Can Spine surgery be avoided
Spine Surgery
(Can Spine surgery be avoided)
Trauma, infection a tumor or a degenerative changes can lead to problem in the back
How to stay fit
Delayed treatment of spinal cord problems can restrict movement and can also turn fatal.
Support your feet :
Do not leave your feet dangling from a chair, use a foot rest.
Keep your thighs support :
Thighs should at a right angle to the chair and and completely supported by it.
Arms must be at right angle :
The armrest of your office chair should support your arms and keep them at a right angle.
No back or neck support :
Having a neck support does not allow your neck to move freely. Also, being dependent on back or neck support make the muscle weaker
Foot exercise :
Keep a cylindrical thing like a pipe under your feet and rotate it every hour.
Take breaks :
Get up and move around for a few minutes every hour.
- Backache
- Stiffness
- Neurological deficit
How does one treat acute back pain?
If this happens due to an accident, muscle pull or fatigue, bed rest is generally adviced for three days and analgesics like paracetamol and hot cold fomentation are taken to relieve acule pain. Pain beyond three days needs consultation of a doctor.
How does one treat chronic back pain?
A healthy lifestyle, Good posture, Avoidance of injury. Nutritious food intake, Regular exercise sound sleep at night can reduce chronic backache. Good ergonomics (the study of people in their working environment) at the work place and not smoking improves spine health. If one suffers from chronic back pain, an MRI of the spine and consultation with a spine specialist is recommended.
When do doctors usually suggest surgery?
Persistent pain and the presence of neurological deficits, like the loss of muscle power, reduced sensations or urinary problems along with the evidence of neural compression in an MRI warrant surgical intervention. A through clinical and radiological Assessment by a spine surgeon is imperative.
Is spine surgery safe?
Modern equipment, new technology and sage titanium implants have revolutionized spine surgery. Operating microscopes, high speed drills, special spine operating tables, neuro-monitoring and good quality instruments are required to increase safety. Such surgery is successful in more than 90% of cases.
What is the recovery time for spine surgery?
Most patients starts walking two days after surgery. Minimally invasive techniques reduce hospital stay and minimize wound related complications. Patients with established neurological deficits may take several weeks to recover. Surgery if needed should not be delayed.
Tips for Prevention
Avoidance of trauma like road traffic accidents. Fall from height or assault is important. A high protein diet and fewer carbs improve bone and muscle strength. Elderly females should consume calcium and vitamin D3.
Spine health with Ayurveda
Management of back pain
General principles of treatment of vata dosha has to be adopted which includes:
- Snehana
Oleation therapy, internally administration of ghee, oil etc. Pravicharana Sneha such as unctuous articles mixed with milk, thin gruel of cereals, pulses or mamas rasa (mutton soup).
- Externally
Parisheka (pouring of Luke worm oil to the affected part) Abhyanga (complete body massage), sarvangadhara (pouring of Luke worm oil to whole body) with medicated oils.
- Swedana
Sudation therapy bashpa Swede i.e. sweating treatment with Dasha Moola Kwatha.
- Mridu samshodhana
Mild purgation with laxation drugs.
- Basti
Medicated enema like asthapana basti, Matra basti, yoga basti, with vata hara dravya can be adopted.
Single drug usage as medication (Ekamulika prayoga)
- Nirgundi (Vitex nirgunda) Powder of root is taken along with oil.
- Eranda (Ricinis communis) Castor oil administered along or with milk.
- Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) Classical drug for arthritis. Powder or kshaya (decoction) along with usha jala.
- Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) Fruit powder of haritaki helps in curing disease caused by vata.
- Bala Sida cardifolia) Bala taila is used in all types of vatavyadhi.
Oil processed with medicinal drugs should be installed in the nostrils.
One should massage body daily with Luke worm oil to prevent ageing and vata disorders.
Karana purana
Filling the ears with medicated oils helps relieving stiffness of back.
Daily practice of foot massage with oils helps to remove dryness, stiffness, roughness caused due to vata.
As there will be Prakopa of vata dosha during varsha ritu it is recommended to undergo Panchkarma procedures during this season also asthapan basti can be given to pacify vata dosha.
Pathya (Wholesome diet)
Deepana pachana dravyas : Dry ginger (shunti), Cumin seed, Black pepper,( mareecha), long pepper, (pippali) which alleviate vata dosha and in turn help in reliving pain such as Red rice (rakta shali),Rakta Shali Peya · Red rice is the best variety among rice · Light and easily digestible · Nourishing · Quenches thirst · Balances all the 3 doshas. Whole wheat ( godhuma), Clarified butter) ghritta, Garlic (lashuna) ,black gram (urad) , sweet taste (madhur ahara), Vegetables like Drumstick (shigru), Parval / patola, Coriander (dhanyaka), Onion (palandu).
Apathya (Unwholesome diet)
Fox tail Millet (Kudhanya),Yava Barley, Green gram (mudga) Bengal gram (chanaka), Pea (kalaya), aadaki, masuri, Cow pea or lobia /(rajamasha) Gavar phalli (nishpava), meat of dry land. Bitter guard (karela), Surana (elephant foot yam) Immature mango fruit (baala amraphala).
- Adhomukhashwanasana, Dogs pose
- Trikonasana
- Bhujangaasana
- Setubandha asana
- Shalabhasana
- Ardhamatsendrasana
- Balasana
- Padahastasana
- Bhramari
- Nadishodhana
- Meditation and 10 minutes of relaxation
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