New Cases Covid 19

                   New Cases Covid 19

                                                        Omicron Variant BA 2.75

                             "People with low and comprimized immunity remained at risk."

Long Covid real, can last from 90 to 150 days. Core symptoms of long Covid may be  chest pain, difficulties breathing, painful muscles, loss of taste and smell, tingling extremities, lump in throat, feeling hot and cold, heavy arms and legs, general tiredness among others. Also mental health symptoms like depression and anxiety. Long term effect on brain and cardio vascular system.

Omicron Variant BA 2.75
It has a higher transmissibility and has a greater immune escape, which increases the chance of reinfections. People need to follow Covid Appropriate behavior and those who are eligible must take their booster doses at the earliest.

New sub strain of Omicron are in circulation. Milder symptoms caused by sub variant of Omicron  of Corona virus. which is dominating infection.  
Long Covid is a set of conditions that people report after having caught Covid 19.

According to expert it may be due to poor adherence to Covid 19 norms, may be one of the primary reasons for the uptick in cases.
Omicron sub-variant of Covid 19 virus XBB
Which was first detected in Kolkata in August . It is a recombinant virus. It is immune evasive, which means it can overcome the antibodies

Updated on 16th August 2022
New Cases 2,797    ( 16.000)
Active cases 29,251        (37,126)
Death 68      (5,28,701)
Recovery rate 98.54%
Daily positivity rate 1.31%        (4.36%)
Fatality Rate 1.05%                ( 1.19%)

New cases 101        (702)   (28,867 all time high in 13 Jan)
Deaths 1                   (4)
Positivity Rate  1.38%   ( 4.49%)         Sample tested 15,632  (Positivity 30.6% all time high in 13 Jan)
Active Cases 366        (6.867)
Hospitalization low 94% beds free
Delhi 3.26%  9406 beds occupied
Test 18,685
Note  low sample collection
The severity of infection is low among doubly vaccinated people.
Test positivity rate below 5% for at least 2 weeks in a region for an outbreak to be considered under control
Nasal vaccine
A silver bullet for Covid 19
The first of nasal vaccines  targeting the Sars-CoV-2 were approved this week. It may be a game changer.
According to the world health organization data, there are eight intra nasal vaccines under development. Two of these has now received some form of approval
Convidecia Air
Platform : Ads adenovirus based inhaled vaccine in July,. Chinese scientist published a pre print study that one booster dose of the inhaled vaccine led to more antibodies than a conventional booster shot. Four weeks after the dose of the inhaled vaccine, 92.5% of people had antibodies for Omicron, while those who got three doses of the intra muscular jab did not have any.

Platform : Ad35 adenovirus based intranasal vaccine. Developed in partnership with Precision Virologics and Washington University  School of Medicine. This dose has in animal trials been shown to confer superior protection than conventional doses., elicited antibodies in the  mucous membrane and  epithelial cells in the lungs that  the intramuscular jabs would not be able to. Clinical trial data has not been released at yet.. The vaccine re3cieved official approval for emergency use on Tuesday. 6th sept 2022.

Scientist have  described protection from nasal vaccines as akin to "putting guards outside a home, instead of having them inside." 

While a study that showed this  involved a different vaccine, scientists at Yale found  that the nasal vaccine they tested also  lead to IgA antibody secretions in the lung, protecting it better.

These vaccines elicit what are known  as IgA antibodies, which coats the mucous lining. This is crucial because  the corona virus first  infects the mucous membrane in the nose and throat from where it spreads further. In other words, these are likely to prevent infection in the first place.

Shorts delivered to the muscle only marginally limit vaccinated person's tendency to spread the virus, though they are significantly protected from disease. Nasal vaccines will cut this infectivity drastically which could blunt new waves.

While these vaccines are largely safe, they are tough to get right. Efficacy depends  entirely on the bioengineering and platform involved and current candidates employ a wide variety of approaches.


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