Beauty Parlor Stroke

                  Beauty Parlor Stroke

Medically this condition arises because of extreme neck movements that lead to a tear in the vessel wall of brain arteries.

Tim When a 50 year old Hyderabad based women stepped into a saloon for a relaxing hair wash little did she know it would lead to a life threatening stroke. This recent incidence which shook the nation, made headlines after the neurologist treating the  women tweeted about what caused the incidence known as  the beauty parlor stroke syndrome.

In this women suffered a condition where the key vessels, which supply blood to the brain ,were thrust when her neck was bent back. thereby leading to the stroke. The term was coined by Dr Michael Wintraub when the first case was reported in 1993 in the US. "Beauty parlor stroke syndrome is a type of stroke that a person suffers when the neck is manipulated. It happens because of a  sudden jerk of a neck or hard twisting. It occurs when thee is an injury tear or blood clot in one of the four major arteries that supply blood to the brain.

Formation of blood clot at the base of the skull can cause a major stroke in the brain. It happens when a person bends their neck back to have their hair shampooed and the hyperextension of the neck causes a vertebra to slice an artery and form a blood clot.

There are no known types for this form of stroke. It is known as ischemic stroke.
  • Injury to the vertebral artery is one of the main causes.
  • It can also occur due to a sudden blow to the neck from a vigorous deep massage.
  • Or jerking of the neck 
  • And narrowing of vertebral artery.


  • Medically these condition arises because of  extreme neck movement that lead to a tear in the vessel wall of the brain arteries.
  • Loss of balance
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of vision, Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Drooping of eyes or mouth
  • Numbness and tingling in the hands or feet
  • Slurred speech.
  • Sometimes even a forceful sneeze can be the cause of vessel dissection
  • Or heavy adventure sports.

  • CT Scan
  • MRI

At Risk Group
This condition is not gender or age specific. "However, young adults, elderly people and patient with Hypoplasia (organ which do not fully developed) and Atherosclerotic Vessel Disease (accumulated fat and cholesterol on the artery walls) are more susceptible.
People with underlying health issues like hypertension, diabetes , Peripharal vascular disease, obesity, history of brain stroke, or heart diseases smokers and heavy drinkers are also vulnerable.
People with neurological issues and also those who have atherosclerotic disease (stiffening of the arteries). Hypertension, arthritis and diabetes are more prone to atherosclerosis where the artery wall becomes stiff. Due to the calcium deposits in the vessel walls, they rupture easily. Sometimes even young people  who do not have these issues suffer from strokes due to hypertension injury.

  • Those with high BP, obesity, and diabetes should avoid aggressive body treatment in the beauty parlor. 
  • Saloon should also hire medically trained staff.
  • Extreme neck manipulation should be avoided.
  • always ask your service provider to use a cushion or pad under the neck to avoid overextension
  • Don't spend too much time in the sink.
  • Its best to wash your hair at an angle of not more than 20 degrees.

A person should immediately visit a neurologist or stroke specialist in case of a medical emergency like this. "Any delay can hamper recovery. In some cases, it even lead to  some sort of disability or death. Timely medical aid is the key to early recovery.
  • Thrombolysis : Time is the most crucial factor in the treatment of any stroke. "Based on the findings of the CT scan or MRI, an endovascular treatment should be given immediately to the patient. It is a non surgical treatment for the sudden loss of brain function due to blood clot. Doctor use microcatheter (thin tubes visible under X-ray) that are inserted into the blood clot, from the groin or the arm.. The blood clot is than removed from the blood vessel. If the blood clot cannot be removed, it is liquified using drugs, delivered through through a catheter, in a procedure known as thrombolysis."
  • Physiotherapy: It is important treatment that works well in the long run.


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