TWICE A DAY (Lunch and Dinner). Eat more raw vegetables and fruits.
* Empty Stomach Fruits - Empty stomach fruits works miraculously and is highly recommended for making the system alkaline & building good health.
* Cucumber And Carrot - One small bowl to be had before lunch and dinner every day for making our body alkaline.
* Water - At Least 2 litres of water everyday. Drinking sufficient water will not only help flush out toxins but maintain a healthy fluid balance
* Stay active- Be like a grasshopper.
* No Unhealthy Food - Avoid junk foods / dairy / Maida / Non-Veg / Deep fried / Packaged food as much as possible
* Ghee and milk are regarded as (नित्य रसायन) they can be consumed regularly. Cow’s milk provides constituents for all body tissues.
* Pomegranate (Punica granatum) अनार दाड़िम
Pomegranate is a good Rasayana fruit, rich in vitamin C and potassium. consuming regularly is beneficial. The seeds and juice are useful in anaemia and good for the heart.
* Ginger (Zingiber officinale) अदरक Usage of ginger in cooking daily enhances digestion.
It is an excellent carminative and used in cough. A small piece of ginger + pinch of salt before every meal
* Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica) Amla contributes to Anti-ageing Rasayana (वय स्थापन).
Amla is an immune system booster. It is a rich source of vitamin C. It is best eye tonic. It helps in maintaining natural energy and vitality levels. It helps and support and cleanses the digestive system, helps nourish body tissues. It also helps in maintaining skin and hair health.
* Tulsi: 4 leaves of tulsi and 2 grains of black pepper to be chewed daily once early in the morning, this helps to improve immunity.
* Abhyanga/Massage: Regular application of warm til (Sesame) oil on scalp, ears and feet for 30 minutes before bath helps to fight stress,
* Triphala: Triphala choornam, 1-teaspoon with 1/2 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon ghee at night helps improve vision. It is an excellent Rasayana for the eyes.
* Chawanprash: The premier Rasayanas. If you are planning to boost your immunity, taking Chyawanprash regularly will be a good option. Chyavanaprasha (Elixer of life), it is widely used as tonic, rejuvenator, energiser, anabolic, immunomodulator and memory enhancer. Treats chronic diseases of the respiratory tract. Improves digestion and assimilation. 2 tsp with warm milk preferably in empty stomach. Relieves stress. Rejuvenates and delays ageing. Increases haemoglobin. Administered children and the elderly.
* Citrus fruits/juice as on regular basis
* Avoid sugar and salt in excess
* Activities like smoking and drinking are known to make the immunity system suffer.
Take Proper Rest
Good quality sleep every night recharges our immune system.
De-stress Yourself
These are testing times and a prolong period of staying indoors has its implications on your mental well being. The growing anxiety around the pandemic is another concern that is affecting millions across the globe. While the uncertainity might be overwhelming, there are few steps we can follow regularly to help relieve our stress.. Stress is known to have adverse effect on our immunity.
Stress & fear weakens our immune system. Hence, we should consciously avoid taking any stress as it will directly impact our immune system.
"Rejuvenation - Body and mind should be clean- 1. Iron formulations i.e. Amla, chawanprash, Harad".
Alkalize your body
Alkaline: Our diet should consist of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline food for preserving health.
For your blood to effectively act as a medium of oxygen and absorb vital nutrients, your body’s pH (potential of hydrogen) balance needs to be maintained. This equilibrium is essentially the body’s alkaline-acid balance, which is ensured by healthy kidneys. The ph of our body is 7.4 and anything that alters the pH will make the body’s immune defence go down and open up the door for diseases.
Sodium and sugar-rich diets lead to acidosis.
Make your body less acidic and hence less prone for infections.
· Cucumber and Carrot - One small bowl to be had before lunch and dinner every day for
making our body alkaline.
· Chewing is an easy first step to make your body alkaline
· Sprouts: Sprouts are extremely alkalising supercharged with nutrients & energy-boosting enzymes.
· Wheatgrass juice
· Tulsi & Aloe Vera juice
· Skip Sugar and salt-laden food
· Leafy green vegetables: They are the most alkaline foods.
· Brisk walk: Exercise helps eliminate acidic waste from your body. It increases the pH of the body too.
· Wake up potion: The body is naturally very acidic in the morning. So start your day with a high-quality alkaline drink.
