Senior Citizens
Senior Citizens
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Turn your old age into golden age with healthier habits |
10 Tips / Mantras For Senior Citizens : For living a healthy and happy life.
1 . Hydration : Whether you feel thirsty or not drink enough water. Minimum 3 liters of water consumption in a day. Drinking water is very important, it keeps your body hydrated and healthy.
2 . Physical activity : It is very important. Do as much work as you can. If you are lazy and not moving your body, your all body joints will become stiff. So walk, jog, swim, cycling, any sports activity etc.
3 . Diet : Eat to live, not live to eat. So eat less. Eat nutritious diet. Controlled protein carbohydrates. One has to reduce the carbohydrates. If you reduce for 2 weeks carbohydrates and sugar , the swelling on you face, swelling on your body will all go. You will Feel healthy and active. Carbohydrates less, proteins more. No carbohydrates at night. Eat big bowl of dal, along with salads. If you are non vegetarian eat chicken and fish. Otherwise vegetarian protein is equally important.
4 . Walking : Walk till you can or as much as you can. Minimum use of vehicle. Prefer walking for nearby places. If possible do cycling. Use stair case instead of lift. Don't use escalator instead use ramp or stair case. So minimum use of vehicle, lift or escalator. This will keep you healthy.
5 . Don't get angry : Have control on your anger. One can control by, speaking less, think before speaking, (As sometimes tongue moves faster than mind. If this happens than your anger and irritability will increase). Frame a big poster in your working place or in you room written NO ANGER ZONE.
6 . Try to leave the desire for money : We have to earn the amount of money which is required for living. Don't run after money. let money run after you. Stay affectionate with your near and dear ones.
7 . Do not get upset if you do not get something which you want : Don't feel sorry for that, or don't blame your self. Just ignore it and forget it.
8 . No Ego : Money, power, strength, beauty, caste all these things increases your ego. Have control over all these things. Be humble, talk to people politely. Live happily with everybody around. Then only your life will be healthy.
9 . If your hairs have gone grey do not thing that you are old and thinking of dyeing them . Try to become optimistic. Live with an awareness around you. (mindful living) . Do travel til your knee is allowing. Live with lots of love and affection.
10. Love people younger than you. Have sympathy with them. Stay with them with affection. Because sometimes juniors teach you a lot . Give same respect to your young generation. Keep smiling. Say hello to people around you . See how your life changes.
2 . Physical activity : It is very important. Do as much work as you can. If you are lazy and not moving your body, your all body joints will become stiff. So walk, jog, swim, cycling, any sports activity etc.
3 . Diet : Eat to live, not live to eat. So eat less. Eat nutritious diet. Controlled protein carbohydrates. One has to reduce the carbohydrates. If you reduce for 2 weeks carbohydrates and sugar , the swelling on you face, swelling on your body will all go. You will Feel healthy and active. Carbohydrates less, proteins more. No carbohydrates at night. Eat big bowl of dal, along with salads. If you are non vegetarian eat chicken and fish. Otherwise vegetarian protein is equally important.
4 . Walking : Walk till you can or as much as you can. Minimum use of vehicle. Prefer walking for nearby places. If possible do cycling. Use stair case instead of lift. Don't use escalator instead use ramp or stair case. So minimum use of vehicle, lift or escalator. This will keep you healthy.
5 . Don't get angry : Have control on your anger. One can control by, speaking less, think before speaking, (As sometimes tongue moves faster than mind. If this happens than your anger and irritability will increase). Frame a big poster in your working place or in you room written NO ANGER ZONE.
6 . Try to leave the desire for money : We have to earn the amount of money which is required for living. Don't run after money. let money run after you. Stay affectionate with your near and dear ones.
7 . Do not get upset if you do not get something which you want : Don't feel sorry for that, or don't blame your self. Just ignore it and forget it.
8 . No Ego : Money, power, strength, beauty, caste all these things increases your ego. Have control over all these things. Be humble, talk to people politely. Live happily with everybody around. Then only your life will be healthy.
9 . If your hairs have gone grey do not thing that you are old and thinking of dyeing them . Try to become optimistic. Live with an awareness around you. (mindful living) . Do travel til your knee is allowing. Live with lots of love and affection.
10. Love people younger than you. Have sympathy with them. Stay with them with affection. Because sometimes juniors teach you a lot . Give same respect to your young generation. Keep smiling. Say hello to people around you . See how your life changes.
"Ignoring the body creates illness. Daily exercise both mental and physical that supports personal progress."
"Honey is considered as an anti aging food because of its anti oxidant properties Make this natural sweetener a part of your life as it is beneficial in enhancing memory."
Orthopaedic Surgeons Warn, Irrespective Of AGE, NEVER Climb On Stool Unattended. Plastic Stool, Aluminium Ladder NEVER. Watch the above video and take precautions. Avoid Falls & Be Safe. Specially for our Senior Citizens.
1 . Physical changes in old age
Hair becomes gray and becomes thinner. Many men are affected by balding.
With old age, skin looses its elasticity and starts to sag and wrinkle.
Vision and hearing becomes less sharp. The senses of touch and smell may also be weaken . Taste buds diminish. Food becomes less appealing and nutrition can suffer.
The tough enamel that protects teeth from decay starts to wear away over the years leaving you susceptible to cavities. Gum disease is also a concern. Due to dental problems one is not able to chew or swallow well.
Dryness in mouth may also be a problem. This is a common side effect of many medications that old people take.
Heart rate may lower and the valves of heart and blood vessels may thicken. Heart can become less efficient with a result of loss of stamina. In addition Atherosclerosis can restrict blood flow.
There is thinning of bones and decreasing bone mass. Bones can become more brittle resulting in the fragile bone condition called osteoporosis. It can put old people an increase risk of fractures.
Digestive System
Digestive track becomes slow and does not contract as often. This can lead to dyspepsia, heartburn, flatulence and constipation.
Increase in the size of prostrate in men.
Urinary Bladder
Loss of control over urination in women is common and may be seen in men as well.
Brain And Nervous System
Cells in a brain degenerate in number. This can impair brain functioning and eventually leads to dementia. However dementia is not a natural consequence of old age, but it is common for old people to experience slight forgetfulness.
All Sr.Citizens when you get up after picking up things, Stay Still and Stable before moving. This is to prevent dizziness and imbalance due to decline in the vestibular system specially, in the elders
Sub Optimal function of
Liver and Kidney.
