Vitamin D/ Calciferol

         Vitamin D/Calciferol/Sunshine Vitamin

With the onset of winter, experts suggest ways to tackle vitamin D deficiency. Keep related ailments at bay. To keep joints aches at bay and bone health intact, it is neccessary to consume the  correct dose of supplements. In addition to a vitamin rich diet .

Covid 19 has undoubtedly had a huge impact on our over all health and well being.Among many things , it is believed to have spurred vitamin D deficiencies which in turn is associated with higher risk of clinical infections.

Vitamin D (also referred to as "calciferol") is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in a few foods

                                       MAKE HAY WHILE SUN SHINES !

Despite having adequate sunlight through the year a majority of India's population lacks vitamin D. The prevalence of  deficiency ranges from  40- 99% in India. Deficiency was reported in all age groups. And with winter approaching exposure to sunlight will only decrease. The major source of vitamin D is sunlight as it is synthesized in the skin and further activated in the liver and kidney.

Vitamin D is a nutrient that helps the body observe, retain calcium and phosphorus, which are critical for building bone health. Hailed as  the sunshine vitamin, as the body makes it naturally when exposed to sunlight. It plays an important role in protection against cancer cell growth, controlling infections and reducing inflammation.

Detecting Deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency  most commonly occurs in people who have inadequate exposure to sunlight.

There is a further rise in the number of patients with deficiency related.
  • In most cases deficiency is almost asymptomatic, because symptom may not appear  for month as or years.
  • Vitamin D deficiency  is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, stroke, cancer, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis
  • Rickets in children (a disease charecterized by impeded growth and deformity of the long bones in children.
  •  In adults, osteomalacia, a bone thinning disorder that occurs exclusively in adults and is charecterized by  proximal muscle weakness and the bone fragility.
  • Osteoporosis, a condition charecterized buy reduced bone mineral density and increased fragility and increased risk of fracture.
  • Aches and ailments. especially millennials. "
  • Youngsters are experiencing  more health issues such as thigh pain,
  • lower back pain
  • Pain in arms 
  • Feeling oof tiredness Post Covid. Since we are not exposed to sunlight  during the Covid 19 period and our bones become weak.
  • Vitamin D deficiency can be detected through a fairly simple blood test Serum 26 (0H). 
  • Serum Parathyroid level
  • Serum calcium and phosphorus levels can give addition information about the metabolic parameters.
  • Consume more veggies and fruits including orange spinach, kale and lettuce.
  • Regular intake of salmon, mackerel, sardines etc is a must.
  • opt for calcium fortified foods like milk , egg, dairy products, mushroom, oatmeal's and cod liver oil.
The best way to prevent this deficiency is to soak up sunshine as and when you get a chance. In addition to consuming a vitamin D rich diet.

The Right Dosage
The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D for adult less than 70 years is 600 units. Above 800 units. Fr children it is 400 units per day.
A 20 minutes exposure to sunlight daily also helps in strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
The Endocrine society  recommends1,500-2000 unit of all men and women ablve15 including lactating and pregnant women.

Treatment depends on the severity of the deficiency. It involves an initial high dose treatment phase until the required serum levels are attained. Followed by maintenance of the acquired levels. Lower the 25 (OH)D serum concentration is before treatment higher is the total dose  that is needed in order to  quickly reach an acceptable serum level. 

"Don't consume Vitamin D without consulting a doctor. It could lead to toxicity in the body."


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