Alopecia Areata

                                                              Alopecia Areata

(Autoimmune disorder. Patchy hair loss)

Alopecia effects both men and women, and there are various reasons, why one can experience this condition. Alopecia effects all genders and ages. Anyone can develop this condition, however your chances of getting alopecia are slightly greater  if you have a relative with  this condition. It is seen that the condition is common in people who have family members with autoimmune disorders, like diabetes or thyroid disease. Both children and adults may develop alopecia areata.

                                                "Consult a Dermatologist / Cosmetologist."
A  Autoimmune disorder resulting in loss of hair. It can make you shave your head. The hair loss are either in patches or entirely. The different types of alopecia include 
Alopecia areata, a disease that causes sudden smooth, circular patches of hair loss; and 
Alopecia totalis , a condition that results in no hair on scalp.
Alopecia universalis which results in no hair  on any part of body.
Genetic Hair loss resulting from genetic 
Androgenic alopecia predisposition to effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on the hair follicles, is known as androgenic alopecia 

Commonly known as male and female pattern baldness. The most common factor is genetic hair loss which runs in families. This is followed by telogen effluvium or temporary hair fall caused due to illness, stress and seasonal changes.
Then there is a disease based on alopecia like alopecia areata, scarring alopecia's, half shaft disorders

"Your chances of getting alopecia are slightly greater if you have a blood relative with this condition."
For women having a bald patch is emotionally, disturbing and its very difficulty for them to fight  the stigma that comes with it.


However there are certain differences between male and female hair loss. "On one hand  male pattern hair fall is predominantly genetic and is caused due to  male hormone (DHT) sensitivity.
On other hand  female pattern hair loss is multi factorial and is due to genetics, hormone, diet, thyroid tissues, stress, use of heating and styling products.

Effects on Women
In women, it is manifested as hair thinning, loss of volume in general and over the ponytail or plait, broadening of center partition or maang or excessive hair shedding. Alopecia areata can affect a women very commonly on the scalp or the eye brows and one has to be on the lookout for this once you get one patch, because very often the patient don't even know that the patch exist. So once you notice a patch, its important to examine the entire scalp for any other patches.

"For women having bald patch, gets emotionally so disturbing that they often are not able to attend any public gathering, nor be able to socialize. It's very difficult for them to fight the stigma that coms with it . Often they tend to end up with  low self confidence, depression, anxiety, self hatred, shame and even suicidal thoughts. But remember there is a key to every door.

There are multiple ways to treat alopecia and delay hair loss.
An early diagnosis will help in detecting and treating the problem. Additionally, a good diet, and healthy lifestyle accompanied by hydration and quitting of bad habits helps blood circulation to the scalp.

Solutions and serums containing minoxidil, if applied directly to the scalp can accelerate and promote hair growth on the affected areas., depending on the severity of the condition. The solution can be applied in 2%, 5% or 10% doses, Other topical hair serums containing peptides and amino acids also help in promoting hair growth and health.
Treatment may include plasma rich platelets treatments or PRP, that require blood to be drawn and then applied directly to the scalp to encourage hair growth or to reactivate dormant hair follicles. Laser combs and helmets used on the scalp also promote hair growth.

Doctors may recommend including corticosteroids, topical immunotherapy, and minoxidil (rogaine) People who don't respond to minoxidil or other serums may respond better to spironolactone and finasteride.
Hair transplant are also popular and more permanent treatments that have longer lasting results,

Home treatment like onion juice, caster oil help to a certain extend. Also multi vitamin supplements specially curated oil for hair loss can be used.
The use of anti androgens after prolonged hair loss will help prevent further damage and encourage some hair regrowth from follicles that have been dormant but are still viable.

Cyproterone Acetate with  Ethinyl Estradiol helps in blocking some of the actions of male hormones, commonly present in women.

Hair. transplant


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