Many bodily changes are natural part of ageing. With all these changes, seniors still can live normally and can continue to do so with precautions, positive attitude, and healthy lifestyle. The lifestyle choices you make can also help reduce your chances of getting illness that run in your family and other diseases that arise from age related changes.
2 . Common health problems of old age
- Alzheimer's Disease and other dementia.
- Arthritis
- Asthma and bronchitis
- Cancer
- Cataract and diminished vision
- Decline in hearing
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Enlargement of Prostrate in men
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Indigestion and constipation
- Osteoporosis and fractures.
- Parkinson's Disease
- Pneumonia
- Skin become dry, rough and flakes
- Sleep Disorders
- Stroke'
- Tuberculosis
- Urinary incontinence in women
- Urinary tract infections
Tips on treatment
- Avoid self medication
- Never compromise on treatment. Ensure excess to healthy security and health insurance.
- Explore the best available and and ensure that you are at the best hands.
- Don't delay in getting treatment because delay in treatment may aggravate the illness.
- Don't follow blindly what others suggest.
- Take the advise of a health professional.
3 . How to avoid age related illness and remain fit
Despite various problems of old age one must keep oneself actively engaged for well being and fitness. How well we age is partly is determined by genetic inheritance, but also much of it is influenced by factors under our direct control, the way we eat, exercise and our overall approach to life. Here are some healthy ageing tips that will help you to take good care of your self :
Stay physically active
One of the most important things you can do for your health is to be physically active. Regular safe and enjoyable physical activity is essential to maintain a healthy life. There are many benefits of physical activity :
- Better sleep quality and duration.
- Improves appetite.
- Improves intellectual functioning.
- Improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
- Improves mental health relieves stress.
- Increased muscles strength and its flexibility.
- Improves social engagements and social ties.
- Makes you look better.
- Promotes a heightened sense of physical well being.
- Reducing fall risk and arthritis.
- Strengthening of bones.
- Weight maintenance.
- For Better Balance Tandem Walking :
How :
Tandem walking is similar in the "Walk and Turn." sobriety test used by some police officers. Place the heel of the one foot directly in front of and touching the toes of the back foot . Begin walking heel to toe in straight line as if you are on a tight rope and continue hit 20 steps. Keep your eyes forward no looking down at your feet. In increase difficulty try tandem walking backwards.
Why :
People sense of balance typically worsens with age, leading to falls, which can cause head trauma, hip fractures and other disabling injuries. Regularly practicing balancing exercise such as tandem walking or the tree pose in yoga. When done safely improves concentration, co-ordination and balance . That's important for maintaining mobility and preventing falls not only for older adults but for everyone.
To Preserve Muscle Mass Do Knee Push ups
How :
Start with your hands and knees on the floor, arms about shoulder width apart, and extended. Your knees should be around hip width apart. Keep your back as straight as possible and your head in line with your spine. Inhale as you slowly lower your elbows to bring your chest towards the floor, keeping your core muscles contracted. Exhale as you push up from the floor to your starting position. Begin with a set of 3-5 repetition, and increase from there. Over time work your way up to two sets of 10 repetitions.
Around the age of 35 muscle mass begins to decrease at a rate of one to two percent a year. Muscle loss acceleration to 3 percent a year after age 60. The older men who were physically active and regularly did resistance exercise were protected against age related muscle decline. These participants have age related more muscle cells which are important for muscle regeneration and growth and perform better on muscle function test than both younger and older sedentary adults. Doing 20-30 minutes of resistance training 2-3 consecutive days a week can increase muscle mass in adults of all ages.
Regular exercise 4-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes are suggested. Being active and doing exercise is also enjoyable. Age is no barrier to taking up a new sport or physical activity no matter what your age or condition there is a type of physical activity that is right for you. If you are not doing any exercise at present it is good to start gently and than build up so that your body will gradually get used to it. Regular exercise need to be a lifelong pursuit, integrated into your lifestyle. There are so many ways to keep fit. You should find one you enjoy.
- Walking is one of the best forms of exercise. Brisk walking to the extend of getting tired so what you need to do. The benefits of exercise are many:
* Improves stamina and fitness.
* Helps in controlling body weight.
* Improves blood sugar in diabetes.
* Slows down bone loss in weight bearing bones.
* Gives opportunity to meet other people.
* Improves anxiety and depression.
* Helps in controlling body weight.
* Improves blood sugar in diabetes.
* Slows down bone loss in weight bearing bones.
* Gives opportunity to meet other people.
* Improves anxiety and depression.
- Never allow yourself to get bed ridden, if you need support use a walker or walking stick to be mobile or keep your muscles and joints fit.
- Regularity is the key.
- Never over exercise and you must know where to stop.
- If you have any serious disease of heart and lung or mobility problem you must consult a doctor before starting a walking exercise activity.
- Exercising in morning in open gives you exposure to sunlight which improves sleep at night and vitamin D at your bones.
- Take time every day to laugh, as laughter is the best medicine.
Indoor activities
Board Games
If you do have a companion, whether it is a friend, neighbor or grand child, playing ludo, car rum, chess, and cards is a good idea.
Car rum
A regular feature in the newspaper everyday. Puzzles have a capacity to involve you for hours together as they can be very addictive.
Magic square Rubic cube
- Yoga is a great introduction to physical activity.
- It offers gentle stretching that can alleviate muscle pain tension and stiffness.
- Yoga improves the blood supply of vital organs, detoxifying our system.
- :Pranayama" is of particular importance in old age as it enhances the oxygenation of tissues.
- Yoga along with meditation is known to help achieving a harmonious equilibrium between the mind and body.
- Older people with mobility issues or serious heart and lung disease need to modify yoga asanas in consultation with trained teachers.
Outdoor activities
Lesurely Walk
- You can go for outdoor activities like gardening, travelling etc.
- Gardening makes your brain release mood boosting chemicals that can help calm your anxiety.
- Besides, you will get some exercise and spend time outdoors.
- Spending time outdoors offers access to the sun's natural vitamin D which is a powerful weapon in the fight against osteoporosis.
- Retirement offers a great time to travel if you are reasonable good health.
- Visit places you always wanted to. A number of organisations like 'Varishtha Nagrik Manch' offer senior special travel opportunities and tours. Avail these opportunity.
- Seniors with health issues can also travel : For example a road trip to a district park, museum, zoo or a place that interest you.
- Outdoor sports like badminton, tennis, golf, or any other that may interest you are good exercise.
- It can also be recreation, it also gives you an excellent opportunity to meet other people and socialize.
