Epistaxis (Bleeding From The Nose)
Nose Bleeds can occur because of direct injury to the nose and due to nose picking. Sometimes, it may also be a manifestation of a generalized bleeding disorder, or because of an infection or a foreign body in the nose.
Steps 1 Do not show any panic. Let the child sit up in bed or on a chair or on the floor. He should be leaning slightly forward.
Steps 2 Pinch the nose for at least 10 minutes. The child can open his mouth if he likes. Often, the nose bleeding will stop with this procedure.
Steps 3 If bleeding continues, try to get in touch with a doctor. In a mean while, take some cotton, roll it into a thick wad large enough to occupy the nostril which is bleeding. Leave a part of this wad of cotton outside the nose. If some hydrogen peroxide is available, moisten the cotton with it or lubricate it with Vaseline. But do not waste precious time searching for these things. Just a wad of cotton will serve the purpose.. Again pinch the nose for 10 minutes, keeping the child upright. After the bleeding stops, leave the cotton in the nostril for the day or overnight. Then take it out gently Make sure that the child does not pick at the nose.
Steps 4 If the bleeding still continues, you should see your doctor. In the meanwhile, you may try passing on the big vessels that go up the nose. Put a wad of cotton between the upper lip and the gums below the nose and press firmly on the cotton from outside.
Prevention Keep the child's nail short and explain to him that he should avoid picking his nose. If you notice a crust near the opening of the nose,, apply Vaseline on it. A child who bleed in a particular season may be helped by application of Vaseline inside nose,twice a day all through the season.
Foreign Body In nose
Toddlers tend to put small beads,pebbles, buttons, etc into their nostrils. They may or may not tell you about it. A few days later , a foul discharge comes from the nostrils, sometimes accompanied by blood.
If the foreign body can be seen near the opening of the nose , attempt to remove it with tweezers. Otherwise, press against the clear nostrils and ask the child to blow out forcefully from the blocked side. If even this does not help, take the child to the casualty department of a hospital for the removal.
Direct Injury to the Nose
Apply cold compress with ice for about an hour.
See your doctor, if you find that there is obstruction to free flow of air through the nostrils, or if you notice any obvious deformity.
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