

Rabies is a serious disease, that gives rise to difficulty in swallowing, convulsions and death. It results from an infected animal like a dog,, a cat, a monkey , or a bat or a fox. Bites from all these animals should be taken seriously and the following steps should be undertaken.

Step 1
Tie the animal up if possible for close observation for a period of 10 days. If the animal is healthy after this period there is no cause for concern. This is true of a cat or a dog. But a bite from a wild animal like bat or a fox should be taken more seriously. If it is possible such a wild animal has to be killed immediately, and its brain examined to see if it is infected with the rabies virus.

Step 2
Wash the site with soap and water for at least 10 minutes. This is the most important step. If the wound is bleeding , check the bleeding by firm, constant pressure. 

Step 3
Do not cover the wound.

Step 4
Contact your doctor immediately. In the mean while, check if the pet animal  has been immunized or not.

Step 5
Your doctor may ask certain questions. For example did the pet dog  or cat bite  the child under provocation ? Was it a direct bite  or through the clothes? Which portion of the body was bitten? What is the immunization status of the pet animal?  If the bite is from the wild animal, your doctor is likely to give preventable injections for tetanus as well for rabies.  In case of pet animals he may decide, depending on an answer to an above question, whether to start an injections straightaway or  to wait for a days while the animal is under observation.

Prevention of dog bite
Rabies post exposure prophylaxis

Educate your child not to provoke a dog. Teach him not to touch puppies  in the presence of their mother. not to run when he sees a unfamiliar dog , and not to disturb a dog that is eating or sleeping.



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