Art and crafts
If you have mastered a craft such as knitting, painting, wood working etc you can revitalize your interest in that . You will feel more relevant and useful.You should also engage yourself in simple household activities.
Maintain a healthy weight
- Extra weight is a health hazard. It increases the risk of heart disease , high blood pressure, diabetes, backache, varicose veins and arthritis.It also makes it difficult to undertake exercise.
- You can find out if you weight is healthy for your height using the body mass index (B.M.I) . It is calculated by dividing your weight (in kilograms) by square of the height (in meters) . Any value between 18.5 and 22.9 is healthy and normal. Lower values indicate malnutrition and higher values are suggestive of overweight and obesity.
- In absence of rare diseases overweight and obesity is a result of excess food intake than what is required and inadequate exercise.
- If you want to loose weight the emphasis should be on cutting back on diet comprising of sugar or fat and increasing protein and fibers.
- Remember it is not healthy to be underweight either.
Stop Smoking
- Older adult who continue to smoke have more difficulty with diseases common to old age, such as heart disease, asthma and bronchitis, cancer and pneumonia.
- It is never too late to give up smoking. Quitting is beneficial in all ages.
- Quitting improves life expectancy and overall well being. You breathing will become easier, the function of your heart improves and you will reduce the risk of developing disease which can restrict your mobility.
- Quitting smoking is difficult and requires concerted effort. It requires individual determination, counselling and use of medication like nicotine. This modification needs to be used with caution in older persons with heart disease.
- Use of mobile telephone health service under " m cessation " program of government of India can be helpful. You can register in the initiative by giving a missed call to "011- 22901701".
4 . Personal Hygiene
Health and hygiene go hand in hand and are important at all ages. Good hygiene is very important for maintaining physical health. Seniors need to maintain good hygiene to keep healthy and remain independent. Besides looking good, you will also feel good. It may become harder to keep up good hygiene as you age. However, with careful attention it is possible.
Here are the good tips for good personal hygiene :
Hand Washing
- Hand washing before and after meals and before handling or preparing meals should become a habit. Also wash your hands after :
* Using the toilet
* Touching rubbish or waste bin
* Touching you nose ears, teeth or hair
* And coughing or sneezing
- Take care of your teeth and gums.
Take bath every day. If there is a problem in taking bath, use safety chairs, they make bathing easier and safer.
Hair Care
Wash your hair regularly. Keep it neat and tidy by combing.
Skin and nail care
Healthy skin is a great defense against infection. Nails should be short and clean.
Foot care
Foot problems are common in old age.
- Check your feet regularly.
- To prevent infection keep your feet, especially area between the toes and fingers clean and dry.
- Diabetes are particularly prone to sores and infections on their feet.They should avoid extremely cold and hot bath water. Keep their feet clean and dry and avoid stepping on hard surfaces.
How to wash your hands
- Wet your hands throughly.
- Apply soap.
- Rub the palms together vigorously for at least 15 seconds.
- Rub the fingers, thumb and wrists.
- Rinse until all traces of soap have been washed away.
- Dry throughly with clean towel.
5 . Healthy diet
Older people have less energy and strength when they were younger. They will even become weaker if they do not eat well. If you eat well you are likely to feel healthier, stay active for longer and protect yourself from illness.
It is important to understand that many disease processes can be prevented by taking healthy and balanced diet. Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, high cholesterol, osteoporosis and visual problems are examples of conditions which can be impacted by diet. To keep well good regular eating patterns are essential. Instead of missing meals you can include some of the simple snacks.
You should always eat breakfast, lunch (mid-day meal), evening snacks and dinner. This means three meals and snacks in the evening. Food should be a pleasure rather than a source of anxiety. Eat as if the food you are eating is the source of energy. Healthy eating is about making correct choices, and including food from all food groups in every meal. There is a famous adage : "You are what you eat."
Food Groups
Energy giving foods : Carbohydrate rich food like rice grains and cereals etc.
Body building foods : Protein rich foods like pulses, nuts, eggs etc.
Protective foods : Food rich in Anti-oxidant like fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables.
Choose three servings of milk and milk products (curd, cottage cheese, buttermilk etc.) per day. These foods contains calcium which keeps bones strong.
- Use whole grain instead of refined cereals:
Whole grains delays early absorption of fats and carbohydrates.
- Carbohydrate in food provide the body with energy. There high fiber content reduces glucose and fat in blood and increase the bulk of food residue for bowel movement.
- Add proteins to every major meal :
- Fruits :
- Packed fruit juice often contain added sugar and can give a lot of unwanted calories.
- Diabetics should eat fruits in between meals so that their blood sugar remains at a constant level. Fruits low in sugar content namely guava, apple, papaya, etc should be taken.
- Vegetables
These are main sources of fiber and give you food at variety. Aim to have at least 3 servings of vegetables every day.
- Fruits and vegetables rich in anti-oxidants (an anti-oxidant is a substance such as vitamin C and E that helps in removing dangerous molecules etc.) helps delaying ageing.
- Fruits and vegetables should be washed throughly under running water before eating or cooking.
Try to have a serving of bread, rice or chapati with each meal. These foods together with liquids can help prevent constipation.
- Biscuits and sweets
These foods are enjoyable, but they can lead to weight gain. Reduce bakery items (cake, pastry, bun, rusk) which are rich in trans fat.
- Drinks :
At least one and a half to two liter of fluid comprising of tea, coffee and fruit juice. Milk and water should be taken daily. However in presence of heart and kidney disease fluid may have to be restricted as per doctors advice.
- Dry fruits and nuts :
- Eating in company can increase your enjoyment of food.
- If you are loosing weight without any apparent reasons you must see your doctor.
- Eat balanced diet. The greater the variety in the diet, the greater the likelihood of attaining a balance
- There is no one food you must have, if you dislike something choose something else which will be equally nourishing.
- Some foods are better for you than others. Try to avoid foods which give you very little value (nourishment) for your money.
- Eat smaller quantities, but enough to satisfy your appetite.
- Chew your food slowly and throughly.
- Never eat when not hungry, stop eating the moment you feel full.
- Reduce the amount of added salt.
- Cut down on added sugar. Opt for low calorie desert - fruit is always the better choice.
- Try to drink enough water if there is no medical restriction.
Some changes in diet such as increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables and decreasing consumption of saturated fat and salt, can improve nutrition in old age.