· Alkalinity of substance
Lemon - 9.9pH
Lime - 8.2pH
Avocado - 15.6pH
Garlic - 13.2pH
Mango - 8.7pH
Tangerine - 8.5pH
Pineapple - 12.7pH
Dandelion - 22.7pH
Orange - 9.2pH
Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamin A
This is the vitamin which helps in giving good vision. It is also needed for 'dandruff- free hair. Vitamin A is important for hair growth. A deficiency leads to dry skin, wrinkles, (most treatment for pimples also use vitamin A). This vitamin is found in carrots, green leafy vegetables, tomato and papaya.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B complex is very important as it is a de-stressing and counteracts free radical damage. Absence or deficiency of this vitamin leads to dry, wrinkled skin and cuts at the corners of the mouth. Many kinds of dermatitis are linked to the deficiency of this vitamin. Unfortunately, our diet has very low levels of this vitamin because we consume foods which are mostly flour-based, and while converting natural whole grains to flour. Most of vitamin B complex is lost. Stress also burns out a lot of B complex. Good source of the B complex is whole grains like boiled corn, broken wheat (Dalia), boiled black Channa, rajma and brown rice.
Vitamin C
It is very important to keep the skin tight, it works on the skin by binding the collagen together for that firm look. Vitamin C is also good for healing and having blemish-free skin. It ensures proper functioning of the oil and the sweat glands. Absence of this vitamin leads to a disease called scurvy. Good source of vitamin C is Amla, citrus fruits like oranges, sweet lime (musubi) guava and sprouts.
Vitamin D
It is called the sunshine vitamin. Since this vitamin gets manufactured in our skin whenever it is exposed to the sun rays, therefore it is not common to find a deficiency of this vitamin in tropical countries.
Vitamin E
It is found in all nuts and nut oils. This vitamin coupled with zinc is like a quick fix solution for many skin problems. Vitamin E is required for the lubrication of the skin and for keeping it supple. Vitamin E application along with zinc improves scars and heals the skin. In winters one can eat Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.
Calcium: Bone up on calcium. source of calcium like beans, broccoli, sprouts, green vegetables, and fruits such as guava and banana. Milk is the rich source of calcium
Iron: Make sure you get enough iron. Boost your intake by eating lentils, spinach, almonds, pomegranate, raisins, iron-fortified cereals and dried herbs like cumin, coriander, fennel (Saunf) & bitter guard.
Zinc Rich foods: Zinc rich foods can enhance immunity including the production of antibodies and T cells as well as other white blood cell activity. Zinc may help reverse declining immune functions that deteriorate rapidly after the age of 60 years. The main source of zinc is milk, beans, whole grain cereals, nuts and seeds especially pumpkin seeds.
"The biggest immunity booster is the mindset of a person."
TAKE PROPER REST - Good quality sleep every night recharges our immune system.
Consuming home made kadha twice a day.. It contains turmeric, tulsi, cloves, ginger, black pepper corn, cinnamon, black cardemom and honey or jaggery.. They help boost immunity and are also anti- inflammatory.
Turmeric Jaggery
One spoon of turmeric and jaggery before the day begins.
Neem + Turmeric & laced with Honey
Should be taken daily in the morning. A good immunity booster
Hot Water + Honey
It is good for Anemia.
Benefits : Very high on immunity boosting properties. Excellent for diabetes, blood pressure and kidney health. An incredible source of essential minerals, calcium, iron and phosphorus which helps to strengthen bones. Very high on antibacterial qualities which help in avoiding infections around the throat and chest area. Drumstick is one of the superfoods which helps in boosting your immunity and acts as a shield for any virus to grow. Part used fruit (pod), leaves, root. Regular consumption of drumstick leaves help with nutritional support. it prevents night blindness. Moringa as immune booster:
* Mushrooms: Shiitake, the big brown Asian mushroom. it has got anti-viral substance called lentinin that has a strong immunity booster activity.
* Red Capsicum - Vitamin C present in Red Capsicum is 3 times higher than the Vitamin C found in an orange. Ensure to have red Capsicum in your salad everyday before meals.
"Fruits should be eaten only on an empty stomach."
Binge on Citrus fruits :
Lemon, oranges, sweet lime ,are good source of vitamin C. They help to boost immunity.
EMPTY STOMACH FRUITS - Empty stomach fruits works miraculously and is highly
recommended for making the system alkaline & building good health. All kinds of fruits strengthen the immune system, as they are rich in vitamins and beta carotene. Have one bowl of fruit every day.
* Apple: Apple is the best fruit to tone up a week and run-condition of immune a system.
