Sore throat
Sore Throat
Pharyngitis inflammation of throat. A sore throat is pain felt anywhere in the throat. Without active treatment, symptoms usually last two to seven days.
IntroductionThe most common cause (80%) is acute viral pharyngitis, a viral infection of the throat. Other causes include other bacterial infections (such as group A streptococcus or streptococcal pharyngitis), trauma, and tumors. Gastroesophageal (acid) reflux disease can cause stomach acid to back up into the throat and also cause the throat to become sore. In children, streptococcal pharyngitis is the cause of 35–37% of sore throats.
The symptoms of a viral infection and a bacterial infection may be very similar. Some clinical guidelines suggest that the cause of a sore throat is confirmed prior to prescribing antibiotic therapy and only recommend antibiotics for children who are at high risk of non-supportive complications. A group A streptococcus infection can be diagnosed by
Pain or irritation in the throat that can occur with or without swallowing, often accompanies infections, such as a cold or flu.Sore throat can have causes that aren't due to underlying disease. Examples include overuse of voice, a burn from hot food, very dry mouth or sleeping with the mouth open.Sore Throat (Pharyngitis) is an inflammation of pharynx. Most of time it is of viral origin. The back of the throat is termed pharynx. Infection of pharynx and tonsils is mostly due to viruses. A running nose, cough, congested throat and redness or watering of eyes add the the possibility of the cause being viral. Such infection do not need any antibiotics.
For sore throat caused by bacteria (GAS), treatment with antibiotics may help the person get better faster, reduce the risk that the bacterial infection spreads, prevent retropharyngeal abscess and quinsy, and reduce the risk of other complications such as rheumatic fever and rheumatoid heart disease In most developed countries , post-streptococcal diseases have become far less common. For this reason, awareness and public health initiatives to promote minimizing the use of antibiotics for viral infections has become the focus.
Approximately 35% of childhood sore throats and 5
Approximately 35% of childhood sore throats and 5-25% of adults sore throats are caused by a bacterial infection from group A streptococcus. Sore throats that are "non-group A streptococcus" are assumed to be caused by a viral infection. Sore throat is a common reason for people to visit their primary care doctors and the top reason for antibiotic prescriptions by primary care practitioners such as family doctors. In the United States, about 1% of all visits to the hospital emergency department, physician office and medical clinics, and outpatient clinics are for sore throat (over 7 million visits for adults and 7 million visits for children per year).
When caused by Herpes virus, it is associated with mouth ulcers. Sometimes measles or viral rhinitis, may begin with a sore throat. Bacterial sore throat on other hand are more severe with swollen glands, congested throat, high temperature with muscle and joint pains.
Causes- Viral Infections
- Bacterial Group A Streptococcal infection (GAS)
- Pharyngitis inflammation of throat
- Tonsilitis inflammation of tonsils
- Gastroesophageal (acid) reflux disease
- Dehydration which lead to throat drying up
- Allergies
- Herpes infection
- Flu
- Covid 19
- Measles
- Chickenpox
- Whooping cough
The most common cause (80%) is acute viral pharyngitis, a viral infection of the throat. Other causes include other bacterial infections (such as group A streptococcus or streptococcal pharyngitis), trauma, and tumors. Gastroesophageal (acid) reflux disease can cause stomach acid to back up into the throat and also cause the throat to become sore. In children, streptococcal pharyngitis is the cause of 35–37% of sore throats.
The symptoms of a viral infection and a bacterial infection may be very similar. Some clinical guidelines suggest that the cause of a sore throat is confirmed prior to prescribing antibiotic therapy and only recommend antibiotics for children who are at high risk of non-supportive complications. A group A streptococcus infection can be diagnosed by
Approximately 35% of childhood sore throats and 5

- Viral Infections
- Bacterial Group A Streptococcal infection (GAS)
- Pharyngitis inflammation of throat
- Tonsilitis inflammation of tonsils
- Gastroesophageal (acid) reflux disease
- Dehydration which lead to throat drying up
- Allergies
- Herpes infection
- Flu
- Covid 19
- Measles
- Chickenpox
- Whooping cough
SymptomsSymptoms of sore throat include:
- a scratchy sensation
- pain during swallowing
- discomfort while speaking
- a burning sensation
- swelling in the neck
- Coughing with expectorant
- dry throat
- Pricking sensation in throat
- Heaviness in head and chest
Symptoms of sore throat include:
- a scratchy sensation
- pain during swallowing
- discomfort while speaking
- a burning sensation
- swelling in the neck
- Coughing with expectorant
- dry throat
- Pricking sensation in throat
- Heaviness in head and chest
Diagnosis- Throat culture or a rapid test. In order to perform a throat culture, a sample from the throat (obtained by swabbing) is cultured (grown) on a blood agar plate to confirm the presence of group A streptococcus. Throat cultures are effective for people who have a low bacterial count (high sensitivity), however, throat cultures usually take about 48 hours to obtain the results.