6 . Healthy bones
Bones are living tissue changing constantly with the formation of new bones and loss of old bones throughout our life To remain mobile and self dependent. We need to keep our bones healthy by protecting them from disease. Bones continue to grow in strength until the age of 35 years. When the old bones start to lose at a faster rate than new bone can be formed to replace them. In some men, and more frequently women this bone loss is very severe. Their bone become weak, fragile and liable to break easily. This condition is known as osteoporosis.
Avoiding fracture
One in four women, and one in eight men over 60 years of age suffers a fracture due to osteoporosis. Bones at the risk of fracture are hip, spine, wrist and ribs. Women are at a much higher risk because during and after the menopause they experience bone loss following reduction in a female hormone estrogen. Apart from causing pain, fractures can make independent living difficult and may cause long term problems with mobility. There are some simple measures one can take to prevent fractures.
Diet rich in calcium and vitamin D :
Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is essential to maintain bone health, particularly as you grow older. The rich sources of calcium and vitamin D are milk and milk products, (curd, cheese etc). beans, spinach, nuts, and dried fruits. To ensure an assured supply of vitamin D and calcium older people can consume calcium tablets available in market 500 mg for men, and 1000 mg for women. Adequate exposure to sunlight is advised, as it is good source of vitamin D.
Healthy lifestyle
- Exercise strengthens muscle around the bones. Regular brisk walking will help keep your bones healthy. It also improves your balance and coordination and prevents fall.
- Smoking cigarettes can cause bones to become to become thinner and weaker. Stopping smoking reduces this risk.
- Alcohol, excess intake of tea, coffee and cola drinks are also harmful to bones and must be avoided.
- If you have suffered a fracture or have developed backache, loss of height or stoop, you may have fragile bones or osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is treatable. It is better to talk to your doctor to be assessed for the condition and advice on suitable treatment.
7 . Falls and accidents
Falls and accidents do not "just happen". Most of times the situation for an accident wait to happen and thus can be prevented. Falls have a disastrous consequence in old age. They cause injury, fracture and limits one's ability to lead an active independent life. Thousands of older men and women are disabled, often permanently due to fall that lead to fracture. Even the fear of fall can be equally disabling psychologically.
Causes of fall in old age
- Changes in vision, hearing, muscle strength coordination and reflexes make older people vulnerable to falls.
- Diseases of heart, brain, bones, and joints, thyroid, and diabetes may effect the balance and gait. Multiple drugs for these illnesses can also result in dizziness, blackouts and fall.
- Most falls occur in bedroom and bathroom due to lack of proper lightening slippery floors, books and papers on the floor, and minor obstacles in the environment.
Avoid slip and fall accidents
There are several simple steps which can reduce the likelihood of falls and accidents and make our home and environment safe.
- Have your vision and hearing tested regularly and corrected as far as possible if defective.
- A simple intervention like removal of ear wax can improve your gate and balance. Correct spectacles have similar values.
- Discuss with your doctor regarding the effect of medicines you are taking and and whether they effect your coordination or balance. Ask her to suggest ways to reduce the possibility of falling.
- Alcohol can affect the balance and reflexes; therefore limit alcohol intake , especially before driving.
- Be careful while getting up too quickly after eating, waking up from sleep, lying down or resting for long periods. The blood pressure may decline rapidly and cause dizziness and fall.
Elderly fall Prevention
The efficacy of a haptic insole in the prevention of elderly fall
- Use a cane or walking stick or walker to help and maintain balance on uneven or unfamiliar ground if feel dizzy.
- Maintain a regular program of exercise. Regular physical activity improves strength and muscles tone which will help in moving about more easily by keeping the joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible. Mild weight bearing activities (for example walking) may even reduce the loss of bone due to osteoporosis.
- Wear supportive, rubber soled low heeled shoes. Avoid wearing smooth soled shoes or slippers on stairs or slippery floors
It is important to have a look at your home to make it as safe as possible :
Some simple practical steps you could take are:
- Good lighting in staircases, corridor and bathrooms.
- Easily reached light switches telephones and objects of everyday use.
- Handrails and grab bars in staircase and bathrooms.
- Properly designed floor in bathroom to prevent accumulation of water. Use bathroom mats.
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Non Slip Bathroom Mats |
- Electrical cords and telephone wire placed out of walking path.
- Furniture and other objects so arranged that they do not obstruct the way.
- Beds and chairs at proper height to get into and out of it easily.
- Outdoor steps and walkways in good condition.
- Regular vision test will ensure that your sight is adequate.
Burns are common in older people. These are very disabling in the aged whose recovery is extremely slow. Risk of burns can be reduced by some simple measures:
- Never smoke in bed or when drowsy.
- When cooking, do not wear loosely fitting flammable cloths.
- Check the temperature of hot water before using it.
Motor vehicle accidents
These accidents are among the common causes of accidental death in older persons. The ability to drive may be impaired by age related changes such as :
- Increased sensitivity to glare.
- Poorer adaptation to darkness.
- Diminished coordination.
- Slower reaction time.
While using public transportation:
- Remain alert and brace yourself against something when bus is slowing down or turning.
- Watch for slippery pavement and other hazards when entering or leaving a vehicle.
- Have the fare ready to prevent loosing your balance while fumbling for change.
- Do not carry too much packages and leave one hand free to grasp the railings.
- Cross the road slowly and carefully, preferably at an authorized crossing.
- Allow extra time to cross streets, especially in bad whether.
- At night wear light colored clothing and carry a flash light.
8 . Oral health care
Oral health is an important issue for older people. Loss of teeth, cavities and gum diseases affect chewing and eating food can lead to malnutrition. Good oral hygiene helps to prevent dental problems. Here are tips for good oral health care:
- Teeth should be brushed twice a day, once just before bed and once first thing in the morning, before you have had anything to eat or drink.
- Use a soft and medium tooth brush. The hard bristle of a firm tooth brush can damage gums.
- Flo ride containing tooth paste prevent tooth decay.
- Tooth brush should be brushed in a circular and short back and forth strokes, taking special care to brush carefully along the gum line for two minutes.
- Light brushing your tongue also helps to remove plague and food debris and make your mouth feel fresh.
Gum disease or Periodontitis
Periodontitis is inflammation of gums this leads to soreness and swelling of gums foul breath and in long run teeth fall out. This one of the commonest causes of tooth loss in advancing years. It is usually due to build up of plagues. To prevent gum disease it is important to remove plague throughly by brushing your teeth each day. Also by carefully checking your teeth and gums You should have regular dental checkup with your dentist. A dentist can detect a build up of plague. Early or mild gingivitis can be detected and treated to prevent more severe periodontitis.