* Berries & Amla are good immunity boosters.
* Berries & Amla are good immunity boosters.
Almond Milk : Take 2 almond soaked in water,1 cardamom, crush the seed well, 2 strands of saffron / kesar powder . After badam has soaked in for 15 minutes powder it after peeling it. crush the white seeds well. Take a glass of milk heat it to near boiling point . Put the crushed badams (almond) cardamom, and kesar into the hot milk. Add teaspoonful of sugar, stir well. Your favorite drink is ready. If you prefer it cold chill it and than drink. Taken before bed time, it provides very peaceful, nice sleep. It also helps to heal boils in the mouth or throat area.. For those who have acidity or ulcer in the stomach, if taken regularly it helps to provide the healing touch. It is also very helpful in reducing dry cough. In pregnant women the saffron has good effect in preventing and checking the spread of infection.
Milk kashaya : For cold & Cough .Milk boiled with spices such as pepper, cumin, ,dalchini, cardemum, dry ginger powder, nutmeg and coriander. Roast all ingredients one after other on a gentle flame except cardemum. Now powder all ingredients. Add jaggery or sugar for taste. Consume it during cold season or once in a day. This will relieve you from cough cold and also keep the body warm.
A cup a day : Simply add a spoonful of turmeric to your tea. Infusion made with tulsi, black pepper, ginger and amla , Add any or all of them for more energy and vitamin.
Cough Lozenges : Some of the easiest recipes use lime juice, powdered cloves, ginger and amla. Boil these and add honey or sugar after turning off the burner. Then pour drops of liquid in a pan so as to make tablets.
Ghar ki khichdi : (घर की खिचड़ी ) Prefer fresh home cooked food . Consuming barley rice and moong dal in khichadi form.
Ginger and rock salt : having a small piece of ginger with rock salt before every meal helps boost immunity.
"Immunity cannot be build overnight."
* Almond It possesses immuno modulatory properties.
Essentially a healthy lifestyle regime is all it takes to give a boost to immunity system naturally.
* Have your dinner by 7 O Clock so there is enough of fasting and body gets more time to heal.
* Have fruits in breakfast
* Eat one grain meal a day.
* Cooked Food - Restrict the number of cooked meals to ONLY TWICE A DAY (Lunch and Dinner). Eat more raw vegetables and fruits.* Empty Stomach Fruits - Empty stomach fruits works miraculously and is highly recommended for making the system alkaline & building good health.
* Cucumber And Carrot - One small bowl to be had before lunch and dinner every day for making our body alkaline.
* Water - At Least 2 litres of water everyday. Drinking sufficient water will not only help flush out toxins but maintain a healthy fluid balance
* Stay active- Be like a grasshopper.
* No Unhealthy Food - Avoid junk foods / dairy / Maida / Non-Veg / Deep fried / Packaged food as much as possible
* Tulsi: 4 leaves of tulsi and 2 grains of black pepper to be chewed daily once early in the morning, this helps to improve immunity.
* Abhyanga/Massage: Regular application of warm til (Sesame) oil on scalp, ears and feet for 30 minutes before bath helps to fight stress,
* Triphala: Triphala choornam, 1-teaspoon with 1/2 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon ghee at night helps improve vision. It is an excellent Rasayana for the eyes.
* Chawanprash: The premier Rasayanas. If you are planning to boost your immunity, taking Chyawanprash regularly will be a good option. Chyavanaprasha (Elixer of life), it is widely used as tonic, rejuvenator, energiser, anabolic, immunomodulator and memory enhancer. Treats chronic diseases of the respiratory tract. Improves digestion and assimilation. 2 tsp with warm milk preferably in empty stomach. Relieves stress. Rejuvenates and delays ageing. Increases haemoglobin. Administered children and the elderly.
* Activities like smoking and drinking are known to make the immunity system suffer.
Take Proper Rest
These are testing times and a prolong period of staying indoors has its implications on your mental well being. The growing anxiety around the pandemic is another concern that is affecting millions across the globe. While the uncertainity might be overwhelming, there are few steps we can follow regularly to help relieve our stress.. Stress is known to have adverse effect on our immunity.
Make your body less acidic and hence less prone for infections.
· Cucumber and Carrot - One small bowl to be had before lunch and dinner every day formaking our body alkaline.
· Wake up potion: The body is naturally very acidic in the morning. So start your day with a high-quality alkaline drink.
