

                                                       (Ignorance, Inertia, Laziness).

 Tamasic foods are believed to increase weakness and laziness.

                                                  "Tamas is for sleep, stupidity, ignorance."

                                                            "Tamas means inertia."

Harmony (sattva), mobility (rajas), inertia (tamas) such are the qualities, All these qualities stem from brain, and some times one quality prevails and sometimes the other. The head is the center of Sattvic qualities which control discrimination, the trunk of Rajasic qualities which control passion, emotion and actions; and the region below the diaphragm of Tamsic qualities which controls sensual pleasures like the enjoyment of food and drink and the thrills and the pleasure of sex.

Tamsik food
Foods that decrease the energy of the body are considered tamasic.

Cold and stale food is Tamsik and has no value.

leek, garlic and onion which are tamasic.


Good health is not just an absence of disease, but it is achieved when there is a perfect balance of all three Doshas, Satva, Atma  and sharira. Satva (Mind), Sharira (body) and Atma (soul) are tripod of life. If one is disturbed , the whole life is in turmoil. When the sattva is in good state, it generates positive feelings, but if the mind is not healthy then the body mind apparatus gets imbalanced. Development of brain in man made him superior  to other living beings. It also act as a link or bridge between the materialistic world and spiritual world. Mind has a power over the functions  and diseases of the body. It is realized that in human beings physical symptoms can be due to a state of  mind and that the alteration in the state of mind may be in itself sufficient to relieve the symptoms.

Due to improper diet and actions, the natural state of mind may disturb and the positive feelings may drive out. As a result negative feelings like anger, jealousy, cruelty, drowsiness can take place  and may lead to mental disorders. So it is easily understandable  that entire area of  healing process focuses on psychological health.. It is already known that  mind can cause physical diseases as well as various mental illness.
According to Ayurveda all types of mental disorders are classified in (Unmada). Vitiation of rajas and tama vitiates lead to Manasika Vikaras like Vishada, Brahma, Glani etc. Vishada can be defined as an lassitude and inactivity in various actions due to fear of failure.  It is the lassitude of the speech, body and mind. It can be defined as feeling of sorrowness. also comprises a condition. It can also be defined as Glani. Vishada also comprises a condition. Avasada that is lassitude of speech, body and mind. This included feeling of unwillingness to respond or retardation of physical  and mental activities. 

How to balance your consciousness ?
There are primary forces of nature which shows us  how to work with them on all levels. Nature consist of three primary qualities, which are the main powers of cosmic intelligence that determine our spiritual growth. These are called Gunas in Sanskrit, meaning "what binds."
  • Sattva- intelligence, imparts balance.
  • Rajas- energy, causes imbalance.
  • Tamas- substance creates inertia.
The three gunas are the most subtle qualiti.es of nature that underlie matter, life and mind. All objects in the universe  consists of various combinations of the three gunas that helps us understand our mental and spiritual nature and how its function.

  • Quality of dullness, darkness, and conflict.
  • Obstructing in its action.
  • Causes decay and disintegration.
  • Brings about ignorance and delusion in the mind.
  • Promotes insensitivity, sleep and loss of awareness.
  • Is the principle of materiality.
  • They have deep seated psychological blockages.
  • Their energy and emotions tend to be stagnant and repressed and do not know what their problems really are,
  • They do not seek proper treatment and usually have poor hygiene or poor self care habits,
  • They accept their condition as  fate and do not take advantage of the methods that might alleviate them.
  • They allow other people and  negative influence to dominate them and do not like to be  responsible for their lives.
  • They prefer not to deal with their problems or will not let others know about them which only allows the problem to get worse.
Tamsik Personality Types

The self is immune from disorders and morbidity no matter what the species are. The changes including disorders that  one sees in individuals  must therefore be traced  to the body and mind. Based on origin, the body has been classified into four groups, but the mind has the three types (Satvik, Rajsik and Tamsik). The Satvik represents perfection where as Rajsik and Tamsik minds have numerous  imperfections arising from ignorance and turmoil. Each of the three types have subdivisions because the body mind relationship is varied and changeable, and the body, and mind interact in all species. Based on the three mental qualities  of sattva, rajas and tamas a number of personality types are recognizable. 

Tamsik Type
1 . Pashu : Devoid of intelligence, negative, accustomed to disgraceful food and conduct, engrossed in sex and sleep.
2 . Matsya : Cowardly, foolish, gluttonous, fickle, prone to anger and other passions, prefers water.
3 . Vanaspati : Inactive, addicted to food, showing little intelligence or activity.

The classification of personality types is useful to the physician in treating disorders of individuals who differ in their personalities.

Tamsik Diet
Tamsik food break down the coordination between body and mind and inhibits the experience of pure consciousness. They create darkness rather than light. Tamsic food include alcohol, garlic onions, red meat, and packed foods, which have little life force.
  • Stale old rancid, recooked artificial, overly fried, greasy, heavy includes meat, fish, particularly, pork, canned and artificial food.
  • Excess intake of fats oil, sugars and food that is too cold.
Psychology aims at  moving the mind from Tamas to Rajas and eventually to sattva. It means moving from an  ignorant and physically oriented life(Tamas) to  one of vitality and self expression(Rajas) and finally to one of peace and enlightenment(Sattva). Counselling is probably the most important instrument of psychological treatment. However it should not be merely talk or discussion but a prescription for action.

Treating the mind is unlikely to be successful if we do not consider the  condition of the body. The food that we eat affects not only our body but  our entire state of mind. We can all easily observe how different food affects us.
  • Food that is heavy e.g. oily food can cause irritablity, dullness, depression.
  • Food that is light for example fruits, salad,, makes the mind feel fresh and relaxed.
  • Food that is balanced for e.g. whole grains, cooked vegetables, improves sensory functions and promotes mental harmony and clarity.
Correcting diet helps clear out  the unconscious habits that sustain our mental unrest.
Too much of any taste becomes tamsik or dulling. This is particularly true of sweet taste, which is heavy in nature. We have all experienced the dulling effect of  eating too many sweets. Sweet taste is Satvik or love promoting, we indulge in it  in order to compensate for lack of love in our lives.

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