Dry mouth
It is common problem in many older persons . It makes you feel thirsty or feel the need to sip the liquid frequently. Dry mouth is usually caused by salivary gland failing to function properly.This can be side effect of several medications specially those used for neurological diseases.
Dry mouth affects chewing, swallowing, tasting and speaking. It can affect oral health by contributing to tooth decay and gum diseases. To relieve dry mouth :
- Rinse your mouth with salt water in the morning.
- Drink extra water
- Avoid sugary snacks,drinks containing caffeine tobacco , and alcohol and
- Consult your doctor to find out the culprit medication.
It is important for both the health of your dentures and mouth.
- Handle dentures with great care : To avoid accidentally dropping them stand over a folded towel or full sink of water when handling them.
- Brush and rinse dentures daily : Like natural teeth, dentures must be brushed daily to remove food and plaque. Brushing also helps to prevent the development of permanent strains on the dentures. Use a brush with soft bristle that is specially designed for cleaning dentures. Avoid using hard bristle brush as it can damage dentures. Gently brush all surface of dentures. In between brushing, rinse dentures after every meal.
- Clean with a denture cleaner : Hand soap or milds disc washing liquid can be used for cleaning dentures. Household cleanser and some tooth paste can be too rough for dentures and should not be used. Also avoid using bleach as this may whiten the pink portion of the denture.
- Take a proper care of dentures when not wearing . Dentures need to be kept moist when not been worn so they do not dry out or loose their shape. When not worn denture should be placed in a denture cleansing liquid or in water.
- Partial dentures should be cared for in the same way as full dentures, because bacteria tend to collect in the clasp of partial denture. It is specially important that this are be cleaned throughly.
- Dentures need to be replaces or readjusted to the changes in the tissues of the mouth that may have occurred over a time. Do not try to repair dentures at home as this can damage the dentures and injures the tissues of the mouth. Be sure to contact your dentist if the dentures breaks , or cracks or if one of the teeth becomes loose.
These are designed to look like a teeth and are surgically inserted through gum surface to rest on or within the bone of the jaw. Implants are usually only for the patients with enough bone structure. As it requires a certain degree of expertise you should contact a dentist specialist.
How often would you see a dentist if you have dentures ?
Six monthly visit should be the norm. Regular dental visits are important so that dentures and mouth can be examined to ensure fitness of denture and look for signs of oral disease and cancer.
9 . Good Sleep
Sleep disorders in old age
Few things in life are as desirable as a good night sleep. It recharges your brain and boost mood and spirit. You are less likely to be anxious and irritable, if you get good sleep. Many older people find night time as the worst part of the day. Sleep disorders are fairly common in the elderly. The sleep pattern changes as we grow old. The duration of sleep is shorter and the quality of sleep also becomes poorer. Older people may :
* Have trouble in falling asleep.
* Wake up frequently at night.
* Get up early in the morning.
* Wake up frequently at night.
* Get up early in the morning.
- The normal sleep cycle consist of two patterns; dreaming and light sleep and deep sleep. Everyone has about four to five cycles of each of these tow patterns of sleep every night. For older persons, the amount of time spent in the deepest stages of sleep decreases.
- With age, many people get insomnia. It includes taking a long time (more than 30-45 minutes) to fall asleep or waking up many times during the night or waking up early and inability to get back to sleep.
- With rare exception, insomnia is the symptom of problem , not the problem itself. This can lead to health concerns like increased risk of falling and day time fatigue.
How to get a good night sleep?
Getting a good night sleep can make big difference in quality of life. Sleep hygiene or key to good sleep lies in the following steps:
- Develop a bedtime routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time.
- Although the amount of sleep each person needs varied widely, on an average 7-8 hours of sleep is required every night.
- Moderate physical activity before bed time may improve sleep.
- Take night meals at least 2 hours before going to bed.
- Get some exposure to natural sunlight in day time.
- Avoid drinking tea or coffee late in the evening, and if you like a drink before bed, a glass of warm milk may help.
- Alcohol and smoking will make it harder to get sleep.
- Avoid watching TV or working on computer or mobile before going to bed.
- The sleeping room should be dark, well ventilated and quiet.
- A lamp that is easy to turn on by the bedside may be helpful.
- Try not to worry about your sleep.
- Try not to worry about any serious issue while going to bed
10 . How to maintain better sight
As we age, our sight deteriorates steadily and almost everyone over the age of 60 years may need spectacles. There are also certain diseases which affect the vision in old age.With regular sight test , suitable spectacles surgery, drugs and special visual aids , most people can maintain a good sight and lead a full and independent life.
Regular sight test
- A sight test is not just a 'spectacle' test but a checkup of health of one's eye. If one has developed a new eye disease, it can be detected early. It is therefore very important to get the sight tested regularly.
- It is recommended that one should have a sight test done at least once in two years and more frequently if one notices any change in one's vision.
- Sight test is specialized test and is carried out by ophthalmologist (doctors specializing in eye care or optometrist Ophthalmic optician.
- If one's sight test reveals any abnormality that needs further treatment and investigation that should be got done without delay.
Spectacles and other low vision aid
- It is always advisable to use made to order spectacles which suit one's need best. Now a days ready made reading spectacles are also available. Though that may not harm one's eye, ready made spectacles can cause eye strain and headaches.
- Remember to keep your spectacle clean.
- Never place spectacle with the front of the lens facing down on a surface which may cause scratches. Scratched lenses can cause glare and reduce clear vision.
- If you find it difficult to perform your tasks, you can use magnifier. It makes things look bigger so that you can perform tasks easily.
Adequate lightening
- The amount of light that a eye needs at 60 years of age is about three times more than that requires at 20 years.
- Natural day light should be allowed to enter your home unhindered.
- You should ensure that there is adequate electric lightening in all parts of your home including staircase and toilet.
- For reading or close work make sure that you have direct light coming from behind to your book or work. Florescent lamps are particularly efficient as they produce a lot of light but very little heat.
Eye problems and diseases are common in old age, some of them causes progressive loss of vision. Among them cataract, glaucoma, presbyopia, diabetic retinopathy and age related macular degeneration are very common. In addition change in refractive power of spectacles, dry eye, itching of eye etc are common in old age which do not lead to blindness. Many eye disease have no early signs and symptoms, but regular eye checkup can detect eye diseases in early stages before vision loss occurs. Early detection and treatment can help you save your sight.