· Alkalinity of substance
Lemon - 9.9pH
Lime - 8.2pH
Avocado - 15.6pH
Garlic - 13.2pH
Mango - 8.7pH
Tangerine - 8.5pH
Pineapple - 12.7pH
Dandelion - 22.7pH
Orange - 9.2pH
"The biggest immunity booster is the mindset of a person."
TAKE PROPER REST - Good quality sleep every night recharges our immune system.
Stay Hydrated : By sipping boiled water with dried ginger. It is an immunity booster. At Least 2 litres of water everyday. Drinking sufficient water will not only help flush out toxins but maintain a healthy fluid balance
Exercise (व्यायाम)
Don't skip on ExerciseA good diet should be followed by an exercise routine. Remember to exercise regularly, even light exercise will go a long way in releasing the toxins from your body. It is recommended to exercise for 30-45 minutes, depending on your stamina. If you have not started exercising yet then it is a good time to start. There are several you tube channels and app to help you to exercise at home. Regular exercise improves metabolism, which has the direct corelation with body immunity.
Exert to half of your capacity. Exercise is an integral part of maintaining a healthy life. When practiced regularly, it supports good digestion, eases tension, lifts depression and improves circulation. You should work to half your capacity when you exercise, inducing a light sweat.
Exercise (व्यायाम)
Don't skip on Exercise
A good diet should be followed by an exercise routine. Remember to exercise regularly, even light exercise will go a long way in releasing the toxins from your body. It is recommended to exercise for 30-45 minutes, depending on your stamina. If you have not started exercising yet then it is a good time to start. There are several you tube channels and app to help you to exercise at home. Regular exercise improves metabolism, which has the direct corelation with body immunity.
▪️Interestingly, 50% of a person's bones & 50% of the muscles, are in the two legs.
Do walk
▪️The largest & strongest joints & bones of the human body are also in the legs.
10K steps / day
▪️Strong bones, strong muscles and flexible joints form the Iron Triangle that carries the most important load i.e. "the human body."
▪️70% of human activity and burning of energy in one's life is done by the two feet.
▪️The foot is the center of body locomotion.
▪️Both the legs together have 50% of the nerves of the human body, 50% of the blood vessels and 50% of the blood is flowing through them.
▪️ It is the largest circulatory network that connects the body.
So walk daily.
▪️Only when the feet are healthy then the convention current of blood flows , smoothly, so people who have strong leg muscles will definitely have a strong heart. Walk.
▪️Aging starts from the feet upwards
▪️As a person gets older, the accuracy & speed of transmission of instructions between the brain and the legs decreases, unlike when a person is young. Please walk
▪️In addition, the so-called Bone Fertilizer Calcium will sooner or later be lost with the passage of time, making the elderly more prone to bone fractures. WALK.
▪️Bone fractures in the elderly can easily trigger a series of complications, especially fatal diseases such as brain thrombosis.
▪️Do you know that 15% of elderly patients generally, will die max. within a year of a thigh-bone fracture !! Walk daily without fail
▪️ Exercising the legs, is never too late, even after the age of 60 years.
▪️Although our feet/legs will gradually age with time, exercising our feet/ legs is a life-long task.
Walk 10,000 steps
▪️Only by regular strengthening the legs, one can prevent or reduce further aging. Walk 365 days
▪️ Please walk for at least 30-40 minutes daily to ensure that your legs receive sufficient exercise and to ensure that your leg muscles remain healthy.
One can use the morning/evening time for walking. It is the best exercise that can be done by all age group people. Walk for 40 minutes Daily. Jogging is another option to keep fit. As nerves connected to the organs terminate at afoot. While walking these pressure points are pressed and thus keeping these organs activated at all times, so keep walking as much as possible barefoot at home.
“Early morning is the best time for Surya Namaskar"
Daily Yoga for good health
Sun Salutation /Surya Namaskar
A dynamic yogic exercise that is cyclic Surya Namaskar will help the body to get the improved circulation and thereby enhance the health benefit. Effective use of Surya Namaskar is experienced on 3 levels - body, mind and intellectual.
● Vajrasana
Vajrasana makes the body exceptionally strong and healthy. Benefit: Good for digestion. Keeps the spine erecting and removes drowsiness, reduces varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis.
● Bhujangasana
Benefits: flexibility of the dorsal spine, strengthens the spinal muscles
Prevent back pain. Reduces abdominal fat.
● Shalabhasana
Helps to manage sciatica and lower backache. Tones up the kidney. Tones the hip muscle.