- Rapid tests to detect GAS (bacteria) give a positive or negative result that is usually based on a colour change on a test strip that contains a throat swab (sample). Test strips detect a cell wall carbohydrate that is specific to GAS by using an immunologic reaction. Rapid testing can be performed in the doctors office and usually takes 5–10 minutes for the test strip to indicate the result. Specificity for most rapid tests is approximately 95%, however sensitivity is about 85%. Although the use of rapid testing has been linked with an overall reduction in antibiotic prescriptions, further research is necessary to understand other outcomes such as safety, and when the person starts to feel better.
Management- Sore Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing.
- Take rest.
- Avoid smoking.
- Don't yell or talk loudly.
- Use a humidifier.
- Use limited medications.
Home remedies- Tulsi leaves extract, ginger juice and 1/2 tsf honey take twice a day.
- Sip a piece of Mulethi
- 1/4 tsf turmeric in 1 glass of hot milk drink at night before sleeping.
- Ajwain 1/2 small tsf with hot water., sip 2-3 times a day
- Kadha of harad, munakka, cardemum add honey to it
- Roast harad add sendha namak.
- Throat culture or a rapid test. In order to perform a throat culture, a sample from the throat (obtained by swabbing) is cultured (grown) on a blood agar plate to confirm the presence of group A streptococcus. Throat cultures are effective for people who have a low bacterial count (high sensitivity), however, throat cultures usually take about 48 hours to obtain the results.
- Rapid tests to detect GAS (bacteria) give a positive or negative result that is usually based on a colour change on a test strip that contains a throat swab (sample). Test strips detect a cell wall carbohydrate that is specific to GAS by using an immunologic reaction. Rapid testing can be performed in the doctors office and usually takes 5–10 minutes for the test strip to indicate the result. Specificity for most rapid tests is approximately 95%, however sensitivity is about 85%. Although the use of rapid testing has been linked with an overall reduction in antibiotic prescriptions, further research is necessary to understand other outcomes such as safety, and when the person starts to feel better.
- Sore Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing.
- Take rest.
- Avoid smoking.
- Don't yell or talk loudly.
- Use a humidifier.
- Use limited medications.
- Tulsi leaves extract, ginger juice and 1/2 tsf honey take twice a day.
- Sip a piece of Mulethi
- 1/4 tsf turmeric in 1 glass of hot milk drink at night before sleeping.
- Ajwain 1/2 small tsf with hot water., sip 2-3 times a day
- Kadha of harad, munakka, cardemum add honey to it
- Roast harad add sendha namak.
Sore or scratchy throat can temporarily be relieved by gargling a solution of 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt dissolved in an 8 ounce or 230 ml glass of water.
- Support your immune system.
- Pain medications such as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and paracetamol (acetaminophen) help in the management of pain
- The use of corticosteroids seems to increase slightly the likelihood of resolution and the reduction of pain, but more analysis is necessary to ensure that this minimal benefit outweighs the risks.
- Antibiotics probably reduce pain, diminish headaches and could prevent some sore throat complications; but, since these effects are small, they must be balanced with the threat of antimicrobial resistance. It is not known whether antibiotics are effective for preventing recurrent sore throat.
- Hot drink can help with common cold and influenza symptoms, including sore throat.
- There are also other medications like lozenges which can help people to cope with a sore throat.
Without active treatment, symptoms usually last two to seven days.RecommendationsAll anti- kapha (anti-water therapy are reducing. lightening, stimulating, dry and clearing; to be applied with force and determination, as well as detachment.Favor light, dry, warm foods with hot spices. Increase intake of bitterPungentAstringent tastes which are activating eg. leafy greens, pepper, raw vegetables, buckwheat, millet, roasted grains, mung, beans, apples, cranberry and pears.