11 . How to ensure good hearing
Hearing tend to deteriorate naturally as we grow old. It may not be noticeable until about 60-65 years of age or so. Nearly 60 percent of people over the age of 60 years may have a hearing deficit due to the ageing process. Hearing loss occurs gradually with age (presbycusis). Most commonly it is caused by the changes in the inner ear. The following factors contribute to the age related hearing loss :
- Familial tendency or heredity.
- Repeated exposure to loud noises.
- Smoking.
- Certain medical conditions such as diabetes.
- Some medicines such as chemotherapy drugs can damage the inner year.
- Diseases such as ear infections.
Here is the checklist to help you asses your hearing
- Does your family complain that TV/Radio sound is too loud?
- Do you sometime wish people would speak clearly and stop mumbling?
- Do you ever miss your name being called?
- Do you sometimes misunderstand what people say to you?
- Do you often find yourself asking people to repeat things?
- Do you find it difficult to hear at social gatherings, in places of worship or when there is some background noise?
- Do you ever have difficulty hearing the doorbell or telephone?
There could be many different reasons why you are not hearing as well as you used to. Your doctor will examine your ears; ask you a few questions to find out what the problem is, for example you may have wax in the ears which can be removed or an infection which can be treated. However when there is no obvious cause you need to see an ear, nose and throat (E.N.T) specialist. If hearing loss is simply due to your age , the specialist will explain that there is no 'cure' and will probably advice you using a hearing aid. Do try one, it is likely to be helpful.
12 . Managing medicines
Drugs and medicines are a part of life. In advancing years the need for medicines, often more than one increases one there is need to take extra care with medicines. Here is some guidance in managing your medicines :
Take extra care not to exceed the recommended dose of medicine.
Names of medicines
- Most medicines have two names brand name or trade name is the name given to a medicine by its manufacturer whereas the approved name or pharmacological name is the name of its ingredients.
- It does not matter what particular brand of medicines is used however it is better to keep brand unchanged.
- When ever you buy a new medicine always check its approved name so that you avoid ingredients that you may already be taking.
- There is no medicine which is free of side effect, while side effects are not neccessary bound to happen. Taking some precautions can reduce likelihood of a drug side effect.
- If you experience symptoms that you think might be due to medicines, it is always better to get in touch with your doctor.
- Stomach upset can be reduces if medicines taken with food unless specially indicated otherwise. It may be however be made clear here that it may be worth tolerating a little stomach discomfort to make sure that a medicine is as effective as possible.
- Certain side effects can be avoided by slight adjustment of dose and route of administration.
Safe Keeping
- Never share medicines.
- Always keep medicines from out of reach of children.
- Medicines need to be stored in a cool and dry place for longer life.
- Like foods, all medicines have a limited shelf life. So it is best to get in small quantities.
- Make sure that the medicines are not used after their 'use by' or 'expiry 'date.
- Creams and ointments usually have the date marked at the end of the tube.
- If you cannot find date on the medicine container, then, as a rule of thumb, do not keep tablets or capsules for longer than a year.
- You can avoid using 'out of date' medicines by destroying them when they are no longer needed. Do not hold onto them for a 'rainy day'.
- Remembering to take medicines is sometimes difficult. Organize the medicine time so that they suit you best.
- Meal time are often a good time to take medicine because you are likely to have water ready at hand.
- If the instruction are on the labels tell you to take the medicines on an empty stomach, than you should try to take the medicine at least one hour before a meal.
Drops, creams and inhalers
- Eye, ear and nose drops should be treated as same way as the tablets and capsules as these can also give rise to side effects.
- Once an eye drop container is opened it should be used for no longer than month. Never use your drops with anyone else.
- Try not to touch an eye when putting in drops. Avoid touching of the dropper tip with any surface as it may contaminate the drug.
- Creams and ointments are also medicines and should be handled with care. Always wash your hands before and after using cream or ointment.
- Inhalers are modern system of delivering medicines as fine mist into lung to help breathing. Coordinating the pressing of puffer and breathing it at the right time is often not easy. Many people may never manage to get the correct dose of medicine.
- Alternatively, you could use a spacer with an inhaler which is much easier to operate. Always check with your doctor that you are using an inhaler correctly.
Repeat Prescriptions
- If you are taking medicines regularly, you may repeat prescriptions without seeing a doctor.
- It is necessary to make sure that you still see your doctor at regular intervals as you may no longer need the medicine or the dose may need adjusting. Also make sure that you are not taking medicines unnecessarily.
- If you think that you may have experienced side effects, you should mention this to your doctor even if seems trivial.
- It is easy to forget to ask the doctor about things like this, so it may help to write down the questions you want to ask during consultation.
- Take medicines with food or just after (unless told otherwise).
- Check the ingredients to avoid duplication.
- Do stick to the same brands of medicines in repeat prescriptions.
- Do see your doctor regularly to avoid unnecessary medicines.
- Ensure understanding the direction for drug use
- Never take more than the the dose stated on the label of medicine or advised by your doctor.
- Never share your medicines with anyone else.
- Never hoard medicines you no longer need
13 . How to live alone happily
Living alone in old age is a reality. A large number of older people live alone and their numbers are increasing. Living alone for most people means being at home without anyone else. Some people outlive their spouses, and children may migrate for economic reasons. Some people are happy living alone but some become lonely and isolated. Living alone is risky in case of illness. If you live alone and want to stay where you are , certain changes can make your life easier and safer as you grow older. Here are some points that you should consider :
Safety and security
- Your home should have adequate basic security such as doors and window locks, magic eye, door safety chain, house alarm,CCTV, and strong iron grills.
- Don't keep unverified domestic help, let visitors atay with domestic help and do not allow unverified strangers.
- Be careful enough while answering any call over the door. Use security gadget and sensors.
- Register yourself with the local police station.
- You should have a telephone/mobile. If you do not have it, have one.
- Always keep cell phone with you.
- Have readily available emergency contact number of police, doctor and fire department.
- Address and mobile number of your doctor and close relatives must be placed at the prominent place so that people know whom to contact in an emergency.
- In any emergency the best people who help (and who may need your help) are your neighbors. So try to maintain contact with them. If you arrange a daily phone call or quick visit to or from someone nearby they will know when something is a miss. Be sure to let them know if you plan to be away.
Whenever you go out, keep the following documents in your pocket.
- Your identity card.
- Contact number of your near and dear ones.
- Your emergency medicines.
Make home safe
- Fall in the home area are common cause of injury among older people.So it is important to take a look at your home to make to make it as safe as possible.
* Ensure proper lightening.
* Ensure that environment outside the home is clean and cleared of obstacle.
- Keep a stock of basic foods for emergency. It should be enough for last for a few days.