● Gomukh Asana
“As life starts with the breath and ends with breathlessness.”
Pranayam works best in strengthening our respiratory system. Pranayama is the art of observing and controlling the vital breath. It is deeply therapeutic clearing all channels and making the body vibrantly healthy. Take deep breathing exercises 20 times. As oxygen is the essence of life and breath is the bearer of oxygen into body system. The deeper you breathe, the more volume of lungs take in and the greater the amount of oxygen you make available to your body, bloodstream, all cells. So deep breathing is of paramount importance. The following pranayama should be performed regularly:
● Bhastrika - Repeated forceful deep breathing.
● Kapalbhati - Normal inspiration, forceful expiration. Kapalabhati-- cleansing of lungs and bronchial tubes.
● Anulom vilom- Alternate nose breathing.
● Bhramari pranayama- Producing humming sound while pronouncing Oum (through the nose).
● Udgeeth pranayama- Pronouncing Oum loudly during inspiration and expiration.
Heart Chakra: (Anahata Chakra)/ Energy centres
The thymus is the gland most closely linked to this Chakra. This chakra is for courage, faith, family love. The thymus gland is the seat of immunity. So, concentrate on these chakras.
Stress Busters
Any constructive hobby will act as a stress buster. Run. cycle or swim to relieve stress.
Music is the best medicine. It has an automatic effect on the mind and body. Music can reduce anxiety and stress. Music has a powerful effect on our body by reducing cortisol, the hormone that surges when we are stressed. And it causes a definite improvement in the body’s immune response.
“As life starts with the breath and ends with breathlessness”
Foot massage (पादअभ्ययंग)
After washing with soap and water, massage the foot with sesame (til), mustard or coconut oil. foot massage with oil. As different organs of your body have their sensory points at the bottom of your foot. If you massage these points you will find relief from pains. Regular massage of feet promotes good eyesight. It brings a glow to the face, and a sound sleep. Walking barefoot at home is also good practice. As all the pressure points are automatically pressed
Foot massage
Practice Meditation
Too much stress releases the hormone known as cortisol, which impairs your response to immediate surroundings and makes your body susceptible to infections. You are left feeling consciously anxious. The best way to relieve stress through meditation. It is tried and tested activity to calm the nerves. If you need help meditating then there are several channels in you tube that have instructional resources to help you meditate.
Meditation is recommended to connect within. Meditation is a state of being at peace with our inner selves regardless of our physical state, events or surrounding. By meditating we tap into the vast amount of energy that is available to us simply by connecting to the deepest level of our existence.
Get up at Brahma muhurta sit in Padma, Siddha or Sukha Asana for Japa and meditate for half an hour. Meditation after a bath will help you keep your mind calm and cool. This will reduce your stress to a great extent. Just concentrate on your breath by memorizing ओम OUM
Mantra Chanting
This is also a good option to keep the mind peaceful.
This is also a good option to keep the mind peaceful.
If the person is jubiliant, joyful the immune system functions properly.
We all want a happy life. However, in this stressful and fast-paced journey of life, we are often entangled with negativity, sleeplessness and depression. Today people have forgotten how to smile and laugh. Laughter is indeed the best medicine. Good laughter is one of the free medicines that nature has given us. It changes the entire biochemistry of the body. It alleviates stress and boosts good mood. Laughter releases oxytocin, that influences anxiety, depression, stress, nervous system and improve immunity. Laughing also helps to breathe deeper, thus infusing more oxygen into your cells. Your digestive organs also receive a light massage when you laugh. Boost blood circulation.
We all want a happy life. However, in this stressful and fast-paced journey of life, we are often entangled with negativity, sleeplessness and depression. Today people have forgotten how to smile and laugh. Laughter is indeed the best medicine. Good laughter is one of the free medicines that nature has given us. It changes the entire biochemistry of the body. It alleviates stress and boosts good mood. Laughter releases oxytocin, that influences anxiety, depression, stress, nervous system and improve immunity. Laughing also helps to breathe deeper, thus infusing more oxygen into your cells. Your digestive organs also receive a light massage when you laugh. Boost blood circulation.
Irons out or prevents fine lines, wrinkles. Tones facial muscles and reduce double chin and baby fat.
Drains excess fluids accumulated in between the cells giving the face a lesser puffy appearance.
"Circadian rhythm should be maintained to build and maintain immunity."
Daily Routine DIN CHARYA (दिन चर्या)
" LIFESTYLE - How a day should begin and end."
