Pregnancy Lifestyle

                   Pregnancy Lifestyle

  • Working Out : It is a must do. Also remember this mama to be mantra: Listen to your body. Don't exercise until you drop or until it hurts. Instead make a moderation your pregnancy workout
  • Peanuts and other nuts can actually help baby to be avoid allergies.
  • Taking prenatal vitamins : calcium, folic acid,, iron, B12, vit A.
  • Wear Compression Stockings for varicose veins : 

  • Sleeping posture : Do not sleep on the back. The back position though comfortable rest the entire weight of your pregnant uterus on your back, your intestines and major blood vessels. The pressure can aggravate Backache and hemorrhoids, make digestion less effective, interfere with optimum circulation and possibly cause hypotension.(low blood pressure), which can make you dizzy. The less than optimum circulation and can also reduce blood flow  to the fetus, giving your baby less oxygen and nutrients
  • Avoid caffeine as it increases the risk of miscarriage. In larger doses it can block the absorption of iron. it can also act as diuretic, causing, causing calcium and other nutrients to be washed out of your system before they can be thoroughly absorbed. increasing urinary frequency. Caffeine is also found in soft drinks, like Mountain dews, coffee ice cream and yogurt. Many varieties of teas, energy bars and drinks and Milk chocolates, chocolate milk.
  • e cigarrate
  • nibbing on a  weed edible
  • oversharing on a social media


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