"The science of Ayurveda believes that nothing is good for everybody and everything is good for somebody.
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term, derives from two words Ayur (life) and Veda (to knowledge) means science.. Which means knowledge of life / science of life.. It is a holistic healing system that originated in India. thousands of years ago. Also known as ancient Indian medical system. Ayurveda follows a natural approach to the overall well being (physical, mental and emotional). It is a combination of philosophy, religion and science. Despite its roots in the Indian subcontinent Ayurveda is practiced worldwide. In the west it is acclaimed as a complimentary form of therapy.
Its an ancestorial knowledge developed by the sages of India over 5000 years ago. Ayurveda originated from the hypothesis that well being depends on the equilibrium between mind, body and spirit.
According to Ayurveda there are five elements Panchmahabhoot - core principles or foundations,, which are the source of life on the entire universe (the macrocosm), as well as our body (the microcosm). The five elements are air / wind (vayu); water (jala); Fire (tejas); earth (prithvi) and space ether (akasa). Life is impossible without these elements.
This system of traditional medicine is based on the ideologies of three dosha (basic energy type) : Vata, Pitta and kapha. In confirmatory with Ayurveda (these energies are prevalent in everyone and everything. Therefore these doshas are considered as the vital building blocks of the world. The thee energies integrate to form different environments, species, foods and play a key role in the overall functioning of human the body. In case, there is an imbalance between Vata, Pitta and Kapha it bears an impact on the individuals physical mental and emotional well being.
WATER Drink at the end of the night (in the morning)
MILK Drink at the end of the day (At night before sleeping)
BUTTERMILK Drink at the end of the meals.
Ayurveda is an ancient science based on a natural cure with no side effects. Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from the extract of certain spices, vegetables and fruits, minerals which are unadulterated and cause no harm to the body.
Ayurveda aim at treating the disease completely by expelling abnormal dosha from the body. It promotes a wholesome lifestyle, that can help you amplify your overall well being.
Whereat one end, symptomatic treatment of Piles may not be suitable on a longer run. Ayurveda spotlights the root problems, and is hence, more effective. Ayurveda is a treatment based on natural elements. It utilizes herbs that can treat the root issue and uproot the unwanted weed. Hence you do not have to worry about hemorrhoids backtracking in future. These are some of the factors that give Ayurveda treatment an upper edge in the long run. This is the science developed by the ancient sages after extensive discussions, trials and meditation. That is why, event in this modern era, the results are unparalleled.
Ayurveda is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent.Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life.
Ayurveda is a fine spun of science and art of healthy living. It emphasis prevention and treatment illness through lifestyle practices such as massage, meditation, yoga, and dietary changes with the use of herbal remedies. Ayurveda treatment is holistic, which considers body and mind as a whole.
In Ayurveda the primary qualities that govern the body are called 'doshas' The human body is made up of three primary doshas.- vata, pitta and kapha. When these doshas are perfectly balanced the state of being is healthy. The basic principles of Ayurveda constitutes discipline such as not skipping breakfast, light dinner, sleeping early at night,, eating organic products, avoiding smoking and drinking and maintaining an active lifestyle.
- Even in the modernistic era, that gives its ancient science of life - unlike most available treatments; Ayurveda not only works on curing the disease but holistically eliminates the root cause, shrinking and chances of recurrence.
- Despite having existed for several centuries, the core principle still remain unchanged. Whereas, there are up to the minute changes in the case of modern medicine or other alternative systems of medicines.
- Apart from curing. Ayurveda focusses primarily on a Healthy lifestyle (including food and habits) as per the constitution of body (prakruti) / dosha dominance of a person.
- Organic / nature based medicines form the base of Ayurveda, therefore there are negligible or no side effects.
- Compared to other alternatives, Ayurvedic treatment is not wallet denting.
- Ayurveda helps in bringing down the stress level, boost immunity. lowers stress, and offer a cure for a several diseases that are still cureless in other forms of medication.

Ayurveda regards each individual as unique. "Health " is termed as "Swasthya", one who stays in his self (sva). This self involves the total personality of man including consciousness (atman), body (sharira) and mind (manas). Self also denotes constitutional (prakruti) normalcy which makes the concept of self different from person to person. This is quite different from the world of allopathy with ideal blood counts, ideal heights weight ratio, ideal heart rate etc.
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