Daily routine for health: To help bring us in tune with nature, follow a daily routine (dincharya). It is essential for establishing good health and regularise our biological clock (circadian cycle). A proper routine can assist in digestion, absorption and assimilation as well as generating peace, discipline, happiness and longevity.
A chronological perspective
1 Early Rising (ब्रह्म मुहूर्त जागरण): Wake up two hours before sunrise. (4-5 AM) A time when the mind and the atmosphere is calm and devoid of pollution.
2 Elimination (मलोत्सर्ग): Bowel evacuation & urination etc. Never suppress nor forcefully void. Suppression can lead to many diseases.
3 Care of Teeth (दन्त धावन): Use Neem (Azadirachta Indica) or Katha (Acacia catechu) toothpaste Cleans Teeth, vanishes foul smell.
4 Nasal Inhalation ( नस्य): Put two drops of Anu taila (An Ayurvedic medicine) in the nose. Prevent premature greying of hair, baldness and ensures good sleep.
5 Mouth wash (गंडूष): Fill mouth with Sesame oil. Prevents excess thirst, improves taste and maintains oral hygiene
6 Massage/ Oleation (अभ्यंग): Application of oil daily e.g. Sesame oil/Til. It Keeps the skin soft, and improves blood circulation and removes waste.
7 Exercise (व्यायाम): Exert to half your capacity. Increases stamina and resistance. Improves bodily circulation.
8. Bath (स्नान): Take bath half to one hour after exercise. Improves appetite, gives vigour, strength and vanishes bodily odour.
9 Food (भोजन): Avoid spicy (pungent) food. Take a tasty nutritious diet. Do not overeat. Food enhances growth and gives strength.
10. Right conduct (सदव्रत): Do not follow violence, keep a cheerful disposition, help distressed. Provides mental peace and keeps pleasant and calm.
11. Sleep (निद्रा): Keep the environment calm and pleasant, Avoid day sleeping. Provides health and longevity, improves complexion and glow.

“Sleep like a child and sleep should be dreamless”
Seasonal Routine RITU CHARYA
"Rock with the rhythm of nature."
Seasonal Regimen Pivotal for good health
The relation between season and health have recommended proper seasonal regimen. The season affects the physiology of human beings, so if the appropriate regimen is not followed then one may not be able to cope up with the seasonal changes and can fall ill.
Northern Solstice: Period of depletion of strength- (उत्तरायन also known as आदान काल ) comprises of three seasons six months from Jan to June.
Southern Solstice: Period of Regain of strength- (दक्षिणायण also known as विसर्ग काल) comprises of three seasons six months from July to December.
1. January- February ( शिशिर ऋतू )
· Sweet, sour and salty food
· Milk and its products (Ghee, curd)
· Honey, Lukewarm water
· Nutritious diet
· Protection against cold
· Physical exercise
· Steam bath
· Bitter, astringent and pungent food
· Fasting
· Use of cold water
· Living in a cold environment
2 March - April ( वसंत ऋतू)
· Drink lukewarm water
· Use of wheat, barley
· Use of Asav, Arishta
· Physical exercise
· Instil nasal drops (Anu taila)
· Sour and fried foods
· Heave diet
· Day sleeping
3 May- June (ग्रीष्म ऋतू)
· Sweet, cold and liquid diet
· Water in abundance
· Seasonal fruits like grapes
· coconut water
· Morning walk
· Heavy exercise
· Hot spicy and salty food
· Exposure to sun
4 July - August (वर्षा ऋतू)
· Use of honey
· Use of rice, wheat
· Boiled water
· Oil massage
· Soup of pulses
· Coldwater
· Day sleeping
· Heavy exercise
· Avoid stagnant water
5 September - October (शरद ऋतू)
· Sweet, bitter and astringent food
· Amla, grapes (Menaka)
· Use of rice, wheat and moong dal
· Purgation (Virechan)
· Fried food
· Use of curd
· Day sleeping
· Avoid sun
6 November- December (हेमंत ऋतू)
· A sweet, sour and salty diet
· Milk and its products (Ghee, curd etc.)
· Use of honey, lukewarm water
· A heavy, nutritious diet
· Oil massage
· Protection against cold
· Physical exercise
· Steam bath
· Bitter, astringent and pungent food
· Fasting
· Use of cold water
· Living in a cold environment.
"Our body is like a house, it needs constant cleaning."
Panchkarma / Detoxification
"Recover enthusiasm for life, joie de vivre.'