Connect with people
- Start connecting with old friends, and make new friends.
- Join senior citizens forum etc.
- Join a social cause that you care about.
- Connect with young students with community by helping them in studies if you can.
- Facebook and you tube are one of the most visited sites by senior citizens.
- It is a good way for you to connect with your family members and friends. It is also a wonderful way to learn amount all sorts of wonderful things. Twitter is another popular site through which you can communicate to your loved once.
- Pursue your hobbies or take up a new role.
- Learn religious topic of your interest.
- Learn to play musical interest.
How to deal with worries and anxiety
Worries or anxiety are common in elderly. They impact on quality of life by limiting their daily activities and affect sleep. Worries, anxiety and fears are emotions which are triggered by an unpleasant event. They influence our thought and actions for hours and even for days till the event is forgotten. These emotions also results from unpleasant information, memories and unfulfilled expectations.
Here are some tips to get over your worries and anxieties
- Confront anxiety by identifying its cause.
- Worries and anxiety results from unrealistic and harsh expectations. Think of a rational and objective answer to the problem that is worrying you.
- Translate your worries and fears into clear words.
- Divide your worries into two categories :
* Those that cannot be influenced.
- Concentrate on those problems which you can influence and let the others go.
- Accept that you cannot control everything.
- Maintain positive attitude. Make an afford to replace negative thoughts to positive ones.
Try to relax
- When you feel yourself worried and anxious try to relax yourself by :
- Take several deep breaths, sit straight and breath in slowly and deeply. It will help you to relax and de-stress.
- Doing some easy physical exercises. Exercise can help you feel good and maintain your health.
- Talking to your close friends and relatives about your worries and fears.
- Shut your eyes and listen to your piece of music.
Take professional health
If self help technique do not work consider seeking professional counselling. A trained professional can help you identify and migrate your anxiety.
- Medicines are also available to lessen your anxiety.
- Finally, if you are a believer pray to god for strength to :
* Have courage to change the things that you can and
* Have the wisdom to know the difference.
15 . Detoxification of human body by natural method
Detoxification is a process of elimination of toxins by the body by adopting special diet. Special therapies or, special designed treatment procedures like induced emesis, purgation etc. Before going in details of these procedures one has to understand that there is physiological (natural) process of elimination of metabolic waste products from the body. Considering this fact for the removal of waste product from body, non-invasive technique for detoxification are used in Ayurveda treatment.
Ayurveda has described fasting (langhana) i.e. method which give feeling of lightness in body. fasting is the first step in the body to allow to detox naturally. Adequate fasting helps in improving the body metabolism and restore balance of physiological forces. If absolute fast is not possible one can have only hot water for a day or two depending upon the status of person. This should be followed by only by hot soup or rice water and there after gradually increasing the intake, inducing sweat by a steam bath, sun bath etc. Also is a part of detoxification. Certain herbs and food substances like ginger powder, punarnava etc, also helps in detoxification.
In some conditions simple measures of detoxification mentioned above are not sufficient. They may require active expulsion of toxins from the body. They are called as Shodhan procedures. There are five main methods of shodhan viz.
- Vaman (Therapeutically induced emesis)
- Virechana (Therapeutically induced purgation)
- Basti (Medicated enema)
- Nasya (Nasal instillation of medicines) and
- Raktamokshana (Bloodletting )
- Vaman :For kapha vitiation.
- Virechana : For Pitta vitiation.
- Basti : For vata vitiation
- Nasya : For disease above neck region
- Raktamokshana : For vitiation of rakta
Vamana Karma (Therapeutically induced emesis)
Vamana Karma means to induce therapeutic vomiting or to expel out a .vitiated dosha (toxins) through oral route which is indicated for the bio cleansing of upper part of the body. Its specially designed to remove vitiated kapha and pitta dosha from the body. It is mainly indicated in conditions like upper respiratory tract infections. Bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, Obesity, dislipidemia, dyspepsia, skin disorders etc. In healthy persons, it is mainly indicated in spring season for expulsion of naturally vitiated Kapha dosha.
Before Vamana procedure Deepana and Pachana drugs (Appetizers and digestive drugs) for about 3 days followed by Snehapana (Oral administration of medicated ghee) in increasing dose for 3-7 days as per requirement till achieving signs and symptoms of proper Sneha along with oil massage and steaming. After proper conditioning of body, certain herbal formulations are given to the individuals to induce emesis. This is done in early morning hours which is a time of kapha dosha.
Vitals of the patient are examined and monitored before and during and after procedure. Vaman karma should be carried out strictly under the observation of physician. Based on the assessment of Vamana karma, physician advises the diet schedule ranging from 3-7 days.
Virechana (Therapeutically induced purgation)
This therapy is the best procedure to naturally rehabilitate gut flora and removing the accumulated toxins from the gut. Prime indications of Virechana therapy are vitiation of Pitta dosha and Rakta dusti. Practically Virechana can be given in Inflammatory conditions where endogenous inflammatory mediators are the pathological hallmarks. Virechana helps in cleansing of body by bringing the toxins from all over to the guts and their elimination through purgation. Therefore it is useful in various diseases including the condition of GI Tract, liver, and skin diseases, respiratory conditions and systemic illnesses like P.C.O.S various auto immune disorders etc.
Classical Virechana procedure should be strictly undertaken under the observation of Ayurveda physician. Laxative herbs or mild laxatives Ayurvedic formations can be taken by individuals as self health care. Long term use of purgative medicines should be avoided to avoided dependence.
Virechana also is given after conditioning the body with Deepana or appetizers, Pachana digestive medicines. and also undergoing Snehana , Swedana procedures before administration of Virechana drug.
After administration of Virechana drug, patient is observed for number of episodes during the day. Vitals of the patients are monitored before, during and after the procedure. Later the patient is advised for dietary schedule for 3-7 days.
Basti (Medicated enema)
In Basti treatment the medicated emulsions prepared freshly with medicated ghee/oil , herbal decoction, milk, etc. are administered through rectum. Basti in healthy persons is given usually in monsoon season to prevent vitiation of vata . Basti is useful in regaining normal gut flora now a days called as micro biome . Gut is also called as second brain. The basti helps in restoring health like the water is absorbed in restoring roots is spread to whole tree.
Basti treatment in Ayurveda is given lot of importance specially for treating musculoskeletal disorders. neurological conditions, gastro intestinal conditions, genitourinary conditions etc.
