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                                                GOUT                                     (Hyperuricemia, Crystal arthropathy,  गठिया , वात रक्त )                                                               "Dangers of high Uric Acid" Gout is a metabolic disorder which results in the deposition of urate crystals in joints. It is a disease caused by protein rich foods and chiefly affects middle aged men. Women after menopause are also sometimes affected by this disease . Gout was initially  called    hyperurecemia   because of excess of uric acid in blood. Uric acid is a product in the body during the breakdown of Purine, a chemical compound that are found in high amount in certain foods such as meat, poultry and sea food. Gout is a kind of arthritis that occurs when uric acid builds up in blood and causes joint inflammation..  Gout was known to the physicians of ancient Greece and Rome.The classical description was written in 1663 by Syndenham, h