Panchkarma is a powerful Technique of purifying and detoxifying the mind, body and soul. It is carried out to restore the function of 5 sensory organs. Panchkarma rejuvenates our body by flushing out the harmful toxins and also keeps harmful toxins from accumulating in the body and mind. It helps in attaining a strong, rejuvenated and healthy mind and body naturally without any side effects.
Rejuvenative therapy is designed to facilitate the removal of deep-seated toxins within the body. Three times a year is best, ideally at the turn of spring, autumn and winter. Panchkarma can provide dramatic improvement in well-being. It improves sleep, appetite, reduction in pain and physiological well-being. Panchkarma treatment comprises of the following:
Panchkarma consisting of the cleansing procedure
1 . Preparatory procedure
● Massage (स्नेहन): Massage with Sesame oil. Massage provides physical, mental and emotional benefits. It improves overall well-being and promotes energy and longevity. It improves blood circulation and facilitates the removal of toxins from the tissues. Keep all allergies at bay : Warm oil massages with Sesame or Mahanarayana oil before bath helps avoid allergies.
● Therapeutic heat, (स्वेदन): Sweat treatment removes the impurities from body through the sweat glands. Therapeutic is applied via fomentation. The pores of the body are opened up to allow for exfoliation, toxins to be released, the skin to be hydrated and improved circulation
2. Main procedure
● Enema (बस्ती): It is therapeutic cleansing of the upper orifice of the alimentary canal. It cleanses the accumulated toxins through the colon. It is beneficial as a rejuvenating treatment. Medicated oil or ghee and a herbal decoction are given as enema to clean the colon.
● Therapeutic purgation (विरेचन): It is therapeutic cleansing from the lower orifice. A laxative is taken to flush out the intestinal tract. Triphala/Isabgol is used.
● Therapeutic purgation (विरेचन): It is therapeutic cleansing from the lower orifice. A laxative is taken to flush out the intestinal tract. Triphala/Isabgol is used.
● Nasal Inhalation (नस्य): Administration of medicated oil through the nose is known as Nasya. The medicaments administered through the nostrils pervade into the nervous (Brain) and venous system( blood circulation ) present in and around nostrils. Medicated oils i.e.Anu Taila or / sesame or mustard oil or herbal mixtures are inhaled, clearing the sinus passages, draining excess mucous. It cleanses, purifies and strengthens the nasal passages, allowing you to breathe fully and easily again. These are proven to counter infections.
● Therapeutic vomiting (वमन): It is done to eliminate the Kapha which is a cause of excess mucous and toxins in the respiratory tract.
● Therapeutic purgation (विरेचन): It is therapeutic cleansing from the lower orifice. A laxative is taken to flush out the intestinal tract. Triphala/Isabgol is used.
3. Post Panchkarma procedure.
● Rasayana: Herbal therapeutics to increase the digestive fire
● Daily routine to minimize toxins.
● Seasonal Regimen to keep oneself healthy. It is important to follow a certain lifestyle and diet keeping the seasons in mind.
● Tratak त्राटक: Exercise for improves vision & concentration
Simha Kriya
A simple but powerful yogic process to boost immunity and enhance lung capacity.It has to be done 21 times.Anybody from 6-70 years can do.
Isha kriya
This is also a simple but powerful yogic process to boost immunity and enhance lung capacity
Marma / Vital points (मर्मचिकित्सा)
Marma therapy
The human body needs revitalisation to perform its function normally and efficiently. Using pressure on vital points to stimulate energy flow, the treatment reduces tightness, tension and muscle pain. To relax the body, improve the muscle tone, stimulate circulation and rejuvenate.
Marma points are vulnerable areas where the energy (prana) traverses. It is a storehouse of energy. Deep breathing and holding of air in the chest, upper respiratory tract, and mouth. This stimulates the 37 Marma points of the neck and head. Can be practiced daily.
There are 107 important Marma points in the body.
There are 4 important Marma points at the center of foot and palms. Another 4 points are present in between the posterior side of palm and foot between (index finger and thumb + big toe and first finger) on the posterior side.
It has to be pressed for 8 secs 15-18 times.
Buddhist Mudras or Hand gestures
For general well-being, six Mudras are to be practised everyday for ten minutes each. They are as follows:
1 Gyana Mudra ज्ञानमुद्रा
Touch tip of the thumb with the tip of the index finger.
2 Prithvi Mudra पृथ्वीमुद्रा
Touch tip of the thumb with the tip of the ring finger.
