

Steps to be taken if you suspect that your child  has been handling some poisonous substance or has consumed them.

Step 1
Remove the poisonous substance from his system. If he has some of it  in his mouth, remove it from your fingers. If the child can understand ask him to spit it out. Preserve this stuff along with the poisonous substance that is in his hand or is lying near him. Your doctor needs to check its contents.

If the child had spilled some poisonous substance in his body, remove the cloths, and pour cold water on his skin as you would in managing, a case of burns.

If the poison gone into the eyes, wash it with water. Keep washing the eye for about 15 minutes.

Step 2
After taking these steps, call your doctor and ask him if you should make the child vomit. His advice is needed because vomiting is not advisable if the child had swallowed acids used for cleaning the toilet sink or alkalies used for washing dishes. In such cases, your doctor will probably advise  giving milk or water.

If you doctor advises  you to make the child vomit, give him a drink of salt water. The best way to make the child vomit  is to give him a syrup of ipecac. Unfortunately, it is not easily available at the chemist. If you can procure a bottle of it , keep it handy at home. if your doctor is not available and you have ruled out ingestion of acids or alkalies, give 3 teaspoonful of this medicine followed by a glass of water. If he does not vomit after 20 minutes, give one more dose.

As soon as the child vomits, collect the vomit in a vessel and preserve it to be handed over to your doctor for inspection and testing.

Step 3 
After following the first two steps, take the child to the nearest hospital for further management.. You must take with you the remaining poisonous substance and the amount removed with your fingers or the stuff vomited by the child.  The doctor would also like to know the possible amount of poison taken by the child and the likely time  when he might have ingested it.

After taking a quick history and checking your child, the doctor may decide to send you home, or do a stomach wash to remove the remaining poison from his stomach, or he may decide to admit the child in the hospital.

Step 4
If you are sent home with your child , observe him closely for the next 12 hours for any abnormal behavior, convulsions, breathing difficulty, persistent vomiting or failour to pass urine. If in doubt, consult your doctor or take your child to the hospital again.



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