Decrease intake of sweet, sour, salty (increases earth & water), eg. potatoes and other root vegetables, oils, dairy, avocadoes, wheat, and fried and heavy foods. Lifestyle- Avoid sleep during the day.
- Avoid cold and damp.
- Sun bathing.
- Warm breezes ok
- Occasional fasting and skipping of meals is good.
- Herbal teas are good and regular teas O.K.
- Cold or ice water should be avoided.
- Staying hydrated is crucial for alleviating inflammation in the throat.
- Mix about a teaspoon of table salt in warm water and gargle with the solution every few hours.
- Oils & Massage :
- Ayurveda :
- Wake up early in the morning. (ब्रह्ममुहुर्त्तजागरण)
- Ushapaan : Drinking 3-4 glasses of water early in the morning.(should not eat any thing for 1 hour). If one drinks water 1 hour after meals, on can protect oneself from cough, and one's digestive power is also restored.
- Jal Neti Kriya / Water Cleansing :

- Drinking water from nose. Followed by Bhastrika to spill out excess of water. Use lukewarm water in winter. Procedure should be done before sunrise if possible.(A yogic procedure to clean the nasal canal) under a guidance of yoga teacher, at least once or twice a week helps in cleaning the nasal canal and sinuses. Good for cough & cold.
- Nasal drop / Nasya : Anu Taila 4 drops in both nostrils. Prevents sinusitis, headache.
- Oil Pulling / Oil Holding : (गंडूष) As daily routine practice plain sesame oil (Tila taila) is advised for Gandusha. It is a medicated therapy that gently improves oral hygiene by holding natural fluids such as milk, honey, oil, Triphala decoction etc.
- Tongue Scraping : With three fingers in the morning.
- At night : Instill mustard oil or ghee in both the nostrils. It protects you from cough and cold.
- In the morning : Eating 4 leaves of Tulsi +4 black pepper daily protects you from respiratory problems. consume tulsi leaves in 2 tbsp water by make paste, or chew and drink it with water. It decongest the mucous of the chest, and is split it out of the body on form of expectorant / cough. For Pneumonia consume tulsi with 2 black pepper, make the paste and consume in the morning for few days.
- Honey : Good for respiratory problem.
- Tulsi tea : Along with 1/4th tsf, fresh ginger 2 gram, dry ginger, 7 black pepper, 7 basil leaves good for fever.
- Eat 2 clove of garlic at dinner protects you from cold.
- Gargling : Gargling is considered equally important in maintaining oral hygiene. Followed by rinse your mouth with warm water and hold the liquid in mouth for 40-90 seconds. This will completely clean your oral cavity. Salted water can also be used, or licorice added to plain water. It clears the throat and oral cavity, vitalizing them. The prolonged freshness of breath can be ensured this way.
- Strong and aerobic exercise.
- Disciplines to include physical effort, mental stimulation.
PranayamaGood for respiratory problems.BhastrikaKapal BhatiAnulom VilomBreathing from right nostrilGood for respiratory problems.YogaStrong workouts are indicated with less sitting postures. Counter gravity postures, if possibleSolar Pranayama- Bhastrika, the bellows breath of fire.
- Surya nadi pranayama : Breathing from right side, while lying on left side.
- Meditation
Stimulating / Clearing MantrasAre also helpful in reducing excess water (kapha).FoodDairy : Low fat milk is best. Boil milk before drinking. Add turmeric or ginger before boiling. Do not combine milk with a full meal or with sour or salty food.Fruits : Favour apples and pears. Reduce sweet, sour, and heavier fruits (custard apple, grapes, bananas, avocadoes, papayas, coconuts, melons, pineapples, plums, dates, fresh figs or sour citrus fruits, like oranges and grape fruits.Vegetables : All vegetables except for sweet ,juicy vegetables like cucumber, sweet potato, Zucchini and tomatoes are suitable for Kapha.Sweeteners : Honey pacifies kapha, the concept of "as sweet as honey" is thought to be misleading. Honey is regarded as astringent. therefore it do not increase kapha. and its weight reducing. Other sweeteners increase kapha .Beans : All beans are good for kapha, except mung, kidney and soyabeans, black lentils and tofu.Grains : Favour the grains of barley, corn, millet, buckwheat, rye, oats and dry rice, like basmati. Reduce the intake of brown and white rice, cooked oats and wheat.Nuts : Reduce all nuts. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are permitted.Spices : All spices except salt are pacifying to kapha. (The salts to use for kapha are rock salt and ammonium chloride because they are tridoshic.) and garlic.The digestive hot spices include cayenne, black and long pepper, dry ginger, mustard, cloves, cinnamon and garlic.Bitter spices such as aloe, turmeric, barberry and gentian are useful for reducing the need for sugars and fatsOils : Cinnamon, Mustard, Cayenne.Anti Kapha Ayurvedic HerbsMind : Stimulants and mind clearing herbs such as
- Support your immune system.
