Ghee Or Clarified Butter

Ghee Or Clarified Butter

                                       (Butter oil, Anhydrous milk fat, ,Sarpi, Aiya, घृतम्, तूप)

                                              "Your Lifelong companion to good health."

Ghee is a type of clarified butter used in the cuisines of India and the Middle East. You might choose to layer your chapati or paratha with ghee or choose to top a bowl dal with it or drizzle some over hot, steaming rice. From the traditional kitchen in India, ghee has taken flight around the world. Clarified butter as it is often called is considered fashionable, healthy and delicious. This ancient super food, synonymous with Ayurveda, has irrefutably surpassed modern debates on other alternatives, unhealthy fats and fashionable fads. 

                                    "Ghee is equally good for your skin and Hairs too."

Ghee is a potent carrier for administration of several medicines as it does not effect or alter the properties of particular ingredient. Ghee is almost anhydrous fat, prepared by heating butter or cream to just over 100 degrees C  to remove water content by boiling and evaporation, then filtering out the precipitated milk solids. Ghee is majorly produced in India. In India ghee is considered to be a sacred material and it is predominantly used in culinary as well as religious practices.

Sources of Ghee & Cow's Ghee
Ghee is obtained from several animal sources like cow  buffalo, goat, camel etc, Cow,s ghee is considered to be most used ghee. Cow's ghee is an integral part of many foods and medicinal formulation. It is considered to be Rasayana (which enhances lifespan and quality of life).
One should advocate the practice of a judicial intake of ghee which is actually meant to protect the body. As per Ayurveda , even as one pours ghee into the sacrificial fire in the course of a ritual to keep the fire burning, in the same way, one should pour the ghee into the digestive fire of human body to keep it burning or sustained functioning.

Thus if the right quantity of ghee is taken and it is digested properly it keeps the digestive fire burning to enable the remaining food to be digested easily and without causing any trouble. However if ghee is ingested in inappropriate quantities, and without consideration of digestive capacity, age, time of the year, time of the day etc. then it can lead to associated problems. Thus one should certainly consume ghee, the nature and the quantity of its consumption should be carefully studied based on the individual needs.

The characteristic properties of  ghee are its capability to enhance memory, digestion, strength, longevity and quality of semen. It is also good for eyes. Its therapeutic qualities are used in conditions like wasting, fatigue, skin diseases, spread of toxins and poisons within the body, mental imbalances and certain types of fever. It is superior most among all the uncting agents (others being animal fat and oil from different sources.)The qualities of ghee get better the longer it is kept.Thus ghee kept for ten years  or even 100 years is of superior therapeutic quality then freshly prepared ghee.

Ayurvedic Properties of Cow's Ghee
Taste (rasa) - Sweet (Madhur). 
Qualities (Guna) - Heavy (Guru), Unctuous (Snigdha), Soft (Mridu)
Potency (Virya) - Cold (sita)
Post Digestive Taste (Vipaka ) - Sweet (Madhur)
Attributes (Karma) - Digestive Enhancer (Agnideepana), Enhances Longevity (Ayushya), Cognitive Enhancer (Medhya) ,Strengthening (Balya) , Aphrodisiac, Detoxifying (Vishahara)

Clinical Significance of Ghee
Ghee is considered to be best  detoxifying agent in the Panchkarma method of Ayurveda. Ghee is widely used in medicinal formulations due to  its unusual ability to assimilate  the properties of herbs it is mixed with , without  giving up its own qualities.. A study  on a rural population in India reveals a significantly lower prevalence of coronary heart disease in men who consumed higher amount of ghee.

Some proper Ghee Preparing Herbs And Their Benefits
Shatavari ( Asparagus rasimosus) Benefits Antispasmodic and Diuretic and helps in strengtening the patients overcoming the effects of chemotherapy during the treatment of cancer.It also boost the immune system.
Brahmi (Centella asiatica) Benefits A nervine rejuvenation it finds application in immune system, strengthening, mental function, nervous disorders, epilepsy etc.
Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifera) Benefits One of the major herbal components of geriatric tonic, this plant also claim to have  potent aphrodisiac, rejuvenate and life prolonging properties.
Triphala : Benefits 
Amalaki (Emblice officinalis) 
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) 
Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) 
Triphala is also widely taken for all eye diseases including the treatment of conjunctivitis, progressive myopia and cataracts. It act as an antioxidant, removes toxins from the body, improves blood circulation and increase blood flow, control blood pressure, tonifies the gastro- intestinal track and stimulates bile flow, nourishes nervous system and enhanced immune system. 

High doses of medicated ghee decreases serum cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol  in psoriasis patients. Cow's ghee is proven to be 96% digested which is highest as compared to other vegetable or animal source of fats.It is repository of antioxidants like vitamin E  and beta carotene along with other nutrients like phospholipids,diglycerides and triglycerides.

Beyond maintaining a healthy mind , ghee is also prescribed for anxiety, depression,  dementia, insanity, epilepsy and other disorders of consciousness. Ghee older than one year is especially good for healing the imbalances of mind as it is more heat producing and bitter properties which enable it to remove blockages of mind's subtle channels.

Ways to Use ghee
Ghee is excellent for cooking and sauteing, because it's short - chained fatty acid, it has a high smoke point and thus does not create carcinogenic free radicals when brought to a high heat. This means it is  one of the safest oils to cook with.

You can also try these ways to use ghee :
  • Spread it on toast instead of butter. 
  • Add a teaspoonful of ghee to your hot breakfast cereal.
  • Add ghee to your coffee; sounds strange but it is delicious.
  • Melt over steamed vegetables,potatoes or rice.
  • Saute' your culinary spices in ghee and add to soups, stews and khichadi.


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