3 Apana Mudra आपानमुद्रा
Touch tip of the thumb with the tip of middle + ring finger
4 Prana Mudra प्राणमुद्रा for immunity
Touch tip of the thumb with the tip of ring + little fingerPrana mudra is good for impared immunity.
4 Vayu Mudra वायु मुद्रा
Place the index finger at the root of thumb then press it with the thumb.
5 Shunya Mudra शून्यमुद्रा
Place a middle finger at the root of thumb then press it with the thumb.
6 Dhyan Mudra ध्यानमुद्रा
Place both the hands close to the abdomen.
a Bhairav Mudra: Right palm up.
b Bhairavi Mudra: Left palm up.
Immunity in Shot
- Karela
- Kalmegh (Chirayata )
- Kadhwa (Bitter Taste)
- Kasela (Astringent taste)
- Kachhi Haldi (Turmeric)
- Kadwa Neem (use as Datun) or eating neem leaves.
- Khoon ko gadha na kare (Anti throbotic) Blood should not be thickenned
Master point for energy: Press the midpoint of the right forearm for two minutes daily.
For general well-being, six Mudras are to be practised everyday for ten minutes each. They are as follows:
1 Gyana Mudra ज्ञानमुद्रा
Touch tip of the thumb with the tip of the index finger.
2 Prithvi Mudra पृथ्वीमुद्रा
Touch tip of the thumb with the tip of the ring finger.
3 Apana Mudra आपानमुद्रा
Touch tip of the thumb with the tip of middle + ring finger
4 Prana Mudra प्राणमुद्रा for immunity
Touch tip of the thumb with the tip of ring + little finger
Prana mudra is good for impared immunity.
4 Vayu Mudra वायु मुद्रा
Place the index finger at the root of thumb then press it with the thumb.
5 Shunya Mudra शून्यमुद्रा
Place a middle finger at the root of thumb then press it with the thumb.
6 Dhyan Mudra ध्यानमुद्रा
Place both the hands close to the abdomen.
a Bhairav Mudra: Right palm up.
b Bhairavi Mudra: Left palm up.
Immunity in Shot
- Karela
- Kalmegh (Chirayata )
- Kadhwa (Bitter Taste)
- Kasela (Astringent taste)
- Kachhi Haldi (Turmeric)
- Kadwa Neem (use as Datun) or eating neem leaves.
- Khoon ko gadha na kare (Anti throbotic) Blood should not be thickenned
Master point for energy: Press the midpoint of the right forearm for two minutes daily.
Avoid Smoking, Alcohol and other additive substances
Certain habits like smoking,vaping, alcohol consumption, and substance abuse have a direct correlation between weakened body defenses and respiratory illnesses. Engaging in smoking and vaping is proven to weaken your lung capacity and destroy the cells lining respiratory tracts. These cells are crucial to fight viruses and enter through your nasal orifices. There are few research claiming that individuals who engage in heavy alcohol consumption tend to suffer from ARDS (Acute respiratory distress syndrome) which is one of the conditions caused by Covid 19 infection. Practice moderation, if you are dependent on any of these, as sudden withdrawal can also prove to be risky
"Recover enthusiasm for life, joie de vivre."
Certain habits like smoking,vaping, alcohol consumption, and substance abuse have a direct correlation between weakened body defenses and respiratory illnesses. Engaging in smoking and vaping is proven to weaken your lung capacity and destroy the cells lining respiratory tracts. These cells are crucial to fight viruses and enter through your nasal orifices. There are few research claiming that individuals who engage in heavy alcohol consumption tend to suffer from ARDS (Acute respiratory distress syndrome) which is one of the conditions caused by Covid 19 infection. Practice moderation, if you are dependent on any of these, as sudden withdrawal can also prove to be risky
"Recover enthusiasm for life, joie de vivre."
With these steps you can surely have a healthy 2020 and years after!
Wow so informative, mam if you could have added photos of the herbs it would have educated us how they look. It's a well written and very informative blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot.
DeleteInformative and explained in easy language
ReplyDeleteOne query as mentioned in your blog we can put oil drops in nose i. It really trur
Thanks for reading. Yes it is true. Anu taila or Sesame oil can be used.
DeleteHolistic approach to disease is need of beautifilly described the functionality and that too all scientifically
ReplyDeleteHats off madhu mam
Thankyou very much.
DeleteBeautiful and complete article. Written in very simple and easy to understand manner.