- Pain medications such as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and paracetamol (acetaminophen) help in the management of pain
- The use of corticosteroids seems to increase slightly the likelihood of resolution and the reduction of pain, but more analysis is necessary to ensure that this minimal benefit outweighs the risks.
- Antibiotics probably reduce pain, diminish headaches and could prevent some sore throat complications; but, since these effects are small, they must be balanced with the threat of antimicrobial resistance. It is not known whether antibiotics are effective for preventing recurrent sore throat.
- Hot drink can help with common cold and influenza symptoms, including sore throat.
- There are also other medications like lozenges which can help people to cope with a sore throat.
- Avoid sleep during the day.
- Avoid cold and damp.
- Sun bathing.
- Warm breezes ok
- Occasional fasting and skipping of meals is good.
- Herbal teas are good and regular teas O.K.
- Cold or ice water should be avoided.
- Staying hydrated is crucial for alleviating inflammation in the throat.
- Mix about a teaspoon of table salt in warm water and gargle with the solution every few hours.
- Oils & Massage :
- Ayurveda :
- Wake up early in the morning. (ब्रह्ममुहुर्त्तजागरण)
- Ushapaan : Drinking 3-4 glasses of water early in the morning.(should not eat any thing for 1 hour). If one drinks water 1 hour after meals, on can protect oneself from cough, and one's digestive power is also restored.
- Jal Neti Kriya / Water Cleansing :
- Drinking water from nose. Followed by Bhastrika to spill out excess of water. Use lukewarm water in winter. Procedure should be done before sunrise if possible.(A yogic procedure to clean the nasal canal) under a guidance of yoga teacher, at least once or twice a week helps in cleaning the nasal canal and sinuses. Good for cough & cold.
- Nasal drop / Nasya : Anu Taila 4 drops in both nostrils. Prevents sinusitis, headache.
- Oil Pulling / Oil Holding : (गंडूष) As daily routine practice plain sesame oil (Tila taila) is advised for Gandusha. It is a medicated therapy that gently improves oral hygiene by holding natural fluids such as milk, honey, oil, Triphala decoction etc.
- Tongue Scraping : With three fingers in the morning.
- At night : Instill mustard oil or ghee in both the nostrils. It protects you from cough and cold.
- In the morning : Eating 4 leaves of Tulsi +4 black pepper daily protects you from respiratory problems. consume tulsi leaves in 2 tbsp water by make paste, or chew and drink it with water. It decongest the mucous of the chest, and is split it out of the body on form of expectorant / cough. For Pneumonia consume tulsi with 2 black pepper, make the paste and consume in the morning for few days.
- Honey : Good for respiratory problem.
- Tulsi tea : Along with 1/4th tsf, fresh ginger 2 gram, dry ginger, 7 black pepper, 7 basil leaves good for fever.
- Eat 2 clove of garlic at dinner protects you from cold.
- Gargling : Gargling is considered equally important in maintaining oral hygiene. Followed by rinse your mouth with warm water and hold the liquid in mouth for 40-90 seconds. This will completely clean your oral cavity. Salted water can also be used, or licorice added to plain water. It clears the throat and oral cavity, vitalizing them. The prolonged freshness of breath can be ensured this way.
- Strong and aerobic exercise.
- Disciplines to include physical effort, mental stimulation.
- Bhastrika, the bellows breath of fire.
- Surya nadi pranayama : Breathing from right side, while lying on left side.
- Meditation
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