Covid -19 OR Influenza

                  Covid -19 OR Influenza

As H3N2 and Covid -19 presents similar symptoms, one can be misconceived as the other....

A viral infection with Covid-like symptoms is circulating throughout India. It spreads easily and has led to a surge in influenza hospitalizations.

Behind the sudden outbreak
Air pollution may be one of the reasons behind the sudden viral surge.
The change in weather may also be causing the surge.
The cases are expected to go down in April 2023, when the temperature increases.

What is H3N2influenza?
The H3N2influenza also known as "Hong Kong Flu " is a subtype of influenza A virus that can cause respiratory illness in humans. This sub-type has caused several influenza outbreaks in past.

In H3N2 fever could last 3-5 days
Cough could last for 3 weeks
Most of the symptoms last for about a week :
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Body aches

H3n2 has resulted in more hospitalization than other flu sub-types.

Fever , fatigue and persistant cough are among the many symptoms being witnessed in people across in the country., but the question is - is it Covid-19 or H3N2 also known as Hong Kong Flu.

A subtype of Influenza A , H3N2 presents symptoms similar to that of Covid -19. But experts says the former is leading to more cases of hospitalization. Covid -19 cases are also increasing at a steady pace, with5,676 casas recorded on April 11 2023 in India.

"We are getting around 20-30  cases every day of people coming in with flu symptoms. Of these, most are testing positive for influenza." 

Key Differences
Though testing is the safest way to differentiate, a cursory understanding of the symptoms may help doctor understand  whether understand one is suffering from influenza or Covid -19 and prescribe test accordingly.

Both viruses presents predominantly with respiratory symptoms as well as flu like illness, but loss of smell and taste are more common in Covid -19 .

While Influenza may  typically severely impact the  elderly population and people with co-morbidities. Covid -19 may give rise to serious illness in people of all ages. Also  infected with Influenza one may experience symptoms within 1-4 days, while in case of Covid-19, it may take 1-14 days for the symptoms to show.

Covid 19 mutates faster and attacks the lungs early, whereas influenza may effect the lungs a little later.

Coughing is the common symptom, but it is more prevalent in case of influenza and can leave the patient feeling tired. In case of Covid -19 cough is comparatively milder.

H3N2 mainly causes respiratory illness and starts with high fever, sneezing, dry cough and throat pain. On the other hand, Covid-19 may present symptoms such as Bodyache, headache irritablity, lethargy and  progress later to  mild cough,   abdominal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and loss of taste, besides fever and cough.

Eat Right To Energize
 A wholesome meal is one that is rich in protein, healthy fats and a moderate quantity of good carbs, besides good vitamin intake. Regular intake of vitamin C in the form of 1 lemon a day and prescribed supplements  must be taken throughout the year, not just when catches an infection.

Opting for fruit over juice. A glass of juice is made up of using two three fruits, increasing the consumption of natural sugar. That can lead to diabetes, if overdone.  other hand if you eat fruit even in small quantity is filling and the fiber intake is an added advantage. 

Some other must adds to the diet are C0conut water, nuts, legumes and sprouts.

Practice Yoga To Power Through
These cleansing rituals and breathing exercises can help attain physical and mental well being.

Jal neti
Cleanses the nasal passage

Vaman Dhauti
Cleanses the digestive track.


Increases the oxygen level to the blood, helps attain physical and mental well being, strengthens immunity.

Ujjayi Pranayama
Helps get rid of phelgm in the throat. prevents pulmonary disease, fights inflammation.

Surya Bhedi Pranayama
Helps activate the right side of nostril, which in turn aids in fighting cold, cough and sinus related problems.

Bhramari Pranayama / Humming Bee Breathing

It helps relieve tension and anxiety, since its sound based, it is said to aid in curing thyroid related issues and also strengthen the tonsils.

Health Advisory

Health department issued guidelines, urging citizens to wear masks and maintain social distancing at offices, schools, colleges and malls, among other public places. The guidelines also recommend work-from-home option for employees showing signs of cough, fever and flu. Similarly, students showing symptoms have also been urged to stay home.


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