Massage/ Abhayanga

                        Massage/ Abhayanga

Oil is a Panacea for Vata Symptoms

 Gharshanam Guna Vardhanam which means massage enhances quality. Gentle strokes stimulate the brain to secrete happy hormones which reflect on the face.

Skin is the organ where Vayu is accumulated, so oiling the body is considered to be the best mode of pacifying Vayu disease.

When Vayu get aggravated , it leads to dryness, roughness and stiff body organs and causes pain,. Oil massage on the body provides manifold benefits. The skin gets a glow and the muscles get the elasticity and strength. After smearing oil all over the body ; a light massage is to be carried out and the bath is taken after 10 minutes.  Oil massage enhances the beauty of the complexion and provide excellent health by pacifying vitiated Vayu.

In the winter and spring month (especially when it is wet or overcast), brushing the whole body with a soft natural bristle brush improves circulation and aids elimination of toxins and tensions. In the summer, autumn and winter ( especially when it is windy and dry), applying warm oil to the whole body helps to protect the body from illness, strengthens the skin, soothes anxiety, improves circulation and helps the body to maintain moisture.

                                    Self-Massage (अभ्ययंग) before bathing

Massage (Snehana  स्नेहनyour body from head to toes with oil. It is highly beneficial to massage the whole body. It brings a glow to the skin. It has to be performed daily before bath.
Massage your head, ear, nose, eyes and temples and all the way down the body to the hands and feet. Give long strokes on a limb and circular strokes on joints. Keep massaging until your body has warmed up. To get the best results stay in a warm place and leave the oil in your body for about 15-20 minutes.
It can be followed by steam/sweating (Swedana स्वेदन). It is beneficial for improving toxicity of muscles blood flow, it reduces stress by releasing endorphins, removes dead skin and overall improves the glow of the body. Also, massage scalp for relaxation and improve circulation. It also prevents dryness.
Different oils are available for massage such as 
Sesame oil, mustard oil, coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil and medicated oils, like Narayana taila, Dhanwantaram taila etc. may be used. Oil massage ensures softness and unctuousness of skin, free movement of joints and muscles; renders nourishment, improves peripheral circulation and eliminates metabolic wastes.

“As oil is a panacea for all Vata disorders”.

Proper massage removes dirt from the skin, cleans millions of pores on the skin and helps indirectly by rejuvenating the whole body. With massage the body circulation increases and helps exfoliation of superficial dead skin cells, tones the skin and helps to maintain elasticity and strength. 
The medicated herbal oil application, Abhyanga is not only a message; it is a program where the oil is liberally applied using soft and gentle strokes in the downward direction. The mere soaking of the body in the prescribed oil for the said duration on a regular basis yields wide-ranging benefits such as good appetite, alertness during the day, and good sleep at night and reduce stress levels.
Skin becomes supple and lustrous. Blood circulation is enhanced. Pours of the skin are cleaned and metabolic wastes are washed away. It removes fatigue, daily aches and pains, gives a glowing skin and most importantly helps to build immunity. It also helps to mitigate Vata, promote strength, growth, removes senile debility, fatigue, toughens the skin and improves vision, strength and lifespan. One has to apply oil to at least head, ears and feet on a regular basis.
Avoid oil massage during indigestion, cough, cold, diarrhea, respiratory infections, Kapha predominant diseases. Pure sesame oil is advised to all generally.
Or mustard oil for Kapha people and coconut oil for Pitta - Vata people.

The skin is your largest organ and “Abhyanga” is a marvelous way to nourish it. 

Udwarthanam(Powder massage/ dry massage)
A body toning program. Udwarthanam is the application of herbal powder on the entire body, excluding the face. When this is practiced along with an appropriate diet, regular exercise and internal herbal medication, as per the body type and condition, it helps to reduce weight and gives you a well-toned body. The blend of powder and oil also act as a scrub to improve the texture and rejuvenate the skin.
Powder massage diminishes Kapha, dissolves adiposity, stabilizes organs and makes the skin supple. If performed in right manner, it leads to dilation of blood vessels thereby enhancement of bhrajaka Pitta. It cures itching, rashes and decreases subcutaneous fat and provide lightness to the body. Some of the herbs used in this practice are Triphala, Trikatu, Barley, Vacha, vidanga, red millet, horse gram etc. Powder massage should be performed in reverse direction, (down to up) opposite to the hair follicle.

Paste massage / उबटन
Various herbs and ingredients used in household cooking for making a paste are called ubtan to smear on the body before bathing. This cleanses the residual oil from the body, cleans the pores and makes the skin soft resistant to an aberration of ageing. Ubtan can be dry or wet. For dry and rough skin milk is added to the flour otherwise rose water remains an ideal choice to make a wet paste. Turmeric - chickpea powder (बेसन) or green gram powder is also added to it.

“Daily massage will improve your health and make you look younger.”

  • Massage the whole body with gingelly (sesame ) oil as often as possible. At least once a week. It works wonders this practice is called Abhyanga.


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