Health Lessens From Bhagavad Gita

               Health lessens from Bhagavad  Gita 

Bhagavad Gita is one of the best known ancient philosophical classic and a highly regarded spiritual treatise. It is a perfect guide for healthy and happy living and a manual for well being and spiritual enlightenment.

Verses from 18 chapters of Bhagavad Gita offers insight into  every aspect of life and are universally relevant. The text has been used to plan  healthy nutrition as well as to classify lifestyle  related metabolic diseases too.

Healthy life Prescription
 Bhagavad Gita embodies several simple life lessons that apply to good health, good conduct, , personal development as well as  leadership and management. On the battlefield of Kurukshetra, when warrior Arjuna was in deep dilemma (also a low energy state) on what to do next, he was motivated into action by lord  Krishna. Arjuna was advised to uphold  some basic life tenets in order to fulfil his duties  toward his family and kingdom, with a greater sense of purpose.  Logically interpreting from this  : From purpose comes motivation and consequently higher energy. 

Low levels of energy arise when  one one slips into pattern that do not support optimum living such as :
  • Irregular sleeping patterns
  • Excessive food or
  • Alcohol consumption
  • And too much or too little physical activity.
Energy get depleted when 
  • One constantly worries worries about the future
  • Regrets for the past
  • Compare his or her life situation to that of another's.
Here are few lessons on the health and vitality from the Bhagavad Gita and how one can relate  them to their everyday life.

 Bhagavad Gita : Lord Krishna begins his teachings with shloka : wherein he assures mankind that there are no cause for grief. "The wise grieve for neither for the living nor for the dead." It implies that in life , any sorrow is uncalled for and contentment is the natural state of being. Leading a healthy and happy life  should be the motto of every individuals. 

Food & Diet
 Bhagavad Gita : " You are what you eat "  is an old saying. This typically comes from Bhagavad Gita where lord Krishna says to Arjuna. : The one whose diet and movements are balanced, whose actions are proper, who's hours of sleeping and waking up are regular and who follows the path of meditation, is the destroyer of pain and unhappiness. the massage is relevant even today. validated by modern scientific research and analysis of data.

Moderation and variety are the mantras of the present day  concept of dieticians. Moderation in diet, as well as moderation in thinking, recreations and actions is the secret to healthy living. Essential to good health is proper diet. Various kinds of foods and their effects have been described. Corresponding to the three modes of material nature. Foods is of three kinds :
  • The food which promoted life, vitality strength, health and  cheerfulness, and which are nourishing, wholesome and pleasing to the heart- such food are dear to those who are in the mode of goodness. (Satvic person)
  • The food that are bitter sour, saltish, exceedingly hot, pungent,, harsh and burnibg and which produce pain grief and disease are dear to  those are in the mode of passion (rajsic persins)
  • The food which is unclean, half cooked,  tasteless producing an  unpleasant smell, stale and which consist of ruminants eaten by others- such food is dear to those  who are in the mode of ignorance (tamasic person )
Although we might like to have  junk, oily and spicy food , it is not good for our health and invariably causes illness.

Karma (Action)
 Bhagavad Gita highlights on the importance of action. It has been stated that without action one cannot even maintain one's physical body. By action one must understand as to what is right action, what is wrong action. and what is inaction. In the context of healthy living . It means that one should  involve in those activities which promote good health and must avoid those  which are harmful.

Mental Health
Physical health is only one aspect of overall well-being.  Equally important, if not more, is the mental health.. Only a knowledgeable, relaxed and stable mind can handle  effectively the physical (disease causing organisms) and emotional stresses of life. Bhagavad Gita  has explained in detail as to how can  such a serene and disciplined mind be obtained.

Through multiple shlokas, it has been elaborated as to how one can  overcome fear , greed , anger, envy, anxiety, and grief.  Also gain insights on several pertinent questions such as  : How one can curb the lust through control of senses?  How to cultivate equanimity of mind?  How can one remain content in self?  How can one attain perfect calmness of mind?  How can one be free from doubt, and gain self confidence One such a discipline of the mind  id obtained., one get rid of  self indulgent  habits through tje power of his/ or mind.

Menta Health Tips for Bhagavad Gita
 Bhagavad Gita


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