The ingredients and types of basti to be given to an individuals depends upon his or her physical condition, disease etc. Basti is usually helpful in elderly patients for improving the rectal muscle tone, bladder muscle tone in disease like chronic constipation, atonic bladder, irritable bowel syndrome, incontinence of urine and prostrate enlargement etc.
Many other supplementary procedures like Shirobasti (retaining medicated oil or decoction over head for 30-45 minutes). Janu basti (retaining the medicated oil / or decoction over knees) etc are very useful in managing the disease like osteoarthritis, lumbospondylysis , cervical spondylysis etc.
Nasya Karma (Nasal instillation of medicines) and
The nose according to the Ayurveda is the "gateway" to the head. The nasal route for administration of drugs was widely used in Ayurveda for treating a variety of ailments mostly of head neck and upper respiratory tract . The underlying principle of Nasya is that the medication would work on nervous system by entering into cranium through innumerable channels and treat vitiated dosha.
Raktamokshana (Bloodletting)
days It is used to alleviate reside in Rakta dhatu. (i.e. blood) . Vitiated blood is removed from the affected site by various techniques like jalaukavacharan (leech application), shrunga alabu (cupping), siravedha (venu puncture) , Rakta mokshana is used for therapeutic purpose in certain diseases eczema, migraine etc. It is generally not recommended for healthy people.
There are several contraindications to all Panchkarma procedures. Therefore the decision for choice of treatment is taken by Ayurvedic physician after assessing a medical condition, preexisting disease or person. Hence these procedures are to be implemented strictly under supervision of Ayurvedic physician.
Standardization of Panchkarma
The world health organisation with the support of ministry of AYUSH has published safety guidelines for Panchkarma practices.
Others measures for detoxification
Rasayana Therapy
Rasayana therapy is the process of administering special class of Ayurvedic medicine to rejuvenate body and mind. Usually it is given after proper detoxification to achieve best results. However it is also practiced without Shodhana. Ayurveda the science and longevity is blessed to have the treasure of herbs used for nourishment of Dhatus (various body elements). to increase the immunity and for detoxification of body. Such drugs are known as Rasayana drugs. The term Rasayana (Rasa + Ayana) refers to providing or channelizing nourishment for qualitative and quantitative development of dhatus. or body tissues which leads in turn to improved physiological state , immunity strength , mental competence and longevity. Various toxic accumulates in the body leads to early ageing. Therefore removal and management of these toxins is neccessary to remain youthful and healthy.
Following herbs may be used for the Rasayana effect and detoxification of body:
Triphala : Rasayana, digestive and mild purgative.
Amalaki : Rasayana, digestive good for dyspepsia.
Ashwagandha : Rasayana, good for vigour, anti stress.
Guduchi : Rasayana, digestive , immune modulator.
Shatavari : Rasayana, good for vogour.
Brahmi : Good for cognitive functions, stress.
Following principles can be adopted to impart graceful ageing.
1 . Keep the healthy diet and suitable lifestyle as described by Ayurveda.
2 . Oil massage and oil application in ears, nose, head (e.g. primary sesame oil) has anti ageing effect. Hence appropriate / suitable procedure like Abhyanga, nasya, karanapoorana, shirodhara, shirobasti, tarpana, padabhayanga should be adopted by consulting Ayurveda physician.
3 . Adequate sound sleep and regular exercise are integral part to be healthy and prevent disease.
4 . Regular use of Rasayana as advocated by Ayurveda.
5 . Follow the principle of Sadvritta and Acharya Rasayana for i.e.good social and behavioral conduct for personal and social well being.
6 . Rasayana formulations like Brahma Rasayana, Chawanprashvaleha, amalki Rasayana can be taken in consultation with Ayurvedic physician.
7 . Panchakarma therapy is mentioned above and certain procedures like Shorodhara.
What is Tarpana Ayurveda? Ayurvedic eye therapy. Netra Tarpana is essentially made of two Sanskrit words :"Netra meaning eyes and "tarpana meaning re hydration. This Ayurvedic therapy utilizes ghee, which is clarified butter. Ghee is a healing agent for tired stressed dehydrated eyes and disorderly eye sight.
Important component of conservation of good health
- Balanced diet
- Healthy lifestyle
- Stress management
- Appropriate Panchkarma procedures
- Rsayana measures
Add a bit of silent meditation to your routine. Most importantly, listen to your body. Understand it.
In anything in life, MODERATION is the mantra.
10 Tips or Mantras for senior citizens : Live a healthy and happy life.
- Hydration : Whether you feel thirsty or not drink enough water. Minimum 3 liters of water consumption in a day. Drinking water is very important, it keeps your body hydrated and healthy.
- Physical activity : It is very important. Do as much work as you can. If you are lazy and not moving your body, your all body joints will become stiff. So walk, jog, swim, cycling, any sports activity etc.
- Diet : Eat to live, not live to eat. So eat less. Eat nutritious diet. Controlled protein carbohydrates. One has to reduce the carbohydrates. If you reduce for 2 weeks carbohydrates and sugar , the swelling on you face, swelling on your body will all go. You will Feel healthy and active. Carbohydrates less proteins more. No carbohydrates at night. Eat big bowl of dal, along with salads. If you are non vegetarian eat chicken and fish. Otherwise vegetarian protein is equally important.
- Walking : Walk till you can or as much as you can. Minimum use of vehicle : Prefer walking for nearby places. If possible do cycling. Use stair case instead of lift. Don't use escalator instead use ramp or stair case. So minimum use of vehicle, lift or escalator. This will keep you healthy.
- Don't get angry : Have control on your anger. One can control by , Speaking less, think before speaking, (As sometimes tongue moves faster than mind. If this happens than your anger and irritability will increase). Frame a big poster in your working place or in you room written NO ANGER ZONE.
- Try to leave the desire for money : We have to earn the amount of money which is required for living. Don't run after money. let money run after you. Stay affectionate with your near and dear ones.
- Do not get upset if you do not get something which you want : Don't feel sorry for that, or don't blame your self . Just ignore it and forget it.
- No Ego : Money, power, strength, beauty, caste, effects, all these things increases your ego. Have control over all these things. Be humble, talk to people politely. Live happily with everybody around. Then only your life will be healthy.
- If your hairs have gone grey do not thing that you are old and thinking of dying them . Try to become optimistic . Live with an awareness around you. (mindful living) . Do travel til your knee is allowing. Live with lots of love,
- Love people younger than you. Have sympathy with them. Stay with them with affection. Because sometimes juniors teach you a lot . Give same respect to your young generation. Keep smiling. Say hello to people around you . See how your life changes.
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